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test=develop, save/load, shrink (#30625)

* test=develop, save/load, shrink
Co-authored-by: NseiriosPlus <tangwei12@baidu.com>
上级 4424aac6
......@@ -472,9 +472,15 @@ void FleetWrapper::PrintTableStat(const uint64_t table_id) {
void FleetWrapper::ShrinkSparseTable(int table_id) {
auto ret = pserver_ptr_->_worker_ptr->shrink(table_id);
void FleetWrapper::ShrinkSparseTable(int table_id, int threshold) {
auto* communicator = Communicator::GetInstance();
auto ret =
communicator->_worker_ptr->shrink(table_id, std::to_string(threshold));
int32_t err_code = ret.get();
if (err_code == -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "shrink sparse table stat failed";
void FleetWrapper::ClearModel() {
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class FleetWrapper {
// clear one table
void ClearOneTable(const uint64_t table_id);
// shrink sparse table
void ShrinkSparseTable(int table_id);
void ShrinkSparseTable(int table_id, int threshold);
// shrink dense table
void ShrinkDenseTable(int table_id, Scope* scope,
std::vector<std::string> var_list, float decay,
......@@ -345,8 +345,9 @@ std::future<int32_t> BrpcPsClient::send_save_cmd(
return fut;
std::future<int32_t> BrpcPsClient::shrink(uint32_t table_id) {
return send_cmd(table_id, PS_SHRINK_TABLE, {std::string("1")});
std::future<int32_t> BrpcPsClient::shrink(uint32_t table_id,
const std::string threshold) {
return send_cmd(table_id, PS_SHRINK_TABLE, {threshold});
std::future<int32_t> BrpcPsClient::load(const std::string &epoch,
......@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ class BrpcPsClient : public PSClient {
virtual int32_t create_client2client_connection(
int pserver_timeout_ms, int pserver_connect_timeout_ms, int max_retry);
virtual std::future<int32_t> shrink(uint32_t table_id) override;
virtual std::future<int32_t> shrink(uint32_t table_id,
const std::string threshold) override;
virtual std::future<int32_t> load(const std::string &epoch,
const std::string &mode) override;
virtual std::future<int32_t> load(uint32_t table_id, const std::string &epoch,
......@@ -463,6 +463,8 @@ int32_t BrpcPsService::save_one_table(Table *table,
int32_t feasign_size = 0;
VLOG(0) << "save one table " << request.params(0) << " " << request.params(1);
feasign_size = table->save(request.params(0), request.params(1));
if (feasign_size < 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "table save failed");
......@@ -494,10 +496,18 @@ int32_t BrpcPsService::shrink_table(Table *table,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
if (request.params_size() < 1) {
response, -1,
"PsRequestMessage.datas is requeired at least 1, threshold");
return -1;
if (table->shrink() != 0) {
if (table->shrink(request.params(0)) != 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "table shrink failed");
return -1;
VLOG(0) << "Pserver Shrink Finished";
return 0;
......@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ class PSClient {
int max_retry) = 0;
// 触发table数据退场
virtual std::future<int32_t> shrink(uint32_t table_id) = 0;
virtual std::future<int32_t> shrink(uint32_t table_id,
const std::string threshold) = 0;
// 全量table进行数据load
virtual std::future<int32_t> load(const std::string &epoch,
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class CommonDenseTable : public DenseTable {
virtual int32_t flush() override { return 0; }
virtual int32_t shrink() override { return 0; }
virtual int32_t shrink(const std::string& param) override { return 0; }
virtual void clear() override { return; }
......@@ -26,9 +26,12 @@ class ValueBlock;
} // namespace paddle
#define PSERVER_SAVE_SUFFIX "_txt"
namespace paddle {
namespace distributed {
enum SaveMode { all, base, delta };
struct Meta {
std::string param;
int shard_id;
......@@ -98,12 +101,9 @@ struct Meta {
void ProcessALine(const std::vector<std::string>& columns, const Meta& meta,
std::vector<std::vector<float>>* values) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(columns.size(), 2,
"The data format does not meet the requirements. It "
"should look like feasign_id \t params."));
auto load_values = paddle::string::split_string<std::string>(columns[1], ",");
auto colunmn_size = columns.size();
auto load_values =
paddle::string::split_string<std::string>(columns[colunmn_size - 1], ",");
int offset = 0;
......@@ -125,11 +125,18 @@ void ProcessALine(const std::vector<std::string>& columns, const Meta& meta,
int64_t SaveToText(std::ostream* os, std::shared_ptr<ValueBlock> block,
const int mode) {
int64_t not_save_num = 0;
for (auto value : block->values_) {
if (mode == SaveMode::delta && !value.second->need_save_) {
auto* vs = value.second->data_.data();
std::stringstream ss;
auto id = value.first;
ss << id << "\t";
ss << id << "\t" << value.second->count_ << "\t"
<< value.second->unseen_days_ << "\t" << value.second->is_entry_ << "\t";
for (int i = 0; i < block->value_length_; i++) {
ss << vs[i];
......@@ -139,9 +146,13 @@ int64_t SaveToText(std::ostream* os, std::shared_ptr<ValueBlock> block,
ss << "\n";
os->write(ss.str().c_str(), sizeof(char) * ss.str().size());
if (mode == SaveMode::base || mode == SaveMode::delta) {
value.second->need_save_ = false;
return block->values_.size();
return block->values_.size() - not_save_num;
int64_t LoadFromText(const std::string& valuepath, const std::string& metapath,
......@@ -169,8 +180,21 @@ int64_t LoadFromText(const std::string& valuepath, const std::string& metapath,
std::vector<std::vector<float>> kvalues;
ProcessALine(values, meta, &kvalues);
// warning: need fix
block->Init(id, false);
auto value_instant = block->GetValue(id);
if (values.size() == 5) {
value_instant->count_ = std::stoi(values[1]);
value_instant->unseen_days_ = std::stoi(values[2]);
value_instant->is_entry_ = static_cast<bool>(std::stoi(values[3]));
std::vector<float*> block_values = block->Get(id, meta.names, meta.dims);
auto blas = GetBlas<float>();
for (int x = 0; x < meta.names.size(); ++x) {
blas.VCOPY(meta.dims[x], kvalues[x].data(), block_values[x]);
return 0;
......@@ -397,7 +421,7 @@ int32_t CommonSparseTable::pull_sparse(float* pull_values, const uint64_t* keys,
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.size(); ++i) {
auto offset = offsets[i];
auto id = keys[offset];
auto* value = block->InitFromInitializer(id);
auto* value = block->Init(id);
std::copy_n(value + param_offset_, param_dim_,
pull_values + param_dim_ * offset);
......@@ -492,9 +516,10 @@ int32_t CommonSparseTable::push_sparse_param(const uint64_t* keys,
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.size(); ++i) {
auto offset = offsets[i];
auto id = keys[offset];
auto* value = block->InitFromInitializer(id);
auto* value = block->Init(id, false);
std::copy_n(values + param_dim_ * offset, param_dim_,
value + param_offset_);
block->SetEntry(id, true);
return 0;
......@@ -509,10 +534,20 @@ int32_t CommonSparseTable::push_sparse_param(const uint64_t* keys,
int32_t CommonSparseTable::flush() { return 0; }
int32_t CommonSparseTable::shrink() {
VLOG(0) << "shrink coming soon";
int32_t CommonSparseTable::shrink(const std::string& param) {
int threshold = std::stoi(param);
VLOG(0) << "sparse table shrink: " << threshold;
for (int shard_id = 0; shard_id < task_pool_size_; ++shard_id) {
// shrink
VLOG(0) << shard_id << " " << task_pool_size_ << " begin shrink";
return 0;
void CommonSparseTable::clear() { VLOG(0) << "clear coming soon"; }
} // namespace distributed
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class CommonSparseTable : public SparseTable {
virtual int32_t pour();
virtual int32_t flush();
virtual int32_t shrink();
virtual int32_t shrink(const std::string& param);
virtual void clear();
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class DenseTable : public Table {
int32_t push_dense_param(const float *values, size_t num) override {
return 0;
int32_t shrink() override { return 0; }
int32_t shrink(const std::string &param) override { return 0; }
class BarrierTable : public Table {
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class BarrierTable : public Table {
int32_t push_dense_param(const float *values, size_t num) override {
return 0;
int32_t shrink() override { return 0; }
int32_t shrink(const std::string &param) override { return 0; }
virtual void clear(){};
virtual int32_t flush() { return 0; };
virtual int32_t load(const std::string &path, const std::string &param) {
......@@ -47,43 +47,34 @@ namespace distributed {
enum Mode { training, infer };
template <typename T>
inline bool entry(const int count, const T threshold);
template <>
inline bool entry<std::string>(const int count, const std::string threshold) {
return true;
template <>
inline bool entry<int>(const int count, const int threshold) {
return count >= threshold;
template <>
inline bool entry<float>(const int count, const float threshold) {
UniformInitializer uniform = UniformInitializer({"0", "0", "1"});
return uniform.GetValue() >= threshold;
struct VALUE {
explicit VALUE(size_t length)
: length_(length),
is_entry_(true) {
is_entry_(false) {
memset(data_.data(), 0, sizeof(float) * length);
size_t length_;
std::vector<float> data_;
int count_;
int unseen_days_;
bool seen_after_last_save_;
bool is_entry_;
int unseen_days_; // use to check knock-out
bool need_save_; // whether need to save
bool is_entry_; // whether knock-in
inline bool count_entry(std::shared_ptr<VALUE> value, int threshold) {
return value->count_ >= threshold;
inline bool probility_entry(std::shared_ptr<VALUE> value, float threshold) {
UniformInitializer uniform = UniformInitializer({"0", "0", "1"});
return uniform.GetValue() >= threshold;
class ValueBlock {
explicit ValueBlock(const std::vector<std::string> &value_names,
......@@ -102,21 +93,21 @@ class ValueBlock {
// for Entry
if (entry_attr == "none") {
has_entry_ = false;
entry_func_ =
std::bind(entry<std::string>, std::placeholders::_1, "none");
} else {
has_entry_ = true;
auto slices = string::split_string<std::string>(entry_attr, "&");
if (slices[0] == "count_filter") {
if (slices[0] == "none") {
entry_func_ = std::bind(&count_entry, std::placeholders::_1, 0);
} else if (slices[0] == "count_filter") {
int threshold = std::stoi(slices[1]);
entry_func_ = std::bind(entry<int>, std::placeholders::_1, threshold);
entry_func_ = std::bind(&count_entry, std::placeholders::_1, threshold);
} else if (slices[0] == "probability") {
float threshold = std::stof(slices[1]);
entry_func_ =
std::bind(entry<float>, std::placeholders::_1, threshold);
std::bind(&probility_entry, std::placeholders::_1, threshold);
} else {
"Not supported Entry Type : %s, Only support [count_filter, "
......@@ -147,58 +138,87 @@ class ValueBlock {
~ValueBlock() {}
float *Init(const uint64_t &id) {
auto value = std::make_shared<VALUE>(value_length_);
for (int x = 0; x < value_names_.size(); ++x) {
initializers_[x]->GetValue(value->data_.data() + value_offsets_[x],
values_[id] = value;
return value->data_.data();
std::vector<float *> Get(const uint64_t &id,
const std::vector<std::string> &value_names) {
const std::vector<std::string> &value_names,
const std::vector<int> &value_dims) {
auto pts = std::vector<float *>();
auto &values = values_.at(id);
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(value_names.size()); i++) {
value_dims[i], value_dims_[i],
platform::errors::InvalidArgument("value dims is not match"));
pts.push_back(values->data_.data() +
return pts;
float *Get(const uint64_t &id) {
auto pts = std::vector<std::vector<float> *>();
auto &values = values_.at(id);
// pull
float *Init(const uint64_t &id, const bool with_update = true) {
if (!Has(id)) {
values_[id] = std::make_shared<VALUE>(value_length_);
return values->data_.data();
auto &value = values_.at(id);
if (with_update) {
float *InitFromInitializer(const uint64_t &id) {
if (Has(id)) {
if (has_entry_) {
return value->data_.data();
void AttrUpdate(std::shared_ptr<VALUE> value) {
// update state
value->unseen_days_ = 0;
if (!value->is_entry_) {
value->is_entry_ = entry_func_(value);
if (value->is_entry_) {
// initialize
for (int x = 0; x < value_names_.size(); ++x) {
initializers_[x]->GetValue(value->data_.data() + value_offsets_[x],
return Get(id);
return Init(id);
value->need_save_ = true;
// dont jude if (has(id))
float *Get(const uint64_t &id) {
auto &value = values_.at(id);
return value->data_.data();
// for load, to reset count, unseen_days
std::shared_ptr<VALUE> GetValue(const uint64_t &id) { return values_.at(id); }
bool GetEntry(const uint64_t &id) {
auto value = values_.at(id);
auto &value = values_.at(id);
return value->is_entry_;
void Update(const uint64_t id) {
auto value = values_.at(id);
value->unseen_days_ = 0;
auto count = ++value->count_;
void SetEntry(const uint64_t &id, const bool state) {
auto &value = values_.at(id);
value->is_entry_ = state;
if (!value->is_entry_) {
value->is_entry_ = entry_func_(count);
void Shrink(const int threshold) {
for (auto iter = values_.begin(); iter != values_.end();) {
auto &value = iter->second;
if (value->unseen_days_ >= threshold) {
iter = values_.erase(iter);
} else {
......@@ -221,8 +241,7 @@ class ValueBlock {
const std::vector<int> &value_offsets_;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, int> &value_idx_;
bool has_entry_ = false;
std::function<bool(uint64_t)> entry_func_;
std::function<bool(std::shared_ptr<VALUE>)> entry_func_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Initializer>> initializers_;
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ class SSUM : public SparseOptimizer {
auto blas = GetBlas<float>();
for (auto x : offsets) {
auto id = keys[x];
if (!block->GetEntry(id)) continue;
auto* value = block->Get(id);
float* param = value + param_offset;
blas.VADD(update_numel, update_values + x * update_numel, param, param);
......@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ class SSGD : public SparseOptimizer {
auto blas = GetBlas<float>();
for (auto x : offsets) {
auto id = keys[x];
if (!block->GetEntry(id)) continue;
auto* value = block->Get(id);
float learning_rate = *(global_learning_rate_) * (value + lr_offset)[0];
......@@ -161,6 +163,7 @@ class SAdam : public SparseOptimizer {
auto blas = GetBlas<float>();
for (auto x : offsets) {
auto id = keys[x];
if (!block->GetEntry(id)) continue;
auto* values = block->Get(id);
float lr_ = *(global_learning_rate_) * (values + lr_offset)[0];
VLOG(4) << "SAdam LearningRate: " << lr_;
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class Table {
virtual void clear() = 0;
virtual int32_t flush() = 0;
virtual int32_t shrink() = 0;
virtual int32_t shrink(const std::string &param) = 0;
virtual int32_t load(const std::string &path,
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class TensorTable : public Table {
size_t num) override {
return 0;
int32_t shrink() override { return 0; }
int32_t shrink(const std::string &param) override { return 0; }
virtual void *get_shard(size_t shard_idx) { return 0; }
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class DenseTensorTable : public TensorTable {
size_t num) override {
return 0;
int32_t shrink() override { return 0; }
int32_t shrink(const std::string &param) override { return 0; }
virtual void *get_shard(size_t shard_idx) { return 0; }
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class GlobalStepTable : public DenseTensorTable {
size_t num) override {
return 0;
int32_t shrink() override { return 0; }
int32_t shrink(const std::string &param) override { return 0; }
virtual void *get_shard(size_t shard_idx) { return 0; }
......@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ void BindDistFleetWrapper(py::module* m) {
.def("sparse_table_stat", &FleetWrapper::PrintTableStat)
.def("stop_server", &FleetWrapper::StopServer)
.def("stop_worker", &FleetWrapper::FinalizeWorker)
.def("barrier", &FleetWrapper::BarrierWithTable);
.def("barrier", &FleetWrapper::BarrierWithTable)
.def("shrink_sparse_table", &FleetWrapper::ShrinkSparseTable);
void BindPSHost(py::module* m) {
......@@ -63,3 +63,4 @@ set_lr = fleet.set_lr
get_lr = fleet.get_lr
state_dict = fleet.state_dict
set_state_dict = fleet.set_state_dict
shrink = fleet.shrink
......@@ -521,7 +521,8 @@ class Fleet(object):
save inference model for inference.
......@@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ class Fleet(object):
executor, dirname, feeded_var_names, target_vars, main_program,
export_for_deployment, mode)
def save_persistables(self, executor, dirname, main_program=None, mode=0):
......@@ -591,6 +592,9 @@ class Fleet(object):
self._runtime_handle._save_persistables(executor, dirname, main_program,
def shrink(self, threshold):
def distributed_optimizer(self, optimizer, strategy=None):
Optimizer for distributed training.
......@@ -946,7 +946,8 @@ class TheOnePSRuntime(RuntimeBase):
Prune the given `main_program` to build a new program especially for inference,
and then save it and all related parameters to given `dirname` by the `executor`.
......@@ -983,10 +984,25 @@ class TheOnePSRuntime(RuntimeBase):
program = Program.parse_from_string(program_desc_str)
self._ps_inference_save_persistables(executor, dirname, program)
self._ps_inference_save_persistables(executor, dirname, program,
def _save_inference_model(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._ps_inference_save_inference_model(*args, **kwargs)
def _save_persistables(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._ps_inference_save_persistables(*args, **kwargs)
def _shrink(self, threshold):
import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet
if self.role_maker._is_first_worker():
sparses = self.compiled_strategy.get_the_one_recv_context(
for id, names in sparses.items():
self._worker.shrink_sparse_table(id, threshold)
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class TestPSPassWithBow(unittest.TestCase):
return avg_cost
is_distributed = False
is_sparse = True
is_sparse = False
# query
q = fluid.layers.data(
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class TestPSPassWithBow(unittest.TestCase):
role = fleet.UserDefinedRoleMaker(
......@@ -172,11 +172,13 @@ class TestPSPassWithBow(unittest.TestCase):
strategy = paddle.distributed.fleet.DistributedStrategy()
strategy.a_sync = True
strategy.a_sync_configs = {"k_steps": 100}
strategy.a_sync_configs = {"launch_barrier": False}
optimizer = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy)
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