提交 e6e96dbd 编写于 作者: S stevenj

supported more stopping criteria in subplex (still a little too pessimistic)

上级 9d80ef9c
......@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ static double f_direct(int n, const double *x, int *undefined, void *data_)
nlopt_result nlopt_minimize(
/* same as nlopt_minimize, but xtol_abs is required to be non-NULL */
static nlopt_result nlopt_minimize_(
nlopt_algorithm algorithm,
int n, nlopt_func f, void *f_data,
const double *lb, const double *ub, /* bounds */
......@@ -118,6 +119,8 @@ nlopt_result nlopt_minimize(
int i;
nlopt_data d;
nlopt_stopping stop;
d.f = f;
d.f_data = f_data;
d.lb = lb;
......@@ -132,6 +135,18 @@ nlopt_result nlopt_minimize(
if (lb[i] > ub[i] || x[i] < lb[i] || x[i] > ub[i])
stop.n = n;
stop.fmin_max = (isnan(fmin_max) || (my_isinf(fmin_max) && fmin_max < 0))
? -MY_INF : fmin_max;
stop.ftol_rel = ftol_rel;
stop.ftol_abs = ftol_abs;
stop.xtol_rel = xtol_rel;
stop.xtol_abs = xtol_abs;
stop.nevals = 0;
stop.maxeval = maxeval;
stop.maxtime = maxtime;
stop.start = nlopt_seconds();
switch (algorithm) {
......@@ -184,15 +199,18 @@ nlopt_result nlopt_minimize(
scale[i] = 0.01 * x[i] + 0.0001;
iret = subplex(f_subplex, fmin, x, n, &d, xtol_rel, maxeval,
fmin_max, !my_isinf(fmin_max), scale);
iret = subplex(f_subplex, fmin, x, n, &d, &stop, scale);
switch (iret) {
case -2: return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS;
case -10: return NLOPT_MAXTIME_REACHED;
case -1: return NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED;
case 0: return NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED;
case 1: return NLOPT_SUCCESS;
case 2: return NLOPT_FMIN_MAX_REACHED;
case 20: return NLOPT_FTOL_REACHED;
case -200: return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
default: return NLOPT_FAILURE; /* unknown return code */
......@@ -234,3 +252,31 @@ nlopt_result nlopt_minimize(
nlopt_result nlopt_minimize(
nlopt_algorithm algorithm,
int n, nlopt_func f, void *f_data,
const double *lb, const double *ub, /* bounds */
double *x, /* in: initial guess, out: minimizer */
double *fmin, /* out: minimum */
double fmin_max, double ftol_rel, double ftol_abs,
double xtol_rel, const double *xtol_abs,
int maxeval, double maxtime)
nlopt_result ret;
if (xtol_abs)
ret = nlopt_minimize_(algorithm, n, f, f_data, lb, ub,
x, fmin, fmin_max, ftol_rel, ftol_abs,
xtol_rel, xtol_abs, maxeval, maxtime);
else {
int i;
double *xtol = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * n);
if (!xtol) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) xtol[i] = -1;
ret = nlopt_minimize_(algorithm, n, f, f_data, lb, ub,
x, fmin, fmin_max, ftol_rel, ftol_abs,
xtol_rel, xtol, maxeval, maxtime);
return ret;
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ some algorithms do not support all of the stopping criteria.
.B fmin_max
Stop when a function value less than or equal to
.I fmin_max
is found. Set to Inf (see constraints section above) to disable.
is found. Set to -Inf or NaN (see constraints section above) to disable.
.B ftol_rel
Relative tolerance on function value: stop when an optimization step
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/util
noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libsubplex.la
libsubplex_la_SOURCES = subplex.c subplex.h
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ COMMENTS
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "subplex.h"
......@@ -1265,7 +1266,7 @@ static int evalf_(D_fp f,void*fdata, integer *ns, integer *ips, doublereal *xs,
static int simplx_(D_fp f, void *fdata, integer *n, doublereal *step, integer *
ns, integer *ips, integer *maxnfe, logical *cmode, doublereal *x,
ns, integer *ips, nlopt_stopping *stop, logical *cmode, doublereal *x,
doublereal *fx, integer *nfe, doublereal *s, doublereal *fs, integer *
......@@ -1384,6 +1385,7 @@ static int simplx_(D_fp f, void *fdata, integer *n, doublereal *step, integer *
if (usubc_1.irepl > 0) {
isubc_1.new__ = FALSE_;
evalf_((D_fp)f,fdata, ns, &ips[1], &s[s_dim1 + 1], n, &x[1], &fs[1], nfe);
} else {
fs[1] = *fx;
......@@ -1392,6 +1394,7 @@ static int simplx_(D_fp f, void *fdata, integer *n, doublereal *step, integer *
for (j = 2; j <= i__1; ++j) {
evalf_((D_fp)f, fdata,ns, &ips[1], &s[j * s_dim1 + 1], n, &x[1], &fs[j],
/* L10: */
il = 1;
......@@ -1413,6 +1416,7 @@ L20:
goto L40;
evalf_((D_fp)f,fdata, ns, &ips[1], &s[itemp * s_dim1 + 1], n, &x[1], &fr, nfe);
if (fr < fs[il]) {
/* expand */
......@@ -1424,6 +1428,7 @@ L20:
goto L40;
evalf_((D_fp)f,fdata, ns, &ips[1], &s[ih * s_dim1 + 1], n, &x[1], &fe, nfe);
if (fe < fr) {
fs[ih] = fe;
} else {
......@@ -1455,6 +1460,7 @@ L20:
evalf_((D_fp)f,fdata, ns, &ips[1], &s[itemp * s_dim1 + 1], n, &x[1], &fc,
/* Computing MIN */
d__1 = fr, d__2 = fs[ih];
if (fc < min(d__1,d__2)) {
......@@ -1476,6 +1482,7 @@ L20:
evalf_((D_fp)f,fdata, ns, &ips[1], &s[j * s_dim1 + 1], n, &x[1],
&fs[j], nfe);
/* L30: */
......@@ -1493,17 +1500,17 @@ L40:
*fx = isubc_1.sfbest;
if (usubc_1.nfstop > 0 && *fx <= isubc_1.sfstop && usubc_1.nfxe >=
usubc_1.nfstop) {
if (*fx < stop->fmin_max)
*iflag = 2;
} else if (*nfe >= *maxnfe) {
else if (nlopt_stop_evals(stop))
*iflag = -1;
} else if (dist_(ns, &s[ih * s_dim1 + 1], &s[il * s_dim1 + 1]) <= tol ||
small) {
else if (nlopt_stop_time(stop))
*iflag = -10;
else if (dist_(ns, &s[ih * s_dim1 + 1], &s[il * s_dim1 + 1]) <= tol
|| small)
*iflag = 0;
} else {
goto L20;
/* end main loop, return best point */
......@@ -1790,9 +1797,11 @@ static int setstp_(integer *nsubs, integer *n, doublereal *deltax,
-lf2c -lm (in that order)
static int subplx_(D_fp f, void *fdata, integer *n, doublereal *tol, integer *
maxnfe, integer *mode, const doublereal *scale, doublereal *x, doublereal *
fx, integer *nfe, doublereal *work, integer *iwork, integer *iflag)
static int subplx_(D_fp f, void *fdata, integer *n,
nlopt_stopping *stop, integer *mode,
const doublereal *scale, doublereal *x, doublereal *fx,
integer *nfe, doublereal *work, integer *iwork,
integer *iflag)
/* Initialized data */
......@@ -1814,7 +1823,7 @@ static int subplx_(D_fp f, void *fdata, integer *n, doublereal *tol, integer *
static integer istptr;
static doublereal scl, dum;
static integer ins;
static doublereal sfx;
static doublereal sfx, sfx_old, *x_old;
......@@ -1913,6 +1922,8 @@ static int subplx_(D_fp f, void *fdata, integer *n, doublereal *tol, integer *
x_old = work;
work += *n;
/* Function Body */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
......@@ -1924,12 +1935,6 @@ static int subplx_(D_fp f, void *fdata, integer *n, doublereal *tol, integer *
if (*n < 1) {
goto L120;
if (*tol < 0.) {
goto L120;
if (*maxnfe < 1) {
goto L120;
if (scale[1] >= 0.) {
i__1 = *n;
for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
......@@ -2031,6 +2036,7 @@ static int subplx_(D_fp f, void *fdata, integer *n, doublereal *tol, integer *
isubc_1.new__ = TRUE_;
usubc_1.initx = TRUE_;
evalf_((D_fp)f, fdata, &c__0, &iwork[1], &dum, n, &x[1], &sfx, nfe);
usubc_1.initx = FALSE_;
} else {
......@@ -2071,12 +2077,12 @@ L40:
ipptr = 1;
/* simplex loop */
sfx_old = sfx;
memcpy(&x_old[1], &x[1], sizeof(doublereal) * *n);
ns = iwork[ins];
simplx_((D_fp)f, fdata, n, &work[istptr], &ns, &iwork[ipptr], maxnfe, &cmode, &x[
1], &sfx, nfe, &work[isptr], &work[ifsptr], iflag);
simplx_((D_fp)f, fdata, n, &work[istptr], &ns, &iwork[ipptr], stop, &cmode, &x[1], &sfx, nfe, &work[isptr], &work[ifsptr], iflag);
cmode = FALSE_;
if (*iflag != 0) {
goto L110;
......@@ -2097,6 +2103,15 @@ L70:
/* check termination */
if (nlopt_stop_ftol(stop, sfx, sfx_old)) {
*iflag = 20;
goto L110;
if (nlopt_stop_x(stop, &x[1], &x_old[1])) {
*iflag = 0;
goto L110;
istep = istptr;
i__1 = *n;
......@@ -2106,7 +2121,7 @@ L90:
d__1)) * usubc_1.psi;
/* Computing MAX */
d__6 = (d__3 = x[i__], abs(d__3));
if (max(d__4,d__5) / max(d__6,1.) > *tol) {
if (max(d__4,d__5) / max(d__6,1.) > stop->xtol_rel) {
setstp_(&nsubs, n, &work[1], &work[istptr]);
goto L40;
......@@ -2147,24 +2162,31 @@ L120:
fmin: (output) value of f at minimum
x[n]: (input) starting guess position, (output) computed minimum
fdata: data pointer passed to f
old args:
tol: relative error tolerance for x
maxnfe: maximum number of function evaluations
fmin_max, use_fmin_max: if use_fmin_max, stop when f <= fmin_max
new args: nlopt_stopping *stop (stopping criteria)
scale[n]: (input) scale & initial stepsizes for components of x
(if *scale < 0, |*scale| is used for all components)
Return value:
= -2 : invalid input
= -1 : maxnfe exceeded
= -10 : maxtime exceeded
= -1 : maxevals exceeded
= 0 : tol satisfied
= 1 : limit of machine precision
= 2 : fstop reached (fstop usage is determined by values of
options minf, nfstop, and irepl. default: f(x) not
tested against fstop)
= 20 : ftol reached
= -200 : out of memory
int subplex(subplex_func f, double *fmin, double *x, int n, void *fdata,
double tol, int maxnfe,
double fmin_max, int use_fmin_max,
nlopt_stopping *stop,
const double *scale)
int mode = 0, *iwork, nsmax, nsmin, errflag, nfe;
......@@ -2172,22 +2194,17 @@ int subplex(subplex_func f, double *fmin, double *x, int n, void *fdata,
nsmax = min(5,n);
nsmin = min(2,n);
work = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (2*n + nsmax*(nsmax+4) + 1));
work = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (3*n + nsmax*(nsmax+4) + 1));
if (!work)
return -200;
iwork = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * (n + n/nsmin + 1));
if (!work || !iwork) {
fprintf(stderr, "subplex: error, out of memory!\n");
if (use_fmin_max) { /* stop when fmin_max is reached */
usubc_1.nfstop = 1;
usubc_1.fstop = fmin_max;
mode = 2;
if (!iwork) {
return -200;
subplx_(f,fdata, &n,
&tol, &maxnfe, &mode,
stop, &mode,
scale, x,
fmin, &nfe,
work, iwork, &errflag);
#ifndef SUBPLEX_H
#define SUBPLEX_H
#include "nlopt-util.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
......@@ -9,8 +11,7 @@ extern "C"
typedef double (*subplex_func)(int n, const double *x, void *func_data);
extern int subplex(subplex_func f, double *fmin, double *x, int n, void *fdata,
double tol, int maxnfe,
double fmin_max, int use_fmin_max,
nlopt_stopping *stop,
const double *scale);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "testfuncs.h"
static nlopt_algorithm algorithm = NLOPT_GLOBAL_DIRECT;
static double ftol_rel = 0, ftol_abs = 0, xtol_rel = 0;
static double ftol_rel = 0, ftol_abs = 0, xtol_rel = 0, xtol_abs = 0, fmin_max = -HUGE_VAL;
static int maxeval = 1000;
static double maxtime = 0.0;
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static int test_function(int ifunc)
testfunc func;
int i;
double *x, fmin, f0;
double *x, fmin, f0, *xtabs;
nlopt_result ret;
double start = nlopt_seconds();
......@@ -56,9 +56,12 @@ static int test_function(int ifunc)
return 0;
x = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * func.n * 2);
x = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * func.n * 3);
if (!x) { fprintf(stderr, "testopt: Out of memory!\n"); return 0; }
xtabs = x + func.n * 2;
for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) xtabs[i] = xtol_abs;
printf("Optimizing %s (%d dims) using %s algorithm\n",
......@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ static int test_function(int ifunc)
func.n, func.f, func.f_data,
func.lb, func.ub,
x, &fmin,
HUGE_VAL, ftol_rel, ftol_abs, xtol_rel, NULL,
fmin_max, ftol_rel, ftol_abs, xtol_rel, xtabs,
maxeval, maxtime);
printf("finished after %g seconds.\n", nlopt_seconds() - start);
printf("return code %d from nlopt_minimize\n", ret);
......@@ -120,8 +123,14 @@ static void usage(FILE *f)
" -r <s> : use random seed <s> for starting guesses\n"
" -a <n> : use optimization algorithm <n>\n"
" -o <n> : use objective function <n>\n"
" -e <n> : use at most <n> evals (default: %d)\n",
" -e <n> : use at most <n> evals (default: %d, 0 to disable)\n"
" -t <t> : use at most <t> seconds (default: disabled)\n"
" -x <t> : relative tolerance <t> on x (default: disabled)\n"
" -X <t> : absolute tolerance <t> on x (default: disabled)\n"
" -f <t> : relative tolerance <t> on f (default: disabled)\n"
" -F <t> : absolute tolerance <t> on f (default: disabled)\n"
" -m <m> : minimize f until <m> is reached (default: disabled)\n"
, maxeval);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
......@@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc <= 1)
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hLvra:o:e:")) != -1)
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hLvr:a:o:e:t:x:X:f:F:m:")) != -1)
switch (c) {
case 'h':
......@@ -147,7 +156,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
testfuncs_verbose = 1;
case 'r':
srand((unsigned) atoi(optarg));
nlopt_srand((unsigned long) atoi(optarg));
case 'a':
c = atoi(optarg);
......@@ -165,6 +174,24 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
case 'e':
maxeval = atoi(optarg);
case 't':
maxtime = atof(optarg);
case 'x':
xtol_rel = atof(optarg);
case 'X':
xtol_abs = atof(optarg);
case 'f':
ftol_rel = atof(optarg);
case 'F':
ftol_abs = atof(optarg);
case 'm':
fmin_max = atof(optarg);
fprintf(stderr, "harminv: invalid argument -%c\n", c);
noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libutil.la
libutil_la_SOURCES = mt19937ar.c timer.c nlopt-util.h
libutil_la_SOURCES = mt19937ar.c timer.c stop.c nlopt-util.h
......@@ -14,6 +14,27 @@ extern unsigned long nlopt_time_seed(void);
extern void nlopt_init_genrand(unsigned long s);
extern double nlopt_urand(double a, double b);
/* stopping criteria */
typedef struct {
int n;
double fmin_max;
double ftol_rel;
double ftol_abs;
double xtol_rel;
const double *xtol_abs;
int nevals, maxeval;
double maxtime, start;
} nlopt_stopping;
extern int nlopt_stop_f(const nlopt_stopping *stop, double f, double oldf);
extern int nlopt_stop_ftol(const nlopt_stopping *stop, double f, double oldf);
extern int nlopt_stop_x(const nlopt_stopping *stop,
const double *x, const double *oldx);
extern int nlopt_stop_xs(const nlopt_stopping *stop,
const double *xs, const double *oldxs,
const double *scale_min, const double *scale_max);
extern int nlopt_stop_evals(const nlopt_stopping *stop);
extern int nlopt_stop_time(const nlopt_stopping *stop);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#include <math.h>
#include "nlopt-util.h"
/* utility routines to implement the various stopping criteria */
static int relstop(double old, double new, double reltol, double abstol)
return(fabs(new - old) < abstol
|| fabs(new - old) < reltol * (fabs(new) + fabs(old)) * 0.5);
int nlopt_stop_ftol(const nlopt_stopping *s, const double f, double oldf)
return (relstop(oldf, f, s->ftol_rel, s->ftol_abs));
int nlopt_stop_f(const nlopt_stopping *s, const double f, double oldf)
return (f <= s->fmin_max || nlopt_stop_ftol(s, f, oldf));
int nlopt_stop_x(const nlopt_stopping *s, const double *x, const double *oldx)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < s->n; ++i)
if (relstop(oldx[i], x[i], s->xtol_rel, s->xtol_abs[i]))
return 1;
return 0;
static double sc(double x, double smin, double smax)
return smin + x * (smax - smin);
/* some of the algorithms rescale x to a unit hypercube, so we need to
scale back before we can compare to the tolerances */
int nlopt_stop_xs(const nlopt_stopping *s,
const double *xs, const double *oldxs,
const double *scale_min, const double *scale_max)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < s->n; ++i)
if (relstop(sc(oldxs[i], scale_min[i], scale_max[i]),
sc(xs[i], scale_min[i], scale_max[i]),
s->xtol_rel, s->xtol_abs[i]))
return 1;
return 0;
int nlopt_stop_evals(const nlopt_stopping *s)
return (s->maxeval > 0 && s->nevals >= s->maxeval);
int nlopt_stop_time(const nlopt_stopping *s)
return (s->maxtime > 0 && nlopt_seconds() - s->start >= s->maxtime);
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