Changes by Version ================== Release Notes. 8.6.0 ------------------ #### Project #### Java Agent * Add `trace_segment_ref_limit_per_span` configuration mechanism to avoid OOM. * Improve `GlobalIdGenerator` performance. * Add an agent plugin to support elasticsearch7. * Add `jsonrpc4j` agent plugin. * new options to support multi skywalking cluster use same kafka cluster(plugin.kafka.namespace) * resolve agent has no retries if connect kafka cluster failed when bootstrap * Add Seata in the component definition. Seata plugin hosts on Seata project. * Extended Kafka plugin to properly trace consumers that have topic partitions directly assigned. * Support Kafka consumer 2.8.0. * Support print SkyWalking context to logs. * Add `MessageListener` enhancement in pulsar plugin. * fix a bug that spring-mvc set an error endpoint name if the controller class annotation implements an interface. * Add an optional agent plugin to support mybatis. #### OAP-Backend * BugFix: filter invalid Envoy access logs whose socket address is empty. * Fix K8s monitoring the incorrect metrics calculate. * Loop alarm into event system. * Support alarm tags. * Support WeLink as a channel of alarm notification. * Fix: Some defensive codes didn't work in `PercentileFunction combine`. * CVE: fix Jetty vulnerability. * Fix: MAL function would miss samples name after creating new samples. * perf: use iterator.remove() to remove modulesWithoutProvider #### UI * Add logo for kong plugin. * Add apisix logo. * Refactor js to ts for browser logs and style change. * When creating service groups in the topology, it is better if the service names are sorted. * Add tooltip for dashboard component. * Fix style of endpoint dependency. * Support search and visualize alarms with tags. * Update configuration on dashboard. #### Documentation * Polish k8s monitoring otel-collector configuration example. * Print SkyWalking context to logs configuration example. All issues and pull requests are [here]( ------------------ Find change logs of all versions [here](changes).