# Spring sleuth setup Spring Sleuth provides Spring Boot auto-configuration for distributed tracing. Skywalking integrates it's micrometer part, and it can send metrics to the Skywalking [Meter System](./../../concepts-and-designs/meter.md). ## Set up agent 1. Add the Micrometer and Skywalking meter registry dependency into project `pom.xml` file. Also you could found more detail at [Toolkit micrometer](./../service-agent/java-agent/Application-toolkit-micrometer.md). ```xml org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-actuator org.apache.skywalking apm-toolkit-micrometer-registry ${skywalking.version} ``` 2. Create the Skywalking meter resgitry into spring bean management. ```java @Bean SkywalkingMeterRegistry skywalkingMeterRegistry() { // Add rate configs If you need, otherwise using none args construct SkywalkingConfig config = new SkywalkingConfig(Arrays.asList("")); return new SkywalkingMeterRegistry(config); } ``` ## Set up backend receiver 1. Make sure enable meter receiver in the `applicaiton.yml`. ```yaml receiver-meter: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_METER:default} default: ``` 2. Configure the meter config file, It already has the [spring sleuth meter config](../../../../oap-server/server-bootstrap/src/main/resources/meter-analyzer-config/spring-sleuth.yaml). If you also has some customized meter at the agent side, please read [meter document](backend-meter.md#meters-configure) to configure meter. 3. Enable Spring sleuth config in the `applicaiton.yml`. ```yaml agent-analyzer: selector: ${SW_AGENT_ANALYZER:default} default: meterAnalyzerActiveFiles: ${SW_METER_ANALYZER_ACTIVE_FILES:spring-sleuth} ``` ## Add UI dashboard 1. Open the dashboard view, click `edit` button to edit the templates. ![Click edit button](https://skywalking.apache.org/screenshots/8.0.0/spring-sleuth-setup-ui-20200723-01.png) 1. Create a new template. Template type: `Standard` -> Template Configuration: `Spring` -> Input the Template Name. ![Create template](https://skywalking.apache.org/screenshots/8.0.0/spring-sleuth-setup-ui-20200723-02.png) 1. Click `view` button, Finally get the spring sleuth dashboard. ![Save template](https://skywalking.apache.org/screenshots/8.0.0/spring-sleuth-setup-ui-20200723-03.png) ![Spring Sleuth Dashboard](https://skywalking.apache.org/screenshots/8.0.0/spring-sleuth-setup-ui-20200725-04.png) ## Supported meter Supported 3 types information: Application, System, JVM. 1. Application: HTTP request count and duration, JDBC max/idle/active connection count, Tomcat session active/reject count. 1. System: CPU system/process usage, OS System load, OS Process file count. 1. JVM: GC pause count and duration, Memory max/used/committed size, Thread peak/live/daemon count, Classes loaded/unloaded count.