console.warn( "THREE.ParametricGeometries: As part of the transition to ES6 Modules, the files in 'examples/js' were deprecated in May 2020 (r117) and will be deleted in December 2020 (r124). You can find more information about developing using ES6 Modules in" ); /** * Experimenting of primitive geometry creation using Surface Parametric equations */ THREE.ParametricGeometries = { klein: function ( v, u, target ) { u *= Math.PI; v *= 2 * Math.PI; u = u * 2; var x, y, z; if ( u < Math.PI ) { x = 3 * Math.cos( u ) * ( 1 + Math.sin( u ) ) + ( 2 * ( 1 - Math.cos( u ) / 2 ) ) * Math.cos( u ) * Math.cos( v ); z = - 8 * Math.sin( u ) - 2 * ( 1 - Math.cos( u ) / 2 ) * Math.sin( u ) * Math.cos( v ); } else { x = 3 * Math.cos( u ) * ( 1 + Math.sin( u ) ) + ( 2 * ( 1 - Math.cos( u ) / 2 ) ) * Math.cos( v + Math.PI ); z = - 8 * Math.sin( u ); } y = - 2 * ( 1 - Math.cos( u ) / 2 ) * Math.sin( v ); target.set( x, y, z ); }, plane: function ( width, height ) { return function ( u, v, target ) { var x = u * width; var y = 0; var z = v * height; target.set( x, y, z ); }; }, mobius: function ( u, t, target ) { // flat mobius strip //*Surface.MoebiusStrip.SurfaceProperty.ParametricEquations- u = u - 0.5; var v = 2 * Math.PI * t; var x, y, z; var a = 2; x = Math.cos( v ) * ( a + u * Math.cos( v / 2 ) ); y = Math.sin( v ) * ( a + u * Math.cos( v / 2 ) ); z = u * Math.sin( v / 2 ); target.set( x, y, z ); }, mobius3d: function ( u, t, target ) { // volumetric mobius strip u *= Math.PI; t *= 2 * Math.PI; u = u * 2; var phi = u / 2; var major = 2.25, a = 0.125, b = 0.65; var x, y, z; x = a * Math.cos( t ) * Math.cos( phi ) - b * Math.sin( t ) * Math.sin( phi ); z = a * Math.cos( t ) * Math.sin( phi ) + b * Math.sin( t ) * Math.cos( phi ); y = ( major + x ) * Math.sin( u ); x = ( major + x ) * Math.cos( u ); target.set( x, y, z ); } }; /********************************************* * * Parametric Replacement for TubeGeometry * *********************************************/ THREE.ParametricGeometries.TubeGeometry = function ( path, segments, radius, segmentsRadius, closed ) { this.path = path; this.segments = segments || 64; this.radius = radius || 1; this.segmentsRadius = segmentsRadius || 8; this.closed = closed || false; var scope = this, numpoints = this.segments + 1; var frames = path.computeFrenetFrames( segments, closed ), tangents = frames.tangents, normals = frames.normals, binormals = frames.binormals; // proxy internals this.tangents = tangents; this.normals = normals; this.binormals = binormals; var position = new THREE.Vector3(); var ParametricTube = function ( u, v, target ) { v *= 2 * Math.PI; var i = u * ( numpoints - 1 ); i = Math.floor( i ); path.getPointAt( u, position ); var normal = normals[ i ]; var binormal = binormals[ i ]; var cx = - scope.radius * Math.cos( v ); // TODO: Hack: Negating it so it faces outside. var cy = scope.radius * Math.sin( v ); position.x += cx * normal.x + cy * binormal.x; position.y += cx * normal.y + cy * binormal.y; position.z += cx * normal.z + cy * binormal.z; target.copy( position ); }; this, ParametricTube, segments, segmentsRadius ); }; THREE.ParametricGeometries.TubeGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Geometry.prototype ); THREE.ParametricGeometries.TubeGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.ParametricGeometries.TubeGeometry; /********************************************* * * Parametric Replacement for TorusKnotGeometry * *********************************************/ THREE.ParametricGeometries.TorusKnotGeometry = function ( radius, tube, segmentsT, segmentsR, p, q ) { this.radius = radius || 200; = tube || 40; this.segmentsT = segmentsT || 64; this.segmentsR = segmentsR || 8; this.p = p || 2; this.q = q || 3; function TorusKnotCurve() { this ); } TorusKnotCurve.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Curve.prototype ); TorusKnotCurve.prototype.constructor = TorusKnotCurve; TorusKnotCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) { var point = optionalTarget || new THREE.Vector3(); t *= Math.PI * 2; var r = 0.5; var x = ( 1 + r * Math.cos( q * t ) ) * Math.cos( p * t ); var y = ( 1 + r * Math.cos( q * t ) ) * Math.sin( p * t ); var z = r * Math.sin( q * t ); return point.set( x, y, z ).multiplyScalar( radius ); }; var segments = segmentsT; var radiusSegments = segmentsR; var extrudePath = new TorusKnotCurve(); this, extrudePath, segments, tube, radiusSegments, true, false ); }; THREE.ParametricGeometries.TorusKnotGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Geometry.prototype ); THREE.ParametricGeometries.TorusKnotGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.ParametricGeometries.TorusKnotGeometry; /********************************************* * * Parametric Replacement for SphereGeometry * *********************************************/ THREE.ParametricGeometries.SphereGeometry = function ( size, u, v ) { function sphere( u, v, target ) { u *= Math.PI; v *= 2 * Math.PI; var x = size * Math.sin( u ) * Math.cos( v ); var y = size * Math.sin( u ) * Math.sin( v ); var z = size * Math.cos( u ); target.set( x, y, z ); } this, sphere, u, v ); }; THREE.ParametricGeometries.SphereGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Geometry.prototype ); THREE.ParametricGeometries.SphereGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.ParametricGeometries.SphereGeometry; /********************************************* * * Parametric Replacement for PlaneGeometry * *********************************************/ THREE.ParametricGeometries.PlaneGeometry = function ( width, depth, segmentsWidth, segmentsDepth ) { function plane( u, v, target ) { var x = u * width; var y = 0; var z = v * depth; target.set( x, y, z ); } this, plane, segmentsWidth, segmentsDepth ); }; THREE.ParametricGeometries.PlaneGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Geometry.prototype ); THREE.ParametricGeometries.PlaneGeometry.prototype.constructor = THREE.ParametricGeometries.PlaneGeometry;