List of Android UI/UX Libraries ================== A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries. **Core Library is [here](** ###Index * [Material](#material) * [Layout](#layout) * [Button](#button) * [List / Grid](#list--grid) * [ViewPager](#viewpager) * [Label / Form](#label--form) * [Image](#image) * [SeekBar](#seekbar) * [Progress](#progress) * [Menu](#menu) * [ActionBar](#actionbar) * [Calendar](#calendar) * [Graph](#graph) * [Animation](#animation) * [Parallax](#parallax) * [Effect (Blur... etc)](#effect) * [Other](#other) Material ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [MaterialDesignLibrary]( | [Apache License V2]( | [DrawerArrowDrawable]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/DrawerArrowDrawable.gif) [MaterialTabs]( | [Apache License V2]( | [material-ripple]( | [Apache License V2]( | [RippleEffect]( | [MIT]( | ![](art/RippleEffect.gif) [LDrawer]( | [Apache License V2]( | [material-design-icons]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/material-design-icons.png) [AndroidMaterialDesignToolbar]( | UnKnown | [MaterialEditText]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/MaterialEditText.png) [material-menu]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/material-menu.gif) ![](art/material-menu2.gif) [material-dialogs]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/material-dialogs.webp) ![](art/material-dialogs2.webp) ![](art/material-dialogs3.webp) [AlertDialogPro]( | [Apache License V2]( | [MaterialNavigationDrawer]( | [Apache License V2]( | [MaterialDialog]( | [Apache License V2]( | [materialish-progress]( | [Apache License V2]( | [FloatingActionButton]( | [MIT]( | [android-floating-action-button]( | [Apache License V2]( | [snackbar]( | [MIT]( | [CircularReveal]( | [Apache License V2]( | [material-range-bar]( | [Apache License V2]( | Layout ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [WaveView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [ResideLayout]( | [Apache License V2]( | [AndroidSwipeLayout]( | [MIT]( | [FreeFlow]( | [Apache License V2]( | [SwipeBackLayout]( | [Apache License V2]( | [Maskable Layout]( | [Apache License V2]( | [ExpandableLayout]( | [MIT]( | [android-PullRefreshLayout]( | [MIT]( | [TileView]( | [MIT]( | [ShowcaseView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [Ultra Pull To Refresh]( | [Apache License V2]( | Button ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [circular-progress-button]( | [Apache License V2]( | [android-process-button]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/android-process-button.gif) ![](art/android-process-button2.gif) [android-circlebutton]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/android-circlebutton.gif) [android-flat-button]( | [Apache License V2]( | List / Grid ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [SuperRecyclerView]( | [Apache License V2]( | NONE [FlabbyListView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [recyclerview-stickyheaders]( | [MIT]( | [ParallaxListView]( | UnKnown | [PullZoomView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [SwipeMenuListView]( | [MIT]( | [discrollview]( | [Apache License V2]( | [StickyListHeaders]( | [Apache License V2]( | [ListBuddies]( | [Apache License V2]( | [Android-ObservableScrollView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [AsymmetricGridView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [DynamicGrid]( | [MIT]( | [AndroidStaggeredGrid]( | [Apache License V2]( | [SwipeListView]( | [Apache License V2]( | ViewPager ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [ParallaxPagerTransformer]( | Unknown | [ViewPagerTransforms]( | [Apache License V2]( | [CircleIndicator]( | [MIT]( | [Android-ParallaxHeaderViewPager]( | [Apache License V2]( | Label / Form ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [Shimmer-android]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/Shimmer-android.gif) [Titanic]( | [Apache License V2]( | [MatchView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [android-autofittextview]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/android-autofittextview.gif) [SecretTextView]( | UnKnown | ![](art/SecretTextView.gif) [TextJustify-Android]( | [Apache License V2]( | [RoundedLetterView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [TextDrawable]( | [Apache License V2]( | [BabushkaText]( | [Apache License V2]( | [ExpandableTextView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [Float Labeled EditText]( | [Apache License V2]( | Image ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [TouchImageView]( | [LICENSE]( | NONE [CircleImageView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [android-shape-imageview]( | [Apache License V2]( | [GifImageView]( | [MIT]( | [cropper]( | [Apache License V2]( | [android-crop]( | [Apache License V2]( | [SelectableRoundedImageView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [RoundedImageView]( | [Apache License V2]( | SeekBar ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [DiscreteSeekBar]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/discreteseekbar.gif) ![](art/discreteseekbar2.gif) Progress ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [SmoothProgressBar]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/SmoothProgressBar.gif) [NumberProgressBar]( | [MIT]( | ![](art/NumberProgressBar.gif) [CircleProgress]( | UnKnown | [android-square-progressbar]( | UnKnown | [GoogleProgressBar]( | [Apache License V2]( | Menu ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [CircularFloatingActionMenu]( | [MIT]( | ![](art/CircularFloatingActionMenu.gif) [AndroidResideMenu]( | [MIT]( | ActionBar ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [FadingActionBar]( | [Apache License V2]( | [GlassActionBar]( | [Apache License V2]( | [NotBoringActionBar]( | [Apache License V2]( | Calendar ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [Caldroid]( | [MIT]( | [android-times-square]( | [Apache License V2]( | [Android-MonthCalendarWidget]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/Android-MonthCalendarWidget.png) [android-betterpickers]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/android-betterpickers.png) [Android-Week-View]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/Android-Week-View.png) Graph ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [EazeGraph]( | [Apache License V2]( | [hellocharts-android]( | [Apache License V2]( | [MPAndroidChart]( | [Apache License V2]( | Animation ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- | --- [AndroidViewAnimations]( | [MIT]( | [ListViewAnimations]( | [Apache License V2]( | [AndroidImageSlider]( | [MIT]( | [transitions-everywhere]( | [Apache License V2]( | ![](art/transitions-everywhere.gif) [Android Ripple Background]( | [MIT]( | [android-flip]( | [MIT]( | [FragmentTransactionExtended]( | [Apache License V2]( | [KenBurnsView]( | [Apache License V2]( | [rebound]( | [BSD 2 License]( | [Reachability]( | [Apache License V2]( | Parallax ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [ParallaxEverywhere]( | [MIT]( | ![](art/parallax-everywhere.gif) Effect ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [EtsyBlur]( | [Apache License V2]( | [BlurDialogFragment]( | [Apache License V2]( | [BlurBehind]( | [MIT]( | [Android StackBlur]( | [Apache License V2]( | [EdgeEffectOverride]( | [Apache License V2]( | Other ====================== Name | License | Demo --- | --- | --- [Swipecards]( | [Apache License V2]( | [Android-Bootstrap]( | [MIT]( |