[page:WebGLRenderTarget] →


Used by the [page:CubeCamera] as its [page:WebGLRenderTarget].


See [page:CubeCamera] for examples.


[name]([param:Number width], [param:Number height], [param:Object options])

[page:Float width] - The width of the renderTarget.
[page:Float height] - The height of the renderTarget.
options - (optional) object that holds texture parameters for an auto-generated target texture and depthBuffer/stencilBuffer booleans. For an explanation of the texture parameters see [page:Texture Texture]. The following are valid options:

[page:Constant wrapS] - default is [page:Textures ClampToEdgeWrapping].
[page:Constant wrapT] - default is [page:Textures ClampToEdgeWrapping].
[page:Constant magFilter] - default is [page:Textures .LinearFilter].
[page:Constant minFilter] - default is [page:Textures LinearFilter].
[page:Constant format] - default is [page:Textures RGBAFormat].
[page:Constant type] - default is [page:Textures UnsignedByteType].
[page:Number anisotropy] - default is *1*. See [page:Texture.anistropy]
[page:Constant encoding] - default is [page:Textures LinearEncoding].
[page:Boolean depthBuffer] - default is *true*. Set this to false if you don't need it.
[page:Boolean stencilBuffer] - default is *true*. Set this to false if you don't need it.

Creates a new [name]


See [page:WebGLRenderTarget] for inherited properties


See [page:WebGLRenderTarget] for inherited methods


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]