tinymce.PluginManager.add('bdmap', function(editor, url) { var pluginName='插入百度地图'; var bdmap_opt = editor.getParam('bdmap_options', {width: 560,height: 360,outputIframe: 'https://unpkg.com/@npkg/tinymce-plugins/plugins/bdmap/bd.html',apiKey:'ONwdanPtvCDLHBSm184T2ynP'}); var baseURL = bdmap_opt.outputIframe || 'https://unpkg.com/@npkg/tinymce-plugins/plugins/bdmap/bd.html'; window.tinymceLng=''; window.tinymceLat=''; window.tinymceBDZoom=''; window.tinymceBDW=''; window.tinymceBDH=''; window.tinymceBDBoxW=''; window.tinymceBDBoxH=''; window.tinymceBDBoxHtml=''; window.tinymceBDDH=''; window.tinymceBDSF = ''; window.tinymceBDBgColor = ''; window.tinymceBDDName = ''; var openDialog = function() { return editor.windowManager.open({ title: pluginName, size: 'large', body: { type: 'panel', // The root body type - a Panel or TabPanel items: [ // A list of panel components { type: 'iframe', // component type name: 'bdmap_iframe', // identifier label: ' ', // text for the iframe's title attribute sandboxed: true, } ] }, initialData: { bdmap_iframe: ` Baidu Maps

` }, buttons: [ { type: 'cancel', text: 'Close' }, { type: 'custom', text: 'Save', name: 'save', primary: true }, ], onAction: function (api, details) { switch (details.name) { case 'save': tinymceBDBoxHtml = tinymceBDBoxHtml.replace(/\'/g,'¥').replace(/\"/g,'^').replace(/\>/g,'】').replace(/\'; editor.insertContent(html); tinymceLng=''; tinymceLat=''; tinymceBDZoom=''; tinymceBDW=''; tinymceBDH=''; tinymceBDBoxW=''; tinymceBDBoxH=''; tinymceBDBoxHtml=''; tinymceBDDH=''; tinymceBDSF = ''; tinymceBDBgColor = ''; tinymceBDDName = ''; api.close(); break; default: break; } } }); }; editor.ui.registry.getAll().icons.bdmap || editor.ui.registry.addIcon('bdmap',''); editor.ui.registry.addButton('bdmap', { icon: 'bdmap', tooltip: pluginName, onAction: function() { openDialog() document.querySelector('.tox-dialog__body-content').style.padding=0; } }); editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('bdmap', { text: pluginName, onAction: function() { openDialog(); document.querySelector('.tox-dialog__body-content').style.padding=0; } }); return { getMetadata: function() { return { name: pluginName, url: "https://github.com/Five-great/tinymce-plugins", }; } }; });