/** * @author Kai Salmen / https://kaisalmen.de * Development repository: https://github.com/kaisalmen/WWOBJLoader */ /** * Parse OBJ data either from ArrayBuffer or string */ const OBJLoader2Parser = function () { this.logging = { enabled: false, debug: false }; let scope = this; this.callbacks = { onProgress: function ( text ) { scope._onProgress( text ); }, onAssetAvailable: function ( payload ) { scope._onAssetAvailable( payload ); }, onError: function ( errorMessage ) { scope._onError( errorMessage ); }, onLoad: function ( object3d, message ) { scope._onLoad( object3d, message ); }, }; this.contentRef = null; this.legacyMode = false; this.materials = {}; this.materialPerSmoothingGroup = false; this.useOAsMesh = false; this.useIndices = false; this.disregardNormals = false; this.vertices = []; this.colors = []; this.normals = []; this.uvs = []; this.rawMesh = { objectName: '', groupName: '', activeMtlName: '', mtllibName: '', // reset with new mesh faceType: - 1, subGroups: [], subGroupInUse: null, smoothingGroup: { splitMaterials: false, normalized: - 1, real: - 1 }, counts: { doubleIndicesCount: 0, faceCount: 0, mtlCount: 0, smoothingGroupCount: 0 } }; this.inputObjectCount = 1; this.outputObjectCount = 1; this.globalCounts = { vertices: 0, faces: 0, doubleIndicesCount: 0, lineByte: 0, currentByte: 0, totalBytes: 0 }; }; OBJLoader2Parser.prototype = { constructor: OBJLoader2Parser, _resetRawMesh: function () { // faces are stored according combined index of group, material and smoothingGroup (0 or not) this.rawMesh.subGroups = []; this.rawMesh.subGroupInUse = null; this.rawMesh.smoothingGroup.normalized = - 1; this.rawMesh.smoothingGroup.real = - 1; // this default index is required as it is possible to define faces without 'g' or 'usemtl' this._pushSmoothingGroup( 1 ); this.rawMesh.counts.doubleIndicesCount = 0; this.rawMesh.counts.faceCount = 0; this.rawMesh.counts.mtlCount = 0; this.rawMesh.counts.smoothingGroupCount = 0; }, /** * Tells whether a material shall be created per smoothing group. * * @param {boolean} materialPerSmoothingGroup=false * @return {OBJLoader2Parser} */ setMaterialPerSmoothingGroup: function ( materialPerSmoothingGroup ) { this.materialPerSmoothingGroup = materialPerSmoothingGroup === true; return this; }, /** * Usually 'o' is meta-information and does not result in creation of new meshes, but mesh creation on occurrence of "o" can be enforced. * * @param {boolean} useOAsMesh=false * @return {OBJLoader2Parser} */ setUseOAsMesh: function ( useOAsMesh ) { this.useOAsMesh = useOAsMesh === true; return this; }, /** * Instructs loaders to create indexed {@link BufferGeometry}. * * @param {boolean} useIndices=false * @return {OBJLoader2Parser} */ setUseIndices: function ( useIndices ) { this.useIndices = useIndices === true; return this; }, /** * Tells whether normals should be completely disregarded and regenerated. * * @param {boolean} disregardNormals=false * @return {OBJLoader2Parser} */ setDisregardNormals: function ( disregardNormals ) { this.disregardNormals = disregardNormals === true; return this; }, /** * Clears materials object and sets the new ones. * * @param {Object} materials Object with named materials */ setMaterials: function ( materials ) { this.materials = Object.assign( {}, materials ); }, /** * Register a function that is called once an asset (mesh/material) becomes available. * * @param onAssetAvailable * @return {OBJLoader2Parser} */ setCallbackOnAssetAvailable: function ( onAssetAvailable ) { if ( onAssetAvailable !== null && onAssetAvailable !== undefined && onAssetAvailable instanceof Function ) { this.callbacks.onAssetAvailable = onAssetAvailable; } return this; }, /** * Register a function that is used to report overall processing progress. * * @param {Function} onProgress * @return {OBJLoader2Parser} */ setCallbackOnProgress: function ( onProgress ) { if ( onProgress !== null && onProgress !== undefined && onProgress instanceof Function ) { this.callbacks.onProgress = onProgress; } return this; }, /** * Register an error handler function that is called if errors occur. It can decide to just log or to throw an exception. * * @param {Function} onError * @return {OBJLoader2Parser} */ setCallbackOnError: function ( onError ) { if ( onError !== null && onError !== undefined && onError instanceof Function ) { this.callbacks.onError = onError; } return this; }, /** * Register a function that is called when parsing was completed. * * @param {Function} onLoad * @return {OBJLoader2Parser} */ setCallbackOnLoad: function ( onLoad ) { if ( onLoad !== null && onLoad !== undefined && onLoad instanceof Function ) { this.callbacks.onLoad = onLoad; } return this; }, /** * Announce parse progress feedback which is logged to the console. * @private * * @param {string} text Textual description of the event */ _onProgress: function ( text ) { let message = text ? text : ''; if ( this.logging.enabled && this.logging.debug ) { console.log( message ); } }, /** * Announce error feedback which is logged as error message. * @private * * @param {String} errorMessage The event containing the error */ _onError: function ( errorMessage ) { if ( this.logging.enabled && this.logging.debug ) { console.error( errorMessage ); } }, _onAssetAvailable: function ( payload ) { let errorMessage = 'OBJLoader2Parser does not provide implementation for onAssetAvailable. Aborting...'; this.callbacks.onError( errorMessage ); throw errorMessage; }, _onLoad: function ( object3d, message ) { console.log( "You reached parser default onLoad callback: " + message ); }, /** * Enable or disable logging in general (except warn and error), plus enable or disable debug logging. * * @param {boolean} enabled True or false. * @param {boolean} debug True or false. * * @return {OBJLoader2Parser} */ setLogging: function ( enabled, debug ) { this.logging.enabled = enabled === true; this.logging.debug = debug === true; return this; }, _configure: function () { this._pushSmoothingGroup( 1 ); if ( this.logging.enabled ) { let matKeys = Object.keys( this.materials ); let matNames = ( matKeys.length > 0 ) ? '\n\tmaterialNames:\n\t\t- ' + matKeys.join( '\n\t\t- ' ) : '\n\tmaterialNames: None'; let printedConfig = 'OBJLoader.Parser configuration:' + matNames + '\n\tmaterialPerSmoothingGroup: ' + this.materialPerSmoothingGroup + '\n\tuseOAsMesh: ' + this.useOAsMesh + '\n\tuseIndices: ' + this.useIndices + '\n\tdisregardNormals: ' + this.disregardNormals; printedConfig += '\n\tcallbacks.onProgress: ' + this.callbacks.onProgress.name; printedConfig += '\n\tcallbacks.onAssetAvailable: ' + this.callbacks.onAssetAvailable.name; printedConfig += '\n\tcallbacks.onError: ' + this.callbacks.onError.name; console.info( printedConfig ); } }, /** * Parse the provided arraybuffer * * @param {Uint8Array} arrayBuffer OBJ data as Uint8Array */ execute: function ( arrayBuffer ) { if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.time( 'OBJLoader2Parser.execute' ); this._configure(); let arrayBufferView = new Uint8Array( arrayBuffer ); this.contentRef = arrayBufferView; let length = arrayBufferView.byteLength; this.globalCounts.totalBytes = length; let buffer = new Array( 128 ); for ( let code, word = '', bufferPointer = 0, slashesCount = 0, i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) { code = arrayBufferView[ i ]; switch ( code ) { // space case 32: if ( word.length > 0 ) buffer[ bufferPointer ++ ] = word; word = ''; break; // slash case 47: if ( word.length > 0 ) buffer[ bufferPointer ++ ] = word; slashesCount ++; word = ''; break; // LF case 10: if ( word.length > 0 ) buffer[ bufferPointer ++ ] = word; word = ''; this.globalCounts.lineByte = this.globalCounts.currentByte; this.globalCounts.currentByte = i; this._processLine( buffer, bufferPointer, slashesCount ); bufferPointer = 0; slashesCount = 0; break; // CR case 13: break; default: word += String.fromCharCode( code ); break; } } this._finalizeParsing(); if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.timeEnd( 'OBJLoader2Parser.execute' ); }, /** * Parse the provided text * * @param {string} text OBJ data as string */ executeLegacy: function ( text ) { if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.time( 'OBJLoader2Parser.executeLegacy' ); this._configure(); this.legacyMode = true; this.contentRef = text; let length = text.length; this.globalCounts.totalBytes = length; let buffer = new Array( 128 ); for ( let char, word = '', bufferPointer = 0, slashesCount = 0, i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) { char = text[ i ]; switch ( char ) { case ' ': if ( word.length > 0 ) buffer[ bufferPointer ++ ] = word; word = ''; break; case '/': if ( word.length > 0 ) buffer[ bufferPointer ++ ] = word; slashesCount ++; word = ''; break; case '\n': if ( word.length > 0 ) buffer[ bufferPointer ++ ] = word; word = ''; this.globalCounts.lineByte = this.globalCounts.currentByte; this.globalCounts.currentByte = i; this._processLine( buffer, bufferPointer, slashesCount ); bufferPointer = 0; slashesCount = 0; break; case '\r': break; default: word += char; } } this._finalizeParsing(); if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.timeEnd( 'OBJLoader2Parser.executeLegacy' ); }, _processLine: function ( buffer, bufferPointer, slashesCount ) { if ( bufferPointer < 1 ) return; let reconstructString = function ( content, legacyMode, start, stop ) { let line = ''; if ( stop > start ) { let i; if ( legacyMode ) { for ( i = start; i < stop; i ++ ) line += content[ i ]; } else { for ( i = start; i < stop; i ++ ) line += String.fromCharCode( content[ i ] ); } line = line.trim(); } return line; }; let bufferLength, length, i, lineDesignation; lineDesignation = buffer[ 0 ]; switch ( lineDesignation ) { case 'v': this.vertices.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 1 ] ) ); this.vertices.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 2 ] ) ); this.vertices.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 3 ] ) ); if ( bufferPointer > 4 ) { this.colors.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 4 ] ) ); this.colors.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 5 ] ) ); this.colors.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 6 ] ) ); } break; case 'vt': this.uvs.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 1 ] ) ); this.uvs.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 2 ] ) ); break; case 'vn': this.normals.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 1 ] ) ); this.normals.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 2 ] ) ); this.normals.push( parseFloat( buffer[ 3 ] ) ); break; case 'f': bufferLength = bufferPointer - 1; // "f vertex ..." if ( slashesCount === 0 ) { this._checkFaceType( 0 ); for ( i = 2, length = bufferLength; i < length; i ++ ) { this._buildFace( buffer[ 1 ] ); this._buildFace( buffer[ i ] ); this._buildFace( buffer[ i + 1 ] ); } // "f vertex/uv ..." } else if ( bufferLength === slashesCount * 2 ) { this._checkFaceType( 1 ); for ( i = 3, length = bufferLength - 2; i < length; i += 2 ) { this._buildFace( buffer[ 1 ], buffer[ 2 ] ); this._buildFace( buffer[ i ], buffer[ i + 1 ] ); this._buildFace( buffer[ i + 2 ], buffer[ i + 3 ] ); } // "f vertex/uv/normal ..." } else if ( bufferLength * 2 === slashesCount * 3 ) { this._checkFaceType( 2 ); for ( i = 4, length = bufferLength - 3; i < length; i += 3 ) { this._buildFace( buffer[ 1 ], buffer[ 2 ], buffer[ 3 ] ); this._buildFace( buffer[ i ], buffer[ i + 1 ], buffer[ i + 2 ] ); this._buildFace( buffer[ i + 3 ], buffer[ i + 4 ], buffer[ i + 5 ] ); } // "f vertex//normal ..." } else { this._checkFaceType( 3 ); for ( i = 3, length = bufferLength - 2; i < length; i += 2 ) { this._buildFace( buffer[ 1 ], undefined, buffer[ 2 ] ); this._buildFace( buffer[ i ], undefined, buffer[ i + 1 ] ); this._buildFace( buffer[ i + 2 ], undefined, buffer[ i + 3 ] ); } } break; case 'l': case 'p': bufferLength = bufferPointer - 1; if ( bufferLength === slashesCount * 2 ) { this._checkFaceType( 4 ); for ( i = 1, length = bufferLength + 1; i < length; i += 2 ) this._buildFace( buffer[ i ], buffer[ i + 1 ] ); } else { this._checkFaceType( ( lineDesignation === 'l' ) ? 5 : 6 ); for ( i = 1, length = bufferLength + 1; i < length; i ++ ) this._buildFace( buffer[ i ] ); } break; case 's': this._pushSmoothingGroup( buffer[ 1 ] ); break; case 'g': // 'g' leads to creation of mesh if valid data (faces declaration was done before), otherwise only groupName gets set this._processCompletedMesh(); this.rawMesh.groupName = reconstructString( this.contentRef, this.legacyMode, this.globalCounts.lineByte + 2, this.globalCounts.currentByte ); break; case 'o': // 'o' is meta-information and usually does not result in creation of new meshes, but can be enforced with "useOAsMesh" if ( this.useOAsMesh ) this._processCompletedMesh(); this.rawMesh.objectName = reconstructString( this.contentRef, this.legacyMode, this.globalCounts.lineByte + 2, this.globalCounts.currentByte ); break; case 'mtllib': this.rawMesh.mtllibName = reconstructString( this.contentRef, this.legacyMode, this.globalCounts.lineByte + 7, this.globalCounts.currentByte ); break; case 'usemtl': let mtlName = reconstructString( this.contentRef, this.legacyMode, this.globalCounts.lineByte + 7, this.globalCounts.currentByte ); if ( mtlName !== '' && this.rawMesh.activeMtlName !== mtlName ) { this.rawMesh.activeMtlName = mtlName; this.rawMesh.counts.mtlCount ++; this._checkSubGroup(); } break; default: break; } }, _pushSmoothingGroup: function ( smoothingGroup ) { let smoothingGroupInt = parseInt( smoothingGroup ); if ( isNaN( smoothingGroupInt ) ) { smoothingGroupInt = smoothingGroup === "off" ? 0 : 1; } let smoothCheck = this.rawMesh.smoothingGroup.normalized; this.rawMesh.smoothingGroup.normalized = this.rawMesh.smoothingGroup.splitMaterials ? smoothingGroupInt : ( smoothingGroupInt === 0 ) ? 0 : 1; this.rawMesh.smoothingGroup.real = smoothingGroupInt; if ( smoothCheck !== smoothingGroupInt ) { this.rawMesh.counts.smoothingGroupCount ++; this._checkSubGroup(); } }, /** * Expanded faceTypes include all four face types, both line types and the point type * faceType = 0: "f vertex ..." * faceType = 1: "f vertex/uv ..." * faceType = 2: "f vertex/uv/normal ..." * faceType = 3: "f vertex//normal ..." * faceType = 4: "l vertex/uv ..." or "l vertex ..." * faceType = 5: "l vertex ..." * faceType = 6: "p vertex ..." */ _checkFaceType: function ( faceType ) { if ( this.rawMesh.faceType !== faceType ) { this._processCompletedMesh(); this.rawMesh.faceType = faceType; this._checkSubGroup(); } }, _checkSubGroup: function () { let index = this.rawMesh.activeMtlName + '|' + this.rawMesh.smoothingGroup.normalized; this.rawMesh.subGroupInUse = this.rawMesh.subGroups[ index ]; if ( this.rawMesh.subGroupInUse === undefined || this.rawMesh.subGroupInUse === null ) { this.rawMesh.subGroupInUse = { index: index, objectName: this.rawMesh.objectName, groupName: this.rawMesh.groupName, materialName: this.rawMesh.activeMtlName, smoothingGroup: this.rawMesh.smoothingGroup.normalized, vertices: [], indexMappingsCount: 0, indexMappings: [], indices: [], colors: [], uvs: [], normals: [] }; this.rawMesh.subGroups[ index ] = this.rawMesh.subGroupInUse; } }, _buildFace: function ( faceIndexV, faceIndexU, faceIndexN ) { let subGroupInUse = this.rawMesh.subGroupInUse; let scope = this; let updateSubGroupInUse = function () { let faceIndexVi = parseInt( faceIndexV ); let indexPointerV = 3 * ( faceIndexVi > 0 ? faceIndexVi - 1 : faceIndexVi + scope.vertices.length / 3 ); let indexPointerC = scope.colors.length > 0 ? indexPointerV : null; let vertices = subGroupInUse.vertices; vertices.push( scope.vertices[ indexPointerV ++ ] ); vertices.push( scope.vertices[ indexPointerV ++ ] ); vertices.push( scope.vertices[ indexPointerV ] ); if ( indexPointerC !== null ) { let colors = subGroupInUse.colors; colors.push( scope.colors[ indexPointerC ++ ] ); colors.push( scope.colors[ indexPointerC ++ ] ); colors.push( scope.colors[ indexPointerC ] ); } if ( faceIndexU ) { let faceIndexUi = parseInt( faceIndexU ); let indexPointerU = 2 * ( faceIndexUi > 0 ? faceIndexUi - 1 : faceIndexUi + scope.uvs.length / 2 ); let uvs = subGroupInUse.uvs; uvs.push( scope.uvs[ indexPointerU ++ ] ); uvs.push( scope.uvs[ indexPointerU ] ); } if ( faceIndexN && ! scope.disregardNormals ) { let faceIndexNi = parseInt( faceIndexN ); let indexPointerN = 3 * ( faceIndexNi > 0 ? faceIndexNi - 1 : faceIndexNi + scope.normals.length / 3 ); let normals = subGroupInUse.normals; normals.push( scope.normals[ indexPointerN ++ ] ); normals.push( scope.normals[ indexPointerN ++ ] ); normals.push( scope.normals[ indexPointerN ] ); } }; if ( this.useIndices ) { if ( this.disregardNormals ) faceIndexN = undefined; let mappingName = faceIndexV + ( faceIndexU ? '_' + faceIndexU : '_n' ) + ( faceIndexN ? '_' + faceIndexN : '_n' ); let indicesPointer = subGroupInUse.indexMappings[ mappingName ]; if ( indicesPointer === undefined || indicesPointer === null ) { indicesPointer = this.rawMesh.subGroupInUse.vertices.length / 3; updateSubGroupInUse(); subGroupInUse.indexMappings[ mappingName ] = indicesPointer; subGroupInUse.indexMappingsCount ++; } else { this.rawMesh.counts.doubleIndicesCount ++; } subGroupInUse.indices.push( indicesPointer ); } else { updateSubGroupInUse(); } this.rawMesh.counts.faceCount ++; }, _createRawMeshReport: function ( inputObjectCount ) { return 'Input Object number: ' + inputObjectCount + '\n\tObject name: ' + this.rawMesh.objectName + '\n\tGroup name: ' + this.rawMesh.groupName + '\n\tMtllib name: ' + this.rawMesh.mtllibName + '\n\tVertex count: ' + this.vertices.length / 3 + '\n\tNormal count: ' + this.normals.length / 3 + '\n\tUV count: ' + this.uvs.length / 2 + '\n\tSmoothingGroup count: ' + this.rawMesh.counts.smoothingGroupCount + '\n\tMaterial count: ' + this.rawMesh.counts.mtlCount + '\n\tReal MeshOutputGroup count: ' + this.rawMesh.subGroups.length; }, /** * Clear any empty subGroup and calculate absolute vertex, normal and uv counts */ _finalizeRawMesh: function () { let meshOutputGroupTemp = []; let meshOutputGroup; let absoluteVertexCount = 0; let absoluteIndexMappingsCount = 0; let absoluteIndexCount = 0; let absoluteColorCount = 0; let absoluteNormalCount = 0; let absoluteUvCount = 0; let indices; for ( let name in this.rawMesh.subGroups ) { meshOutputGroup = this.rawMesh.subGroups[ name ]; if ( meshOutputGroup.vertices.length > 0 ) { indices = meshOutputGroup.indices; if ( indices.length > 0 && absoluteIndexMappingsCount > 0 ) { for ( let i = 0; i < indices.length; i ++ ) { indices[ i ] = indices[ i ] + absoluteIndexMappingsCount; } } meshOutputGroupTemp.push( meshOutputGroup ); absoluteVertexCount += meshOutputGroup.vertices.length; absoluteIndexMappingsCount += meshOutputGroup.indexMappingsCount; absoluteIndexCount += meshOutputGroup.indices.length; absoluteColorCount += meshOutputGroup.colors.length; absoluteUvCount += meshOutputGroup.uvs.length; absoluteNormalCount += meshOutputGroup.normals.length; } } // do not continue if no result let result = null; if ( meshOutputGroupTemp.length > 0 ) { result = { name: this.rawMesh.groupName !== '' ? this.rawMesh.groupName : this.rawMesh.objectName, subGroups: meshOutputGroupTemp, absoluteVertexCount: absoluteVertexCount, absoluteIndexCount: absoluteIndexCount, absoluteColorCount: absoluteColorCount, absoluteNormalCount: absoluteNormalCount, absoluteUvCount: absoluteUvCount, faceCount: this.rawMesh.counts.faceCount, doubleIndicesCount: this.rawMesh.counts.doubleIndicesCount }; } return result; }, _processCompletedMesh: function () { let result = this._finalizeRawMesh(); let haveMesh = result !== null; if ( haveMesh ) { if ( this.colors.length > 0 && this.colors.length !== this.vertices.length ) { this.callbacks.onError( 'Vertex Colors were detected, but vertex count and color count do not match!' ); } if ( this.logging.enabled && this.logging.debug ) console.debug( this._createRawMeshReport( this.inputObjectCount ) ); this.inputObjectCount ++; this._buildMesh( result ); let progressBytesPercent = this.globalCounts.currentByte / this.globalCounts.totalBytes; this._onProgress( 'Completed [o: ' + this.rawMesh.objectName + ' g:' + this.rawMesh.groupName + '' + '] Total progress: ' + ( progressBytesPercent * 100 ).toFixed( 2 ) + '%' ); this._resetRawMesh(); } return haveMesh; }, /** * SubGroups are transformed to too intermediate format that is forwarded to the MeshReceiver. * It is ensured that SubGroups only contain objects with vertices (no need to check). * * @param result */ _buildMesh: function ( result ) { let meshOutputGroups = result.subGroups; let vertexFA = new Float32Array( result.absoluteVertexCount ); this.globalCounts.vertices += result.absoluteVertexCount / 3; this.globalCounts.faces += result.faceCount; this.globalCounts.doubleIndicesCount += result.doubleIndicesCount; let indexUA = ( result.absoluteIndexCount > 0 ) ? new Uint32Array( result.absoluteIndexCount ) : null; let colorFA = ( result.absoluteColorCount > 0 ) ? new Float32Array( result.absoluteColorCount ) : null; let normalFA = ( result.absoluteNormalCount > 0 ) ? new Float32Array( result.absoluteNormalCount ) : null; let uvFA = ( result.absoluteUvCount > 0 ) ? new Float32Array( result.absoluteUvCount ) : null; let haveVertexColors = colorFA !== null; let meshOutputGroup; let materialNames = []; let createMultiMaterial = ( meshOutputGroups.length > 1 ); let materialIndex = 0; let materialIndexMapping = []; let selectedMaterialIndex; let materialGroup; let materialGroups = []; let vertexFAOffset = 0; let indexUAOffset = 0; let colorFAOffset = 0; let normalFAOffset = 0; let uvFAOffset = 0; let materialGroupOffset = 0; let materialGroupLength = 0; let materialOrg, material, materialName, materialNameOrg; // only one specific face type for ( let oodIndex in meshOutputGroups ) { if ( ! meshOutputGroups.hasOwnProperty( oodIndex ) ) continue; meshOutputGroup = meshOutputGroups[ oodIndex ]; materialNameOrg = meshOutputGroup.materialName; if ( this.rawMesh.faceType < 4 ) { materialName = materialNameOrg + ( haveVertexColors ? '_vertexColor' : '' ) + ( meshOutputGroup.smoothingGroup === 0 ? '_flat' : '' ); } else { materialName = this.rawMesh.faceType === 6 ? 'defaultPointMaterial' : 'defaultLineMaterial'; } materialOrg = this.materials[ materialNameOrg ]; material = this.materials[ materialName ]; // both original and derived names do not lead to an existing material => need to use a default material if ( ( materialOrg === undefined || materialOrg === null ) && ( material === undefined || material === null ) ) { materialName = haveVertexColors ? 'defaultVertexColorMaterial' : 'defaultMaterial'; material = this.materials[ materialName ]; if ( this.logging.enabled ) { console.info( 'object_group "' + meshOutputGroup.objectName + '_' + meshOutputGroup.groupName + '" was defined with unresolvable material "' + materialNameOrg + '"! Assigning "' + materialName + '".' ); } } if ( material === undefined || material === null ) { let materialCloneInstructions = { materialNameOrg: materialNameOrg, materialName: materialName, materialProperties: { vertexColors: haveVertexColors ? 2 : 0, flatShading: meshOutputGroup.smoothingGroup === 0 } }; let payload = { cmd: 'assetAvailable', type: 'material', materials: { materialCloneInstructions: materialCloneInstructions } }; this.callbacks.onAssetAvailable( payload ); // only set materials if they don't exist, yet let matCheck = this.materials[ materialName ]; if ( matCheck === undefined || matCheck === null ) { this.materials[ materialName ] = materialCloneInstructions; } } if ( createMultiMaterial ) { // re-use material if already used before. Reduces materials array size and eliminates duplicates selectedMaterialIndex = materialIndexMapping[ materialName ]; if ( ! selectedMaterialIndex ) { selectedMaterialIndex = materialIndex; materialIndexMapping[ materialName ] = materialIndex; materialNames.push( materialName ); materialIndex ++; } materialGroupLength = this.useIndices ? meshOutputGroup.indices.length : meshOutputGroup.vertices.length / 3; materialGroup = { start: materialGroupOffset, count: materialGroupLength, index: selectedMaterialIndex }; materialGroups.push( materialGroup ); materialGroupOffset += materialGroupLength; } else { materialNames.push( materialName ); } vertexFA.set( meshOutputGroup.vertices, vertexFAOffset ); vertexFAOffset += meshOutputGroup.vertices.length; if ( indexUA ) { indexUA.set( meshOutputGroup.indices, indexUAOffset ); indexUAOffset += meshOutputGroup.indices.length; } if ( colorFA ) { colorFA.set( meshOutputGroup.colors, colorFAOffset ); colorFAOffset += meshOutputGroup.colors.length; } if ( normalFA ) { normalFA.set( meshOutputGroup.normals, normalFAOffset ); normalFAOffset += meshOutputGroup.normals.length; } if ( uvFA ) { uvFA.set( meshOutputGroup.uvs, uvFAOffset ); uvFAOffset += meshOutputGroup.uvs.length; } if ( this.logging.enabled && this.logging.debug ) { let materialIndexLine = ( selectedMaterialIndex === undefined || selectedMaterialIndex === null ) ? '' : '\n\t\tmaterialIndex: ' + selectedMaterialIndex; let createdReport = '\tOutput Object no.: ' + this.outputObjectCount + '\n\t\tgroupName: ' + meshOutputGroup.groupName + '\n\t\tIndex: ' + meshOutputGroup.index + '\n\t\tfaceType: ' + this.rawMesh.faceType + '\n\t\tmaterialName: ' + meshOutputGroup.materialName + '\n\t\tsmoothingGroup: ' + meshOutputGroup.smoothingGroup + materialIndexLine + '\n\t\tobjectName: ' + meshOutputGroup.objectName + '\n\t\t#vertices: ' + meshOutputGroup.vertices.length / 3 + '\n\t\t#indices: ' + meshOutputGroup.indices.length + '\n\t\t#colors: ' + meshOutputGroup.colors.length / 3 + '\n\t\t#uvs: ' + meshOutputGroup.uvs.length / 2 + '\n\t\t#normals: ' + meshOutputGroup.normals.length / 3; console.debug( createdReport ); } } this.outputObjectCount ++; this.callbacks.onAssetAvailable( { cmd: 'assetAvailable', type: 'mesh', progress: { numericalValue: this.globalCounts.currentByte / this.globalCounts.totalBytes }, params: { meshName: result.name }, materials: { multiMaterial: createMultiMaterial, materialNames: materialNames, materialGroups: materialGroups }, buffers: { vertices: vertexFA, indices: indexUA, colors: colorFA, normals: normalFA, uvs: uvFA }, // 0: mesh, 1: line, 2: point geometryType: this.rawMesh.faceType < 4 ? 0 : ( this.rawMesh.faceType === 6 ) ? 2 : 1 }, [ vertexFA.buffer ], indexUA !== null ? [ indexUA.buffer ] : null, colorFA !== null ? [ colorFA.buffer ] : null, normalFA !== null ? [ normalFA.buffer ] : null, uvFA !== null ? [ uvFA.buffer ] : null ); }, _finalizeParsing: function () { if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.info( 'Global output object count: ' + this.outputObjectCount ); if ( this._processCompletedMesh() && this.logging.enabled ) { let parserFinalReport = 'Overall counts: ' + '\n\tVertices: ' + this.globalCounts.vertices + '\n\tFaces: ' + this.globalCounts.faces + '\n\tMultiple definitions: ' + this.globalCounts.doubleIndicesCount; console.info( parserFinalReport ); } } }; export { OBJLoader2Parser };