import { Vector3 } from './../math/Vector3'; import { Euler } from './../math/Euler'; import { Quaternion } from './../math/Quaternion'; import { Matrix4 } from './../math/Matrix4'; import { Matrix3 } from './../math/Matrix3'; import { Layers } from './Layers'; import { WebGLRenderer } from './../renderers/WebGLRenderer'; import { Scene } from './../scenes/Scene'; import { Camera } from './../cameras/Camera'; import { Geometry } from './Geometry'; import { Material } from './../materials/Material'; import { Group } from './../objects/Group'; import { Raycaster } from './Raycaster'; import { EventDispatcher } from './EventDispatcher'; import { BufferGeometry } from './BufferGeometry'; import { Intersection } from './Raycaster'; export let Object3DIdCount: number; /** * Base class for scene graph objects */ export class Object3D extends EventDispatcher { constructor(); /** * Unique number of this object instance. */ id: number; /** * */ uuid: string; /** * Optional name of the object (doesn't need to be unique). */ name: string; type: string; /** * Object's parent in the scene graph. */ parent: Object3D | null; /** * Array with object's children. */ children: Object3D[]; /** * Up direction. */ up: Vector3; /** * Object's local position. */ position: Vector3; /** * Object's local rotation (Euler angles), in radians. */ rotation: Euler; /** * Global rotation. */ quaternion: Quaternion; /** * Object's local scale. */ scale: Vector3; modelViewMatrix: Matrix4; normalMatrix: Matrix3; /** * Local transform. */ matrix: Matrix4; /** * The global transform of the object. If the Object3d has no parent, then it's identical to the local transform. */ matrixWorld: Matrix4; /** * When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property. */ matrixAutoUpdate: boolean; /** * When this is set, it calculates the matrixWorld in that frame and resets this property to false. */ matrixWorldNeedsUpdate: boolean; layers: Layers; /** * Object gets rendered if true. */ visible: boolean; /** * Gets rendered into shadow map. */ castShadow: boolean; /** * Material gets baked in shadow receiving. */ receiveShadow: boolean; /** * When this is set, it checks every frame if the object is in the frustum of the camera. Otherwise the object gets drawn every frame even if it isn't visible. */ frustumCulled: boolean; renderOrder: number; /** * An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3d. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned. */ userData: { [key: string]: any }; /** * Used to check whether this or derived classes are Object3Ds. Default is true. * You should not change this, as it is used internally for optimisation. */ isObject3D: true; /** * Calls before rendering object */ onBeforeRender: ( renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: Geometry | BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group ) => void; /** * Calls after rendering object */ onAfterRender: ( renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: Geometry | BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group ) => void; static DefaultUp: Vector3; static DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate: boolean; /** * This updates the position, rotation and scale with the matrix. */ applyMatrix(matrix: Matrix4): void; applyQuaternion(quaternion: Quaternion): this; /** * */ setRotationFromAxisAngle(axis: Vector3, angle: number): void; /** * */ setRotationFromEuler(euler: Euler): void; /** * */ setRotationFromMatrix(m: Matrix4): void; /** * */ setRotationFromQuaternion(q: Quaternion): void; /** * Rotate an object along an axis in object space. The axis is assumed to be normalized. * @param axis A normalized vector in object space. * @param angle The angle in radians. */ rotateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: number): this; /** * Rotate an object along an axis in world space. The axis is assumed to be normalized. Method Assumes no rotated parent. * @param axis A normalized vector in object space. * @param angle The angle in radians. */ rotateOnWorldAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: number): this; /** * * @param angle */ rotateX(angle: number): this; /** * * @param angle */ rotateY(angle: number): this; /** * * @param angle */ rotateZ(angle: number): this; /** * @param axis A normalized vector in object space. * @param distance The distance to translate. */ translateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, distance: number): this; /** * Translates object along x axis by distance. * @param distance Distance. */ translateX(distance: number): this; /** * Translates object along y axis by distance. * @param distance Distance. */ translateY(distance: number): this; /** * Translates object along z axis by distance. * @param distance Distance. */ translateZ(distance: number): this; /** * Updates the vector from local space to world space. * @param vector A local vector. */ localToWorld(vector: Vector3): Vector3; /** * Updates the vector from world space to local space. * @param vector A world vector. */ worldToLocal(vector: Vector3): Vector3; /** * Rotates object to face point in space. * @param vector A world vector to look at. */ lookAt(vector: Vector3 | number, y?: number, z?: number): void; /** * Adds object as child of this object. */ add(...object: Object3D[]): this; /** * Removes object as child of this object. */ remove(...object: Object3D[]): this; /** * Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching id. * @param id Unique number of the object instance */ getObjectById(id: number): Object3D | undefined; /** * Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching name. * @param name String to match to the children's property. */ getObjectByName(name: string): Object3D | undefined; getObjectByProperty(name: string, value: string): Object3D | undefined; getWorldPosition(target: Vector3): Vector3; getWorldQuaternion(target: Quaternion): Quaternion; getWorldScale(target: Vector3): Vector3; getWorldDirection(target: Vector3): Vector3; raycast(raycaster: Raycaster, intersects: Intersection[]): void; traverse(callback: (object: Object3D) => any): void; traverseVisible(callback: (object: Object3D) => any): void; traverseAncestors(callback: (object: Object3D) => any): void; /** * Updates local transform. */ updateMatrix(): void; /** * Updates global transform of the object and its children. */ updateMatrixWorld(force?: boolean): void; updateWorldMatrix(updateParents: boolean, updateChildren: boolean): void; toJSON(meta?: { geometries: any; materials: any; textures: any; images: any; }): any; clone(recursive?: boolean): this; /** * * @param object * @param recursive */ copy(source: Object3D, recursive?: boolean): this; }