# Telemetry for backend The OAP backend cluster itself is a distributed streaming process system. To assist the Ops team, we provide the telemetry for the OAP backend itself. By default, the telemetry is disabled by setting `selector` to `none`, like this ```yaml telemetry: selector: ${SW_TELEMETRY:none} none: prometheus: host: ${SW_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_HOST:} port: ${SW_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_PORT:1234} sslEnabled: ${SW_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_SSL_ENABLED:false} sslKeyPath: ${SW_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_SSL_KEY_PATH:""} sslCertChainPath: ${SW_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_SSL_CERT_CHAIN_PATH:""} ``` but you can set one of `prometheus` to enable them, for more information, refer to the details below. ## Self Observability ### Static IP or hostname SkyWalking supports to collect telemetry data into OAP backend directly. Users could check them out through UI or GraphQL API then. Adding following configuration to enable self-observability related modules. 1. Setting up prometheus telemetry. ```yaml telemetry: selector: ${SW_TELEMETRY:prometheus} prometheus: host: port: 1543 ``` 2. Setting up prometheus fetcher ```yaml prometheus-fetcher: selector: ${SW_PROMETHEUS_FETCHER:default} default: enabledRules: ${SW_PROMETHEUS_FETCHER_ENABLED_RULES:"self"} ``` 3. Make sure `config/fetcher-prom-rules/self.yaml` exists. Once you deploy an oap-server cluster, the target host should be replaced with a dedicated IP or hostname. For instances, there are three oap server in your cluster, their host is `service1`, `service2` and `service3` respectively. You should update each `self.yaml` to twist target host. service1: ```yaml fetcherInterval: PT15S fetcherTimeout: PT10S metricsPath: /metrics staticConfig: # targets will be labeled as "instance" targets: - service1:1234 labels: service: oap-server ... ``` service2: ```yaml fetcherInterval: PT15S fetcherTimeout: PT10S metricsPath: /metrics staticConfig: # targets will be labeled as "instance" targets: - service2:1234 labels: service: oap-server ... ``` service3: ```yaml fetcherInterval: PT15S fetcherTimeout: PT10S metricsPath: /metrics staticConfig: # targets will be labeled as "instance" targets: - service3:1234 labels: service: oap-server ... ``` ### Service discovery (k8s) If you deploy an oap-server cluster on k8s, the oap-server instance(pod) could not has the static IP or hostname. We can leverage [OpenTelemetry Collector](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/collector/getting-started/#kubernetes) to discover the oap-server instance and scrape & transfer the metrics to OAP [OpenTelemetry receiver](backend-receivers.md#opentelemetry-receiver). How to install SkyWalking on k8s can refer to [Apache SkyWalking Kubernetes](https://github.com/apache/skywalking-kubernetes) To set this up by the following steps: 1. Set up oap-server - Set the metrics port ``` prometheus-port: 1234 ``` - Set environment variables ``` SW_TELEMETRY=prometheus SW_OTEL_RECEIVER=default SW_OTEL_RECEIVER_ENABLED_OC_RULES=oap ``` Here is the example to install by Apache SkyWalking Kubernetes: ``` helm -n istio-system install skywalking skywalking \ --set elasticsearch.replicas=1 \ --set elasticsearch.minimumMasterNodes=1 \ --set elasticsearch.imageTag=7.5.1 \ --set oap.replicas=2 \ --set ui.image.repository=$HUB/skywalking-ui \ --set ui.image.tag=$TAG \ --set oap.image.tag=$TAG \ --set oap.image.repository=$HUB/skywalking-oap \ --set oap.storageType=elasticsearch7 \ --set oap.ports.prometheus-port=1234 \ # <<< Expose self observability metrics port --set oap.env.SW_TELEMETRY=prometheus \ --set oap.env.SW_OTEL_RECEIVER=default \ # <<< Enable Otel receiver --set oap.env.SW_OTEL_RECEIVER_ENABLED_OC_RULES=oap # <<< Add oap analyzer for Otel metrics ``` 2. Set up OpenTelemetry Collector and config a scrape job: ``` yaml - job_name: 'skywalking' metrics_path: '/metrics' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name, __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name] action: keep regex: oap;prometheus-port - source_labels: [] target_label: service replacement: oap-server - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name] target_label: host_name regex: (.+) replacement: $$1 ``` The full example for OpenTelemetry Collector configuration and recommend version can refer to [otel-collector-oap.yaml](otel-collector-oap.yaml). ___ **WARNING**, since Apr 21, 2021, **Grafana** project has been relicensed to **AGPL-v3**, no as Apache 2.0 anymore. Check the LICENSE details. The following Prometheus + Grafana solution is optional, not a recommendation. ## Prometheus Prometheus is supported as telemetry implementor. By using this, prometheus collects metrics from SkyWalking backend. Set `prometheus` to provider. The endpoint open at `` and ``. ```yaml telemetry: selector: ${SW_TELEMETRY:prometheus} prometheus: ``` Set host and port if needed. ```yaml telemetry: selector: ${SW_TELEMETRY:prometheus} prometheus: host: port: 1543 ``` Set SSL relevant settings to expose a secure endpoint. Notice private key file and cert chain file could be uploaded once changes are applied to them. ```yaml telemetry: selector: ${SW_TELEMETRY:prometheus} prometheus: host: port: 1543 sslEnabled: true sslKeyPath: /etc/ssl/key.pem sslCertChainPath: /etc/ssl/cert-chain.pem ``` ### Grafana Visualization Provide the grafana dashboard settings. Check [SkyWalking OAP Cluster Monitor Dashboard](grafana-cluster.json) config and [SkyWalking OAP Instance Monitor Dashboard](grafana-instance.json) config.