package com.chad.library.adapter.base import android.animation.Animator import android.content.Context import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT import android.view.ViewParent import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.widget.LinearLayout import androidx.annotation.IdRes import androidx.annotation.IntRange import androidx.annotation.LayoutRes import androidx.annotation.NonNull import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DiffUtil import androidx.recyclerview.widget.GridLayoutManager import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import androidx.recyclerview.widget.StaggeredGridLayoutManager import com.chad.library.adapter.base.animation.* import com.chad.library.adapter.base.diff.BrvahAsyncDiffer import com.chad.library.adapter.base.diff.BrvahAsyncDifferConfig import com.chad.library.adapter.base.diff.BrvahListUpdateCallback import com.chad.library.adapter.base.listener.* import com.chad.library.adapter.base.module.* import com.chad.library.adapter.base.util.getItemView import com.chad.library.adapter.base.viewholder.BaseViewHolder import java.lang.reflect.Constructor import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException import java.lang.reflect.Modifier import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType import java.util.* import kotlin.collections.ArrayList /** * Base Class * @param T : type of data, 数据类型 * @param VH : BaseViewHolder * @constructor layoutId, data(Can null parameters, the default is empty data) */ abstract class BaseQuickAdapter @JvmOverloads constructor(@LayoutRes private val layoutResId: Int, data: MutableList? = null) : RecyclerView.Adapter() { companion object { const val HEADER_VIEW = 0x10000111 const val LOAD_MORE_VIEW = 0x10000222 const val FOOTER_VIEW = 0x10000333 const val EMPTY_VIEW = 0x10000555 } /***************************** Public property settings *************************************/ /** * data, Only allowed to get. * 数据, 只允许 get。 */ var data: MutableList = data ?: arrayListOf() internal set /** * 当显示空布局时,是否显示 Header */ var headerWithEmptyEnable = false /** 当显示空布局时,是否显示 Foot */ var footerWithEmptyEnable = false /** 是否使用空布局 */ var isUseEmpty = true /** * if asFlow is true, footer/header will arrange like normal item view. * only works when use [GridLayoutManager],and it will ignore span size. */ var headerViewAsFlow: Boolean = false var footerViewAsFlow: Boolean = false /** * 是否打开动画 */ var animationEnable: Boolean = false /** * 动画是否仅第一次执行 */ var isAnimationFirstOnly = true /** * 设置自定义动画 */ var adapterAnimation: BaseAnimation? = null set(value) { animationEnable = true field = value } /** * 加载更多模块 */ val loadMoreModule: BaseLoadMoreModule get() { checkNotNull(mLoadMoreModule) { "Please first implements LoadMoreModule" } return mLoadMoreModule!! } /** * 向上加载模块 */ val upFetchModule: BaseUpFetchModule get() { checkNotNull(mUpFetchModule) { "Please first implements UpFetchModule" } return mUpFetchModule!! } /** * 拖拽模块 */ val draggableModule: BaseDraggableModule get() { checkNotNull(mDraggableModule) { "Please first implements DraggableModule" } return mDraggableModule!! } /********************************* Private property *****************************************/ private var mDiffHelper: BrvahAsyncDiffer? = null private lateinit var mHeaderLayout: LinearLayout private lateinit var mFooterLayout: LinearLayout private lateinit var mEmptyLayout: FrameLayout private var mLastPosition = -1 private var mSpanSizeLookup: GridSpanSizeLookup? = null private var mOnItemClickListener: OnItemClickListener? = null private var mOnItemLongClickListener: OnItemLongClickListener? = null private var mOnItemChildClickListener: OnItemChildClickListener? = null private var mOnItemChildLongClickListener: OnItemChildLongClickListener? = null private var mUpFetchModule: BaseUpFetchModule? = null private var mDraggableModule: BaseDraggableModule? = null internal var mLoadMoreModule: BaseLoadMoreModule? = null var recyclerViewOrNull: RecyclerView? = null private set val recyclerView: RecyclerView get() { checkNotNull(recyclerViewOrNull) { "Please get it after onAttachedToRecyclerView()" } return recyclerViewOrNull!! } val context: Context get() { return recyclerView.context } /******************************* RecyclerView Method ****************************************/ init { checkModule() } /** * 检查模块 */ private fun checkModule() { if (this is LoadMoreModule) { mLoadMoreModule = this.addLoadMoreModule(this) } if (this is UpFetchModule) { mUpFetchModule = this.addUpFetchModule(this) } if (this is DraggableModule) { mDraggableModule = this.addDraggableModule(this) } } /** * Implement this method and use the helper to adapt the view to the given item. * * 实现此方法,并使用 helper 完成 item 视图的操作 * * @param holder A fully initialized helper. * @param item The item that needs to be displayed. */ protected abstract fun convert(holder: VH, item: T) /** * Optional implementation this method and use the helper to adapt the view to the given item. * If use [payloads], will perform this method, Please implement this method for partial refresh. * If use [RecyclerView.Adapter.notifyItemChanged(Int, Object)] with payload, * Will execute this method. * * 可选实现,如果你是用了[payloads]刷新item,请实现此方法,进行局部刷新 * * @param holder A fully initialized helper. * @param item The item that needs to be displayed. * @param payloads payload info. */ protected open fun convert(holder: VH, item: T, payloads: List) {} override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): VH { val baseViewHolder: VH when (viewType) { LOAD_MORE_VIEW -> { val view = mLoadMoreModule!!.loadMoreView.getRootView(parent) baseViewHolder = createBaseViewHolder(view) mLoadMoreModule!!.setupViewHolder(baseViewHolder) } HEADER_VIEW -> { val headerLayoutVp: ViewParent? = mHeaderLayout.parent if (headerLayoutVp is ViewGroup) { headerLayoutVp.removeView(mHeaderLayout) } baseViewHolder = createBaseViewHolder(mHeaderLayout) } EMPTY_VIEW -> { val emptyLayoutVp: ViewParent? = mEmptyLayout.parent if (emptyLayoutVp is ViewGroup) { emptyLayoutVp.removeView(mEmptyLayout) } baseViewHolder = createBaseViewHolder(mEmptyLayout) } FOOTER_VIEW -> { val footerLayoutVp: ViewParent? = mFooterLayout.parent if (footerLayoutVp is ViewGroup) { footerLayoutVp.removeView(mFooterLayout) } baseViewHolder = createBaseViewHolder(mFooterLayout) } else -> { val viewHolder = onCreateDefViewHolder(parent, viewType) bindViewClickListener(viewHolder, viewType) mDraggableModule?.initView(viewHolder) onItemViewHolderCreated(viewHolder, viewType) baseViewHolder = viewHolder } } return baseViewHolder } /** * Don't override this method. If need, please override [getDefItemCount] * 不要重写此方法,如果有需要,请重写[getDefItemCount] * @return Int */ override fun getItemCount(): Int { if (hasEmptyView()) { var count = 1 if (headerWithEmptyEnable && hasHeaderLayout()) { count++ } if (footerWithEmptyEnable && hasFooterLayout()) { count++ } return count } else { val loadMoreCount = if (mLoadMoreModule?.hasLoadMoreView() == true) { 1 } else { 0 } return headerLayoutCount + getDefItemCount() + footerLayoutCount + loadMoreCount } } /** * Don't override this method. If need, please override [getDefItemViewType] * 不要重写此方法,如果有需要,请重写[getDefItemViewType] * * @param position Int * @return Int */ override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int { if (hasEmptyView()) { val header = headerWithEmptyEnable && hasHeaderLayout() return when (position) { 0 -> if (header) { HEADER_VIEW } else { EMPTY_VIEW } 1 -> if (header) { EMPTY_VIEW } else { FOOTER_VIEW } 2 -> FOOTER_VIEW else -> EMPTY_VIEW } } val hasHeader = hasHeaderLayout() if (hasHeader && position == 0) { return HEADER_VIEW } else { var adjPosition = if (hasHeader) { position - 1 } else { position } val dataSize = data.size return if (adjPosition < dataSize) { getDefItemViewType(adjPosition) } else { adjPosition -= dataSize val numFooters = if (hasFooterLayout()) { 1 } else { 0 } if (adjPosition < numFooters) { FOOTER_VIEW } else { LOAD_MORE_VIEW } } } } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: VH, position: Int) { //Add up fetch logic, almost like load more, but simpler. mUpFetchModule?.autoUpFetch(position) //Do not move position, need to change before LoadMoreView binding mLoadMoreModule?.autoLoadMore(position) when (holder.itemViewType) { LOAD_MORE_VIEW -> { mLoadMoreModule?.let { it.loadMoreView.convert(holder, position, it.loadMoreStatus) } } HEADER_VIEW, EMPTY_VIEW, FOOTER_VIEW -> return else -> convert(holder, getItem(position - headerLayoutCount)) } } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: VH, position: Int, payloads: MutableList) { if (payloads.isEmpty()) { onBindViewHolder(holder, position) return } //Add up fetch logic, almost like load more, but simpler. mUpFetchModule?.autoUpFetch(position) //Do not move position, need to change before LoadMoreView binding mLoadMoreModule?.autoLoadMore(position) when (holder.itemViewType) { LOAD_MORE_VIEW -> { mLoadMoreModule?.let { it.loadMoreView.convert(holder, position, it.loadMoreStatus) } } HEADER_VIEW, EMPTY_VIEW, FOOTER_VIEW -> return else -> convert(holder, getItem(position - headerLayoutCount), payloads) } } override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long { return position.toLong() } /** * Called when a view created by this holder has been attached to a window. * simple to solve item will layout using all * [setFullSpan] * * @param holder */ override fun onViewAttachedToWindow(holder: VH) { super.onViewAttachedToWindow(holder) val type = holder.itemViewType if (isFixedViewType(type)) { setFullSpan(holder) } else { addAnimation(holder) } } override fun onAttachedToRecyclerView(recyclerView: RecyclerView) { super.onAttachedToRecyclerView(recyclerView) recyclerViewOrNull = recyclerView mDraggableModule?.attachToRecyclerView(recyclerView) val manager = recyclerView.layoutManager if (manager is GridLayoutManager) { val defSpanSizeLookup = manager.spanSizeLookup manager.spanSizeLookup = object : GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup() { override fun getSpanSize(position: Int): Int { val type = getItemViewType(position) if (type == HEADER_VIEW && headerViewAsFlow) { return 1 } if (type == FOOTER_VIEW && footerViewAsFlow) { return 1 } return if (mSpanSizeLookup == null) { if (isFixedViewType(type)) manager.spanCount else defSpanSizeLookup.getSpanSize(position) } else { if (isFixedViewType(type)) manager.spanCount else mSpanSizeLookup!!.getSpanSize(manager, type, position - headerLayoutCount) } } } } } override fun onDetachedFromRecyclerView(recyclerView: RecyclerView) { super.onDetachedFromRecyclerView(recyclerView) recyclerViewOrNull = null } protected open fun isFixedViewType(type: Int): Boolean { return type == EMPTY_VIEW || type == HEADER_VIEW || type == FOOTER_VIEW || type == LOAD_MORE_VIEW } /** * Get the data item associated with the specified position in the data set. * * @param position Position of the item whose data we want within the adapter's * data set. * @return The data at the specified position. */ open fun getItem(@IntRange(from = 0) position: Int): T { return data[position] } open fun getItemOrNull(@IntRange(from = 0) position: Int): T? { return data.getOrNull(position) } /** * 如果返回 -1,表示不存在 * @param item T? * @return Int */ open fun getItemPosition(item: T?): Int { return if (item != null && data.isNotEmpty()) data.indexOf(item) else -1 } /** * 用于保存需要设置点击事件的 item */ private val childClickViewIds = LinkedHashSet() fun getChildClickViewIds(): LinkedHashSet { return childClickViewIds } /** * 设置需要点击事件的子view * @param viewIds IntArray */ fun addChildClickViewIds(@IdRes vararg viewIds: Int) { for (viewId in viewIds) { childClickViewIds.add(viewId) } } /** * 用于保存需要设置长按点击事件的 item */ private val childLongClickViewIds = LinkedHashSet() fun getChildLongClickViewIds(): LinkedHashSet { return childLongClickViewIds } /** * 设置需要长按点击事件的子view * @param viewIds IntArray */ fun addChildLongClickViewIds(@IdRes vararg viewIds: Int) { for (viewId in viewIds) { childLongClickViewIds.add(viewId) } } /** * 绑定 item 点击事件 * @param viewHolder VH */ protected open fun bindViewClickListener(viewHolder: VH, viewType: Int) { mOnItemClickListener?.let { viewHolder.itemView.setOnClickListener { v -> var position = viewHolder.adapterPosition if (position == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { return@setOnClickListener } position -= headerLayoutCount setOnItemClick(v, position) } } mOnItemLongClickListener?.let { viewHolder.itemView.setOnLongClickListener { v -> var position = viewHolder.adapterPosition if (position == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { return@setOnLongClickListener false } position -= headerLayoutCount setOnItemLongClick(v, position) } } mOnItemChildClickListener?.let { for (id in getChildClickViewIds()) { viewHolder.itemView.findViewById(id)?.let { childView -> if (!childView.isClickable) { childView.isClickable = true } childView.setOnClickListener { v -> var position = viewHolder.adapterPosition if (position == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { return@setOnClickListener } position -= headerLayoutCount setOnItemChildClick(v, position) } } } } mOnItemChildLongClickListener?.let { for (id in getChildLongClickViewIds()) { viewHolder.itemView.findViewById(id)?.let { childView -> if (!childView.isLongClickable) { childView.isLongClickable = true } childView.setOnLongClickListener { v -> var position = viewHolder.adapterPosition if (position == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { return@setOnLongClickListener false } position -= headerLayoutCount setOnItemChildLongClick(v, position) } } } } } /** * override this method if you want to override click event logic * * 如果你想重新实现 item 点击事件逻辑,请重写此方法 * @param v * @param position */ protected open fun setOnItemClick(v: View, position: Int) { mOnItemClickListener?.onItemClick(this, v, position) } /** * override this method if you want to override longClick event logic * * 如果你想重新实现 item 长按事件逻辑,请重写此方法 * @param v * @param position * @return */ protected open fun setOnItemLongClick(v: View, position: Int): Boolean { return mOnItemLongClickListener?.onItemLongClick(this, v, position) ?: false } protected open fun setOnItemChildClick(v: View, position: Int) { mOnItemChildClickListener?.onItemChildClick(this, v, position) } protected open fun setOnItemChildLongClick(v: View, position: Int): Boolean { return mOnItemChildLongClickListener?.onItemChildLongClick(this, v, position) ?: false } /** * (可选重写)当 item 的 ViewHolder创建完毕后,执行此方法。 * 可在此对 ViewHolder 进行处理,例如进行 DataBinding 绑定 view * * @param viewHolder VH * @param viewType Int */ protected open fun onItemViewHolderCreated(viewHolder: VH, viewType: Int) {} /** * Override this method and return your data size. * 重写此方法,返回你的数据数量。 */ protected open fun getDefItemCount(): Int { return data.size } /** * Override this method and return your ViewType. * 重写此方法,返回你的ViewType。 */ protected open fun getDefItemViewType(position: Int): Int { return super.getItemViewType(position) } /** * Override this method and return your ViewHolder. * 重写此方法,返回你的ViewHolder。 */ protected open fun onCreateDefViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): VH { return createBaseViewHolder(parent, layoutResId) } protected open fun createBaseViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, @LayoutRes layoutResId: Int): VH { return createBaseViewHolder(parent.getItemView(layoutResId)) } /** * 创建 ViewHolder。可以重写 * * @param view View * @return VH */ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") protected open fun createBaseViewHolder(view: View): VH { var temp: Class<*>? = javaClass var z: Class<*>? = null while (z == null && null != temp) { z = getInstancedGenericKClass(temp) temp = temp.superclass } // 泛型擦除会导致z为null val vh: VH? = if (z == null) { BaseViewHolder(view) as VH } else { createBaseGenericKInstance(z, view) } return vh ?: BaseViewHolder(view) as VH } /** * get generic parameter VH * * @param z * @return */ private fun getInstancedGenericKClass(z: Class<*>): Class<*>? { try { val type = z.genericSuperclass if (type is ParameterizedType) { val types = type.actualTypeArguments for (temp in types) { if (temp is Class<*>) { if ( { return temp } } else if (temp is ParameterizedType) { val rawType = temp.rawType if (rawType is Class<*> && { return rawType } } } } } catch (e: java.lang.reflect.GenericSignatureFormatError) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: TypeNotPresentException) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: java.lang.reflect.MalformedParameterizedTypeException) { e.printStackTrace() } return null } /** * try to create Generic VH instance * * @param z * @param view * @return */ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") private fun createBaseGenericKInstance(z: Class<*>, view: View): VH? { try { val constructor: Constructor<*> // inner and unstatic class return if (z.isMemberClass && !Modifier.isStatic(z.modifiers)) { constructor = z.getDeclaredConstructor(javaClass, constructor.isAccessible = true constructor.newInstance(this, view) as VH } else { constructor = z.getDeclaredConstructor( constructor.isAccessible = true constructor.newInstance(view) as VH } } catch (e: NoSuchMethodException) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: IllegalAccessException) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: InstantiationException) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: InvocationTargetException) { e.printStackTrace() } return null } /** * When set to true, the item will layout using all span area. That means, if orientation * is vertical, the view will have full width; if orientation is horizontal, the view will * have full height. * if the hold view use StaggeredGridLayoutManager they should using all span area * * @param holder True if this item should traverse all spans. */ protected open fun setFullSpan(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder) { val layoutParams = holder.itemView.layoutParams if (layoutParams is StaggeredGridLayoutManager.LayoutParams) { layoutParams.isFullSpan = true } } /** * get the specific view by position,e.g. getViewByPosition(2, * * bind [RecyclerView.setAdapter] before use! */ fun getViewByPosition(position: Int, @IdRes viewId: Int): View? { val recyclerView = recyclerViewOrNull ?: return null val viewHolder = recyclerView.findViewHolderForLayoutPosition(position) as BaseViewHolder? ?: return null return viewHolder.getViewOrNull(viewId) } /********************************************************************************************/ /********************************* HeaderView Method ****************************************/ /********************************************************************************************/ @JvmOverloads fun addHeaderView(view: View, index: Int = -1, orientation: Int = LinearLayout.VERTICAL): Int { if (!this::mHeaderLayout.isInitialized) { mHeaderLayout = LinearLayout(view.context) mHeaderLayout.orientation = orientation mHeaderLayout.layoutParams = if (orientation == LinearLayout.VERTICAL) { RecyclerView.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT) } else { RecyclerView.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, MATCH_PARENT) } } val childCount = mHeaderLayout.childCount var mIndex = index if (index < 0 || index > childCount) { mIndex = childCount } mHeaderLayout.addView(view, mIndex) if (mHeaderLayout.childCount == 1) { val position = headerViewPosition if (position != -1) { notifyItemInserted(position) } } return mIndex } @JvmOverloads fun setHeaderView(view: View, index: Int = 0, orientation: Int = LinearLayout.VERTICAL): Int { return if (!this::mHeaderLayout.isInitialized || mHeaderLayout.childCount <= index) { addHeaderView(view, index, orientation) } else { mHeaderLayout.removeViewAt(index) mHeaderLayout.addView(view, index) index } } /** * 是否有 HeaderLayout * @return Boolean */ fun hasHeaderLayout(): Boolean { if (this::mHeaderLayout.isInitialized && mHeaderLayout.childCount > 0) { return true } return false } fun removeHeaderView(header: View) { if (!hasHeaderLayout()) return mHeaderLayout.removeView(header) if (mHeaderLayout.childCount == 0) { val position = headerViewPosition if (position != -1) { notifyItemRemoved(position) } } } fun removeAllHeaderView() { if (!hasHeaderLayout()) return mHeaderLayout.removeAllViews() val position = headerViewPosition if (position != -1) { notifyItemRemoved(position) } } val headerViewPosition: Int get() { if (hasEmptyView()) { if (headerWithEmptyEnable) { return 0 } } else { return 0 } return -1 } /** * if addHeaderView will be return 1, if not will be return 0 */ val headerLayoutCount: Int get() { return if (hasHeaderLayout()) { 1 } else { 0 } } /** * 获取头布局 */ val headerLayout: LinearLayout? get() { return if (this::mHeaderLayout.isInitialized) { mHeaderLayout } else { null } } /********************************************************************************************/ /********************************* FooterView Method ****************************************/ /********************************************************************************************/ @JvmOverloads fun addFooterView(view: View, index: Int = -1, orientation: Int = LinearLayout.VERTICAL): Int { if (!this::mFooterLayout.isInitialized) { mFooterLayout = LinearLayout(view.context) mFooterLayout.orientation = orientation mFooterLayout.layoutParams = if (orientation == LinearLayout.VERTICAL) { RecyclerView.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT) } else { RecyclerView.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, MATCH_PARENT) } } val childCount = mFooterLayout.childCount var mIndex = index if (index < 0 || index > childCount) { mIndex = childCount } mFooterLayout.addView(view, mIndex) if (mFooterLayout.childCount == 1) { val position = footerViewPosition if (position != -1) { notifyItemInserted(position) } } return mIndex } @JvmOverloads fun setFooterView(view: View, index: Int = 0, orientation: Int = LinearLayout.VERTICAL): Int { return if (!this::mFooterLayout.isInitialized || mFooterLayout.childCount <= index) { addFooterView(view, index, orientation) } else { mFooterLayout.removeViewAt(index) mFooterLayout.addView(view, index) index } } fun removeFooterView(footer: View) { if (!hasFooterLayout()) return mFooterLayout.removeView(footer) if (mFooterLayout.childCount == 0) { val position = footerViewPosition if (position != -1) { notifyItemRemoved(position) } } } fun removeAllFooterView() { if (!hasFooterLayout()) return mFooterLayout.removeAllViews() val position = footerViewPosition if (position != -1) { notifyItemRemoved(position) } } fun hasFooterLayout(): Boolean { if (this::mFooterLayout.isInitialized && mFooterLayout.childCount > 0) { return true } return false } val footerViewPosition: Int get() { if (hasEmptyView()) { var position = 1 if (headerWithEmptyEnable && hasHeaderLayout()) { position++ } if (footerWithEmptyEnable) { return position } } else { return headerLayoutCount + data.size } return -1 } /** * if addHeaderView will be return 1, if not will be return 0 */ val footerLayoutCount: Int get() { return if (hasFooterLayout()) { 1 } else { 0 } } /** * 获取脚布局 * @return LinearLayout? */ val footerLayout: LinearLayout? get() { return if (this::mFooterLayout.isInitialized) { mFooterLayout } else { null } } /********************************************************************************************/ /********************************** EmptyView Method ****************************************/ /********************************************************************************************/ /** * 设置空布局视图,注意:[data]必须为空数组 * @param emptyView View */ fun setEmptyView(emptyView: View) { val oldItemCount = itemCount var insert = false if (!this::mEmptyLayout.isInitialized) { mEmptyLayout = FrameLayout(emptyView.context) mEmptyLayout.layoutParams = emptyView.layoutParams?.let { return@let ViewGroup.LayoutParams(it.width, it.height) } ?: ViewGroup.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, MATCH_PARENT) insert = true } else { emptyView.layoutParams?.let { val lp = mEmptyLayout.layoutParams lp.width = it.width lp.height = it.height mEmptyLayout.layoutParams = lp } } mEmptyLayout.removeAllViews() mEmptyLayout.addView(emptyView) isUseEmpty = true if (insert && hasEmptyView()) { var position = 0 if (headerWithEmptyEnable && hasHeaderLayout()) { position++ } if (itemCount > oldItemCount) { notifyItemInserted(position) } else { notifyDataSetChanged() } } } fun setEmptyView(layoutResId: Int) { recyclerViewOrNull?.let { val view = LayoutInflater.from(it.context).inflate(layoutResId, it, false) setEmptyView(view) } } fun removeEmptyView() { if (this::mEmptyLayout.isInitialized) { mEmptyLayout.removeAllViews() } } fun hasEmptyView(): Boolean { if (!this::mEmptyLayout.isInitialized || mEmptyLayout.childCount == 0) { return false } if (!isUseEmpty) { return false } return data.isEmpty() } /** * When the current adapter is empty, the BaseQuickAdapter can display a special view * called the empty view. The empty view is used to provide feedback to the user * that no data is available in this AdapterView. * * @return The view to show if the adapter is empty. */ val emptyLayout: FrameLayout? get() { return if (this::mEmptyLayout.isInitialized) { mEmptyLayout } else { null } } /*************************** Animation ******************************************/ /** * add animation when you want to show time * * @param holder */ private fun addAnimation(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder) { if (animationEnable) { if (!isAnimationFirstOnly || holder.layoutPosition > mLastPosition) { val animation: BaseAnimation = adapterAnimation ?: AlphaInAnimation() animation.animators(holder.itemView).forEach { startAnim(it, holder.layoutPosition) } mLastPosition = holder.layoutPosition } } } /** * 开始执行动画方法 * 可以重写此方法,实行更多行为 * * @param anim * @param index */ protected open fun startAnim(anim: Animator, index: Int) { anim.start() } /** * 内置默认动画类型 */ enum class AnimationType { AlphaIn, ScaleIn, SlideInBottom, SlideInLeft, SlideInRight } /** * 使用内置默认动画设置 * @param animationType AnimationType */ fun setAnimationWithDefault(animationType: AnimationType) { adapterAnimation = when (animationType) { AnimationType.AlphaIn -> AlphaInAnimation() AnimationType.ScaleIn -> ScaleInAnimation() AnimationType.SlideInBottom -> SlideInBottomAnimation() AnimationType.SlideInLeft -> SlideInLeftAnimation() AnimationType.SlideInRight -> SlideInRightAnimation() } } /*************************** 设置数据相关 ******************************************/ /** * setting up a new instance to data; * 设置新的数据实例 * * @param data */ @Deprecated("Please use setNewInstance(), This method will be removed in the next version", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("setNewInstance(data)")) open fun setNewData(data: MutableList?) { setNewInstance(data) } /** * setting up a new instance to data; * 设置新的数据实例,替换原有内存引用。 * 通常情况下,如非必要,请使用[setList]修改内容 * * @param list */ open fun setNewInstance(list: MutableList?) { if (list === { return } = list ?: arrayListOf() mLoadMoreModule?.reset() mLastPosition = -1 notifyDataSetChanged() mLoadMoreModule?.checkDisableLoadMoreIfNotFullPage() } /** * use data to replace all item in mData. this method is different [setList], * it doesn't change the [] reference * Deprecated, Please use [setList] * * @param newData data collection */ @Deprecated("Please use setData()", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("setList(newData)")) open fun replaceData(newData: Collection) { setList(newData) } /** * 使用新的数据集合,改变原有数据集合内容。 * 注意:不会替换原有的内存引用,只是替换内容 * * @param list Collection? */ open fun setList(list: Collection?) { if (list !== { if (!list.isNullOrEmpty()) { } } else { if (!list.isNullOrEmpty()) { val newList = ArrayList(list) } else { } } mLoadMoreModule?.reset() mLastPosition = -1 notifyDataSetChanged() mLoadMoreModule?.checkDisableLoadMoreIfNotFullPage() } /** * change data * 改变某一位置数据 */ open fun setData(@IntRange(from = 0) index: Int, data: T) { if (index >= { return }[index] = data notifyItemChanged(index + headerLayoutCount) } /** * add one new data in to certain location * 在指定位置添加一条新数据 * * @param position */ open fun addData(@IntRange(from = 0) position: Int, data: T) {, data) notifyItemInserted(position + headerLayoutCount) compatibilityDataSizeChanged(1) } /** * add one new data * 添加一条新数据 */ open fun addData(@NonNull data: T) { notifyItemInserted( + headerLayoutCount) compatibilityDataSizeChanged(1) } /** * add new data in to certain location * 在指定位置添加数据 * * @param position the insert position * @param newData the new data collection */ open fun addData(@IntRange(from = 0) position: Int, newData: Collection) {, newData) notifyItemRangeInserted(position + headerLayoutCount, newData.size) compatibilityDataSizeChanged(newData.size) } open fun addData(@NonNull newData: Collection) { notifyItemRangeInserted( - newData.size + headerLayoutCount, newData.size) compatibilityDataSizeChanged(newData.size) } /** * remove the item associated with the specified position of adapter * 删除指定位置的数据 * * @param position */ @Deprecated("Please use removeAt()", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("removeAt(position)")) open fun remove(@IntRange(from = 0) position: Int) { removeAt(position) } /** * remove the item associated with the specified position of adapter * 删除指定位置的数据 * * @param position */ open fun removeAt(@IntRange(from = 0) position: Int) { if (position >= data.size) { return } val internalPosition = position + headerLayoutCount notifyItemRemoved(internalPosition) compatibilityDataSizeChanged(0) notifyItemRangeChanged(internalPosition, - internalPosition) } open fun remove(data: T) { val index = if (index == -1) { return } removeAt(index) } /** * compatible getLoadMoreViewCount and getEmptyViewCount may change * * @param size Need compatible data size */ protected fun compatibilityDataSizeChanged(size: Int) { if ( == size) { notifyDataSetChanged() } } /** * 设置Diff Callback,用于快速生成 Diff Config。 * * @param diffCallback ItemCallback */ fun setDiffCallback(diffCallback: DiffUtil.ItemCallback) { this.setDiffConfig(BrvahAsyncDifferConfig.Builder(diffCallback).build()) } /** * 设置Diff Config。如需自定义线程,请使用此方法。 * 在使用 [setDiffNewData] 前,必须设置此方法 * @param config BrvahAsyncDifferConfig */ fun setDiffConfig(config: BrvahAsyncDifferConfig) { mDiffHelper = BrvahAsyncDiffer(this, config) } @Deprecated("User getDiffer()", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("getDiffer()")) fun getDiffHelper(): BrvahAsyncDiffer { return getDiffer() } fun getDiffer(): BrvahAsyncDiffer { checkNotNull(mDiffHelper) { "Please use setDiffCallback() or setDiffConfig() first!" } return mDiffHelper!! } /** * 使用 Diff 设置新实例. * 此方法为异步Diff,无需考虑性能问题. * 使用之前请先设置 [setDiffCallback] 或者 [setDiffConfig]. * * Use Diff setting up a new instance to data. * This method is asynchronous. * * @param list MutableList? */ @JvmOverloads open fun setDiffNewData(list: MutableList?, commitCallback: Runnable? = null) { if (hasEmptyView()) { // If the current view is an empty view, set the new data directly without diff setNewInstance(list) commitCallback?.run() return } mDiffHelper?.submitList(list, commitCallback) } /** * 使用 DiffResult 设置新实例. * Use DiffResult setting up a new instance to data. * * @param diffResult DiffResult * @param list New Data */ open fun setDiffNewData(@NonNull diffResult: DiffUtil.DiffResult, list: MutableList) { if (hasEmptyView()) { // If the current view is an empty view, set the new data directly without diff setNewInstance(list) return } diffResult.dispatchUpdatesTo(BrvahListUpdateCallback(this)) = list } /************************************** Set Listener ****************************************/ fun setGridSpanSizeLookup(spanSizeLookup: GridSpanSizeLookup?) { this.mSpanSizeLookup = spanSizeLookup } fun setOnItemClickListener(listener: OnItemClickListener?) { this.mOnItemClickListener = listener } fun setOnItemLongClickListener(listener: OnItemLongClickListener?) { this.mOnItemLongClickListener = listener } fun setOnItemChildClickListener(listener: OnItemChildClickListener?) { this.mOnItemChildClickListener = listener } fun setOnItemChildLongClickListener(listener: OnItemChildLongClickListener?) { this.mOnItemChildLongClickListener = listener } fun getOnItemClickListener(): OnItemClickListener? = mOnItemClickListener fun getOnItemLongClickListener(): OnItemLongClickListener? = mOnItemLongClickListener fun getOnItemChildClickListener(): OnItemChildClickListener? = mOnItemChildClickListener fun getOnItemChildLongClickListener(): OnItemChildLongClickListener? = mOnItemChildLongClickListener }