提交 97a8c663 编写于 作者: C Corey Butler 提交者: GitHub

Update README.md

上级 cdc1b387
**NOTICE:** This is not the same thing as [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm), which is a completely separate project for Mac/Linux only.
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......@@ -10,7 +8,9 @@
_Are you multilingual?_
I am particularly interested in finding people who can speak something other than English. Several problems have come up with non-latin character sets (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc). I am also interested in producing language packs/translations for the installers.
I am particularly interested in finding people who can speak something other than English. Several problems have come up with non-latin character sets (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc). I am also interested in producing language packs/translations for the installers. If you are interested in translating, please [signup here](https://coreybutler.typeform.com/to/ybqT6F).
**I am seeking donations to help pay for a lingohub.com account** to make life easier for translators! Please consider becoming a [becoming a patron](https://patreon.com/coreybutler) to support this.
_Are you outside of the US/UK/Canada?_
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