/** * @author sunag / http://www.sunag.com.br/ */ THREE.NodeBuilder = function ( material, renderer ) { this.material = material; this.renderer = renderer; this.caches = []; this.slots = []; this.keywords = {}; this.parsing = false; this.optimize = true; this.update(); }; THREE.NodeBuilder.type = { float: 'fv1', vec2: 'v2', vec3: 'v3', vec4: 'v4', mat4: 'v4', int: 'iv1' }; THREE.NodeBuilder.constructors = [ 'float', 'vec2', 'vec3', 'vec4' ]; THREE.NodeBuilder.elements = [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w' ]; THREE.NodeBuilder.prototype = { constructor: THREE.NodeBuilder, addCache: function ( name, requires ) { this.caches.push( { name: name || '', requires: requires || {} } ); return this.update(); }, removeCache: function () { this.caches.pop(); return this.update(); }, addSlot: function ( name ) { this.slots.push( { name: name || '' } ); return this.update(); }, removeSlot: function () { this.slots.pop(); return this.update(); }, isCache: function ( name ) { var i = this.caches.length; while ( i -- ) { if ( this.caches[ i ].name == name ) return true; } return false; }, isSlot: function ( name ) { var i = this.slots.length; while ( i -- ) { if ( this.slots[ i ].name == name ) return true; } return false; }, update: function () { var cache = this.caches[ this.caches.length - 1 ]; var slot = this.slots[ this.slots.length - 1 ]; this.slot = slot ? slot.name : ''; this.cache = cache ? cache.name : ''; this.requires = cache ? cache.requires : {}; return this; }, require: function ( name, node ) { this.requires[ name ] = node; return this; }, include: function ( node, parent, source ) { this.material.include( this, node, parent, source ); return this; }, colorToVector: function ( color ) { return color.replace( 'r', 'x' ).replace( 'g', 'y' ).replace( 'b', 'z' ).replace( 'a', 'w' ); }, getConstructorFromLength: function ( len ) { return THREE.NodeBuilder.constructors[ len - 1 ]; }, getFormatName: function ( format ) { return format.replace( /c/g, 'v3' ).replace( /fv1/g, 'v1' ).replace( /iv1/g, 'i' ); }, isFormatMatrix: function ( format ) { return /^m/.test( format ); }, getFormatLength: function ( format ) { return parseInt( this.getFormatName( format ).substr( 1 ) ); }, getFormatFromLength: function ( len ) { if ( len == 1 ) return 'fv1'; return 'v' + len; }, format: function ( code, from, to ) { var format = this.getFormatName( to + '=' + from ); switch ( format ) { case 'v1=v2': return code + '.x'; case 'v1=v3': return code + '.x'; case 'v1=v4': return code + '.x'; case 'v1=i': return 'float(' + code + ')'; case 'v2=v1': return 'vec2(' + code + ')'; case 'v2=v3': return code + '.xy'; case 'v2=v4': return code + '.xy'; case 'v2=i': return 'vec2(float(' + code + '))'; case 'v3=v1': return 'vec3(' + code + ')'; case 'v3=v2': return 'vec3(' + code + ',0.0)'; case 'v3=v4': return code + '.xyz'; case 'v3=i': return 'vec2(float(' + code + '))'; case 'v4=v1': return 'vec4(' + code + ')'; case 'v4=v2': return 'vec4(' + code + ',0.0,1.0)'; case 'v4=v3': return 'vec4(' + code + ',1.0)'; case 'v4=i': return 'vec4(float(' + code + '))'; case 'i=v1': return 'int(' + code + ')'; case 'i=v2': return 'int(' + code + '.x)'; case 'i=v3': return 'int(' + code + '.x)'; case 'i=v4': return 'int(' + code + '.x)'; } return code; }, getTypeByFormat: function ( format ) { return THREE.NodeBuilder.type[ format ] || format; }, getUuid: function ( uuid, useCache ) { useCache = useCache !== undefined ? useCache : true; if ( useCache && this.cache ) uuid = this.cache + '-' + uuid; return uuid; }, getElementByIndex: function ( index ) { return THREE.NodeBuilder.elements[ index ]; }, getIndexByElement: function ( elm ) { return THREE.NodeBuilder.elements.indexOf( elm ); }, isShader: function ( shader ) { return this.shader == shader; }, setShader: function ( shader ) { this.shader = shader; return this; } };