
Powerful yet light-weight, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive the user's focus across the page
Only ~4kb, no external dependency, supports all major browsers and highly customizable

* **Simple**: is simple to use and has no external dependency at all * **Light-weight**: ~4kb in size, vanilla JavaScript and no external dependency * **Highly customizable**: has a powerful API and can be used however you want * **Highlight anything**: highlight any (literally any) element on page * **Feature introductions**: create powerful feature introductions and onboarding strategies * **Focus shifters**: add focus shifters for users * **User friendly**: Everything is controllable by keyboard * **Consistent behavior**: usable across all browsers (including in-famous IE) * **MIT Licensed**: free for personal and commercial use ![](./demo/images/split.png) For Usage and Examples, [have a look at demo]( ## Installation ```zsh yarn add driver.js ``` Or include directly ```html ```