/* global QUnit */ import { runStdGeometryTests } from '../../utils/qunit-utils'; import { LatheGeometry } from '../../../../src/geometries/LatheGeometry'; export default QUnit.module( 'Geometries', () => { QUnit.module( 'LatheGeometry', ( hooks ) => { var geometries = undefined; hooks.beforeEach( function () { const parameters = { points: [], segments: 0, phiStart: 0, phiLength: 0 }; geometries = [ new LatheGeometry( parameters.points ) ]; } ); // INHERITANCE QUnit.todo( "Extending", ( assert ) => { assert.ok( false, "everything's gonna be alright" ); } ); // INSTANCING QUnit.todo( "Instancing", ( assert ) => { assert.ok( false, "everything's gonna be alright" ); } ); // OTHERS QUnit.test( 'Standard geometry tests', ( assert ) => { runStdGeometryTests( assert, geometries ); } ); } ); } );