// /** // * Creating a sidebar enables you to: // - create an ordered group of docs // - render a sidebar for each doc of that group // - provide next/previous navigation // The sidebars can be generated from the filesystem, or explicitly defined here. // Create as many sidebars as you want. // */ // // @ts-check // /** @type {import('@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs').SidebarsConfig} */ // const sidebars = { // // By default, Docusaurus generates a sidebar from the docs folder structure // tutorialSidebar: [{ type: "autogenerated",dirName: "." }], // // But you can create a sidebar manually // /* // tutorialSidebar: [ // 'intro', // 'hello', // { // type: 'category', // label: 'Tutorial', // items: ['tutorial-basics/create-a-document'], // }, // ], // */ // }; // module.exports = sidebars; module.exports = { docs: [ { type: "doc", id: "description", label: "01、说明(使用前必要阅读)" }, { type: "doc", id: "upgrade", label: "02、历史更新" }, { type: "category", label: "03、支持作者及商业运营", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "donate", label: "3.1 支持作者" }, { type: "doc", id: "enterprise", label: "3.2 企业版相关" }, { type: "category", label: "3.3 商业项目", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "cooperation", label: "a.商业合作" }, { type: "doc", id: "wpfuifiletransfer", label: "b.WPF界面、文件传输项目" }, { type: "doc", id: "remotemonitoring", label: "c.远程监测、控制项目" }, { type: "doc", id: "filesynchronization", label: "d.文件同步系统" }, { type: "doc", id: "dataforwarding", label: "e.数据转发项目" }, { type: "doc", id: "webdataforwarding", label: "f.Web数据转发Winform项目" }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "3.4 使用者项目", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "fpsgame", label: "a.FPS实时游戏" }, { type: "doc", id: "engineertoolbox", label: "b.工程师软件工具箱" } ], } ], }, { type: "doc", id:"startguide", label: "04、入门指南", }, { type: "category", label: "05、Core", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "bytepool", label: "5.1 内存池" }, { type: "doc", id: "consoleaction", label: "5.2 控制台行为" }, { type: "doc", id: "touchsocketbitconverter", label: "5.3 大小端转换器" }, { type: "doc", id: "datasecurity", label: "5.4 数据加密" }, { type: "doc", id: "ilog", label: "5.5 日志记录器" }, { type: "doc", id: "appmessenger", label: "5.6 应用信使" }, { type: "doc", id: "fastbinaryformatter", label: "5.7 高性能二进制序列化" }, { type: "doc", id: "jsonserialize", label: "5.8 Json序列化" }, { type: "doc", id: "ioc", label: "5.9 依赖注入容器" }, { type: "doc", id: "dependencyproperty", label: "5.10 依赖属性" }, { type: "doc", id: "filepool", label: "5.11 文件流池" }, { type: "doc", id: "pluginsmanager", label: "5.12 插件系统" }, { type: "doc", id: "ipackage", label: "5.13 包序列化模式" }, { type: "doc", id: "othercore", label: "5.14 其他相关功能类" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "06、Tcp组件", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "tcpintroduction", label: "6.1 Tcp入门基础" }, { type: "doc", id: "createtcpservice", label: "6.2 创建TcpService" }, { type: "doc", id: "createtcpclient", label: "6.3 创建TcpClient" }, { type: "doc", id: "waitingclient", label: "6.4 同步请求" }, { type: "doc", id: "natservice", label: "6.5 Tcp端口转发" }, { type: "doc", id: "resetid", label: "6.6 服务器重置ID" }, { type: "doc", id: "reconnection", label: "6.7 断线重连" }, { type: "doc", id: "tcpcommandlineplugin", label: "6.8 命令行执行插件" }, { type: "doc", id: "heartbeat", label: "6.9 心跳设计" }, { type: "doc", id: "tcpother", label: "6.10 其他场景应用" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "07、Udp组件", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "createudpsession", label: "7.1 创建UdpSession" }, { type: "doc", id: "udptransmitbigdata", label: "7.2 传输大于64K的数据" }, { type: "doc", id: "udpbroadcast", label: "7.3 组播、广播" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "08、数据处理适配器", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "adapterdescription", label: "8.1 介绍及使用" }, { type: "category", label: "8.2 Tcp适配器", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "normaldatahandlingadapter", label: "a.正常数据处理适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "fixedheaderpackageadapter", label: "b.固定包头数据处理适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "fixedsizepackageadapter", label: "c.固定长度数据处理适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "terminatorpackageadapter", label: "d.终止因子数据处理适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "datahandleadapter", label: "e.原始自定义适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "customdatahandlingadapter", label: "f.用户自定义适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "customfixedheaderdatahandlingadapter", label: "g.模板解析固定包头适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "customunfixedheaderdatahandlingadapter", label: "h.模板解析非固定包头适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "bigfixedheadercustomdatahandlingadapter", label: "i.模板解析大数据固定包头适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "custombetweenanddatahandlingadapter", label: "j.模板解析区间数据适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "pipelinedatahandlingadapter", label: "k.Pipeline数据适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "tlvdatahandlingadapter", label: "l.三元组编码TLV适配器" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "8.3 Udp适配器", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "udpdatahandlingadapter", label: "a.原始自定义适配器" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "8.4 适配器案例赏析", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "adapterdemodescription", label: "a.说明" }, { type: "doc", id: "stategridtransmission", label: "b.国网输电i1标准版" }, ] }, { type: "doc", id: "independentusedatahandlingadapter", label: "8.5 独立使用适配器" }, { type: "doc", id: "dataadaptertester", label: "8.6 适配器完整性、性能测试" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "09、Http组件", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "createhttpservice", label: "9.1 创建HttpService" }, { type: "doc", id: "createhttpclient", label: "9.2 创建HttpClient" }, { type: "doc", id: "httpstaticpageplugin", label: "9.3 静态页面插件" }, { type: "doc", id: "httpfiletransfer", label: "9.4 文件传输" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "10、WebSocket组件", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "websocketdescription", label: "10.1 产品及架构介绍" }, { type: "doc", id: "createwebsocketservice", label: "10.2 创建WebSocket服务器" }, { type: "doc", id: "createwebsocketclient", label: "10.3 创建WebSocket客户端" }, { type: "doc", id: "websocketverify", label: "10.4 连接验证" }, { type: "doc", id: "wscommandlineplugin", label: "10.5 WSCommandLinePlugin" }, { type: "doc", id: "wsjsonrpc", label: "10.6 基于WS的JsonRpc" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "11、Rpc代理生成", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "generateproxydescription", label: "11.1 为什么要生成代理" }, { type: "doc", id: "generateproxyfromserver", label: "11.2 从服务端生成代理" }, { type: "doc", id: "generateproxyfromsourcegenerator", label: "11.3 从SourceGenerator获取代理" }, { type: "doc", id: "generateproxysourcegeneratordemo", label: "11.4 SG代理推荐写法" } ] }, { type: "category", label: "12、TouchRpc组件", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "touchrpcdescription", label: "12.1 产品及架构介绍" }, { type: "doc", id: "createtouchrpcservice", label: "12.2 创建TouchRpc服务器" }, { type: "doc", id: "createtouchrpcclient", label: "12.3 创建TouchRpc客户端" }, { type: "doc", id: "touchrpcbase", label: "12.4 基础功能" }, { type: "category", label: "12.5 Rpc功能", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "createandcallrpc", label: "a.创建、调用rpc服务" }, { type: "doc", id: "rpcstream", label: "b.Rpc大数据流式传输" }, { type: "doc", id: "rpcoption", label: "c.调用配置" }, { type: "doc", id: "serializationselector", label: "d.序列化选择器" }, { type: "doc", id: "rpcallcontext", label: "e.调用上下文" }, { type: "doc", id: "rpcactionfilter", label: "f.Rpc服务AOP" } ] }, { type: "category", label: "12.6 文件传输", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "transferfile", label: "a.传输文件" }, { type: "doc", id: "smallfiletransfer", label: "c.小文件传输" }, { type: "doc", id: "multithreadingfiletransfer", label: "c.多线程文件传输" } ] }, { type: "doc", id: "remotefilecontrol", label: "12.7 远程文件操作" }, { type: "doc", id: "streamtransfer", label: "12.8 Stream传输" }, { type: "doc", id: "remotestreamaccess", label: "12.9 远程流访问" }, { type: "doc", id: "eventbus", label: "12.10 EventBus" } ] }, { type: "category", label: "13、WebApi组件", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "webapidescription", label: "13.1 产品及架构介绍" }, { type: "doc", id: "webapiservice", label: "13.2 定义、发布、启动服务" }, { type: "doc", id: "callwebapi", label: "13.3 发现、调用服务" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "14、JsonRpc组件", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "jsonrpcdescription", label: "14.1 产品及架构介绍" }, { type: "doc", id: "jsonrpcservice", label: "14.2 定义、发布、启动服务" }, { type: "doc", id: "calljsonrpc", label: "14.3 发现、调用服务" }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "15、XmlRpc组件件", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "xmlrpcdescription", label: "15.1 产品及架构介绍" }, { type: "doc", id: "xmlrpcservice", label: "15.2 定义、发布、启动服务" }, { type: "doc", id: "callxmlrpc", label: "15.3 发现、调用服务" }, ] } ] };