import { FBXLoader } from "../loaders/FBXLoader.js"; class XRHandOculusMeshModel { constructor( handModel, controller, path, handedness, options ) { this.controller = controller; this.handModel = handModel; this.bones = []; var loader = new FBXLoader(); const low = options && options.model === "lowpoly" ? "_low" : ""; loader.setPath( path ); loader.load( `fbx/OculusHand_${handedness === "right" ? "R" : "L"}${low}.fbx`, object => { this.handModel.add( object ); // Hack because of the scale of the skinnedmesh object.scale.setScalar( 0.01 ); object.getObjectByProperty( "type", "SkinnedMesh" ).frustumCulled = false; const bonesMapping = [ 'b_%_wrist', // XRHand.WRIST, 'b_%_thumb1', // XRHand.THUMB_METACARPAL, 'b_%_thumb2', // XRHand.THUMB_PHALANX_PROXIMAL, 'b_%_thumb3', // XRHand.THUMB_PHALANX_DISTAL, 'b_%_thumb_null', // XRHand.THUMB_PHALANX_TIP, null, //'b_%_index1', // XRHand.INDEX_METACARPAL, 'b_%_index1', // XRHand.INDEX_PHALANX_PROXIMAL, 'b_%_index2', // XRHand.INDEX_PHALANX_INTERMEDIATE, 'b_%_index3', // XRHand.INDEX_PHALANX_DISTAL, 'b_%_index_null', // XRHand.INDEX_PHALANX_TIP, null, //'b_%_middle1', // XRHand.MIDDLE_METACARPAL, 'b_%_middle1', // XRHand.MIDDLE_PHALANX_PROXIMAL, 'b_%_middle2', // XRHand.MIDDLE_PHALANX_INTERMEDIATE, 'b_%_middle3', // XRHand.MIDDLE_PHALANX_DISTAL, 'b_%_middlenull', // XRHand.MIDDLE_PHALANX_TIP, null, //'b_%_ring1', // XRHand.RING_METACARPAL, 'b_%_ring1', // XRHand.RING_PHALANX_PROXIMAL, 'b_%_ring2', // XRHand.RING_PHALANX_INTERMEDIATE, 'b_%_ring3', // XRHand.RING_PHALANX_DISTAL, 'b_%_ring_inull', // XRHand.RING_PHALANX_TIP, 'b_%_pinky0', // XRHand.LITTLE_METACARPAL, 'b_%_pinky1', // XRHand.LITTLE_PHALANX_PROXIMAL, 'b_%_pinky2', // XRHand.LITTLE_PHALANX_INTERMEDIATE, 'b_%_pinky3', // XRHand.LITTLE_PHALANX_DISTAL, 'b_%_pinkynull', // XRHand.LITTLE_PHALANX_TIP ]; bonesMapping.forEach( boneName => { if ( boneName ) { const bone = object.getObjectByName( boneName.replace( "%", handedness === "right" ? "r" : "l" ) ); this.bones.push( bone ); } else { this.bones.push( null ); } } ); } ); } updateMesh() { // XR Joints const XRJoints = this.controller.joints; for ( var i = 0; i < this.bones.length; i ++ ) { const bone = this.bones[ i ]; const XRJoint = XRJoints[ i ]; if ( XRJoint ) { if ( XRJoint.visible ) { let position = XRJoint.position; if ( bone ) { bone.position.copy( position.clone().multiplyScalar( 100 ) ); bone.quaternion.copy( XRJoint.quaternion ); // bone.scale.setScalar( XRJoint.jointRadius || defaultRadius ); } } } } } } export { XRHandOculusMeshModel };