--- # NLopt Python Reference --- The NLopt includes an interface callable from the [Python programming language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language)). The main purpose of this section is to document the syntax and unique features of the Python API; for more detail on the underlying features, please refer to the C documentation in the [NLopt Reference](NLopt_Reference.md). Using the NLopt Python API -------------------------- To use NLopt in Python, your Python program should include the lines: ``` import nlopt from numpy import * ``` which imports the `nlopt` module, and also imports the numpy ([NumPy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NumPy)) that defines the array data types used for communicating with NLopt. The `nlopt.opt` class --------------------- The NLopt API revolves around an object of type `nlopt.opt`. Via methods of this object, all of the parameters of the optimization are specified (dimensions, algorithm, stopping criteria, constraints, objective function, etcetera), and then one finally calls the `opt.optimize` method in order to perform the optimization. The object should normally be created via the constructor: ``` opt = nlopt.opt(algorithm, n) ``` given an `algorithm` (see [NLopt Algorithms](NLopt_Algorithms.md) for possible values) and the dimensionality of the problem (`n`, the number of optimization parameters). Whereas the C algorithms are specified by `nlopt_algorithm` constants of the form `NLOPT_LD_MMA`, `NLOPT_LN_COBYLA`, etcetera, the Python `algorithm` values are of the form `nlopt.LD_MMA`, `nlopt.LN_COBYLA`, etcetera (with the `NLOPT_` prefix replaced by the `nlopt.` namespace). There are also a copy constructor `nlopt.opt(opt)` to make a copy of a given object (equivalent to `nlopt_copy` in the C API). If there is an error in the constructor (or copy constructor, or assignment), a `MemoryError` exception is thrown. The algorithm and dimension parameters of the object are immutable (cannot be changed without constructing a new object), but you can query them for a given object by the methods: ``` opt.get_algorithm() opt.get_dimension() ``` You can get a string description of the algorithm via: ``` opt.get_algorithm_name() ``` Objective function ------------------ The objective function is specified by calling one of the methods: ``` opt.set_min_objective(f) opt.set_max_objective(f) ``` depending on whether one wishes to minimize or maximize the objective function `f`, respectively. The function `f` should be of the form: ``` def f(x, grad):    if grad.size > 0: ``` `       `*`...set` `grad` `to` `gradient,` `in-place...`* `   return `*`...value` `of` `f(x)...`* The return value should be the value of the function at the point `x`, where `x` is a NumPy array of length `n` of the optimization parameters (the same as the dimension passed to the constructor). In addition, if the argument `grad` is not empty, i.e. `grad.size>0`, then `grad` is a NumPy array of length `n` which should (upon return) be set to the gradient of the function with respect to the optimization parameters at `x`. That is, `grad[i]` should upon return contain the partial derivative $\partial f / \partial x_i$, for $0 \leq i < n$, if `grad` is non-empty. Not all of the optimization algorithms (below) use the gradient information: for algorithms listed as "derivative-free," the `grad` argument will always be empty and need never be computed. (For algorithms that do use gradient information, however, `grad` may still be empty for some calls.) Note that `grad` must be modified *in-place* by your function `f`. Generally, this means using indexing operations `grad[...]` `=` `...` to overwrite the contents of `grad`, as described below. ### Assigning results in-place Your objective and constraint functions must overwrite the contents of the `grad` (gradient) argument in-place (although of course you can allocate whatever additional storage you might need, in addition to overwriting `grad`). However, typical Python assignment operations do *not* do this. For example: ``` grad = 2*x ``` might seem like the gradient of the function `sum(x**2)`, but it will *not work* with NLopt because this expression actually allocates a *new* array to store `2*x` and re-assigns `grad` to point to it, rather than overwriting the old contents of `grad`. Instead, you should do: ``` grad[:] = 2*x ``` Assigning any [slice or view](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.indexing.html) `grad[...]` of the array will overwrite the contents, which is what NLopt needs you to do. So, you should generally use indexing expressions `grad[...]` `=` `...` to assign the gradient result. In specific cases, there are a few other NumPy and SciPy functions that are documented to operate in-place on their arguments, and you can also use such functions to modify `grad` if you want. If a function is not *explicitly documented to modify its arguments in-place*, however, you should assume that it does *not*. Bound constraints ----------------- The [bound constraints](NLopt_Reference#Bound_constraints.md) can be specified by calling the methods: ``` opt.set_lower_bounds(lb) opt.set_upper_bounds(ub) ``` where `lb` and `ub` are arrays (NumPy arrays or Python lists) of length *n* (the same as the dimension passed to the `nlopt.opt` constructor). For convenience, these are overloaded with functions that take a single number as arguments, in order to set the lower/upper bounds for all optimization parameters to a single constant. To retrieve the values of the lower/upper bounds, you can call one of: ``` opt.get_lower_bounds() opt.get_upper_bounds() ``` both of which return NumPy arrays. To specify an unbounded dimension, you can use ±`float('inf')` (or ±`numpy.inf`) in Python to specify ±∞. Nonlinear constraints --------------------- Just as for [nonlinear constraints in C](NLopt_Reference#Nonlinear_constraints.md), you can specify nonlinear inequality and equality constraints by the methods: ``` opt.add_inequality_constraint(fc, tol=0) opt.add_equality_constraint(h, tol=0) ``` where the arguments `fc` and `h` have the same form as the objective function above. The optional `tol` arguments specify a tolerance in judging feasibility for the purposes of stopping the optimization, as in C. To remove all of the inequality and/or equality constraints from a given problem, you can call the following methods: ``` opt.remove_inequality_constraints() opt.remove_equality_constraints() ``` ### Vector-valued constraints Just as for [nonlinear constraints in C](NLopt_Reference#Vector-valued_constraints.md), you can specify vector-valued nonlinear inequality and equality constraints by the methods ``` opt.add_inequality_mconstraint(c, tol) opt.add_inequality_mconstraint(c, tol) ``` Here, `tol` is an array (NumPy array or Python list) of the tolerances in each constraint dimension; the dimensionality *m* of the constraint is determined by `tol.size`. The constraint function `c` must be of the form: ``` def c(result, x, grad):    if grad.size > 0: ``` `       `*`...set` `grad` `to` `gradient,` `in-place...`* `   result[0] = `*`...value` `of` `c``0``(x)...`* `   result[1] = `*`...value` `of` `c``1``(x)...`* ```    ... ``` `result` is a NumPy array whose length equals the dimensionality *m* of the constraint (same as the length of `tol` above), which upon return should be set *in-place* ([see above](#Assigning_results_in-place.md)) to the constraint results at the point `x` (a NumPy array whose length *n* is the same as the dimension passed to the constructor). Any return value of the function is ignored. In addition, if the argument `grad` is not empty, i.e. `grad.size>0`, then `grad` is a 2d NumPy array of size *m*×*n* which should (upon return) be set in-place ([see above](#Assigning_results_in-place.md)) to the gradient of the function with respect to the optimization parameters at `x`. That is, `grad[i,j]` should upon return contain the partial derivative $\partial c_i / \partial x_j$ if `grad` is non-empty. Not all of the optimization algorithms (below) use the gradient information: for algorithms listed as "derivative-free," the `grad` argument will always be empty and need never be computed. (For algorithms that do use gradient information, however, `grad` may still be empty for some calls.) An inequality constraint corresponds to $c_i \le 0$ for $0 \le i < m$, and an equality constraint corresponds to $c_i = 0$, in both cases with tolerance `tol[i]` for purposes of termination criteria. (You can add multiple vector-valued constraints and/or scalar constraints in the same problem.) Stopping criteria ----------------- As explained in the [C API Reference](NLopt_Reference#Stopping_criteria.md) and the [Introduction](NLopt_Introduction#Termination_conditions.md)), you have multiple options for different stopping criteria that you can specify. (Unspecified stopping criteria are disabled; i.e., they have innocuous defaults.) For each stopping criteria, there are (at least) two methods: a `set` method to specify the stopping criterion, and a `get` method to retrieve the current value for that criterion. The meanings of each criterion are exactly the same as in the C API. ``` opt.set_stopval(stopval) opt.get_stopval() ``` Stop when an objective value of at least `stopval` is found. ``` opt.set_ftol_rel(tol) opt.get_ftol_rel() ``` Set relative tolerance on function value. ``` opt.set_ftol_abs(tol) opt.get_ftol_abs() ``` Set absolute tolerance on function value. ``` opt.set_xtol_rel(tol) opt.get_xtol_rel() ``` Set relative tolerance on optimization parameters. ``` opt.set_xtol_abs(tol) opt.get_xtol_abs() ``` Set absolute tolerances on optimization parameters. The `tol` input must be an array (NumPy array or Python list) of length `n` (the dimension specified in the `nlopt.opt` constructor); alternatively, you can pass a single number in order to set the same tolerance for all optimization parameters. `get_xtol_abs()` returns the tolerances as a NumPy array. ``` opt.set_x_weights(w) opt.get_x_weights() ``` Set the weights used when the computing L₁ norm for the `xtol_rel` stopping criterion above. ``` opt.set_maxeval(maxeval) opt.get_maxeval() ``` Stop when the number of function evaluations exceeds `maxeval`. (0 or negative for no limit.) ``` opt.set_maxtime(maxtime) opt.get_maxtime() ``` Stop when the optimization time (in seconds) exceeds `maxtime`. (0 or negative for no limit.) ``` opt.get_numevals() ``` Request the number of evaluations. ### Forced termination In certain cases, the caller may wish to *force* the optimization to halt, for some reason unknown to NLopt. For example, if the user presses Ctrl-C, or there is an error of some sort in the objective function. You can do this by raise *any* exception inside your objective/constraint functions:the optimization will be halted gracefully, and the same exception will be raised to the caller. See [Exceptions](#Exceptions.md), below. The Python equivalent of `nlopt_forced_stop` from the [C API](NLopt_Reference#Forced_termination.md) is to throw an `nlopt.ForcedStop` exception. Performing the optimization --------------------------- Once all of the desired optimization parameters have been specified in a given object `opt`, you can perform the optimization by calling: ``` xopt = opt.optimize(x) ``` On input, `x` is an array (NumPy array or Python list) of length `n` (the dimension of the problem from the `nlopt.opt` constructor) giving an initial guess for the optimization parameters. The return value `xopt` is a NumPy array containing the optimized values of the optimization parameters. You can call the following methods to retrieve the optimized objective function value from the last `optimize` call, and also the return code (including negative/failure return values) from the last `optimize` call: ``` opt_val = opt.last_optimum_value() result = opt.last_optimize_result() ``` The return code (see below) is positive on success, indicating the reason for termination. On failure (negative return codes), `optimize()` throws an exception (see [Exceptions](#Exceptions.md), below). ### Return values The possible return values are the same as the [return values in the C API](NLopt_Reference#Return_values.md), except that the `NLOPT_` prefix is replaced with the `nlopt.` namespace. That is, `NLOPT_SUCCESS` becomes `nlopt.SUCCESS`, etcetera. Exceptions ---------- The [Error codes (negative return values)](NLopt_Reference#Error_codes_(negative_return_values).md) in the C API are replaced in the Python API by thrown exceptions. The following exceptions are thrown by the various routines: ``` RunTimeError ``` Generic failure, equivalent to `NLOPT_FAILURE`. ``` ValueError ``` Invalid arguments (e.g. lower bounds are bigger than upper bounds, an unknown algorithm was specified, etcetera), equivalent to `NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS`. ``` MemoryError ``` Ran out of memory (a memory allocation failed), equivalent to `NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY`. `nlopt.RoundoffLimited` (subclass of `Exception`) Halted because roundoff errors limited progress, equivalent to `NLOPT_ROUNDOFF_LIMITED`. `nlopt.ForcedStop` (subclass of `Exception`) Halted because of a [forced termination](#Forced_termination.md): the user called `opt.force_stop()` from the user’s objective function or threw an `nlopt.ForcedStop` exception. Equivalent to `NLOPT_FORCED_STOP`. If your objective/constraint functions throw *any* exception during the execution of `opt.optimize`, it will be caught by NLopt and the optimization will be halted gracefully, and `opt.optimize` will re-throw the *same* exception to its caller. Local/subsidiary optimization algorithm --------------------------------------- Some of the algorithms, especially MLSL and AUGLAG, use a different optimization algorithm as a subroutine, typically for local optimization. You can change the local search algorithm and its tolerances by calling: ``` opt.set_local_optimizer(local_opt) ``` Here, `local_opt` is another `nlopt.opt` object whose parameters are used to determine the local search algorithm, its stopping criteria, and other algorithm parameters. (However, the objective function, bounds, and nonlinear-constraint parameters of `local_opt` are ignored.) The dimension `n` of `local_opt` must match that of `opt`. This function makes a copy of the `local_opt` object, so you can freely change your original `local_opt` afterwards without affecting `opt`. Initial step size ----------------- Just as in the C API, you can [get and set the initial step sizes](NLopt_Reference#Initial_step_size.md) for derivative-free optimization algorithms. The Python equivalents of the C functions are the following methods: ``` opt.set_initial_step(dx) dx = opt.get_initial_step(x) ``` Here, `dx` is an array (NumPy array or Python list) of the (nonzero) initial steps for each dimension, or a single number if you wish to use the same initial steps for all dimensions. `opt.get_initial_step(x)` returns the initial step that will be used for a starting guess of `x` in `opt.optimize(x)`. Stochastic population --------------------- Just as in the C API, you can [get and set the initial population](NLopt_Reference#Stochastic_population.md) for stochastic optimization algorithms, by the methods: ``` opt.set_population(pop) opt.get_population() ``` (A `pop` of zero implies that the heuristic default will be used.) Pseudorandom numbers -------------------- For stochastic optimization algorithms, we use pseudorandom numbers generated by the [Mersenne Twister](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_twister) algorithm, based on code from Makoto Matsumoto. By default, the [seed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_seed) for the random numbers is generated from the system time, so that you will get a different sequence of pseudorandom numbers each time you run your program. If you want to use a "deterministic" sequence of pseudorandom numbers, i.e. the same sequence from run to run, you can set the seed by calling: ``` nlopt.srand(seed) ``` where `seed` is an integer. To reset the seed based on the system time, you can call: ``` nlopt.srand_time() ``` (Normally, you don't need to call this as it is called automatically. However, it might be useful if you want to "re-randomize" the pseudorandom numbers after calling `nlopt.srand` to set a deterministic seed.) Vector storage for limited-memory quasi-Newton algorithms --------------------------------------------------------- Just as in the C API, you can get and set the [number *M* of stored vectors](NLopt_Reference#Vector_storage_for_limited-memory_quasi-Newton_algorithms.md) for limited-memory quasi-Newton algorithms, via the methods: ``` opt.set_vector_storage(M) opt.get_vector_storage() ``` (The default is *M*=0, in which case NLopt uses a heuristic nonzero value.) Version number -------------- To determine the version number of NLopt at runtime, you can call: ``` nlopt.version_major() nlopt.version_minor() nlopt.version_bugfix() ``` For example, NLopt version 3.1.4 would return `major=3`, `minor=1`, and `bugfix=4`.