import Overlay from './core/overlay'; import Element from './core/element'; import Popover from './core/popover'; import './common/polyfill'; import { CLASS_CLOSE_BTN, CLASS_NEXT_STEP_BTN, CLASS_PREV_STEP_BTN, ESC_KEY_CODE, ID_POPOVER, LEFT_KEY_CODE, OVERLAY_ANIMATE, OVERLAY_OPACITY, OVERLAY_PADDING, RIGHT_KEY_CODE, } from './common/constants'; /** * Plugin class that drives the plugin */ export default class Driver { /** * @param {Object} options */ constructor(options = {}) { this.options = Object.assign({ animate: OVERLAY_ANIMATE, // Whether to animate or not opacity: OVERLAY_OPACITY, // Overlay opacity padding: OVERLAY_PADDING, // Spacing around the element from the overlay onHighlightStarted: () => { // When element is about to be highlighted }, onHighlighted: () => { // When element has been highlighted }, onDeselected: () => { // When the element has been deselected }, }, options); this.document = document; this.window = window; this.isActivated = false; this.overlay = new Overlay(this.options, this.window, this.document); this.steps = []; // steps to be presented if any this.currentStep = 0; // index for the currently highlighted step this.onScroll = this.onScroll.bind(this); this.onResize = this.onResize.bind(this); this.onKeyUp = this.onKeyUp.bind(this); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); // Event bindings this.bind(); } /** * Binds any DOM events listeners * @todo: add throttling in all the listeners */ bind() { this.document.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll, false); this.document.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', this.onScroll, false); this.window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize, false); this.window.addEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyUp, false); this.window.addEventListener('click', this.onClick, false); } /** * Removes the popover if clicked outside the highlighted element * or outside the * @param e */ onClick(e) { if (!this.hasHighlightedElement() || !this.isActivated) { // Has no highlighted element so ignore the click return; } const highlightedElement = this.overlay.getHighlightedElement(); const popover = this.document.getElementById(ID_POPOVER); const clickedHighlightedElement = highlightedElement.node.contains(; const clickedPopover = popover && popover.contains(; // Remove the overlay If clicked outside the highlighted element if (!clickedHighlightedElement && !clickedPopover) { this.reset(); return; } const nextClicked =; const prevClicked =; const closeClicked =; if (closeClicked) { this.reset(); return; } if (nextClicked) { this.moveNext(); } else if (prevClicked) { this.movePrevious(); } } /** * Moves to the previous step if possible * otherwise resets the overlay */ movePrevious() { this.currentStep -= 1; if (this.steps[this.currentStep]) { this.overlay.highlight(this.steps[this.currentStep]); } else { this.reset(); } } /** * Moves to the next step if possible * otherwise resets the overlay */ moveNext() { this.currentStep += 1; if (this.steps[this.currentStep]) { this.overlay.highlight(this.steps[this.currentStep]); } else { this.reset(); } } /** * @returns {boolean} */ hasNextStep() { return !!this.steps[this.currentStep + 1]; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ hasPreviousStep() { return !!this.steps[this.currentStep - 1]; } /** * Resets the steps if any and clears the overlay */ reset() { this.currentStep = 0; this.isActivated = false; this.overlay.clear(); } /** * Checks if there is any highlighted element or not * @returns {boolean} */ hasHighlightedElement() { const highlightedElement = this.overlay.getHighlightedElement(); return highlightedElement && highlightedElement.node && highlightedElement.highlightFinished; } /** * Gets the currently highlighted element in overlay * @returns {Element} */ getHighlightedElement() { return this.overlay.getHighlightedElement(); } /** * Gets the element that was highlighted before currently highlighted element * @returns {Element} */ getLastHighlightedElement() { return this.overlay.getLastHighlightedElement(); } /** * Handler for the onScroll event on document * Refreshes without animation on scroll to make sure * that the highlighted part travels with the scroll */ onScroll() { if (!this.isActivated) { return; } this.overlay.refresh(false); } /** * Handler for the onResize DOM event * Refreshes with animation on scroll to make sure that * the highlighted part travels with the width change of window */ onResize() { if (!this.isActivated) { return; } // Refresh with animation this.overlay.refresh(true); } /** * Clears the overlay on escape key process * @param event */ onKeyUp(event) { if (!this.isActivated) { return; } if (event.keyCode === ESC_KEY_CODE) { this.reset(); } else if (event.keyCode === RIGHT_KEY_CODE) { this.moveNext(); } else if (event.keyCode === LEFT_KEY_CODE) { this.movePrevious(); } } /** * Defines steps to be highlighted * @param {array} steps */ defineSteps(steps) { this.steps = []; steps.forEach((step, index) => { if (!step.element || typeof step.element !== 'string') { throw new Error(`Element (query selector string) missing in step ${index}`); } const element = this.prepareElementFromStep(step, steps, index); if (!element) { return; } this.steps.push(element); }); } /** * Prepares the step received from the user and returns an instance * of Element * * @param currentStep Step that is being prepared * @param allSteps List of all the steps * @param index Index of the current step * @returns {null|Element} */ prepareElementFromStep(currentStep, allSteps = [], index = 0) { let querySelector = ''; let elementOptions = {}; if (typeof currentStep === 'string') { querySelector = currentStep; } else { querySelector = currentStep.element; elementOptions = Object.assign({}, this.options, currentStep); } const domElement = this.document.querySelector(querySelector); if (!domElement) { console.warn(`Element to highlight ${querySelector} not found`); return null; } let popover = null; if (elementOptions.popover && elementOptions.popover.description) { const popoverOptions = Object.assign( {}, this.options, elementOptions.popover, { totalCount: allSteps.length, currentIndex: index, isFirst: index === 0, isLast: index === allSteps.length - 1, }, ); popover = new Popover(popoverOptions, this.window, this.document); } return new Element(domElement, elementOptions, popover, this.overlay, this.window, this.document); } /** * Initiates highlighting steps from first step * @param {number} index at which highlight is to be started */ start(index = 0) { if (!this.steps || this.steps.length === 0) { throw new Error('There are no steps defined to iterate'); } this.isActivated = true; this.currentStep = index; this.overlay.highlight(this.steps[index]); } /** * Highlights the given element * @param {string|{element: string, popover: {}}} selector Query selector or a step definition */ highlight(selector) { this.isActivated = true; const element = this.prepareElementFromStep(selector); if (!element) { return; } this.overlay.highlight(element); } }