# Choosing a receiver Receiver is a defined concept in SkyWalking's backend. All modules which are responsible for receiving telemetry or tracing data from other systems being monitored are all called **receivers**. If you are looking for the pull mode, take a look at the [fetcher document](backend-fetcher.md). We have the following receivers, and `default` implementors are provided in our Apache distribution. 1. **receiver-trace**. gRPC and HTTPRestful services that accept SkyWalking format traces. 1. **receiver-register**. gRPC and HTTPRestful services that provide service, service instance and endpoint register. 1. **service-mesh**. gRPC services that accept data from inbound mesh probes. 1. **receiver-jvm**. gRPC services that accept JVM metrics data. 1. **envoy-metric**. Envoy `metrics_service` and `ALS(access log service)` are supported by this receiver. The OAL script supports all GAUGE type metrics. 1. **receiver-profile**. gRPC services that accept profile task status and snapshot reporter. 1. **receiver-otel**. See [details](#opentelemetry-receiver). A receiver for analyzing metrics data from OpenTelemetry. 1. **receiver-meter**. See [details](backend-meter.md). A receiver for analyzing metrics in SkyWalking native meter format. 1. **receiver-browser**. gRPC services that accept browser performance data and error log. 1. **receiver-log**. A receiver for native log format. See [Log Analyzer](log-analyzer.md) for advanced features. 1. **configuration-discovery**. gRPC services that handle configurationDiscovery. 1. **receiver-event**. gRPC services that handle events data. 1. **receiver-zabbix**. See [details](backend-zabbix.md). 1. Experimental receivers. 1. **receiver_zipkin**. See [details](#zipkin-receiver). The sample settings of these receivers are by default included in `application.yml`, and also listed here: ```yaml receiver-register: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_REGISTER:default} default: receiver-trace: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_TRACE:default} default: receiver-jvm: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_JVM:default} default: service-mesh: selector: ${SW_SERVICE_MESH:default} default: envoy-metric: selector: ${SW_ENVOY_METRIC:default} default: acceptMetricsService: ${SW_ENVOY_METRIC_SERVICE:true} alsHTTPAnalysis: ${SW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_HTTP_ANALYSIS:""} receiver_zipkin: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN:-} default: host: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_HOST:} port: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_PORT:9411} contextPath: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_CONTEXT_PATH:/} jettyMinThreads: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_JETTY_MIN_THREADS:1} jettyMaxThreads: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_JETTY_MAX_THREADS:200} jettyIdleTimeOut: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_JETTY_IDLE_TIMEOUT:30000} jettyAcceptorPriorityDelta: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_JETTY_DELTA:0} jettyAcceptQueueSize: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_QUEUE_SIZE:0} receiver-profile: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_PROFILE:default} default: receiver-browser: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_BROWSER:default} default: sampleRate: ${SW_RECEIVER_BROWSER_SAMPLE_RATE:10000} log-analyzer: selector: ${SW_LOG_ANALYZER:default} default: lalFiles: ${SW_LOG_LAL_FILES:default} malFiles: ${SW_LOG_MAL_FILES:""} configuration-discovery: selector: ${SW_CONFIGURATION_DISCOVERY:default} default: receiver-event: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_EVENT:default} default: ``` ## gRPC/HTTP server for receiver By default, all gRPC/HTTP services should be served at `core/gRPC` and `core/rest`. But the `receiver-sharing-server` module allows all receivers to be served at different ip:port, if you set them explicitly. ```yaml receiver-sharing-server: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_SERVER:default} default: host: ${SW_RECEIVER_JETTY_HOST:} contextPath: ${SW_RECEIVER_JETTY_CONTEXT_PATH:/} authentication: ${SW_AUTHENTICATION:""} jettyMinThreads: ${SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_JETTY_MIN_THREADS:1} jettyMaxThreads: ${SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_JETTY_MAX_THREADS:200} jettyIdleTimeOut: ${SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_JETTY_IDLE_TIMEOUT:30000} jettyAcceptorPriorityDelta: ${SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_JETTY_DELTA:0} jettyAcceptQueueSize: ${SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_JETTY_QUEUE_SIZE:0} ``` Note: If you add these settings, make sure that they are not the same as the core module. This is because gRPC/HTTP servers of the core are still used for UI and OAP internal communications. ## OpenTelemetry receiver The OpenTelemetry receiver supports ingesting agent metrics by meter-system. The OAP can load the configuration at bootstrap. If the new configuration is not well-formed, the OAP may fail to start up. The files are located at `$CLASSPATH/otel--rules`. E.g. The `oc` handler loads rules from `$CLASSPATH/otel-oc-rules`. Supported handlers: * `oc`: [OpenCensus](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/blob/master/exporter/opencensusexporter/README.md) gRPC service handler. The rule file should be in YAML format, defined by the scheme described in [prometheus-fetcher](./backend-fetcher.md). Note: `receiver-otel` only supports the `group`, `defaultMetricLevel`, and `metricsRules` nodes of the scheme due to its push mode. To activate the `oc` handler and relevant rules of `istio`: ```yaml receiver-otel: selector: ${SW_OTEL_RECEIVER:default} default: enabledHandlers: ${SW_OTEL_RECEIVER_ENABLED_HANDLERS:"oc"} enabledOcRules: ${SW_OTEL_RECEIVER_ENABLED_OC_RULES:"istio-controlplane"} ``` The receiver adds labels with `key = node_identifier_host_name` and `key = node_identifier_pid` to the collected data samples, and values from `Node.identifier.host_name` and `Node.identifier.pid` defined in OpenCensus Agent Proto, for identification of the metric data. | Rule Name | Description | Configuration File | Data Source | |----|----|-----|----| |istio-controlplane| Metrics of Istio control panel | otel-oc-rules/istio-controlplane.yaml | Istio Control Panel -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server | |oap| Metrics of SkyWalking OAP server itself | otel-oc-rules/oap.yaml | SkyWalking OAP Server(SelfObservability) -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server | |vm| Metrics of VMs | otel-oc-rules/vm.yaml | Prometheus node-exporter(VMs) -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server | |k8s-cluster| Metrics of K8s cluster | otel-oc-rules/k8s-cluster.yaml | K8s kube-state-metrics -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server | |k8s-node| Metrics of K8s cluster | otel-oc-rules/k8s-node.yaml | cAdvisor & K8s kube-state-metrics -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server | |k8s-service| Metrics of K8s cluster | otel-oc-rules/k8s-service.yaml | cAdvisor & K8s kube-state-metrics -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server | ## Meter receiver The meter receiver supports accepting the metrics into the meter-system. The OAP can load the configuration at bootstrap. The file is written in YAML format, defined by the scheme described in [backend-meter](./backend-meter.md). To activate the `default` implementation: ```yaml receiver-meter: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_METER:default} default: ``` To activate the meter rule files: ```yaml agent-analyzer: selector: ${SW_AGENT_ANALYZER:default} default: meterAnalyzerActiveFiles: ${SW_METER_ANALYZER_ACTIVE_FILES:} # Which files could be meter analyzed, files split by "," ``` The receiver adds labels with `key = service` and `key = instance` to the collected data samples, and values from service and service instance name defined in SkyWalking Agent, for identification of the metric data. ## Zipkin receiver The Zipkin receiver makes the OAP server work as an alternative Zipkin server implementation. It supports Zipkin v1/v2 formats through HTTP service. Make sure you use this with `SW_STORAGE=zipkin-elasticsearch7` option to activate Zipkin storage implementation. Once this receiver and storage are activated, SkyWalking's native traces would be ignored, and SkyWalking wouldn't analyze topology, metrics, and endpoint dependency from Zipkin's trace. Use the following config to activate it. ```yaml receiver_zipkin: selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN:-} default: host: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_HOST:} port: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_PORT:9411} contextPath: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_CONTEXT_PATH:/} jettyMinThreads: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_JETTY_MIN_THREADS:1} jettyMaxThreads: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_JETTY_MAX_THREADS:200} jettyIdleTimeOut: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_JETTY_IDLE_TIMEOUT:30000} jettyAcceptorPriorityDelta: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_JETTY_DELTA:0} jettyAcceptQueueSize: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_QUEUE_SIZE:0} ``` NOTE: Zipkin receiver is only provided in `apache-skywalking-apm-es7-x.y.z.tar.gz` tar. This requires `zipkin-elasticsearch7` storage implementation to be activated. Read [this](backend-storage.md#elasticsearch-7-with-zipkin-trace-extension) doc to learn about Zipkin as a storage option.