##### Description of the problem This form is for three.js bug reports and feature requests only. This is NOT a help site. Do not ask help questions here. If you need help, please use [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/three.js). Describe the bug or feature request in detail. A code snippet, screenshot, and small-test help us understand. You can edit for small-test. http://jsfiddle.net/akmcv7Lh/ (current revision) http://jsfiddle.net/hw9rcLL8/ (dev) ##### Three.js version - [ ] Dev - [ ] r88 - [ ] ... ##### Browser - [x] All of them - [ ] Chrome - [ ] Firefox - [ ] Internet Explorer ##### OS - [x] All of them - [ ] Windows - [ ] macOS - [ ] Linux - [ ] Android - [ ] iOS ##### Hardware Requirements (graphics card, VR Device, ...)