提交 943cae19 编写于 作者: C Corey Butler

Fixed line endings

上级 93e5cdd2
package main
import (
const (
NvmVersion = "1.1.7"
type Environment struct {
settings string
root string
symlink string
arch string
node_mirror string
npm_mirror string
proxy string
originalpath string
originalversion string
verifyssl bool
var home = filepath.Clean(os.Getenv("NVM_HOME")+"\\settings.txt")
var symlink = filepath.Clean(os.Getenv("NVM_SYMLINK"))
var env = &Environment{
settings: home,
root: "",
symlink: symlink,
node_mirror: "",
npm_mirror: "",
proxy: "none",
originalpath: "",
originalversion: "",
verifyssl: true,
func main() {
args := os.Args
detail := ""
procarch := arch.Validate(env.arch)
// Capture any additional arguments
if len(args) > 2 {
detail = args[2]
if len(args) > 3 {
if (args[3] == "32" || args[3] == "64") {
procarch = args[3]
if len(args) < 2 {
// Run the appropriate method
switch args[1] {
case "install": install(detail,procarch)
case "uninstall": uninstall(detail)
case "use": use(detail,procarch)
case "list": list(detail)
case "ls": list(detail)
case "on": enable()
case "off": disable()
case "root":
if len(args) == 3 {
} else {
fmt.Println("\nCurrent Root: "+env.root)
case "version":
case "v":
case "arch":
if strings.Trim(detail," \r\n") != "" {
detail = strings.Trim(detail," \r\n")
if detail != "32" && detail != "64" {
fmt.Println("\""+detail+"\" is an invalid architecture. Use 32 or 64.")
env.arch = detail
fmt.Println("Default architecture set to "+detail+"-bit.")
_, a := node.GetCurrentVersion()
fmt.Println("System Default: "+env.arch+"-bit.")
fmt.Println("Currently Configured: "+a+"-bit.")
case "proxy":
if detail == "" {
fmt.Println("Current proxy: "+env.proxy)
} else {
env.proxy = detail
case "update": update()
case "node_mirror": setNodeMirror(detail)
case "npm_mirror": setNpmMirror(detail)
default: help()
func setNodeMirror(uri string) {
env.node_mirror = uri
func setNpmMirror(uri string) {
env.npm_mirror = uri
func update() {
// cmd := exec.Command("cmd", "/d", "echo", "testing")
// var output bytes.Buffer
// var _stderr bytes.Buffer
// cmd.Stdout = &output
// cmd.Stderr = &_stderr
// perr := cmd.Run()
// if perr != nil {
// fmt.Println(fmt.Sprint(perr) + ": " + _stderr.String())
// return
// }
func CheckVersionExceedsLatest(version string) bool{
//content := web.GetRemoteTextFile("http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/SHASUMS256.txt")
url := web.GetFullNodeUrl("latest/SHASUMS256.txt");
content := web.GetRemoteTextFile(url)
re := regexp.MustCompile("node-v(.+)+msi")
reg := regexp.MustCompile("node-v|-x.+")
latest := reg.ReplaceAllString(re.FindString(content),"")
var vArr = strings.Split(version,".")
var lArr = strings.Split(latest, ".")
for index := range lArr {
lat,_ := strconv.Atoi(lArr[index])
ver,_ := strconv.Atoi(vArr[index])
//Should check for valid input (checking for conversion errors) but this tool is made to trust the user
if ver < lat {
return false
} else if ver > lat {
return true
return false
func install(version string, cpuarch string) {
args := os.Args
lastarg := args[len(args) - 1]
if lastarg == "--insecure" {
env.verifyssl = false
if version == "" {
fmt.Println("\nInvalid version.")
fmt.Println(" ")
cpuarch = strings.ToLower(cpuarch)
if cpuarch != "" {
if cpuarch != "32" && cpuarch != "64" && cpuarch != "all" {
fmt.Println("\""+cpuarch+"\" is not a valid CPU architecture. Must be 32 or 64.")
} else {
cpuarch = env.arch
if cpuarch != "all" {
cpuarch = arch.Validate(cpuarch)
// If user specifies "latest" version, find out what version is
if version == "latest" {
url := web.GetFullNodeUrl("latest/SHASUMS256.txt");
content := web.GetRemoteTextFile(url)
re := regexp.MustCompile("node-v(.+)+msi")
reg := regexp.MustCompile("node-v|-x.+")
version = reg.ReplaceAllString(re.FindString(content),"")
// if the user specifies only the major version number then install the latest
// version of the major version number
if len(version) == 1 {
version = findLatestSubVersion(version)
} else {
version = cleanVersion(version)
if CheckVersionExceedsLatest(version) {
fmt.Println("Node.js v"+version+" is not yet released or available.")
if cpuarch == "64" && !web.IsNode64bitAvailable(version) {
fmt.Println("Node.js v"+version+" is only available in 32-bit.")
// Check to see if the version is already installed
if !node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,cpuarch) {
if !node.IsVersionAvailable(version){
fmt.Println("Version "+version+" is not available. If you are attempting to download a \"just released\" version,")
fmt.Println("it may not be recognized by the nvm service yet (updated hourly). If you feel this is in error and")
fmt.Println("you know the version exists, please visit http://github.com/coreybutler/nodedistro and submit a PR.")
// Make the output directories
os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version), os.ModeDir)
os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules"), os.ModeDir)
// Warn the user if they're attempting to install without verifying the remote SSL cert
if !env.verifyssl {
fmt.Println("\nWARNING: The remote SSL certificate will not be validated during the download process.\n")
// Download node
if (cpuarch == "32" || cpuarch == "all") && !node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"32") {
success := web.GetNodeJS(env.root,version,"32");
if !success {
os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules"))
fmt.Println("Could not download node.js v"+version+" 32-bit executable.")
if (cpuarch == "64" || cpuarch == "all") && !node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"64") {
success := web.GetNodeJS(env.root,version,"64");
if !success {
os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules"))
fmt.Println("Could not download node.js v"+version+" 64-bit executable.")
if file.Exists(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules", "npm")) {
// If successful, add npm
npmv := getNpmVersion(version)
success := web.GetNpm(env.root, getNpmVersion(version))
if success {
fmt.Printf("Installing npm v"+npmv+"...")
// new temp directory under the nvm root
tempDir := filepath.Join(env.root, "temp")
// Extract npm to the temp directory
err := file.Unzip(filepath.Join(tempDir, "npm-v"+npmv+".zip"), filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm"))
// Copy the npm and npm.cmd files to the installation directory
tempNpmBin := filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "cli-"+npmv, "bin")
// Support npm < 6.2.0
if file.Exists(tempNpmBin) == false {
tempNpmBin = filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "npm-"+npmv, "bin")
if file.Exists(tempNpmBin) == false {
log.Fatal("Failed to extract npm. Could not find " + tempNpmBin)
// Standard npm support
os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npm"), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "npm"))
os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npm.cmd"),filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "npm.cmd"))
// npx support
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npx")); err == nil {
os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npx"), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "npx"))
os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npx.cmd"), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "npx.cmd"))
npmSourcePath := filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "npm-"+npmv)
if file.Exists(npmSourcePath) == false {
npmSourcePath = filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "cli-"+npmv)
moveNpmErr := os.Rename(npmSourcePath, filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules", "npm"))
if moveNpmErr != nil {
// sometimes Windows can take some time to enable access to large amounts of files after unzip, use exponential backoff to wait until it is ready
for _, i := range [5]int{1, 2, 4, 8, 16} {
moveNpmErr = os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "npm-"+npmv), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules", "npm"))
if moveNpmErr == nil { break }
if err == nil {
// Remove the temp directory
// may consider keep the temp files here
fmt.Println("\n\nInstallation complete. If you want to use this version, type\n\nnvm use "+version)
} else {
fmt.Println("Error: Unable to install NPM: "+err.Error());
} else {
fmt.Println("Could not download npm for node v"+version+".")
fmt.Println("Please visit https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v"+npmv+" to download npm.")
fmt.Println("It should be extracted to "+env.root+"\\v"+version)
// Reset the SSL verification
env.verifyssl = true
// If this is ever shipped for Mac, it should use homebrew.
// If this ever ships on Linux, it should be on bintray so it can use yum, apt-get, etc.
} else {
fmt.Println("Version "+version+" is already installed.")
func uninstall(version string) {
// Make sure a version is specified
if len(version) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Provide the version you want to uninstall.")
version = cleanVersion(version)
// Determine if the version exists and skip if it doesn't
if node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"32") || node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"64") {
fmt.Printf("Uninstalling node v"+version+"...")
v, _ := node.GetCurrentVersion()
if v == version {
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(env.root, "elevate.cmd"), "cmd", "/C", "rmdir", env.symlink)
e := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version))
if e != nil {
fmt.Println("Error removing node v"+version)
fmt.Println("Manually remove " + filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version) + ".")
} else {
fmt.Printf(" done")
} else {
fmt.Println("node v"+version+" is not installed. Type \"nvm list\" to see what is installed.")
func findLatestSubVersion(version string) string {
url := web.GetFullNodeUrl("latest-v" + version + ".x" + "/SHASUMS256.txt")
content := web.GetRemoteTextFile(url)
re := regexp.MustCompile("node-v(.+)+msi")
reg := regexp.MustCompile("node-v|-x.+")
latest := reg.ReplaceAllString(re.FindString(content), "")
return latest
func cleanVersion(version string) string {
re := regexp.MustCompile("\\d+.\\d+.\\d+")
matched := re.FindString(version)
if len(matched) == 0 {
re = regexp.MustCompile("\\d+.\\d+")
matched = re.FindString(version)
if len(matched) == 0 {
matched = version + ".0.0"
} else {
matched = matched + ".0"
return matched
func use(version string, cpuarch string) {
if version == "32" || version == "64" {
cpuarch = version
v, _ := node.GetCurrentVersion()
version = v
cpuarch = arch.Validate(cpuarch)
version = cleanVersion(version)
// Make sure the version is installed. If not, warn.
if !node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,cpuarch) {
fmt.Println("node v"+version+" ("+cpuarch+"-bit) is not installed.")
if cpuarch == "32" {
if node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"64") {
fmt.Println("\nDid you mean node v"+version+" (64-bit)?\nIf so, type \"nvm use "+version+" 64\" to use it.")
if cpuarch == "64" {
if node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"32") {
fmt.Println("\nDid you mean node v"+version+" (32-bit)?\nIf so, type \"nvm use "+version+" 32\" to use it.")
// Create or update the symlink
sym, _ := os.Stat(env.symlink)
if sym != nil {
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(env.root, "elevate.cmd"), "cmd", "/C", "rmdir", filepath.Clean(env.symlink))
var output bytes.Buffer
var _stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &output
cmd.Stderr = &_stderr
perr := cmd.Run()
if perr != nil {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprint(perr) + ": " + _stderr.String())
c := exec.Command(filepath.Join(env.root, "elevate.cmd"), "cmd", "/C", "mklink", "/D", filepath.Clean(env.symlink), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version))
var out bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
c.Stdout = &out
c.Stderr = &stderr
err := c.Run()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprint(err) + ": " + stderr.String())
// Use the assigned CPU architecture
cpuarch = arch.Validate(cpuarch)
nodepath := filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node.exe")
node32path := filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node32.exe")
node64path := filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node64.exe")
node32exists := file.Exists(node32path)
node64exists := file.Exists(node64path)
nodeexists := file.Exists(nodepath)
if node32exists && cpuarch == "32" { // user wants 32, but node.exe is 64
if nodeexists {
os.Rename(nodepath, node64path) // node.exe -> node64.exe
os.Rename(node32path, nodepath) // node32.exe -> node.exe
if node64exists && cpuarch == "64" { // user wants 64, but node.exe is 32
if nodeexists {
os.Rename(nodepath, node32path) // node.exe -> node32.exe
os.Rename(node64path, nodepath) // node64.exe -> node.exe
fmt.Println("Now using node v"+version+" ("+cpuarch+"-bit)")
func useArchitecture(a string) {
if strings.ContainsAny("32",os.Getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")) {
fmt.Println("This computer only supports 32-bit processing.")
if a == "32" || a == "64" {
env.arch = a
fmt.Println("Set to "+a+"-bit mode")
} else {
fmt.Println("Cannot set architecture to "+a+". Must be 32 or 64 are acceptable values.")
func list(listtype string) {
if listtype == "" {
listtype = "installed"
if listtype != "installed" && listtype != "available" {
fmt.Println("\nInvalid list option.\n\nPlease use on of the following\n - nvm list\n - nvm list installed\n - nvm list available")
if listtype == "installed" {
inuse, a := node.GetCurrentVersion()
v := node.GetInstalled(env.root)
for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
version := v[i]
isnode, _ := regexp.MatchString("v",version)
str := ""
if isnode {
if "v"+inuse == version {
str = str+" * "
} else {
str = str+" "
str = str+regexp.MustCompile("v").ReplaceAllString(version,"")
if "v"+inuse == version {
str = str+" (Currently using "+a+"-bit executable)"
// str = ansi.Color(str,"green:black")
if len(v) == 0 {
fmt.Println("No installations recognized.")
} else {
_, lts, current, stable, unstable, _ := node.GetAvailable()
releases := 20
data := make([][]string, releases, releases + 5)
for i := 0; i < releases; i++ {
release := make([]string, 4, 6)
release[0] = ""
release[1] = ""
release[2] = ""
release[3] = ""
if len(current) > i {
if len(current[i]) > 0 {
release[0] = current[i]
if len(lts) > i {
if len(lts[i]) > 0 {
release[1] = lts[i]
if len(stable) > i {
if len(stable[i]) > 0 {
release[2] = stable[i]
if len(unstable) > i {
if len(unstable[i]) > 0 {
release[3] = unstable[i]
data[i] = release
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
table.SetHeader([]string{" Current ", " LTS ", " Old Stable ", "Old Unstable"})
table.SetBorders(tablewriter.Border{Left: true, Top: false, Right: true, Bottom: false})
table.AppendBulk(data) // Add Bulk Data
fmt.Println("\nThis is a partial list. For a complete list, visit https://nodejs.org/download/release")
func enable() {
dir := ""
files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(env.root)
for _, f := range files {
if f.IsDir() {
isnode, _ := regexp.MatchString("v",f.Name())
if isnode {
dir = f.Name()
fmt.Println("nvm enabled")
if dir != "" {
use(strings.Trim(regexp.MustCompile("v").ReplaceAllString(dir,"")," \n\r"),env.arch)
} else {
fmt.Println("No versions of node.js found. Try installing the latest by typing nvm install latest")
func disable() {
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(env.root, "elevate.cmd"), "cmd", "/C", "rmdir", env.symlink)
fmt.Println("nvm disabled")
func help() {
fmt.Println("\nRunning version "+NvmVersion+".")
fmt.Println(" ")
fmt.Println(" nvm arch : Show if node is running in 32 or 64 bit mode.")
fmt.Println(" nvm install <version> [arch] : The version can be a node.js version or \"latest\" for the latest stable version.")
fmt.Println(" Optionally specify whether to install the 32 or 64 bit version (defaults to system arch).")
fmt.Println(" Set [arch] to \"all\" to install 32 AND 64 bit versions.")
fmt.Println(" Add --insecure to the end of this command to bypass SSL validation of the remote download server.")
fmt.Println(" nvm list [available] : List the node.js installations. Type \"available\" at the end to see what can be installed. Aliased as ls.")
fmt.Println(" nvm on : Enable node.js version management.")
fmt.Println(" nvm off : Disable node.js version management.")
fmt.Println(" nvm proxy [url] : Set a proxy to use for downloads. Leave [url] blank to see the current proxy.")
fmt.Println(" Set [url] to \"none\" to remove the proxy.")
fmt.Println(" nvm node_mirror [url] : Set the node mirror. Defaults to https://nodejs.org/dist/. Leave [url] blank to use default url.")
fmt.Println(" nvm npm_mirror [url] : Set the npm mirror. Defaults to https://github.com/npm/cli/archive/. Leave [url] blank to default url.")
fmt.Println(" nvm uninstall <version> : The version must be a specific version.")
// fmt.Println(" nvm update : Automatically update nvm to the latest version.")
fmt.Println(" nvm use [version] [arch] : Switch to use the specified version. Optionally specify 32/64bit architecture.")
fmt.Println(" nvm use <arch> will continue using the selected version, but switch to 32/64 bit mode.")
fmt.Println(" nvm root [path] : Set the directory where nvm should store different versions of node.js.")
fmt.Println(" If <path> is not set, the current root will be displayed.")
fmt.Println(" nvm version : Displays the current running version of nvm for Windows. Aliased as v.")
fmt.Println(" ")
// Given a node.js version, returns the associated npm version
func getNpmVersion(nodeversion string) string {
_, _, _, _, _, npm := node.GetAvailable()
return npm[nodeversion]
func updateRootDir(path string) {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(path+" does not exist or could not be found.")
env.root = filepath.Clean(path)
fmt.Println("\nRoot has been set to "+path)
func saveSettings() {
content := "root: " + strings.Trim(env.root, " \n\r") + "\r\narch: " + strings.Trim(env.arch, " \n\r") + "\r\nproxy: " + strings.Trim(env.proxy, " \n\r") + "\r\noriginalpath: " + strings.Trim(env.originalpath, " \n\r") + "\r\noriginalversion: " + strings.Trim(env.originalversion, " \n\r")
content = content + "\r\nnode_mirror: " + strings.Trim(env.node_mirror, " \n\r") + "\r\nnpm_mirror: " + strings.Trim(env.npm_mirror, " \n\r")
ioutil.WriteFile(env.settings, []byte(content), 0644)
func Setup() {
lines, err := file.ReadLines(env.settings)
if err != nil {
// Process each line and extract the value
for _, line := range lines {
line = strings.Trim(line, " \r\n")
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "root:") {
env.root = filepath.Clean(strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^root:").ReplaceAllString(line, "")))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "originalpath:") {
env.originalpath = filepath.Clean(strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^originalpath:").ReplaceAllString(line, "")))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "originalversion:") {
env.originalversion = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^originalversion:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "arch:") {
env.arch = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^arch:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "node_mirror:") {
env.node_mirror = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^node_mirror:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "npm_mirror:") {
env.npm_mirror = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^npm_mirror:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "proxy:") {
env.proxy = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^proxy:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
if env.proxy != "none" && env.proxy != "" {
if strings.ToLower(env.proxy[0:4]) != "http" {
env.proxy = "http://"+env.proxy
web.SetProxy(env.proxy, env.verifyssl)
web.SetMirrors(env.node_mirror, env.npm_mirror)
env.arch = arch.Validate(env.arch)
// Make sure the directories exist
_, e := os.Stat(env.root)
if e != nil {
fmt.Println(env.root+" could not be found or does not exist. Exiting.")
package main
import (
const (
NvmVersion = "1.1.7"
type Environment struct {
settings string
root string
symlink string
arch string
node_mirror string
npm_mirror string
proxy string
originalpath string
originalversion string
verifyssl bool
var home = filepath.Clean(os.Getenv("NVM_HOME")+"\\settings.txt")
var symlink = filepath.Clean(os.Getenv("NVM_SYMLINK"))
var env = &Environment{
settings: home,
root: "",
symlink: symlink,
node_mirror: "",
npm_mirror: "",
proxy: "none",
originalpath: "",
originalversion: "",
verifyssl: true,
func main() {
args := os.Args
detail := ""
procarch := arch.Validate(env.arch)
// Capture any additional arguments
if len(args) > 2 {
detail = args[2]
if len(args) > 3 {
if (args[3] == "32" || args[3] == "64") {
procarch = args[3]
if len(args) < 2 {
// Run the appropriate method
switch args[1] {
case "install": install(detail,procarch)
case "uninstall": uninstall(detail)
case "use": use(detail,procarch)
case "list": list(detail)
case "ls": list(detail)
case "on": enable()
case "off": disable()
case "root":
if len(args) == 3 {
} else {
fmt.Println("\nCurrent Root: "+env.root)
case "version":
case "v":
case "arch":
if strings.Trim(detail," \r\n") != "" {
detail = strings.Trim(detail," \r\n")
if detail != "32" && detail != "64" {
fmt.Println("\""+detail+"\" is an invalid architecture. Use 32 or 64.")
env.arch = detail
fmt.Println("Default architecture set to "+detail+"-bit.")
_, a := node.GetCurrentVersion()
fmt.Println("System Default: "+env.arch+"-bit.")
fmt.Println("Currently Configured: "+a+"-bit.")
case "proxy":
if detail == "" {
fmt.Println("Current proxy: "+env.proxy)
} else {
env.proxy = detail
case "update": update()
case "node_mirror": setNodeMirror(detail)
case "npm_mirror": setNpmMirror(detail)
default: help()
func setNodeMirror(uri string) {
env.node_mirror = uri
func setNpmMirror(uri string) {
env.npm_mirror = uri
func update() {
// cmd := exec.Command("cmd", "/d", "echo", "testing")
// var output bytes.Buffer
// var _stderr bytes.Buffer
// cmd.Stdout = &output
// cmd.Stderr = &_stderr
// perr := cmd.Run()
// if perr != nil {
// fmt.Println(fmt.Sprint(perr) + ": " + _stderr.String())
// return
// }
func CheckVersionExceedsLatest(version string) bool{
//content := web.GetRemoteTextFile("http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/SHASUMS256.txt")
url := web.GetFullNodeUrl("latest/SHASUMS256.txt");
content := web.GetRemoteTextFile(url)
re := regexp.MustCompile("node-v(.+)+msi")
reg := regexp.MustCompile("node-v|-x.+")
latest := reg.ReplaceAllString(re.FindString(content),"")
var vArr = strings.Split(version,".")
var lArr = strings.Split(latest, ".")
for index := range lArr {
lat,_ := strconv.Atoi(lArr[index])
ver,_ := strconv.Atoi(vArr[index])
//Should check for valid input (checking for conversion errors) but this tool is made to trust the user
if ver < lat {
return false
} else if ver > lat {
return true
return false
func install(version string, cpuarch string) {
args := os.Args
lastarg := args[len(args) - 1]
if lastarg == "--insecure" {
env.verifyssl = false
if version == "" {
fmt.Println("\nInvalid version.")
fmt.Println(" ")
cpuarch = strings.ToLower(cpuarch)
if cpuarch != "" {
if cpuarch != "32" && cpuarch != "64" && cpuarch != "all" {
fmt.Println("\""+cpuarch+"\" is not a valid CPU architecture. Must be 32 or 64.")
} else {
cpuarch = env.arch
if cpuarch != "all" {
cpuarch = arch.Validate(cpuarch)
// If user specifies "latest" version, find out what version is
if version == "latest" {
url := web.GetFullNodeUrl("latest/SHASUMS256.txt");
content := web.GetRemoteTextFile(url)
re := regexp.MustCompile("node-v(.+)+msi")
reg := regexp.MustCompile("node-v|-x.+")
version = reg.ReplaceAllString(re.FindString(content),"")
// if the user specifies only the major version number then install the latest
// version of the major version number
if len(version) == 1 {
version = findLatestSubVersion(version)
} else {
version = cleanVersion(version)
if CheckVersionExceedsLatest(version) {
fmt.Println("Node.js v"+version+" is not yet released or available.")
if cpuarch == "64" && !web.IsNode64bitAvailable(version) {
fmt.Println("Node.js v"+version+" is only available in 32-bit.")
// Check to see if the version is already installed
if !node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,cpuarch) {
if !node.IsVersionAvailable(version){
fmt.Println("Version "+version+" is not available. If you are attempting to download a \"just released\" version,")
fmt.Println("it may not be recognized by the nvm service yet (updated hourly). If you feel this is in error and")
fmt.Println("you know the version exists, please visit http://github.com/coreybutler/nodedistro and submit a PR.")
// Make the output directories
os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version), os.ModeDir)
os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules"), os.ModeDir)
// Warn the user if they're attempting to install without verifying the remote SSL cert
if !env.verifyssl {
fmt.Println("\nWARNING: The remote SSL certificate will not be validated during the download process.\n")
// Download node
if (cpuarch == "32" || cpuarch == "all") && !node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"32") {
success := web.GetNodeJS(env.root,version,"32");
if !success {
os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules"))
fmt.Println("Could not download node.js v"+version+" 32-bit executable.")
if (cpuarch == "64" || cpuarch == "all") && !node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"64") {
success := web.GetNodeJS(env.root,version,"64");
if !success {
os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules"))
fmt.Println("Could not download node.js v"+version+" 64-bit executable.")
if file.Exists(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules", "npm")) {
// If successful, add npm
npmv := getNpmVersion(version)
success := web.GetNpm(env.root, getNpmVersion(version))
if success {
fmt.Printf("Installing npm v"+npmv+"...")
// new temp directory under the nvm root
tempDir := filepath.Join(env.root, "temp")
// Extract npm to the temp directory
err := file.Unzip(filepath.Join(tempDir, "npm-v"+npmv+".zip"), filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm"))
// Copy the npm and npm.cmd files to the installation directory
tempNpmBin := filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "cli-"+npmv, "bin")
// Support npm < 6.2.0
if file.Exists(tempNpmBin) == false {
tempNpmBin = filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "npm-"+npmv, "bin")
if file.Exists(tempNpmBin) == false {
log.Fatal("Failed to extract npm. Could not find " + tempNpmBin)
// Standard npm support
os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npm"), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "npm"))
os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npm.cmd"),filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "npm.cmd"))
// npx support
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npx")); err == nil {
os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npx"), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "npx"))
os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempNpmBin, "npx.cmd"), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "npx.cmd"))
npmSourcePath := filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "npm-"+npmv)
if file.Exists(npmSourcePath) == false {
npmSourcePath = filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "cli-"+npmv)
moveNpmErr := os.Rename(npmSourcePath, filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules", "npm"))
if moveNpmErr != nil {
// sometimes Windows can take some time to enable access to large amounts of files after unzip, use exponential backoff to wait until it is ready
for _, i := range [5]int{1, 2, 4, 8, 16} {
moveNpmErr = os.Rename(filepath.Join(tempDir, "nvm-npm", "npm-"+npmv), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node_modules", "npm"))
if moveNpmErr == nil { break }
if err == nil {
// Remove the temp directory
// may consider keep the temp files here
fmt.Println("\n\nInstallation complete. If you want to use this version, type\n\nnvm use "+version)
} else {
fmt.Println("Error: Unable to install NPM: "+err.Error());
} else {
fmt.Println("Could not download npm for node v"+version+".")
fmt.Println("Please visit https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v"+npmv+" to download npm.")
fmt.Println("It should be extracted to "+env.root+"\\v"+version)
// Reset the SSL verification
env.verifyssl = true
// If this is ever shipped for Mac, it should use homebrew.
// If this ever ships on Linux, it should be on bintray so it can use yum, apt-get, etc.
} else {
fmt.Println("Version "+version+" is already installed.")
func uninstall(version string) {
// Make sure a version is specified
if len(version) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Provide the version you want to uninstall.")
version = cleanVersion(version)
// Determine if the version exists and skip if it doesn't
if node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"32") || node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"64") {
fmt.Printf("Uninstalling node v"+version+"...")
v, _ := node.GetCurrentVersion()
if v == version {
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(env.root, "elevate.cmd"), "cmd", "/C", "rmdir", env.symlink)
e := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version))
if e != nil {
fmt.Println("Error removing node v"+version)
fmt.Println("Manually remove " + filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version) + ".")
} else {
fmt.Printf(" done")
} else {
fmt.Println("node v"+version+" is not installed. Type \"nvm list\" to see what is installed.")
func findLatestSubVersion(version string) string {
url := web.GetFullNodeUrl("latest-v" + version + ".x" + "/SHASUMS256.txt")
content := web.GetRemoteTextFile(url)
re := regexp.MustCompile("node-v(.+)+msi")
reg := regexp.MustCompile("node-v|-x.+")
latest := reg.ReplaceAllString(re.FindString(content), "")
return latest
func cleanVersion(version string) string {
re := regexp.MustCompile("\\d+.\\d+.\\d+")
matched := re.FindString(version)
if len(matched) == 0 {
re = regexp.MustCompile("\\d+.\\d+")
matched = re.FindString(version)
if len(matched) == 0 {
matched = version + ".0.0"
} else {
matched = matched + ".0"
return matched
func use(version string, cpuarch string) {
if version == "32" || version == "64" {
cpuarch = version
v, _ := node.GetCurrentVersion()
version = v
cpuarch = arch.Validate(cpuarch)
version = cleanVersion(version)
// Make sure the version is installed. If not, warn.
if !node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,cpuarch) {
fmt.Println("node v"+version+" ("+cpuarch+"-bit) is not installed.")
if cpuarch == "32" {
if node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"64") {
fmt.Println("\nDid you mean node v"+version+" (64-bit)?\nIf so, type \"nvm use "+version+" 64\" to use it.")
if cpuarch == "64" {
if node.IsVersionInstalled(env.root,version,"32") {
fmt.Println("\nDid you mean node v"+version+" (32-bit)?\nIf so, type \"nvm use "+version+" 32\" to use it.")
// Create or update the symlink
sym, _ := os.Stat(env.symlink)
if sym != nil {
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(env.root, "elevate.cmd"), "cmd", "/C", "rmdir", filepath.Clean(env.symlink))
var output bytes.Buffer
var _stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &output
cmd.Stderr = &_stderr
perr := cmd.Run()
if perr != nil {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprint(perr) + ": " + _stderr.String())
c := exec.Command(filepath.Join(env.root, "elevate.cmd"), "cmd", "/C", "mklink", "/D", filepath.Clean(env.symlink), filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version))
var out bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
c.Stdout = &out
c.Stderr = &stderr
err := c.Run()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprint(err) + ": " + stderr.String())
// Use the assigned CPU architecture
cpuarch = arch.Validate(cpuarch)
nodepath := filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node.exe")
node32path := filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node32.exe")
node64path := filepath.Join(env.root, "v"+version, "node64.exe")
node32exists := file.Exists(node32path)
node64exists := file.Exists(node64path)
nodeexists := file.Exists(nodepath)
if node32exists && cpuarch == "32" { // user wants 32, but node.exe is 64
if nodeexists {
os.Rename(nodepath, node64path) // node.exe -> node64.exe
os.Rename(node32path, nodepath) // node32.exe -> node.exe
if node64exists && cpuarch == "64" { // user wants 64, but node.exe is 32
if nodeexists {
os.Rename(nodepath, node32path) // node.exe -> node32.exe
os.Rename(node64path, nodepath) // node64.exe -> node.exe
fmt.Println("Now using node v"+version+" ("+cpuarch+"-bit)")
func useArchitecture(a string) {
if strings.ContainsAny("32",os.Getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")) {
fmt.Println("This computer only supports 32-bit processing.")
if a == "32" || a == "64" {
env.arch = a
fmt.Println("Set to "+a+"-bit mode")
} else {
fmt.Println("Cannot set architecture to "+a+". Must be 32 or 64 are acceptable values.")
func list(listtype string) {
if listtype == "" {
listtype = "installed"
if listtype != "installed" && listtype != "available" {
fmt.Println("\nInvalid list option.\n\nPlease use on of the following\n - nvm list\n - nvm list installed\n - nvm list available")
if listtype == "installed" {
inuse, a := node.GetCurrentVersion()
v := node.GetInstalled(env.root)
for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
version := v[i]
isnode, _ := regexp.MatchString("v",version)
str := ""
if isnode {
if "v"+inuse == version {
str = str+" * "
} else {
str = str+" "
str = str+regexp.MustCompile("v").ReplaceAllString(version,"")
if "v"+inuse == version {
str = str+" (Currently using "+a+"-bit executable)"
// str = ansi.Color(str,"green:black")
if len(v) == 0 {
fmt.Println("No installations recognized.")
} else {
_, lts, current, stable, unstable, _ := node.GetAvailable()
releases := 20
data := make([][]string, releases, releases + 5)
for i := 0; i < releases; i++ {
release := make([]string, 4, 6)
release[0] = ""
release[1] = ""
release[2] = ""
release[3] = ""
if len(current) > i {
if len(current[i]) > 0 {
release[0] = current[i]
if len(lts) > i {
if len(lts[i]) > 0 {
release[1] = lts[i]
if len(stable) > i {
if len(stable[i]) > 0 {
release[2] = stable[i]
if len(unstable) > i {
if len(unstable[i]) > 0 {
release[3] = unstable[i]
data[i] = release
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
table.SetHeader([]string{" Current ", " LTS ", " Old Stable ", "Old Unstable"})
table.SetBorders(tablewriter.Border{Left: true, Top: false, Right: true, Bottom: false})
table.AppendBulk(data) // Add Bulk Data
fmt.Println("\nThis is a partial list. For a complete list, visit https://nodejs.org/download/release")
func enable() {
dir := ""
files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(env.root)
for _, f := range files {
if f.IsDir() {
isnode, _ := regexp.MatchString("v",f.Name())
if isnode {
dir = f.Name()
fmt.Println("nvm enabled")
if dir != "" {
use(strings.Trim(regexp.MustCompile("v").ReplaceAllString(dir,"")," \n\r"),env.arch)
} else {
fmt.Println("No versions of node.js found. Try installing the latest by typing nvm install latest")
func disable() {
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(env.root, "elevate.cmd"), "cmd", "/C", "rmdir", env.symlink)
fmt.Println("nvm disabled")
func help() {
fmt.Println("\nRunning version "+NvmVersion+".")
fmt.Println(" ")
fmt.Println(" nvm arch : Show if node is running in 32 or 64 bit mode.")
fmt.Println(" nvm install <version> [arch] : The version can be a node.js version or \"latest\" for the latest stable version.")
fmt.Println(" Optionally specify whether to install the 32 or 64 bit version (defaults to system arch).")
fmt.Println(" Set [arch] to \"all\" to install 32 AND 64 bit versions.")
fmt.Println(" Add --insecure to the end of this command to bypass SSL validation of the remote download server.")
fmt.Println(" nvm list [available] : List the node.js installations. Type \"available\" at the end to see what can be installed. Aliased as ls.")
fmt.Println(" nvm on : Enable node.js version management.")
fmt.Println(" nvm off : Disable node.js version management.")
fmt.Println(" nvm proxy [url] : Set a proxy to use for downloads. Leave [url] blank to see the current proxy.")
fmt.Println(" Set [url] to \"none\" to remove the proxy.")
fmt.Println(" nvm node_mirror [url] : Set the node mirror. Defaults to https://nodejs.org/dist/. Leave [url] blank to use default url.")
fmt.Println(" nvm npm_mirror [url] : Set the npm mirror. Defaults to https://github.com/npm/cli/archive/. Leave [url] blank to default url.")
fmt.Println(" nvm uninstall <version> : The version must be a specific version.")
// fmt.Println(" nvm update : Automatically update nvm to the latest version.")
fmt.Println(" nvm use [version] [arch] : Switch to use the specified version. Optionally specify 32/64bit architecture.")
fmt.Println(" nvm use <arch> will continue using the selected version, but switch to 32/64 bit mode.")
fmt.Println(" nvm root [path] : Set the directory where nvm should store different versions of node.js.")
fmt.Println(" If <path> is not set, the current root will be displayed.")
fmt.Println(" nvm version : Displays the current running version of nvm for Windows. Aliased as v.")
fmt.Println(" ")
// Given a node.js version, returns the associated npm version
func getNpmVersion(nodeversion string) string {
_, _, _, _, _, npm := node.GetAvailable()
return npm[nodeversion]
func updateRootDir(path string) {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(path+" does not exist or could not be found.")
env.root = filepath.Clean(path)
fmt.Println("\nRoot has been set to "+path)
func saveSettings() {
content := "root: " + strings.Trim(env.root, " \n\r") + "\r\narch: " + strings.Trim(env.arch, " \n\r") + "\r\nproxy: " + strings.Trim(env.proxy, " \n\r") + "\r\noriginalpath: " + strings.Trim(env.originalpath, " \n\r") + "\r\noriginalversion: " + strings.Trim(env.originalversion, " \n\r")
content = content + "\r\nnode_mirror: " + strings.Trim(env.node_mirror, " \n\r") + "\r\nnpm_mirror: " + strings.Trim(env.npm_mirror, " \n\r")
ioutil.WriteFile(env.settings, []byte(content), 0644)
func Setup() {
lines, err := file.ReadLines(env.settings)
if err != nil {
// Process each line and extract the value
for _, line := range lines {
line = strings.Trim(line, " \r\n")
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "root:") {
env.root = filepath.Clean(strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^root:").ReplaceAllString(line, "")))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "originalpath:") {
env.originalpath = filepath.Clean(strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^originalpath:").ReplaceAllString(line, "")))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "originalversion:") {
env.originalversion = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^originalversion:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "arch:") {
env.arch = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^arch:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "node_mirror:") {
env.node_mirror = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^node_mirror:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "npm_mirror:") {
env.npm_mirror = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^npm_mirror:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "proxy:") {
env.proxy = strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("^proxy:").ReplaceAllString(line, ""))
if env.proxy != "none" && env.proxy != "" {
if strings.ToLower(env.proxy[0:4]) != "http" {
env.proxy = "http://"+env.proxy
web.SetProxy(env.proxy, env.verifyssl)
web.SetMirrors(env.node_mirror, env.npm_mirror)
env.arch = arch.Validate(env.arch)
// Make sure the directories exist
_, e := os.Stat(env.root)
if e != nil {
fmt.Println(env.root+" could not be found or does not exist. Exiting.")
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