FEATURE: Full DB text search BUG: open object (F4) with FQ name (schema) BUG: insert explicit values for auto-increment columns in data transfer (configurable) SQL folding MySQL and Cassandra + SSL. Plain-text results representation Move main toolbar edit control in tab Save As+rename. Use external files in workspace Paste into multiple cells Transaction state in status bar Process scripts with external native tool (SQLPlus + mysql) Process SQL blocks (begin/end/final delimiter) Driver popularity score for drivers ordering (MySQL, Oracle, DB2 on the top) SSL Secure-storage for passwords NOSQL: Expand/collapse All in Grid Edit collections Edit Mongo data In record mode show only existing attrs for dynamic metadata Hide dynamic columns which presents in less than 50% of records. Show them as arrays?? 4. Query manager fixes. + keep only primitive props + persistence 5. Connection per editor support. Host ExecutionContext in editors instead of DataSource. 7. Check on MacOS Connection "dirty" flag handle Office formats support (xls, doc) for export/import. Possibly office extension. Search in multiple data sources Search results reflect on disconnect Generic driver config for additional metadata reading (stored procedures, ete). Columns ordering/search (record mode) DB toolbar visibility config in Eclipse mode DB specific: rename mysql (generic?) table,column comment mysql table, column