/** * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/ * @author kile / http://kile.stravaganza.org/ * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/ * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/ * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog * @author bhouston / http://exocortex.com */ THREE.Geometry = function () { this.id = THREE.GeometryIdCount ++; this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID(); this.name = ''; this.vertices = []; this.colors = []; // one-to-one vertex colors, used in ParticleSystem and Line this.faces = []; this.faceVertexUvs = [[]]; this.morphTargets = []; this.morphColors = []; this.morphNormals = []; this.skinWeights = []; this.skinIndices = []; this.lineDistances = []; this.boundingBox = null; this.boundingSphere = null; this.hasTangents = false; this.dynamic = true; // the intermediate typed arrays will be deleted when set to false // update flags this.verticesNeedUpdate = false; this.elementsNeedUpdate = false; this.uvsNeedUpdate = false; this.normalsNeedUpdate = false; this.tangentsNeedUpdate = false; this.colorsNeedUpdate = false; this.lineDistancesNeedUpdate = false; this.buffersNeedUpdate = false; }; THREE.Geometry.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Geometry, applyMatrix: function ( matrix ) { var normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( matrix ); for ( var i = 0, il = this.vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) { var vertex = this.vertices[ i ]; vertex.applyMatrix4( matrix ); } for ( var i = 0, il = this.faces.length; i < il; i ++ ) { var face = this.faces[ i ]; face.normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize(); for ( var j = 0, jl = face.vertexNormals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { face.vertexNormals[ j ].applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize(); } } if ( this.boundingBox instanceof THREE.Box3 ) { this.computeBoundingBox(); } if ( this.boundingSphere instanceof THREE.Sphere ) { this.computeBoundingSphere(); } }, computeFaceNormals: function () { var cb = new THREE.Vector3(), ab = new THREE.Vector3(); for ( var f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { var face = this.faces[ f ]; var vA = this.vertices[ face.a ]; var vB = this.vertices[ face.b ]; var vC = this.vertices[ face.c ]; cb.subVectors( vC, vB ); ab.subVectors( vA, vB ); cb.cross( ab ); cb.normalize(); face.normal.copy( cb ); } }, computeVertexNormals: function ( areaWeighted ) { var v, vl, f, fl, face, vertices; vertices = new Array( this.vertices.length ); for ( v = 0, vl = this.vertices.length; v < vl; v ++ ) { vertices[ v ] = new THREE.Vector3(); } if ( areaWeighted ) { // vertex normals weighted by triangle areas // http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/normals/normals.htm var vA, vB, vC, vD; var cb = new THREE.Vector3(), ab = new THREE.Vector3(), db = new THREE.Vector3(), dc = new THREE.Vector3(), bc = new THREE.Vector3(); for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; vA = this.vertices[ face.a ]; vB = this.vertices[ face.b ]; vC = this.vertices[ face.c ]; cb.subVectors( vC, vB ); ab.subVectors( vA, vB ); cb.cross( ab ); vertices[ face.a ].add( cb ); vertices[ face.b ].add( cb ); vertices[ face.c ].add( cb ); } } else { for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; vertices[ face.a ].add( face.normal ); vertices[ face.b ].add( face.normal ); vertices[ face.c ].add( face.normal ); } } for ( v = 0, vl = this.vertices.length; v < vl; v ++ ) { vertices[ v ].normalize(); } for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; face.vertexNormals[ 0 ] = vertices[ face.a ].clone(); face.vertexNormals[ 1 ] = vertices[ face.b ].clone(); face.vertexNormals[ 2 ] = vertices[ face.c ].clone(); } }, computeMorphNormals: function () { var i, il, f, fl, face; // save original normals // - create temp variables on first access // otherwise just copy (for faster repeated calls) for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; if ( ! face.__originalFaceNormal ) { face.__originalFaceNormal = face.normal.clone(); } else { face.__originalFaceNormal.copy( face.normal ); } if ( ! face.__originalVertexNormals ) face.__originalVertexNormals = []; for ( i = 0, il = face.vertexNormals.length; i < il; i ++ ) { if ( ! face.__originalVertexNormals[ i ] ) { face.__originalVertexNormals[ i ] = face.vertexNormals[ i ].clone(); } else { face.__originalVertexNormals[ i ].copy( face.vertexNormals[ i ] ); } } } // use temp geometry to compute face and vertex normals for each morph var tmpGeo = new THREE.Geometry(); tmpGeo.faces = this.faces; for ( i = 0, il = this.morphTargets.length; i < il; i ++ ) { // create on first access if ( ! this.morphNormals[ i ] ) { this.morphNormals[ i ] = {}; this.morphNormals[ i ].faceNormals = []; this.morphNormals[ i ].vertexNormals = []; var dstNormalsFace = this.morphNormals[ i ].faceNormals; var dstNormalsVertex = this.morphNormals[ i ].vertexNormals; var faceNormal, vertexNormals; for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; faceNormal = new THREE.Vector3(); vertexNormals = { a: new THREE.Vector3(), b: new THREE.Vector3(), c: new THREE.Vector3() }; dstNormalsFace.push( faceNormal ); dstNormalsVertex.push( vertexNormals ); } } var morphNormals = this.morphNormals[ i ]; // set vertices to morph target tmpGeo.vertices = this.morphTargets[ i ].vertices; // compute morph normals tmpGeo.computeFaceNormals(); tmpGeo.computeVertexNormals(); // store morph normals var faceNormal, vertexNormals; for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; faceNormal = morphNormals.faceNormals[ f ]; vertexNormals = morphNormals.vertexNormals[ f ]; faceNormal.copy( face.normal ); vertexNormals.a.copy( face.vertexNormals[ 0 ] ); vertexNormals.b.copy( face.vertexNormals[ 1 ] ); vertexNormals.c.copy( face.vertexNormals[ 2 ] ); } } // restore original normals for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; face.normal = face.__originalFaceNormal; face.vertexNormals = face.__originalVertexNormals; } }, computeTangents: function () { // based on http://www.terathon.com/code/tangent.html // tangents go to vertices var f, fl, v, vl, i, il, vertexIndex, face, uv, vA, vB, vC, uvA, uvB, uvC, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, s1, s2, t1, t2, r, t, test, tan1 = [], tan2 = [], sdir = new THREE.Vector3(), tdir = new THREE.Vector3(), tmp = new THREE.Vector3(), tmp2 = new THREE.Vector3(), n = new THREE.Vector3(), w; for ( v = 0, vl = this.vertices.length; v < vl; v ++ ) { tan1[ v ] = new THREE.Vector3(); tan2[ v ] = new THREE.Vector3(); } function handleTriangle( context, a, b, c, ua, ub, uc ) { vA = context.vertices[ a ]; vB = context.vertices[ b ]; vC = context.vertices[ c ]; uvA = uv[ ua ]; uvB = uv[ ub ]; uvC = uv[ uc ]; x1 = vB.x - vA.x; x2 = vC.x - vA.x; y1 = vB.y - vA.y; y2 = vC.y - vA.y; z1 = vB.z - vA.z; z2 = vC.z - vA.z; s1 = uvB.x - uvA.x; s2 = uvC.x - uvA.x; t1 = uvB.y - uvA.y; t2 = uvC.y - uvA.y; r = 1.0 / ( s1 * t2 - s2 * t1 ); sdir.set( ( t2 * x1 - t1 * x2 ) * r, ( t2 * y1 - t1 * y2 ) * r, ( t2 * z1 - t1 * z2 ) * r ); tdir.set( ( s1 * x2 - s2 * x1 ) * r, ( s1 * y2 - s2 * y1 ) * r, ( s1 * z2 - s2 * z1 ) * r ); tan1[ a ].add( sdir ); tan1[ b ].add( sdir ); tan1[ c ].add( sdir ); tan2[ a ].add( tdir ); tan2[ b ].add( tdir ); tan2[ c ].add( tdir ); } for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; uv = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ][ f ]; // use UV layer 0 for tangents handleTriangle( this, face.a, face.b, face.c, 0, 1, 2 ); } var faceIndex = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]; for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; for ( i = 0; i < Math.min( face.vertexNormals.length, 3 ); i++ ) { n.copy( face.vertexNormals[ i ] ); vertexIndex = face[ faceIndex[ i ] ]; t = tan1[ vertexIndex ]; // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize tmp.copy( t ); tmp.sub( n.multiplyScalar( n.dot( t ) ) ).normalize(); // Calculate handedness tmp2.crossVectors( face.vertexNormals[ i ], t ); test = tmp2.dot( tan2[ vertexIndex ] ); w = (test < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; face.vertexTangents[ i ] = new THREE.Vector4( tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z, w ); } } this.hasTangents = true; }, computeLineDistances: function ( ) { var d = 0; var vertices = this.vertices; for ( var i = 0, il = vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) { d += vertices[ i ].distanceTo( vertices[ i - 1 ] ); } this.lineDistances[ i ] = d; } }, computeBoundingBox: function () { if ( this.boundingBox === null ) { this.boundingBox = new THREE.Box3(); } this.boundingBox.setFromPoints( this.vertices ); }, computeBoundingSphere: function () { if ( this.boundingSphere === null ) { this.boundingSphere = new THREE.Sphere(); } this.boundingSphere.setFromPoints( this.vertices ); }, /* * Checks for duplicate vertices with hashmap. * Duplicated vertices are removed * and faces' vertices are updated. */ mergeVertices: function () { var verticesMap = {}; // Hashmap for looking up vertice by position coordinates (and making sure they are unique) var unique = [], changes = []; var v, key; var precisionPoints = 4; // number of decimal points, eg. 4 for epsilon of 0.0001 var precision = Math.pow( 10, precisionPoints ); var i,il, face; var indices, k, j, jl, u; for ( i = 0, il = this.vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) { v = this.vertices[ i ]; key = Math.round( v.x * precision ) + '_' + Math.round( v.y * precision ) + '_' + Math.round( v.z * precision ); if ( verticesMap[ key ] === undefined ) { verticesMap[ key ] = i; unique.push( this.vertices[ i ] ); changes[ i ] = unique.length - 1; } else { //console.log('Duplicate vertex found. ', i, ' could be using ', verticesMap[key]); changes[ i ] = changes[ verticesMap[ key ] ]; } }; // if faces are completely degenerate after merging vertices, we // have to remove them from the geometry. var faceIndicesToRemove = []; for( i = 0, il = this.faces.length; i < il; i ++ ) { face = this.faces[ i ]; face.a = changes[ face.a ]; face.b = changes[ face.b ]; face.c = changes[ face.c ]; indices = [ face.a, face.b, face.c ]; var dupIndex = -1; // if any duplicate vertices are found in a Face3 // we have to remove the face as nothing can be saved for ( var n = 0; n < 3; n ++ ) { if ( indices[ n ] == indices[ ( n + 1 ) % 3 ] ) { dupIndex = n; faceIndicesToRemove.push( i ); break; } } } for ( i = faceIndicesToRemove.length - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) { var idx = faceIndicesToRemove[ i ]; this.faces.splice( idx, 1 ); for ( j = 0, jl = this.faceVertexUvs.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { this.faceVertexUvs[ j ].splice( idx, 1 ); } } // Use unique set of vertices var diff = this.vertices.length - unique.length; this.vertices = unique; return diff; }, // Geometry splitting makeGroups: ( function () { var geometryGroupCounter = 0; return function ( usesFaceMaterial, maxVerticesInGroup ) { var f, fl, face, materialIndex, groupHash, hash_map = {}; var numMorphTargets = this.morphTargets.length; var numMorphNormals = this.morphNormals.length; this.geometryGroups = {}; for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) { face = this.faces[ f ]; materialIndex = usesFaceMaterial ? face.materialIndex : 0; if ( ! ( materialIndex in hash_map ) ) { hash_map[ materialIndex ] = { 'hash': materialIndex, 'counter': 0 }; } groupHash = hash_map[ materialIndex ].hash + '_' + hash_map[ materialIndex ].counter; if ( ! ( groupHash in this.geometryGroups ) ) { this.geometryGroups[ groupHash ] = { 'faces3': [], 'materialIndex': materialIndex, 'vertices': 0, 'numMorphTargets': numMorphTargets, 'numMorphNormals': numMorphNormals }; } if ( this.geometryGroups[ groupHash ].vertices + 3 > maxVerticesInGroup ) { hash_map[ materialIndex ].counter += 1; groupHash = hash_map[ materialIndex ].hash + '_' + hash_map[ materialIndex ].counter; if ( ! ( groupHash in this.geometryGroups ) ) { this.geometryGroups[ groupHash ] = { 'faces3': [], 'materialIndex': materialIndex, 'vertices': 0, 'numMorphTargets': numMorphTargets, 'numMorphNormals': numMorphNormals }; } } this.geometryGroups[ groupHash ].faces3.push( f ); this.geometryGroups[ groupHash ].vertices += 3; } this.geometryGroupsList = []; for ( var g in this.geometryGroups ) { this.geometryGroups[ g ].id = geometryGroupCounter ++; this.geometryGroupsList.push( this.geometryGroups[ g ] ); } }; } )(), clone: function () { var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); var vertices = this.vertices; for ( var i = 0, il = vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) { geometry.vertices.push( vertices[ i ].clone() ); } var faces = this.faces; for ( var i = 0, il = faces.length; i < il; i ++ ) { geometry.faces.push( faces[ i ].clone() ); } var uvs = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ]; for ( var i = 0, il = uvs.length; i < il; i ++ ) { var uv = uvs[ i ], uvCopy = []; for ( var j = 0, jl = uv.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { uvCopy.push( new THREE.Vector2( uv[ j ].x, uv[ j ].y ) ); } geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( uvCopy ); } return geometry; }, dispose: function () { this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } ); } }; THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.apply( THREE.Geometry.prototype ); THREE.GeometryIdCount = 0;