提交 c6c5d2ab 编写于 作者: C Corey Butler

Clean symlinks

上级 58d157c2
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ func install(version string, cpuarch string) {
tempDir := filepath.Join(env.root, "temp")
// Extract npm to the temp directory
file.Unzip(filepath.Join(tempDir, "npm-v"+npmv+".zip", tempDir, "nvm-npm"))
file.Unzip(filepath.Join(tempDir, "npm-v"+npmv+".zip"), filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm"))
// Copy the npm and npm.cmd files to the installation directory
os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "npm-"+npmv, "bin", "npm"),filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "npm"))
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