提交 091f5677 编写于 作者: A antirez

Initial HyperLogLog tests.

上级 a9767592
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ set ::all_tests {
# Index to the next test to run in the ::all_tests list.
set ::next_test 0
start_server {tags {"hll"}} {
test {HyperLogLog self test passes} {
catch {r pfselftest} e
set e
} {OK}
test {PFADD without arguments creates an HLL value} {
r pfadd hll
r exists hll
} {1}
test {Approximated cardinality after creation is zero} {
r pfcount hll
} {0}
test {PFADD returns 1 when at least 1 reg was modified} {
r pfadd hll a b c
} {1}
test {PFADD returns 0 when no reg was modified} {
r pfadd hll a b c
} {0}
test {PFADD works with empty string (regression)} {
r pfadd hll ""
# Note that the self test stresses much better the
# cardinality estimation error. We are testing just the
# command implementation itself here.
test {PFCOUNT returns approximated cardinality of set} {
r del hll
set res {}
r pfadd hll 1 2 3 4 5
lappend res [r pfcount hll]
# Call it again to test cached value invalidation.
r pfadd hll 6 7 8 8 9 10
lappend res [r pfcount hll]
set res
} {5 10}
test {PFADD, PFCOUNT, PFMERGE type checking works} {
r set foo bar
catch {r pfadd foo 1} e
assert_match {*WRONGTYPE*} $e
catch {r pfcount foo} e
assert_match {*WRONGTYPE*} $e
catch {r pfmerge bar foo} e
assert_match {*WRONGTYPE*} $e
catch {r pfmerge foo bar} e
assert_match {*WRONGTYPE*} $e
test {PFMERGE results on the cardinality of union of sets} {
r del hll hll1 hll2 hll3
r pfadd hll1 a b c
r pfadd hll2 b c d
r pfadd hll3 c d e
r pfmerge hll hll1 hll2 hll3
r pfcount hll
} {5}
test {PFGETREG returns the HyperLogLog raw registers} {
r del hll
r pfadd hll 1 2 3
llength [r pfgetreg hll]
} {16384}
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