Changes by Version ================== Release Notes. 8.5.0 ------------------ #### Project * Update frontend-maven-plugin to 1.11.0, for Download node x64 binary on Apple Silicon. #### Java Agent * Remove invalid mysql configuration in agent.config. * Add net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.RedefinitionStrategy.Listener to show detail message when redefine errors occur. * Fix ClassCastException of log4j gRPC reporter. #### OAP-Backend * Allow user-defined `JAVA_OPTS` in the startup script. * Metrics combination API supports abandoning results. * Add a new concept "Event" and its implementations to collect events. * Add some defensive codes for NPE and bump up Kubernetes client version to expose exception stack trace. * Update the `timestamp` field type for `LogQuery`. * Support Zabbix protocol to receive agent metrics. * Update the Apdex metric combine calculator. #### UI * Update selector scroller to show in all pages. * Implement searching logs with date. #### Documentation All issues and pull requests are [here]( ------------------ Find change logs of all versions [here](changes).