提交 3a37e142 编写于 作者: Y Yancey1989

Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:PaddlePaddle/Paddle into fix_pserver_sub_blocks

......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ repos:
- id: clang-format-with-version-check
name: clang-format
description: Format files with ClangFormat.
entry: bash ./.clang_format.hook -i
entry: bash ./tools/codestyle/clang_format.hook -i
language: system
files: \.(c|cc|cxx|cpp|cu|h|hpp|hxx|proto)$
- repo: local
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ repos:
- id: copyright_checker
name: copyright_checker
entry: python ./.copyright.hook
entry: python ./tools/codestyle/copyright.hook
language: system
files: \.(c|cc|cxx|cpp|cu|h|hpp|hxx|proto|py)$
exclude: (?!.*third_party)^.*$ | (?!.*book)^.*$
# Inference High-level APIs
This document describes the high-level inference APIs one can use to easily deploy a Paddle model for an application.
The APIs are described in `paddle_inference_api.h`, just one header file, and two libaries `libpaddle_fluid.so` and `libpaddle_fluid_api.so` are needed.
## PaddleTensor
We provide the `PaddleTensor` data structure is to give a general tensor interface.
The definition is
struct PaddleTensor {
std::string name; // variable name.
std::vector<int> shape;
PaddleBuf data; // blob of data.
PaddleDType dtype;
The data is stored in a continuous memory `PaddleBuf`, and tensor's data type is specified by a `PaddleDType`.
The `name` field is used to specify the name of input variable,
that is important when there are multiple inputs and need to distiuish which variable to set.
## engine
The inference APIs has two different underlying implementation, currently there are two valid engines:
- the native engine, which is consists of the native operators and framework,
- the Anakin engine, which is a Anakin library embeded.
The native engine takes a native Paddle model as input, and supports any model that trained by Paddle,
but the Anakin engine can only take the Anakin model as input(user need to manully transform the format first) and currently not all Paddle models are supported.
enum class PaddleEngineKind {
kNative = 0, // Use the native Fluid facility.
kAnakin, // Use Anakin for inference.
## PaddlePredictor and how to create one
The main interface is `PaddlePredictor`, there are following methods
- `bool Run(const std::vector<PaddleTensor>& inputs, std::vector<PaddleTensor>* output_data)`
- take inputs and output `output_data`
- `Clone` to clone a predictor from an existing one, with model parameter shared.
There is a factory method to help create a predictor, and the user takes the ownership of this object.
template <typename ConfigT, PaddleEngineKind engine = PaddleEngineKind::kNative>
std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> CreatePaddlePredictor(const ConfigT& config);
By specifying the engine kind and config, one can get an specific implementation.
## Reference
- [paddle_inference_api.h](./paddle_inference_api.h)
- [demos](./demo)
......@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ class PaddlePredictor {
// The common configs for all the predictors.
struct Config {
std::string model_dir; // path to the model directory.
bool enable_engine{false}; // Enable to execute (part of) the model on
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder(
for (auto &p : params) {
balance_vars_.resize(places_.size(), 0);
void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::CreateOpHandleIOs(SSAGraph *result,
......@@ -140,11 +141,30 @@ bool MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::IsDistTrainOp(
checker(op.InputArgumentNames(), recv_vars);
size_t MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::GetAppropriateDeviceID(
const std::vector<std::string> &var_names) const {
int64_t numel_sum = 0;
for (auto var_name : var_names) {
auto var_desc = all_vars_.at(var_name);
auto dim = framework::make_ddim(var_desc->GetShape());
int64_t numel = framework::product(dim);
numel_sum += numel;
auto smallest =
std::min_element(std::begin(balance_vars_), std::end(balance_vars_));
size_t dev_id =
static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(std::begin(balance_vars_), smallest));
balance_vars_[dev_id] += numel_sum;
return dev_id;
std::unique_ptr<SSAGraph> MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::Build(
const ProgramDesc &program) const {
std::unordered_map<std::string, VarDesc *> all_vars;
for (auto *var : program.Block(0).AllVars()) {
all_vars[var->Name()] = var;
all_vars_.emplace(var->Name(), var);
auto graph = new SSAGraph();
......@@ -161,35 +181,16 @@ std::unique_ptr<SSAGraph> MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::Build(
auto send_vars = FindDistTrainSendVars(program);
auto recv_vars = FindDistTrainRecvVars(program);
std::vector<std::unordered_set<std::string>> var_name_on_devices;
std::vector<std::unordered_set<std::string>> bcast_var_name_set;
size_t cur_device_id = 0;
std::vector<int64_t> balance_grads(places_.size(), 0);
auto get_appropriate_dev = [&](std::string &g_name) -> size_t {
auto var_desc = all_vars.at(g_name);
auto dim = framework::make_ddim(var_desc->GetShape());
int64_t numel = framework::product(dim);
auto smallest =
std::min_element(std::begin(balance_grads), std::end(balance_grads));
size_t dev_id =
static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(std::begin(balance_grads), smallest));
balance_grads[dev_id] += numel;
return dev_id;
bool is_forwarding = true;
for (auto *op : program.Block(0).AllOps()) {
if (boost::get<int>(
op->GetAttr(OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::OpRoleAttrName())) ==
static_cast<int>(OpRole::kRPC)) {
// append rpc op if program is distributed trainer main program.
// always use the first device
CreateRPCOp(&result, *op);
} else if (IsDistTrainOp(*op, send_vars, recv_vars)) {
CreateDistTrainOp(&result, *op);
......@@ -199,15 +200,19 @@ std::unique_ptr<SSAGraph> MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::Build(
BuildStrategy::GradientScaleStrategy::kCustomized) {
// This assumes the backward generating code will ensure IsScaleLossOp
// is true only for the op that scale the final scalar loss.
// It also assumes backward op will always follow the forward op in
// the block.
is_forwarding = false;
} else {
int op_dev_id = GetOpDeviceID(var_name_on_devices, *op);
int op_dev_id = GetOpDeviceID(*op);
if (op_dev_id == -1) { // var on all device
CreateComputationalOps(&result, *op, places_.size());
} else {
CreateComputationalOp(&result, *op, op_dev_id);
for (auto &var_name : op->OutputArgumentNames()) {
var_name_on_devices_.emplace(var_name, op_dev_id);
if (!is_forwarding && places_.size() > 1) {
......@@ -230,19 +235,22 @@ std::unique_ptr<SSAGraph> MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::Build(
switch (strategy_.reduce_) {
case BuildStrategy::ReduceStrategy::kReduce:
cur_device_id = get_appropriate_dev(g_name);
cur_device_id = GetAppropriateDeviceID({g_name});
CreateReduceOp(&result, g_name, cur_device_id);
var_name_on_devices_.emplace(g_name, cur_device_id);
case BuildStrategy::ReduceStrategy::kAllReduce:
if (IsSparseGradient(all_vars, g_name)) {
if (IsSparseGradient(g_name)) {
CreateReduceOp(&result, g_name, 0);
CreateBroadcastOp(&result, g_name, 0);
} else {
InsertAllReduceOp(&result, g_name);
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown reduce strategy ";
} catch (boost::bad_get e) {
......@@ -261,7 +269,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<SSAGraph> MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::Build(
Dependency graph has been constructed. However, there are still data
harzaeds need to be handled.
hazards need to be handled.
......@@ -273,11 +281,9 @@ std::unique_ptr<SSAGraph> MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::Build(
return std::unique_ptr<SSAGraph>(graph);
bool MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::IsSparseGradient(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, VarDesc *> &all_vars,
const std::string &og) const {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(all_vars.count(og) != 0);
if (all_vars.at(og)->GetType() == proto::VarType::SELECTED_ROWS) {
bool MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::IsSparseGradient(const std::string &og) const {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(all_vars_.count(og) != 0);
if (all_vars_.at(og)->GetType() == proto::VarType::SELECTED_ROWS) {
return true;
return false;
......@@ -363,24 +369,23 @@ bool MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::IsParameterGradientOnce(
return is_pg_once;
int MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::GetOpDeviceID(
const std::vector<std::unordered_set<std::string>> &var_name_on_devices,
const OpDesc &op) const {
int MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::GetOpDeviceID(const OpDesc &op) const {
if (strategy_.reduce_ != BuildStrategy::ReduceStrategy::kReduce) {
return -1;
int var_dev_id = -1;
for (auto &var_name : op.InputArgumentNames()) {
if (var_dev_id != -1) break;
for (size_t i = 0; i < var_name_on_devices.size(); ++i) {
if (var_name_on_devices[i].count(var_name)) {
var_dev_id = static_cast<int>(i);
for (auto &varname : op.InputArgumentNames()) {
int dev_id = GetVarDeviceID(varname);
if (dev_id != -1) {
return dev_id;
return var_dev_id;
return -1;
int MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::GetVarDeviceID(const std::string &varname) const {
auto got = var_name_on_devices_.find(varname);
return got == var_name_on_devices_.end() ? -1 : got->second;
void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::CreateScaleLossGradOp(SSAGraph *result) const {
......@@ -449,6 +454,8 @@ VarHandle *MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::CreateReduceOp(SSAGraph *result,
return var;
// Find the first occurence of `prev_op_name` and make current `op` depend
// on it.
void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::ConnectOp(SSAGraph *result, OpHandleBase *op,
const std::string &prev_op_name) const {
for (auto &prev_op : result->ops_) {
......@@ -463,16 +470,66 @@ void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::ConnectOp(SSAGraph *result, OpHandleBase *op,
void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::CreateDistTrainOp(SSAGraph *result,
const OpDesc &op) const {
CreateComputationalOp(result, op, 0);
int op_dev_id = -1;
if (op.Type() == "split_byref") {
op_dev_id = GetVarDeviceID(op.InputArgumentNames()[0]);
if (strategy_.reduce_ == BuildStrategy::ReduceStrategy::kAllReduce) {
op_dev_id = GetAppropriateDeviceID(op.InputArgumentNames());
for (auto &varname : op.InputArgumentNames()) {
var_name_on_devices_.emplace(varname, op_dev_id);
for (auto &varname : op.OutputArgumentNames()) {
var_name_on_devices_.emplace(varname, op_dev_id);
} else if (op.Type() == "concat") {
op_dev_id = GetVarDeviceID(op.InputArgumentNames()[0]);
} else {
"the distribute training related op should be in [split_byref, "
PADDLE_ENFORCE(op_dev_id != -1,
"can not find right place for distributed op: %s", op.Type());
CreateComputationalOp(result, op, op_dev_id);
if (op.Type() == "concat") {
ConnectOp(result, result->ops_.back().get(), "fetch_barrier");
// Create RPC related op handles that connects its in ops and out ops.
void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::CreateRPCOp(SSAGraph *result,
const OpDesc &op) const {
new RPCOpHandle(op, local_scopes_[0], op.Type(), places_[0]));
int op_dev_id = -1;
if (op.Type() == "send") {
op_dev_id = GetVarDeviceID(op.InputArgumentNames()[0]);
// the variable name which contains .block means it was splited by
// split_byref op
// so that we can balance the variable blocks to all the pserver instances.
if (strategy_.reduce_ == BuildStrategy::ReduceStrategy::kAllReduce &&
op.InputArgumentNames()[0].find(".block") == std::string::npos) {
op_dev_id = GetAppropriateDeviceID(op.InputArgumentNames());
for (auto &varname : op.InputArgumentNames()) {
var_name_on_devices_.emplace(varname, op_dev_id);
} else if (op.Type() == "recv") {
op_dev_id = GetAppropriateDeviceID(op.OutputArgumentNames());
for (auto &varname : op.OutputArgumentNames()) {
var_name_on_devices_.emplace(varname, op_dev_id);
} else {
// send_barrier and fetch_barrier op can be scheduled on device 0
op_dev_id = 0;
PADDLE_ENFORCE(op_dev_id != -1, "can not find the right place for rpc op: %s",
result->ops_.emplace_back(new RPCOpHandle(op, local_scopes_[op_dev_id],
op.Type(), places_[op_dev_id]));
if (op.Type() == "send_barrier") {
ConnectOp(result, result->ops_.back().get(), "send");
......@@ -488,9 +545,7 @@ void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::CreateRPCOp(SSAGraph *result,
"send, send_barrier. recv, fetch_barrier]");
// TODO(Yancey1989): schedule rpc op on different place may
// increate throughput
CreateOpHandleIOs(result, op, 0);
CreateOpHandleIOs(result, op, op_dev_id);
bool MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::IsScaleLossOp(const OpDesc &op) const {
......@@ -47,10 +47,11 @@ class MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder : public SSAGraphBuilder {
std::unique_ptr<SSAGraph> Build(const ProgramDesc &program) const override;
int GetVarDeviceID(const std::string &varname) const;
void CreateOpHandleIOs(SSAGraph *result, const OpDesc &op,
size_t place_id) const;
size_t device_id) const;
std::string loss_var_name_;
......@@ -96,21 +97,23 @@ class MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder : public SSAGraphBuilder {
const std::string &og,
std::unordered_set<std::string> *og_has_been_broadcast) const;
int GetOpDeviceID(
const std::vector<std::unordered_set<std::string>> &var_name_on_devices,
const OpDesc &op) const;
int GetOpDeviceID(const OpDesc &op) const;
void InsertAllReduceOp(SSAGraph *result, const std::string &og) const;
void CreateBroadcastOp(SSAGraph *result, const std::string &p_name,
size_t src_dev_id) const;
bool IsSparseGradient(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, VarDesc *> &all_vars,
const std::string &og) const;
bool IsSparseGradient(const std::string &og) const;
size_t GetAppropriateDeviceID(
const std::vector<std::string> &var_names) const;
BuildStrategy strategy_;
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, VarDesc *> all_vars_;
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, int> var_name_on_devices_;
mutable std::vector<int64_t> balance_vars_;
void SetCommunicationContext(OpHandleBase *op_handle,
const platform::Place &p) const;
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class SSAGraphBuilder {
SSAGraphBuilder() {}
virtual ~SSAGraphBuilder() {}
virtual std::unique_ptr<SSAGraph> Build(const ProgramDesc &program) const = 0;
virtual int GetVarDeviceID(const std::string &var_name) const { return -1; }
......@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ FeedFetchList ThreadedSSAGraphExecutor::Run(
auto cur_ready_vars = ready_vars.PopAll(1, &timeout);
if (timeout) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(exception_mu_);
if (exception_) {
auto exp = *exception_;
......@@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ void ThreadedSSAGraphExecutor::RunOp(
VLOG(10) << op << " " << op->Name() << "Signal posted";
} catch (platform::EnforceNotMet ex) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(exception_mu_);
exception_.reset(new platform::EnforceNotMet(ex));
} catch (...) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown exception catched";
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class ThreadedSSAGraphExecutor : public SSAGraphExecutor {
std::vector<Scope *> local_scopes_;
std::vector<platform::Place> places_;
platform::DeviceContextPool fetch_ctxs_;
std::mutex exception_mu_;
std::unique_ptr<platform::EnforceNotMet> exception_;
std::atomic<int> running_ops_;
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/reader.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/grpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/grpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/place.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ Executor::Executor(const platform::Place& place) : place_(place) {}
void Executor::Complete() {
......@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ ParallelExecutor::ParallelExecutor(
// Step 3. Convert main_program to SSA form and dependency graph. Also, insert
// ncclOp
details::SSAGraphBuilderFactory builder_factory(
member_->places_, loss_var_name, params, member_->local_scopes_,
......@@ -122,9 +121,10 @@ ParallelExecutor::ParallelExecutor(
builder_ = std::move(builder_factory.Create());
member_->executor_.reset(new details::ThreadedSSAGraphExecutor(
exec_strategy, member_->local_scopes_, places,
member_->executor_.reset(new details::ScopeBufferedSSAGraphExecutor(
exec_strategy, member_->local_scopes_, std::move(var_infos),
......@@ -133,10 +133,22 @@ ParallelExecutor::ParallelExecutor(
void ParallelExecutor::BCastParamsToGPUs(
const std::unordered_set<std::string> &vars) const {
auto *main_scope = member_->local_scopes_[0];
// the the initialize bcast, all vars would be bcast from device(0), otherwise
// bcast from the specified device.
bool initialize = builder_.get() == nullptr ? true : false;
for (auto &var : vars) {
auto *main_var = main_scope->FindVar(var);
int var_dev_id =
builder_.get() == nullptr ? -1 : builder_->GetVarDeviceID(var);
if (!initialize && var_dev_id == -1) continue;
framework::Variable *main_var = nullptr;
if (initialize) {
main_var = member_->local_scopes_[0]->FindVar(var);
} else {
main_var = member_->local_scopes_[var_dev_id]->FindVar(var);
if (main_var == nullptr || !main_var->IsType<LoDTensor>()) {
......@@ -151,7 +163,8 @@ void ParallelExecutor::BCastParamsToGPUs(
for (size_t i = 0; i < member_->places_.size(); ++i) {
auto place = member_->places_[i];
void *buffer;
if (i == 0) {
if ((initialize && i == 0) || (!initialize && i == var_dev_id)) {
buffer = const_cast<void *>(main_tensor.data<void>());
} else {
auto local_scope = member_->local_scopes_[i];
......@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/execution_strategy.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_builder.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/executor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_info.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/program_desc.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device_context.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
......@@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ class ParallelExecutor {
ParallelExecutorPrivate *member_;
std::unique_ptr<details::SSAGraphBuilder> builder_;
} // namespace framework
......@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ else()
set(DEPS_OPS ${DEPS_OPS} nccl_op)
......@@ -195,18 +195,11 @@ if(WITH_DISTRIBUTE)
set(DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-error=non-virtual-dtor -Wno-error=delete-non-virtual-dtor")
op_library(prefetch_op DEPS ${DISTRIBUTE_DEPS})
set_source_files_properties(prefetch_op.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS})
op_library(recv_op DEPS ${DISTRIBUTE_DEPS})
set_source_files_properties(recv_op.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS})
op_library(listen_and_serv_op DEPS ${DISTRIBUTE_DEPS})
set_source_files_properties(listen_and_serv_op.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS})
op_library(send_op DEPS ${DISTRIBUTE_DEPS})
set_source_files_properties(send_op.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS})
op_library(send_barrier_op DEPS ${DISTRIBUTE_DEPS})
op_library(fetch_barrier_op DEPS ${DISTRIBUTE_DEPS})
set_source_files_properties(send_barrier_op.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS})
set_source_files_properties(fetch_barrier_op.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS})
foreach(dist_op "prefetch_op" "listen_and_serv_op" "send_op" "recv_op" "send_barrier_op" "fetch_barrier_op")
op_library(${dist_op} DEPS ${DISTRIBUTE_DEPS})
set_source_files_properties(${dist_op}.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS})
#set_source_files_properties(send_recv_op_test.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS})
#cc_test(test_send_recv SRCS send_recv_op_test.cc DEPS prefetch_op send_op
# listen_and_serv_op sum_op executor SERIAL)
......@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
#pragma once
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/grpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/grpc_server.h"
#define RPCSERVER_T detail::AsyncGRPCServer
#define RPCCLIENT_T detail::GRPCClient
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/grpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/grpc_server.h"
#define RPCSERVER_T distributed::AsyncGRPCServer
#define RPCCLIENT_T distributed::GRPCClient
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/brpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/brpc_server.h"
#define RPCSERVER_T detail::AsyncBRPCServer
#define RPCCLIENT_T detail::BRPCClient
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/brpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/brpc_server.h"
#define RPCSERVER_T distributed::AsyncBRPCServer
#define RPCCLIENT_T distributed::BRPCClient
grpc_library(sendrecvop_grpc SRCS bytebuffer_stream.cc sendrecvop_utils.cc grpc_client.cc
request_handler_impl.cc rpc_client.cc rpc_server.cc grpc_server.cc variable_response.cc PROTO send_recv.proto DEPS lod_tensor
......@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/brpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/brpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/threadpool.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
DEFINE_int32(brpc_channel_num, 24,
"Number of channels to send requests connected to one server");
......@@ -175,6 +175,6 @@ ChannelQueuePtr BRPCClient::GetChannel(const std::string& ep) {
return q;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/lod_tensor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/selected_rows.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/macros.h" // for DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
struct ChannelContext {
brpc::Channel channel;
......@@ -95,6 +95,6 @@ class BRPCClient : public RPCClient {
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/brpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/brpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler.h"
namespace sendrecv {
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string,
class BRPCServiceImpl : public SendRecvService {
......@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ class BRPCServiceImpl : public SendRecvService {
: request_send_h_(nullptr),
request_prefetch_h_(nullptr) {
auto it = rpc_call_map.find(paddle::operators::detail::kRequestSend);
auto it = rpc_call_map.find(paddle::operators::distributed::kRequestSend);
if (it != rpc_call_map.end()) {
request_send_h_ = it->second;
it = rpc_call_map.find(paddle::operators::detail::kRequestSend);
it = rpc_call_map.find(paddle::operators::distributed::kRequestSend);
if (it != rpc_call_map.end()) {
request_get_h_ = it->second;
it = rpc_call_map.find(paddle::operators::detail::kRequestPrefetch);
it = rpc_call_map.find(paddle::operators::distributed::kRequestPrefetch);
if (it != rpc_call_map.end()) {
request_prefetch_h_ = it->second;
......@@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ class BRPCServiceImpl : public SendRecvService {
paddle::operators::detail::RequestHandler* request_send_h_;
paddle::operators::detail::RequestHandler* request_get_h_;
paddle::operators::detail::RequestHandler* request_prefetch_h_;
paddle::operators::distributed::RequestHandler* request_send_h_;
paddle::operators::distributed::RequestHandler* request_get_h_;
paddle::operators::distributed::RequestHandler* request_prefetch_h_;
} // namespace sendrecv
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
void AsyncBRPCServer::StartServer() {
// Instance of your service.
......@@ -139,6 +139,6 @@ void AsyncBRPCServer::WaitServerReady() {
VLOG(3) << "AsyncGRPCServer WaitSeverReady";
}; // namespace detail
}; // namespace distributed
}; // namespace operators
}; // namespace paddle
......@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include <string>
#include "brpc/server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/send_recv.pb.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
class AsyncBRPCServer final : public RPCServer {
......@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ class AsyncBRPCServer final : public RPCServer {
int ready_;
}; // namespace detail
}; // namespace distributed
}; // namespace operators
}; // namespace paddle
......@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ limitations under the License. */
// file and did some modifications so that we can send gRPC
// requests without too much copying of the tensor data.
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/bytebuffer_stream.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/bytebuffer_stream.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
GrpcByteBufferSource::GrpcByteBufferSource() {}
......@@ -83,6 +83,6 @@ google::protobuf::int64 GrpcByteBufferSource::ByteCount() const {
return byte_count_;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class GrpcBufferReader final
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
// Source provides a way for a particular RPC implementation to provide
// received data to ParseFrom.
class Source {
......@@ -183,6 +183,6 @@ class GrpcByteSource : public Source {
char space_[sizeof(Reader)];
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/grpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/grpc_client.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <limits>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/threadpool.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
void GRPCClient::InitImpl() { InitEventLoop(); }
......@@ -276,6 +276,6 @@ std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> GRPCClient::GetChannel(const std::string& ep) {
return ch;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/lod_tensor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/selected_rows.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/sendrecvop_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/sendrecvop_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/macros.h" // for DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
struct VarHandle {
std::string ep;
......@@ -226,6 +226,6 @@ class GRPCClient : public RPCClient {
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/lod_tensor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor_util.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/variable.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/sendrecvop_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/variable_response.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/sendrecvop_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/variable_response.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/place.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/string/printf.h"
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ void RunSerdeTestSelectedRows(platform::Place place) {
for (int i = 0; i < 564; ++i) rows->push_back(i);
::grpc::ByteBuffer msg;
operators::detail::SerializeToByteBuffer("myvar", &var, ctx, &msg);
operators::distributed::SerializeToByteBuffer("myvar", &var, ctx, &msg);
EXPECT_GT(msg.Length(), static_cast<size_t>(0));
// deserialize
......@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ void RunSerdeTestSelectedRows(platform::Place place) {
// deserialize zero-copy
// framework::Variable var2;
// operators::detail::DeserializeFromByteBuffer(msg, ctx, &var2);
// operators::distributed::DeserializeFromByteBuffer(msg, ctx, &var2);
framework::Scope scope;
operators::detail::VariableResponse resp(&scope, &ctx);
operators::distributed::VariableResponse resp(&scope, &ctx);
EXPECT_EQ(resp.Parse(msg), 0);
framework::Variable* var2 = resp.GetVar();
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void RunTestLodTensor(platform::Place place, int from_type = 0) {
math::set_constant(ctx, tensor, 31.9);
::grpc::ByteBuffer msg;
operators::detail::SerializeToByteBuffer("myvar", &var, ctx, &msg);
operators::distributed::SerializeToByteBuffer("myvar", &var, ctx, &msg);
EXPECT_GT(msg.Length(), static_cast<size_t>(0));
// deserialize
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void RunTestLodTensor(platform::Place place, int from_type = 0) {
// deserialize zero-copy
framework::Scope scope;
operators::detail::VariableResponse resp(&scope, &ctx);
operators::distributed::VariableResponse resp(&scope, &ctx);
if (from_type == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(resp.Parse(msg), 0);
} else {
......@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/grpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/grpc_server.h"
using ::grpc::ServerAsyncResponseWriter;
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
enum CallStatus { PROCESS = 0, FINISH };
// reference:
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class RequestSend final : public RequestBase {
request_.reset(new VariableResponse(request_handler->scope(),
int method_id = static_cast<int>(detail::GrpcMethod::kSendVariable);
int method_id = static_cast<int>(distributed::GrpcMethod::kSendVariable);
method_id, &ctx_, request_.get(), &responder_, cq_, cq_,
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class RequestGet final : public RequestBase {
::grpc::ServerCompletionQueue* cq,
RequestHandler* request_handler, int req_id)
: RequestBase(service, cq, request_handler, req_id), responder_(&ctx_) {
auto method_id = static_cast<int>(detail::GrpcMethod::kGetVariable);
auto method_id = static_cast<int>(distributed::GrpcMethod::kGetVariable);
method_id, &ctx_, &request_, &responder_, cq_, cq_,
......@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ class RequestPrefetch final : public RequestBase {
local_scope_(nullptr) {
request_.reset(new VariableResponse(request_handler->scope(),
request_handler->dev_ctx(), true));
int method_id = static_cast<int>(detail::GrpcMethod::kPrefetchVariable);
int method_id =
method_id, &ctx_, request_.get(), &responder_, cq_, cq_,
......@@ -354,6 +355,6 @@ void AsyncGRPCServer::HandleRequest(
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/selected_rows.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/var_type.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/grpc_service.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/send_recv.grpc.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/sendrecvop_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/grpc_service.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/send_recv.grpc.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/sendrecvop_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
class RequestBase;
......@@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ class AsyncGRPCServer final : public RPCServer {
std::map<std::string, std::vector<RequestBase*>> rpc_reqs_;
}; // namespace detail
}; // namespace distributed
}; // namespace operators
}; // namespace paddle
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include <grpc++/impl/codegen/stub_options.h>
#include <grpc++/impl/codegen/sync_stream.h>
#include <grpc++/support/byte_buffer.h>
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/variable_response.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/variable_response.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
......@@ -42,16 +42,17 @@ class ServerContext;
// Support parsing/unparsing of tensorflow::VariableResponse.
// Wire-format is identical to RecvVariableResponse.
template <>
class SerializationTraits<paddle::operators::detail::VariableResponse> {
class SerializationTraits<paddle::operators::distributed::VariableResponse> {
static Status Serialize(
const paddle::operators::detail::VariableResponse& msg,
const paddle::operators::distributed::VariableResponse& msg,
grpc_byte_buffer** bp, bool* own_buffer) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(false, "SerializationTraits::Serialize not implemented!");
return Status();
static Status Deserialize(grpc_byte_buffer* buffer,
paddle::operators::detail::VariableResponse* msg,
static Status Deserialize(
grpc_byte_buffer* buffer,
paddle::operators::distributed::VariableResponse* msg,
int max_message_size = INT_MAX) {
if (buffer == nullptr) {
return Status(StatusCode::INTERNAL, "No payload");
......@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ class SerializationTraits<paddle::operators::detail::VariableResponse> {
Status result = g_core_codegen_interface->ok();
if (result.ok()) {
paddle::operators::detail::GrpcByteSource source(buffer);
paddle::operators::distributed::GrpcByteSource source(buffer);
int ret = msg->Parse(&source);
if (ret != 0) {
result = Status(StatusCode::INTERNAL, "VariableResponse parse error");
......@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ class SerializationTraits<paddle::operators::detail::VariableResponse> {
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
enum class GrpcMethod {
......@@ -118,6 +119,6 @@ class GrpcService final {
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
char* EncodeVarint32(char* dst, uint32_t v) {
// Operate on characters as unsigneds
......@@ -144,6 +144,6 @@ class ProtoEncodeHelper {
char* limit_; // Just for CHECKs
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
constexpr char kRequestSend[] = "RequestSend";
constexpr char kRequestGet[] = "RequestGet";
......@@ -124,6 +124,6 @@ class RequestHandler {
RPCServer* rpc_server_;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/lod_tensor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/selected_rows.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_server.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
bool RequestSendHandler::Handle(const std::string& varname,
framework::Scope* scope,
......@@ -119,6 +119,6 @@ bool RequestPrefetchHandler::Handle(const std::string& varname,
return true;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/selected_rows.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/var_type.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
class RequestSendHandler final : public RequestHandler {
......@@ -66,6 +66,6 @@ class RequestPrefetchHandler final : public RequestHandler {
const std::string& out_var_name = "") override;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_client.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
std::once_flag RPCClient::init_flag_;
std::unique_ptr<RPCClient> RPCClient::rpc_client_(nullptr);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
class RPCClient {
......@@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ class RPCClient {
static std::once_flag init_flag_;
static std::unique_ptr<RPCClient> rpc_client_;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_server.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
void RPCServer::ShutDown() {
LOG(INFO) << "RPCServer ShutDown ";
......@@ -112,6 +112,6 @@ void RPCServer::WaitCond(const std::string& rpc_name) {
lock, [=] { return (cur_cond_.load() == cond || exit_flag_.load()); });
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
#include <thread> // NOLINT
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
class RPCServer {
......@@ -86,6 +86,6 @@ class RPCServer {
friend class RequestHandler;
}; // namespace detail
}; // namespace distributed
}; // namespace operators
}; // namespace paddle
......@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/operator.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/macros.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_client.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_server.h"
namespace framework = paddle::framework;
namespace platform = paddle::platform;
namespace detail = paddle::operators::detail;
namespace distributed = paddle::operators::distributed;
std::unique_ptr<detail::RPCServer> g_rpc_service;
std::unique_ptr<detail::RequestHandler> g_req_handler;
std::unique_ptr<distributed::RPCServer> g_rpc_service;
std::unique_ptr<distributed::RequestHandler> g_req_handler;
framework::BlockDesc* AppendPrefetchBlcok(framework::ProgramDesc* program) {
auto root_block = program->MutableBlock(0);
......@@ -113,19 +113,21 @@ void StartServer() {
g_rpc_service->RegisterRPC(detail::kRequestPrefetch, g_req_handler.get());
std::thread server_thread(
std::bind(&detail::RPCServer::StartServer, g_rpc_service.get()));
std::bind(&distributed::RPCServer::StartServer, g_rpc_service.get()));
g_req_handler.reset(new detail::RequestPrefetchHandler(true));
g_req_handler.reset(new distributed::RequestPrefetchHandler(true));
g_rpc_service.reset(new RPCSERVER_T("", 1));
detail::RPCClient* client = detail::RPCClient::GetInstance<RPCCLIENT_T>();
distributed::RPCClient* client =
std::thread server_thread(StartServer);
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/sendrecvop_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/sendrecvop_utils.h"
#include <nccl.h>
......@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/data_type.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/bytebuffer_stream.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/proto_encoder_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/variable_response.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/bytebuffer_stream.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/proto_encoder_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/variable_response.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
using VarMsg = sendrecv::VariableMessage;
......@@ -222,11 +222,11 @@ void DeserializeFromByteBuffer(const ::grpc::ByteBuffer& msg,
const platform::DeviceContext& ctx,
const framework::Scope* scope,
framework::Variable** var) {
operators::detail::VariableResponse resp(scope, &ctx);
operators::distributed::VariableResponse resp(scope, &ctx);
PADDLE_ENFORCE(resp.Parse(msg) == 0, "parse bytebuffer to tensor error!");
*var = resp.GetVar();
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor_util.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/var_type.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/send_recv.grpc.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/send_recv.grpc.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/send_recv.pb.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
typedef void (*DestroyCallback)(void*);
......@@ -61,6 +61,6 @@ inline std::type_index ToTypeIndex(sendrecv::VariableMessage::Type type) {
} // namespace detail
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/variable_response.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/variable_response.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
......@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/sendrecvop_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/sendrecvop_utils.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
enum WireType {
......@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ bool VariableResponse::CopySelectRowsTensorData(
auto* tensor = slr->mutable_value();
length / framework::SizeOfType(
void* tensor_data = tensor->mutable_data(
if (!ReadRaw(input, ctx, tensor->place(), tensor_data, length)) {
return false;
......@@ -480,6 +480,6 @@ int VariableResponse::Parse(Source* source) {
return 0;
}; // namespace detail
}; // namespace distributed
}; // namespace operators
}; // namespace paddle
......@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/selected_rows.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/var_type.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/send_recv.grpc.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/send_recv.grpc.pb.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/send_recv.pb.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/bytebuffer_stream.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/bytebuffer_stream.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
namespace distributed {
class VariableResponse {
......@@ -99,6 +99,6 @@ class VariableResponse {
sendrecv::VariableMessage meta_;
}; // namespace detail
}; // namespace distributed
}; // namespace operators
}; // namespace paddle
......@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ class FetchBarrierOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
// For profiling
platform::RecordEvent record_event(Type(), &ctx);
detail::RPCClient* rpc_client =
distributed::RPCClient* rpc_client =
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/threadpool.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/macros.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/nccl_helper.h"
namespace paddle {
......@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ class GenNCCLIdOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
std::vector<std::string> endpoint_list =
detail::RPCClient* client = detail::RPCClient::GetInstance<RPCCLIENT_T>();
distributed::RPCClient* client =
for (auto& ep : endpoint_list) {
VLOG(3) << "sending nccl id to " << ep;
......@@ -80,11 +81,11 @@ class GenNCCLIdOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
// NOTE: Can not use unique_ptr here because the default
// deleter will call GRPC Server's base class's dtor and
// that will cause a wired crash.
detail::RequestSendHandler rpc_h(true);
std::unique_ptr<detail::RPCServer> rpc_service(
distributed::RequestSendHandler rpc_h(true);
std::unique_ptr<distributed::RPCServer> rpc_service(
new RPCSERVER_T(endpoint, 1));
rpc_service->RegisterRPC(detail::kRequestSend, &rpc_h);
rpc_service->RegisterRPC(distributed::kRequestSend, &rpc_h);
framework::ProgramDesc empty_program;
......@@ -95,11 +96,11 @@ class GenNCCLIdOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
std::thread server_thread(
std::bind(&detail::RPCServer::StartServer, rpc_service.get()));
std::bind(&distributed::RPCServer::StartServer, rpc_service.get()));
VLOG(3) << "start getting nccl id from trainer 0...";
VLOG(3) << "got nccl id and stop server...";
VLOG(3) << "rpc server stopped";
......@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/macros.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/listen_and_serv_op.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
void RunServer(std::shared_ptr<detail::RPCServer> service) {
void RunServer(std::shared_ptr<distributed::RPCServer> service) {
VLOG(4) << "RunServer thread end";
......@@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ void ListenAndServOp::RunSyncLoop(
while (true) {
// Get from multiple trainers, we don't care about the order in which
// the gradients arrives, just add suffix 0~n and merge the gradient.
if (rpc_service_->IsExit()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "get exit!rpc_processor break!";
......@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@ void ListenAndServOp::RunSyncLoop(
VLOG(2) << "run all blocks spent " << GetTimestamp() - ts << "(ms)";
// reset received sparse vars to avoid reuse it in the next mini-batch
dynamic_cast<detail::RequestSendHandler *>(request_send_handler_.get())
dynamic_cast<distributed::RequestSendHandler *>(request_send_handler_.get())
} // while(true)
......@@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ void ListenAndServOp::RunAsyncLoop(framework::Executor *executor,
static void FillRequestCtx(
detail::RequestHandler *h, framework::Scope *scope,
distributed::RequestHandler *h, framework::Scope *scope,
platform::DeviceContext *dev_ctx, framework::Executor *executor,
framework::ProgramDesc *program,
detail::RPCServer *rpc_server) {
distributed::RPCServer *rpc_server) {
......@@ -247,14 +247,16 @@ void ListenAndServOp::RunImpl(const framework::Scope &scope,
rpc_service_.reset(new RPCSERVER_T(endpoint, fan_in));
request_send_handler_.reset(new detail::RequestSendHandler(sync_mode));
request_get_handler_.reset(new detail::RequestGetHandler(sync_mode));
request_send_handler_.reset(new distributed::RequestSendHandler(sync_mode));
request_get_handler_.reset(new distributed::RequestGetHandler(sync_mode));
new detail::RequestPrefetchHandler(sync_mode));
new distributed::RequestPrefetchHandler(sync_mode));
rpc_service_->RegisterRPC(detail::kRequestSend, request_send_handler_.get());
rpc_service_->RegisterRPC(detail::kRequestGet, request_get_handler_.get());
auto optimize_blocks =
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/lod_tensor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/threadpool.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/rpc_server.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/rpc_server.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace operators {
constexpr char kOptimizeBlocks[] = "optimize_blocks";
constexpr char kPrefetchVarNameToBlockId[] = "prefetch_var_name_to_block_id";
void RunServer(std::shared_ptr<detail::RPCServer> service);
void RunServer(std::shared_ptr<distributed::RPCServer> service);
class ListenAndServOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
......@@ -62,10 +62,11 @@ class ListenAndServOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
const platform::Place& dev_place) const override;
mutable std::shared_ptr<detail::RPCServer> rpc_service_;
mutable std::shared_ptr<detail::RequestHandler> request_send_handler_;
mutable std::shared_ptr<detail::RequestHandler> request_get_handler_;
mutable std::shared_ptr<detail::RequestHandler> request_prefetch_handler_;
mutable std::shared_ptr<distributed::RPCServer> rpc_service_;
mutable std::shared_ptr<distributed::RequestHandler> request_send_handler_;
mutable std::shared_ptr<distributed::RequestHandler> request_get_handler_;
mutable std::shared_ptr<distributed::RequestHandler>
mutable std::shared_ptr<std::thread> server_thread_;
......@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ class ConcatGradFunctor<platform::CPUDeviceContext, T> {
auto cpu_place = boost::get<platform::CPUPlace>(context.GetPlace());
// computation
for (size_t k = 0; k < input_rows; ++k) {
for (int k = 0; k < input_rows; ++k) {
const T* src_ptr = input.data<T>() + k * input_cols;
int col_idx = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
int col_len = output_cols[j];
auto* out_tensor = outputs->at(j);
if (out_tensor != nullptr) {
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ class ParallelDoGradOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
auto sum_op = framework::OpRegistry::CreateOp(
"sum", {{"X", {s, tmp_name}}}, {{"Out", {s}}},
framework::AttributeMap{{"use_mkldnn", {false}}});
VLOG(10) << sum_op->DebugStringEx(sub_scopes[0]);
sum_op->Run(*sub_scopes[0], places[0]);
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ class PrefetchOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
platform::DeviceContextPool& pool = platform::DeviceContextPool::Instance();
auto& ctx = *pool.Get(place);
detail::RPCClient* rpc_client =
distributed::RPCClient* rpc_client =
for (size_t i = 0; i < ins.size(); i++) {
if (NeedSend(scope, ins[i])) {
......@@ -429,8 +429,7 @@ class RecurrentGradOp : public RecurrentBase {
auto sum_op = framework::OpRegistry::CreateOp(
"sum", {{"X", {pg_names[param_id], new_inside_name}}},
{{"Out", {pg_names[param_id]}}},
framework::AttributeMap{{"use_mkldnn", {false}}});
{{"Out", {pg_names[param_id]}}}, framework::AttributeMap{});
sum_op->Run(cur_scope, place);
cur_scope.Rename(new_inside_name, inside_grad_name);
......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class RecvOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
// For profiling
platform::RecordEvent record_event(Type(), &ctx);
detail::RPCClient* rpc_client =
distributed::RPCClient* rpc_client =
for (size_t i = 0; i < outs.size(); i++) {
VLOG(3) << "getting " << outs[i] << " from " << epmap[i];
......@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class SendBarrierOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
// For profiling
platform::RecordEvent record_event(Type(), &ctx);
detail::RPCClient* rpc_client =
distributed::RPCClient* rpc_client =
VLOG(3) << "SendBarrierOp sync_mode:" << sync_mode;
......@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ class SendOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
// For profiling
platform::RecordEvent record_event(Type(), &ctx);
detail::RPCClient* rpc_client =
distributed::RPCClient* rpc_client =
for (size_t i = 0; i < ins.size(); i++) {
if (NeedSend(scope, ins[i])) {
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/*Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0(the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include "mkldnn.hpp"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/selected_rows_functor.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/sum_op.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device_context.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/mkldnn_helper.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
using paddle::framework::Tensor;
using paddle::platform::MKLDNNDeviceContext;
using paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext;
using framework::DataLayout;
using mkldnn::memory;
using mkldnn::primitive;
using mkldnn::stream;
using mkldnn::sum;
using mkldnn::reorder;
using platform::to_void_cast;
template <typename T>
class SumMKLDNNOpKernel : public paddle::framework::OpKernel<T> {
void Compute(const paddle::framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override {
"It must use CPUPlace.");
auto& dev_ctx = ctx.template device_context<MKLDNNDeviceContext>();
const auto& mkldnn_engine = dev_ctx.GetEngine();
auto in_vars = ctx.MultiInputVar("X");
const int N = in_vars.size();
auto out_var = ctx.OutputVar("Out");
bool in_place = out_var == in_vars[0];
if (out_var->IsType<framework::LoDTensor>()) {
LoDTensor* output = ctx.Output<LoDTensor>("Out");
T* output_data = output->mutable_data<T>(ctx.GetPlace());
std::vector<int> dst_tz = framework::vectorize2int(output->dims());
auto src_tz = dst_tz;
memory::format output_format{memory::format::format_undef};
std::vector<float> scales;
std::vector<memory::primitive_desc> srcs_mpd;
std::vector<mkldnn::memory> srcs_mem;
"Input[0] must be LoDTensors");
auto& input0 = in_vars[0]->Get<LoDTensor>();
PADDLE_ENFORCE(input0.layout() == DataLayout::kMKLDNN &&
input0.format() != memory::format::format_undef,
"Wrong layout/format for inputs[0]");
memory::format input_format = input0.format();
if (src_tz.size() == 1 && (input_format == memory::format::nchw ||
input_format == memory::format::nhwc)) {
input_format = memory::format::x;
if (src_tz.size() == 2 && (input_format == memory::format::nchw ||
input_format == memory::format::nhwc)) {
input_format = memory::format::nc;
for (int i = in_place ? 1 : 0; i < N; i++) {
"all inputs must be all LoDTensors");
auto& input = in_vars[i]->Get<LoDTensor>();
PADDLE_ENFORCE(input.layout() == DataLayout::kMKLDNN &&
input.format() != memory::format::format_undef,
"Wrong layout/format for inputs");
if (input.numel() == 0) {
const T* input_data = input.data<T>();
auto src_md =
memory::desc(src_tz, memory::data_type::f32, input_format);
auto src_mpd = memory::primitive_desc(src_md, mkldnn_engine);
auto src_mem = memory(src_mpd, to_void_cast(input_data));
auto dst_md =
memory::desc(dst_tz, memory::data_type::f32, memory::format::any);
auto sum_pd = sum::primitive_desc(dst_md, scales, srcs_mpd);
std::shared_ptr<memory> dst_mem;
if (in_place) {
dst_mem.reset(new memory(sum_pd.dst_primitive_desc()));
} else {
dst_mem.reset(new memory(sum_pd.dst_primitive_desc(), output_data));
std::vector<mkldnn::primitive::at> inputs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < srcs_mem.size(); ++i) {
auto sum_prim = mkldnn::sum(sum_pd, inputs, *dst_mem);
output_format = (memory::format)platform::GetMKLDNNFormat(sum_pd);
primitive reorder_prim;
std::shared_ptr<memory> target_mem;
if (in_place) {
output_format = input_format;
target_mem.reset(new memory(
{{{src_tz}, memory::data_type::f32, output_format}, mkldnn_engine},
reorder_prim = reorder(*dst_mem, *target_mem);
std::vector<primitive> pipeline;
if (in_place) pipeline.push_back(reorder_prim);
} else if (out_var->IsType<framework::SelectedRows>()) {
// TODO(@mozga-intel) Add MKLDNN SelectedRows support
std::unique_ptr<framework::SelectedRows> in0;
if (in_place) {
// If is in_place, we store the input[0] to in0
auto& in_sel0 = in_vars[0]->Get<SelectedRows>();
auto& rows = in_sel0.rows();
in0.reset(new framework::SelectedRows(rows, in_sel0.height()));
auto get_selected_row = [&](size_t i) -> const SelectedRows& {
if (i == 0 && in0) {
return *in0.get();
} else {
return in_vars[i]->Get<SelectedRows>();
auto* out = ctx.Output<SelectedRows>("Out");
auto* out_value = out->mutable_value();
// Runtime InferShape
size_t first_dim = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
auto& sel_row = get_selected_row(i);
first_dim += sel_row.rows().size();
auto in_dim =
framework::vectorize(get_selected_row(N - 1).value().dims());
in_dim[0] = static_cast<int64_t>(first_dim);
// if all the input sparse vars are empty, no need to
// merge these vars.
if (first_dim == 0UL) {
math::SelectedRowsAddTo<CPUDeviceContext, T> functor;
int64_t offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
auto& sel_row = get_selected_row(i);
if (sel_row.rows().size() == 0) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(out->height(), sel_row.height());
functor(ctx.template device_context<CPUDeviceContext>(), sel_row,
offset, out);
offset += sel_row.value().numel();
} else if (out_var->IsType<framework::LoDTensorArray>()) {
// TODO(@mozga-intel) Add MKLDNN LoDTensorArray support
auto& out_array = *out_var->GetMutable<framework::LoDTensorArray>();
for (size_t i = in_place ? 1 : 0; i < in_vars.size(); ++i) {
"Only support all inputs are TensorArray");
auto& in_array = in_vars[i]->Get<framework::LoDTensorArray>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < in_array.size(); ++i) {
if (in_array[i].numel() != 0) {
if (i >= out_array.size()) {
out_array.resize(i + 1);
if (out_array[i].numel() == 0) {
framework::TensorCopy(in_array[i], in_array[i].place(),
ctx.device_context(), &out_array[i]);
} else {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(out_array[i].lod() == in_array[i].lod());
auto in = EigenVector<T>::Flatten(in_array[i]);
auto result = EigenVector<T>::Flatten(out_array[i]);
result.device(*ctx.template device_context<MKLDNNDeviceContext>()
.eigen_device()) = result + in;
} else {
PADDLE_THROW("Unexpected branch, output variable type is %s",
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
REGISTER_OP_KERNEL(sum, MKLDNN, ::paddle::platform::CPUPlace,
......@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/var_type_inference.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/safe_ref.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/mkldnn_helper.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
using framework::Tensor;
......@@ -67,18 +63,6 @@ class SumOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel {
framework::OpKernelType GetExpectedKernelType(
const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override {
auto x_vars = ctx.MultiInputVar("X");
framework::LibraryType library{framework::LibraryType::kPlain};
framework::DataLayout layout{framework::DataLayout::kAnyLayout};
if (library == framework::LibraryType::kPlain &&
platform::CanMKLDNNBeUsed(ctx)) {
library = framework::LibraryType::kMKLDNN;
layout = framework::DataLayout::kMKLDNN;
if (x_vars[0]->IsType<framework::LoDTensor>()) {
int dtype = -1;
for (auto& x_var : x_vars) {
......@@ -96,27 +80,26 @@ class SumOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel {
"Sum operator should have at least one tensor");
return framework::OpKernelType(
static_cast<framework::proto::VarType::Type>(dtype), ctx.GetPlace(),
layout, library);
} else if (x_vars[0]->IsType<framework::SelectedRows>()) {
for (auto& var : x_vars) {
auto& value = var->Get<framework::SelectedRows>().value();
if (value.IsInitialized()) {
return framework::OpKernelType(framework::ToDataType(value.type()),
ctx.device_context(), layout, library);
// if input sparse vars are not initialized, use an default kernel type.
return framework::OpKernelType(framework::proto::VarType::FP32,
ctx.device_context(), layout, library);
} else if (x_vars[0]->IsType<framework::LoDTensorArray>()) {
for (auto& x_var : x_vars) {
auto& array = x_var->Get<framework::LoDTensorArray>();
for (auto& each : array) {
if (each.numel() != 0) {
return framework::OpKernelType(framework::ToDataType(each.type()),
ctx.device_context(), layout,
......@@ -133,9 +116,6 @@ class SumOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
AddInput("X", "(vector<Tensor>) The input tensors of sum operator.")
AddOutput("Out", "(Tensor) The output tensor of sum operator.").Reuse("X");
"(bool, default false) Only used in mkldnn kernel")
Sum operator.
......@@ -152,6 +132,7 @@ class SumOpVarTypeInference : public framework::VarTypeInference {
framework::BlockDesc* block) const override {
auto& inputs = op_desc.Input("X");
auto var_type = framework::proto::VarType::SELECTED_ROWS;
for (auto& name : op_desc.Input("X")) {
VLOG(10) << name << " "
<< block->FindRecursiveOrCreateVar(name).GetType();
......@@ -225,7 +206,6 @@ namespace ops = paddle::operators;
REGISTER_OPERATOR(sum, ops::SumOp, ops::SumOpMaker, ops::SumGradMaker,
sum, ops::SumKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, float>,
ops::SumKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, double>,
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/operator.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/program_desc.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/macros.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler_impl.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/listen_and_serv_op.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/selected_rows_functor.h"
......@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(listen_and_serv);
namespace f = paddle::framework;
namespace p = paddle::platform;
namespace m = paddle::operators::math;
namespace detail = paddle::operators::detail;
namespace distributed = paddle::operators::distributed;
namespace string = paddle::string;
std::unique_ptr<detail::RPCServer> g_rpc_service;
std::unique_ptr<detail::RequestHandler> g_req_handler;
std::unique_ptr<distributed::RPCServer> g_rpc_service;
std::unique_ptr<distributed::RequestHandler> g_req_handler;
void StartServer() {
f::Scope scope;
......@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ void StartServer() {
g_rpc_service->RegisterRPC(detail::kRequestSend, g_req_handler.get());
g_rpc_service->RegisterRPC(distributed::kRequestSend, g_req_handler.get());
std::thread server_thread(
std::bind(&detail::RPCServer::StartServer, g_rpc_service.get()));
std::bind(&distributed::RPCServer::StartServer, g_rpc_service.get()));
LOG(INFO) << "got nccl id and stop server...";
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void StartServer() {
TEST(SendNcclId, RPCServer) {
g_req_handler.reset(new detail::RequestSendHandler(true));
g_req_handler.reset(new distributed::RequestSendHandler(true));
g_rpc_service.reset(new RPCSERVER_T("", 1));
std::thread server_thread(StartServer);
......@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ TEST(SendNcclId, RPCServer) {
std::string ep = string::Sprintf("", port);
detail::RPCClient* client = detail::RPCClient::GetInstance<RPCCLIENT_T>();
distributed::RPCClient* client =
LOG(INFO) << "connect to server" << ep;
client->AsyncSendVar(ep, dev_ctx, scope, NCCL_ID_VARNAME);
......@@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ class WhileGradOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
auto new_inside_name = cur_scope.Rename(inside_grad_name);
auto sum_op = framework::OpRegistry::CreateOp(
"sum", {{"X", {pg_names[param_id], new_inside_name}}},
{{"Out", {pg_names[param_id]}}},
framework::AttributeMap{{"use_mkldnn", {false}}});
{{"Out", {pg_names[param_id]}}}, framework::AttributeMap{});
sum_op->Run(cur_scope, dev_place);
cur_scope.Rename(new_inside_name, inside_grad_name);
......@@ -99,11 +99,5 @@ inline mkldnn::memory::format GetMKLDNNFormat(const mkldnn::memory memory) {
inline mkldnn::memory::format GetMKLDNNFormat(
const mkldnn::sum::primitive_desc& memory) {
return static_cast<mkldnn::memory::format>(
} // namespace platform
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ def _addup_repetitive_outputs_(op_descs):
for idx, op_desc in enumerate(op_descs):
for var_name in op_desc.input_arg_names():
if len(renamed_vars[var_name]) > 1:
"sum", {"X": renamed_vars[var_name]}, {"Out": [var_name]},
{"use_mkldnn": False}), idx))
(_create_op_desc_("sum", {"X": renamed_vars[var_name]},
{"Out": [var_name]}, {}), idx))
renamed_vars[var_name] = [var_name]
for var_name in op_desc.output_arg_names():
if var_name == core.empty_var_name(
......@@ -161,9 +161,8 @@ def _addup_repetitive_outputs_(op_descs):
for var_name, inputs in renamed_vars.iteritems():
if len(inputs) > 1:
(_create_op_desc_("sum", {"X": inputs}, {"Out": [var_name]},
{"use_mkldnn": False}), len(op_descs)))
"sum", {"X": inputs}, {"Out": [var_name]}, {}), len(op_descs)))
# sum_op descs are sorted according to their insert position
for p in reversed(pending_sum_ops):
op_descs.insert(p[1], p[0])
......@@ -41,7 +41,12 @@ def _clone_var_(block, var):
class Evaluator(object):
Base Class for all evaluators
Warning: better to use the fluid.metrics.* things, more
flexible support via pure Python and Operator, and decoupled
with executor. Short doc are intended to urge new user
start from Metrics.
Base Class for all evaluators.
name(str): The name of evaluator. such as, "accuracy". Used for generate
......@@ -69,6 +74,10 @@ class Evaluator(object):
def reset(self, executor, reset_program=None):
reset metric states at the begin of each pass/user specified batch
executor(Executor|ParallelExecutor): a executor for executing the reset_program
reset_program(Program): a single Program for reset process
if reset_program is None:
reset_program = Program()
......@@ -85,15 +94,16 @@ class Evaluator(object):
def eval(self, executor, eval_program=None):
Evaluate the statistics merged by multiple mini-batches.
executor(Executor|ParallelExecutor): a executor for executing the eval_program
eval_program(Program): a single Program for eval process
raise NotImplementedError()
def create_state(self, suffix, dtype, shape):
def _create_state(self, suffix, dtype, shape):
Create state variable.
NOTE: It is not a public API.
suffix(str): the state suffix.
dtype(str|core.VarDesc.VarType): the state data type
......@@ -113,9 +123,35 @@ class Evaluator(object):
class ChunkEvaluator(Evaluator):
Warning: This would be deprecated in the future. Please use fluid.metrics.ChunkEvaluator
Accumulate counter numbers output by chunk_eval from mini-batches and
compute the precision recall and F1-score using the accumulated counter
For some basics of chunking, please refer to
'Chunking with Support Vector Machines <https://aclanthology.info/pdf/N/N01/N01-1025.pdf>'.
input (Variable): prediction output of the network.
label (Variable): label of the test data set.
chunk_scheme (str): can be IOB/IOE/IOBES and IO. See the chunk_eval op for details.
num_chunk_types (int): the number of chunk type.
excluded_chunk_types (list): A list including chunk type ids, indicating chunk types that are not counted.
tuple: tuple containing: precision, recall, f1_score
.. code-block:: python
exe = fluid.executor(place)
evaluator = fluid.Evaluator.ChunkEvaluator(input, label)
for epoch in PASS_NUM:
for data in batches:
loss = exe.run(fetch_list=[cost])
distance, instance_error = distance_evaluator.eval(exe)
def __init__(
......@@ -130,11 +166,11 @@ class ChunkEvaluator(Evaluator):
if main_program.current_block().idx != 0:
raise ValueError("You can only invoke Evaluator in root block")
self.num_infer_chunks = self.create_state(
self.num_infer_chunks = self._create_state(
dtype='int64', shape=[1], suffix='num_infer_chunks')
self.num_label_chunks = self.create_state(
self.num_label_chunks = self._create_state(
dtype='int64', shape=[1], suffix='num_label_chunks')
self.num_correct_chunks = self.create_state(
self.num_correct_chunks = self._create_state(
dtype='int64', shape=[1], suffix='num_correct_chunks')
precision, recall, f1_score, num_infer_chunks, num_label_chunks, num_correct_chunks = layers.chunk_eval(
......@@ -178,6 +214,8 @@ class ChunkEvaluator(Evaluator):
class EditDistance(Evaluator):
Warning: This would be deprecated in the future. Please use fluid.metrics.EditDistance
Accumulate edit distance sum and sequence number from mini-batches and
compute the average edit_distance and instance error of all batches.
......@@ -188,7 +226,8 @@ class EditDistance(Evaluator):
ignored_tokens(list of int): Tokens that should be removed before
calculating edit distance.
.. code-block:: python
exe = fluid.executor(place)
distance_evaluator = fluid.Evaluator.EditDistance(input, label)
......@@ -210,11 +249,11 @@ class EditDistance(Evaluator):
if main_program.current_block().idx != 0:
raise ValueError("You can only invoke Evaluator in root block")
self.total_distance = self.create_state(
self.total_distance = self._create_state(
dtype='float32', shape=[1], suffix='total_distance')
self.seq_num = self.create_state(
self.seq_num = self._create_state(
dtype='int64', shape=[1], suffix='seq_num')
self.instance_error = self.create_state(
self.instance_error = self._create_state(
dtype='int64', shape=[1], suffix='instance_error')
distances, seq_num = layers.edit_distance(
input=input, label=label, ignored_tokens=ignored_tokens)
......@@ -256,9 +295,10 @@ class EditDistance(Evaluator):
class DetectionMAP(Evaluator):
Warning: This would be deprecated in the future. Please use fluid.metrics.DetectionMAP
Calculate the detection mean average precision (mAP).
TODO (Dang Qingqing): update the following doc.
The general steps are as follows:
1. calculate the true positive and false positive according to the input
of detection and labels.
......@@ -293,7 +333,8 @@ class DetectionMAP(Evaluator):
- 11point: the 11-point interpolated average precision.
- integral: the natural integral of the precision-recall curve.
.. code-block:: python
exe = fluid.executor(place)
map_evaluator = fluid.Evaluator.DetectionMAP(input,
......@@ -340,9 +381,10 @@ class DetectionMAP(Evaluator):
self.create_state(dtype='int32', shape=None, suffix='accum_pos_count')
self.create_state(dtype='float32', shape=None, suffix='accum_true_pos')
self.create_state(dtype='float32', shape=None, suffix='accum_false_pos')
self._create_state(dtype='int32', shape=None, suffix='accum_pos_count')
self._create_state(dtype='float32', shape=None, suffix='accum_true_pos')
dtype='float32', shape=None, suffix='accum_false_pos')
self.has_state = None
var = self.helper.create_variable(
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from framework import Program, default_main_program, Variable
from . import core
__all__ = [
'Executor', 'global_scope', 'scope_guard', 'switch_scope', 'fetch_var'
'Executor', 'global_scope', 'scope_guard', '_switch_scope', 'fetch_var'
g_scope = core.Scope()
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def global_scope():
return g_scope
def switch_scope(scope):
def _switch_scope(scope):
global g_scope
ex = g_scope
g_scope = scope
......@@ -57,12 +57,27 @@ def scope_guard(scope):
scope: The new global/default scope.
ex = switch_scope(scope)
ex = _switch_scope(scope)
def as_numpy(tensor):
Convert a Tensor to a numpy.ndarray, its only support Tensor without LoD information.
For higher dimensional sequence data, please use LoDTensor directly.
>>> import paddle.fluid as fluid
>>> outs = executor.run(...)
>>> np_outs = map(lambda x: as_numpy(x), outs)
>>> ...
tensor(Variable): a instance of Tensor
if isinstance(tensor, list):
return [as_numpy(t) for t in tensor]
assert isinstance(tensor, core.LoDTensor)
......@@ -186,7 +201,7 @@ def fetch_var(name, scope=None, return_numpy=True):
return tensor
def get_program_cache_key(feed, fetch_list):
def _get_program_cache_key(feed, fetch_list):
feed_var_names = feed.keys()
def to_name_str(var):
......@@ -205,6 +220,25 @@ def get_program_cache_key(feed, fetch_list):
class Executor(object):
An Executor in Python, only support the single-GPU running. For multi-cards, please refer to
Python executor takes a program, add feed operators and fetch operators to this program according
to feed map and fetch_list. Feed map provides input data for the program. fetch_list provides
the variables(or names) that user want to get after program run. Note: the executor will run all
operators in the program but not only the operators dependent by the fetch_list.
It store the global variables into the global scope, and create a local scope for the temporary
variables. The local scope contents will be discarded after every minibatch forward/backward finished.
But the global scope variables will be persistent through different runs.
All of ops in program will be running in sequence.
place(core.CPUPlace|core.CUDAPlace(n)): indicate the executor run on which device
Note: For debugging complicated network in parallel-GPUs, you can test it on the executor.
They has the exactly same arguments, and expected the same results.
def __init__(self, place):
self.place = place
p = core.Place()
......@@ -213,6 +247,23 @@ class Executor(object):
self.program_caches = dict()
def as_lodtensor(self, data):
Convert numpy.ndarray to Tensor, its only support Tensor without LoD information.
For higher dimensional sequence data, please use LoDTensor directly.
>>> import paddle.fluid as fluid
>>> exe = fluid.executor(fluid.CPUPlace())
>>> data = np.array(size=(100, 200, 300))
>>> np_outs = map(lambda x: exe.as_lodtensor(x), data)
>>> ...
data(numpy.ndarray): a instance of array
if isinstance(data, list):
raise RuntimeError("Some of your feed data hold LoD information. \
They can not be completely cast from a list of Python \
......@@ -304,23 +355,47 @@ class Executor(object):
""" Run program by this Executor. Feed data by feed map, fetch result by fetch_list.
Run program by this Executor. Feed data by feed map, fetch result by fetch_list.
Python executor takes a program, add feed operators and fetch operators to this program according
to feed map and fetch_list. Feed map provides input data for the program. fetch_list provides
the variables(or names) that user want to get after program run. Note: the executor will run all
the variables(or names) that user want to get after program run.
Note: the executor will run all
operators in the program but not only the operators dependent by the fetch_list
:param program: the program that need to run, if not provied, then default_main_program will be used.
:param feed: feed variable map, e.g. {"image": ImageData, "label": LableData}
:param fetch_list: a list of variable or variable names that user want to get, run will return them according
to this list.
:param feed_var_name: the name for the input variable of feed Operator.
:param fetch_var_name: the name for the output variable of feed Operator.
:param scope: the scope used to run this program, you can switch it to different scope. default is global_scope
:param return_numpy: if convert the fetched tensor to numpy
:param use_program_cache: set use_program_cache to true if program not changed compare to the last step.
:return: result according to fetch_list.
program(Program): the program that need to run, if not provied, then default_main_program will be used.
feed(dict): feed variable map, e.g. {"image": ImageData, "label": LableData}
fetch_list(list): a list of variable or variable names that user want to get, run will return them according to this list.
feed_var_name(str): the name for the input variable of feed Operator.
fetch_var_name(str): the name for the output variable of fetch Operator.
scope(Scope): the scope used to run this program, you can switch it to different scope. default is global_scope
return_numpy(bool): if convert the fetched tensor to numpy
use_program_cache(bool): set use_program_cache to true if program not changed compare to the last step.
list(numpy.array): fetch result according to fetch_list.
>>> data = layers.data(name='X', shape=[1], dtype='float32')
>>> hidden = layers.fc(input=data, size=10)
>>> layers.assign(hidden, out)
>>> loss = layers.mean(out)
>>> adam = fluid.optimizer.Adam()
>>> adam.minimize(loss)
>>> cpu = core.CPUPlace()
>>> exe = Executor(cpu)
>>> exe.run(default_startup_program())
>>> x = numpy.random.random(size=(10, 1)).astype('float32')
>>> outs = exe.run(
>>> feed={'X': x},
>>> fetch_list=[loss.name])
if feed is None:
feed = {}
......@@ -341,7 +416,7 @@ class Executor(object):
if scope is None:
scope = global_scope()
cache_key = get_program_cache_key(feed, fetch_list)
cache_key = _get_program_cache_key(feed, fetch_list)
if use_program_cache:
cached_program = self._get_program_cache(cache_key)
if cached_program is None:
......@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import math_op_patch
from math_op_patch import *
import detection
from detection import *
import metric
from metric import *
import metric_op
from metric_op import *
from learning_rate_scheduler import *
__all__ = []
......@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@ __all__ += control_flow.__all__
__all__ += ops.__all__
__all__ += device.__all__
__all__ += detection.__all__
__all__ += metric.__all__
__all__ += metric_op.__all__
__all__ += learning_rate_scheduler.__all__
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def auc(input, label, curve='ROC', num_thresholds=200):
topk_out, topk_indices = nn.topk(input, k=k)
auc_out = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype="float32")
"Out": [topk_out],
"Indices": [topk_indices],
......@@ -198,10 +198,7 @@ def fc(input,
pre_bias = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype)
inputs={"X": mul_results},
outputs={"Out": pre_bias},
attrs={"use_mkldnn": use_mkldnn})
type="sum", inputs={"X": mul_results}, outputs={"Out": pre_bias})
# add bias
pre_activation = helper.append_bias_op(pre_bias, dim_start=num_flatten_dims)
# add activation
......@@ -230,11 +230,7 @@ def sums(input, out=None):
helper = LayerHelper('sum', **locals())
if out is None:
out = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=helper.input_dtype())
inputs={'X': input},
outputs={'Out': out},
attrs={'use_mkldnn': False})
helper.append_op(type='sum', inputs={'X': input}, outputs={'Out': out})
return out
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import warnings
__all__ = [
......@@ -46,33 +48,34 @@ def _is_number_or_matrix_(var):
class MetricBase(object):
Base Class for all evaluators
Base Class for all Metrics.
MetricBase define a group of interfaces for the
model evaluation methods. Metrics accumulate metric states between
consecutive minibatches, at every minibatch, use update
interface to add current minibatch value to global states.
Use eval to compute accumative metric value from last reset()
or from scratch on.
If you need to custom a new metric, please inherit from MetricBase and
custom implementation.
name(str): The name of evaluator. such as, "accuracy". Used for generate
temporary variable name.
Note(*) : the states is the attributes who not has _ prefix.
name(str): The name of metric instance. such as, "accuracy".
It needed if you want to distinct different metrics in a model.
get_config(): print current states and configuration
reset(): clear the states. If the Metrics states type is not (int, float, np.ndarray),
Please override this method.
update(): update states at every minibatch
eval(): get metric evaluation in numpy type.
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = str(name) if name != None else self.__class__.__name__
self._kwargs = kwargs if kwargs != None else dict()
def __str__(self):
return self._name
def reset(self):
states is the attributes who not has _ prefix.
reset the states of metrics.
reset clear the states of metrics. By default, the states
are the members who do not has _ prefix, reset set them to inital states.
If you violate the implicit name rule, please also custom the reset
states = {
attr: value
......@@ -90,61 +93,231 @@ class MetricBase(object):
setattr(self, attr, None)
def get_config(self):
Get the metric and current states.
The states are the members who do not has "_" prefix.
dict: a dict of metric and states
states = {
attr: value
for attr, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()
if not attr.startswith("_")
config = copy.deepcopy(self._kwargs)
config = {}
config.update({"name": self._name, "states": copy.deepcopy(states)})
return config
def update(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def update(self, preds, labels):
Updates the metric states at every minibatch.
One user can compute the minibatch metric via pure Python, or
via a c++ operator.
preds(numpy.array): the predictions of current minibatch
labels(numpy.array): the labels of current minibatch, if the label is one-hot
or soft-label, should custom the corresponding update rule.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Should not use it directly, please extend it.")
def eval(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
Evalute the current metrics based the accumulated states.
float|list(float)|numpy.array: the metrics via Python.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Should not use it directly, please extend it.")
class CompositeMetric(MetricBase):
Compute multiple metrics in each minibatch.
Composite multiple metrics in one instance.
for example, merge F1, accuracy, recall into one Metric.
.. code-block:: python
labels = fluid.layers.data(name="data", shape=[1], dtype="int32")
data = fluid.layers.data(name="data", shape=[32, 32], dtype="int32")
pred = fluid.layers.fc(input=data, size=1000, act="tanh")
comp = fluid.metrics.CompositeMetric()
acc = fluid.metrics.Precision()
recall = fluid.metrics.Recall()
for pass in range(PASSES):
for data in train_reader():
loss, preds, labels = exe.run(fetch_list=[cost, preds, labels])
comp.update(preds=preds, labels=labels)
numpy_acc, numpy_recall = comp.eval()
def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs):
super(CompositeMetric, self).__init__(name, kwargs)
def __init__(self, name=None):
super(CompositeMetric, self).__init__(name)
self._metrics = []
def add_metric(self, metric):
add one metric instance to CompositeMetric.
metric: a instance of MetricBase.
if not isinstance(metric, MetricBase):
raise ValueError("SubMetric should be inherit from MetricBase.")
def update(self, preds, labels):
Update every metrics in sequence.
preds(numpy.array): the predictions of current minibatch
labels(numpy.array): the labels of current minibatch, if the label is one-hot
or soft-label, should custom the corresponding update rule.
for m in self._metrics:
ans.append(m.update(preds, labels))
def eval(self):
Evaluate every metrics in sequence.
list(float|numpy.array): a list of metrics value in Python.
ans = []
for m in self._metrics:
return ans
class Precision(MetricBase):
Precision (also called positive predictive value) is the fraction of
relevant instances among the retrieved instances.
Note Precision is different with Accuracy in binary classifiers.
accuracy = true positive / total instances
precision = true positive / all positive instance
.. code-block:: python
metric = fluid.metrics.Precision()
for pass in range(PASSES):
for data in train_reader():
loss, preds, labels = exe.run(fetch_list=[cost, preds, labels])
metric.update(preds=preds, labels=labels)
numpy_precision = metric.eval()
def __init__(self, name=None):
super(Precision, self).__init__(name)
self.tp = 0 # true positive
self.fp = 0 # false positive
def update(self, preds, labels):
if not _is_numpy_(preds):
raise ValueError("The 'preds' must be a numpy ndarray.")
if not _is_numpy_(labels):
raise ValueError("The 'labels' must be a numpy ndarray.")
sample_num = labels[0]
for i in range(sample_num):
pred = preds[i].astype("int32")
label = labels[i]
if label == 1:
if pred == label:
self.tp += 1
self.fp += 1
def eval(self):
ap = self.tp + self.fp
return float(self.tp) / ap if ap != 0 else .0
class Recall(MetricBase):
Recall (also known as sensitivity) is the fraction of
relevant instances that have been retrieved over the
total amount of relevant instances
.. code-block:: python
metric = fluid.metrics.Recall()
for pass in range(PASSES):
for data in train_reader():
loss, preds, labels = exe.run(fetch_list=[cost, preds, labels])
metric.update(preds=preds, labels=labels)
numpy_recall = metric.eval()
def __init__(self, name=None):
super(Recall, self).__init__(name)
self.tp = 0 # true positive
self.fn = 0 # false negtive
def update(self, preds, labels):
if not _is_numpy_(preds):
raise ValueError("The 'preds' must be a numpy ndarray.")
if not _is_numpy_(labels):
raise ValueError("The 'labels' must be a numpy ndarray.")
sample_num = labels[0]
for i in range(sample_num):
pred = preds[i].astype("int32")
label = labels[i]
if label == 1:
if pred == label:
self.tp += 1
if pred != label:
self.fn += 1
def eval(self):
recall = self.tp + self.fn
return float(self.tp) / recall if recall != 0 else .0
class Accuracy(MetricBase):
Accumulate the accuracy from minibatches and compute the average accuracy
for every pass.
name: the metrics name
.. code-block:: python
labels = fluid.layers.data(name="data", shape=[1], dtype="int32")
data = fluid.layers.data(name="data", shape=[32, 32], dtype="int32")
pred = fluid.layers.fc(input=data, size=1000, act="tanh")
minibatch_accuracy = fluid.layers.accuracy(pred, label)
accuracy_evaluator = fluid.metrics.Accuracy()
for epoch in PASS_NUM:
for pass in range(PASSES):
for data in batches:
for data in train_reader():
batch_size = data[0]
loss = exe.run(fetch_list=[cost, minibatch_accuracy])
accuracy_evaluator.update(value=minibatch_accuracy, weight=batches)
accuracy = accuracy_evaluator.eval()
accuracy_evaluator.update(value=minibatch_accuracy, weight=batch_size)
numpy_acc = accuracy_evaluator.eval()
def __init__(self, name=None):
......@@ -153,6 +326,13 @@ class Accuracy(MetricBase):
self.weight = .0
def update(self, value, weight):
Update minibatch states.
value(float|numpy.array): accuracy of one minibatch.
weight(int|float): batch size.
if not _is_number_or_matrix_(value):
raise ValueError(
"The 'value' must be a number(int, float) or a numpy ndarray.")
......@@ -163,9 +343,8 @@ class Accuracy(MetricBase):
def eval(self):
if self.weight == 0:
raise ValueError(
"There is no data in Accuracy Metrics. Please check layers.accuracy output has added to Accuracy."
raise ValueError("There is no data in Accuracy Metrics. \
Please check layers.accuracy output has added to Accuracy.")
return self.value / self.weight
......@@ -174,6 +353,25 @@ class ChunkEvaluator(MetricBase):
Accumulate counter numbers output by chunk_eval from mini-batches and
compute the precision recall and F1-score using the accumulated counter
For some basics of chunking, please refer to
'Chunking with Support Vector Machines <https://aclanthology.info/pdf/N/N01/N01-1025.pdf>'.
ChunkEvalEvaluator computes the precision, recall, and F1-score of chunk detection,
and supports IOB, IOE, IOBES and IO (also known as plain) tagging schemes.
.. code-block:: python
labels = fluid.layers.data(name="data", shape=[1], dtype="int32")
data = fluid.layers.data(name="data", shape=[32, 32], dtype="int32")
pred = fluid.layers.fc(input=data, size=1000, act="tanh")
precision, recall, f1_score, num_infer_chunks, num_label_chunks, num_correct_chunks = layers.chunk_eval(
metric = fluid.metrics.ChunkEvaluator()
for data in train_reader():
loss, preds, labels = exe.run(fetch_list=[cost, preds, labels])
metric.update(num_infer_chunks, num_label_chunks, num_correct_chunks)
numpy_precision, numpy_recall, numpy_f1 = metric.eval()
def __init__(self, name=None):
......@@ -183,9 +381,17 @@ class ChunkEvaluator(MetricBase):
self.num_correct_chunks = 0
def update(self, num_infer_chunks, num_label_chunks, num_correct_chunks):
Update the states based on the layers.chunk_eval() ouputs.
num_infer_chunks(int|numpy.array): The number of chunks in Inference on the given minibatch.
num_label_chunks(int|numpy.array): The number of chunks in Label on the given mini-batch.
num_correct_chunks(int|float|numpy.array): The number of chunks both in Inference and Label on the
given mini-batch.
if not _is_number_or_matrix_(num_infer_chunks):
raise ValueError(
"The 'num_infer_chunks' must be a number(int, float) or a numpy ndarray."
"The 'num_infer_chunks' must be a number(int) or a numpy ndarray."
if not _is_number_or_matrix_(num_label_chunks):
raise ValueError(
......@@ -212,20 +418,27 @@ class ChunkEvaluator(MetricBase):
class EditDistance(MetricBase):
Edit distance is a way of quantifying how dissimilar two strings
(e.g., words) are to one another by counting the minimum number
of operations required to transform one string into the other.
Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edit_distance
Accumulate edit distance sum and sequence number from mini-batches and
compute the average edit_distance and instance error of all batches.
name: the metrics name
edit_distance_metrics = fluid.layers.edit_distance(input, label)
.. code-block:: python
distances, seq_num = fluid.layers.edit_distance(input, label)
distance_evaluator = fluid.metrics.EditDistance()
for epoch in PASS_NUM:
for data in batches:
loss = exe.run(fetch_list=[cost] + list(edit_distance_metrics))
distance_evaluator.update(distances, seq_num)
distance, instance_error = distance_evaluator.eval()
In the above example:
......@@ -264,16 +477,38 @@ class EditDistance(MetricBase):
class DetectionMAP(MetricBase):
Calculate the detection mean average precision (mAP).
mAP is the metric to measure the accuracy of object detectors
like Faster R-CNN, SSD, etc.
It is the average of the maximum precisions at different recall values.
Please get more information from the following articles:
TODO (Dang Qingqing): update the following doc.
The general steps are as follows:
1. calculate the true positive and false positive according to the input
of detection and labels.
2. calculate mAP value, support two versions: '11 point' and 'integral'.
Please get more information from the following articles:
.. code-block:: python
pred = fluid.layers.fc(input=data, size=1000, act="tanh")
batch_map = layers.detection_map(
metric = fluid.metrics.DetectionMAP()
for data in train_reader():
loss, preds, labels = exe.run(fetch_list=[cost, batch_map])
batch_size = data[0]
metric.update(value=batch_map, weight=batch_size)
numpy_map = metric.eval()
def __init__(self, name=None):
......@@ -302,8 +537,9 @@ class DetectionMAP(MetricBase):
class Auc(MetricBase):
Auc Metrics which adapts to binary classification.
Need to note that auc metrics compute the value via Python natively.
Auc metric adapts to the binary classification.
Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Receiver_operating_characteristic#Area_under_the_curve
Need to note that auc metric compute the value via Python natively.
If you concern the speed, please use the fluid.layers.auc instead.
The `auc` function creates four local variables, `true_positives`,
......@@ -322,6 +558,16 @@ class Auc(MetricBase):
"NOTE: only implement the ROC curve type via Python now."
.. code-block:: python
pred = fluid.layers.fc(input=data, size=1000, act="tanh")
metric = fluid.metrics.Auc()
for data in train_reader():
loss, preds, labels = exe.run(fetch_list=[cost, preds, labels])
metric.update(preds, labels)
numpy_auc = metric.eval()
def __init__(self, name, curve='ROC', num_thresholds=200):
......@@ -334,10 +580,10 @@ class Auc(MetricBase):
self.tn_list = np.zeros((num_thresholds, ))
self.fp_list = np.zeros((num_thresholds, ))
def update(self, labels, predictions, axis=1):
def update(self, preds, labels):
if not _is_numpy_(labels):
raise ValueError("The 'labels' must be a numpy ndarray.")
if not _is_numpy_(predictions):
if not _is_numpy_(preds):
raise ValueError("The 'predictions' must be a numpy ndarray.")
kepsilon = 1e-7 # to account for floating point imprecisions
......@@ -20,15 +20,12 @@ from op_test import OpTest
class TestSumOp(OpTest):
def setUp(self):
self.op_type = "sum"
self.use_mkldnn = False
x0 = np.random.random((3, 4)).astype('float32')
x1 = np.random.random((3, 4)).astype('float32')
x2 = np.random.random((3, 4)).astype('float32')
self.inputs = {"X": [("x0", x0), ("x1", x1), ("x2", x2)]}
y = x0 + x1 + x2
self.outputs = {'Out': y}
self.attrs = {'use_mkldnn': self.use_mkldnn}
def test_check_output(self):
......@@ -36,9 +33,6 @@ class TestSumOp(OpTest):
def test_check_grad(self):
self.check_grad(['x0'], 'Out')
def init_kernel_type(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -880,8 +880,7 @@ class DistributeTranspiler(object):
inputs={"X": pserver_side_table_grad_list},
outputs={"Out": [grad_var]},
attrs={"use_mkldnn": False})
outputs={"Out": [grad_var]})
# in async_mode, for table gradient, it also need to be splited to each parameter server
origin_grad_name = grad_var.name
......@@ -1113,8 +1112,7 @@ class DistributeTranspiler(object):
inputs={"X": vars2merge},
outputs={"Out": merged_var},
attrs={"use_mkldnn": False})
outputs={"Out": merged_var})
# TODO(panyx0718): What if it's SELECTED_ROWS.
if not merged_var.type == core.VarDesc.VarType.SELECTED_ROWS:
......@@ -12,15 +12,42 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import unittest
import sys
import re
from test_sum_op import TestSumOp
def escape(input):
o = input.replace("\n", "")
o = o.replace("\r", "")
return o
class TestMKLDNN(TestSumOp):
def init_kernel_type(self):
self.use_mkldnn = True
def main():
usage = """Usage:
1. Download the Paddle_PR_CI_*.log from TeamCity
2. run: python check_ctest_hung.py Paddle_PR_CI_*.log
3. If there is hung ctest, the result likes:
Diff: set(['test_parallel_executor_crf'])
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if __name__ == '__main__':
logfile = sys.argv[1]
started = set()
passed = set()
with open(logfile, "r") as fn:
for l in fn.readlines():
if l.find("Test ") != -1 and \
l.find("Passed") != -1:
m = re.search("Test\s+#[0-9]*\:\s([a-z0-9_]+)", escape(l))
if l.find("Start ") != -1:
start_parts = escape(l).split(" ")
m = re.search("Start\s+[0-9]+\:\s([a-z0-9_]+)", escape(l))
print "Diff: ", started - passed
if __name__ == "__main__":
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