console.warn( "THREE.SAOShader: As part of the transition to ES6 Modules, the files in 'examples/js' were deprecated in May 2020 (r117) and will be deleted in December 2020 (r124). You can find more information about developing using ES6 Modules in" ); /** * TODO */ THREE.SAOShader = { defines: { "NUM_SAMPLES": 7, "NUM_RINGS": 4, "NORMAL_TEXTURE": 0, "DIFFUSE_TEXTURE": 0, "DEPTH_PACKING": 1, "PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA": 1 }, uniforms: { "tDepth": { value: null }, "tDiffuse": { value: null }, "tNormal": { value: null }, "size": { value: new THREE.Vector2( 512, 512 ) }, "cameraNear": { value: 1 }, "cameraFar": { value: 100 }, "cameraProjectionMatrix": { value: new THREE.Matrix4() }, "cameraInverseProjectionMatrix": { value: new THREE.Matrix4() }, "scale": { value: 1.0 }, "intensity": { value: 0.1 }, "bias": { value: 0.5 }, "minResolution": { value: 0.0 }, "kernelRadius": { value: 100.0 }, "randomSeed": { value: 0.0 } }, vertexShader: [ "varying vec2 vUv;", "void main() {", " vUv = uv;", " gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );", "}" ].join( "\n" ), fragmentShader: [ "#include ", "varying vec2 vUv;", "#if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE == 1", "uniform sampler2D tDiffuse;", "#endif", "uniform sampler2D tDepth;", "#if NORMAL_TEXTURE == 1", "uniform sampler2D tNormal;", "#endif", "uniform float cameraNear;", "uniform float cameraFar;", "uniform mat4 cameraProjectionMatrix;", "uniform mat4 cameraInverseProjectionMatrix;", "uniform float scale;", "uniform float intensity;", "uniform float bias;", "uniform float kernelRadius;", "uniform float minResolution;", "uniform vec2 size;", "uniform float randomSeed;", "// RGBA depth", "#include ", "vec4 getDefaultColor( const in vec2 screenPosition ) {", " #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE == 1", " return texture2D( tDiffuse, vUv );", " #else", " return vec4( 1.0 );", " #endif", "}", "float getDepth( const in vec2 screenPosition ) {", " #if DEPTH_PACKING == 1", " return unpackRGBAToDepth( texture2D( tDepth, screenPosition ) );", " #else", " return texture2D( tDepth, screenPosition ).x;", " #endif", "}", "float getViewZ( const in float depth ) {", " #if PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA == 1", " return perspectiveDepthToViewZ( depth, cameraNear, cameraFar );", " #else", " return orthographicDepthToViewZ( depth, cameraNear, cameraFar );", " #endif", "}", "vec3 getViewPosition( const in vec2 screenPosition, const in float depth, const in float viewZ ) {", " float clipW = cameraProjectionMatrix[2][3] * viewZ + cameraProjectionMatrix[3][3];", " vec4 clipPosition = vec4( ( vec3( screenPosition, depth ) - 0.5 ) * 2.0, 1.0 );", " clipPosition *= clipW; // unprojection.", " return ( cameraInverseProjectionMatrix * clipPosition ).xyz;", "}", "vec3 getViewNormal( const in vec3 viewPosition, const in vec2 screenPosition ) {", " #if NORMAL_TEXTURE == 1", " return unpackRGBToNormal( texture2D( tNormal, screenPosition ).xyz );", " #else", " return normalize( cross( dFdx( viewPosition ), dFdy( viewPosition ) ) );", " #endif", "}", "float scaleDividedByCameraFar;", "float minResolutionMultipliedByCameraFar;", "float getOcclusion( const in vec3 centerViewPosition, const in vec3 centerViewNormal, const in vec3 sampleViewPosition ) {", " vec3 viewDelta = sampleViewPosition - centerViewPosition;", " float viewDistance = length( viewDelta );", " float scaledScreenDistance = scaleDividedByCameraFar * viewDistance;", " return max(0.0, (dot(centerViewNormal, viewDelta) - minResolutionMultipliedByCameraFar) / scaledScreenDistance - bias) / (1.0 + pow2( scaledScreenDistance ) );", "}", "// moving costly divides into consts", "const float ANGLE_STEP = PI2 * float( NUM_RINGS ) / float( NUM_SAMPLES );", "const float INV_NUM_SAMPLES = 1.0 / float( NUM_SAMPLES );", "float getAmbientOcclusion( const in vec3 centerViewPosition ) {", " // precompute some variables require in getOcclusion.", " scaleDividedByCameraFar = scale / cameraFar;", " minResolutionMultipliedByCameraFar = minResolution * cameraFar;", " vec3 centerViewNormal = getViewNormal( centerViewPosition, vUv );", " // jsfiddle that shows sample pattern:", " float angle = rand( vUv + randomSeed ) * PI2;", " vec2 radius = vec2( kernelRadius * INV_NUM_SAMPLES ) / size;", " vec2 radiusStep = radius;", " float occlusionSum = 0.0;", " float weightSum = 0.0;", " for( int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i ++ ) {", " vec2 sampleUv = vUv + vec2( cos( angle ), sin( angle ) ) * radius;", " radius += radiusStep;", " angle += ANGLE_STEP;", " float sampleDepth = getDepth( sampleUv );", " if( sampleDepth >= ( 1.0 - EPSILON ) ) {", " continue;", " }", " float sampleViewZ = getViewZ( sampleDepth );", " vec3 sampleViewPosition = getViewPosition( sampleUv, sampleDepth, sampleViewZ );", " occlusionSum += getOcclusion( centerViewPosition, centerViewNormal, sampleViewPosition );", " weightSum += 1.0;", " }", " if( weightSum == 0.0 ) discard;", " return occlusionSum * ( intensity / weightSum );", "}", "void main() {", " float centerDepth = getDepth( vUv );", " if( centerDepth >= ( 1.0 - EPSILON ) ) {", " discard;", " }", " float centerViewZ = getViewZ( centerDepth );", " vec3 viewPosition = getViewPosition( vUv, centerDepth, centerViewZ );", " float ambientOcclusion = getAmbientOcclusion( viewPosition );", " gl_FragColor = getDefaultColor( vUv );", " *= 1.0 - ambientOcclusion;", "}" ].join( "\n" ) };