Cloth.js 7.0 KB
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 * Aug 3 2012
 * Since I started working for a new startup not too long ago,
 * I commute between home and work for over 2 hours a day.
 * Although this means less time on three.js,
 * I try getting a little coding on the train.
 * This set of experiments started from a simple hook's law doodle,
 * to spring simulation, string simulation, and I realized
 * I once again stepped onto physics and particle simulation, 
 * this time, more specifically soft body physics.
 * Based on the "Advanced Character Physics" article,
 * this experiment attempts to use a "massless"
 * cloth simulation model. It's somewhat similiar 
 * but simplier to most cloth simulations I found.
 * This was coded out fairly quickly, so expect more to come
 * meanwhile feel free to experiment yourself and share
 * Cheers,
 * Graphics Noob (aka @Blurspline, zz85)

// Suggested Readings

// Advanced Character Physics by Thomas Jakobsen Character
// Real-time Cloth Animation

var DAMPING = 0.01;
var DRAG = 1 - DAMPING;
var MASS = .1;
var restDistance = 25; //

function Particle(x, y, z, mass) {
	this.position = new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z); // position
	this.previous = new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z); // previous
	this.a = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0); // acceleration
	this.mass = mass;
	this.invMass = 1 / mass;
	this.tmp = new THREE.Vector3();
	this.tmp2 = new THREE.Vector3();

// Force -> Acceleration
Particle.prototype.addForce = function(force) {

// Performs verlet integration
Particle.prototype.integrate = function(timesq) {
	var newPos = this.tmp.sub(this.position, this.previous);
	this.tmp = this.previous;
	this.previous = this.position;
	this.position = newPos;

	this.a.set(0, 0, 0);

var diff = new THREE.Vector3();

function satisifyConstrains(p1, p2, distance) {
	diff.sub(p2.position, p1.position);
	var currentDist = diff.length();
	if (currentDist==0) return; // prevents division by 0
	var correction = diff.multiplyScalar(1 - distance/currentDist);
	var correctionHalf = correction.multiplyScalar(0.5);

	// float difference = (restingDistance - d) / d
	// im1 = 1 / p1.mass // inverse mass quantities
	// im2 = 1 / p2.mass
	// p1.position += delta * (im1 / (im1 + im2)) * stiffness * difference


function Cloth(w, h) {
	w = w || 10;
	h = h || 10;
	this.w = w;
	this.h = h;

	var particles = [];
	var constrains = [];

	var u, v;

	// Create particles
	for (v=0;v<=h;v++) {
		for (u=0;u<=w;u++) {
				new Particle((u - w/2) * restDistance, (v - h/2) * -restDistance, 0, MASS)

	// Structural

	for (v=0;v<h;v++) {
		for (u=0;u<w;u++) {

				particles[index(u, v)],
				particles[index(u, v+1)],

				particles[index(u, v)],
				particles[index(u+1, v)],


	for (u=w, v=0;v<h;v++) {
			particles[index(u, v)],
			particles[index(u, v+1)],


	for (v=h, u=0;u<w;u++) {
			particles[index(u, v)],
			particles[index(u+1, v)],

	// While many system uses shear and bend springs,
	// the relax constrains model seem to be just fine
	// using structural springs.
	// // Shear
	// var diagonalDist = Math.sqrt(restDistance * restDistance * 2);

	// for (v=0;v<h;v++) {
	// 	for (u=0;u<w;u++) {

	// 		constrains.push([
	// 			particles[index(u, v)],
	// 			particles[index(u+1, v+1)],
	// 			diagonalDist
	// 		]);

	// 		constrains.push([
	// 			particles[index(u+1, v)],
	// 			particles[index(u, v+1)],
	// 			diagonalDist
	// 		]);

	// 	}
	// }

	// // Bend

	// var wlen = restDistance * 2;
	// var hlen = restDistance * 2;
	// diagonalDist = Math.sqrt(wlen * wlen + hlen * hlen);

	// for (v=0;v<h-1;v++) {
	// 	for (u=0;u<w-1;u++) {
	// 		constrains.push([
	// 			particles[index(u, v)],
	// 			particles[index(u+2, v)],
	// 			wlen
	// 		]);

	// 		constrains.push([
	// 			particles[index(u, v)],
	// 			particles[index(u, v+2)],
	// 			hlen
	// 		]);

	// 		constrains.push([
	// 			particles[index(u, v)],
	// 			particles[index(u+2, v+2)],
	// 			diagonalDist
	// 		]);

	// 		constrains.push([
	// 			particles[index(u, v+2)],
	// 			particles[index(u+2, v+2)],
	// 			wlen
	// 		]);

	// 		constrains.push([
	// 			particles[index(u+2, v+2)],
	// 			particles[index(u+2, v+2)],
	// 			hlen
	// 		]);

	// 		constrains.push([
	// 			particles[index(u+2, v)],
	// 			particles[index(u, v+2)],
	// 			diagonalDist
	// 		]);

	// 	}
	// }

	this.particles = particles;
	this.constrains = constrains;

	function index(u, v) {
		return u + v * (w + 1);


var cloth = new Cloth();

var GRAVITY = 981; // 
var gravity = new THREE.Vector3( 0, -GRAVITY, 0 ).multiplyScalar(MASS);

var TIMESTEP = 14 / 1000;

var pins = [true];
pins[cloth.w] = true;

var wind = true;
var windStrength = 2;
var windForce = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0);

var ballPosition = new THREE.Vector3(0, -45, 0);
var ballSize = 60; //40

var tmpForce = new THREE.Vector3();

function simulate() {
	var i, il, particles, particle, pt, constrains, constrain;

	// Aerodynamics forces
	if (wind) {
		var face, faces = clothGeometry.faces, normal;

		particles = cloth.particles;

		for (i=0,il=faces.length;i<il;i++) {
			face = faces[i];
			normal = face.normal;

	for (particles = cloth.particles, i=0, il = particles.length
			;i<il;i++) {
		particle = particles[i];
		// particle.addForce(windForce);

	// Start Constrains

	constrains = cloth.constrains,
	il = constrains.length;
	for (i=0;i<il;i++) {
		constrain = constrains[i];
		satisifyConstrains(constrain[0], constrain[1], constrain[2]);

	// Ball Constrains

	ballPosition.z = -Math.sin( * 90 ; //+ 40;
	ballPosition.x = Math.cos( * 70

	if (sphere.visible)
	for (particles = cloth.particles, i=0, il = particles.length
			;i<il;i++) {
		particle = particles[i];
		pos = particle.position;
		diff.sub(pos, ballPosition);
		if (diff.length() < ballSize) {
			// collided

	// Pin Constrains

	for (i=0, il=cloth.w;i<=il;i++) {
		if (pins[i]) {
			particle = particles[i];
			particle.previous.set((i - cloth.w/2) * restDistance,  -cloth.h/2 * -restDistance, 0);
