DBeaver http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/ http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/download/ http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/product/Screenshot_Main.png http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/product/dbeaver.gif sql,database manager,database client,mysql,postgresql,mssql,db2,oracle,sybase,jbase,derby,informix,sap,maxdb,odbc,jdbc Free Universal Database Manager and SQL Client. Java-based application, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, MSSQL, Sybase, Derby, Cassandra and any database which has JDBC driver. JKISS http://jkiss.org Serge Rieder serge@jkiss.org 3.4.3 major 27.07.2015 - Oracle: metadata loading performance improved (12g) - SQLite: driver updated - SQLite: foreign keys loading fixed - PostgreSQL: sequences support added - Firebird: sequences support added - MySQL: columns extra info added (ON UPDATE, etc) - BIT/TINYINT and LONGVARCHAR types support fixed - Date/time value editor improved - BLOB/CLOB editors fixed - CLOB values cache support added (+configuration) - GoTo database objects dialog was fixed - Find/Replace dialog in results was fixed - SQL editor: parenthesis matching fixed - Results cell value editor fixed and improved - DDL generation improved - SQL parameters handle fixed (+configuration) - Transactions management fixed - Query manager fixed (updated row count si now correct) - UI freeze problems fixed - Document editor support added for MongoDB JSON documents and Oracle XML tables - A LOT of minor UI bugs was fixed 3.4.2 major 30.06.2015 - Stored procedures support was added in SQL Editor - Connections wizard and driver editor were improved - Bootstrap SQL queries config was added - Embedded databases support was improved - Possibility to disable editors reopen was added - Keyboard shortcuts were fixed - DB2 table names escaping was added - DB2 read-only connection was fixed - LOB export was fixed - Multi-connection initialization was fixed (auto-commit, transactions isolation level, current schema) - Cassandra multi-connection issue fixed - Persistent Query Manager history was added (no UI yet) - Many other minor UI fixes 3.4.1 major 03.06.2015 - Support of separate connections for SQL editor added - Connection invalidate improved - Plain text presentation was fixed - Date/time editor was fixed - Many minor UI fixes 3.4.0 major 18.05.2015 - Informix database extension was added (thanks to Bert Herngreen) - Resultset scrolling UI was fixed. Auto-fetch of results next page if now configurable. - Date/time editor was redesigned + nanoseconds support added - Custom SQL delimiter support was added - Complex SQL (DDL) execution was improved - Association rendering in ERD was fixed - Vertica extension was fixed (results scrolling support) - Many minor UI bugfixes - Licensing was made consistent (GPL2) - EE version branding was fixed 3.3.2 minor 22.04.2015 - Driver license accept is now required - Parameters binding dialog fix - Error dialog fix - Added driver configuration for NuoDB, GemfireXD, ExaSol - SQL formatter fixed - Data transfer DDL generator fixed - Data transfer performance fix - LIMIT clause fix + SQL limit configuration - ERD UI fixes - Document renderer improved (MongoDB) - UI freeze on disconnect fixed 3.3.1 minor 12.04.2015 - Results viewer UI was fixed and improved - Plaintext results viewer was fixed (columns width, scrolling, etc) - Dark theme support was improved - Single entity diagrams (ERD) were improved (show more connections) - Hex editor UI was fixed - GTK: context menus was fixed - GTK: UI freeze in cell editors was fixed - Vertica extension was added (views and procedure source code) - SQL Server & Vertica: big resultsets reading was fixed - PostgreSQL procedures source code viewer was improved - DB2: nanoseconds support in date/time data types was added - Cassandra: BLOBs columns reading was fixed - MongoDB: JSON & XML viewer added - Many minor UI fixes were added 3.3.0 major 30.03.2015 - Plain text results presentation added - Results viewer redesigned - DB2: metadata fixes (indexes, functions, table DDL, keywords) - SQL Server: extension added (views definition and procedures source code now available) - PostgreSQL: explain plan support added - SQLite: driver version update - CSV-JDBC: driver version update - SQL autocomplete fixed - SQL parser improved - Data transfer fixed (column types auto-cast added) - Results navigation fixed (keep filter values after navigation) - Mongo DB: * Connection invalidate * Data type management improved - Cassandra: * Cassandra Thrift is now obsolete. Legacy (0.x-1.x) Cassandra extension removed from DBeaver * Map, set and list types support added * Data type management improved * Tables autocomplete added * UUID type handler fixed 3.2.0 major 11.03.2015 - Data transfer wizard UI improved - Cross-database data transfer fixed + performance significantly improved - Object editor UI changed - Many minor UI improvements and bugfixes - MongoDB extension (EE version): * Support of JavaScript expressions/queries in SQL editor * Multi-db authentication support * Create/delete collections/databases * Server functions (JS) and users view 3.1.5 hotfix 24.02.2015 - Eclipse plugin update site was fixed - Parameters binding dialog was fixed - Data export was fixed (by-segment reading) - Data types load fix (PostgreSQL) - Copy/paste in resultset was fixed - SQL autocomplete was fixed - Scripts titles are now configurable - A few minor UI bug was fixed 3.1.4 hotfix 16.02.2015 - Eclipse plugin version now works for older Eclipse versions - SSH auth fixed - SSH logging added - Max rows issue fixed (MS SQL) - MS Access driver fixed - Results control toolbar fixed 3.1.3 major 09.02.2015 - Dark theme support was added - Resultset scrolling was fixed - Multiple results fetch (SQL Server, Sybase) was fixed - Driver tree was redesigned - SSH tunnel private key passphrase support was added - JDBC driver class discovery was improved - Schema filter was fixed - Table/column creation was fixed - NULL values insert was fixed - Datasource configuration save was fixed - H2 driver was updated - Many minor UI problems were fixed 3.1.2 minor 12.01.2015 - Cassandra 2.1.x support - Apache Derby driver updated - ResultSet scrolling bug was fixed - Data export wizard was fixed - DB2 execution plan was fixed - SQL editor execution log was fixed 3.1.1 hotfix 23.12.2014 - Connection list combo fixed - SQL editor toolbar fixed - SQL editors auto-save fixed - Data search UI fix 3.1.0 major 07.12.2014 - Full-text database search feature added - SQL queries parser was fixed - DBeaver perspective and initial windows layout were improved - SQL hyperlinks and object navigation now supports fully-qualified names - Data export (in isolated connection) has been fixed - Primary keys/indexes read has been fixed (MSS SQL, DB2 z/OS, and SQLite) - Resultset navigation has been fixed (now it keeps filter settings) - Many other minor UI fixes 3.0.2 hotfix 16.10.2014 - Custom queries results are now editable - SQL parser/formatter was improved - SSH tunnel connection timeout was added - DBeaver depends on Java6 again - Many minor bugfixes and improvements 3.0.1 hotfix 09.09.2014 - Firebird and PostgreSQL extensions added (views and procedures definition view) - MongoDB secured connections support added - Indexes information read fixed - SQL editor fixed - Oracle metadata read fixed - Data transfer wizard configuration fixed 3.0.0 major 25.08.2014 - Community/Enterprise editions split - NoSQL databases support improved - Cassandra CQL extension - Mongo DB extension - Standalone DBeaver now based on Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) - Many UI bugfixes and improvements 2.4.3 hotfix 18.07.2014 - Table constrains reading fixed - SSH tunnel instantiation fixed - Editors reopen fixed - Data grid UI improved - Data grid toolbar fixed - jTDS driver updated - SSL for MySQL (alpha version) - Generic driver now splits tables and views - Oracle XML type support improved - ERD diagrams made IDEF1X compatible - Many minor UI fixes 2.4.2 minor 17.06.2014 - Windows version now shipped with JRE 7 - Database selection toolbar was fixed - Auto-completion was improved - DDL generation was fixed (Vertica and Sybase) - Minor fixes of UI 2.4.1 hotfix 19.05.2014 - Results scrolling was fixed - DB2 tables edit fixed - SQLite driver configuration fixed - SQL editor opening error fixed 2.4.0 major 29.04.2014 - Foreign keys navigation added - Structured and collection types support added - Results viewer improved - A lot of minor bugfixes and improvements 2.3.8 minor 24.02.2014 - SQLite driver has been fixed - DB2 metadata read was fixed - Generic driver metadata read was improved - Data export was improved (SQL format) - Result set navigation was improved 2.3.7 major 03.02.2014 - MySQL maintenance tools (check, analyse, etc) was added - Oracle table tools (analyse, gather statistics) was added - DB2 table truncate tool was added - SQLite driver was updated, metadata read has been fixed - SQL autocomplete fixed - Server output window added in SQL editor - ResultSet viewer UI was fixed - Minor UI fixes 2.3.6 hotfix 22.01.2014 - Resultset viewer/editor was redesigned - SOCKS (4/5) proxy support was added - Connection network configuration UI was redesigned - MS Access driver was updated - SQLite SQL statements processing was fixed - DB2 metadata browser has been fixed - Oracle sequences search was added - Many additional UI preferences was added - Minor UI fixes 2.3.5 hotfix 20.12.2013 - DB2 row insert fixed - Oracle metadata read fixed - SQL autocomplete fixed - Multiple results UI fixed - Data source refresh fixed 2.3.4 major 16.12.2013 - Database objects quick search dialog has been added - Query execution progress/cancel UI was redesign - SQL auto-completion was improved - Results find/replace has been fixed - Multiple result sets support (SQL Server & Sybase) added - DB2, Oracle extensions was improved. Legacy DB2 LUW driver added - MySQL driver updated - Many UI fixes and improvements 2.3.3 hotfix 20.11.2013 - Result set scrolling fixed - DB2 schema loading fixed - Folders management fixed - SQL auto-completion fixed 2.3.2 stable 18.11.2013 - Open editors are now restored after restart - Connections' folders support has been added - SQL auto-completion was improved - Auto-completion and hyperlinks for procedures/packages has been added - Database search results are now structured - Disconnect detection by error code has been added - Driver management UI was redesigned - DB2 for AS 400 driver has been added - H2, Derby and HSQLDB drivers were updated - Minor fixes in Oracle, MySQL and DB2 plugins - Data transfer columns mapping fixed - SQL processing UI fixed - Minor UI bugfixes 2.3.1 stable 28.10.2013 - DB2 extension replaces generic DB2 driver - Separate database connection used for metadata reading (configurable) - Pseudo columns (ROWID) support added for Oracle and DB2 - Local/server-side result set ordering is now configurable - SQL templates additions (schema and catalog variables added) - Metadata editor UI improved - Minor UI bugfixes 2.3.0 stable 23.09.2013 - DB2 extension (metadata browser, execution plan view, etc) - Eclipse 4.3 is now base platform (improves UI and editors performance) - Fixes of MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle ad CSV extensions - Metadata editor fixed - Execution plan visualization improved - Auto-increment columns edit fixed - Many minor fixes in UI and model 2.2.5 stable 26.08.2013 - Data transfer performance improved - Query/script execution statistics improved - SQL autocomplete improved - Results view copy/advanced copy improved - Results view rendering fixed - Unique keys management simplified - A few minor UI problems fixed 2.2.4 stable 15.07.2013 - Search UI changed - Metadata reading improved (Oracle RDB problem fixed) - Results columns hiding/reordering support added - Results viewer fixed (context menu, record mode, scrolling, etc) - Connection properties save fixed - Project management fixed in Eclipse plugin version - Metadata search integrated into standard Eclipse search UI - Oracle driver updated to - Many minor UI fixes 2.2.3 hotfix 28.06.2013 - Word wrap mode support in text editors - Connection properties editor fixed - Default date/time format changed - Oracle DDL format is now configurable - Oracle TNS connections fixed - TINYINT data type handle fixed - Results context menu fixed - Grid column hide support added - Vertica driver updated 2.2.2 stable 17.06.2013 - Connection properties UI completely rewritten and improved - DB2 for z/OS driver added - Binary (LOB) editor improved, Hex and Base64 formats added - Autocommit and transaction isolation per-connection configuration added - Cross-database data export fixed - Results viewer fixed (additional segments fetch) - Checking of multiple running DBeaver instances added - Context menu fixed in Eclipse plugin mode - Foreign keys added in generic DDL - UI freeze on disconnect with socket timeout fixed - Many minor UI fixes 2.2.1 stable 27.05.2013 - Oracle, MySQL and Cassandra drivers included in standard DBeaver distribution. - Oracle OCI driver is now obsolete - Data export from query/SQL script fixed - SSH keep-alive support - Windows installer fixed - Minor UI fixes 2.2.0 stable 12.05.2013 - Multiple result sets in SQL editor - Result set filters improvement - Find/replace support in result sets - Metadata (tables/constraints/foreign keys) editor improvement - JRE included in Windows installers - MySQL TINYINT(1) data type problem fixed - Oracle date/time data type problems fixed - Many minor UI bug fixes 2.1.2 stable 24.04.2013 - MS Access driver added (UCanAccess) - Drivers download fixed - Projects import/export fixed - Big Integer values handling fixed - Oracle TIMESTAMP formatting fixed (filters) - ResultSet UI improvements 2.1.1 stable 01.04.2013 - Eclipse 4.2.2 is base platform for standalone version - UI freeze during MySQL long queries fix - Sort navigator tree alphabetically (configurable) - Expand navigator tree on connect (configurable) - MySQL enum/set data types handle fix - Oracle TNS names load fix (on Linux) - Autocomplete fix (SQLite) - Cell editor dialog UI fixed - Standard commands' handlers fix - Minor UI and functional fixes 2.1.0 stable 18.03.2013 - Data transfer/import feature (transfer data between any tables/views/queries in different databases) - In Eclipse plugin version JDBC drivers can be installed from update site as plugins - SQL editor improved (braces matching, current line highlight, print margins support) - 64-bit Windows installer fixed - JDBC driver for CSV/DBF files added - Oracle IOT tables support added, view meta information improved - Advanced authentication for MySQL native tools - Auto-completion fixed (insert full qualified table names when needed) - SQL scripts to database group linking feature added - A lot of minor UI and database-specific fixes 2.0.7 stable 17.02.2013 - Apache Cassandra extension plugin - ResultSet cell properties - Inline integer value editor fixed - Inline binary editor added - MySQL stored procedures editor fixed - Oracle XML editor fixed - PostgreSQL big schema loading fixed (performance increased) - SQL generation improved (MERGE operator) - Date viewer performance increased - A few UI bugfixes 2.0.6 stable 03.02.2013 - Grid data editor refactored. Embedded editor/viewer added - Support of complex SQL types (arrays, structures, references - tested on Oracle) - Value editors/viewers improved. Images preview in panel - Direct data export from SQL query - Advanced data copy dialog (support of locale specific number/date formats) - SQL query generator (for tables and result sets) - Connection invalidation before query execution (configurable) - Keyboard shortcuts are working in inline data editors - ResultSet export fixed - Hung on transactions level/autocommit change fixed - Hyperlinks fixed in metadata browser - Lazy properties loading fixed in metadata editor - Native tools menu fixed (MySQL and Oracle) - Eclipse plugin UI fixed - MySQL Views metadata editor fixed - Privileges editor fixed (MySQL) - Actual row count property added (Oracle) - Drop view statement fixed (Generic) - Tray icon notifier improved (show script name) - A few minor UI fixes 2.0.5 stable 13.01.2013 - Tray icon and long-running tasks notification - Support of column default values - SQL editor misc fixes - UI freeze on multiple queries fixed - Table columns autocomplete improved - Undo/redo manager fixed - Oracle metadata editors fixed - MySQL enum/set types support fix - MySQL user management fixed - Many minor bug fixes 2.0.4 stable 16.12.2012 - Connection types (dev, test, prod) support - Oracle create/drop schema actions fixed - Vertica driver added + Vertica autocomplete fixed - Plugin mode fixes (perspective, branding) - UI fixes (database selector, copy/paste in dialogs) - Misc bugfixes 2.0.3 hotfix 28.11.2012 - Support of DDL generation for generic drivers - MySQL active DB selection fix - Informix autocomplete fix - MSSQL script formatting fix - Project explorer columns configuration - Localization fixes - Plugin version minor UI fixes 2.0.2 stable 18.11.2012 - 2.0 Final Release - Eclipse plugin version - SQL templates (snippets) support - Database compare feature - Data editor improvements - Hex editor for strings - XML data export - SQL log persistence - Project explorer UI improvement - Apache Cassandra driver - Misc fixes in generic JDBC/ODBC support - A lot of UI fixes 2.0.0.rc1 beta 05.11.2012 - 2.0 Release Candidate 1 - SQL templates (snippets) support - Database compare feature - Hex editor for strings - A lot of UI bugfixes 2.0.0.beta beta 22.10.2012 - First 2.0 beta - Migrated to Eclipse 4.2.x framework - Eclipse plugin version released 1.6.4 stable 04.10.2012 - SQL editor comments toggle support - Autocomplete, SQL hyperlinks and objects search refactored: a. Object lookup speed significantly increased; b. Case-sensitive (quoted) object names lookup support c. Tables are shown prior to schemas; - Support of HTML format for tables/data export - SQL editor fixes (correct extraction of current query) - SQL scripts creation fix - Metadata editors UI and undo/redo fixes - Quick data filters fixed (enable filters menu for empty result set + numbers formatting fix) - Metadata property names localization - Minor UI fixes 1.6.3 stable 15.09.2012 - Support of data edit for tables without unique key - Support of custom descriptions for dictionary tables - Quick filter of ResultSets - ResultSet controls improved - Transactions management improved - Columns width fixed in ResultSet grid - Support of nanoseconds for TIMESTAMP data types - Oracle connection settings improved (SID/Service Name) - Oracle metadata load fix - Oracle DATE type handle fix - MSSQL active database selection fix - MySQL SELECT INTO fix - SQL formatter improvements - Many bugfixes and minor UI improvements 1.6.2 minor 11.08.2012 - Test connection button fix - Parameters binding dialog improvement - Minor UI fixes 1.6.1 stable 29.07.2012 - Toolbar actions fix (ERD, SQL editor, etc) - Search dialog fix - Object filters fix - Numeric data types (Oracle) handle fix - Read-only connections fix (all new connections were read-only by default) - A few minor UI fixes 1.6.0 ea 30.06.2012 - DBeaver is under GPL license - Chinese, Russian and Italian translations - Metadata tree filters - ResultSet editor improvements. Support of copy/paste for cells. - BLOB editor fix (save) - Oracle cursors viewer - Read-only connections support - HTTP proxy authentication support - SSH support for external (native) utilities - Line numbers ruler configuration - Fixed handling of dynamic SQL parameters - A lot of minor UI fixes and improvements 1.5.7 ea 30.05.2012 - Non public EA version for Entelgy - A lot of fixes and refactoring - HEX editor save fix 1.5.6 minor 22.05.2012 - SSH tunnels settings fix - External tools fix (support of SSH tunnels) - ERD color schema fix - Hyperlinks fix 1.5.5 minor 23.04.2012 - MySQL problem when no default database is set - Oracle performance problems - Minor UI fixes (hyperlinks rendering) 1.5.4 major 04.04.2012 - SSH tunnels support - Column descriptions in metadata - Miscellaneous UI fixes and typo corrections 1.5.3 ea 25.03.2012 - EA version with hotfixes 1.5.2 major 29.02.2012 - Auto-completion configuration - Date/Time format fixed in table export - ResultSet filter dialog redesign - ResultSet cell editor fixes - Oracle schema loading fix 1.5.1 major 10.02.2012 - Content assistant configuration - Metadata editor fixes - Table data editor fix (MS SQL) - Error messages and localization fixes - Performance optimization - Main menu updated - Minor UI fixes 1.5.0 major 30.01.2012 - WMI plugin - Redesign of architecture to support non-relational databases - ERD plugin improvements - Oracle plugin additions and performance fixes - A lot of bug fixes 1.4.7 hotfix 23.12.2011 - Oracle OCI driver fixes - External folders link support 1.4.6 stable 07.12.2011 - Native clients support update - MySQL & Oracle tools - Many UI and general fixes 1.4.5 stable 28.11.2011 - MySQL and Oracle native clients support - MySQL full database export/import - Resultset filters UI update - Drivers management improvements - SQL editor fixes and additional formatting - General UI and code fixes - Multilingual installer 1.4.4 unstable 21.11.2011 Experimental version - UI and code fixes - Native clients support - MySQL tools - Oracle metadata reading fixes - i18n updates 1.4.3 stable 25.10.2011 - New version checker/updater - Connection events (run shell command on connect/disconnect) - Oracle tables view/edit fixes - Oracle procedures, packages, views, types, triggers source code editor and compiler - UI internationalization and first localization beta - Many general UI fixes 1.4.2 ea 07.10.2011 - Fixes of Oracle plugin (datatype handlers) - Minor UI fixes 1.4.1 stable 04.11.2011 - Oracle * Oracle home selection fix * TNS_ADMIN environment variable usage fix * TNS names are available for Thin driver * Data type resolve fix (Timestamp and BigInteger) * View/Materialized view search - MS SQL: UPDATE statement execution fix (do not use row count limit) - Auto complete fix for complex identifiers - Table/ResultSet editor fix - PostgreSQL: driver update - Driver manager fix (do not try to load redist libraries for drivers with custom libraries) - OS-dependent drivers - UI fixes 1.1.0 stable 11.04.2011 - Major redesign of object editor/viewer - Context search in editors (in object lists and in ERD) - Show row count for tables (configurable, may be disabled to prevent database load) - Display child objects in item lists (for complex entities e.g. index/constraint columns) - ERD palette redesign (show structure of diagram content) - Filtering of database tree depending on element properties (e.g. show only columns for views) - Support of running background tasks view/cancel - Real progress monitor for editor tasks - Accelerators (shortcuts) and main/context menu major update - Configure of new SQL scripts creation (in the root or in the connection's folder) + deletion of empty scripts on close - Performance improvements (lazy activation of all sub-editors) - Major icons update - Support of read-only datasources - Support of DB objects rename - DB2 driver: current scheme get/set - MSSQL driver: indent columns support - Memory leaks fixed in SQL and ERD editors - A lot of minor bugfixes and many minor UI changes