using System.Collections.Generic; namespace PF { /** Represents a connection to another node */ public struct Connection { /** Node which this connection goes to */ public GraphNode node; /** Cost of moving along this connection. * A cost of 1000 corresponds approximately to the cost of moving one world unit. */ public uint cost; /** Side of the node shape which this connection uses. * Used for mesh nodes. * A value of 0 corresponds to using the side for vertex 0 and vertex 1 on the node. 1 corresponds to vertex 1 and 2, etc. * A negative value means that this connection does not use any side at all (this is mostly used for off-mesh links). * * \note Due to alignment, the #node and #cost fields use 12 bytes which will be padded * to 16 bytes when used in an array even if this field would be removed. * So this field does not contribute to increased memory usage. * * \see TriangleMeshNode * \see TriangleMeshNode.AddConnection */ public byte shapeEdge; public Connection (GraphNode node, uint cost, byte shapeEdge = 0xFF) { this.node = node; this.cost = cost; this.shapeEdge = shapeEdge; } public override int GetHashCode () { return node.GetHashCode() ^ (int)cost; } public override bool Equals (object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; var conn = (Connection)obj; return conn.node == node && conn.cost == cost && conn.shapeEdge == shapeEdge; } } /** Base class for all nodes */ public abstract class GraphNode { /** Internal unique index. Also stores some bitpacked values such as #TemporaryFlag1 and #TemporaryFlag2. */ private int nodeIndex; /** Bitpacked field holding several pieces of data. * \see Walkable * \see Area * \see GraphIndex * \see Tag */ protected uint flags; #if !ASTAR_NO_PENALTY /** Penalty cost for walking on this node. * This can be used to make it harder/slower to walk over certain nodes. * * A penalty of 1000 (Int3.Precision) corresponds to the cost of walking one world unit. */ private uint penalty; #endif /** Constructor for a graph node. */ protected GraphNode () { this.nodeIndex = PathFindHelper.GetNewNodeIndex(); PathFindHelper.InitializeNode(this); } /** Destroys the node. * Cleans up any temporary pathfinding data used for this node. * The graph is responsible for calling this method on nodes when they are destroyed, including when the whole graph is destoyed. * Otherwise memory leaks might present themselves. * * Once called the #Destroyed property will return true and subsequent calls to this method will not do anything. * * \note Assumes the current active AstarPath instance is the same one that created this node. * * \warning Should only be called by graph classes on their own nodes */ internal void Destroy () { if (Destroyed) return; ClearConnections(true); #if !SERVER // 服务端不会释放 if ( != null) {; } #endif NodeIndex = DestroyedNodeIndex; } public bool Destroyed { get { return NodeIndex == DestroyedNodeIndex; } } // If anyone creates more than about 200 million nodes then things will not go so well, however at that point one will certainly have more pressing problems, such as having run out of RAM const int NodeIndexMask = 0xFFFFFFF; const int DestroyedNodeIndex = NodeIndexMask - 1; const int TemporaryFlag1Mask = 0x10000000; const int TemporaryFlag2Mask = 0x20000000; /** Internal unique index. * Every node will get a unique index. * This index is not necessarily correlated with e.g the position of the node in the graph. */ public int NodeIndex { get { return nodeIndex & NodeIndexMask; } private set { nodeIndex = (nodeIndex & ~NodeIndexMask) | value; } } /** Temporary flag for internal purposes. * May only be used in the Unity thread. Must be reset to false after every use. */ internal bool TemporaryFlag1 { get { return (nodeIndex & TemporaryFlag1Mask) != 0; } set { nodeIndex = (nodeIndex & ~TemporaryFlag1Mask) | (value ? TemporaryFlag1Mask : 0); } } /** Temporary flag for internal purposes. * May only be used in the Unity thread. Must be reset to false after every use. */ internal bool TemporaryFlag2 { get { return (nodeIndex & TemporaryFlag2Mask) != 0; } set { nodeIndex = (nodeIndex & ~TemporaryFlag2Mask) | (value ? TemporaryFlag2Mask : 0); } } /** Position of the node in world space. * \note The position is stored as an Int3, not a Vector3. * You can convert an Int3 to a Vector3 using an explicit conversion. * \code var v3 = (Vector3)node.position; \endcode */ public Int3 position; #region Constants /** Position of the walkable bit. \see Walkable */ const int FlagsWalkableOffset = 0; /** Mask of the walkable bit. \see Walkable */ const uint FlagsWalkableMask = 1 << FlagsWalkableOffset; /** Start of area bits. \see Area */ const int FlagsAreaOffset = 1; /** Mask of area bits. \see Area */ const uint FlagsAreaMask = (131072-1) << FlagsAreaOffset; /** Start of graph index bits. \see GraphIndex */ const int FlagsGraphOffset = 24; /** Mask of graph index bits. \see GraphIndex */ const uint FlagsGraphMask = (256u-1) << FlagsGraphOffset; public const uint MaxAreaIndex = FlagsAreaMask >> FlagsAreaOffset; /** Max number of graphs-1 */ public const uint MaxGraphIndex = FlagsGraphMask >> FlagsGraphOffset; /** Start of tag bits. \see Tag */ const int FlagsTagOffset = 19; /** Mask of tag bits. \see Tag */ const uint FlagsTagMask = (32-1) << FlagsTagOffset; #endregion #region Properties /** Holds various bitpacked variables. */ public uint Flags { get { return flags; } set { flags = value; } } /** Penalty cost for walking on this node. * This can be used to make it harder/slower to walk over certain areas. * A cost of 1000 (\link Pathfinding.Int3.Precision Int3.Precision\endlink) corresponds to the cost of moving 1 world unit. */ public uint Penalty { #if !ASTAR_NO_PENALTY get { return penalty; } set { if (value > 0xFFFFFF) #if !SERVER UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Very high penalty applied. Are you sure negative values haven't underflowed?\n" + "Penalty values this high could with long paths cause overflows and in some cases infinity loops because of that.\n" + "Penalty value applied: "+value); #endif penalty = value; } #else get { return 0U; } set {} #endif } /** True if the node is traversable */ public bool Walkable { get { return (flags & FlagsWalkableMask) != 0; } set { flags = flags & ~FlagsWalkableMask | (value ? 1U : 0U) << FlagsWalkableOffset; } } /** Connected component that contains the node. * This is visualized in the scene view as differently colored nodes (if the graph coloring mode is set to 'Areas'). * Each area represents a set of nodes such that there is no valid path between nodes of different colors. * * \see * \see #AstarPath.FloodFill */ public uint Area { get { return (flags & FlagsAreaMask) >> FlagsAreaOffset; } set { flags = (flags & ~FlagsAreaMask) | (value << FlagsAreaOffset); } } /** Graph which contains this node. * \see #Pathfinding.AstarData.graphs */ public uint GraphIndex { get { return (flags & FlagsGraphMask) >> FlagsGraphOffset; } set { flags = flags & ~FlagsGraphMask | value << FlagsGraphOffset; } } /** Node tag. * \see \ref tags */ public uint Tag { get { return (flags & FlagsTagMask) >> FlagsTagOffset; } set { flags = flags & ~FlagsTagMask | value << FlagsTagOffset; } } #endregion public virtual void UpdateRecursiveG (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) { //Simple but slow default implementation pathNode.UpdateG(path); handler.heap.Add(pathNode); GetConnections((GraphNode other) => { PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other); if (otherPN.parent == pathNode && otherPN.pathID == handler.PathID) other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler); }); } public virtual void FloodFill (Stack stack, uint region) { //Simple but slow default implementation GetConnections((GraphNode other) => { if (other.Area != region) { other.Area = region; stack.Push(other); } }); } /** Calls the delegate with all connections from this node. * \snippet MiscSnippets.cs GraphNode.GetConnections1 * * You can add all connected nodes to a list like this * \snippet MiscSnippets.cs GraphNode.GetConnections2 */ public abstract void GetConnections (System.Action action); public abstract void AddConnection (GraphNode node, uint cost); public abstract void RemoveConnection (GraphNode node); /** Remove all connections from this node. * \param alsoReverse if true, neighbours will be requested to remove connections to this node. */ public abstract void ClearConnections (bool alsoReverse); /** Checks if this node has a connection to the specified node */ public virtual bool ContainsConnection (GraphNode node) { // Simple but slow default implementation bool contains = false; GetConnections(neighbour => { contains |= neighbour == node; }); return contains; } /** Recalculates all connection costs from this node. * Depending on the node type, this may or may not be supported. * Nothing will be done if the operation is not supported * \todo Use interface? */ public virtual void RecalculateConnectionCosts () { } /** Add a portal from this node to the specified node. * This function should add a portal to the left and right lists which is connecting the two nodes (\a this and \a other). * * \param other The node which is on the other side of the portal (strictly speaking it does not actually have to be on the other side of the portal though). * \param left List of portal points on the left side of the funnel * \param right List of portal points on the right side of the funnel * \param backwards If this is true, the call was made on a node with the \a other node as the node before this one in the path. * In this case you may choose to do nothing since a similar call will be made to the \a other node with this node referenced as \a other (but then with backwards = true). * You do not have to care about switching the left and right lists, that is done for you already. * * \returns True if the call was deemed successful. False if some unknown case was encountered and no portal could be added. * If both calls to node1.GetPortal (node2,...) and node2.GetPortal (node1,...) return false, the funnel modifier will fall back to adding to the path * the positions of the node. * * The default implementation simply returns false. * * This function may add more than one portal if necessary. * * \see */ public virtual bool GetPortal (GraphNode other, List left, List right, bool backwards) { return false; } /** Open the node */ public abstract void Open (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler); /** The surface area of the node in square world units */ public virtual float SurfaceArea () { return 0; } /** A random point on the surface of the node. * For point nodes and other nodes which do not have a surface, this will always return the position of the node. */ public virtual Vector3 RandomPointOnSurface () { return (Vector3)position; } /** Hash code used for checking if the gizmos need to be updated. * Will change when the gizmos for the node might change. */ public virtual int GetGizmoHashCode () { // Some hashing, the constants are just some arbitrary prime numbers. #flags contains the info for #Area, #Tag and #Walkable return position.GetHashCode() ^ (19 * (int)Penalty) ^ (41 * (int)flags); } public virtual void SerializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { //Write basic node data. ctx.writer.Write(Penalty); ctx.writer.Write(Flags); } public virtual void DeserializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { Penalty = ctx.reader.ReadUInt32(); Flags = ctx.reader.ReadUInt32(); // Set the correct graph index (which might have changed, e.g if loading additively) GraphIndex = ctx.graphIndex; } /** Used to serialize references to other nodes e.g connections. * Use the GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeIdentifier and * GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeFromIdentifier methods * for serialization and deserialization respectively. * * Nodes must override this method and serialize their connections. * Graph generators do not need to call this method, it will be called automatically on all * nodes at the correct time by the serializer. */ public virtual void SerializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { } /** Used to deserialize references to other nodes e.g connections. * Use the GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeIdentifier and * GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeFromIdentifier methods * for serialization and deserialization respectively. * * Nodes must override this method and serialize their connections. * Graph generators do not need to call this method, it will be called automatically on all * nodes at the correct time by the serializer. */ public virtual void DeserializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { } } public abstract class MeshNode : GraphNode { /** All connections from this node. * \see AddConnection * \see RemoveConnection */ public Connection[] connections; /** Get a vertex of this node. * \param i vertex index. Must be between 0 and #GetVertexCount (exclusive). */ public abstract Int3 GetVertex (int i); /** Number of corner vertices that this node has. * For example for a triangle node this will return 3. */ public abstract int GetVertexCount (); /** Closest point on the surface of this node to the point \a p */ public abstract Vector3 ClosestPointOnNode (Vector3 p); /** Closest point on the surface of this node when seen from above. * This is usually very similar to #ClosestPointOnNode but when the node is in a slope this can be significantly different. * \shadowimage{distanceXZ.png} * When the \a blue point in the above image is used as an argument this method call will return the \a green point while the #ClosestPointOnNode method will return the \a red point. */ public abstract Vector3 ClosestPointOnNodeXZ (Vector3 p); public override void ClearConnections (bool alsoReverse) { // Remove all connections to this node from our neighbours if (alsoReverse && connections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { // Null check done here because NavmeshTile.Destroy // requires it for some optimizations it does // Normally connection elements are never null if (connections[i].node != null) { connections[i].node.RemoveConnection(this); } } } ArrayPool.Release(ref connections, true); } public override void GetConnections (System.Action action) { if (connections == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) action(connections[i].node); } public override void FloodFill (Stack stack, uint region) { //Faster, more specialized implementation to override the slow default implementation if (connections == null) return; // Iterate through all connections, set the area and push the neighbour to the stack // This is a simple DFS ( for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { GraphNode other = connections[i].node; if (other.Area != region) { other.Area = region; stack.Push(other); } } } public override bool ContainsConnection (GraphNode node) { for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) if (connections[i].node == node) return true; return false; } public override void UpdateRecursiveG (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) { pathNode.UpdateG(path); handler.heap.Add(pathNode); for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { GraphNode other = connections[i].node; PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other); if (otherPN.parent == pathNode && otherPN.pathID == handler.PathID) { other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler); } } } /** Add a connection from this node to the specified node. * \param node Node to add a connection to * \param cost Cost of traversing the connection. A cost of 1000 corresponds approximately to the cost of moving 1 world unit. * * If the connection already exists, the cost will simply be updated and * no extra connection added. * * \note Only adds a one-way connection. Consider calling the same function on the other node * to get a two-way connection. */ public override void AddConnection (GraphNode node, uint cost) { AddConnection(node, cost, -1); } /** Add a connection from this node to the specified node. * \param node Node to add a connection to * \param cost Cost of traversing the connection. A cost of 1000 corresponds approximately to the cost of moving 1 world unit. * \param shapeEdge Which edge on the shape of this node to use or -1 if no edge is used. \see Pathfinding.Connection.edge * * If the connection already exists, the cost will simply be updated and * no extra connection added. * * \note Only adds a one-way connection. Consider calling the same function on the other node * to get a two-way connection. */ public void AddConnection (GraphNode node, uint cost, int shapeEdge) { if (node == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException(); // Check if we already have a connection to the node if (connections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { if (connections[i].node == node) { // Just update the cost for the existing connection connections[i].cost = cost; // Update edge only if it was a definite edge, otherwise reuse the existing one // This makes it possible to use the AddConnection(node,cost) overload to only update the cost // without changing the edge which is required for backwards compatibility. connections[i].shapeEdge = shapeEdge >= 0 ? (byte)shapeEdge : connections[i].shapeEdge; return; } } } // Create new arrays which include the new connection int connLength = connections != null ? connections.Length : 0; var newconns = ArrayPool.ClaimWithExactLength(connLength+1); for (int i = 0; i < connLength; i++) { newconns[i] = connections[i]; } newconns[connLength] = new Connection(node, cost, (byte)shapeEdge); if (connections != null) { ArrayPool.Release(ref connections, true); } connections = newconns; } /** Removes any connection from this node to the specified node. * If no such connection exists, nothing will be done. * * \note This only removes the connection from this node to the other node. * You may want to call the same function on the other node to remove its eventual connection * to this node. */ public override void RemoveConnection (GraphNode node) { if (connections == null) return; // Iterate through all connections and check if there are any to the node for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { if (connections[i].node == node) { // Create new arrays which have the specified node removed int connLength = connections.Length; var newconns = ArrayPool.ClaimWithExactLength(connLength-1); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { newconns[j] = connections[j]; } for (int j = i+1; j < connLength; j++) { newconns[j-1] = connections[j]; } if (connections != null) { ArrayPool.Release(ref connections, true); } connections = newconns; return; } } } /** Checks if \a point is inside the node */ public virtual bool ContainsPoint (Int3 point) { return ContainsPoint((Vector3)point); } /** Checks if \a point is inside the node. * * Note that #ContainsPointInGraphSpace is faster than this method as it avoids * some coordinate transformations. If you are repeatedly calling this method * on many different nodes but with the same point then you should consider * transforming the point first and then calling ContainsPointInGraphSpace. * \snippet MiscSnippets.cs MeshNode.ContainsPoint */ public abstract bool ContainsPoint (Vector3 point); /** Checks if \a point is inside the node in graph space. * * In graph space the up direction is always the Y axis so in principle * we project the triangle down on the XZ plane and check if the point is inside the 2D triangle there. */ public abstract bool ContainsPointInGraphSpace (Int3 point); public override int GetGizmoHashCode () { var hash = base.GetGizmoHashCode(); if (connections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { hash ^= 17 * connections[i].GetHashCode(); } } return hash; } public override void SerializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { if (connections == null) { ctx.writer.Write(-1); } else { ctx.writer.Write(connections.Length); for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { ctx.SerializeNodeReference(connections[i].node); ctx.writer.Write(connections[i].cost); ctx.writer.Write(connections[i].shapeEdge); } } } public override void DeserializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { int count = ctx.reader.ReadInt32(); if (count == -1) { connections = null; } else { connections = ArrayPool.ClaimWithExactLength(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { connections[i] = new Connection( ctx.DeserializeNodeReference(), ctx.reader.ReadUInt32(), ctx.meta.version < AstarSerializer.V4_1_0 ? (byte)0xFF : ctx.reader.ReadByte() ); } } } } }