/** * @author dforrer / https://github.com/dforrer * Developed as part of a project at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (www.fhnw.ch) */ /** * @param scene containing children to import * @constructor */ var SetSceneCommand = function ( scene ) { Command.call( this ); this.type = 'SetSceneCommand'; this.name = 'Set Scene'; this.cmdArray = []; if ( scene !== undefined ) { this.cmdArray.push( new SetUuidCommand( this.editor.scene, scene.uuid ) ); this.cmdArray.push( new SetValueCommand( this.editor.scene, 'name', scene.name ) ); this.cmdArray.push( new SetValueCommand( this.editor.scene, 'userData', JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( scene.userData ) ) ) ); while ( scene.children.length > 0 ) { var child = scene.children.pop(); this.cmdArray.push( new AddObjectCommand( child ) ); } } }; SetSceneCommand.prototype = { execute: function () { this.editor.signals.sceneGraphChanged.active = false; for ( var i = 0; i < this.cmdArray.length; i ++ ) { this.cmdArray[ i ].execute(); } this.editor.signals.sceneGraphChanged.active = true; this.editor.signals.sceneGraphChanged.dispatch(); }, undo: function () { this.editor.signals.sceneGraphChanged.active = false; for ( var i = this.cmdArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) { this.cmdArray[ i ].undo(); } this.editor.signals.sceneGraphChanged.active = true; this.editor.signals.sceneGraphChanged.dispatch(); }, toJSON: function () { var output = Command.prototype.toJSON.call( this ); var cmds = []; for ( var i = 0; i < this.cmdArray.length; i ++ ) { cmds.push( this.cmdArray[ i ].toJSON() ); } output.cmds = cmds; return output; }, fromJSON: function ( json ) { Command.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json ); var cmds = json.cmds; for ( var i = 0; i < cmds.length; i ++ ) { var cmd = new window[ cmds[ i ].type ](); // creates a new object of type "json.type" cmd.fromJSON( cmds[ i ] ); this.cmdArray.push( cmd ); } } };