# How to build project This document helps people to compile and build the project in your maven and set your IDE. ## Build Project **Because we are using Git submodule, we recommend don't use `GitHub` tag or release page to download source codes for compiling.** ### Maven behind Proxy If you need to execute build behind the proxy, edit the *.mvn/jvm.config* and put the follow properties: ```properties -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy_ip -Dhttp.proxyPort=proxy_port -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxy_ip -Dhttps.proxyPort=proxy_port -Dhttp.proxyUser=username -Dhttp.proxyPassword=password ``` ### Build from GitHub 1. Prepare git, JDK8+ and Maven 3.6+ 1. Clone project If you want to build a release from source codes, provide a `tag name` by using `git clone -b [tag_name] ...` while cloning. ```bash git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/apache/skywalking.git cd skywalking/ OR git clone https://github.com/apache/skywalking.git cd skywalking/ git submodule init git submodule update ``` 1. Run `./mvnw clean package -DskipTests` 1. All packages are in `/dist` (.tar.gz for Linux and .zip for Windows). ### Build from Apache source code release - What is `Apache source code release`? For each official Apache release, there is a complete and independent source code tar, which is including all source codes. You could download it from [SkyWalking Apache download page](http://skywalking.apache.org/downloads/). No git related stuff required when compiling this. Just follow these steps. 1. Prepare JDK8+ and Maven 3.6+ 1. Run `./mvnw clean package -DskipTests` 1. All packages are in `/dist`.(.tar.gz for Linux and .zip for Windows). ### Advanced compile SkyWalking is a complex maven project, including many modules, which could cause long compiling time. If you just want to recompile part of the project, you have following options - Compile agent and package > ./mvnw package -Pagent,dist or > make build.agent If you intend to compile a single one plugin, such as in the dev stage, you could > cd plugin_module_dir & mvn clean package - Compile backend and package > ./mvnw package -Pbackend,dist or > make build.backend - Compile UI and package > ./mvnw package -Pui,dist or > make build.ui ### Build docker images We can build docker images of `backend` and `ui` with `Makefile` located in root folder. Refer to [Build docker image](../../../docker) for more details. ## Setup your IntelliJ IDEA **NOTICE**: If you clone the codes from GitHub, please make sure that you had finished step 1 to 3 in section **[Build from GitHub](#build-from-github)**, if you download the source codes from the official website of SkyWalking, please make sure that you had followed the steps in section **[Build from Apache source code release](#build-from-apache-source-code-release)**. 1. Import the project as a maven project 1. Run `./mvnw compile -Dmaven.test.skip=true` to compile project and generate source codes. Because we use gRPC and protobuf. 1. Set **Generated Source Codes** folders. * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **apm-protocol/apm-network/target/generated-sources/protobuf** * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **oap-server/server-core/target/generated-sources/protobuf** * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **oap-server/server-receiver-plugin/receiver-proto/target/generated-sources/protobuf** * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **oap-server/exporter/target/generated-sources/protobuf** * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **oap-server/server-configuration/grpc-configuration-sync/target/generated-sources/protobuf** * `antlr4` folder in **oap-server/oal-grammar/target/generated-sources**