/** * @file acl_mdl.h * * Copyright (C) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2019-2020. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #ifndef INC_EXTERNAL_ACL_ACL_MODEL_H_ #define INC_EXTERNAL_ACL_ACL_MODEL_H_ #include #include #include "acl_base.h" #include "acl_rt.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define ACL_MAX_DIM_CNT 128 #define ACL_MAX_TENSOR_NAME_LEN 128 #define ACL_MAX_BATCH_NUM 128 #define ACL_MAX_HW_NUM 128 #define ACL_MAX_SHAPE_COUNT 128 #define ACL_DYNAMIC_TENSOR_NAME "ascend_mbatch_shape_data" #define ACL_DYNAMIC_AIPP_NAME "ascend_dynamic_aipp_data" typedef struct aclmdlDataset aclmdlDataset; typedef struct aclmdlDesc aclmdlDesc; typedef struct aclmdlAIPP aclmdlAIPP; typedef struct aclAippExtendInfo aclAippExtendInfo; typedef enum { ACL_YUV420SP_U8 = 1, ACL_XRGB8888_U8, ACL_RGB888_U8, ACL_YUV400_U8, ACL_NC1HWC0DI_FP16, ACL_NC1HWC0DI_S8, ACL_ARGB8888_U8, ACL_YUYV_U8, ACL_YUV422SP_U8, ACL_AYUV444_U8, ACL_RAW10, ACL_RAW12, ACL_RAW16, ACL_RAW24, ACL_AIPP_RESERVED = 0xffff, } aclAippInputFormat; typedef struct aclmdlIODims { char name[ACL_MAX_TENSOR_NAME_LEN]; /**< tensor name */ size_t dimCount; /**< dim array count */ int64_t dims[ACL_MAX_DIM_CNT]; /**< dim data array */ } aclmdlIODims; typedef struct aclAippDims { aclmdlIODims srcDims; /**< input dims before model transform */ size_t srcSize; /**< input size before model transform */ aclmdlIODims aippOutdims; /**< aipp output dims */ size_t aippOutSize; /**< aipp output size */ } aclAippDims; typedef struct aclmdlBatch { size_t batchCount; /**< batch array count */ uint64_t batch[ACL_MAX_BATCH_NUM]; /**< batch data array */ } aclmdlBatch; typedef struct aclmdlHW { size_t hwCount; /**< height&width array count */ uint64_t hw[ACL_MAX_HW_NUM][2]; /**< height&width data array */ } aclmdlHW; typedef struct aclAippInfo { aclAippInputFormat inputFormat; int32_t srcImageSizeW; int32_t srcImageSizeH; int8_t cropSwitch; int32_t loadStartPosW; int32_t loadStartPosH; int32_t cropSizeW; int32_t cropSizeH; int8_t resizeSwitch; int32_t resizeOutputW; int32_t resizeOutputH; int8_t paddingSwitch; int32_t leftPaddingSize; int32_t rightPaddingSize; int32_t topPaddingSize; int32_t bottomPaddingSize; int8_t cscSwitch; int8_t rbuvSwapSwitch; int8_t axSwapSwitch; int8_t singleLineMode; int32_t matrixR0C0; int32_t matrixR0C1; int32_t matrixR0C2; int32_t matrixR1C0; int32_t matrixR1C1; int32_t matrixR1C2; int32_t matrixR2C0; int32_t matrixR2C1; int32_t matrixR2C2; int32_t outputBias0; int32_t outputBias1; int32_t outputBias2; int32_t inputBias0; int32_t inputBias1; int32_t inputBias2; int32_t meanChn0; int32_t meanChn1; int32_t meanChn2; int32_t meanChn3; float minChn0; float minChn1; float minChn2; float minChn3; float varReciChn0; float varReciChn1; float varReciChn2; float varReciChn3; aclFormat srcFormat; aclDataType srcDatatype; size_t srcDimNum; size_t shapeCount; aclAippDims outDims[ACL_MAX_SHAPE_COUNT]; aclAippExtendInfo *aippExtend; /**< reserved parameters, current version needs to be null */ } aclAippInfo; /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Create data of type aclmdlDesc * * @retval the aclmdlDesc pointer */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclmdlDesc *aclmdlCreateDesc(); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief destroy data of type aclmdlDesc * * @param modelDesc [IN] Pointer to almdldlDesc to be destroyed * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlDestroyDesc(aclmdlDesc *modelDesc); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Get aclmdlDesc data of the model according to the model ID * * @param modelDesc [OUT] aclmdlDesc pointer * @param modelId [IN] model id * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetDesc(aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, uint32_t modelId); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Get the number of the inputs of * the model according to data of aclmdlDesc * * @param modelDesc [IN] aclmdlDesc pointer * @retval input size with aclmdlDesc */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclmdlGetNumInputs(aclmdlDesc *modelDesc); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Get the number of the output of * the model according to data of aclmdlDesc * * @param modelDesc [IN] aclmdlDesc pointer * @retval output size with aclmdlDesc */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclmdlGetNumOutputs(aclmdlDesc *modelDesc); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Get the size of the specified input according to * the data of type aclmdlDesc * * @param modelDesc [IN] aclmdlDesc pointer * @param index [IN] the size of the number of inputs to be obtained, * the index value starts from 0 * @retval Specify the size of the input */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclmdlGetInputSizeByIndex(aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Get the size of the specified output according to * the data of type aclmdlDesc * * @param modelDesc [IN] aclmdlDesc pointer * @param index [IN] the size of the number of outputs to be obtained, * the index value starts from 0 * @retval Specify the size of the output */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclmdlGetOutputSizeByIndex(aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Create data of type aclmdlDataset * * @retval the aclmdlDataset pointer */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclmdlDataset *aclmdlCreateDataset(); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief destroy data of type aclmdlDataset * * @param dataset [IN] Pointer to aclmdlDataset to be destroyed * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlDestroyDataset(const aclmdlDataset *dataset); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Add aclDataBuffer to aclmdlDataset * * @param dataset [IN|OUT] aclmdlDataset address of aclDataBuffer to be added * @param dataBuffer [IN] aclDataBuffer address to be added * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlAddDatasetBuffer(aclmdlDataset *dataset, aclDataBuffer *dataBuffer); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Get the number of aclDataBuffer in aclmdlDataset * * @param dataset [IN] aclmdlDataset poiter * @retval the number of aclDataBuffer */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclmdlGetDatasetNumBuffers(const aclmdlDataset *dataset); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Get the aclDataBuffer in aclmdlDataset by index * * @param dataset [IN] aclmdlDataset poiter * @param index [IN] the index of aclDataBuffer * @retval Get successfully, return the address of aclDataBuffer * @retval Failure return NULL */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclDataBuffer *aclmdlGetDatasetBuffer(const aclmdlDataset *dataset, size_t index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Load offline model data from files * and manage memory internally by the system * * @par Function * After the system finishes loading the model, * the model ID returned is used as a mark to identify the model * during subsequent operations. * @param modelPath [IN] Storage path for offline model files * @param modelId [OUT] Model ID generated after * the system finishes loading the model * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlLoadFromFile(const char *modelPath, uint32_t *modelId); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Load offline model data from memory and manage the memory of * model running internally by the system * * @par Function * After the system finishes loading the model, * the model ID returned is used as a mark to identify the model * during subsequent operations * @param model [IN] Model data stored in memory * @param modelSize [IN] model data size * @param modelId [OUT] Model ID generated after * the system finishes loading the model * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlLoadFromMem(const void *model, size_t modelSize, uint32_t *modelId); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Load offline model data from a file, * and the user manages the memory of the model run by itself * * @par Function * After the system finishes loading the model, * the model ID returned is used as a mark to identify the model * during subsequent operations. * @param modelPath [IN] Storage path for offline model files * @param modelId [OUT] Model ID generated after finishes loading the model * @param workPtr [IN] A pointer to the working memory * required by the model on the Device,can be null * @param workSize [IN] The amount of working memory required by the model * @param weightPtr [IN] Pointer to model weight memory on Device * @param weightSize [IN] The amount of weight memory required by the model * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlLoadFromFileWithMem(const char *modelPath, uint32_t *modelId, void *workPtr, size_t workSize, void *weightPtr, size_t weightSize); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Load offline model data from memory, * and the user can manage the memory of model running * * @par Function * After the system finishes loading the model, * the model ID returned is used as a mark to identify the model * during subsequent operations * @param model [IN] Model data stored in memory * @param modelSize [IN] model data size * @param modelId [OUT] Model ID generated after finishes loading the model * @param workPtr [IN] A pointer to the working memory * required by the model on the Device,can be null * @param workSize [IN] work memory size * @param weightPtr [IN] Pointer to model weight memory on Device,can be null * @param weightSize [IN] The amount of weight memory required by the model * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlLoadFromMemWithMem(const void *model, size_t modelSize, uint32_t *modelId, void *workPtr, size_t workSize, void *weightPtr, size_t weightSize); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief load model from file with async queue * * @param modelPath [IN] model path * @param modelId [OUT] return model id if load success * @param inputQ [IN] input queue pointer * @param inputQNum [IN] input queue num * @param outputQ [IN] output queue pointer * @param outputQNum [IN] output queue num * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlLoadFromFileWithQ(const char *modelPath, uint32_t *modelId, const uint32_t *inputQ, size_t inputQNum, const uint32_t *outputQ, size_t outputQNum); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief load model from memory with async queue * * @param model [IN] model memory which user manages * @param modelSize [IN] model size * @param modelId [OUT] return model id if load success * @param inputQ [IN] input queue pointer * @param inputQNum [IN] input queue num * @param outputQ [IN] output queue pointer * @param outputQNum [IN] output queue num * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlLoadFromMemWithQ(const void *model, size_t modelSize, uint32_t *modelId, const uint32_t *inputQ, size_t inputQNum, const uint32_t *outputQ, size_t outputQNum); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Execute model synchronous inference until the inference result is returned * * @param modelId [IN] ID of the model to perform inference * @param input [IN] Input data for model inference * @param output [OUT] Output data for model inference * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlExecute(uint32_t modelId, const aclmdlDataset *input, aclmdlDataset *output); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Execute model asynchronous inference until the inference result is returned * * @param modelId [IN] ID of the model to perform inference * @param input [IN] Input data for model inference * @param output [OUT] Output data for model inference * @param stream [IN] stream * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlLoadFromFile | aclmdlLoadFromMem | aclmdlLoadFromFileWithMem | * aclmdlLoadFromMemWithMem */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlExecuteAsync(uint32_t modelId, const aclmdlDataset *input, aclmdlDataset *output, aclrtStream stream); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief unload model with model id * * @param modelId [IN] model id to be unloaded * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlUnload(uint32_t modelId); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Get the weight memory size and working memory size * required for model execution according to the model file * * @param fileName [IN] Model path to get memory information * @param workSize [OUT] The amount of working memory for model executed * @param weightSize [OUT] The amount of weight memory for model executed * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlQuerySize(const char *fileName, size_t *workSize, size_t *weightSize); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Obtain the weights required for * model execution according to the model data in memory * * @par Restriction * The execution and weight memory is Device memory, * and requires user application and release. * @param model [IN] model memory which user manages * @param modelSize [IN] model data size * @param workSize [OUT] The amount of working memory for model executed * @param weightSize [OUT] The amount of weight memory for model executed * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlQuerySizeFromMem(const void *model, size_t modelSize, size_t *workSize, size_t *weightSize); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief In dynamic batch scenarios, * it is used to set the number of images processed * at one time during model inference * * @param modelId [IN] model id * @param dataset [IN] data for model inference * @param index [IN] index of dynamic tensor * @param batchSize [IN] Number of images processed at a time during model * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlLoadFromFile | aclmdlLoadFromMem | aclmdlLoadFromFileWithMem | * aclmdlLoadFromMemWithMem | aclmdlGetInputIndexByName */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetDynamicBatchSize(uint32_t modelId, aclmdlDataset *dataset, size_t index, uint64_t batchSize); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Sets the H and W of the specified input of the model * * @param modelId [IN] model id * @param dataset [IN] data for model inference * @param index [IN] index of dynamic tensor * @param height [IN] model height * @param width [IN] model width * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlLoadFromFile | aclmdlLoadFromMem | aclmdlLoadFromFileWithMem | * aclmdlLoadFromMemWithMem | aclmdlGetInputIndexByName */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetDynamicHWSize(uint32_t modelId, aclmdlDataset *dataset, size_t index, uint64_t height, uint64_t width); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get input dims info * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] input tensor index * @param dims [OUT] dims info * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlGetInputDimsV2 */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetInputDims(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index, aclmdlIODims *dims); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get input dims info(version 2), especially for static aipp * it is the same with aclmdlGetInputDims while model without static aipp * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] input tensor index * @param dims [OUT] dims info * * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlGetInputDims */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetInputDimsV2(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index, aclmdlIODims *dims); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get output dims info * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] output tensor index * @param dims [OUT] dims info * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetOutputDims(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index, aclmdlIODims *dims); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get current output dims info * * @par Function * The following use cases are supported: * @li Get current output shape when model is dynamic and * dynamic shape info is set * @li Get max output shape when model is dynamic and * dynamic shape info is not set * @li Get actual output shape when model is static * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] output tensor index * @param dims [OUT] dims info * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetCurOutputDims(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index, aclmdlIODims *dims); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get input name by index * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] intput tensor index * @retval input tensor name,the same life cycle with modelDesc */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY const char *aclmdlGetInputNameByIndex(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get output name by index * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] output tensor index * @retval output tensor name,the same life cycle with modelDesc */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY const char *aclmdlGetOutputNameByIndex(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get input format by index * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] intput tensor index * @retval input tensor format */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclFormat aclmdlGetInputFormat(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get output format by index * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] output tensor index * @retval output tensor format */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclFormat aclmdlGetOutputFormat(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get input data type by index * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] intput tensor index * @retval input tensor data type */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclDataType aclmdlGetInputDataType(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get output data type by index * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] output tensor index * @retval output tensor data type */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclDataType aclmdlGetOutputDataType(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get input tensor index by name * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param name [IN] intput tensor name * @param index [OUT] intput tensor index * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetInputIndexByName(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, const char *name, size_t *index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get output tensor index by name * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param name [IN] output tensor name * @param index [OUT] output tensor index * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetOutputIndexByName(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, const char *name, size_t *index); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get dynamic batch info * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param batch [OUT] dynamic batch info * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetDynamicBatch(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, aclmdlBatch *batch); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get dynamic height&width info * * @param modelDesc [IN] model description * @param index [IN] input tensor index * @param hw [OUT] dynamic height&width info * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetDynamicHW(const aclmdlDesc *modelDesc, size_t index, aclmdlHW *hw); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief Create data of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param batchSize [IN] batchsizes of model * @retval the aclmdlAIPP pointer */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclmdlAIPP *aclmdlCreateAIPP(uint64_t batchSize); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief destroy data of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP to be destroyed * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlDestroyAIPP(const aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set InputFormat of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param inputFormat [IN] The inputFormat of aipp * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPInputFormat(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, aclAippInputFormat inputFormat); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set cscParms of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param csc_switch [IN] Csc switch * @param cscMatrixR0C0 [IN] Csc_matrix_r0_c0 * @param cscMatrixR0C1 [IN] Csc_matrix_r0_c1 * @param cscMatrixR0C2 [IN] Csc_matrix_r0_c2 * @param cscMatrixR1C0 [IN] Csc_matrix_r1_c0 * @param cscMatrixR1C1 [IN] Csc_matrix_r1_c1 * @param cscMatrixR1C2 [IN] Csc_matrix_r1_c2 * @param cscMatrixR2C0 [IN] Csc_matrix_r2_c0 * @param cscMatrixR2C1 [IN] Csc_matrix_r2_c1 * @param cscMatrixR2C2 [IN] Csc_matrix_r2_c2 * @param cscOutputBiasR0 [IN] Output Bias for RGB to YUV, element of row 0, unsigned number * @param cscOutputBiasR1 [IN] Output Bias for RGB to YUV, element of row 1, unsigned number * @param cscOutputBiasR2 [IN] Output Bias for RGB to YUV, element of row 2, unsigned number * @param cscInputBiasR0 [IN] Input Bias for YUV to RGB, element of row 0, unsigned number * @param cscInputBiasR1 [IN] Input Bias for YUV to RGB, element of row 1, unsigned number * @param cscInputBiasR2 [IN] Input Bias for YUV to RGB, element of row 2, unsigned number * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPCscParams(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, int8_t csc_switch, int16_t cscMatrixR0C0, int16_t cscMatrixR0C1, int16_t cscMatrixR0C2, int16_t cscMatrixR1C0, int16_t cscMatrixR1C1, int16_t cscMatrixR1C2, int16_t cscMatrixR2C0, int16_t cscMatrixR2C1, int16_t cscMatrixR2C2, uint8_t cscOutputBiasR0, uint8_t cscOutputBiasR1, uint8_t cscOutputBiasR2, uint8_t cscInputBiasR0, uint8_t cscInputBiasR1, uint8_t cscInputBiasR2); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set rb/ub swap switch of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param rbuvSwapSwitch [IN] rb/ub swap switch * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPRbuvSwapSwitch(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, int8_t rbuvSwapSwitch); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set RGBA->ARGB, YUVA->AYUV swap switch of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param axSwapSwitch [IN] RGBA->ARGB, YUVA->AYUV swap switch * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPAxSwapSwitch(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, int8_t axSwapSwitch); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set source image of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param srcImageSizeW [IN] Source image width * @param srcImageSizeH [IN] Source image height * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPSrcImageSize(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, int32_t srcImageSizeW, int32_t srcImageSizeH); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set resize switch of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param scfSwitch [IN] Resize switch * @param scfInputSizeW [IN] Input width of scf * @param scfInputSizeH [IN] Input height of scf * @param scfOutputSizeW [IN] Output width of scf * @param scfOutputSizeH [IN] Output height of scf * @param batchIndex [IN] Batch parameter index * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPScfParams(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, int8_t scfSwitch, int32_t scfInputSizeW, int32_t scfInputSizeH, int32_t scfOutputSizeW, int32_t scfOutputSizeH, uint64_t batchIndex); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set cropParams of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param cropSwitch [IN] Crop switch * @param cropStartPosW [IN] The start horizontal position of cropping * @param cropStartPosH [IN] The start vertical position of cropping * @param cropSizeW [IN] Crop width * @param cropSizeH [IN] Crop height * @param batchIndex [IN] Batch parameter index * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPCropParams(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, int8_t cropSwitch, int32_t cropStartPosW, int32_t cropStartPosH, int32_t cropSizeW, int32_t cropSizeH, uint64_t batchIndex); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set paddingParams of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param paddingSwitch [IN] Padding switch * @param paddingSizeTop [IN] Top padding size * @param paddingSizeBottom [IN] Bottom padding size * @param paddingSizeLeft [IN] Left padding size * @param paddingSizeRight [IN] Right padding size * @param batchIndex [IN] Batch parameter index * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPPaddingParams(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, int8_t paddingSwitch, int32_t paddingSizeTop, int32_t paddingSizeBottom, int32_t paddingSizeLeft, int32_t paddingSizeRight, uint64_t batchIndex); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set DtcPixelMean of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param dtcPixelMeanChn0 [IN] Mean value of channel 0 * @param dtcPixelMeanChn1 [IN] Mean value of channel 1 * @param dtcPixelMeanChn2 [IN] Mean value of channel 2 * @param dtcPixelMeanChn3 [IN] Mean value of channel 3 * @param batchIndex [IN] Batch parameter index * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPDtcPixelMean(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, int16_t dtcPixelMeanChn0, int16_t dtcPixelMeanChn1, int16_t dtcPixelMeanChn2, int16_t dtcPixelMeanChn3, uint64_t batchIndex); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set DtcPixelMin of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param dtcPixelMinChn0 [IN] Min value of channel 0 * @param dtcPixelMinChn1 [IN] Min value of channel 1 * @param dtcPixelMinChn2 [IN] Min value of channel 2 * @param dtcPixelMinChn3 [IN] Min value of channel 3 * @param batchIndex [IN] Batch parameter index * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPDtcPixelMin(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, float dtcPixelMinChn0, float dtcPixelMinChn1, float dtcPixelMinChn2, float dtcPixelMinChn3, uint64_t batchIndex); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set PixelVarReci of type aclmdlAIPP * * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @param dtcPixelVarReciChn0 [IN] sfr_dtc_pixel_variance_reci_ch0 * @param dtcPixelVarReciChn1 [IN] sfr_dtc_pixel_variance_reci_ch1 * @param dtcPixelVarReciChn2 [IN] sfr_dtc_pixel_variance_reci_ch2 * @param dtcPixelVarReciChn3 [IN] sfr_dtc_pixel_variance_reci_ch3 * @param batchIndex [IN] Batch parameter index * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetAIPPPixelVarReci(aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet, float dtcPixelVarReciChn0, float dtcPixelVarReciChn1, float dtcPixelVarReciChn2, float dtcPixelVarReciChn3, uint64_t batchIndex); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief set aipp parameters to model * * @param modelId [IN] model id * @param dataset [IN] Pointer of dataSize * @param index [IN] index of dataBuffer * @param aippParmsSet [IN] Pointer for aclmdlAIPP * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlLoadFromFile | aclmdlLoadFromMem | aclmdlLoadFromFileWithMem | * aclmdlLoadFromMemWithMem | aclmdlGetInputIndexByName | aclmdlCreateAIPP */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlSetInputAIPP(uint32_t modelId, aclmdlDataset *dataset, size_t index, const aclmdlAIPP *aippParmsSet); /** * @ingroup AscendCL * @brief get static aipp parameters from model * * @param modelId [IN] model id * @param index [IN] index of tensor * @param aippinfo [OUT] Pointer for static aipp info * @retval ACL_ERROR_NONE The function is successfully executed. * @retval ACL_ERROR_MODEL_AIPP_NOT_EXIST The tensor of index is not configured with aipp * @retval OtherValues Failure * * @see aclmdlLoadFromFile | aclmdlLoadFromMem | aclmdlLoadFromFileWithMem | * aclmdlLoadFromMemWithMem | aclmdlGetInputIndexByName */ ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclmdlGetFirstAippInfo(uint32_t modelId, size_t index, aclAippInfo *aippinfo); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // INC_EXTERNAL_ACL_ACL_MODEL_H_