NLopt 1.1 * Workaround for incompatible qsort_r functions in BSD and GNU libc by always using my own version; thanks to Wendy Vandoolaeghe and Philippe Preux for the bug report and explanation. * Workaround for gcc 3.4.x conflict with HUGE_VAL definition in Solaris (gcc bug 19933). * Better identification of Matlab-plugin installation directory. NLopt 1.0.1 (13 Nov. 2008) * Allow user to override Matlab-plugin installation directory with MEX_INSTALL_DIR. * Bug fix in my DIRECT code that prevented convergence (DIRECT-L unaffected). * MLSL needs a nonzero default ftol_rel and/or xtol_rel to ensure that its local searches terminate; use roughly machine precision as defaults. NLopt 1.0 (11 Nov. 2008) * Initial public release.