# python whl package build support status * windows build (cpu + gpu) * linux build (cpu + gpu) * macos build (cpu only) # build env prepare ## linux ``` 1: enable rootless docker env, refs: https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless/ 2: cd ./scripts/whl/linux/manylinux2010 3: ./build_image.sh cpu 4: ./build_image.sh cuda ``` ## macos ``` ./scripts/whl/macos/macos_whl_env_prepare.sh ``` ## windows ``` 1: refs scripts/cmake-build/BUILD_README.md windows section build for base windows build 2: install several python or install u care python version, default install dir: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env a: mkdir /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env b: download python 64-bit install exe https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.5.4/python-3.5.4-amd64.exe https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.8/python-3.6.8-amd64.exe https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.7/python-3.7.7-amd64.exe https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.3/python-3.8.3-amd64.exe c: install python-3.5.4-amd64.exe to /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.5.4 from install gui d: install python-3.6.8-amd64.exe to /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.6.8 from install gui e: install python-3.7.7-amd64.exe to /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.7.7 from install gui f: install python-3.8.3-amd64.exe to /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.8.3 from install gui 3: rename python.exe to python3.exe a: mv /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.5.4/python.exe /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.5.4/python3.exe b: mv /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.6.8/python.exe /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.6.8/python3.exe c: mv /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.7.7/python.exe /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.7.7/python3.exe d: mv /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.8.3/python.exe /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.8.3/python3.exe 4: install needed package for build python whl package a0: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.5.4/python3.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip a1: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.5.4/python3.exe -m pip install -r python_module/requires-test.txt a2: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.5.4/python3.exe -m pip install numpy wheel requests tqdm tabulate b0: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.6.8/python3.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip b1: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.6.8/python3.exe -m pip install -r python_module/requires-test.txt b2: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.6.8/python3.exe -m pip install numpy wheel requests tqdm tabulate c0: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.7.7/python3.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip c1: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.7.7/python3.exe -m pip install -r python_module/requires-test.txt c2: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.7.7/python3.exe -m pip install numpy wheel requests tqdm tabulate d0: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.8.3/python3.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip d1: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.8.3/python3.exe -m pip install -r python_module/requires-test.txt d2: /c/Users/${USER}/mge_whl_python_env/3.8.3/python3.exe -m pip install numpy wheel requests tqdm tabulate 5: install swig from install gui a: download swig: https://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/swig/swigwin/swigwin-4.0.2/swigwin-4.0.2.zip b: install swig to /c/Users/${USER}/swigwin-4.0.2 c: apply scripts/whl/windows/fix-ptr-define-issue.patch to c/Users/${USER}/swigwin-4.0.2 ``` # how to build ## build for linux MegBrain delivers `wheel` package with `manylinux2010` tag defined in [PEP-571](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0571/). ``` ./build_wheel.sh cpu CUDA_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cuda \ CUDNN_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cudnn \ TENSORRT_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/tensorrt \ ./build_wheel.sh cuda ``` And you can find all of the outputs in `output` directory. If you just want to build for a specific Python verison, you can use `ALL_PYTHON` environment variable. eg: ``` ALL_PYTHON=35m ./build_wheel.sh cpu ``` Please append `imperative` to `build_wheel.sh` to use the new runtime, e.g., `./build_wheel.sh cpu imperative`. ## build for macos ``` ./scripts/whl/macos/macos_build_whl.sh ``` If you just want to build for a specific Python verison, you can use `ALL_PYTHON` environment variable. eg: ``` ALL_PYTHON=3.5.9 ./scripts/whl/macos/macos_build_whl.sh ``` ## build for windows ``` ./scripts/whl/windows/windows_build_whl.sh ``` If you just want to build for a specific Python verison, you can use `ALL_PYTHON` environment variable. eg: ``` ALL_PYTHON=3.5.4 ./scripts/whl/windows/windows_build_whl.sh ```