
Base class for scene graph objects




.[page:Integer id]

Unique number of this object instance.

.[page:String name]

Optional name of the object (doesn't have to be unique).

.[page:Object3D parent]

Object's parent in scene graph.

.[page:Object3D children]

Array with object's children.

.[page:Vector3 position]

Object's local position.

.[page:Vector3 rotation]

Object's local rotation (Euler angles).

.[page:String eulerOrder]

Order of axis for Euler angles.

.[page:Vector3 scale]

Object's local scale.

.[page:Vector3 up]

Up direction.

.[page:Vector3 matrix]

Local transform.

.[page:Vector3 matrixRotationWorld]

Global rotation.

.[page:Quaternion quaternion]

Global rotation.

.[page:Boolean useQuaternion]

Use quaternion instead of Euler angles for specifying local rotation.

.[page:Float boundRadius]

.[page:Float boundRadiusScale]

Maximum scale from x, y, z scale components.

.[page:Float renderDepth]

Override depth-sorting order if non *null*.

.[page:Boolean visible]

Object gets rendered if *true*.

.[page:Boolean doubleSided]

Both sides of faces visible if *true*.

.[page:Boolean flipSided]

Backside of face visible if *true*.

.[page:Boolean castShadow]

Gets rendered into shadow map.

.[page:Boolean receiveShadow]

Material gets baked in shadow receiving.

.[page:Boolean frustumCulled]

.[page:Boolean matrixAutoUpdate]

.[page:Boolean matrixWorldNeedsUpdate]

.[page:Boolean rotationAutoUpdate]


.translate( [page:Float distance], [page:Vector3 axis] )

distance - Distance.
axis - Translation direction.
Translates object along arbitrary *axis* by *distance*.

.translateX( [page:Float distance] )

Translates object along x axis by distance.

.translateY( [page:Float distance] )

Translates object along y axis by distance.

.translateZ( [page:Float distance] )

Translates object along z axis by distance.

.lookAt( [page:Vector3 vector] )

Rotates object to face point in space.

.add( [page:Object3D object] )

Adds *object* as child of this object.

.remove( [page:Object3D object] )

Removes *object* as child of this object.

.getChildByName( [page:String name], [page:Boolean recursive] )

name - Object name.
recursive - Whether check in the objects's children.
Gets first child with name matching the argument. Searches whole subgraph recursively if *recursive* is true.


Updates local transform.

.updateMatrixWorld( [page:Boolean force] )

Updates global transform of the object and its children.


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]