提交 8d80942e 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob

SVGRenderer Particle support. CanvasRenderer context.setTransform(). Minor tweaks

上级 8237dad9
......@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ This code creates a camera, then creates a scene object, adds a bunch of random
### Change Log ###
2010 04 26 - **r4** (16.274 kb)
* SVGRenderer Particle rendering
* CanvasRenderer uses context.setTransform to avoid extra calculations
2010 04 24 - **r3** (16.392 kb)
* Fixed incorrect rotation matrix transforms
......@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
document.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseout', onDocumentMouseOut, false);
mouseXOnMouseDown = event.clientX - windowHalfX;
targetRotationOnMouseDown = targetRotation;
......@@ -121,6 +122,14 @@
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseout', onDocumentMouseOut, false);
function onDocumentMouseOut( event )
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseout', onDocumentMouseOut, false);
function onDocumentTouchStart( event )
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ var CanvasRenderer = Renderer.extend
this.viewport.width = this.width;
this.viewport.height = this.height;
this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, this.widthHalf, this.heightHalf);
render: function( scene, camera )
......@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ var CanvasRenderer = Renderer.extend
var element , pi2 = Math.PI * 2;
this.context.clearRect (0, 0, this.width, this.height);
this.context.clearRect (-this.widthHalf, -this.heightHalf, this.width, this.height);
for (j = 0; j < this.renderList.length; j++)
......@@ -44,26 +46,26 @@ var CanvasRenderer = Renderer.extend
if (element instanceof Face3)
this.context.moveTo(element.a.screen.x + this.widthHalf, element.a.screen.y + this.heightHalf);
this.context.lineTo(element.b.screen.x + this.widthHalf, element.b.screen.y + this.heightHalf);
this.context.lineTo(element.c.screen.x + this.widthHalf, element.c.screen.y + this.heightHalf);
this.context.moveTo(element.a.screen.x, element.a.screen.y);
this.context.lineTo(element.b.screen.x, element.b.screen.y);
this.context.lineTo(element.c.screen.x, element.c.screen.y);
else if (element instanceof Face4)
this.context.moveTo(element.a.screen.x + this.widthHalf, element.a.screen.y + this.heightHalf);
this.context.lineTo(element.b.screen.x + this.widthHalf, element.b.screen.y + this.heightHalf);
this.context.lineTo(element.c.screen.x + this.widthHalf, element.c.screen.y + this.heightHalf);
this.context.lineTo(element.d.screen.x + this.widthHalf, element.d.screen.y + this.heightHalf);
this.context.moveTo(element.a.screen.x, element.a.screen.y);
this.context.lineTo(element.b.screen.x, element.b.screen.y);
this.context.lineTo(element.c.screen.x, element.c.screen.y);
this.context.lineTo(element.d.screen.x, element.d.screen.y);
else if (element instanceof Particle)
this.context.arc(element.screen.x + this.widthHalf, element.screen.y + this.heightHalf, element.size * element.screen.z, 0, pi2, true);
this.context.arc(element.screen.x, element.screen.y, element.size * element.screen.z, 0, pi2, true);
var SVGRenderer = Renderer.extend
defs: null,
svgImagePool: null,
svgPatternPool: null,
svgPathPool: null,
svgCirclePool: null,
init: function()
......@@ -14,23 +11,7 @@ var SVGRenderer = Renderer.extend
this.viewport.style.position = "absolute";
this.svgPathPool = new Array();
this.svgImagePool = new Array();
this.defs = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'defs');
var texture = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'pattern');
texture.setAttribute('id', 'texture');
texture.setAttribute('patternUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse');
texture.setAttribute('width', 552);
texture.setAttribute('height', 552);
var bitmap = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'image');
bitmap.setAttribute('width', 552);
bitmap.setAttribute('height', 552);
bitmap.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', 'assets/uvmap.jpg');
this.svgCirclePool = new Array();
setSize: function( width, height )
......@@ -49,33 +30,65 @@ var SVGRenderer = Renderer.extend
var pathCount = 0, circleCount = 0, svgNode;
for (j = 0; j < this.renderList.length; j++)
element = this.renderList[j];
if (this.svgPathPool[j] == null)
if (element instanceof Face3)
this.svgPathPool[j] = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path');
this.svgPathPool[j].setAttribute('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges'); //optimizeSpeed
svgNode = this.getPathNode(pathCount++);
svgNode.setAttribute('d', 'M ' + element.a.screen.x + ' ' + element.a.screen.y + ' L ' + element.b.screen.x + ' ' + element.b.screen.y + ' L ' + element.c.screen.x + ',' + element.c.screen.y + 'z');
else if (element instanceof Face4)
svgNode = this.getPathNode(pathCount++);
svgNode.setAttribute('d', 'M ' + element.a.screen.x + ' ' + element.a.screen.y + ' L ' + element.b.screen.x + ' ' + element.b.screen.y + ' L ' + element.c.screen.x + ',' + element.c.screen.y + ' L ' + element.d.screen.x + ',' + element.d.screen.y + 'z');
else if (element instanceof Particle)
svgNode = this.getCircleNode(circleCount++);
svgNode.setAttribute('cx', element.screen.x);
svgNode.setAttribute('cy', element.screen.y);
svgNode.setAttribute('r', element.size * element.screen.z);
// this.svgPathPool[j].setAttribute('style', 'fill:url(#texture)');
if (element.material instanceof ColorMaterial)
svgNode.setAttribute('style', 'fill: rgb(' + element.material.color.r + ',' + element.material.color.g + ',' + element.material.color.b + ')');
else if (element.material instanceof FaceColorMaterial)
svgNode.setAttribute('style', 'fill: rgb(' + element.color.r + ',' + element.color.g + ',' + element.color.b + ')');
this.svgPathPool[j].setAttribute('style', 'fill: rgb(' + element.color[0] + ', ' + element.color[1] + ', ' + element.color[2] + ')'); //fill-opacity:' + 0.5); // + ';stroke:' + element.color + ';stroke-width:10;stroke-opacity:0.5;'); //stroke-miterlimit:40;stroke-dasharray:5');
if (element instanceof Face3)
getPathNode: function( id )
this.svgPathPool[j].setAttribute('d', 'M ' + element.a.screen.x + ' ' + element.a.screen.y + ' L ' + element.b.screen.x + ' ' + element.b.screen.y + ' L ' + element.c.screen.x + ',' + element.c.screen.y + 'z');
else if (element instanceof Face4)
if (this.svgPathPool[id] == null)
this.svgPathPool[j].setAttribute('d', 'M ' + element.a.screen.x + ' ' + element.a.screen.y + ' L ' + element.b.screen.x + ' ' + element.b.screen.y + ' L ' + element.c.screen.x + ',' + element.c.screen.y + ' L ' + element.d.screen.x + ',' + element.d.screen.y + 'z');
this.svgPathPool[id] = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path');
// this.svgPathPool[id].setAttribute('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges'); //optimizeSpeed
return this.svgPathPool[id];
return this.svgPathPool[id];
getCircleNode: function( id )
if (this.svgCirclePool[id] == null)
this.svgCirclePool[id] = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'circle');
// this.svgCirclePool[id].setAttribute('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges'); //optimizeSpeed
this.svgCirclePool[id].setAttribute('fill', 'red');
return this.svgCirclePool[id];
return this.svgCirclePool[id];
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