diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 79764dd5e0bc11dae912bbba1dcc6d8443b2ec70..7b2d187f622294bd2c798f03b4190765068eb958 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ option(MGE_DISABLE_FLOAT16 "Disable MegEngine float16 support." OFF) option(MGE_WITH_CUDA "Enable MegEngine CUDA support." ON) option(MGE_CUDA_USE_STATIC "Enable MegEngine CUDA static linking." ON) option(MGE_WITH_TRT "Build MegEngine with TensorRT." ON) +option(MGE_WITH_CUDA_STUB "Build MegEngine with CUDA stub." ON) +option(MGE_WITH_NVRTC_STUB "Build MegEngine with NVRTC stub." OFF) +option(MGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED "Build MegEngine with CUDNN shared." OFF) option(MGE_USE_SYSTEM_LIB "Build MegEngine with system libraries." OFF) option(MGB_WITH_FLATBUFFERS "Build MegBrain with FlatBuffers serialization support." ON) option(MGE_WITH_CAMBRICON "Build MegEngine with Cambricon support" OFF) @@ -55,6 +58,14 @@ option(MGE_BUILD_SDK "Build load_and_run" ON) option(MGE_INFERENCE_ONLY "Build inference only library." OFF) option(MGE_WITH_MKLDNN "Enable Intel MKL_DNN support," ON) option(MGE_WITH_ROCM "Enable ROCM support" OFF) +option(MGE_WITH_LARGE_ARCHIVE "Enable big archive link support" OFF) + + +if(MGE_WITH_NVRTC_STUB OR MGE_WITH_CUDA_STUB) + set(MGE_WITH_ANY_CUDA_STUB ON) +else() + set(MGE_WITH_ANY_CUDA_STUB OFF) +endif() if(NOT ${MGE_BIN_REDUCE} STREQUAL "") message(STATUS "build with BIN REDUCE") @@ -205,14 +216,24 @@ else() endif() endif() +if(MGE_WITH_CUDA) +include(cmake/cudnn.cmake) + if(MGE_CUDA_USE_STATIC AND ("${CUDNN_VERSION}" VERSION_GREATER "8.0.0" OR "${CUDNN_VERSION}" VERSION_EQUAL "8.0.0") AND (NOT MGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED)) + message(WARNING "Static link CUDNN8 will auto enable MGE_WITH_LARGE_ARCHIVE=ON") + set(MGE_WITH_LARGE_ARCHIVE ON) + endif() +endif() CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG(-fuse-ld=gold CXX_SUPPORT_GOLD) -if(CXX_SUPPORT_GOLD AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT APPLE AND NOT MSVC AND NOT WIN32) +if(MGE_WITH_LARGE_ARCHIVE) + message(STATUS "Set -mcmodel=large and disable -fuse-ld=gold") + set(MGE_COMMON_LINKER_FLAGS "-mcmodel=large") +elseif(CXX_SUPPORT_GOLD AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT APPLE AND NOT MSVC AND NOT WIN32 AND NOT MGE_WITH_LARGE_ARCHIVE) message(STATUS "Using GNU gold linker.") - set(MGE_COMMON_LINKER_FLAGS "-fuse-ld=gold") - set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${MGE_COMMON_LINKER_FLAGS}") - set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${MGE_COMMON_LINKER_FLAGS}") - set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${MGE_COMMON_LINKER_FLAGS}") + set(MGE_COMMON_LINKER_FLAGS "-fuse-ld=gold") endif() +set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${MGE_COMMON_LINKER_FLAGS}") +set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${MGE_COMMON_LINKER_FLAGS}") +set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${MGE_COMMON_LINKER_FLAGS}") if(NOT MGE_WITH_JIT) if(MGE_WITH_HALIDE) @@ -353,11 +374,28 @@ if(MGE_WITH_CUDA) if(NOT MGE_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS) set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Xcompiler -fno-exceptions") endif() - if(NOT MGE_CUDA_GENCODE) if(${MGE_ARCH} STREQUAL "x86_64" OR ${MGE_ARCH} STREQUAL "i386") set(MEGDNN_THREADS_512 0) - if(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "10.0.0" OR ${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL "10.0.0") + if(MGE_WITH_CUDA AND MGE_CUDA_USE_STATIC AND ("${CUDNN_VERSION}" VERSION_GREATER "8.0.0" OR "${CUDNN_VERSION}" VERSION_EQUAL "8.0.0") AND (NOT MGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED)) + message(WARNING "Static link CUDNN8 with many sm is unworkable, we only enable sm61 sm70 sm75 by default, and enable MGE_WITH_LARGE_ARCHIVE=ON") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75") + elseif(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "11.1.0" OR ${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL "11.1.0") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_86,code=sm_86") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_86,code=compute_86") + elseif(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "11.0.0" OR ${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL "11.0.0") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80") + set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_80,code=compute_80") + elseif(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "10.0.0" OR ${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL "10.0.0") set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_52,code=sm_52") set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60") set(MGE_CUDA_GENCODE "${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE} -gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61") @@ -385,7 +423,6 @@ if(MGE_WITH_CUDA) endif() set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} ${MGE_CUDA_GENCODE}") - include(cmake/cudnn.cmake) if(MGE_WITH_TRT) include(cmake/tensorrt.cmake) endif() @@ -394,12 +431,30 @@ if(MGE_WITH_CUDA) if(MSVC OR WIN32) list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS ${TRT_LIBRARY} ${CUDNN_LIBRARY}) message(STATUS "windows TRT_LIBRARY: ${TRT_LIBRARY}") + else() + if(TensorRT_VERSION_MAJOR GREATER_EQUAL 7) + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS -Wl,--whole-archive libnvinfer myelin_compiler_static myelin_executor_static myelin_pattern_runtime_static myelin_pattern_library_static -Wl,--no-whole-archive) + else() + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS -Wl,--whole-archive libnvinfer -Wl,--no-whole-archive) + endif() + endif() + endif() + + if("${CUDNN_VERSION}" STREQUAL "7.5.0") + if(MSVC OR WIN32) message(STATUS "windows CUDNN_LIBRARY: ${CUDNN_LIBRARY}") + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS ${CUDNN_LIBRARY}) else() - list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS -Wl,--whole-archive libnvinfer libcudnn -Wl,--no-whole-archive) + message(STATUS "cudnn 7.5.0 has bug in cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward, need --whole-archive to workaround, ref https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/cudnn/release-notes/rel_7xx.html") + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS -Wl,--whole-archive libcudnn -Wl,--no-whole-archive) endif() else() - list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS -Wl,--whole-archive libcudnn -Wl,--no-whole-archive) + if(MSVC OR WIN32) + message(STATUS "windows CUDNN_LIBRARY: ${CUDNN_LIBRARY}") + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS ${CUDNN_LIBRARY}) + else() + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS libcudnn) + endif() endif() if(MSVC OR WIN32) list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS cusolver.lib cublas.lib curand.lib cudart_static.lib cusparse.lib) @@ -447,15 +502,37 @@ if(MGE_WITH_CUDA) if(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "10.1.0" OR ${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL "10.1.0") list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS cublasLt cusolver cublas curand) endif() + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS cudart) + endif() + + if(NOT MGE_WITH_CUDA_STUB) + if(MSVC OR WIN32) + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS cuda.lib) + else() + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS cuda) + endif() + endif() + + if(NOT MGE_WITH_NVRTC_STUB) + if(MSVC OR WIN32) + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS nvrtc.lib) + else() + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS nvrtc) + endif() + endif() + + if(MGE_WITH_ANY_CUDA_STUB) + add_subdirectory(dnn/cuda-stub) + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS cuda-stub) endif() - add_subdirectory(dnn/cuda-stub) if(MSVC OR WIN32) - list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS nvrtc.lib cuda-stub) + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS nvrtc.lib) else() - list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS nvrtc cuda-stub nvToolsExt) + list(APPEND MGE_CUDA_LIBS nvToolsExt) endif() - set(MGE_CUDA_LIBS "${MGE_CUDA_LIBS}") + + set(MGE_CUDA_LIBS "${MGE_CUDA_LIBS} -lrt") endif() if(MGE_WITH_CAMBRICON) @@ -800,6 +877,9 @@ if(TARGET _imperative_rt) COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/imperative/python/${PACKAGE_NAME}/core/$ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/imperative/python/${PACKAGE_NAME}/core/$ + COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/imperative/python/${PACKAGE_NAME}/version.py + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/imperative/python/${PACKAGE_NAME}/version.py DEPENDS _imperative_rt VERBATIM ) @@ -863,3 +943,9 @@ if(MGE_WITH_JIT_MLIR) add_subdirectory(tools/mlir/mgb-opt) add_subdirectory(tools/mlir/mgb-file-check) endif() + +if(MGE_WITH_CUDA AND MGE_CUDA_USE_STATIC AND("${CUDNN_VERSION}" VERSION_GREATER "8.0.0" OR "${CUDNN_VERSION}" VERSION_EQUAL "8.0.0") AND (NOT MGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED)) + message(WARNING "Static link CUDNN8 with many sm is unworkable, please use -DMGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED=ON or -DMGE_WITH_LARGE_ARCHIVE=ON -DMGE_CUDA_GENCODE=\"-gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 arch=compute_75,code=sm_75\" ") + message(WARNING "Static link CUDNN8 with many sm is unworkable, please use -DMGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED=ON or -DMGE_WITH_LARGE_ARCHIVE=ON -DMGE_CUDA_GENCODE=\"-gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 arch=compute_75,code=sm_75\" ") + message(WARNING "Static link CUDNN8 with many sm is unworkable, please use -DMGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED=ON or -DMGE_WITH_LARGE_ARCHIVE=ON -DMGE_CUDA_GENCODE=\"-gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 arch=compute_75,code=sm_75\" ") +endif() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cmake/cudnn.cmake b/cmake/cudnn.cmake index 3fd428033eebbf5edd0dc9f30e348df28250901f..3b037c3cc695612a85f6c5e9b444857b8e94096f 100644 --- a/cmake/cudnn.cmake +++ b/cmake/cudnn.cmake @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ if("${CUDNN_ROOT_DIR}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT "$ENV{CUDNN_ROOT_DIR}" STREQUAL "") set(CUDNN_ROOT_DIR $ENV{CUDNN_ROOT_DIR}) endif() -if(MGE_CUDA_USE_STATIC) +if(MGE_CUDA_USE_STATIC AND NOT MGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED) find_library(CUDNN_LIBRARY NAMES libcudnn_static.a cudnn.lib PATHS $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ${CUDNN_ROOT_DIR} ${PC_CUDNN_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} @@ -42,7 +42,12 @@ if(CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR STREQUAL "CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR-NOTFOUND") message(FATAL_ERROR "Can not find CuDNN Library") endif() -file(READ ${CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR}/cudnn.h CUDNN_VERSION_FILE_CONTENTS) +if(EXISTS ${CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR}/cudnn_version.h) + file(READ ${CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR}/cudnn_version.h CUDNN_VERSION_FILE_CONTENTS) +else() + file(READ ${CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR}/cudnn.h CUDNN_VERSION_FILE_CONTENTS) +endif() + string(REGEX MATCH "define CUDNN_MAJOR * +([0-9]+)" CUDNN_MAJOR_VERSION "${CUDNN_VERSION_FILE_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "define CUDNN_MAJOR * +([0-9]+)" "\\1" @@ -55,7 +60,9 @@ string(REGEX MATCH "define CUDNN_PATCHLEVEL * +([0-9]+)" CUDNN_PATCH_VERSION "${CUDNN_VERSION_FILE_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "define CUDNN_PATCHLEVEL * +([0-9]+)" "\\1" CUDNN_PATCH_VERSION "${CUDNN_PATCH_VERSION}") -set(CUDNN_VERSION ${CUDNN_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CUDNN_MINOR_VERSION}) +set(CUDNN_VERSION ${CUDNN_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CUDNN_MINOR_VERSION}.${CUDNN_PATCH_VERSION}) + + if(MGE_CUDA_USE_STATIC) add_library(libcudnn STATIC IMPORTED) diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/CMakeLists.txt b/dnn/cuda-stub/CMakeLists.txt index ac75d255e1e245f1ede340ab54bd3343699e75dd..05256b56e3f44c5287c65e191093479868e4c21a 100644 --- a/dnn/cuda-stub/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,11 +1,21 @@ -file (GLOB_RECURSE SOURCES src/*.cpp) +file (GLOB_RECURSE CUDA_STUB src/libcuda.cpp) +file (GLOB_RECURSE NVRTC_STUB src/libnvrtc.cpp) + +if(MGE_WITH_CUDA_STUB) + list(APPEND STUB_SRC ${CUDA_STUB}) +endif() + +if(MGE_WITH_NVRTC_STUB) + list(APPEND STUB_SRC ${NVRTC_STUB}) +endif() if(MSVC OR WIN32) - add_library (cuda-stub STATIC ${SOURCES}) + add_library (cuda-stub STATIC ${STUB_SRC}) else() - add_library (cuda-stub SHARED ${SOURCES}) + add_library (cuda-stub SHARED ${STUB_SRC}) endif() -set_target_properties(cuda-stub PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME cuda) + +set_target_properties(cuda-stub PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME cuda_stub) target_compile_definitions(cuda-stub PRIVATE __CUDA_API_VERSION_INTERNAL) if (MSVC OR WIN32) target_link_libraries(cuda-stub PRIVATE -Wl,--no-undefined) diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/dlopen_helper.h b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/dlopen_helper.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00a429d57041fd1f1719c00c3f99cd10040a55c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/dlopen_helper.h @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +#if defined(_WIN32) +#include +#define RTLD_LAZY 0 + +static void* dlopen(const char* file, int) { + return static_cast(LoadLibraryA(file)); +} + +static void* dlerror() { + const char* errmsg = "dlerror not aviable in windows"; + return const_cast(errmsg); +} + +static void* dlsym(void* handle, const char* name) { + FARPROC symbol = GetProcAddress((HMODULE)handle, name); + return reinterpret_cast(symbol); +} + +#else +#include +#include +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +static std::vector split_string(const std::string& s, char delim) { + std::vector elems; + std::stringstream ss(s); + std::string item; + while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) { + elems.push_back(item); + } + return elems; +} + +static std::vector get_env_dir(const char* env_name) { + const char* env_p = std::getenv(env_name); + std::vector env_dir; + if (env_p) { + env_dir = split_string(env_p, ':'); + } + return env_dir; +} + +static void* try_open_handle(std::vector dir_vec, + std::string default_so_name) { + void* handle = nullptr; + for (auto& tk_path : dir_vec) { + handle = dlopen((tk_path + "/" + default_so_name).c_str(), RTLD_LAZY); + if (handle) { + break; + } + } + return handle; +} + +static void* try_open_handle(const char** so_vec, int nr_so) { + void* handle = nullptr; + for (int i = 0; i < nr_so; ++i) { + handle = dlopen(so_vec[i], RTLD_LAZY); + if (handle) { + break; + } + } + return handle; +} + +static void* get_library_handle() { + std::vector cuda_tk_dir = get_env_dir("CUDA_TK_PATH"); + std::vector ld_dir = get_env_dir("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"); + void* handle = nullptr; + if (!handle) { + handle = try_open_handle(ld_dir, default_so_name); + } + if (!handle) { + handle = try_open_handle(cuda_tk_dir, default_so_name); + } + if (!handle) { + handle = try_open_handle(default_so_paths, + sizeof(default_so_paths) / sizeof(char*)); + } + if (!handle) { + handle = try_open_handle(extra_so_paths, + sizeof(extra_so_paths) / sizeof(char*)); + } + if (!handle) { + LOGE("Failed to load %s API library", g_default_api_name); + return nullptr; + } + return handle; +} + +static void log_failed_load(int func_idx) { + LOGE("failed to load %s func: %s", g_default_api_name, + g_func_name[func_idx]); +} + +static void* resolve_library_func(void* handle, const char* func) { + if (!handle) { + LOGE("%s handle should not be nullptr!", g_default_api_name); + return nullptr; + } + auto ret = dlsym(handle, func); + if (!ret) { + LOGE("failed to load %s func: %s", g_default_api_name, func); + } + return ret; +} diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap.h b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_10.1.h similarity index 80% rename from dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap.h rename to dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_10.1.h index a0954ad627e47f2a8c245f294009b0a44de8caf5..106ae99e2a7b89e569713d67095ccd8d6d5e82b9 100644 --- a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap.h +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_10.1.h @@ -67,2149 +67,2618 @@ static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName_init(char *arg0, int arg1, CUd static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName_error(char *, int, CUdevice) { return on_init_failed(6); } +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid_init(CUuuid *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetUuid(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid_error(CUuuid *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(7); +} static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_init(size_t *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { load_library(); return cuDeviceTotalMem_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_error(size_t *, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(7); + return on_init_failed(8); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUdevice_attribute arg1, CUdevice arg2) { load_library(); return cuDeviceGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute_error(int *, CUdevice_attribute, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(8); + return on_init_failed(9); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties_init(CUdevprop *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { load_library(); return cuDeviceGetProperties(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties_error(CUdevprop *, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(9); + return on_init_failed(10); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { load_library(); return cuDeviceComputeCapability(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability_error(int *, int *, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(10); + return on_init_failed(11); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_init(CUcontext *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { load_library(); return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_error(CUcontext *, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(11); + return on_init_failed(12); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_init(CUdevice arg0) { load_library(); return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_error(CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(12); + return on_init_failed(13); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_error(CUdevice, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(13); + return on_init_failed(14); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int *arg1, int *arg2) { load_library(); return cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_error(CUdevice, unsigned int *, int *) { - return on_init_failed(14); + return on_init_failed(15); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_init(CUdevice arg0) { load_library(); return cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_error(CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(15); + return on_init_failed(16); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { load_library(); return cuCtxCreate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(16); + return on_init_failed(17); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2_init(CUcontext arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxDestroy_v2(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2_error(CUcontext) { - return on_init_failed(17); + return on_init_failed(18); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_init(CUcontext arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxPushCurrent_v2(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_error(CUcontext) { - return on_init_failed(18); + return on_init_failed(19); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_init(CUcontext *arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxPopCurrent_v2(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_error(CUcontext *) { - return on_init_failed(19); + return on_init_failed(20); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent_init(CUcontext arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxSetCurrent(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent_error(CUcontext) { - return on_init_failed(20); + return on_init_failed(21); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent_init(CUcontext *arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxGetCurrent(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent_error(CUcontext *) { - return on_init_failed(21); + return on_init_failed(22); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice_init(CUdevice *arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxGetDevice(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice_error(CUdevice *) { - return on_init_failed(22); + return on_init_failed(23); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxGetFlags(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags_error(unsigned int *) { - return on_init_failed(23); + return on_init_failed(24); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize_init() { load_library(); return cuCtxSynchronize(); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize_error() { - return on_init_failed(24); + return on_init_failed(25); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit_init(CUlimit arg0, size_t arg1) { load_library(); return cuCtxSetLimit(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit_error(CUlimit, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(25); + return on_init_failed(26); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit_init(size_t *arg0, CUlimit arg1) { load_library(); return cuCtxGetLimit(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit_error(size_t *, CUlimit) { - return on_init_failed(26); + return on_init_failed(27); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig_init(CUfunc_cache *arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxGetCacheConfig(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig_error(CUfunc_cache *) { - return on_init_failed(27); + return on_init_failed(28); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig_init(CUfunc_cache arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxSetCacheConfig(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig_error(CUfunc_cache) { - return on_init_failed(28); + return on_init_failed(29); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_init(CUsharedconfig *arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_error(CUsharedconfig *) { - return on_init_failed(29); + return on_init_failed(30); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_init(CUsharedconfig arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_error(CUsharedconfig) { - return on_init_failed(30); + return on_init_failed(31); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion_init(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { load_library(); return cuCtxGetApiVersion(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion_error(CUcontext, unsigned int *) { - return on_init_failed(31); + return on_init_failed(32); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_init(int *arg0, int *arg1) { load_library(); return cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_error(int *, int *) { - return on_init_failed(32); + return on_init_failed(33); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuCtxAttach(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(33); + return on_init_failed(34); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach_init(CUcontext arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxDetach(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach_error(CUcontext) { - return on_init_failed(34); + return on_init_failed(35); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad_init(CUmodule *arg0, const char *arg1) { load_library(); return cuModuleLoad(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad_error(CUmodule *, const char *) { - return on_init_failed(35); + return on_init_failed(36); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { load_library(); return cuModuleLoadData(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData_error(CUmodule *, const void *) { - return on_init_failed(36); + return on_init_failed(37); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUjit_option *arg3, void **arg4) { load_library(); return cuModuleLoadDataEx(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx_error(CUmodule *, const void *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { - return on_init_failed(37); + return on_init_failed(38); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { load_library(); return cuModuleLoadFatBinary(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary_error(CUmodule *, const void *) { - return on_init_failed(38); + return on_init_failed(39); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload_init(CUmodule arg0) { load_library(); return cuModuleUnload(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload_error(CUmodule) { - return on_init_failed(39); + return on_init_failed(40); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction_init(CUfunction *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { load_library(); return cuModuleGetFunction(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction_error(CUfunction *, CUmodule, const char *) { - return on_init_failed(40); + return on_init_failed(41); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { load_library(); return cuModuleGetGlobal_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUmodule, const char *) { - return on_init_failed(41); + return on_init_failed(42); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef_init(CUtexref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { load_library(); return cuModuleGetTexRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef_error(CUtexref *, CUmodule, const char *) { - return on_init_failed(42); + return on_init_failed(43); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef_init(CUsurfref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { load_library(); return cuModuleGetSurfRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef_error(CUsurfref *, CUmodule, const char *) { - return on_init_failed(43); + return on_init_failed(44); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2_init(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { load_library(); return cuLinkCreate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2_error(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *) { - return on_init_failed(44); + return on_init_failed(45); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { load_library(); return cuLinkAddData_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { - return on_init_failed(45); + return on_init_failed(46); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { load_library(); return cuLinkAddFile_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { - return on_init_failed(46); + return on_init_failed(47); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete_init(CUlinkState arg0, void **arg1, size_t *arg2) { load_library(); return cuLinkComplete(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete_error(CUlinkState, void **, size_t *) { - return on_init_failed(47); + return on_init_failed(48); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy_init(CUlinkState arg0) { load_library(); return cuLinkDestroy(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy_error(CUlinkState) { - return on_init_failed(48); + return on_init_failed(49); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2_init(size_t *arg0, size_t *arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemGetInfo_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2_error(size_t *, size_t *) { - return on_init_failed(49); + return on_init_failed(50); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemAlloc_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(50); + return on_init_failed(51); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemAllocPitch_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, size_t, size_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(51); + return on_init_failed(52); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemFree_v2(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2_error(CUdeviceptr) { - return on_init_failed(52); + return on_init_failed(53); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemGetAddressRange_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUdeviceptr) { - return on_init_failed(53); + return on_init_failed(54); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2_init(void **arg0, size_t arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemAllocHost_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2_error(void **, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(54); + return on_init_failed(55); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost_init(void *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemFreeHost(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost_error(void *) { - return on_init_failed(55); + return on_init_failed(56); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc_init(void **arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemHostAlloc(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc_error(void **, size_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(56); + return on_init_failed(57); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, void *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(57); + return on_init_failed(58); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0, void *arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemHostGetFlags(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags_error(unsigned int *, void *) { - return on_init_failed(58); + return on_init_failed(59); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemAllocManaged(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(59); + return on_init_failed(60); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_init(CUdevice *arg0, const char *arg1) { load_library(); return cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_error(CUdevice *, const char *) { - return on_init_failed(60); + return on_init_failed(61); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_init(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { load_library(); return cuDeviceGetPCIBusId(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_error(char *, int, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(61); + return on_init_failed(62); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle_init(CUipcEventHandle *arg0, CUevent arg1) { load_library(); return cuIpcGetEventHandle(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle_error(CUipcEventHandle *, CUevent) { - return on_init_failed(62); + return on_init_failed(63); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle_init(CUevent *arg0, CUipcEventHandle arg1) { load_library(); return cuIpcOpenEventHandle(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle_error(CUevent *, CUipcEventHandle) { - return on_init_failed(63); + return on_init_failed(64); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle_init(CUipcMemHandle *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { load_library(); return cuIpcGetMemHandle(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle_error(CUipcMemHandle *, CUdeviceptr) { - return on_init_failed(64); + return on_init_failed(65); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuIpcOpenMemHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(65); + return on_init_failed(66); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle_init(CUdeviceptr arg0) { load_library(); return cuIpcCloseMemHandle(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle_error(CUdeviceptr) { - return on_init_failed(66); + return on_init_failed(67); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemHostRegister_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2_error(void *, size_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(67); + return on_init_failed(68); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister_init(void *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemHostUnregister(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister_error(void *) { - return on_init_failed(68); + return on_init_failed(69); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(69); + return on_init_failed(70); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyPeer_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(70); + return on_init_failed(71); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(71); + return on_init_failed(72); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(72); + return on_init_failed(73); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(73); + return on_init_failed(74); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(74); + return on_init_failed(75); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(75); + return on_init_failed(76); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(76); + return on_init_failed(77); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(77); + return on_init_failed(78); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(78); + return on_init_failed(79); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { - return on_init_failed(79); + return on_init_failed(80); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { - return on_init_failed(80); + return on_init_failed(81); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { - return on_init_failed(81); + return on_init_failed(82); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *) { - return on_init_failed(82); + return on_init_failed(83); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(83); + return on_init_failed(84); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(84); + return on_init_failed(85); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(85); + return on_init_failed(86); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(86); + return on_init_failed(87); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(87); + return on_init_failed(88); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(88); + return on_init_failed(89); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(89); + return on_init_failed(90); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(90); + return on_init_failed(91); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(91); + return on_init_failed(92); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(92); + return on_init_failed(93); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(93); + return on_init_failed(94); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(94); + return on_init_failed(95); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(95); + return on_init_failed(96); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(96); + return on_init_failed(97); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(97); + return on_init_failed(98); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(98); + return on_init_failed(99); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(99); + return on_init_failed(100); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(100); + return on_init_failed(101); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(101); + return on_init_failed(102); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(102); + return on_init_failed(103); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(103); + return on_init_failed(104); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(104); + return on_init_failed(105); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { load_library(); return cuArrayCreate_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *) { - return on_init_failed(105); + return on_init_failed(106); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_init(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { load_library(); return cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_error(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray) { - return on_init_failed(106); + return on_init_failed(107); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy_init(CUarray arg0) { load_library(); return cuArrayDestroy(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy_error(CUarray) { - return on_init_failed(107); + return on_init_failed(108); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { load_library(); return cuArray3DCreate_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *) { - return on_init_failed(108); + return on_init_failed(109); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_init(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { load_library(); return cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_error(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray) { - return on_init_failed(109); + return on_init_failed(110); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMipmappedArrayCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate_error(CUmipmappedArray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(110); + return on_init_failed(111); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_init(CUarray *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_error(CUarray *, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(111); + return on_init_failed(112); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_init(CUmipmappedArray arg0) { load_library(); return cuMipmappedArrayDestroy(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_error(CUmipmappedArray) { - return on_init_failed(112); + return on_init_failed(113); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute_init(void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { load_library(); return cuPointerGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute_error(void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr) { - return on_init_failed(113); + return on_init_failed(114); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(114); + return on_init_failed(115); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_advise arg2, CUdevice arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemAdvise(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUmem_advise, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(115); + return on_init_failed(116); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_range_attribute arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemRangeGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute_error(void *, size_t, CUmem_range_attribute, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(116); + return on_init_failed(117); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes_init(void **arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmem_range_attribute *arg2, size_t arg3, CUdeviceptr arg4, size_t arg5) { load_library(); return cuMemRangeGetAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes_error(void **, size_t *, CUmem_range_attribute *, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(117); + return on_init_failed(118); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute_init(const void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { load_library(); return cuPointerSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute_error(const void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr) { - return on_init_failed(118); + return on_init_failed(119); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes_init(unsigned int arg0, CUpointer_attribute *arg1, void **arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3) { load_library(); return cuPointerGetAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes_error(unsigned int, CUpointer_attribute *, void **, CUdeviceptr) { - return on_init_failed(119); + return on_init_failed(120); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate_init(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuStreamCreate(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate_error(CUstream *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(120); + return on_init_failed(121); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority_init(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1, int arg2) { load_library(); return cuStreamCreateWithPriority(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority_error(CUstream *, unsigned int, int) { - return on_init_failed(121); + return on_init_failed(122); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { load_library(); return cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_error(CUstream, int *) { - return on_init_failed(122); + return on_init_failed(123); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { load_library(); return cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_error(CUstream, unsigned int *) { - return on_init_failed(123); + return on_init_failed(124); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(125); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(124); + return on_init_failed(126); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(125); + return on_init_failed(127); } -static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { load_library(); - return cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); } -static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(126); +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode) { + return on_init_failed(128); } -static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_init(CUstreamCaptureMode *arg0) { load_library(); - return cuStreamQuery_ptsz(arg0); + return cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(arg0); } -static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_error(CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(127); +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_error(CUstreamCaptureMode *) { + return on_init_failed(129); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(130); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *) { + return on_init_failed(131); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *) { + return on_init_failed(132); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(133); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamQuery_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(134); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { load_library(); return cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_error(CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(128); + return on_init_failed(135); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2_init(CUstream arg0) { load_library(); return cuStreamDestroy_v2(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2_error(CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(129); + return on_init_failed(136); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate_init(CUevent *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuEventCreate(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate_error(CUevent *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(130); + return on_init_failed(137); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuEventRecord_ptsz(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz_error(CUevent, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(131); + return on_init_failed(138); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery_init(CUevent arg0) { load_library(); return cuEventQuery(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery_error(CUevent) { - return on_init_failed(132); + return on_init_failed(139); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize_init(CUevent arg0) { load_library(); return cuEventSynchronize(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize_error(CUevent) { - return on_init_failed(133); + return on_init_failed(140); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2_init(CUevent arg0) { load_library(); return cuEventDestroy_v2(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2_error(CUevent) { - return on_init_failed(134); + return on_init_failed(141); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime_init(float *arg0, CUevent arg1, CUevent arg2) { load_library(); return cuEventElapsedTime(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime_error(float *, CUevent, CUevent) { - return on_init_failed(135); + return on_init_failed(142); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory_init(CUexternalMemory *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuImportExternalMemory(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory_error(CUexternalMemory *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(143); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(144); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(145); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory_init(CUexternalMemory arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDestroyExternalMemory(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory_error(CUexternalMemory) { + return on_init_failed(146); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore_init(CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuImportExternalSemaphore(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore_error(CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(147); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(148); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(149); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_init(CUexternalSemaphore arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDestroyExternalSemaphore(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_error(CUexternalSemaphore) { + return on_init_failed(150); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(136); + return on_init_failed(151); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(152); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(137); + return on_init_failed(153); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(154); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_error(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(138); + return on_init_failed(155); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, CUfunction arg2) { load_library(); return cuFuncGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute_error(int *, CUfunction_attribute, CUfunction) { - return on_init_failed(139); + return on_init_failed(156); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute_init(CUfunction arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute_error(CUfunction, CUfunction_attribute, int) { + return on_init_failed(157); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig_init(CUfunction arg0, CUfunc_cache arg1) { load_library(); return cuFuncSetCacheConfig(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig_error(CUfunction, CUfunc_cache) { - return on_init_failed(140); + return on_init_failed(158); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_init(CUfunction arg0, CUsharedconfig arg1) { load_library(); return cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_error(CUfunction, CUsharedconfig) { - return on_init_failed(141); + return on_init_failed(159); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { load_library(); return cuLaunchKernel_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **) { - return on_init_failed(142); + return on_init_failed(160); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **) { + return on_init_failed(161); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_init(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_error(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(162); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *) { + return on_init_failed(163); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { load_library(); return cuFuncSetBlockShape(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape_error(CUfunction, int, int, int) { - return on_init_failed(143); + return on_init_failed(164); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuFuncSetSharedSize(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize_error(CUfunction, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(144); + return on_init_failed(165); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuParamSetSize(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize_error(CUfunction, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(145); + return on_init_failed(166); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuParamSeti(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti_error(CUfunction, int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(146); + return on_init_failed(167); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, float arg2) { load_library(); return cuParamSetf(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf_error(CUfunction, int, float) { - return on_init_failed(147); + return on_init_failed(168); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuParamSetv(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv_error(CUfunction, int, void *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(148); + return on_init_failed(169); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch_init(CUfunction arg0) { load_library(); return cuLaunch(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch_error(CUfunction) { - return on_init_failed(149); + return on_init_failed(170); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { load_library(); return cuLaunchGrid(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid_error(CUfunction, int, int) { - return on_init_failed(150); + return on_init_failed(171); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuLaunchGridAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync_error(CUfunction, int, int, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(151); + return on_init_failed(172); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, CUtexref arg2) { load_library(); return cuParamSetTexRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef_error(CUfunction, int, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(152); + return on_init_failed(173); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate_init(CUgraph *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate_error(CUgraph *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(174); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddKernelNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(175); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(176); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(177); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddMemcpyNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(178); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(179); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(180); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddMemsetNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(181); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(182); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(183); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddHostNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(184); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphHostNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(185); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphHostNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(186); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUgraph arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddChildGraphNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(187); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(188); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddEmptyNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(189); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone_init(CUgraph *arg0, CUgraph arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphClone(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone_error(CUgraph *, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(190); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeFindInClone(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(191); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNodeType *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetType(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNodeType *) { + return on_init_failed(192); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(193); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetRootNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(194); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetEdges(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(195); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(196); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(197); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies_init(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies_error(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(198); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies_init(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphRemoveDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies_error(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(199); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode_init(CUgraphNode arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphDestroyNode(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode_error(CUgraphNode) { + return on_init_failed(200); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_init(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphInstantiate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_error(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(201); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(202); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphLaunch_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(203); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy_init(CUgraphExec arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy_error(CUgraphExec) { + return on_init_failed(204); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy_init(CUgraph arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy_error(CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(205); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_init(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_error(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(153); + return on_init_failed(206); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_init(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { load_library(); return cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_error(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(154); + return on_init_failed(207); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5) { load_library(); return cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_error(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int) { - return on_init_failed(155); + return on_init_failed(208); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5, unsigned int arg6) { load_library(); return cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_error(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(156); + return on_init_failed(209); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray_init(CUtexref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray_error(CUtexref, CUarray, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(157); + return on_init_failed(210); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_init(CUtexref arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_error(CUtexref, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(158); + return on_init_failed(211); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_init(size_t *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetAddress_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_error(size_t *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(159); + return on_init_failed(212); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(160); + return on_init_failed(213); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat_init(CUtexref arg0, CUarray_format arg1, int arg2) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetFormat(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat_error(CUtexref, CUarray_format, int) { - return on_init_failed(161); + return on_init_failed(214); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode_init(CUtexref arg0, int arg1, CUaddress_mode arg2) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetAddressMode(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode_error(CUtexref, int, CUaddress_mode) { - return on_init_failed(162); + return on_init_failed(215); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode_init(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetFilterMode(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode_error(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode) { - return on_init_failed(163); + return on_init_failed(216); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_init(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_error(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode) { - return on_init_failed(164); + return on_init_failed(217); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_init(CUtexref arg0, float arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_error(CUtexref, float) { - return on_init_failed(165); + return on_init_failed(218); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_init(CUtexref arg0, float arg1, float arg2) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_error(CUtexref, float, float) { - return on_init_failed(166); + return on_init_failed(219); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_init(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_error(CUtexref, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(167); + return on_init_failed(220); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor_init(CUtexref arg0, float *arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetBorderColor(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor_error(CUtexref, float *) { - return on_init_failed(168); + return on_init_failed(221); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags_init(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetFlags(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags_error(CUtexref, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(169); + return on_init_failed(222); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetAddress_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(170); + return on_init_failed(223); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetArray(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray_error(CUarray *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(171); + return on_init_failed(224); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(172); + return on_init_failed(225); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode_init(CUaddress_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1, int arg2) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetAddressMode(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode_error(CUaddress_mode *, CUtexref, int) { - return on_init_failed(173); + return on_init_failed(226); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode_init(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetFilterMode(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode_error(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(174); + return on_init_failed(227); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat_init(CUarray_format *arg0, int *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetFormat(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat_error(CUarray_format *, int *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(175); + return on_init_failed(228); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_init(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_error(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(176); + return on_init_failed(229); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_init(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_error(float *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(177); + return on_init_failed(230); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_init(float *arg0, float *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_error(float *, float *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(178); + return on_init_failed(231); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_init(int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_error(int *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(179); + return on_init_failed(232); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor_init(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetBorderColor(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor_error(float *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(180); + return on_init_failed(233); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetFlags(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags_error(unsigned int *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(181); + return on_init_failed(234); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate_init(CUtexref *arg0) { load_library(); return cuTexRefCreate(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate_error(CUtexref *) { - return on_init_failed(182); + return on_init_failed(235); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy_init(CUtexref arg0) { load_library(); return cuTexRefDestroy(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy_error(CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(183); + return on_init_failed(236); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray_init(CUsurfref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuSurfRefSetArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray_error(CUsurfref, CUarray, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(184); + return on_init_failed(237); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUsurfref arg1) { load_library(); return cuSurfRefGetArray(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray_error(CUarray *, CUsurfref) { - return on_init_failed(185); + return on_init_failed(238); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate_init(CUtexObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg2, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg3) { load_library(); return cuTexObjectCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate_error(CUtexObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *) { - return on_init_failed(186); + return on_init_failed(239); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy_init(CUtexObject arg0) { load_library(); return cuTexObjectDestroy(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy_error(CUtexObject) { - return on_init_failed(187); + return on_init_failed(240); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUtexObject) { - return on_init_failed(188); + return on_init_failed(241); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_init(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_error(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, CUtexObject) { - return on_init_failed(189); + return on_init_failed(242); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *, CUtexObject) { - return on_init_failed(190); + return on_init_failed(243); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate_init(CUsurfObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1) { load_library(); return cuSurfObjectCreate(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate_error(CUsurfObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *) { - return on_init_failed(191); + return on_init_failed(244); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy_init(CUsurfObject arg0) { load_library(); return cuSurfObjectDestroy(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy_error(CUsurfObject) { - return on_init_failed(192); + return on_init_failed(245); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUsurfObject arg1) { load_library(); return cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUsurfObject) { - return on_init_failed(193); + return on_init_failed(246); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_init(int *arg0, CUdevice arg1, CUdevice arg2) { load_library(); return cuDeviceCanAccessPeer(arg0, arg1, arg2); } -static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_error(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(194); -} -static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { - load_library(); - return cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); -} -static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(195); +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_error(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(247); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_init(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuCtxEnablePeerAccess(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_error(CUcontext, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(196); + return on_init_failed(248); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_init(CUcontext arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxDisablePeerAccess(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_error(CUcontext) { - return on_init_failed(197); + return on_init_failed(249); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(250); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsUnregisterResource(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_error(CUgraphicsResource) { - return on_init_failed(198); + return on_init_failed(251); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_error(CUarray *, CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(199); + return on_init_failed(252); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUgraphicsResource) { - return on_init_failed(200); + return on_init_failed(253); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUgraphicsResource) { - return on_init_failed(201); + return on_init_failed(254); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_error(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(202); + return on_init_failed(255); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(203); + return on_init_failed(256); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(204); + return on_init_failed(257); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable_init(const void **arg0, const CUuuid *arg1) { load_library(); return cuGetExportTable(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable_error(const void **, const CUuuid *) { - return on_init_failed(205); + return on_init_failed(258); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemHostRegister(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_error(void *, size_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(206); + return on_init_failed(259); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_error(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(207); + return on_init_failed(260); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_init(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { load_library(); return cuLinkCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_error(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *) { - return on_init_failed(208); + return on_init_failed(261); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { load_library(); return cuLinkAddData(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { - return on_init_failed(209); + return on_init_failed(262); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { load_library(); return cuLinkAddFile(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { - return on_init_failed(210); + return on_init_failed(263); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(211); + return on_init_failed(264); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { load_library(); return cuDeviceTotalMem(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_error(unsigned int *, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(212); + return on_init_failed(265); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { load_library(); return cuCtxCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice) { - return on_init_failed(213); + return on_init_failed(266); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { load_library(); return cuModuleGetGlobal(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUmodule, const char *) { - return on_init_failed(214); + return on_init_failed(267); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_init(unsigned int *arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemGetInfo(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_error(unsigned int *, unsigned int *) { - return on_init_failed(215); + return on_init_failed(268); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemAlloc(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(216); + return on_init_failed(269); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemAllocPitch(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(217); + return on_init_failed(270); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemFree(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_error(CUdeviceptr_v1) { - return on_init_failed(218); + return on_init_failed(271); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemGetAddressRange(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUdeviceptr_v1) { - return on_init_failed(219); + return on_init_failed(272); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_init(void **arg0, unsigned int arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemAllocHost(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_error(void **, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(220); + return on_init_failed(273); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, void *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(221); + return on_init_failed(274); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(222); + return on_init_failed(275); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoH(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_error(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(223); + return on_init_failed(276); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(224); + return on_init_failed(277); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(225); + return on_init_failed(278); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(226); + return on_init_failed(279); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(227); + return on_init_failed(280); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoH(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_error(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(228); + return on_init_failed(281); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUarray arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(229); + return on_init_failed(282); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_error(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(230); + return on_init_failed(283); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_error(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(231); + return on_init_failed(284); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy2D(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *) { - return on_init_failed(232); + return on_init_failed(285); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *) { - return on_init_failed(233); + return on_init_failed(286); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3D(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *) { - return on_init_failed(234); + return on_init_failed(287); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(235); + return on_init_failed(288); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_error(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(236); + return on_init_failed(289); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(237); + return on_init_failed(290); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy2DAsync(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(238); + return on_init_failed(291); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3DAsync(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(239); + return on_init_failed(292); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned char arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD8(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned char, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(240); + return on_init_failed(293); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned short arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD16(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned short, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(241); + return on_init_failed(294); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD32(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(242); + return on_init_failed(295); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned char arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D8(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(243); + return on_init_failed(296); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D16(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(244); + return on_init_failed(297); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(245); + return on_init_failed(298); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { load_library(); return cuArrayCreate(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *) { - return on_init_failed(246); + return on_init_failed(299); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_init(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { load_library(); return cuArrayGetDescriptor(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_error(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray) { - return on_init_failed(247); + return on_init_failed(300); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { load_library(); return cuArray3DCreate(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *) { - return on_init_failed(248); + return on_init_failed(301); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_init(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { load_library(); return cuArray3DGetDescriptor(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_error(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray) { - return on_init_failed(249); + return on_init_failed(302); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetAddress(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_error(unsigned int *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(250); + return on_init_failed(303); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuTexRefSetAddress2D(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(251); + return on_init_failed(304); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { load_library(); return cuTexRefGetAddress(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, CUtexref) { - return on_init_failed(252); + return on_init_failed(305); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUgraphicsResource) { - return on_init_failed(253); + return on_init_failed(306); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_init(CUcontext arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxDestroy(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_error(CUcontext) { - return on_init_failed(254); + return on_init_failed(307); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_init(CUcontext *arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxPopCurrent(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_error(CUcontext *) { - return on_init_failed(255); + return on_init_failed(308); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_init(CUcontext arg0) { load_library(); return cuCtxPushCurrent(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_error(CUcontext) { - return on_init_failed(256); + return on_init_failed(309); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_init(CUstream arg0) { load_library(); return cuStreamDestroy(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_error(CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(257); + return on_init_failed(310); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_init(CUevent arg0) { load_library(); return cuEventDestroy(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_error(CUevent) { - return on_init_failed(258); + return on_init_failed(311); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(259); + return on_init_failed(312); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoH_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(260); + return on_init_failed(313); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(261); + return on_init_failed(314); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(262); + return on_init_failed(315); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(263); + return on_init_failed(316); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(264); + return on_init_failed(317); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoH_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(265); + return on_init_failed(318); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(266); + return on_init_failed(319); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(267); + return on_init_failed(320); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(268); + return on_init_failed(321); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy2D_v2(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { - return on_init_failed(269); + return on_init_failed(322); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { - return on_init_failed(270); + return on_init_failed(323); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3D_v2(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { - return on_init_failed(271); + return on_init_failed(324); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(272); + return on_init_failed(325); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(273); + return on_init_failed(326); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(274); + return on_init_failed(327); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(275); + return on_init_failed(328); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(276); + return on_init_failed(329); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD8_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(277); + return on_init_failed(330); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD16_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(278); + return on_init_failed(331); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD32_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(279); + return on_init_failed(332); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D8_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(280); + return on_init_failed(333); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D16_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(281); + return on_init_failed(334); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D32_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(282); + return on_init_failed(335); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(283); + return on_init_failed(336); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(284); + return on_init_failed(337); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyPeer(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t) { - return on_init_failed(285); + return on_init_failed(338); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { load_library(); return cuMemcpyPeerAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(286); + return on_init_failed(339); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3DPeer(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *) { - return on_init_failed(287); + return on_init_failed(340); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(288); + return on_init_failed(341); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD8Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(289); + return on_init_failed(342); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD16Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(290); + return on_init_failed(343); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD32Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(291); + return on_init_failed(344); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D8Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(292); + return on_init_failed(345); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D16Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(293); + return on_init_failed(346); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { load_library(); return cuMemsetD2D32Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(294); + return on_init_failed(347); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_init(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { load_library(); return cuStreamGetPriority(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_error(CUstream, int *) { - return on_init_failed(295); + return on_init_failed(348); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { load_library(); return cuStreamGetFlags(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_error(CUstream, unsigned int *) { - return on_init_failed(296); + return on_init_failed(349); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_init(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCtx(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_error(CUstream, CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(350); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_init(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { load_library(); return cuStreamWaitEvent(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_error(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(297); + return on_init_failed(351); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuStreamAddCallback(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_error(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(298); + return on_init_failed(352); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuStreamAttachMemAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(299); + return on_init_failed(353); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_init(CUstream arg0) { load_library(); return cuStreamQuery(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_error(CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(300); + return on_init_failed(354); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_init(CUstream arg0) { load_library(); return cuStreamSynchronize(arg0); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_error(CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(301); + return on_init_failed(355); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { load_library(); return cuEventRecord(arg0, arg1); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_error(CUevent, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(302); + return on_init_failed(356); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { load_library(); return cuLaunchKernel(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **) { - return on_init_failed(303); + return on_init_failed(357); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_init(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchHostFunc(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_error(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *) { + return on_init_failed(358); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsMapResources(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(304); + return on_init_failed(359); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { load_library(); return cuGraphicsUnmapResources(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(305); -} -static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { - load_library(); - return cuMemPrefetchAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); -} -static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream) { - return on_init_failed(306); + return on_init_failed(360); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuStreamWriteValue32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(307); + return on_init_failed(361); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuStreamWaitValue32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(308); + return on_init_failed(362); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue64(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(363); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue64(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(364); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { load_library(); return cuStreamBatchMemOp(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_error(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int) { - return on_init_failed(309); + return on_init_failed(365); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPrefetchAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(366); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernel(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **) { + return on_init_failed(367); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(368); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(369); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(370); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(371); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode) { + return on_init_failed(372); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_init(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamEndCapture(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_error(CUstream, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(373); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamIsCapturing(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *) { + return on_init_failed(374); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCaptureInfo(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *) { + return on_init_failed(375); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphLaunch(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(376); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize_init(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, CUoutput_mode arg2) { load_library(); return cuProfilerInitialize(arg0, arg1, arg2); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize_error(const char *, const char *, CUoutput_mode) { - return on_init_failed(310); + return on_init_failed(377); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart_init() { load_library(); return cuProfilerStart(); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart_error() { - return on_init_failed(311); + return on_init_failed(378); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop_init() { load_library(); return cuProfilerStop(); } static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop_error() { - return on_init_failed(312); + return on_init_failed(379); } -static constexpr size_t NR_FUNC = 313; +static constexpr size_t NR_FUNC = 380; static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), (void*)(&cuGetErrorName_init), (void*)(&cuInit_init), @@ -2217,6 +2686,7 @@ static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), (void*)(&cuDeviceGet_init), (void*)(&cuDeviceGetCount_init), (void*)(&cuDeviceGetName_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetUuid_init), (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_init), (void*)(&cuDeviceGetAttribute_init), (void*)(&cuDeviceGetProperties_init), @@ -2334,8 +2804,14 @@ static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), (void*)(&cuStreamCreateWithPriority_init), (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_init), @@ -2346,13 +2822,27 @@ static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), (void*)(&cuEventSynchronize_init), (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_v2_init), (void*)(&cuEventElapsedTime_init), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalMemory_init), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_init), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalMemory_init), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalSemaphore_init), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_init), (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuFuncGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetAttribute_init), (void*)(&cuFuncSetCacheConfig_init), (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_init), (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_init), (void*)(&cuFuncSetBlockShape_init), (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedSize_init), (void*)(&cuParamSetSize_init), @@ -2363,6 +2853,38 @@ static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), (void*)(&cuLaunchGrid_init), (void*)(&cuLaunchGridAsync_init), (void*)(&cuParamSetTexRef_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddKernelNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemsetNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddHostNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEmptyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphClone_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeFindInClone_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetType_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetRootNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetEdges_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphRemoveDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroy_init), (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_init), (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_init), (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_init), @@ -2405,9 +2927,9 @@ static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), (void*)(&cuSurfObjectDestroy_init), (void*)(&cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_init), (void*)(&cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_init), - (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init), (void*)(&cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_init), (void*)(&cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init), (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_init), (void*)(&cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_init), (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_init), @@ -2507,6 +3029,7 @@ static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_init), (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_init), (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_init), (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_init), (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_init), (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_init), @@ -2514,12 +3037,25 @@ static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_init), (void*)(&cuEventRecord_init), (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_init), (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_init), (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_init), - (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_init), (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_init), (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_init), (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_init), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_init), (void*)(&cuProfilerInitialize_init), (void*)(&cuProfilerStart_init), (void*)(&cuProfilerStop_init)}; @@ -2530,6 +3066,7 @@ static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), (void*)(&cuDeviceGet_error), (void*)(&cuDeviceGetCount_error), (void*)(&cuDeviceGetName_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetUuid_error), (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_error), (void*)(&cuDeviceGetAttribute_error), (void*)(&cuDeviceGetProperties_error), @@ -2647,8 +3184,14 @@ static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), (void*)(&cuStreamCreateWithPriority_error), (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_error), @@ -2659,13 +3202,27 @@ static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), (void*)(&cuEventSynchronize_error), (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_v2_error), (void*)(&cuEventElapsedTime_error), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalMemory_error), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_error), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalMemory_error), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalSemaphore_error), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_error), (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuFuncGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetAttribute_error), (void*)(&cuFuncSetCacheConfig_error), (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_error), (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_error), (void*)(&cuFuncSetBlockShape_error), (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedSize_error), (void*)(&cuParamSetSize_error), @@ -2676,6 +3233,38 @@ static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), (void*)(&cuLaunchGrid_error), (void*)(&cuLaunchGridAsync_error), (void*)(&cuParamSetTexRef_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddKernelNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemsetNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddHostNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEmptyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphClone_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeFindInClone_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetType_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetRootNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetEdges_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphRemoveDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroy_error), (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_error), (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_error), (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_error), @@ -2718,9 +3307,9 @@ static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), (void*)(&cuSurfObjectDestroy_error), (void*)(&cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_error), (void*)(&cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_error), - (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error), (void*)(&cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_error), (void*)(&cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error), (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_error), (void*)(&cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_error), (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_error), @@ -2820,6 +3409,7 @@ static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_error), (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_error), (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_error), (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_error), (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_error), (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_error), @@ -2827,12 +3417,25 @@ static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_error), (void*)(&cuEventRecord_error), (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_error), (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_error), (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_error), - (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_error), (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_error), (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_error), (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_error), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_error), (void*)(&cuProfilerInitialize_error), (void*)(&cuProfilerStart_error), (void*)(&cuProfilerStop_error)}; @@ -2843,6 +3446,7 @@ static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", "cuDeviceGet", "cuDeviceGetCount", "cuDeviceGetName", + "cuDeviceGetUuid", "cuDeviceTotalMem_v2", "cuDeviceGetAttribute", "cuDeviceGetProperties", @@ -2960,8 +3564,14 @@ static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", "cuStreamCreateWithPriority", "cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz", "cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz", "cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz", "cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz", + "cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode", + "cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz", + "cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz", "cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz", "cuStreamQuery_ptsz", "cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz", @@ -2972,13 +3582,27 @@ static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", "cuEventSynchronize", "cuEventDestroy_v2", "cuEventElapsedTime", + "cuImportExternalMemory", + "cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer", + "cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray", + "cuDestroyExternalMemory", + "cuImportExternalSemaphore", + "cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz", + "cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz", + "cuDestroyExternalSemaphore", "cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz", + "cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz", "cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz", + "cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz", "cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz", "cuFuncGetAttribute", + "cuFuncSetAttribute", "cuFuncSetCacheConfig", "cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig", "cuLaunchKernel_ptsz", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice", + "cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz", "cuFuncSetBlockShape", "cuFuncSetSharedSize", "cuParamSetSize", @@ -2989,6 +3613,38 @@ static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", "cuLaunchGrid", "cuLaunchGridAsync", "cuParamSetTexRef", + "cuGraphCreate", + "cuGraphAddKernelNode", + "cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddMemcpyNode", + "cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddMemsetNode", + "cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddHostNode", + "cuGraphHostNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphHostNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddChildGraphNode", + "cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph", + "cuGraphAddEmptyNode", + "cuGraphClone", + "cuGraphNodeFindInClone", + "cuGraphNodeGetType", + "cuGraphGetNodes", + "cuGraphGetRootNodes", + "cuGraphGetEdges", + "cuGraphNodeGetDependencies", + "cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes", + "cuGraphAddDependencies", + "cuGraphRemoveDependencies", + "cuGraphDestroyNode", + "cuGraphInstantiate", + "cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphLaunch_ptsz", + "cuGraphExecDestroy", + "cuGraphDestroy", "cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor", "cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags", "cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize", @@ -3031,9 +3687,9 @@ static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", "cuSurfObjectDestroy", "cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc", "cuDeviceCanAccessPeer", - "cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute", "cuCtxEnablePeerAccess", "cuCtxDisablePeerAccess", + "cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute", "cuGraphicsUnregisterResource", "cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray", "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray", @@ -3133,6 +3789,7 @@ static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", "cuMemsetD2D32Async", "cuStreamGetPriority", "cuStreamGetFlags", + "cuStreamGetCtx", "cuStreamWaitEvent", "cuStreamAddCallback", "cuStreamAttachMemAsync", @@ -3140,12 +3797,25 @@ static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", "cuStreamSynchronize", "cuEventRecord", "cuLaunchKernel", + "cuLaunchHostFunc", "cuGraphicsMapResources", "cuGraphicsUnmapResources", - "cuMemPrefetchAsync", "cuStreamWriteValue32", "cuStreamWaitValue32", + "cuStreamWriteValue64", + "cuStreamWaitValue64", "cuStreamBatchMemOp", + "cuMemPrefetchAsync", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernel", + "cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync", + "cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync", + "cuStreamBeginCapture", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_v2", + "cuStreamEndCapture", + "cuStreamIsCapturing", + "cuStreamGetCaptureInfo", + "cuGraphLaunch", "cuProfilerInitialize", "cuProfilerStart", "cuProfilerStop"}; @@ -3216,1839 +3886,2241 @@ CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[6]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid(CUuuid *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUuuid *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetUuid); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[7]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2(size_t *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceTotalMem_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[7]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[8]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute(int *arg0, CUdevice_attribute arg1, CUdevice arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice_attribute, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetAttribute); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[8]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[9]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties(CUdevprop *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevprop *, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetProperties); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[9]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[10]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceComputeCapability); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[10]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[11]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(CUcontext *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[11]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[12]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(CUdevice arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[12]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[13]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[13]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[14]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int *arg1, int *arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int *, int *); ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[14]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[15]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset(CUdevice arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[15]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[16]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxCreate_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[16]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[17]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2(CUcontext arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDestroy_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[17]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[18]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2(CUcontext arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPushCurrent_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[18]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[19]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2(CUcontext *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPopCurrent_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[19]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[20]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent(CUcontext arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetCurrent); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[20]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[21]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent(CUcontext *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetCurrent); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[21]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[22]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice(CUdevice *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetDevice); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[22]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[23]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetFlags); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[23]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[24]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize() { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSynchronize); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[24]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[25]); return f(); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit(CUlimit arg0, size_t arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlimit, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetLimit); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[25]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[26]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit(size_t *arg0, CUlimit arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUlimit); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetLimit); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[26]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[27]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunc_cache *); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetCacheConfig); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[27]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[28]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunc_cache); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetCacheConfig); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[28]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[29]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig(CUsharedconfig *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsharedconfig *); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[29]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[30]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig(CUsharedconfig arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsharedconfig); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[30]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[31]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext, unsigned int *); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetApiVersion); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[31]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[32]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange(int *arg0, int *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[32]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[33]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxAttach); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[33]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[34]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach(CUcontext arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDetach); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[34]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[35]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad(CUmodule *arg0, const char *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const char *); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoad); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[35]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[36]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadData); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[36]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[37]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUjit_option *arg3, void **arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadDataEx); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[37]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[38]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadFatBinary); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[38]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[39]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload(CUmodule arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleUnload); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[39]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[40]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction(CUfunction *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction *, CUmodule, const char *); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetFunction); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[40]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[41]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUmodule, const char *); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetGlobal_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[41]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[42]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef(CUtexref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref *, CUmodule, const char *); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetTexRef); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[42]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[43]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef(CUsurfref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfref *, CUmodule, const char *); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetSurfRef); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[43]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[44]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *); ON_ENTRY(cuLinkCreate_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[44]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[45]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddData_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[45]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[46]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddFile_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[46]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[47]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete(CUlinkState arg0, void **arg1, size_t *arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, void **, size_t *); ON_ENTRY(cuLinkComplete); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[47]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[48]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy(CUlinkState arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState); ON_ENTRY(cuLinkDestroy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[48]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[49]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2(size_t *arg0, size_t *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, size_t *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetInfo_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[49]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[50]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemAlloc_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[50]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[51]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, size_t, size_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocPitch_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[51]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[52]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr); ON_ENTRY(cuMemFree_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[52]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[53]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUdeviceptr); ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAddressRange_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[53]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[54]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2(void **arg0, size_t arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocHost_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[54]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[55]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost(void *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemFreeHost); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[55]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[56]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc(void **arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostAlloc); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[56]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[57]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, void *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[57]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[58]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0, void *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, void *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetFlags); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[58]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[59]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocManaged); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[59]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[60]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId(CUdevice *arg0, const char *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *, const char *); ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[60]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[61]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(char *, int, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetPCIBusId); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[61]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[62]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle(CUipcEventHandle *arg0, CUevent arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUipcEventHandle *, CUevent); ON_ENTRY(cuIpcGetEventHandle); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[62]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[63]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle(CUevent *arg0, CUipcEventHandle arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent *, CUipcEventHandle); ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenEventHandle); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[63]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[64]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle(CUipcMemHandle *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUipcMemHandle *, CUdeviceptr); ON_ENTRY(cuIpcGetMemHandle); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[64]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[65]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenMemHandle); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[65]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[66]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle(CUdeviceptr arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr); ON_ENTRY(cuIpcCloseMemHandle); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[66]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[67]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostRegister_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[67]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[68]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister(void *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostUnregister); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[68]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[69]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[69]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[70]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeer_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[70]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[71]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[71]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[72]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[72]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[73]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[73]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[74]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[74]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[75]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[75]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[76]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[76]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[77]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[77]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[78]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[78]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[79]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[79]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[80]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[80]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[81]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[81]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[82]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[82]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[83]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[83]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[84]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[84]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[85]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[85]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[86]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[86]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[87]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[87]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[88]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[88]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[89]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[89]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[90]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[90]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[91]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[91]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[92]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[92]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[93]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[93]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[94]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[94]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[95]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[95]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[96]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[96]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[97]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[97]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[98]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[98]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[99]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[99]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[100]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[100]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[101]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[101]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[102]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[102]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[103]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[103]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[104]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[104]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[105]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *); ON_ENTRY(cuArrayCreate_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[105]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[106]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray); ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[106]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[107]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy(CUarray arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray); ON_ENTRY(cuArrayDestroy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[107]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[108]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *); ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DCreate_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[108]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[109]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray); ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[109]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[110]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[110]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[111]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel(CUarray *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[111]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[112]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy(CUmipmappedArray arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray); ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayDestroy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[112]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[113]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute(void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr); ON_ENTRY(cuPointerGetAttribute); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[113]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[114]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[114]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[115]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_advise arg2, CUdevice arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUmem_advise, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuMemAdvise); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[115]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[116]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute(void *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_range_attribute arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, CUmem_range_attribute, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemRangeGetAttribute); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[116]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[117]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes(void **arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmem_range_attribute *arg2, size_t arg3, CUdeviceptr arg4, size_t arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t *, CUmem_range_attribute *, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemRangeGetAttributes); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[117]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[118]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute(const void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr); ON_ENTRY(cuPointerSetAttribute); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[118]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[119]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes(unsigned int arg0, CUpointer_attribute *arg1, void **arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUpointer_attribute *, void **, CUdeviceptr); ON_ENTRY(cuPointerGetAttributes); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[119]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[120]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[120]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[121]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1, int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream *, unsigned int, int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCreateWithPriority); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[121]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[122]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, int *); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[122]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[123]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int *); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[123]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[124]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[125]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[124]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[126]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[125]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[127]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[128]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(CUstreamCaptureMode *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstreamCaptureMode *); + ON_ENTRY(cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[129]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[130]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[131]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[132]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[126]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[133]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamQuery_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[127]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[134]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[128]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[135]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2(CUstream arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamDestroy_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[129]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[136]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate(CUevent *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuEventCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[130]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[137]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecord_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[131]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[138]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery(CUevent arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); ON_ENTRY(cuEventQuery); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[132]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[139]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize(CUevent arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); ON_ENTRY(cuEventSynchronize); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[133]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[140]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2(CUevent arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); ON_ENTRY(cuEventDestroy_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[134]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[141]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime(float *arg0, CUevent arg1, CUevent arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUevent, CUevent); ON_ENTRY(cuEventElapsedTime); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[135]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[142]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory(CUexternalMemory *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalMemory *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuImportExternalMemory); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[143]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[144]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[145]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory(CUexternalMemory arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalMemory); + ON_ENTRY(cuDestroyExternalMemory); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[146]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore(CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuImportExternalSemaphore); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[147]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[148]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[149]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore(CUexternalSemaphore arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalSemaphore); + ON_ENTRY(cuDestroyExternalSemaphore); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[150]); + return f(arg0); +} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[136]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[151]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[152]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[137]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[153]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[154]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[138]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[155]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute(int *arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, CUfunction arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction_attribute, CUfunction); ON_ENTRY(cuFuncGetAttribute); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[139]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[156]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute(CUfunction arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUfunction_attribute, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[157]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig(CUfunction arg0, CUfunc_cache arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUfunc_cache); ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetCacheConfig); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[140]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[158]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig(CUfunction arg0, CUsharedconfig arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUsharedconfig); ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[141]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[159]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **); ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchKernel_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[142]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[160]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); } +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[161]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[162]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[163]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int, int); ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetBlockShape); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[143]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[164]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetSharedSize); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[144]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[165]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetSize); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[145]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[166]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuParamSeti); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[146]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[167]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, float arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, float); ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetf); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[147]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[168]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, void *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetv); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[148]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[169]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch(CUfunction arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction); ON_ENTRY(cuLaunch); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[149]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[170]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int); ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchGrid); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[150]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[171]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchGridAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[151]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[172]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, CUtexref arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetTexRef); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[152]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[173]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate(CUgraph *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[174]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddKernelNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[175]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[176]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[177]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddMemcpyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[178]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[179]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[180]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddMemsetNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[181]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[182]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[183]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddHostNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[184]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphHostNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[185]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphHostNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[186]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUgraph arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddChildGraphNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[187]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[188]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddEmptyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[189]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone(CUgraph *arg0, CUgraph arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph *, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphClone); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[190]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeFindInClone); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[191]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNodeType *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNodeType *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetType); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[192]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[193]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetRootNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[194]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetEdges); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[195]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[196]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[197]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[198]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphRemoveDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[199]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode(CUgraphNode arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphDestroyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[200]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphInstantiate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[201]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[202]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphLaunch_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[203]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy(CUgraphExec arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[204]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy(CUgraph arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[205]); + return f(arg0); +} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[153]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[206]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[154]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[207]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int); ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[155]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[208]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5, unsigned int arg6) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[156]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[209]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray(CUtexref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUarray, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetArray); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[157]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[210]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray(CUtexref arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[158]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[211]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2(size_t *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[159]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[212]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[160]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[213]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat(CUtexref arg0, CUarray_format arg1, int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUarray_format, int); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFormat); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[161]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[214]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode(CUtexref arg0, int arg1, CUaddress_mode arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, int, CUaddress_mode); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddressMode); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[162]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[215]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFilterMode); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[163]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[216]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[164]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[217]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias(CUtexref arg0, float arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[165]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[218]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp(CUtexref arg0, float arg1, float arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float, float); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[166]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[219]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[167]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[220]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor(CUtexref arg0, float *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float *); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetBorderColor); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[168]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[221]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFlags); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[169]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[222]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddress_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[170]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[223]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray(CUarray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetArray); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[171]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[224]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[172]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[225]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode(CUaddress_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1, int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUaddress_mode *, CUtexref, int); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddressMode); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[173]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[226]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFilterMode); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[174]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[227]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat(CUarray_format *arg0, int *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray_format *, int *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFormat); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[175]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[228]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[176]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[229]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[177]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[230]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp(float *arg0, float *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, float *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[178]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[231]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy(int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[179]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[232]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetBorderColor); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[180]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[233]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFlags); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[181]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[234]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate(CUtexref *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref *); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[182]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[235]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy(CUtexref arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefDestroy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[183]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[236]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray(CUsurfref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfref, CUarray, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuSurfRefSetArray); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[184]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[237]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray(CUarray *arg0, CUsurfref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUsurfref); ON_ENTRY(cuSurfRefGetArray); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[185]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[238]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate(CUtexObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg2, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *); ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[186]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[239]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy(CUtexObject arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexObject); ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectDestroy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[187]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[240]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUtexObject); ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[188]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[241]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, CUtexObject); ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[189]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[242]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *, CUtexObject); ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[190]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[243]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate(CUsurfObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *); ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[191]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[244]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy(CUsurfObject arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfObject); ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectDestroy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[192]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[245]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUsurfObject arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUsurfObject); ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[193]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[246]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *arg0, CUdevice arg1, CUdevice arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceCanAccessPeer); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[194]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[247]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } -CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { - typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice); - ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[195]); - return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); -} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxEnablePeerAccess); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[196]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[248]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess(CUcontext arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDisablePeerAccess); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[197]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[249]); return f(arg0); } +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[250]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource(CUgraphicsResource arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnregisterResource); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[198]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[251]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(CUarray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[199]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[252]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUgraphicsResource); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[200]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[253]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUgraphicsResource); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[201]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[254]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[202]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[255]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[203]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[256]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[204]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[257]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable(const void **arg0, const CUuuid *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const void **, const CUuuid *); ON_ENTRY(cuGetExportTable); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[205]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[258]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostRegister); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[206]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[259]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[207]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[260]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *); ON_ENTRY(cuLinkCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[208]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[261]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddData); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[209]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[262]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddFile); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[210]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[263]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[211]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[264]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem(unsigned int *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceTotalMem); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[212]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[265]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[213]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[266]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUmodule, const char *); ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetGlobal); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[214]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[267]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo(unsigned int *arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, unsigned int *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetInfo); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[215]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[268]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemAlloc); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[216]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[269]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocPitch); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[217]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[270]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1); ON_ENTRY(cuMemFree); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[218]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[271]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUdeviceptr_v1); ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAddressRange); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[219]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[272]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost(void **arg0, unsigned int arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocHost); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[220]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[273]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, void *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetDevicePointer); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[221]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[274]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[222]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[275]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[223]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[276]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[224]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[277]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[225]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[278]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[226]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[279]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[227]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[280]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[228]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[281]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUarray arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[229]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[282]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[230]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[283]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[231]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[284]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[232]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[285]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[233]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[286]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[234]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[287]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[235]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[288]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[236]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[289]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[237]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[290]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[238]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[291]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[239]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[292]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned char arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned char, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[240]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[293]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned short arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned short, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[241]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[294]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[242]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[295]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned char arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[243]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[296]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[244]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[297]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[245]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[298]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *); ON_ENTRY(cuArrayCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[246]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[299]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray); ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetDescriptor); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[247]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[300]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *); ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DCreate); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[248]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[301]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray); ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DGetDescriptor); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[249]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[302]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[250]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[303]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[251]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[304]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, CUtexref); ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddress); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[252]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[305]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUgraphicsResource); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[253]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[306]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy(CUcontext arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDestroy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[254]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[307]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent(CUcontext *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPopCurrent); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[255]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[308]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent(CUcontext arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPushCurrent); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[256]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[309]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy(CUstream arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamDestroy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[257]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[310]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy(CUevent arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); ON_ENTRY(cuEventDestroy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[258]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[311]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[259]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[312]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[260]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[313]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[261]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[314]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[262]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[315]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[263]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[316]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[264]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[317]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[265]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[318]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[266]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[319]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[267]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[320]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[268]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[321]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[269]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[322]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[270]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[323]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[271]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[324]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[272]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[325]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[273]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[326]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[274]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[327]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[275]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[328]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[276]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[329]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[277]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[330]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[278]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[331]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[279]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[332]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[280]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[333]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[281]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[334]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32_v2); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[282]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[335]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[283]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[336]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[284]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[337]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeer); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[285]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[338]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeerAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[286]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[339]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeer); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[287]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[340]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[288]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[341]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8Async); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[289]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[342]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16Async); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[290]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[343]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32Async); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[291]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[344]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8Async); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[292]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[345]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16Async); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[293]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[346]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32Async); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[294]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[347]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, int *); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetPriority); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[295]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[348]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int *); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetFlags); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[296]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[349]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCtx); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[350]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitEvent); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[297]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[351]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAddCallback); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[298]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[352]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAttachMemAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[299]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[353]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery(CUstream arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamQuery); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[300]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[354]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize(CUstream arg0) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSynchronize); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[301]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[355]); return f(arg0); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecord); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[302]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[356]); return f(arg0, arg1); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **); ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchKernel); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[303]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[357]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); } +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchHostFunc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[358]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsMapResources); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[304]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[359]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnmapResources); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[305]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[360]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } -CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { - typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream); - ON_ENTRY(cuMemPrefetchAsync); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[306]); - return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); -} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue32); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[307]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[361]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue32); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[308]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[362]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue64); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[363]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue64); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[364]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int); ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBatchMemOp); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[309]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[365]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPrefetchAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[366]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[367]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[368]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[369]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[370]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[371]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[372]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamEndCapture); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[373]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamIsCapturing); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[374]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCaptureInfo); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[375]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphLaunch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[376]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, CUoutput_mode arg2) { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const char *, const char *, CUoutput_mode); ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerInitialize); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[310]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[377]); return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart() { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerStart); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[311]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[378]); return f(); } CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop() { typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerStop); - f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[312]); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[379]); return f(); } diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_10.2.h b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_10.2.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbbc8eba8c8fd56b63426d7bb2e9d001fb4387e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_10.2.h @@ -0,0 +1,6398 @@ +// generated by wraplib.py +// --- begin functions to be implemented +#ifndef _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +#define _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +#endif +#ifndef _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK +#define _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK +#endif +#ifndef ON_ENTRY +#define ON_ENTRY(x) +#endif +static void* get_library_handle(); +static void* resolve_library_func(void* , const char*); +namespace { +template T on_init_failed(int func_idx); +} +// --- end functions to be implemented +#include +#include +static void load_library(); +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorString_init(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGetErrorString(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorString_error(CUresult, const char **) { + return on_init_failed(0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorName_init(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGetErrorName(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorName_error(CUresult, const char **) { + return on_init_failed(1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuInit_init(unsigned int arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuInit(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuInit_error(unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDriverGetVersion_init(int *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDriverGetVersion(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDriverGetVersion_error(int *) { + return on_init_failed(3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGet_init(CUdevice *arg0, int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGet(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGet_error(CUdevice *, int) { + return on_init_failed(4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetCount_init(int *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetCount(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetCount_error(int *) { + return on_init_failed(5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName_init(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetName(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName_error(char *, int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(6); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid_init(CUuuid *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetUuid(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid_error(CUuuid *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(7); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_init(size_t *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceTotalMem_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_error(size_t *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(8); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUdevice_attribute arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute_error(int *, CUdevice_attribute, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_init(void *arg0, CUdevice arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_error(void *, CUdevice, int) { + return on_init_failed(10); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties_init(CUdevprop *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetProperties(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties_error(CUdevprop *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(11); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceComputeCapability(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability_error(int *, int *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(12); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_init(CUcontext *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_error(CUcontext *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(13); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(14); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_error(CUdevice, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(15); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int *arg1, int *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_error(CUdevice, unsigned int *, int *) { + return on_init_failed(16); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(17); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxCreate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(18); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDestroy_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(19); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPushCurrent_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(20); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_init(CUcontext *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPopCurrent_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_error(CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(21); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(22); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent_init(CUcontext *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent_error(CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(23); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice_init(CUdevice *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetDevice(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice_error(CUdevice *) { + return on_init_failed(24); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetFlags(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags_error(unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(25); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize_init() { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSynchronize(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize_error() { + return on_init_failed(26); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit_init(CUlimit arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetLimit(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit_error(CUlimit, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(27); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit_init(size_t *arg0, CUlimit arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetLimit(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit_error(size_t *, CUlimit) { + return on_init_failed(28); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig_init(CUfunc_cache *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetCacheConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig_error(CUfunc_cache *) { + return on_init_failed(29); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig_init(CUfunc_cache arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetCacheConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig_error(CUfunc_cache) { + return on_init_failed(30); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_init(CUsharedconfig *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_error(CUsharedconfig *) { + return on_init_failed(31); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_init(CUsharedconfig arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_error(CUsharedconfig) { + return on_init_failed(32); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion_init(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetApiVersion(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion_error(CUcontext, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(33); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_init(int *arg0, int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_error(int *, int *) { + return on_init_failed(34); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxAttach(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(35); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDetach(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(36); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad_init(CUmodule *arg0, const char *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoad(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad_error(CUmodule *, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(37); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoadData(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData_error(CUmodule *, const void *) { + return on_init_failed(38); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUjit_option *arg3, void **arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoadDataEx(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx_error(CUmodule *, const void *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(39); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoadFatBinary(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary_error(CUmodule *, const void *) { + return on_init_failed(40); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload_init(CUmodule arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleUnload(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload_error(CUmodule) { + return on_init_failed(41); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction_init(CUfunction *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetFunction(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction_error(CUfunction *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(42); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetGlobal_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(43); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef_init(CUtexref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetTexRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef_error(CUtexref *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(44); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef_init(CUsurfref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetSurfRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef_error(CUsurfref *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(45); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2_init(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkCreate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2_error(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *) { + return on_init_failed(46); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddData_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(47); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddFile_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(48); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete_init(CUlinkState arg0, void **arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkComplete(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete_error(CUlinkState, void **, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(49); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy_init(CUlinkState arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy_error(CUlinkState) { + return on_init_failed(50); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2_init(size_t *arg0, size_t *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetInfo_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2_error(size_t *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(51); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAlloc_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(52); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocPitch_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, size_t, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(53); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFree_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2_error(CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(54); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAddressRange_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(55); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2_init(void **arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocHost_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2_error(void **, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(56); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost_init(void *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFreeHost(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost_error(void *) { + return on_init_failed(57); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc_init(void **arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostAlloc(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc_error(void **, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(58); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(59); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0, void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostGetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags_error(unsigned int *, void *) { + return on_init_failed(60); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocManaged(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(61); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_init(CUdevice *arg0, const char *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_error(CUdevice *, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(62); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_init(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetPCIBusId(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_error(char *, int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(63); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle_init(CUipcEventHandle *arg0, CUevent arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcGetEventHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle_error(CUipcEventHandle *, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(64); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle_init(CUevent *arg0, CUipcEventHandle arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcOpenEventHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle_error(CUevent *, CUipcEventHandle) { + return on_init_failed(65); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle_init(CUipcMemHandle *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcGetMemHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle_error(CUipcMemHandle *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(66); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcOpenMemHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(67); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle_init(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcCloseMemHandle(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle_error(CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(68); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostRegister_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2_error(void *, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(69); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister_init(void *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostUnregister(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister_error(void *) { + return on_init_failed(70); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(71); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeer_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(72); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(73); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(74); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(75); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(76); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(77); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(78); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(79); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(80); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(81); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(82); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(83); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *) { + return on_init_failed(84); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(85); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(86); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(87); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(88); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(89); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(90); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(91); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(92); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(93); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(94); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(95); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(96); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(97); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(98); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(99); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(100); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(101); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(102); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(103); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(104); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(105); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(106); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayCreate_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *) { + return on_init_failed(107); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_init(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_error(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(108); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy_init(CUarray arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy_error(CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(109); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DCreate_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *) { + return on_init_failed(110); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_init(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_error(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(111); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate_error(CUmipmappedArray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(112); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_init(CUarray *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_error(CUarray *, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(113); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_init(CUmipmappedArray arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_error(CUmipmappedArray) { + return on_init_failed(114); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressReserve_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAddressReserve(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressReserve_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, size_t, CUdeviceptr, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(115); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressFree_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAddressFree(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressFree_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(116); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemCreate_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemCreate_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, size_t, const CUmemAllocationProp *, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(117); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRelease_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRelease(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRelease_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle) { + return on_init_failed(118); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMap_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemMap(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMap_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, size_t, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(119); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemUnmap_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemUnmap(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemUnmap_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(120); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemSetAccess_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAccessDesc *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemSetAccess(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemSetAccess_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, const CUmemAccessDesc *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(121); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAccess_init(unsigned long long *arg0, const CUmemLocation *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAccess(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAccess_error(unsigned long long *, const CUmemLocation *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(122); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemExportToShareableHandle_init(void *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemExportToShareableHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemExportToShareableHandle_error(void *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(123); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemImportFromShareableHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *, CUmemAllocationHandleType) { + return on_init_failed(124); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_init(size_t *arg0, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg1, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAllocationGranularity(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_error(size_t *, const CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags) { + return on_init_failed(125); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_init(CUmemAllocationProp *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_error(CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle) { + return on_init_failed(126); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute_init(void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuPointerGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute_error(void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(127); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(128); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_advise arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAdvise(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUmem_advise, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(129); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_range_attribute arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRangeGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute_error(void *, size_t, CUmem_range_attribute, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(130); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes_init(void **arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmem_range_attribute *arg2, size_t arg3, CUdeviceptr arg4, size_t arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRangeGetAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes_error(void **, size_t *, CUmem_range_attribute *, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(131); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute_init(const void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuPointerSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute_error(const void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(132); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes_init(unsigned int arg0, CUpointer_attribute *arg1, void **arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuPointerGetAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes_error(unsigned int, CUpointer_attribute *, void **, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(133); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate_init(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate_error(CUstream *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(134); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority_init(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCreateWithPriority(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority_error(CUstream *, unsigned int, int) { + return on_init_failed(135); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_error(CUstream, int *) { + return on_init_failed(136); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_error(CUstream, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(137); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(138); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(139); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(140); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode) { + return on_init_failed(141); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_init(CUstreamCaptureMode *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_error(CUstreamCaptureMode *) { + return on_init_failed(142); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(143); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *) { + return on_init_failed(144); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *) { + return on_init_failed(145); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(146); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamQuery_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(147); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(148); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamDestroy_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(149); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate_init(CUevent *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuEventCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate_error(CUevent *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(150); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecord_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz_error(CUevent, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(151); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventQuery(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(152); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventSynchronize(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(153); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventDestroy_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(154); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime_init(float *arg0, CUevent arg1, CUevent arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuEventElapsedTime(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime_error(float *, CUevent, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(155); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory_init(CUexternalMemory *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuImportExternalMemory(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory_error(CUexternalMemory *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(156); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(157); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(158); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory_init(CUexternalMemory arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDestroyExternalMemory(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory_error(CUexternalMemory) { + return on_init_failed(159); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore_init(CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuImportExternalSemaphore(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore_error(CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(160); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(161); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(162); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_init(CUexternalSemaphore arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDestroyExternalSemaphore(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_error(CUexternalSemaphore) { + return on_init_failed(163); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(164); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(165); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(166); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(167); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_error(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(168); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, CUfunction arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute_error(int *, CUfunction_attribute, CUfunction) { + return on_init_failed(169); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute_init(CUfunction arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute_error(CUfunction, CUfunction_attribute, int) { + return on_init_failed(170); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig_init(CUfunction arg0, CUfunc_cache arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetCacheConfig(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig_error(CUfunction, CUfunc_cache) { + return on_init_failed(171); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_init(CUfunction arg0, CUsharedconfig arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_error(CUfunction, CUsharedconfig) { + return on_init_failed(172); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchKernel_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **) { + return on_init_failed(173); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **) { + return on_init_failed(174); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_init(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_error(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(175); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *) { + return on_init_failed(176); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetBlockShape(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape_error(CUfunction, int, int, int) { + return on_init_failed(177); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetSharedSize(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize_error(CUfunction, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(178); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetSize(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize_error(CUfunction, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(179); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSeti(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti_error(CUfunction, int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(180); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, float arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetf(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf_error(CUfunction, int, float) { + return on_init_failed(181); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetv(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv_error(CUfunction, int, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(182); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch_init(CUfunction arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunch(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch_error(CUfunction) { + return on_init_failed(183); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchGrid(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid_error(CUfunction, int, int) { + return on_init_failed(184); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchGridAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync_error(CUfunction, int, int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(185); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetTexRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef_error(CUfunction, int, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(186); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate_init(CUgraph *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate_error(CUgraph *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(187); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddKernelNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(188); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(189); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(190); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddMemcpyNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(191); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(192); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(193); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddMemsetNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(194); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(195); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(196); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddHostNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(197); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphHostNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(198); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphHostNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(199); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUgraph arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddChildGraphNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(200); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(201); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddEmptyNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(202); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone_init(CUgraph *arg0, CUgraph arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphClone(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone_error(CUgraph *, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(203); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeFindInClone(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(204); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNodeType *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetType(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNodeType *) { + return on_init_failed(205); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(206); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetRootNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(207); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetEdges(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(208); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(209); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(210); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies_init(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies_error(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(211); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies_init(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphRemoveDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies_error(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(212); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode_init(CUgraphNode arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphDestroyNode(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode_error(CUgraphNode) { + return on_init_failed(213); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_init(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphInstantiate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_error(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(214); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(215); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(216); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(217); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(218); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphLaunch_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(219); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy_init(CUgraphExec arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy_error(CUgraphExec) { + return on_init_failed(220); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy_init(CUgraph arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy_error(CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(221); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecUpdate_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecUpdate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecUpdate_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *) { + return on_init_failed(222); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_init(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_error(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(223); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_init(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_error(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(224); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_error(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int) { + return on_init_failed(225); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5, unsigned int arg6) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_error(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(226); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray_init(CUtexref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray_error(CUtexref, CUarray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(227); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_init(CUtexref arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_error(CUtexref, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(228); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_init(size_t *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_error(size_t *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(229); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(230); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat_init(CUtexref arg0, CUarray_format arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetFormat(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat_error(CUtexref, CUarray_format, int) { + return on_init_failed(231); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode_init(CUtexref arg0, int arg1, CUaddress_mode arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddressMode(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode_error(CUtexref, int, CUaddress_mode) { + return on_init_failed(232); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode_init(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode_error(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode) { + return on_init_failed(233); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_init(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_error(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode) { + return on_init_failed(234); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_init(CUtexref arg0, float arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_error(CUtexref, float) { + return on_init_failed(235); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_init(CUtexref arg0, float arg1, float arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_error(CUtexref, float, float) { + return on_init_failed(236); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_init(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_error(CUtexref, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(237); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor_init(CUtexref arg0, float *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetBorderColor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor_error(CUtexref, float *) { + return on_init_failed(238); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags_init(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags_error(CUtexref, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(239); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetAddress_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(240); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray_error(CUarray *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(241); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(242); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode_init(CUaddress_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetAddressMode(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode_error(CUaddress_mode *, CUtexref, int) { + return on_init_failed(243); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode_init(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode_error(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(244); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat_init(CUarray_format *arg0, int *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetFormat(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat_error(CUarray_format *, int *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(245); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_init(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_error(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(246); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_init(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_error(float *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(247); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_init(float *arg0, float *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_error(float *, float *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(248); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_init(int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_error(int *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(249); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor_init(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetBorderColor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor_error(float *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(250); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags_error(unsigned int *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(251); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate_init(CUtexref *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefCreate(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate_error(CUtexref *) { + return on_init_failed(252); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy_init(CUtexref arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy_error(CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(253); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray_init(CUsurfref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfRefSetArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray_error(CUsurfref, CUarray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(254); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUsurfref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfRefGetArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray_error(CUarray *, CUsurfref) { + return on_init_failed(255); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate_init(CUtexObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg2, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate_error(CUtexObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(256); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy_init(CUtexObject arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy_error(CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(257); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(258); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_init(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_error(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(259); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *, CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(260); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate_init(CUsurfObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfObjectCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate_error(CUsurfObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(261); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy_init(CUsurfObject arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfObjectDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy_error(CUsurfObject) { + return on_init_failed(262); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUsurfObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUsurfObject) { + return on_init_failed(263); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_init(int *arg0, CUdevice arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceCanAccessPeer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_error(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(264); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_init(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxEnablePeerAccess(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_error(CUcontext, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(265); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDisablePeerAccess(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(266); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(267); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsUnregisterResource(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_error(CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(268); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_error(CUarray *, CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(269); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(270); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(271); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_error(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(272); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(273); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(274); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable_init(const void **arg0, const CUuuid *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGetExportTable(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable_error(const void **, const CUuuid *) { + return on_init_failed(275); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostRegister(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_error(void *, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(276); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_error(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(277); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_init(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_error(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *) { + return on_init_failed(278); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddData(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(279); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddFile(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(280); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(281); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceTotalMem(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_error(unsigned int *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(282); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(283); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetGlobal(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(284); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_init(unsigned int *arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetInfo(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_error(unsigned int *, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(285); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAlloc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(286); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocPitch(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(287); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFree(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_error(CUdeviceptr_v1) { + return on_init_failed(288); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAddressRange(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUdeviceptr_v1) { + return on_init_failed(289); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_init(void **arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocHost(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_error(void **, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(290); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(291); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(292); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoH(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_error(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(293); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(294); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(295); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(296); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(297); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoH(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_error(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(298); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUarray arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(299); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_error(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(300); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_error(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(301); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2D(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(302); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(303); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3D(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(304); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(305); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_error(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(306); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(307); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(308); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(309); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned char arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned char, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(310); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned short arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned short, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(311); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(312); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned char arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(313); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(314); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(315); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(316); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_init(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayGetDescriptor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_error(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(317); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(318); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_init(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DGetDescriptor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_error(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(319); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_error(unsigned int *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(320); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress2D(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(321); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetAddress(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(322); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(323); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(324); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_init(CUcontext *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPopCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_error(CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(325); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPushCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(326); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(327); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(328); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(329); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoH_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(330); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(331); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(332); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(333); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(334); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoH_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(335); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(336); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(337); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(338); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2D_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(339); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(340); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3D_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(341); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(342); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(343); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(344); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(345); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(346); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(347); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(348); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(349); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(350); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(351); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(352); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(353); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(354); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeer(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(355); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeerAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(356); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeer(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *) { + return on_init_failed(357); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(358); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(359); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(360); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(361); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(362); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(363); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(364); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_init(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetPriority(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_error(CUstream, int *) { + return on_init_failed(365); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_error(CUstream, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(366); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_init(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCtx(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_error(CUstream, CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(367); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_init(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitEvent(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_error(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(368); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAddCallback(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_error(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(369); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAttachMemAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(370); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamQuery(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(371); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSynchronize(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(372); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecord(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_error(CUevent, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(373); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchKernel(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **) { + return on_init_failed(374); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_init(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchHostFunc(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_error(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *) { + return on_init_failed(375); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsMapResources(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(376); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsUnmapResources(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(377); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(378); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(379); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue64(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(380); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue64(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(381); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBatchMemOp(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_error(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(382); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPrefetchAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(383); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernel(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **) { + return on_init_failed(384); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(385); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(386); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(387); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(388); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode) { + return on_init_failed(389); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_init(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamEndCapture(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_error(CUstream, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(390); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamIsCapturing(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *) { + return on_init_failed(391); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCaptureInfo(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *) { + return on_init_failed(392); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphLaunch(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(393); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize_init(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, CUoutput_mode arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuProfilerInitialize(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize_error(const char *, const char *, CUoutput_mode) { + return on_init_failed(394); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart_init() { + load_library(); + return cuProfilerStart(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart_error() { + return on_init_failed(395); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop_init() { + load_library(); + return cuProfilerStop(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop_error() { + return on_init_failed(396); +} +static constexpr size_t NR_FUNC = 397; +static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), + (void*)(&cuGetErrorName_init), + (void*)(&cuInit_init), + (void*)(&cuDriverGetVersion_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGet_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetCount_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetName_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetUuid_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetProperties_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceComputeCapability_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetDevice_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSynchronize_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetLimit_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetLimit_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCacheConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCacheConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetApiVersion_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxAttach_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDetach_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoad_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadData_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadDataEx_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadFatBinary_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleUnload_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetFunction_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetTexRef_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetSurfRef_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkComplete_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeHost_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostAlloc_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocManaged_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetEventHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenEventHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetMemHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcCloseMemHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostUnregister_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressReserve_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressFree_init), + (void*)(&cuMemCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRelease_init), + (void*)(&cuMemMap_init), + (void*)(&cuMemUnmap_init), + (void*)(&cuMemSetAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuMemExportToShareableHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAdvise_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuPointerSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreateWithPriority_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuEventCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuEventQuery_init), + (void*)(&cuEventSynchronize_init), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuEventElapsedTime_init), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalMemory_init), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_init), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalMemory_init), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalSemaphore_init), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetCacheConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetBlockShape_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedSize_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetSize_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSeti_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetf_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetv_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunch_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGrid_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGridAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetTexRef_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddKernelNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemsetNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddHostNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEmptyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphClone_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeFindInClone_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetType_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetRootNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetEdges_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphRemoveDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecUpdate_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFormat_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddressMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetBorderColor_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddressMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFormat_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetBorderColor_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefSetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefGetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGetExportTable_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_init), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_init), + (void*)(&cuProfilerInitialize_init), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStart_init), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStop_init)}; +static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), + (void*)(&cuGetErrorName_error), + (void*)(&cuInit_error), + (void*)(&cuDriverGetVersion_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGet_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetCount_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetName_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetUuid_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetProperties_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceComputeCapability_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetDevice_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSynchronize_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetLimit_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetLimit_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCacheConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCacheConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetApiVersion_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxAttach_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDetach_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoad_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadData_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadDataEx_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadFatBinary_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleUnload_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetFunction_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetTexRef_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetSurfRef_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkComplete_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeHost_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostAlloc_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocManaged_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetEventHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenEventHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetMemHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcCloseMemHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostUnregister_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressReserve_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressFree_error), + (void*)(&cuMemCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRelease_error), + (void*)(&cuMemMap_error), + (void*)(&cuMemUnmap_error), + (void*)(&cuMemSetAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuMemExportToShareableHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAdvise_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuPointerSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreateWithPriority_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuEventCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuEventQuery_error), + (void*)(&cuEventSynchronize_error), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuEventElapsedTime_error), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalMemory_error), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_error), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalMemory_error), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalSemaphore_error), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetCacheConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetBlockShape_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedSize_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetSize_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSeti_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetf_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetv_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunch_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGrid_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGridAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetTexRef_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddKernelNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemsetNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddHostNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEmptyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphClone_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeFindInClone_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetType_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetRootNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetEdges_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphRemoveDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecUpdate_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFormat_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddressMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetBorderColor_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddressMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFormat_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetBorderColor_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefSetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefGetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGetExportTable_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_error), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_error), + (void*)(&cuProfilerInitialize_error), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStart_error), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStop_error)}; +static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", + "cuGetErrorName", + "cuInit", + "cuDriverGetVersion", + "cuDeviceGet", + "cuDeviceGetCount", + "cuDeviceGetName", + "cuDeviceGetUuid", + "cuDeviceTotalMem_v2", + "cuDeviceGetAttribute", + "cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes", + "cuDeviceGetProperties", + "cuDeviceComputeCapability", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset", + "cuCtxCreate_v2", + "cuCtxDestroy_v2", + "cuCtxPushCurrent_v2", + "cuCtxPopCurrent_v2", + "cuCtxSetCurrent", + "cuCtxGetCurrent", + "cuCtxGetDevice", + "cuCtxGetFlags", + "cuCtxSynchronize", + "cuCtxSetLimit", + "cuCtxGetLimit", + "cuCtxGetCacheConfig", + "cuCtxSetCacheConfig", + "cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig", + "cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig", + "cuCtxGetApiVersion", + "cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange", + "cuCtxAttach", + "cuCtxDetach", + "cuModuleLoad", + "cuModuleLoadData", + "cuModuleLoadDataEx", + "cuModuleLoadFatBinary", + "cuModuleUnload", + "cuModuleGetFunction", + "cuModuleGetGlobal_v2", + "cuModuleGetTexRef", + "cuModuleGetSurfRef", + "cuLinkCreate_v2", + "cuLinkAddData_v2", + "cuLinkAddFile_v2", + "cuLinkComplete", + "cuLinkDestroy", + "cuMemGetInfo_v2", + "cuMemAlloc_v2", + "cuMemAllocPitch_v2", + "cuMemFree_v2", + "cuMemGetAddressRange_v2", + "cuMemAllocHost_v2", + "cuMemFreeHost", + "cuMemHostAlloc", + "cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2", + "cuMemHostGetFlags", + "cuMemAllocManaged", + "cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId", + "cuDeviceGetPCIBusId", + "cuIpcGetEventHandle", + "cuIpcOpenEventHandle", + "cuIpcGetMemHandle", + "cuIpcOpenMemHandle", + "cuIpcCloseMemHandle", + "cuMemHostRegister_v2", + "cuMemHostUnregister", + "cuMemcpy_ptds", + "cuMemcpyPeer_ptds", + "cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz", + "cuArrayCreate_v2", + "cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2", + "cuArrayDestroy", + "cuArray3DCreate_v2", + "cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2", + "cuMipmappedArrayCreate", + "cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel", + "cuMipmappedArrayDestroy", + "cuMemAddressReserve", + "cuMemAddressFree", + "cuMemCreate", + "cuMemRelease", + "cuMemMap", + "cuMemUnmap", + "cuMemSetAccess", + "cuMemGetAccess", + "cuMemExportToShareableHandle", + "cuMemImportFromShareableHandle", + "cuMemGetAllocationGranularity", + "cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle", + "cuPointerGetAttribute", + "cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemAdvise", + "cuMemRangeGetAttribute", + "cuMemRangeGetAttributes", + "cuPointerSetAttribute", + "cuPointerGetAttributes", + "cuStreamCreate", + "cuStreamCreateWithPriority", + "cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz", + "cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz", + "cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz", + "cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode", + "cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz", + "cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz", + "cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz", + "cuStreamQuery_ptsz", + "cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz", + "cuStreamDestroy_v2", + "cuEventCreate", + "cuEventRecord_ptsz", + "cuEventQuery", + "cuEventSynchronize", + "cuEventDestroy_v2", + "cuEventElapsedTime", + "cuImportExternalMemory", + "cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer", + "cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray", + "cuDestroyExternalMemory", + "cuImportExternalSemaphore", + "cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz", + "cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz", + "cuDestroyExternalSemaphore", + "cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz", + "cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz", + "cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz", + "cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz", + "cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz", + "cuFuncGetAttribute", + "cuFuncSetAttribute", + "cuFuncSetCacheConfig", + "cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig", + "cuLaunchKernel_ptsz", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice", + "cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz", + "cuFuncSetBlockShape", + "cuFuncSetSharedSize", + "cuParamSetSize", + "cuParamSeti", + "cuParamSetf", + "cuParamSetv", + "cuLaunch", + "cuLaunchGrid", + "cuLaunchGridAsync", + "cuParamSetTexRef", + "cuGraphCreate", + "cuGraphAddKernelNode", + "cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddMemcpyNode", + "cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddMemsetNode", + "cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddHostNode", + "cuGraphHostNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphHostNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddChildGraphNode", + "cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph", + "cuGraphAddEmptyNode", + "cuGraphClone", + "cuGraphNodeFindInClone", + "cuGraphNodeGetType", + "cuGraphGetNodes", + "cuGraphGetRootNodes", + "cuGraphGetEdges", + "cuGraphNodeGetDependencies", + "cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes", + "cuGraphAddDependencies", + "cuGraphRemoveDependencies", + "cuGraphDestroyNode", + "cuGraphInstantiate", + "cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphLaunch_ptsz", + "cuGraphExecDestroy", + "cuGraphDestroy", + "cuGraphExecUpdate", + "cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor", + "cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags", + "cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize", + "cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags", + "cuTexRefSetArray", + "cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray", + "cuTexRefSetAddress_v2", + "cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3", + "cuTexRefSetFormat", + "cuTexRefSetAddressMode", + "cuTexRefSetFilterMode", + "cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode", + "cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias", + "cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp", + "cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy", + "cuTexRefSetBorderColor", + "cuTexRefSetFlags", + "cuTexRefGetAddress_v2", + "cuTexRefGetArray", + "cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray", + "cuTexRefGetAddressMode", + "cuTexRefGetFilterMode", + "cuTexRefGetFormat", + "cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode", + "cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias", + "cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp", + "cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy", + "cuTexRefGetBorderColor", + "cuTexRefGetFlags", + "cuTexRefCreate", + "cuTexRefDestroy", + "cuSurfRefSetArray", + "cuSurfRefGetArray", + "cuTexObjectCreate", + "cuTexObjectDestroy", + "cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc", + "cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc", + "cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc", + "cuSurfObjectCreate", + "cuSurfObjectDestroy", + "cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc", + "cuDeviceCanAccessPeer", + "cuCtxEnablePeerAccess", + "cuCtxDisablePeerAccess", + "cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute", + "cuGraphicsUnregisterResource", + "cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray", + "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray", + "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2", + "cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2", + "cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz", + "cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz", + "cuGetExportTable", + "cuMemHostRegister", + "cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags", + "cuLinkCreate", + "cuLinkAddData", + "cuLinkAddFile", + "cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2", + "cuDeviceTotalMem", + "cuCtxCreate", + "cuModuleGetGlobal", + "cuMemGetInfo", + "cuMemAlloc", + "cuMemAllocPitch", + "cuMemFree", + "cuMemGetAddressRange", + "cuMemAllocHost", + "cuMemHostGetDevicePointer", + "cuMemcpyHtoD", + "cuMemcpyDtoH", + "cuMemcpyDtoD", + "cuMemcpyDtoA", + "cuMemcpyAtoD", + "cuMemcpyHtoA", + "cuMemcpyAtoH", + "cuMemcpyAtoA", + "cuMemcpyHtoAAsync", + "cuMemcpyAtoHAsync", + "cuMemcpy2D", + "cuMemcpy2DUnaligned", + "cuMemcpy3D", + "cuMemcpyHtoDAsync", + "cuMemcpyDtoHAsync", + "cuMemcpyDtoDAsync", + "cuMemcpy2DAsync", + "cuMemcpy3DAsync", + "cuMemsetD8", + "cuMemsetD16", + "cuMemsetD32", + "cuMemsetD2D8", + "cuMemsetD2D16", + "cuMemsetD2D32", + "cuArrayCreate", + "cuArrayGetDescriptor", + "cuArray3DCreate", + "cuArray3DGetDescriptor", + "cuTexRefSetAddress", + "cuTexRefSetAddress2D", + "cuTexRefGetAddress", + "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer", + "cuCtxDestroy", + "cuCtxPopCurrent", + "cuCtxPushCurrent", + "cuStreamDestroy", + "cuEventDestroy", + "cuMemcpyHtoD_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoH_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoD_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoA_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoD_v2", + "cuMemcpyHtoA_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoH_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoA_v2", + "cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpy2D_v2", + "cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2", + "cuMemcpy3D_v2", + "cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2", + "cuMemsetD8_v2", + "cuMemsetD16_v2", + "cuMemsetD32_v2", + "cuMemsetD2D8_v2", + "cuMemsetD2D16_v2", + "cuMemsetD2D32_v2", + "cuMemcpy", + "cuMemcpyAsync", + "cuMemcpyPeer", + "cuMemcpyPeerAsync", + "cuMemcpy3DPeer", + "cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync", + "cuMemsetD8Async", + "cuMemsetD16Async", + "cuMemsetD32Async", + "cuMemsetD2D8Async", + "cuMemsetD2D16Async", + "cuMemsetD2D32Async", + "cuStreamGetPriority", + "cuStreamGetFlags", + "cuStreamGetCtx", + "cuStreamWaitEvent", + "cuStreamAddCallback", + "cuStreamAttachMemAsync", + "cuStreamQuery", + "cuStreamSynchronize", + "cuEventRecord", + "cuLaunchKernel", + "cuLaunchHostFunc", + "cuGraphicsMapResources", + "cuGraphicsUnmapResources", + "cuStreamWriteValue32", + "cuStreamWaitValue32", + "cuStreamWriteValue64", + "cuStreamWaitValue64", + "cuStreamBatchMemOp", + "cuMemPrefetchAsync", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernel", + "cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync", + "cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync", + "cuStreamBeginCapture", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_v2", + "cuStreamEndCapture", + "cuStreamIsCapturing", + "cuStreamGetCaptureInfo", + "cuGraphLaunch", + "cuProfilerInitialize", + "cuProfilerStart", + "cuProfilerStop"}; + +static void load_library() { + static bool done = false; + static std::mutex mtx; + std::lock_guard lg{mtx}; + + if (done) + return; + + void* handle = get_library_handle(); + for (size_t i = 0; i < NR_FUNC; ++i) { + void* func; + if (!handle) { + func = nullptr; + } else { + func = resolve_library_func(handle, g_func_name[i]); + } + if (!func) { + func = g_func_table_error[i]; + } + __atomic_store_n(g_func_table + i, func, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); + } + done = true; +} + +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorString(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUresult, const char **); + ON_ENTRY(cuGetErrorString); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[0]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorName(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUresult, const char **); + ON_ENTRY(cuGetErrorName); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[1]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuInit(unsigned int arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuInit); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[2]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDriverGetVersion(int *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDriverGetVersion); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[3]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGet(CUdevice *arg0, int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGet); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[4]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetCount(int *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetCount); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[5]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(char *, int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetName); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[6]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid(CUuuid *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUuuid *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetUuid); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[7]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2(size_t *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceTotalMem_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[8]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute(int *arg0, CUdevice_attribute arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice_attribute, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[9]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes(void *arg0, CUdevice arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdevice, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[10]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties(CUdevprop *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevprop *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetProperties); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[11]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceComputeCapability); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[12]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(CUcontext *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[13]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[14]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[15]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int *arg1, int *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int *, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[16]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[17]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[18]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDestroy_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[19]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPushCurrent_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[20]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2(CUcontext *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPopCurrent_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[21]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[22]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent(CUcontext *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[23]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice(CUdevice *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetDevice); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[24]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[25]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSynchronize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[26]); + return f(); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit(CUlimit arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlimit, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetLimit); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[27]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit(size_t *arg0, CUlimit arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUlimit); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetLimit); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[28]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunc_cache *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetCacheConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[29]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunc_cache); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetCacheConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[30]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig(CUsharedconfig *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsharedconfig *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[31]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig(CUsharedconfig arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsharedconfig); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[32]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetApiVersion); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[33]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange(int *arg0, int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[34]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxAttach); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[35]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDetach); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[36]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad(CUmodule *arg0, const char *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoad); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[37]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadData); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[38]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUjit_option *arg3, void **arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadDataEx); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[39]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadFatBinary); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[40]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload(CUmodule arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleUnload); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[41]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction(CUfunction *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetFunction); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[42]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetGlobal_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[43]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef(CUtexref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetTexRef); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[44]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef(CUsurfref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfref *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetSurfRef); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[45]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[46]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddData_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[47]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddFile_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[48]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete(CUlinkState arg0, void **arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, void **, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkComplete); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[49]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy(CUlinkState arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[50]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2(size_t *arg0, size_t *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetInfo_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[51]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAlloc_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[52]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, size_t, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocPitch_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[53]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFree_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[54]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAddressRange_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[55]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2(void **arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocHost_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[56]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost(void *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFreeHost); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[57]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc(void **arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostAlloc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[58]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[59]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0, void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[60]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocManaged); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[61]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId(CUdevice *arg0, const char *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[62]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(char *, int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetPCIBusId); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[63]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle(CUipcEventHandle *arg0, CUevent arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUipcEventHandle *, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcGetEventHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[64]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle(CUevent *arg0, CUipcEventHandle arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent *, CUipcEventHandle); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenEventHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[65]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle(CUipcMemHandle *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUipcMemHandle *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcGetMemHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[66]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenMemHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[67]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcCloseMemHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[68]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostRegister_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[69]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister(void *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostUnregister); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[70]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[71]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeer_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[72]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[73]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[74]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[75]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[76]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[77]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[78]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[79]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[80]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[81]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[82]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[83]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[84]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[85]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[86]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[87]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[88]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[89]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[90]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[91]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[92]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[93]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[94]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[95]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[96]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[97]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[98]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[99]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[100]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[101]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[102]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[103]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[104]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[105]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[106]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[107]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[108]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy(CUarray arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[109]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[110]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[111]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[112]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel(CUarray *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[113]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy(CUmipmappedArray arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[114]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressReserve(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, size_t, CUdeviceptr, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAddressReserve); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[115]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressFree(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAddressFree); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[116]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemCreate(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, size_t, const CUmemAllocationProp *, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[117]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRelease(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRelease); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[118]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMap(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, size_t, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemMap); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[119]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemUnmap(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemUnmap); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[120]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemSetAccess(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAccessDesc *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, const CUmemAccessDesc *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemSetAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[121]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAccess(unsigned long long *arg0, const CUmemLocation *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned long long *, const CUmemLocation *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[122]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemExportToShareableHandle(void *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemExportToShareableHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[123]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemImportFromShareableHandle(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *, CUmemAllocationHandleType); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemImportFromShareableHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[124]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationGranularity(size_t *arg0, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg1, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, const CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAllocationGranularity); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[125]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle(CUmemAllocationProp *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[126]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute(void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuPointerGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[127]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[128]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_advise arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUmem_advise, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAdvise); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[129]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute(void *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_range_attribute arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, CUmem_range_attribute, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRangeGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[130]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes(void **arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmem_range_attribute *arg2, size_t arg3, CUdeviceptr arg4, size_t arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t *, CUmem_range_attribute *, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRangeGetAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[131]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute(const void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuPointerSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[132]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes(unsigned int arg0, CUpointer_attribute *arg1, void **arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUpointer_attribute *, void **, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuPointerGetAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[133]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[134]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream *, unsigned int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCreateWithPriority); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[135]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[136]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[137]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[138]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[139]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[140]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[141]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(CUstreamCaptureMode *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstreamCaptureMode *); + ON_ENTRY(cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[142]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[143]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[144]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[145]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[146]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamQuery_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[147]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[148]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamDestroy_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[149]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate(CUevent *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[150]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecord_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[151]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventQuery); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[152]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventSynchronize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[153]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventDestroy_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[154]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime(float *arg0, CUevent arg1, CUevent arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUevent, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventElapsedTime); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[155]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory(CUexternalMemory *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalMemory *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuImportExternalMemory); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[156]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[157]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[158]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory(CUexternalMemory arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalMemory); + ON_ENTRY(cuDestroyExternalMemory); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[159]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore(CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuImportExternalSemaphore); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[160]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[161]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[162]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore(CUexternalSemaphore arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalSemaphore); + ON_ENTRY(cuDestroyExternalSemaphore); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[163]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[164]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[165]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[166]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[167]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[168]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute(int *arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, CUfunction arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction_attribute, CUfunction); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[169]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute(CUfunction arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUfunction_attribute, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[170]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig(CUfunction arg0, CUfunc_cache arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUfunc_cache); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetCacheConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[171]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig(CUfunction arg0, CUsharedconfig arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUsharedconfig); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[172]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchKernel_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[173]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[174]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[175]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[176]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetBlockShape); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[177]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetSharedSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[178]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[179]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSeti); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[180]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, float arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, float); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetf); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[181]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetv); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[182]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch(CUfunction arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[183]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchGrid); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[184]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchGridAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[185]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetTexRef); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[186]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate(CUgraph *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[187]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddKernelNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[188]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[189]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[190]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddMemcpyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[191]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[192]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[193]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddMemsetNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[194]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[195]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[196]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddHostNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[197]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphHostNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[198]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphHostNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[199]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUgraph arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddChildGraphNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[200]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[201]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddEmptyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[202]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone(CUgraph *arg0, CUgraph arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph *, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphClone); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[203]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeFindInClone); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[204]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNodeType *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNodeType *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetType); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[205]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[206]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetRootNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[207]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetEdges); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[208]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[209]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[210]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[211]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphRemoveDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[212]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode(CUgraphNode arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphDestroyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[213]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphInstantiate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[214]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[215]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[216]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[217]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[218]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphLaunch_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[219]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy(CUgraphExec arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[220]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy(CUgraph arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[221]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecUpdate(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecUpdate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[222]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[223]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[224]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[225]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5, unsigned int arg6) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[226]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray(CUtexref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUarray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[227]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray(CUtexref arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[228]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2(size_t *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[229]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[230]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat(CUtexref arg0, CUarray_format arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUarray_format, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFormat); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[231]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode(CUtexref arg0, int arg1, CUaddress_mode arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, int, CUaddress_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddressMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[232]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[233]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[234]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias(CUtexref arg0, float arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[235]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp(CUtexref arg0, float arg1, float arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float, float); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[236]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[237]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor(CUtexref arg0, float *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float *); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetBorderColor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[238]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[239]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddress_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[240]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray(CUarray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[241]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[242]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode(CUaddress_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUaddress_mode *, CUtexref, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddressMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[243]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[244]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat(CUarray_format *arg0, int *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray_format *, int *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFormat); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[245]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[246]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[247]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp(float *arg0, float *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, float *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[248]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy(int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[249]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetBorderColor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[250]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[251]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate(CUtexref *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref *); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[252]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy(CUtexref arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[253]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray(CUsurfref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfref, CUarray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfRefSetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[254]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray(CUarray *arg0, CUsurfref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUsurfref); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfRefGetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[255]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate(CUtexObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg2, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[256]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy(CUtexObject arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[257]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[258]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[259]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *, CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[260]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate(CUsurfObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[261]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy(CUsurfObject arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[262]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUsurfObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUsurfObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[263]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *arg0, CUdevice arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceCanAccessPeer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[264]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxEnablePeerAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[265]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDisablePeerAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[266]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[267]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource(CUgraphicsResource arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnregisterResource); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[268]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(CUarray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[269]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[270]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[271]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[272]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[273]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[274]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable(const void **arg0, const CUuuid *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const void **, const CUuuid *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGetExportTable); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[275]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostRegister); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[276]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[277]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[278]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddData); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[279]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddFile); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[280]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[281]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem(unsigned int *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceTotalMem); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[282]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[283]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetGlobal); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[284]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo(unsigned int *arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetInfo); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[285]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAlloc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[286]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocPitch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[287]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFree); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[288]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUdeviceptr_v1); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAddressRange); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[289]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost(void **arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocHost); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[290]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetDevicePointer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[291]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[292]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[293]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[294]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[295]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[296]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[297]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[298]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUarray arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[299]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[300]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[301]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[302]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[303]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[304]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[305]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[306]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[307]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[308]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[309]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned char arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned char, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[310]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned short arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned short, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[311]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[312]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned char arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[313]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[314]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[315]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[316]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetDescriptor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[317]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[318]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DGetDescriptor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[319]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[320]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[321]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddress); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[322]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[323]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[324]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent(CUcontext *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPopCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[325]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPushCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[326]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[327]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[328]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[329]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[330]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[331]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[332]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[333]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[334]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[335]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[336]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[337]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[338]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[339]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[340]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[341]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[342]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[343]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[344]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[345]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[346]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[347]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[348]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[349]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[350]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[351]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[352]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[353]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[354]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[355]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeerAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[356]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[357]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[358]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[359]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[360]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[361]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[362]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[363]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[364]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetPriority); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[365]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[366]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCtx); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[367]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[368]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAddCallback); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[369]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAttachMemAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[370]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamQuery); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[371]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSynchronize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[372]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecord); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[373]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchKernel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[374]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchHostFunc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[375]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsMapResources); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[376]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnmapResources); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[377]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[378]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[379]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue64); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[380]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue64); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[381]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBatchMemOp); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[382]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPrefetchAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[383]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[384]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[385]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[386]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[387]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[388]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[389]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamEndCapture); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[390]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamIsCapturing); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[391]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCaptureInfo); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[392]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphLaunch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[393]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, CUoutput_mode arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const char *, const char *, CUoutput_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerInitialize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[394]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerStart); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[395]); + return f(); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerStop); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[396]); + return f(); +} diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_11.1.h b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_11.1.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e528c56e49a1704132c459529d4886a11041c3c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_11.1.h @@ -0,0 +1,6990 @@ +// generated by wraplib.py +// --- begin functions to be implemented +#ifndef _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +#define _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +#endif +#ifndef _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK +#define _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK +#endif +#ifndef ON_ENTRY +#define ON_ENTRY(x) +#endif +static void* get_library_handle(); +static void* resolve_library_func(void* , const char*); +namespace { +template T on_init_failed(int func_idx); +} +// --- end functions to be implemented +#include +#include +static void load_library(); +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorString_init(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGetErrorString(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorString_error(CUresult, const char **) { + return on_init_failed(0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorName_init(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGetErrorName(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorName_error(CUresult, const char **) { + return on_init_failed(1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuInit_init(unsigned int arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuInit(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuInit_error(unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDriverGetVersion_init(int *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDriverGetVersion(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDriverGetVersion_error(int *) { + return on_init_failed(3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGet_init(CUdevice *arg0, int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGet(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGet_error(CUdevice *, int) { + return on_init_failed(4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetCount_init(int *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetCount(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetCount_error(int *) { + return on_init_failed(5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName_init(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetName(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName_error(char *, int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(6); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid_init(CUuuid *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetUuid(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid_error(CUuuid *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(7); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetLuid_init(char *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetLuid(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetLuid_error(char *, unsigned int *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(8); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_init(size_t *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceTotalMem_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_error(size_t *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth_init(size_t *arg0, CUarray_format arg1, unsigned arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth_error(size_t *, CUarray_format, unsigned, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(10); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUdevice_attribute arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute_error(int *, CUdevice_attribute, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(11); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_init(void *arg0, CUdevice arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_error(void *, CUdevice, int) { + return on_init_failed(12); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties_init(CUdevprop *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetProperties(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties_error(CUdevprop *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(13); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceComputeCapability(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability_error(int *, int *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(14); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_init(CUcontext *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_error(CUcontext *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(15); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(16); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2_error(CUdevice, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(17); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int *arg1, int *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_error(CUdevice, unsigned int *, int *) { + return on_init_failed(18); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(19); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxCreate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(20); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDestroy_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(21); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPushCurrent_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(22); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_init(CUcontext *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPopCurrent_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_error(CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(23); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(24); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent_init(CUcontext *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent_error(CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(25); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice_init(CUdevice *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetDevice(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice_error(CUdevice *) { + return on_init_failed(26); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetFlags(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags_error(unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(27); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize_init() { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSynchronize(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize_error() { + return on_init_failed(28); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit_init(CUlimit arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetLimit(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit_error(CUlimit, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(29); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit_init(size_t *arg0, CUlimit arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetLimit(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit_error(size_t *, CUlimit) { + return on_init_failed(30); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig_init(CUfunc_cache *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetCacheConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig_error(CUfunc_cache *) { + return on_init_failed(31); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig_init(CUfunc_cache arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetCacheConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig_error(CUfunc_cache) { + return on_init_failed(32); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_init(CUsharedconfig *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_error(CUsharedconfig *) { + return on_init_failed(33); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_init(CUsharedconfig arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_error(CUsharedconfig) { + return on_init_failed(34); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion_init(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetApiVersion(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion_error(CUcontext, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(35); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_init(int *arg0, int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_error(int *, int *) { + return on_init_failed(36); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache_init() { + load_library(); + return cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache_error() { + return on_init_failed(37); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxAttach(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(38); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDetach(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(39); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad_init(CUmodule *arg0, const char *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoad(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad_error(CUmodule *, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(40); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoadData(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData_error(CUmodule *, const void *) { + return on_init_failed(41); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUjit_option *arg3, void **arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoadDataEx(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx_error(CUmodule *, const void *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(42); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoadFatBinary(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary_error(CUmodule *, const void *) { + return on_init_failed(43); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload_init(CUmodule arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleUnload(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload_error(CUmodule) { + return on_init_failed(44); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction_init(CUfunction *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetFunction(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction_error(CUfunction *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(45); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetGlobal_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(46); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef_init(CUtexref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetTexRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef_error(CUtexref *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(47); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef_init(CUsurfref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetSurfRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef_error(CUsurfref *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(48); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2_init(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkCreate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2_error(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *) { + return on_init_failed(49); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddData_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(50); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddFile_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(51); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete_init(CUlinkState arg0, void **arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkComplete(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete_error(CUlinkState, void **, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(52); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy_init(CUlinkState arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy_error(CUlinkState) { + return on_init_failed(53); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2_init(size_t *arg0, size_t *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetInfo_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2_error(size_t *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(54); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAlloc_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(55); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocPitch_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, size_t, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(56); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFree_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2_error(CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(57); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAddressRange_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(58); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2_init(void **arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocHost_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2_error(void **, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(59); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost_init(void *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFreeHost(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost_error(void *) { + return on_init_failed(60); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc_init(void **arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostAlloc(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc_error(void **, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(61); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(62); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0, void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostGetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags_error(unsigned int *, void *) { + return on_init_failed(63); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocManaged(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(64); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_init(CUdevice *arg0, const char *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_error(CUdevice *, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(65); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_init(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetPCIBusId(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_error(char *, int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(66); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle_init(CUipcEventHandle *arg0, CUevent arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcGetEventHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle_error(CUipcEventHandle *, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(67); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle_init(CUevent *arg0, CUipcEventHandle arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcOpenEventHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle_error(CUevent *, CUipcEventHandle) { + return on_init_failed(68); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle_init(CUipcMemHandle *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcGetMemHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle_error(CUipcMemHandle *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(69); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(70); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle_init(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcCloseMemHandle(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle_error(CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(71); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostRegister_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2_error(void *, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(72); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister_init(void *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostUnregister(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister_error(void *) { + return on_init_failed(73); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(74); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeer_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(75); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(76); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(77); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(78); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(79); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(80); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(81); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(82); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(83); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(84); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(85); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(86); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *) { + return on_init_failed(87); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(88); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(89); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(90); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(91); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(92); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(93); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(94); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(95); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(96); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(97); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(98); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(99); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(100); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(101); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(102); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(103); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(104); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(105); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(106); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(107); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(108); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(109); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayCreate_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *) { + return on_init_failed(110); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_init(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_error(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(111); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetSparseProperties_init(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayGetSparseProperties(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetSparseProperties_error(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(112); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties_init(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties_error(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *, CUmipmappedArray) { + return on_init_failed(113); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy_init(CUarray arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy_error(CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(114); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DCreate_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *) { + return on_init_failed(115); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_init(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_error(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(116); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate_error(CUmipmappedArray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(117); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_init(CUarray *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_error(CUarray *, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(118); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_init(CUmipmappedArray arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_error(CUmipmappedArray) { + return on_init_failed(119); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressReserve_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAddressReserve(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressReserve_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, size_t, CUdeviceptr, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(120); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressFree_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAddressFree(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressFree_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(121); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemCreate_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemCreate_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, size_t, const CUmemAllocationProp *, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(122); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRelease_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRelease(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRelease_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle) { + return on_init_failed(123); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMap_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemMap(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMap_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, size_t, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(124); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz_init(CUarrayMapInfo *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz_error(CUarrayMapInfo *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(125); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemUnmap_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemUnmap(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemUnmap_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(126); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemSetAccess_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAccessDesc *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemSetAccess(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemSetAccess_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, const CUmemAccessDesc *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(127); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAccess_init(unsigned long long *arg0, const CUmemLocation *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAccess(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAccess_error(unsigned long long *, const CUmemLocation *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(128); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemExportToShareableHandle_init(void *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemExportToShareableHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemExportToShareableHandle_error(void *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(129); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemImportFromShareableHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *, CUmemAllocationHandleType) { + return on_init_failed(130); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_init(size_t *arg0, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg1, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAllocationGranularity(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_error(size_t *, const CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags) { + return on_init_failed(131); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_init(CUmemAllocationProp *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_error(CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle) { + return on_init_failed(132); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRetainAllocationHandle_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRetainAllocationHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRetainAllocationHandle_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *) { + return on_init_failed(133); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute_init(void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuPointerGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute_error(void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(134); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(135); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_advise arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAdvise(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUmem_advise, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(136); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_range_attribute arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRangeGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute_error(void *, size_t, CUmem_range_attribute, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(137); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes_init(void **arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmem_range_attribute *arg2, size_t arg3, CUdeviceptr arg4, size_t arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRangeGetAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes_error(void **, size_t *, CUmem_range_attribute *, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(138); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute_init(const void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuPointerSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute_error(const void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(139); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes_init(unsigned int arg0, CUpointer_attribute *arg1, void **arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuPointerGetAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes_error(unsigned int, CUpointer_attribute *, void **, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(140); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate_init(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate_error(CUstream *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(141); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority_init(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCreateWithPriority(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority_error(CUstream *, unsigned int, int) { + return on_init_failed(142); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_error(CUstream, int *) { + return on_init_failed(143); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_error(CUstream, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(144); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(145); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(146); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(147); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode) { + return on_init_failed(148); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_init(CUstreamCaptureMode *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_error(CUstreamCaptureMode *) { + return on_init_failed(149); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(150); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *) { + return on_init_failed(151); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *) { + return on_init_failed(152); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(153); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamQuery_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(154); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(155); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamDestroy_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(156); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(157); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, CUstreamAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(158); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, const CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, const CUstreamAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(159); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate_init(CUevent *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuEventCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate_error(CUevent *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(160); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecord_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz_error(CUevent, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(161); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz_error(CUevent, CUstream, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(162); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventQuery(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(163); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventSynchronize(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(164); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventDestroy_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(165); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime_init(float *arg0, CUevent arg1, CUevent arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuEventElapsedTime(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime_error(float *, CUevent, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(166); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory_init(CUexternalMemory *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuImportExternalMemory(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory_error(CUexternalMemory *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(167); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(168); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(169); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory_init(CUexternalMemory arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDestroyExternalMemory(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory_error(CUexternalMemory) { + return on_init_failed(170); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore_init(CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuImportExternalSemaphore(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore_error(CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(171); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(172); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(173); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_init(CUexternalSemaphore arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDestroyExternalSemaphore(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_error(CUexternalSemaphore) { + return on_init_failed(174); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(175); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(176); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(177); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(178); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_error(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(179); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, CUfunction arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute_error(int *, CUfunction_attribute, CUfunction) { + return on_init_failed(180); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute_init(CUfunction arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute_error(CUfunction, CUfunction_attribute, int) { + return on_init_failed(181); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig_init(CUfunction arg0, CUfunc_cache arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetCacheConfig(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig_error(CUfunction, CUfunc_cache) { + return on_init_failed(182); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_init(CUfunction arg0, CUsharedconfig arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_error(CUfunction, CUsharedconfig) { + return on_init_failed(183); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchKernel_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **) { + return on_init_failed(184); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **) { + return on_init_failed(185); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_init(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_error(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(186); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *) { + return on_init_failed(187); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetBlockShape(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape_error(CUfunction, int, int, int) { + return on_init_failed(188); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetSharedSize(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize_error(CUfunction, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(189); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetSize(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize_error(CUfunction, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(190); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSeti(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti_error(CUfunction, int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(191); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, float arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetf(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf_error(CUfunction, int, float) { + return on_init_failed(192); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetv(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv_error(CUfunction, int, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(193); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch_init(CUfunction arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunch(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch_error(CUfunction) { + return on_init_failed(194); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchGrid(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid_error(CUfunction, int, int) { + return on_init_failed(195); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchGridAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync_error(CUfunction, int, int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(196); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetTexRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef_error(CUfunction, int, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(197); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate_init(CUgraph *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate_error(CUgraph *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(198); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddKernelNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(199); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(200); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(201); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddMemcpyNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(202); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(203); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(204); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddMemsetNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(205); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(206); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(207); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddHostNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(208); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphHostNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(209); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphHostNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(210); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUgraph arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddChildGraphNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(211); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(212); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddEmptyNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(213); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventRecordNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUevent arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddEventRecordNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventRecordNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(214); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent_error(CUgraphNode, CUevent *) { + return on_init_failed(215); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent_error(CUgraphNode, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(216); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventWaitNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUevent arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddEventWaitNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventWaitNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(217); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent_error(CUgraphNode, CUevent *) { + return on_init_failed(218); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent_error(CUgraphNode, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(219); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone_init(CUgraph *arg0, CUgraph arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphClone(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone_error(CUgraph *, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(220); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeFindInClone(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(221); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNodeType *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetType(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNodeType *) { + return on_init_failed(222); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(223); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetRootNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(224); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetEdges(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(225); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(226); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(227); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies_init(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies_error(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(228); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies_init(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphRemoveDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies_error(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(229); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode_init(CUgraphNode arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphDestroyNode(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode_error(CUgraphNode) { + return on_init_failed(230); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_v2_init(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphInstantiate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_v2_error(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(231); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(232); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(233); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(234); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(235); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(236); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUevent arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(237); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUevent arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(238); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_ptsz_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphUpload_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_ptsz_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(239); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphLaunch_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(240); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy_init(CUgraphExec arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy_error(CUgraphExec) { + return on_init_failed(241); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy_init(CUgraph arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy_error(CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(242); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecUpdate_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecUpdate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecUpdate_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *) { + return on_init_failed(243); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode) { + return on_init_failed(244); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUkernelNodeAttrID arg1, CUkernelNodeAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute_error(CUgraphNode, CUkernelNodeAttrID, CUkernelNodeAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(245); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUkernelNodeAttrID arg1, const CUkernelNodeAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute_error(CUgraphNode, CUkernelNodeAttrID, const CUkernelNodeAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(246); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_init(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_error(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(247); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_init(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_error(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(248); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_error(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int) { + return on_init_failed(249); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5, unsigned int arg6) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_error(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(250); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock_init(size_t *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock_error(size_t *, CUfunction, int, int) { + return on_init_failed(251); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray_init(CUtexref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray_error(CUtexref, CUarray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(252); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_init(CUtexref arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_error(CUtexref, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(253); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_init(size_t *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_error(size_t *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(254); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(255); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat_init(CUtexref arg0, CUarray_format arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetFormat(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat_error(CUtexref, CUarray_format, int) { + return on_init_failed(256); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode_init(CUtexref arg0, int arg1, CUaddress_mode arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddressMode(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode_error(CUtexref, int, CUaddress_mode) { + return on_init_failed(257); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode_init(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode_error(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode) { + return on_init_failed(258); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_init(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_error(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode) { + return on_init_failed(259); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_init(CUtexref arg0, float arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_error(CUtexref, float) { + return on_init_failed(260); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_init(CUtexref arg0, float arg1, float arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_error(CUtexref, float, float) { + return on_init_failed(261); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_init(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_error(CUtexref, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(262); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor_init(CUtexref arg0, float *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetBorderColor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor_error(CUtexref, float *) { + return on_init_failed(263); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags_init(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags_error(CUtexref, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(264); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetAddress_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(265); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray_error(CUarray *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(266); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(267); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode_init(CUaddress_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetAddressMode(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode_error(CUaddress_mode *, CUtexref, int) { + return on_init_failed(268); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode_init(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode_error(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(269); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat_init(CUarray_format *arg0, int *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetFormat(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat_error(CUarray_format *, int *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(270); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_init(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_error(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(271); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_init(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_error(float *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(272); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_init(float *arg0, float *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_error(float *, float *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(273); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_init(int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_error(int *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(274); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor_init(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetBorderColor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor_error(float *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(275); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags_error(unsigned int *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(276); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate_init(CUtexref *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefCreate(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate_error(CUtexref *) { + return on_init_failed(277); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy_init(CUtexref arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy_error(CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(278); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray_init(CUsurfref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfRefSetArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray_error(CUsurfref, CUarray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(279); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUsurfref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfRefGetArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray_error(CUarray *, CUsurfref) { + return on_init_failed(280); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate_init(CUtexObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg2, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate_error(CUtexObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(281); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy_init(CUtexObject arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy_error(CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(282); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(283); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_init(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_error(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(284); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *, CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(285); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate_init(CUsurfObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfObjectCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate_error(CUsurfObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(286); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy_init(CUsurfObject arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfObjectDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy_error(CUsurfObject) { + return on_init_failed(287); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUsurfObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUsurfObject) { + return on_init_failed(288); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_init(int *arg0, CUdevice arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceCanAccessPeer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_error(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(289); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_init(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxEnablePeerAccess(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_error(CUcontext, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(290); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDisablePeerAccess(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(291); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(292); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsUnregisterResource(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_error(CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(293); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_error(CUarray *, CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(294); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(295); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(296); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_error(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(297); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(298); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(299); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable_init(const void **arg0, const CUuuid *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGetExportTable(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable_error(const void **, const CUuuid *) { + return on_init_failed(300); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetModule_init(CUmodule *arg0, CUfunction arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncGetModule(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetModule_error(CUmodule *, CUfunction) { + return on_init_failed(301); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostRegister(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_error(void *, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(302); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_error(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(303); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_init(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_error(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *) { + return on_init_failed(304); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddData(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(305); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddFile(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(306); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(307); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceTotalMem(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_error(unsigned int *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(308); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(309); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetGlobal(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(310); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_init(unsigned int *arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetInfo(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_error(unsigned int *, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(311); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAlloc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(312); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocPitch(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(313); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFree(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_error(CUdeviceptr_v1) { + return on_init_failed(314); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAddressRange(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUdeviceptr_v1) { + return on_init_failed(315); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_init(void **arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocHost(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_error(void **, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(316); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(317); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(318); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoH(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_error(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(319); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(320); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(321); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(322); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(323); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoH(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_error(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(324); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUarray arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(325); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_error(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(326); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_error(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(327); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2D(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(328); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(329); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3D(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(330); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(331); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_error(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(332); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(333); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(334); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(335); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned char arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned char, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(336); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned short arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned short, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(337); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(338); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned char arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(339); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(340); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(341); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(342); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_init(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayGetDescriptor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_error(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(343); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(344); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_init(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DGetDescriptor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_error(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(345); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_error(unsigned int *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(346); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress2D(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(347); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetAddress(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(348); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(349); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(350); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_init(CUcontext *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPopCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_error(CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(351); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPushCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(352); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(353); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(354); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(355); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(356); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_error(CUdevice, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(357); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(358); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoH_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(359); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(360); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(361); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(362); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(363); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoH_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(364); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(365); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(366); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(367); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2D_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(368); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(369); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3D_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(370); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(371); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(372); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(373); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(374); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(375); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(376); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(377); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(378); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(379); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(380); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(381); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(382); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(383); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeer(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(384); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeerAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(385); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeer(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *) { + return on_init_failed(386); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(387); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(388); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(389); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(390); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(391); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(392); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(393); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_init(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetPriority(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_error(CUstream, int *) { + return on_init_failed(394); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_error(CUstream, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(395); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_init(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCtx(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_error(CUstream, CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(396); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_init(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitEvent(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_error(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(397); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAddCallback(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_error(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(398); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAttachMemAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(399); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamQuery(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(400); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSynchronize(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(401); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecord(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_error(CUevent, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(402); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecordWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_error(CUevent, CUstream, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(403); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchKernel(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **) { + return on_init_failed(404); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_init(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchHostFunc(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_error(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *) { + return on_init_failed(405); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsMapResources(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(406); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsUnmapResources(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(407); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(408); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(409); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue64(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(410); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue64(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(411); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBatchMemOp(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_error(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(412); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPrefetchAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(413); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernel(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **) { + return on_init_failed(414); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(415); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(416); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(417); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(418); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode) { + return on_init_failed(419); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_init(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamEndCapture(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_error(CUstream, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(420); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamIsCapturing(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *) { + return on_init_failed(421); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCaptureInfo(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *) { + return on_init_failed(422); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphUpload(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(423); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphLaunch(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(424); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_init(CUstream arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCopyAttributes(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_error(CUstream, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(425); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_error(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, CUstreamAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(426); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, const CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_error(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, const CUstreamAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(427); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcOpenMemHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(428); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_init(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphInstantiate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_error(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(429); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_init(CUarrayMapInfo *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemMapArrayAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_error(CUarrayMapInfo *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(430); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize_init(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, CUoutput_mode arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuProfilerInitialize(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize_error(const char *, const char *, CUoutput_mode) { + return on_init_failed(431); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart_init() { + load_library(); + return cuProfilerStart(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart_error() { + return on_init_failed(432); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop_init() { + load_library(); + return cuProfilerStop(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop_error() { + return on_init_failed(433); +} +static constexpr size_t NR_FUNC = 434; +static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), + (void*)(&cuGetErrorName_init), + (void*)(&cuInit_init), + (void*)(&cuDriverGetVersion_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGet_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetCount_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetName_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetUuid_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetLuid_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetProperties_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceComputeCapability_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetDevice_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSynchronize_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetLimit_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetLimit_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCacheConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCacheConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetApiVersion_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxAttach_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDetach_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoad_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadData_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadDataEx_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadFatBinary_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleUnload_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetFunction_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetTexRef_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetSurfRef_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkComplete_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeHost_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostAlloc_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocManaged_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetEventHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenEventHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetMemHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcCloseMemHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostUnregister_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetSparseProperties_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressReserve_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressFree_init), + (void*)(&cuMemCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRelease_init), + (void*)(&cuMemMap_init), + (void*)(&cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemUnmap_init), + (void*)(&cuMemSetAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuMemExportToShareableHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRetainAllocationHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAdvise_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuPointerSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreateWithPriority_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuEventCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuEventQuery_init), + (void*)(&cuEventSynchronize_init), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuEventElapsedTime_init), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalMemory_init), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_init), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalMemory_init), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalSemaphore_init), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetCacheConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetBlockShape_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedSize_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetSize_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSeti_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetf_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetv_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunch_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGrid_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGridAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetTexRef_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddKernelNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemsetNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddHostNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEmptyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEventRecordNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEventWaitNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphClone_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeFindInClone_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetType_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetRootNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetEdges_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphRemoveDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphUpload_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecUpdate_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFormat_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddressMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetBorderColor_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddressMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFormat_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetBorderColor_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefSetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefGetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGetExportTable_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetModule_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecordWithFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_init), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphUpload_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCopyAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_init), + (void*)(&cuMemMapArrayAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuProfilerInitialize_init), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStart_init), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStop_init)}; +static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), + (void*)(&cuGetErrorName_error), + (void*)(&cuInit_error), + (void*)(&cuDriverGetVersion_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGet_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetCount_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetName_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetUuid_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetLuid_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetProperties_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceComputeCapability_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetDevice_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSynchronize_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetLimit_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetLimit_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCacheConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCacheConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetApiVersion_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxAttach_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDetach_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoad_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadData_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadDataEx_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadFatBinary_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleUnload_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetFunction_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetTexRef_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetSurfRef_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkComplete_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeHost_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostAlloc_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocManaged_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetEventHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenEventHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetMemHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcCloseMemHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostUnregister_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetSparseProperties_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressReserve_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressFree_error), + (void*)(&cuMemCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRelease_error), + (void*)(&cuMemMap_error), + (void*)(&cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemUnmap_error), + (void*)(&cuMemSetAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuMemExportToShareableHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRetainAllocationHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAdvise_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuPointerSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreateWithPriority_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuEventCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuEventQuery_error), + (void*)(&cuEventSynchronize_error), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuEventElapsedTime_error), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalMemory_error), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_error), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalMemory_error), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalSemaphore_error), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetCacheConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetBlockShape_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedSize_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetSize_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSeti_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetf_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetv_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunch_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGrid_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGridAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetTexRef_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddKernelNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemsetNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddHostNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEmptyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEventRecordNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEventWaitNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphClone_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeFindInClone_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetType_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetRootNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetEdges_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphRemoveDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphUpload_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecUpdate_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFormat_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddressMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetBorderColor_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddressMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFormat_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetBorderColor_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefSetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefGetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGetExportTable_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetModule_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecordWithFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_error), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphUpload_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCopyAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_error), + (void*)(&cuMemMapArrayAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuProfilerInitialize_error), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStart_error), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStop_error)}; +static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", + "cuGetErrorName", + "cuInit", + "cuDriverGetVersion", + "cuDeviceGet", + "cuDeviceGetCount", + "cuDeviceGetName", + "cuDeviceGetUuid", + "cuDeviceGetLuid", + "cuDeviceTotalMem_v2", + "cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth", + "cuDeviceGetAttribute", + "cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes", + "cuDeviceGetProperties", + "cuDeviceComputeCapability", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2", + "cuCtxCreate_v2", + "cuCtxDestroy_v2", + "cuCtxPushCurrent_v2", + "cuCtxPopCurrent_v2", + "cuCtxSetCurrent", + "cuCtxGetCurrent", + "cuCtxGetDevice", + "cuCtxGetFlags", + "cuCtxSynchronize", + "cuCtxSetLimit", + "cuCtxGetLimit", + "cuCtxGetCacheConfig", + "cuCtxSetCacheConfig", + "cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig", + "cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig", + "cuCtxGetApiVersion", + "cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange", + "cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache", + "cuCtxAttach", + "cuCtxDetach", + "cuModuleLoad", + "cuModuleLoadData", + "cuModuleLoadDataEx", + "cuModuleLoadFatBinary", + "cuModuleUnload", + "cuModuleGetFunction", + "cuModuleGetGlobal_v2", + "cuModuleGetTexRef", + "cuModuleGetSurfRef", + "cuLinkCreate_v2", + "cuLinkAddData_v2", + "cuLinkAddFile_v2", + "cuLinkComplete", + "cuLinkDestroy", + "cuMemGetInfo_v2", + "cuMemAlloc_v2", + "cuMemAllocPitch_v2", + "cuMemFree_v2", + "cuMemGetAddressRange_v2", + "cuMemAllocHost_v2", + "cuMemFreeHost", + "cuMemHostAlloc", + "cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2", + "cuMemHostGetFlags", + "cuMemAllocManaged", + "cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId", + "cuDeviceGetPCIBusId", + "cuIpcGetEventHandle", + "cuIpcOpenEventHandle", + "cuIpcGetMemHandle", + "cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2", + "cuIpcCloseMemHandle", + "cuMemHostRegister_v2", + "cuMemHostUnregister", + "cuMemcpy_ptds", + "cuMemcpyPeer_ptds", + "cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz", + "cuArrayCreate_v2", + "cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2", + "cuArrayGetSparseProperties", + "cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties", + "cuArrayDestroy", + "cuArray3DCreate_v2", + "cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2", + "cuMipmappedArrayCreate", + "cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel", + "cuMipmappedArrayDestroy", + "cuMemAddressReserve", + "cuMemAddressFree", + "cuMemCreate", + "cuMemRelease", + "cuMemMap", + "cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemUnmap", + "cuMemSetAccess", + "cuMemGetAccess", + "cuMemExportToShareableHandle", + "cuMemImportFromShareableHandle", + "cuMemGetAllocationGranularity", + "cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle", + "cuMemRetainAllocationHandle", + "cuPointerGetAttribute", + "cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemAdvise", + "cuMemRangeGetAttribute", + "cuMemRangeGetAttributes", + "cuPointerSetAttribute", + "cuPointerGetAttributes", + "cuStreamCreate", + "cuStreamCreateWithPriority", + "cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz", + "cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz", + "cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz", + "cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode", + "cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz", + "cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz", + "cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz", + "cuStreamQuery_ptsz", + "cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz", + "cuStreamDestroy_v2", + "cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz", + "cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz", + "cuEventCreate", + "cuEventRecord_ptsz", + "cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz", + "cuEventQuery", + "cuEventSynchronize", + "cuEventDestroy_v2", + "cuEventElapsedTime", + "cuImportExternalMemory", + "cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer", + "cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray", + "cuDestroyExternalMemory", + "cuImportExternalSemaphore", + "cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz", + "cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz", + "cuDestroyExternalSemaphore", + "cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz", + "cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz", + "cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz", + "cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz", + "cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz", + "cuFuncGetAttribute", + "cuFuncSetAttribute", + "cuFuncSetCacheConfig", + "cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig", + "cuLaunchKernel_ptsz", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice", + "cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz", + "cuFuncSetBlockShape", + "cuFuncSetSharedSize", + "cuParamSetSize", + "cuParamSeti", + "cuParamSetf", + "cuParamSetv", + "cuLaunch", + "cuLaunchGrid", + "cuLaunchGridAsync", + "cuParamSetTexRef", + "cuGraphCreate", + "cuGraphAddKernelNode", + "cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddMemcpyNode", + "cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddMemsetNode", + "cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddHostNode", + "cuGraphHostNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphHostNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddChildGraphNode", + "cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph", + "cuGraphAddEmptyNode", + "cuGraphAddEventRecordNode", + "cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent", + "cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent", + "cuGraphAddEventWaitNode", + "cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent", + "cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent", + "cuGraphClone", + "cuGraphNodeFindInClone", + "cuGraphNodeGetType", + "cuGraphGetNodes", + "cuGraphGetRootNodes", + "cuGraphGetEdges", + "cuGraphNodeGetDependencies", + "cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes", + "cuGraphAddDependencies", + "cuGraphRemoveDependencies", + "cuGraphDestroyNode", + "cuGraphInstantiate_v2", + "cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent", + "cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent", + "cuGraphUpload_ptsz", + "cuGraphLaunch_ptsz", + "cuGraphExecDestroy", + "cuGraphDestroy", + "cuGraphExecUpdate", + "cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes", + "cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute", + "cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute", + "cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor", + "cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags", + "cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize", + "cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags", + "cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock", + "cuTexRefSetArray", + "cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray", + "cuTexRefSetAddress_v2", + "cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3", + "cuTexRefSetFormat", + "cuTexRefSetAddressMode", + "cuTexRefSetFilterMode", + "cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode", + "cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias", + "cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp", + "cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy", + "cuTexRefSetBorderColor", + "cuTexRefSetFlags", + "cuTexRefGetAddress_v2", + "cuTexRefGetArray", + "cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray", + "cuTexRefGetAddressMode", + "cuTexRefGetFilterMode", + "cuTexRefGetFormat", + "cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode", + "cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias", + "cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp", + "cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy", + "cuTexRefGetBorderColor", + "cuTexRefGetFlags", + "cuTexRefCreate", + "cuTexRefDestroy", + "cuSurfRefSetArray", + "cuSurfRefGetArray", + "cuTexObjectCreate", + "cuTexObjectDestroy", + "cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc", + "cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc", + "cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc", + "cuSurfObjectCreate", + "cuSurfObjectDestroy", + "cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc", + "cuDeviceCanAccessPeer", + "cuCtxEnablePeerAccess", + "cuCtxDisablePeerAccess", + "cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute", + "cuGraphicsUnregisterResource", + "cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray", + "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray", + "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2", + "cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2", + "cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz", + "cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz", + "cuGetExportTable", + "cuFuncGetModule", + "cuMemHostRegister", + "cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags", + "cuLinkCreate", + "cuLinkAddData", + "cuLinkAddFile", + "cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2", + "cuDeviceTotalMem", + "cuCtxCreate", + "cuModuleGetGlobal", + "cuMemGetInfo", + "cuMemAlloc", + "cuMemAllocPitch", + "cuMemFree", + "cuMemGetAddressRange", + "cuMemAllocHost", + "cuMemHostGetDevicePointer", + "cuMemcpyHtoD", + "cuMemcpyDtoH", + "cuMemcpyDtoD", + "cuMemcpyDtoA", + "cuMemcpyAtoD", + "cuMemcpyHtoA", + "cuMemcpyAtoH", + "cuMemcpyAtoA", + "cuMemcpyHtoAAsync", + "cuMemcpyAtoHAsync", + "cuMemcpy2D", + "cuMemcpy2DUnaligned", + "cuMemcpy3D", + "cuMemcpyHtoDAsync", + "cuMemcpyDtoHAsync", + "cuMemcpyDtoDAsync", + "cuMemcpy2DAsync", + "cuMemcpy3DAsync", + "cuMemsetD8", + "cuMemsetD16", + "cuMemsetD32", + "cuMemsetD2D8", + "cuMemsetD2D16", + "cuMemsetD2D32", + "cuArrayCreate", + "cuArrayGetDescriptor", + "cuArray3DCreate", + "cuArray3DGetDescriptor", + "cuTexRefSetAddress", + "cuTexRefSetAddress2D", + "cuTexRefGetAddress", + "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer", + "cuCtxDestroy", + "cuCtxPopCurrent", + "cuCtxPushCurrent", + "cuStreamDestroy", + "cuEventDestroy", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags", + "cuMemcpyHtoD_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoH_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoD_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoA_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoD_v2", + "cuMemcpyHtoA_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoH_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoA_v2", + "cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpy2D_v2", + "cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2", + "cuMemcpy3D_v2", + "cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2", + "cuMemsetD8_v2", + "cuMemsetD16_v2", + "cuMemsetD32_v2", + "cuMemsetD2D8_v2", + "cuMemsetD2D16_v2", + "cuMemsetD2D32_v2", + "cuMemcpy", + "cuMemcpyAsync", + "cuMemcpyPeer", + "cuMemcpyPeerAsync", + "cuMemcpy3DPeer", + "cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync", + "cuMemsetD8Async", + "cuMemsetD16Async", + "cuMemsetD32Async", + "cuMemsetD2D8Async", + "cuMemsetD2D16Async", + "cuMemsetD2D32Async", + "cuStreamGetPriority", + "cuStreamGetFlags", + "cuStreamGetCtx", + "cuStreamWaitEvent", + "cuStreamAddCallback", + "cuStreamAttachMemAsync", + "cuStreamQuery", + "cuStreamSynchronize", + "cuEventRecord", + "cuEventRecordWithFlags", + "cuLaunchKernel", + "cuLaunchHostFunc", + "cuGraphicsMapResources", + "cuGraphicsUnmapResources", + "cuStreamWriteValue32", + "cuStreamWaitValue32", + "cuStreamWriteValue64", + "cuStreamWaitValue64", + "cuStreamBatchMemOp", + "cuMemPrefetchAsync", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernel", + "cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync", + "cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync", + "cuStreamBeginCapture", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_v2", + "cuStreamEndCapture", + "cuStreamIsCapturing", + "cuStreamGetCaptureInfo", + "cuGraphUpload", + "cuGraphLaunch", + "cuStreamCopyAttributes", + "cuStreamGetAttribute", + "cuStreamSetAttribute", + "cuIpcOpenMemHandle", + "cuGraphInstantiate", + "cuMemMapArrayAsync", + "cuProfilerInitialize", + "cuProfilerStart", + "cuProfilerStop"}; + +static void load_library() { + static bool done = false; + static std::mutex mtx; + std::lock_guard lg{mtx}; + + if (done) + return; + + void* handle = get_library_handle(); + for (size_t i = 0; i < NR_FUNC; ++i) { + void* func; + if (!handle) { + func = nullptr; + } else { + func = resolve_library_func(handle, g_func_name[i]); + } + if (!func) { + func = g_func_table_error[i]; + } + __atomic_store_n(g_func_table + i, func, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); + } + done = true; +} + +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorString(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUresult, const char **); + ON_ENTRY(cuGetErrorString); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[0]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorName(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUresult, const char **); + ON_ENTRY(cuGetErrorName); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[1]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuInit(unsigned int arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuInit); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[2]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDriverGetVersion(int *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDriverGetVersion); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[3]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGet(CUdevice *arg0, int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGet); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[4]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetCount(int *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetCount); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[5]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(char *, int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetName); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[6]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid(CUuuid *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUuuid *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetUuid); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[7]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetLuid(char *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(char *, unsigned int *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetLuid); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[8]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2(size_t *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceTotalMem_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[9]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth(size_t *arg0, CUarray_format arg1, unsigned arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUarray_format, unsigned, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[10]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute(int *arg0, CUdevice_attribute arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice_attribute, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[11]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes(void *arg0, CUdevice arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdevice, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[12]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties(CUdevprop *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevprop *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetProperties); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[13]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceComputeCapability); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[14]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(CUcontext *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[15]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[16]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[17]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int *arg1, int *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int *, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[18]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[19]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[20]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDestroy_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[21]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPushCurrent_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[22]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2(CUcontext *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPopCurrent_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[23]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[24]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent(CUcontext *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[25]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice(CUdevice *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetDevice); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[26]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[27]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSynchronize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[28]); + return f(); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit(CUlimit arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlimit, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetLimit); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[29]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit(size_t *arg0, CUlimit arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUlimit); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetLimit); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[30]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunc_cache *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetCacheConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[31]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunc_cache); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetCacheConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[32]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig(CUsharedconfig *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsharedconfig *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[33]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig(CUsharedconfig arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsharedconfig); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[34]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetApiVersion); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[35]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange(int *arg0, int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[36]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[37]); + return f(); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxAttach); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[38]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDetach); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[39]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad(CUmodule *arg0, const char *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoad); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[40]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadData); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[41]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUjit_option *arg3, void **arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadDataEx); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[42]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadFatBinary); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[43]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload(CUmodule arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleUnload); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[44]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction(CUfunction *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetFunction); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[45]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetGlobal_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[46]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef(CUtexref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetTexRef); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[47]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef(CUsurfref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfref *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetSurfRef); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[48]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[49]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddData_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[50]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddFile_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[51]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete(CUlinkState arg0, void **arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, void **, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkComplete); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[52]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy(CUlinkState arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[53]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2(size_t *arg0, size_t *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetInfo_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[54]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAlloc_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[55]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, size_t, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocPitch_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[56]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFree_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[57]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAddressRange_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[58]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2(void **arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocHost_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[59]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost(void *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFreeHost); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[60]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc(void **arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostAlloc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[61]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[62]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0, void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[63]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocManaged); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[64]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId(CUdevice *arg0, const char *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[65]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(char *, int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetPCIBusId); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[66]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle(CUipcEventHandle *arg0, CUevent arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUipcEventHandle *, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcGetEventHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[67]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle(CUevent *arg0, CUipcEventHandle arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent *, CUipcEventHandle); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenEventHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[68]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle(CUipcMemHandle *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUipcMemHandle *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcGetMemHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[69]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[70]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcCloseMemHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[71]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostRegister_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[72]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister(void *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostUnregister); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[73]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[74]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeer_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[75]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[76]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[77]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[78]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[79]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[80]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[81]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[82]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[83]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[84]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[85]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[86]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[87]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[88]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[89]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[90]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[91]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[92]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[93]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[94]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[95]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[96]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[97]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[98]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[99]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[100]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[101]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[102]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[103]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[104]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[105]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[106]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[107]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[108]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[109]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[110]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[111]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetSparseProperties(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetSparseProperties); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[112]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *, CUmipmappedArray); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[113]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy(CUarray arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[114]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[115]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[116]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[117]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel(CUarray *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[118]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy(CUmipmappedArray arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[119]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressReserve(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, size_t, CUdeviceptr, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAddressReserve); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[120]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressFree(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAddressFree); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[121]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemCreate(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, size_t, const CUmemAllocationProp *, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[122]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRelease(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRelease); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[123]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMap(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, size_t, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemMap); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[124]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz(CUarrayMapInfo *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarrayMapInfo *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[125]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemUnmap(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemUnmap); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[126]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemSetAccess(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAccessDesc *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, const CUmemAccessDesc *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemSetAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[127]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAccess(unsigned long long *arg0, const CUmemLocation *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned long long *, const CUmemLocation *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[128]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemExportToShareableHandle(void *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemExportToShareableHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[129]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemImportFromShareableHandle(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *, CUmemAllocationHandleType); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemImportFromShareableHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[130]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationGranularity(size_t *arg0, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg1, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, const CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAllocationGranularity); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[131]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle(CUmemAllocationProp *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[132]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRetainAllocationHandle(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRetainAllocationHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[133]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute(void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuPointerGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[134]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[135]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_advise arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUmem_advise, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAdvise); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[136]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute(void *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_range_attribute arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, CUmem_range_attribute, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRangeGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[137]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes(void **arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmem_range_attribute *arg2, size_t arg3, CUdeviceptr arg4, size_t arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t *, CUmem_range_attribute *, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRangeGetAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[138]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute(const void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuPointerSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[139]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes(unsigned int arg0, CUpointer_attribute *arg1, void **arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUpointer_attribute *, void **, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuPointerGetAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[140]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[141]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream *, unsigned int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCreateWithPriority); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[142]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[143]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[144]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[145]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[146]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[147]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[148]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(CUstreamCaptureMode *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstreamCaptureMode *); + ON_ENTRY(cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[149]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[150]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[151]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[152]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[153]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamQuery_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[154]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[155]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamDestroy_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[156]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[157]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, CUstreamAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[158]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, const CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, const CUstreamAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[159]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate(CUevent *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[160]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecord_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[161]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[162]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventQuery); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[163]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventSynchronize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[164]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventDestroy_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[165]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime(float *arg0, CUevent arg1, CUevent arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUevent, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventElapsedTime); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[166]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory(CUexternalMemory *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalMemory *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuImportExternalMemory); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[167]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[168]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[169]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory(CUexternalMemory arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalMemory); + ON_ENTRY(cuDestroyExternalMemory); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[170]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore(CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuImportExternalSemaphore); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[171]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[172]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[173]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore(CUexternalSemaphore arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalSemaphore); + ON_ENTRY(cuDestroyExternalSemaphore); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[174]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[175]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[176]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[177]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[178]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[179]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute(int *arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, CUfunction arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction_attribute, CUfunction); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[180]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute(CUfunction arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUfunction_attribute, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[181]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig(CUfunction arg0, CUfunc_cache arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUfunc_cache); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetCacheConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[182]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig(CUfunction arg0, CUsharedconfig arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUsharedconfig); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[183]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchKernel_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[184]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[185]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[186]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[187]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetBlockShape); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[188]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetSharedSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[189]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[190]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSeti); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[191]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, float arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, float); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetf); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[192]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetv); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[193]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch(CUfunction arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[194]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchGrid); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[195]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchGridAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[196]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetTexRef); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[197]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate(CUgraph *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[198]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddKernelNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[199]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[200]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[201]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddMemcpyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[202]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[203]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[204]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddMemsetNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[205]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[206]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[207]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddHostNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[208]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphHostNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[209]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphHostNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[210]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUgraph arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddChildGraphNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[211]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[212]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddEmptyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[213]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventRecordNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUevent arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddEventRecordNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[214]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUevent *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[215]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[216]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventWaitNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUevent arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddEventWaitNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[217]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUevent *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[218]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[219]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone(CUgraph *arg0, CUgraph arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph *, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphClone); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[220]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeFindInClone); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[221]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNodeType *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNodeType *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetType); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[222]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[223]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetRootNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[224]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetEdges); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[225]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[226]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[227]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[228]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphRemoveDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[229]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode(CUgraphNode arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphDestroyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[230]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_v2(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphInstantiate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[231]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[232]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[233]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[234]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[235]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[236]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUevent arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[237]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUevent arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[238]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_ptsz(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphUpload_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[239]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphLaunch_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[240]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy(CUgraphExec arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[241]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy(CUgraph arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[242]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecUpdate(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecUpdate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[243]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[244]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute(CUgraphNode arg0, CUkernelNodeAttrID arg1, CUkernelNodeAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUkernelNodeAttrID, CUkernelNodeAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[245]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute(CUgraphNode arg0, CUkernelNodeAttrID arg1, const CUkernelNodeAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUkernelNodeAttrID, const CUkernelNodeAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[246]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[247]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[248]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[249]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5, unsigned int arg6) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[250]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock(size_t *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUfunction, int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[251]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray(CUtexref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUarray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[252]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray(CUtexref arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[253]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2(size_t *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[254]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[255]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat(CUtexref arg0, CUarray_format arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUarray_format, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFormat); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[256]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode(CUtexref arg0, int arg1, CUaddress_mode arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, int, CUaddress_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddressMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[257]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[258]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[259]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias(CUtexref arg0, float arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[260]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp(CUtexref arg0, float arg1, float arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float, float); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[261]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[262]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor(CUtexref arg0, float *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float *); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetBorderColor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[263]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[264]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddress_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[265]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray(CUarray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[266]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[267]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode(CUaddress_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUaddress_mode *, CUtexref, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddressMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[268]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[269]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat(CUarray_format *arg0, int *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray_format *, int *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFormat); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[270]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[271]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[272]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp(float *arg0, float *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, float *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[273]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy(int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[274]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetBorderColor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[275]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[276]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate(CUtexref *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref *); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[277]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy(CUtexref arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[278]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray(CUsurfref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfref, CUarray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfRefSetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[279]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray(CUarray *arg0, CUsurfref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUsurfref); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfRefGetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[280]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate(CUtexObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg2, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[281]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy(CUtexObject arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[282]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[283]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[284]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *, CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[285]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate(CUsurfObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[286]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy(CUsurfObject arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[287]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUsurfObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUsurfObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[288]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *arg0, CUdevice arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceCanAccessPeer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[289]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxEnablePeerAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[290]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDisablePeerAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[291]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[292]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource(CUgraphicsResource arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnregisterResource); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[293]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(CUarray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[294]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[295]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[296]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[297]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[298]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[299]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable(const void **arg0, const CUuuid *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const void **, const CUuuid *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGetExportTable); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[300]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetModule(CUmodule *arg0, CUfunction arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, CUfunction); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncGetModule); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[301]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostRegister); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[302]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[303]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[304]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddData); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[305]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddFile); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[306]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[307]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem(unsigned int *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceTotalMem); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[308]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[309]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetGlobal); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[310]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo(unsigned int *arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetInfo); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[311]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAlloc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[312]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocPitch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[313]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFree); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[314]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUdeviceptr_v1); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAddressRange); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[315]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost(void **arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocHost); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[316]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetDevicePointer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[317]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[318]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[319]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[320]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[321]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[322]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[323]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[324]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUarray arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[325]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[326]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[327]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[328]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[329]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[330]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[331]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[332]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[333]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[334]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[335]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned char arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned char, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[336]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned short arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned short, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[337]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[338]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned char arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[339]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[340]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[341]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[342]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetDescriptor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[343]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[344]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DGetDescriptor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[345]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[346]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[347]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddress); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[348]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[349]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[350]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent(CUcontext *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPopCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[351]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPushCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[352]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[353]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[354]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[355]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[356]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[357]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[358]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[359]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[360]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[361]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[362]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[363]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[364]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[365]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[366]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[367]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[368]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[369]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[370]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[371]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[372]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[373]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[374]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[375]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[376]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[377]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[378]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[379]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[380]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[381]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[382]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[383]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[384]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeerAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[385]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[386]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[387]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[388]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[389]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[390]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[391]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[392]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[393]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetPriority); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[394]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[395]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCtx); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[396]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[397]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAddCallback); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[398]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAttachMemAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[399]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamQuery); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[400]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSynchronize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[401]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecord); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[402]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecordWithFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[403]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchKernel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[404]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchHostFunc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[405]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsMapResources); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[406]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnmapResources); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[407]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[408]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[409]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue64); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[410]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue64); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[411]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBatchMemOp); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[412]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPrefetchAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[413]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[414]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[415]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[416]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[417]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[418]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[419]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamEndCapture); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[420]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamIsCapturing); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[421]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCaptureInfo); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[422]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphUpload); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[423]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphLaunch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[424]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes(CUstream arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCopyAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[425]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, CUstreamAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[426]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, const CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, const CUstreamAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[427]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenMemHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[428]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphInstantiate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[429]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync(CUarrayMapInfo *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarrayMapInfo *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemMapArrayAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[430]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, CUoutput_mode arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const char *, const char *, CUoutput_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerInitialize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[431]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerStart); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[432]); + return f(); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerStop); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[433]); + return f(); +} diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_11.2.h b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_11.2.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..738aef5a994d103a1af2a1cc00b1e0ebca97dd9b --- /dev/null +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda-wrap_11.2.h @@ -0,0 +1,7454 @@ +// generated by wraplib.py +// --- begin functions to be implemented +#ifndef _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +#define _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +#endif +#ifndef _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK +#define _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK +#endif +#ifndef ON_ENTRY +#define ON_ENTRY(x) +#endif +static void* get_library_handle(); +static void* resolve_library_func(void* , const char*); +namespace { +template T on_init_failed(int func_idx); +} +// --- end functions to be implemented +#include +#include +static void load_library(); +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorString_init(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGetErrorString(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorString_error(CUresult, const char **) { + return on_init_failed(0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorName_init(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGetErrorName(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorName_error(CUresult, const char **) { + return on_init_failed(1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuInit_init(unsigned int arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuInit(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuInit_error(unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDriverGetVersion_init(int *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDriverGetVersion(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDriverGetVersion_error(int *) { + return on_init_failed(3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGet_init(CUdevice *arg0, int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGet(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGet_error(CUdevice *, int) { + return on_init_failed(4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetCount_init(int *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetCount(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetCount_error(int *) { + return on_init_failed(5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName_init(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetName(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName_error(char *, int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(6); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid_init(CUuuid *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetUuid(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid_error(CUuuid *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(7); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetLuid_init(char *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetLuid(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetLuid_error(char *, unsigned int *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(8); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_init(size_t *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceTotalMem_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_error(size_t *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth_init(size_t *arg0, CUarray_format arg1, unsigned arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth_error(size_t *, CUarray_format, unsigned, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(10); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUdevice_attribute arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute_error(int *, CUdevice_attribute, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(11); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_init(void *arg0, CUdevice arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_error(void *, CUdevice, int) { + return on_init_failed(12); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceSetMemPool_init(CUdevice arg0, CUmemoryPool arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceSetMemPool(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceSetMemPool_error(CUdevice, CUmemoryPool) { + return on_init_failed(13); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetMemPool_init(CUmemoryPool *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetMemPool(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetMemPool_error(CUmemoryPool *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(14); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetDefaultMemPool_init(CUmemoryPool *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetDefaultMemPool(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetDefaultMemPool_error(CUmemoryPool *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(15); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties_init(CUdevprop *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetProperties(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties_error(CUdevprop *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(16); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceComputeCapability(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability_error(int *, int *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(17); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_init(CUcontext *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_error(CUcontext *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(18); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(19); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2_error(CUdevice, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(20); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int *arg1, int *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_error(CUdevice, unsigned int *, int *) { + return on_init_failed(21); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(22); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxCreate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(23); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDestroy_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(24); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPushCurrent_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(25); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_init(CUcontext *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPopCurrent_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_error(CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(26); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(27); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent_init(CUcontext *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent_error(CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(28); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice_init(CUdevice *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetDevice(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice_error(CUdevice *) { + return on_init_failed(29); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetFlags(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags_error(unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(30); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize_init() { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSynchronize(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize_error() { + return on_init_failed(31); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit_init(CUlimit arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetLimit(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit_error(CUlimit, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(32); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit_init(size_t *arg0, CUlimit arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetLimit(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit_error(size_t *, CUlimit) { + return on_init_failed(33); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig_init(CUfunc_cache *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetCacheConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig_error(CUfunc_cache *) { + return on_init_failed(34); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig_init(CUfunc_cache arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetCacheConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig_error(CUfunc_cache) { + return on_init_failed(35); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_init(CUsharedconfig *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_error(CUsharedconfig *) { + return on_init_failed(36); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_init(CUsharedconfig arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_error(CUsharedconfig) { + return on_init_failed(37); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion_init(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetApiVersion(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion_error(CUcontext, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(38); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_init(int *arg0, int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_error(int *, int *) { + return on_init_failed(39); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache_init() { + load_library(); + return cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache_error() { + return on_init_failed(40); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxAttach(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(41); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDetach(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(42); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad_init(CUmodule *arg0, const char *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoad(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad_error(CUmodule *, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(43); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoadData(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData_error(CUmodule *, const void *) { + return on_init_failed(44); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUjit_option *arg3, void **arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoadDataEx(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx_error(CUmodule *, const void *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(45); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary_init(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleLoadFatBinary(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary_error(CUmodule *, const void *) { + return on_init_failed(46); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload_init(CUmodule arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleUnload(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload_error(CUmodule) { + return on_init_failed(47); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction_init(CUfunction *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetFunction(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction_error(CUfunction *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(48); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetGlobal_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(49); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef_init(CUtexref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetTexRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef_error(CUtexref *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(50); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef_init(CUsurfref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetSurfRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef_error(CUsurfref *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(51); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2_init(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkCreate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2_error(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *) { + return on_init_failed(52); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddData_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(53); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddFile_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(54); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete_init(CUlinkState arg0, void **arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkComplete(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete_error(CUlinkState, void **, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(55); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy_init(CUlinkState arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy_error(CUlinkState) { + return on_init_failed(56); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2_init(size_t *arg0, size_t *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetInfo_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2_error(size_t *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(57); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAlloc_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(58); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocPitch_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, size_t, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(59); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFree_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2_error(CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(60); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAddressRange_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(61); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2_init(void **arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocHost_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2_error(void **, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(62); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost_init(void *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFreeHost(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost_error(void *) { + return on_init_failed(63); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc_init(void **arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostAlloc(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc_error(void **, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(64); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(65); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0, void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostGetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags_error(unsigned int *, void *) { + return on_init_failed(66); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocManaged(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(67); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_init(CUdevice *arg0, const char *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_error(CUdevice *, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(68); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_init(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetPCIBusId(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_error(char *, int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(69); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle_init(CUipcEventHandle *arg0, CUevent arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcGetEventHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle_error(CUipcEventHandle *, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(70); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle_init(CUevent *arg0, CUipcEventHandle arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcOpenEventHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle_error(CUevent *, CUipcEventHandle) { + return on_init_failed(71); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle_init(CUipcMemHandle *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcGetMemHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle_error(CUipcMemHandle *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(72); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(73); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle_init(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcCloseMemHandle(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle_error(CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(74); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostRegister_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2_error(void *, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(75); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister_init(void *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostUnregister(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister_error(void *) { + return on_init_failed(76); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(77); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeer_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(78); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(79); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(80); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(81); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(82); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(83); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(84); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(85); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_error(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(86); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(87); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(88); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(89); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *) { + return on_init_failed(90); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(91); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(92); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(93); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(94); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(95); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(96); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(97); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(98); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(99); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(100); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(101); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(102); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(103); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(104); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(105); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(106); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(107); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(108); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(109); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(110); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(111); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(112); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayCreate_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *) { + return on_init_failed(113); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_init(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_error(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(114); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetSparseProperties_init(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayGetSparseProperties(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetSparseProperties_error(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(115); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties_init(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties_error(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *, CUmipmappedArray) { + return on_init_failed(116); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetPlane_init(CUarray *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayGetPlane(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetPlane_error(CUarray *, CUarray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(117); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy_init(CUarray arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy_error(CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(118); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DCreate_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *) { + return on_init_failed(119); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_init(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_error(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(120); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate_error(CUmipmappedArray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(121); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_init(CUarray *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_error(CUarray *, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(122); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_init(CUmipmappedArray arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMipmappedArrayDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_error(CUmipmappedArray) { + return on_init_failed(123); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressReserve_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAddressReserve(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressReserve_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, size_t, CUdeviceptr, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(124); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressFree_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAddressFree(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressFree_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(125); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemCreate_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemCreate_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, size_t, const CUmemAllocationProp *, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(126); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRelease_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRelease(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRelease_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle) { + return on_init_failed(127); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMap_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemMap(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMap_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, size_t, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(128); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz_init(CUarrayMapInfo *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz_error(CUarrayMapInfo *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(129); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemUnmap_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemUnmap(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemUnmap_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(130); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemSetAccess_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAccessDesc *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemSetAccess(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemSetAccess_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, const CUmemAccessDesc *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(131); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAccess_init(unsigned long long *arg0, const CUmemLocation *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAccess(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAccess_error(unsigned long long *, const CUmemLocation *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(132); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemExportToShareableHandle_init(void *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemExportToShareableHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemExportToShareableHandle_error(void *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(133); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemImportFromShareableHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *, CUmemAllocationHandleType) { + return on_init_failed(134); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_init(size_t *arg0, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg1, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAllocationGranularity(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_error(size_t *, const CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags) { + return on_init_failed(135); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_init(CUmemAllocationProp *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_error(CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle) { + return on_init_failed(136); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRetainAllocationHandle_init(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRetainAllocationHandle(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRetainAllocationHandle_error(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *) { + return on_init_failed(137); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFreeAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(138); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(139); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolTrimTo_init(CUmemoryPool arg0, size_t arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolTrimTo(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolTrimTo_error(CUmemoryPool, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(140); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolSetAttribute_init(CUmemoryPool arg0, CUmemPool_attribute arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolSetAttribute_error(CUmemoryPool, CUmemPool_attribute, void *) { + return on_init_failed(141); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolGetAttribute_init(CUmemoryPool arg0, CUmemPool_attribute arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolGetAttribute_error(CUmemoryPool, CUmemPool_attribute, void *) { + return on_init_failed(142); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolSetAccess_init(CUmemoryPool arg0, const CUmemAccessDesc *arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolSetAccess(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolSetAccess_error(CUmemoryPool, const CUmemAccessDesc *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(143); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolGetAccess_init(CUmemAccess_flags *arg0, CUmemoryPool arg1, CUmemLocation *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolGetAccess(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolGetAccess_error(CUmemAccess_flags *, CUmemoryPool, CUmemLocation *) { + return on_init_failed(144); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolCreate_init(CUmemoryPool *arg0, const CUmemPoolProps *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolCreate_error(CUmemoryPool *, const CUmemPoolProps *) { + return on_init_failed(145); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolDestroy_init(CUmemoryPool arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolDestroy_error(CUmemoryPool) { + return on_init_failed(146); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmemoryPool arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, CUmemoryPool, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(147); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolExportToShareableHandle_init(void *arg0, CUmemoryPool arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolExportToShareableHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolExportToShareableHandle_error(void *, CUmemoryPool, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(148); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle_init(CUmemoryPool *arg0, void *arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle_error(CUmemoryPool *, void *, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long) { + return on_init_failed(149); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolExportPointer_init(CUmemPoolPtrExportData *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolExportPointer(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolExportPointer_error(CUmemPoolPtrExportData *, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(150); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolImportPointer_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUmemoryPool arg1, CUmemPoolPtrExportData *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPoolImportPointer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolImportPointer_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUmemoryPool, CUmemPoolPtrExportData *) { + return on_init_failed(151); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute_init(void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuPointerGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute_error(void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(152); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(153); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_advise arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAdvise(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUmem_advise, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(154); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_range_attribute arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRangeGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute_error(void *, size_t, CUmem_range_attribute, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(155); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes_init(void **arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmem_range_attribute *arg2, size_t arg3, CUdeviceptr arg4, size_t arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemRangeGetAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes_error(void **, size_t *, CUmem_range_attribute *, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(156); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute_init(const void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuPointerSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute_error(const void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(157); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes_init(unsigned int arg0, CUpointer_attribute *arg1, void **arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuPointerGetAttributes(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes_error(unsigned int, CUpointer_attribute *, void **, CUdeviceptr) { + return on_init_failed(158); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate_init(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate_error(CUstream *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(159); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority_init(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCreateWithPriority(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority_error(CUstream *, unsigned int, int) { + return on_init_failed(160); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_error(CUstream, int *) { + return on_init_failed(161); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_error(CUstream, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(162); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(163); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(164); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(165); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode) { + return on_init_failed(166); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_init(CUstreamCaptureMode *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_error(CUstreamCaptureMode *) { + return on_init_failed(167); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(168); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *) { + return on_init_failed(169); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *) { + return on_init_failed(170); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(171); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamQuery_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(172); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(173); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamDestroy_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(174); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(175); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, CUstreamAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(176); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, const CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, const CUstreamAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(177); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate_init(CUevent *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuEventCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate_error(CUevent *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(178); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecord_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz_error(CUevent, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(179); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz_error(CUevent, CUstream, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(180); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventQuery(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(181); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventSynchronize(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(182); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventDestroy_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(183); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime_init(float *arg0, CUevent arg1, CUevent arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuEventElapsedTime(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime_error(float *, CUevent, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(184); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory_init(CUexternalMemory *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuImportExternalMemory(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory_error(CUexternalMemory *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(185); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(186); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(187); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory_init(CUexternalMemory arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDestroyExternalMemory(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory_error(CUexternalMemory) { + return on_init_failed(188); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore_init(CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuImportExternalSemaphore(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore_error(CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(189); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(190); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(191); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_init(CUexternalSemaphore arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDestroyExternalSemaphore(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_error(CUexternalSemaphore) { + return on_init_failed(192); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(193); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(194); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(195); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(196); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_error(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(197); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, CUfunction arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute_error(int *, CUfunction_attribute, CUfunction) { + return on_init_failed(198); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute_init(CUfunction arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute_error(CUfunction, CUfunction_attribute, int) { + return on_init_failed(199); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig_init(CUfunction arg0, CUfunc_cache arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetCacheConfig(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig_error(CUfunction, CUfunc_cache) { + return on_init_failed(200); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_init(CUfunction arg0, CUsharedconfig arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_error(CUfunction, CUsharedconfig) { + return on_init_failed(201); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchKernel_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **) { + return on_init_failed(202); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **) { + return on_init_failed(203); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_init(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_error(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(204); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_error(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *) { + return on_init_failed(205); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetBlockShape(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape_error(CUfunction, int, int, int) { + return on_init_failed(206); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncSetSharedSize(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize_error(CUfunction, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(207); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetSize(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize_error(CUfunction, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(208); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSeti(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti_error(CUfunction, int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(209); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, float arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetf(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf_error(CUfunction, int, float) { + return on_init_failed(210); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetv(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv_error(CUfunction, int, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(211); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch_init(CUfunction arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunch(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch_error(CUfunction) { + return on_init_failed(212); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchGrid(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid_error(CUfunction, int, int) { + return on_init_failed(213); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchGridAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync_error(CUfunction, int, int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(214); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef_init(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuParamSetTexRef(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef_error(CUfunction, int, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(215); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate_init(CUgraph *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate_error(CUgraph *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(216); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddKernelNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(217); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(218); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(219); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddMemcpyNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(220); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(221); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(222); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddMemsetNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(223); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(224); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(225); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddHostNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(226); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphHostNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(227); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphHostNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(228); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUgraph arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddChildGraphNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(229); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(230); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddEmptyNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(231); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventRecordNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUevent arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddEventRecordNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventRecordNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(232); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent_error(CUgraphNode, CUevent *) { + return on_init_failed(233); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent_error(CUgraphNode, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(234); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventWaitNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUevent arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddEventWaitNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventWaitNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(235); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent_error(CUgraphNode, CUevent *) { + return on_init_failed(236); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent_error(CUgraphNode, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(237); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(238); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(239); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(240); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(241); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeGetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeGetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeGetParams_error(CUgraphNode, CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(242); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(243); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone_init(CUgraph *arg0, CUgraph arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphClone(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone_error(CUgraph *, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(244); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone_init(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeFindInClone(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone_error(CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(245); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNodeType *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetType(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNodeType *) { + return on_init_failed(246); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(247); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetRootNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(248); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges_init(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphGetEdges(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges_error(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(249); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(250); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *) { + return on_init_failed(251); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies_init(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphAddDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies_error(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(252); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies_init(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphRemoveDependencies(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies_error(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(253); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode_init(CUgraphNode arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphDestroyNode(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode_error(CUgraphNode) { + return on_init_failed(254); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_v2_init(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphInstantiate_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_v2_error(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(255); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(256); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(257); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(258); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(259); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(260); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUevent arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(261); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUevent arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(262); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(263); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *) { + return on_init_failed(264); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_ptsz_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphUpload_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_ptsz_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(265); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphLaunch_ptsz(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(266); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy_init(CUgraphExec arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy_error(CUgraphExec) { + return on_init_failed(267); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy_init(CUgraph arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy_error(CUgraph) { + return on_init_failed(268); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecUpdate_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphExecUpdate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecUpdate_error(CUgraphExec, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *) { + return on_init_failed(269); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes_error(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode) { + return on_init_failed(270); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUkernelNodeAttrID arg1, CUkernelNodeAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute_error(CUgraphNode, CUkernelNodeAttrID, CUkernelNodeAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(271); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute_init(CUgraphNode arg0, CUkernelNodeAttrID arg1, const CUkernelNodeAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute_error(CUgraphNode, CUkernelNodeAttrID, const CUkernelNodeAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(272); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_init(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_error(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(273); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_init(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_error(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(274); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_error(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int) { + return on_init_failed(275); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_init(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5, unsigned int arg6) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_error(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(276); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock_init(size_t *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock_error(size_t *, CUfunction, int, int) { + return on_init_failed(277); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray_init(CUtexref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray_error(CUtexref, CUarray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(278); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_init(CUtexref arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_error(CUtexref, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(279); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_init(size_t *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_error(size_t *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(280); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(281); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat_init(CUtexref arg0, CUarray_format arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetFormat(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat_error(CUtexref, CUarray_format, int) { + return on_init_failed(282); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode_init(CUtexref arg0, int arg1, CUaddress_mode arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddressMode(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode_error(CUtexref, int, CUaddress_mode) { + return on_init_failed(283); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode_init(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode_error(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode) { + return on_init_failed(284); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_init(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_error(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode) { + return on_init_failed(285); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_init(CUtexref arg0, float arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_error(CUtexref, float) { + return on_init_failed(286); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_init(CUtexref arg0, float arg1, float arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_error(CUtexref, float, float) { + return on_init_failed(287); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_init(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_error(CUtexref, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(288); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor_init(CUtexref arg0, float *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetBorderColor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor_error(CUtexref, float *) { + return on_init_failed(289); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags_init(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags_error(CUtexref, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(290); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetAddress_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(291); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray_error(CUarray *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(292); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(293); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode_init(CUaddress_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1, int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetAddressMode(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode_error(CUaddress_mode *, CUtexref, int) { + return on_init_failed(294); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode_init(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode_error(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(295); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat_init(CUarray_format *arg0, int *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetFormat(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat_error(CUarray_format *, int *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(296); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_init(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_error(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(297); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_init(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_error(float *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(298); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_init(float *arg0, float *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_error(float *, float *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(299); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_init(int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_error(int *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(300); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor_init(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetBorderColor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor_error(float *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(301); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags_error(unsigned int *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(302); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate_init(CUtexref *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefCreate(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate_error(CUtexref *) { + return on_init_failed(303); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy_init(CUtexref arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy_error(CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(304); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray_init(CUsurfref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfRefSetArray(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray_error(CUsurfref, CUarray, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(305); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUsurfref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfRefGetArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray_error(CUarray *, CUsurfref) { + return on_init_failed(306); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate_init(CUtexObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg2, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate_error(CUtexObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(307); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy_init(CUtexObject arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy_error(CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(308); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(309); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_init(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_error(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(310); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *, CUtexObject) { + return on_init_failed(311); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate_init(CUsurfObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfObjectCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate_error(CUsurfObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *) { + return on_init_failed(312); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy_init(CUsurfObject arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfObjectDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy_error(CUsurfObject) { + return on_init_failed(313); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_init(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUsurfObject arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_error(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUsurfObject) { + return on_init_failed(314); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_init(int *arg0, CUdevice arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceCanAccessPeer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_error(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(315); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_init(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxEnablePeerAccess(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_error(CUcontext, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(316); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDisablePeerAccess(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(317); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(318); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsUnregisterResource(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_error(CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(319); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_init(CUarray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_error(CUarray *, CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(320); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_init(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_error(CUmipmappedArray *, CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(321); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(322); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_error(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(323); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(324); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(325); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable_init(const void **arg0, const CUuuid *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGetExportTable(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable_error(const void **, const CUuuid *) { + return on_init_failed(326); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetModule_init(CUmodule *arg0, CUfunction arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuFuncGetModule(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetModule_error(CUmodule *, CUfunction) { + return on_init_failed(327); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_init(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostRegister(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_error(void *, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(328); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_init(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_error(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(329); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_init(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_error(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *) { + return on_init_failed(330); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddData(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(331); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_init(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuLinkAddFile(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_error(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **) { + return on_init_failed(332); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(333); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDeviceTotalMem(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_error(unsigned int *, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(334); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_init(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxCreate(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_error(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(335); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuModuleGetGlobal(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUmodule, const char *) { + return on_init_failed(336); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_init(unsigned int *arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetInfo(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_error(unsigned int *, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(337); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAlloc(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(338); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocPitch(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(339); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFree(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_error(CUdeviceptr_v1) { + return on_init_failed(340); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemGetAddressRange(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUdeviceptr_v1) { + return on_init_failed(341); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_init(void **arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocHost(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_error(void **, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(342); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(343); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(344); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoH(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_error(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(345); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(346); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(347); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoD(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(348); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(349); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoH(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_error(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(350); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUarray arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoA(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_error(CUarray, unsigned int, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(351); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_init(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_error(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(352); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_error(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(353); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2D(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(354); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(355); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3D(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(356); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(357); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_error(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(358); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(359); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(360); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(361); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned char arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned char, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(362); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned short arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned short, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(363); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(364); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned char arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(365); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(366); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_error(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(367); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(368); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_init(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArrayGetDescriptor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_error(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(369); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_init(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DCreate(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_error(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *) { + return on_init_failed(370); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_init(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuArray3DGetDescriptor(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_error(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray) { + return on_init_failed(371); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_init(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_error(unsigned int *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(372); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_init(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefSetAddress2D(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_error(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(373); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuTexRefGetAddress(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, CUtexref) { + return on_init_failed(374); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_init(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_error(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUgraphicsResource) { + return on_init_failed(375); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(376); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_init(CUcontext *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPopCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_error(CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(377); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_init(CUcontext arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuCtxPushCurrent(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_error(CUcontext) { + return on_init_failed(378); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(379); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_init(CUevent arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuEventDestroy(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_error(CUevent) { + return on_init_failed(380); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(381); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_init(CUdevice arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_error(CUdevice) { + return on_init_failed(382); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_init(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_error(CUdevice, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(383); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(384); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoH_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(385); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(386); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(387); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoD_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(388); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(389); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoH_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(390); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoA_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(391); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_init(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_error(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(392); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_init(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_error(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(393); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2D_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(394); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *) { + return on_init_failed(395); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3D_v2(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *) { + return on_init_failed(396); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(397); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_init(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_error(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(398); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(399); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(400); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(401); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(402); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(403); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(404); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(405); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(406); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32_v2(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(407); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(408); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(409); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeer(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(410); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpyPeerAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(411); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeer(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *) { + return on_init_failed(412); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_init(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_error(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(413); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD8Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(414); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD16Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(415); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD32Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_error(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(416); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D8Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(417); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D16Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(418); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + load_library(); + return cuMemsetD2D32Async(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(419); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_init(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetPriority(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_error(CUstream, int *) { + return on_init_failed(420); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetFlags(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_error(CUstream, unsigned int *) { + return on_init_failed(421); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_init(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCtx(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_error(CUstream, CUcontext *) { + return on_init_failed(422); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_init(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitEvent(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_error(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(423); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAddCallback(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_error(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(424); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamAttachMemAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(425); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamQuery(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(426); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSynchronize(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(427); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecord(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_error(CUevent, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(428); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_init(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuEventRecordWithFlags(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_error(CUevent, CUstream, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(429); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchKernel(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **) { + return on_init_failed(430); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_init(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchHostFunc(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_error(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *) { + return on_init_failed(431); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsMapResources(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(432); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_init(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphicsUnmapResources(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_error(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(433); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(434); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue32(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(435); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWriteValue64(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(436); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_init(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamWaitValue64(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_error(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(437); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_init(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBatchMemOp(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_error(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(438); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemPrefetchAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(439); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_init(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + load_library(); + return cuLaunchCooperativeKernel(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_error(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **) { + return on_init_failed(440); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(441); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_init(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_error(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(442); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(443); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_init(CUstream arg0) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz(arg0); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_error(CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(444); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamBeginCapture_v2(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode) { + return on_init_failed(445); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_init(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamEndCapture(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_error(CUstream, CUgraph *) { + return on_init_failed(446); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamIsCapturing(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *) { + return on_init_failed(447); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetCaptureInfo(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_error(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *) { + return on_init_failed(448); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphUpload(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(449); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_init(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphLaunch(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_error(CUgraphExec, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(450); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_init(CUstream arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamCopyAttributes(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_error(CUstream, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(451); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamGetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_error(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, CUstreamAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(452); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_init(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, const CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuStreamSetAttribute(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_error(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, const CUstreamAttrValue *) { + return on_init_failed(453); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuIpcOpenMemHandle(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_error(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int) { + return on_init_failed(454); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_init(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + load_library(); + return cuGraphInstantiate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_error(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t) { + return on_init_failed(455); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_init(CUarrayMapInfo *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemMapArrayAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_error(CUarrayMapInfo *, unsigned int, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(456); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeAsync_init(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUstream arg1) { + load_library(); + return cuMemFreeAsync(arg0, arg1); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeAsync_error(CUdeviceptr, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(457); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocAsync_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, CUstream arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocAsync_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(458); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_init(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmemoryPool arg2, CUstream arg3) { + load_library(); + return cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_error(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, CUmemoryPool, CUstream) { + return on_init_failed(459); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize_init(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, CUoutput_mode arg2) { + load_library(); + return cuProfilerInitialize(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize_error(const char *, const char *, CUoutput_mode) { + return on_init_failed(460); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart_init() { + load_library(); + return cuProfilerStart(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart_error() { + return on_init_failed(461); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop_init() { + load_library(); + return cuProfilerStop(); +} +static CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop_error() { + return on_init_failed(462); +} +static constexpr size_t NR_FUNC = 463; +static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_init), + (void*)(&cuGetErrorName_init), + (void*)(&cuInit_init), + (void*)(&cuDriverGetVersion_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGet_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetCount_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetName_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetUuid_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetLuid_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceSetMemPool_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetMemPool_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetDefaultMemPool_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetProperties_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceComputeCapability_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetDevice_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSynchronize_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetLimit_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetLimit_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCacheConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCacheConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetApiVersion_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxAttach_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDetach_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoad_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadData_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadDataEx_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadFatBinary_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleUnload_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetFunction_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetTexRef_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetSurfRef_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkComplete_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeHost_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostAlloc_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocManaged_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetEventHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenEventHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetMemHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcCloseMemHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostUnregister_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetSparseProperties_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetPlane_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_init), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressReserve_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressFree_init), + (void*)(&cuMemCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRelease_init), + (void*)(&cuMemMap_init), + (void*)(&cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemUnmap_init), + (void*)(&cuMemSetAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuMemExportToShareableHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRetainAllocationHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolTrimTo_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolSetAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolGetAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolExportToShareableHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolExportPointer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolImportPointer_init), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAdvise_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuPointerSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreateWithPriority_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuEventCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuEventQuery_init), + (void*)(&cuEventSynchronize_init), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuEventElapsedTime_init), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalMemory_init), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_init), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalMemory_init), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalSemaphore_init), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetCacheConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetBlockShape_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedSize_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetSize_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSeti_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetf_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetv_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunch_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGrid_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGridAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuParamSetTexRef_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddKernelNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemsetNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddHostNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEmptyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEventRecordNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEventWaitNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeGetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphClone_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeFindInClone_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetType_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetRootNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetEdges_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphRemoveDependencies_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroyNode_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphUpload_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecUpdate_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFormat_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddressMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetBorderColor_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddressMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFormat_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetBorderColor_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefSetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefGetArray_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuGetExportTable_init), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetModule_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_init), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_init), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_init), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_init), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_init), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_init), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_init), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_init), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_init), + (void*)(&cuEventRecordWithFlags_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_init), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_init), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphUpload_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamCopyAttributes_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuStreamSetAttribute_init), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_init), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_init), + (void*)(&cuMemMapArrayAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_init), + (void*)(&cuProfilerInitialize_init), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStart_init), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStop_init)}; +static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&cuGetErrorString_error), + (void*)(&cuGetErrorName_error), + (void*)(&cuInit_error), + (void*)(&cuDriverGetVersion_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGet_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetCount_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetName_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetUuid_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetLuid_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceSetMemPool_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetMemPool_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetDefaultMemPool_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetProperties_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceComputeCapability_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetDevice_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSynchronize_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetLimit_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetLimit_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetCacheConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetCacheConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetApiVersion_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxAttach_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDetach_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoad_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadData_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadDataEx_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleLoadFatBinary_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleUnload_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetFunction_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetTexRef_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetSurfRef_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkComplete_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeHost_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostAlloc_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocManaged_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetPCIBusId_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetEventHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenEventHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcGetMemHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcCloseMemHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostUnregister_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetSparseProperties_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetPlane_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel_error), + (void*)(&cuMipmappedArrayDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressReserve_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAddressFree_error), + (void*)(&cuMemCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRelease_error), + (void*)(&cuMemMap_error), + (void*)(&cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemUnmap_error), + (void*)(&cuMemSetAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuMemExportToShareableHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemImportFromShareableHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationGranularity_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRetainAllocationHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolTrimTo_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolSetAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolGetAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolExportToShareableHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolExportPointer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPoolImportPointer_error), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAdvise_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuMemRangeGetAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuPointerSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuPointerGetAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCreateWithPriority_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuEventCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuEventQuery_error), + (void*)(&cuEventSynchronize_error), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuEventElapsedTime_error), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalMemory_error), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer_error), + (void*)(&cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalMemory_error), + (void*)(&cuImportExternalSemaphore_error), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuDestroyExternalSemaphore_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetCacheConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetBlockShape_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncSetSharedSize_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetSize_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSeti_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetf_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetv_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunch_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGrid_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchGridAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuParamSetTexRef_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddKernelNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemcpyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddMemsetNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddHostNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphHostNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddChildGraphNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEmptyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEventRecordNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddEventWaitNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeGetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphClone_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeFindInClone_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetType_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetRootNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphGetEdges_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphAddDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphRemoveDependencies_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroyNode_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphUpload_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphExecUpdate_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFormat_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddressMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetBorderColor_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddressMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFormat_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetBorderColor_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefSetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfRefGetArray_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceCanAccessPeer_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxEnablePeerAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDisablePeerAccess_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnregisterResource_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuGetExportTable_error), + (void*)(&cuFuncGetModule_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostRegister_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddData_error), + (void*)(&cuLinkAddFile_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuDeviceTotalMem_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuModuleGetGlobal_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetInfo_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAlloc_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocPitch_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFree_error), + (void*)(&cuMemGetAddressRange_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocHost_error), + (void*)(&cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuArrayGetDescriptor_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DCreate_error), + (void*)(&cuArray3DGetDescriptor_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefSetAddress2D_error), + (void*)(&cuTexRefGetAddress_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPopCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuCtxPushCurrent_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuEventDestroy_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_error), + (void*)(&cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2D_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3D_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpyPeerAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeer_error), + (void*)(&cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD8Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD16Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD32Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D8Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D16Async_error), + (void*)(&cuMemsetD2D32Async_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetPriority_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCtx_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitEvent_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAddCallback_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamAttachMemAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamQuery_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSynchronize_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecord_error), + (void*)(&cuEventRecordWithFlags_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchKernel_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchHostFunc_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsMapResources_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphicsUnmapResources_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue32_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue32_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWriteValue64_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamWaitValue64_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBatchMemOp_error), + (void*)(&cuMemPrefetchAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_error), + (void*)(&cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamEndCapture_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamIsCapturing_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphUpload_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphLaunch_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamCopyAttributes_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamGetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuStreamSetAttribute_error), + (void*)(&cuIpcOpenMemHandle_error), + (void*)(&cuGraphInstantiate_error), + (void*)(&cuMemMapArrayAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemFreeAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_error), + (void*)(&cuProfilerInitialize_error), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStart_error), + (void*)(&cuProfilerStop_error)}; +static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"cuGetErrorString", + "cuGetErrorName", + "cuInit", + "cuDriverGetVersion", + "cuDeviceGet", + "cuDeviceGetCount", + "cuDeviceGetName", + "cuDeviceGetUuid", + "cuDeviceGetLuid", + "cuDeviceTotalMem_v2", + "cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth", + "cuDeviceGetAttribute", + "cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes", + "cuDeviceSetMemPool", + "cuDeviceGetMemPool", + "cuDeviceGetDefaultMemPool", + "cuDeviceGetProperties", + "cuDeviceComputeCapability", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2", + "cuCtxCreate_v2", + "cuCtxDestroy_v2", + "cuCtxPushCurrent_v2", + "cuCtxPopCurrent_v2", + "cuCtxSetCurrent", + "cuCtxGetCurrent", + "cuCtxGetDevice", + "cuCtxGetFlags", + "cuCtxSynchronize", + "cuCtxSetLimit", + "cuCtxGetLimit", + "cuCtxGetCacheConfig", + "cuCtxSetCacheConfig", + "cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig", + "cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig", + "cuCtxGetApiVersion", + "cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange", + "cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache", + "cuCtxAttach", + "cuCtxDetach", + "cuModuleLoad", + "cuModuleLoadData", + "cuModuleLoadDataEx", + "cuModuleLoadFatBinary", + "cuModuleUnload", + "cuModuleGetFunction", + "cuModuleGetGlobal_v2", + "cuModuleGetTexRef", + "cuModuleGetSurfRef", + "cuLinkCreate_v2", + "cuLinkAddData_v2", + "cuLinkAddFile_v2", + "cuLinkComplete", + "cuLinkDestroy", + "cuMemGetInfo_v2", + "cuMemAlloc_v2", + "cuMemAllocPitch_v2", + "cuMemFree_v2", + "cuMemGetAddressRange_v2", + "cuMemAllocHost_v2", + "cuMemFreeHost", + "cuMemHostAlloc", + "cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2", + "cuMemHostGetFlags", + "cuMemAllocManaged", + "cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId", + "cuDeviceGetPCIBusId", + "cuIpcGetEventHandle", + "cuIpcOpenEventHandle", + "cuIpcGetMemHandle", + "cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2", + "cuIpcCloseMemHandle", + "cuMemHostRegister_v2", + "cuMemHostUnregister", + "cuMemcpy_ptds", + "cuMemcpyPeer_ptds", + "cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds", + "cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds", + "cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz", + "cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds", + "cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz", + "cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz", + "cuArrayCreate_v2", + "cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2", + "cuArrayGetSparseProperties", + "cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties", + "cuArrayGetPlane", + "cuArrayDestroy", + "cuArray3DCreate_v2", + "cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2", + "cuMipmappedArrayCreate", + "cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel", + "cuMipmappedArrayDestroy", + "cuMemAddressReserve", + "cuMemAddressFree", + "cuMemCreate", + "cuMemRelease", + "cuMemMap", + "cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemUnmap", + "cuMemSetAccess", + "cuMemGetAccess", + "cuMemExportToShareableHandle", + "cuMemImportFromShareableHandle", + "cuMemGetAllocationGranularity", + "cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle", + "cuMemRetainAllocationHandle", + "cuMemFreeAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemAllocAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemPoolTrimTo", + "cuMemPoolSetAttribute", + "cuMemPoolGetAttribute", + "cuMemPoolSetAccess", + "cuMemPoolGetAccess", + "cuMemPoolCreate", + "cuMemPoolDestroy", + "cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemPoolExportToShareableHandle", + "cuMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle", + "cuMemPoolExportPointer", + "cuMemPoolImportPointer", + "cuPointerGetAttribute", + "cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz", + "cuMemAdvise", + "cuMemRangeGetAttribute", + "cuMemRangeGetAttributes", + "cuPointerSetAttribute", + "cuPointerGetAttributes", + "cuStreamCreate", + "cuStreamCreateWithPriority", + "cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz", + "cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz", + "cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz", + "cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode", + "cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz", + "cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz", + "cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz", + "cuStreamQuery_ptsz", + "cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz", + "cuStreamDestroy_v2", + "cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz", + "cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz", + "cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz", + "cuEventCreate", + "cuEventRecord_ptsz", + "cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz", + "cuEventQuery", + "cuEventSynchronize", + "cuEventDestroy_v2", + "cuEventElapsedTime", + "cuImportExternalMemory", + "cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer", + "cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray", + "cuDestroyExternalMemory", + "cuImportExternalSemaphore", + "cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz", + "cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz", + "cuDestroyExternalSemaphore", + "cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz", + "cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz", + "cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz", + "cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz", + "cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz", + "cuFuncGetAttribute", + "cuFuncSetAttribute", + "cuFuncSetCacheConfig", + "cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig", + "cuLaunchKernel_ptsz", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice", + "cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz", + "cuFuncSetBlockShape", + "cuFuncSetSharedSize", + "cuParamSetSize", + "cuParamSeti", + "cuParamSetf", + "cuParamSetv", + "cuLaunch", + "cuLaunchGrid", + "cuLaunchGridAsync", + "cuParamSetTexRef", + "cuGraphCreate", + "cuGraphAddKernelNode", + "cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddMemcpyNode", + "cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddMemsetNode", + "cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddHostNode", + "cuGraphHostNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphHostNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddChildGraphNode", + "cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph", + "cuGraphAddEmptyNode", + "cuGraphAddEventRecordNode", + "cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent", + "cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent", + "cuGraphAddEventWaitNode", + "cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent", + "cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent", + "cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode", + "cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode", + "cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeGetParams", + "cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphClone", + "cuGraphNodeFindInClone", + "cuGraphNodeGetType", + "cuGraphGetNodes", + "cuGraphGetRootNodes", + "cuGraphGetEdges", + "cuGraphNodeGetDependencies", + "cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes", + "cuGraphAddDependencies", + "cuGraphRemoveDependencies", + "cuGraphDestroyNode", + "cuGraphInstantiate_v2", + "cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent", + "cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent", + "cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams", + "cuGraphUpload_ptsz", + "cuGraphLaunch_ptsz", + "cuGraphExecDestroy", + "cuGraphDestroy", + "cuGraphExecUpdate", + "cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes", + "cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute", + "cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute", + "cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor", + "cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags", + "cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize", + "cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags", + "cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock", + "cuTexRefSetArray", + "cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray", + "cuTexRefSetAddress_v2", + "cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3", + "cuTexRefSetFormat", + "cuTexRefSetAddressMode", + "cuTexRefSetFilterMode", + "cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode", + "cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias", + "cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp", + "cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy", + "cuTexRefSetBorderColor", + "cuTexRefSetFlags", + "cuTexRefGetAddress_v2", + "cuTexRefGetArray", + "cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray", + "cuTexRefGetAddressMode", + "cuTexRefGetFilterMode", + "cuTexRefGetFormat", + "cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode", + "cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias", + "cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp", + "cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy", + "cuTexRefGetBorderColor", + "cuTexRefGetFlags", + "cuTexRefCreate", + "cuTexRefDestroy", + "cuSurfRefSetArray", + "cuSurfRefGetArray", + "cuTexObjectCreate", + "cuTexObjectDestroy", + "cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc", + "cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc", + "cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc", + "cuSurfObjectCreate", + "cuSurfObjectDestroy", + "cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc", + "cuDeviceCanAccessPeer", + "cuCtxEnablePeerAccess", + "cuCtxDisablePeerAccess", + "cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute", + "cuGraphicsUnregisterResource", + "cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray", + "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray", + "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2", + "cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2", + "cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz", + "cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz", + "cuGetExportTable", + "cuFuncGetModule", + "cuMemHostRegister", + "cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags", + "cuLinkCreate", + "cuLinkAddData", + "cuLinkAddFile", + "cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2", + "cuDeviceTotalMem", + "cuCtxCreate", + "cuModuleGetGlobal", + "cuMemGetInfo", + "cuMemAlloc", + "cuMemAllocPitch", + "cuMemFree", + "cuMemGetAddressRange", + "cuMemAllocHost", + "cuMemHostGetDevicePointer", + "cuMemcpyHtoD", + "cuMemcpyDtoH", + "cuMemcpyDtoD", + "cuMemcpyDtoA", + "cuMemcpyAtoD", + "cuMemcpyHtoA", + "cuMemcpyAtoH", + "cuMemcpyAtoA", + "cuMemcpyHtoAAsync", + "cuMemcpyAtoHAsync", + "cuMemcpy2D", + "cuMemcpy2DUnaligned", + "cuMemcpy3D", + "cuMemcpyHtoDAsync", + "cuMemcpyDtoHAsync", + "cuMemcpyDtoDAsync", + "cuMemcpy2DAsync", + "cuMemcpy3DAsync", + "cuMemsetD8", + "cuMemsetD16", + "cuMemsetD32", + "cuMemsetD2D8", + "cuMemsetD2D16", + "cuMemsetD2D32", + "cuArrayCreate", + "cuArrayGetDescriptor", + "cuArray3DCreate", + "cuArray3DGetDescriptor", + "cuTexRefSetAddress", + "cuTexRefSetAddress2D", + "cuTexRefGetAddress", + "cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer", + "cuCtxDestroy", + "cuCtxPopCurrent", + "cuCtxPushCurrent", + "cuStreamDestroy", + "cuEventDestroy", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset", + "cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags", + "cuMemcpyHtoD_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoH_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoD_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoA_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoD_v2", + "cuMemcpyHtoA_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoH_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoA_v2", + "cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpy2D_v2", + "cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2", + "cuMemcpy3D_v2", + "cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2", + "cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2", + "cuMemsetD8_v2", + "cuMemsetD16_v2", + "cuMemsetD32_v2", + "cuMemsetD2D8_v2", + "cuMemsetD2D16_v2", + "cuMemsetD2D32_v2", + "cuMemcpy", + "cuMemcpyAsync", + "cuMemcpyPeer", + "cuMemcpyPeerAsync", + "cuMemcpy3DPeer", + "cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync", + "cuMemsetD8Async", + "cuMemsetD16Async", + "cuMemsetD32Async", + "cuMemsetD2D8Async", + "cuMemsetD2D16Async", + "cuMemsetD2D32Async", + "cuStreamGetPriority", + "cuStreamGetFlags", + "cuStreamGetCtx", + "cuStreamWaitEvent", + "cuStreamAddCallback", + "cuStreamAttachMemAsync", + "cuStreamQuery", + "cuStreamSynchronize", + "cuEventRecord", + "cuEventRecordWithFlags", + "cuLaunchKernel", + "cuLaunchHostFunc", + "cuGraphicsMapResources", + "cuGraphicsUnmapResources", + "cuStreamWriteValue32", + "cuStreamWaitValue32", + "cuStreamWriteValue64", + "cuStreamWaitValue64", + "cuStreamBatchMemOp", + "cuMemPrefetchAsync", + "cuLaunchCooperativeKernel", + "cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync", + "cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync", + "cuStreamBeginCapture", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz", + "cuStreamBeginCapture_v2", + "cuStreamEndCapture", + "cuStreamIsCapturing", + "cuStreamGetCaptureInfo", + "cuGraphUpload", + "cuGraphLaunch", + "cuStreamCopyAttributes", + "cuStreamGetAttribute", + "cuStreamSetAttribute", + "cuIpcOpenMemHandle", + "cuGraphInstantiate", + "cuMemMapArrayAsync", + "cuMemFreeAsync", + "cuMemAllocAsync", + "cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync", + "cuProfilerInitialize", + "cuProfilerStart", + "cuProfilerStop"}; + +static void load_library() { + static bool done = false; + static std::mutex mtx; + std::lock_guard lg{mtx}; + + if (done) + return; + + void* handle = get_library_handle(); + for (size_t i = 0; i < NR_FUNC; ++i) { + void* func; + if (!handle) { + func = nullptr; + } else { + func = resolve_library_func(handle, g_func_name[i]); + } + if (!func) { + func = g_func_table_error[i]; + } + __atomic_store_n(g_func_table + i, func, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); + } + done = true; +} + +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorString(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUresult, const char **); + ON_ENTRY(cuGetErrorString); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[0]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetErrorName(CUresult arg0, const char **arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUresult, const char **); + ON_ENTRY(cuGetErrorName); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[1]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuInit(unsigned int arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuInit); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[2]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDriverGetVersion(int *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDriverGetVersion); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[3]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGet(CUdevice *arg0, int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGet); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[4]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetCount(int *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetCount); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[5]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetName(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(char *, int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetName); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[6]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetUuid(CUuuid *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUuuid *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetUuid); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[7]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetLuid(char *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(char *, unsigned int *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetLuid); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[8]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem_v2(size_t *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceTotalMem_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[9]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth(size_t *arg0, CUarray_format arg1, unsigned arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUarray_format, unsigned, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[10]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetAttribute(int *arg0, CUdevice_attribute arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice_attribute, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[11]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes(void *arg0, CUdevice arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdevice, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[12]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceSetMemPool(CUdevice arg0, CUmemoryPool arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, CUmemoryPool); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceSetMemPool); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[13]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetMemPool(CUmemoryPool *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemoryPool *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetMemPool); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[14]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetDefaultMemPool(CUmemoryPool *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemoryPool *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetDefaultMemPool); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[15]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetProperties(CUdevprop *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevprop *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetProperties); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[16]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceComputeCapability(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceComputeCapability); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[17]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(CUcontext *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[18]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[19]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[20]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int *arg1, int *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int *, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[21]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[22]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate_v2(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[23]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy_v2(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDestroy_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[24]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent_v2(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPushCurrent_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[25]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent_v2(CUcontext *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPopCurrent_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[26]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCurrent(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[27]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCurrent(CUcontext *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[28]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetDevice(CUdevice *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetDevice); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[29]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[30]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSynchronize() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSynchronize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[31]); + return f(); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetLimit(CUlimit arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlimit, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetLimit); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[32]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetLimit(size_t *arg0, CUlimit arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUlimit); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetLimit); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[33]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunc_cache *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetCacheConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[34]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunc_cache); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetCacheConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[35]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig(CUsharedconfig *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsharedconfig *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[36]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig(CUsharedconfig arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsharedconfig); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[37]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetApiVersion(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetApiVersion); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[38]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange(int *arg0, int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[39]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[40]); + return f(); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxAttach(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxAttach); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[41]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDetach(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDetach); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[42]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoad(CUmodule *arg0, const char *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoad); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[43]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadData(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadData); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[44]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadDataEx(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUjit_option *arg3, void **arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadDataEx); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[45]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleLoadFatBinary(CUmodule *arg0, const void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, const void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleLoadFatBinary); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[46]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleUnload(CUmodule arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleUnload); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[47]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetFunction(CUfunction *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetFunction); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[48]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetGlobal_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[49]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetTexRef(CUtexref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetTexRef); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[50]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetSurfRef(CUsurfref *arg0, CUmodule arg1, const char *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfref *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetSurfRef); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[51]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate_v2(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[52]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData_v2(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddData_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[53]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile_v2(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddFile_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[54]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkComplete(CUlinkState arg0, void **arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, void **, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkComplete); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[55]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkDestroy(CUlinkState arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[56]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo_v2(size_t *arg0, size_t *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetInfo_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[57]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAlloc_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[58]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, size_t, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocPitch_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[59]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFree_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[60]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAddressRange_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[61]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost_v2(void **arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocHost_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[62]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeHost(void *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFreeHost); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[63]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostAlloc(void **arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostAlloc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[64]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetDevicePointer_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[65]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0, void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[66]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocManaged(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocManaged); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[67]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId(CUdevice *arg0, const char *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice *, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[68]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetPCIBusId(char *arg0, int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(char *, int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetPCIBusId); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[69]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetEventHandle(CUipcEventHandle *arg0, CUevent arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUipcEventHandle *, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcGetEventHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[70]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenEventHandle(CUevent *arg0, CUipcEventHandle arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent *, CUipcEventHandle); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenEventHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[71]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcGetMemHandle(CUipcMemHandle *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUipcMemHandle *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcGetMemHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[72]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenMemHandle_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[73]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcCloseMemHandle(CUdeviceptr arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcCloseMemHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[74]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister_v2(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostRegister_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[75]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostUnregister(void *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostUnregister); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[76]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[77]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeer_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[78]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[79]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[80]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[81]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[82]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[83]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[84]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[85]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[86]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[87]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[88]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[89]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeer_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[90]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[91]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeerAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[92]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[93]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[94]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[95]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[96]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[97]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[98]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[99]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[100]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[101]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[102]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[103]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[104]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[105]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32_v2_ptds); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[106]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[107]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[108]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[109]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[110]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[111]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32Async_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[112]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate_v2(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[113]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[114]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetSparseProperties(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetSparseProperties); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[115]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_SPARSE_PROPERTIES *, CUmipmappedArray); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[116]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetPlane(CUarray *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUarray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetPlane); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[117]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayDestroy(CUarray arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[118]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate_v2(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DCreate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[119]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[120]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayCreate(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[121]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel(CUarray *arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[122]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMipmappedArrayDestroy(CUmipmappedArray arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray); + ON_ENTRY(cuMipmappedArrayDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[123]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressReserve(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, size_t, CUdeviceptr, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAddressReserve); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[124]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAddressFree(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAddressFree); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[125]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemCreate(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, size_t, const CUmemAllocationProp *, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[126]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRelease(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRelease); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[127]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMap(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg3, unsigned long long arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, size_t, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemMap); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[128]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz(CUarrayMapInfo *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarrayMapInfo *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemMapArrayAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[129]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemUnmap(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemUnmap); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[130]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemSetAccess(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, const CUmemAccessDesc *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, const CUmemAccessDesc *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemSetAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[131]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAccess(unsigned long long *arg0, const CUmemLocation *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned long long *, const CUmemLocation *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[132]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemExportToShareableHandle(void *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemExportToShareableHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[133]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemImportFromShareableHandle(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *, CUmemAllocationHandleType); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemImportFromShareableHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[134]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationGranularity(size_t *arg0, const CUmemAllocationProp *arg1, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, const CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAllocationGranularity); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[135]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle(CUmemAllocationProp *arg0, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemAllocationProp *, CUmemGenericAllocationHandle); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[136]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRetainAllocationHandle(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *arg0, void *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemGenericAllocationHandle *, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRetainAllocationHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[137]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFreeAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[138]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[139]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolTrimTo(CUmemoryPool arg0, size_t arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemoryPool, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolTrimTo); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[140]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolSetAttribute(CUmemoryPool arg0, CUmemPool_attribute arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemoryPool, CUmemPool_attribute, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[141]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolGetAttribute(CUmemoryPool arg0, CUmemPool_attribute arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemoryPool, CUmemPool_attribute, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[142]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolSetAccess(CUmemoryPool arg0, const CUmemAccessDesc *arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemoryPool, const CUmemAccessDesc *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolSetAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[143]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolGetAccess(CUmemAccess_flags *arg0, CUmemoryPool arg1, CUmemLocation *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemAccess_flags *, CUmemoryPool, CUmemLocation *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolGetAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[144]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolCreate(CUmemoryPool *arg0, const CUmemPoolProps *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemoryPool *, const CUmemPoolProps *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[145]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolDestroy(CUmemoryPool arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemoryPool); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[146]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmemoryPool arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, CUmemoryPool, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[147]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolExportToShareableHandle(void *arg0, CUmemoryPool arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUmemoryPool, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolExportToShareableHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[148]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle(CUmemoryPool *arg0, void *arg1, CUmemAllocationHandleType arg2, unsigned long long arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemoryPool *, void *, CUmemAllocationHandleType, unsigned long long); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[149]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolExportPointer(CUmemPoolPtrExportData *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmemPoolPtrExportData *, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolExportPointer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[150]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPoolImportPointer(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUmemoryPool arg1, CUmemPoolPtrExportData *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUmemoryPool, CUmemPoolPtrExportData *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPoolImportPointer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[151]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttribute(void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuPointerGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[152]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPrefetchAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[153]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAdvise(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_advise arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUmem_advise, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAdvise); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[154]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttribute(void *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmem_range_attribute arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, CUmem_range_attribute, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRangeGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[155]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemRangeGetAttributes(void **arg0, size_t *arg1, CUmem_range_attribute *arg2, size_t arg3, CUdeviceptr arg4, size_t arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, size_t *, CUmem_range_attribute *, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemRangeGetAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[156]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerSetAttribute(const void *arg0, CUpointer_attribute arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const void *, CUpointer_attribute, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuPointerSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[157]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuPointerGetAttributes(unsigned int arg0, CUpointer_attribute *arg1, void **arg2, CUdeviceptr arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUpointer_attribute *, void **, CUdeviceptr); + ON_ENTRY(cuPointerGetAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[158]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreate(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[159]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCreateWithPriority(CUstream *arg0, unsigned int arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream *, unsigned int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCreateWithPriority); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[160]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetPriority_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[161]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetFlags_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[162]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCtx_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[163]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitEvent_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[164]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAddCallback_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[165]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_v2_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[166]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(CUstreamCaptureMode *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstreamCaptureMode *); + ON_ENTRY(cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[167]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamEndCapture_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[168]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamIsCapturing_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[169]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCaptureInfo_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[170]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAttachMemAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[171]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamQuery_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[172]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSynchronize_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[173]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy_v2(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamDestroy_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[174]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCopyAttributes_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[175]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, CUstreamAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetAttribute_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[176]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, const CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, const CUstreamAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSetAttribute_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[177]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventCreate(CUevent *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[178]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord_ptsz(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecord_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[179]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecordWithFlags_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[180]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventQuery(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventQuery); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[181]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventSynchronize(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventSynchronize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[182]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy_v2(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventDestroy_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[183]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventElapsedTime(float *arg0, CUevent arg1, CUevent arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUevent, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventElapsedTime); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[184]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalMemory(CUexternalMemory *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalMemory *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuImportExternalMemory); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[185]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[186]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUexternalMemory arg1, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUexternalMemory, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[187]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalMemory(CUexternalMemory arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalMemory); + ON_ENTRY(cuDestroyExternalMemory); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[188]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuImportExternalSemaphore(CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuImportExternalSemaphore); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[189]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[190]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[191]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDestroyExternalSemaphore(CUexternalSemaphore arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUexternalSemaphore); + ON_ENTRY(cuDestroyExternalSemaphore); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[192]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue32_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[193]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue64_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[194]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue32_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[195]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue64_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[196]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBatchMemOp_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[197]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetAttribute(int *arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, CUfunction arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction_attribute, CUfunction); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[198]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetAttribute(CUfunction arg0, CUfunction_attribute arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUfunction_attribute, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[199]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetCacheConfig(CUfunction arg0, CUfunc_cache arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUfunc_cache); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetCacheConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[200]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig(CUfunction arg0, CUsharedconfig arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, CUsharedconfig); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[201]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel_ptsz(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchKernel_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[202]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernel_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[203]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS *, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[204]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchHostFunc_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[205]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetBlockShape(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetBlockShape); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[206]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncSetSharedSize(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncSetSharedSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[207]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetSize(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[208]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSeti(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSeti); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[209]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetf(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, float arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, float); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetf); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[210]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetv(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetv); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[211]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunch(CUfunction arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[212]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGrid(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchGrid); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[213]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchGridAsync(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchGridAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[214]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuParamSetTexRef(CUfunction arg0, int arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, int, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuParamSetTexRef); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[215]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphCreate(CUgraph *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[216]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddKernelNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddKernelNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[217]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[218]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[219]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemcpyNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddMemcpyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[220]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[221]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[222]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddMemsetNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg4, CUcontext arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddMemsetNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[223]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemsetNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[224]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphMemsetNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[225]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddHostNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddHostNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[226]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphHostNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[227]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphHostNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphHostNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[228]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddChildGraphNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUgraph arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddChildGraphNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[229]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[230]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEmptyNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddEmptyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[231]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventRecordNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUevent arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddEventRecordNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[232]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUevent *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[233]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[234]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddEventWaitNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, CUevent arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddEventWaitNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[235]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUevent *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[236]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent(CUgraphNode arg0, CUevent arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[237]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[238]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[239]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[240]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraph arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, size_t, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[241]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeGetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeGetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[242]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams(CUgraphNode arg0, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[243]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphClone(CUgraph *arg0, CUgraph arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph *, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphClone); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[244]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeFindInClone(CUgraphNode *arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeFindInClone); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[245]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetType(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNodeType *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNodeType *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetType); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[246]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetNodes(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[247]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetRootNodes(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetRootNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[248]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphGetEdges(CUgraph arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphGetEdges); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[249]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependencies(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[250]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode *arg1, size_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode *, size_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphNodeGetDependentNodes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[251]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphAddDependencies(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphAddDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[252]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphRemoveDependencies(CUgraph arg0, const CUgraphNode *arg1, const CUgraphNode *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph, const CUgraphNode *, const CUgraphNode *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphRemoveDependencies); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[253]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroyNode(CUgraphNode arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphDestroyNode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[254]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate_v2(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphInstantiate_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[255]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[256]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[257]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *arg2, CUcontext arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS *, CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[258]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_HOST_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecHostNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[259]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUgraph arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[260]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUevent arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[261]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, CUevent arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[262]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_SIGNAL_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[263]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraphNode arg1, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraphNode, const CUDA_EXT_SEM_WAIT_NODE_PARAMS *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[264]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload_ptsz(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphUpload_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[265]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch_ptsz(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphLaunch_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[266]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecDestroy(CUgraphExec arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[267]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphDestroy(CUgraph arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraph); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[268]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphExecUpdate(CUgraphExec arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, CUgraphExecUpdateResult *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphExecUpdate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[269]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes(CUgraphNode arg0, CUgraphNode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUgraphNode); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[270]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute(CUgraphNode arg0, CUkernelNodeAttrID arg1, CUkernelNodeAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUkernelNodeAttrID, CUkernelNodeAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[271]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute(CUgraphNode arg0, CUkernelNodeAttrID arg1, const CUkernelNodeAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphNode, CUkernelNodeAttrID, const CUkernelNodeAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[272]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[273]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags(int *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, size_t arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUfunction, int, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[274]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[275]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags(int *arg0, int *arg1, CUfunction arg2, CUoccupancyB2DSize arg3, size_t arg4, int arg5, unsigned int arg6) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, int *, CUfunction, CUoccupancyB2DSize, size_t, int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[276]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock(size_t *arg0, CUfunction arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUfunction, int, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[277]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetArray(CUtexref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUarray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[278]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray(CUtexref arg0, CUmipmappedArray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUmipmappedArray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[279]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress_v2(size_t *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(size_t *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[280]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v3); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[281]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFormat(CUtexref arg0, CUarray_format arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUarray_format, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFormat); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[282]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddressMode(CUtexref arg0, int arg1, CUaddress_mode arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, int, CUaddress_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddressMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[283]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFilterMode(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[284]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode(CUtexref arg0, CUfilter_mode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, CUfilter_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[285]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias(CUtexref arg0, float arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[286]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp(CUtexref arg0, float arg1, float arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float, float); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[287]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[288]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetBorderColor(CUtexref arg0, float *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, float *); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetBorderColor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[289]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetFlags(CUtexref arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[290]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddress_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[291]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetArray(CUarray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[292]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[293]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddressMode(CUaddress_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1, int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUaddress_mode *, CUtexref, int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddressMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[294]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFilterMode(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[295]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFormat(CUarray_format *arg0, int *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray_format *, int *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFormat); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[296]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode(CUfilter_mode *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfilter_mode *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[297]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[298]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp(float *arg0, float *arg1, CUtexref arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, float *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[299]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy(int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[300]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetBorderColor(float *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(float *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetBorderColor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[301]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetFlags(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[302]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefCreate(CUtexref *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref *); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[303]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefDestroy(CUtexref arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[304]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefSetArray(CUsurfref arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfref, CUarray, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfRefSetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[305]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfRefGetArray(CUarray *arg0, CUsurfref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUsurfref); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfRefGetArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[306]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectCreate(CUtexObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg2, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, const CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[307]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectDestroy(CUtexObject arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[308]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetResourceDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[309]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC *, CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetTextureDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[310]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *arg0, CUtexObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *, CUtexObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[311]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectCreate(CUsurfObject *arg0, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfObject *, const CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[312]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectDestroy(CUsurfObject arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUsurfObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[313]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *arg0, CUsurfObject arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC *, CUsurfObject); + ON_ENTRY(cuSurfObjectGetResourceDesc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[314]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceCanAccessPeer(int *arg0, CUdevice arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceCanAccessPeer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[315]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxEnablePeerAccess(CUcontext arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxEnablePeerAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[316]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDisablePeerAccess(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDisablePeerAccess); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[317]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute(int *arg0, CUdevice_P2PAttribute arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUdevice arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(int *, CUdevice_P2PAttribute, CUdevice, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceGetP2PAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[318]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnregisterResource(CUgraphicsResource arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnregisterResource); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[319]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(CUarray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[320]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray(CUmipmappedArray *arg0, CUgraphicsResource arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmipmappedArray *, CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[321]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t *, CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[322]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[323]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsMapResources_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[324]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnmapResources_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[325]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGetExportTable(const void **arg0, const CUuuid *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const void **, const CUuuid *); + ON_ENTRY(cuGetExportTable); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[326]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuFuncGetModule(CUmodule *arg0, CUfunction arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUmodule *, CUfunction); + ON_ENTRY(cuFuncGetModule); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[327]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostRegister(void *arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostRegister); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[328]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags(CUgraphicsResource arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphicsResource, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[329]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkCreate(unsigned int arg0, CUjit_option *arg1, void **arg2, CUlinkState *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **, CUlinkState *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[330]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddData(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, void *arg2, size_t arg3, const char *arg4, unsigned int arg5, CUjit_option *arg6, void **arg7) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, void *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddData); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[331]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLinkAddFile(CUlinkState arg0, CUjitInputType arg1, const char *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUjit_option *arg4, void **arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUlinkState, CUjitInputType, const char *, unsigned int, CUjit_option *, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLinkAddFile); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[332]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[333]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDeviceTotalMem(unsigned int *arg0, CUdevice arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDeviceTotalMem); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[334]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxCreate(CUcontext *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdevice arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *, unsigned int, CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[335]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuModuleGetGlobal(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUmodule arg2, const char *arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUmodule, const char *); + ON_ENTRY(cuModuleGetGlobal); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[336]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetInfo(unsigned int *arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetInfo); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[337]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAlloc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[338]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocPitch(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocPitch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[339]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFree(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFree); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[340]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemGetAddressRange(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUdeviceptr_v1); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemGetAddressRange); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[341]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocHost(void **arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void **, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocHost); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[342]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemHostGetDevicePointer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[343]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[344]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[345]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[346]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[347]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[348]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[349]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[350]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUarray arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[351]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync(CUarray arg0, unsigned int arg1, const void *arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, unsigned int, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[352]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[353]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[354]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[355]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[356]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, const void *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, const void *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[357]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[358]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[359]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D_v1 *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[360]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_v1 *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[361]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned char arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned char, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[362]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned short arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned short, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[363]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[364]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned char arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[365]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[366]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32(CUdeviceptr_v1 arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[367]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayCreate(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[368]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArrayGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArrayGetDescriptor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[369]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DCreate(CUarray *arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray *, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DCreate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[370]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuArray3DGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg0, CUarray arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUarray); + ON_ENTRY(cuArray3DGetDescriptor); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[371]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress(unsigned int *arg0, CUtexref arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int *, CUtexref, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[372]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefSetAddress2D(CUtexref arg0, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *arg1, CUdeviceptr_v1 arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUtexref, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR_v1 *, CUdeviceptr_v1, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefSetAddress2D); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[373]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuTexRefGetAddress(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, CUtexref arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, CUtexref); + ON_ENTRY(cuTexRefGetAddress); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[374]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer(CUdeviceptr_v1 *arg0, unsigned int *arg1, CUgraphicsResource arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr_v1 *, unsigned int *, CUgraphicsResource); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[375]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxDestroy(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[376]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPopCurrent(CUcontext *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPopCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[377]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuCtxPushCurrent(CUcontext arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUcontext); + ON_ENTRY(cuCtxPushCurrent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[378]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamDestroy(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[379]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventDestroy(CUevent arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventDestroy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[380]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[381]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset(CUdevice arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[382]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags(CUdevice arg0, unsigned int arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdevice, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[383]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoD_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[384]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoH_v2(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoH_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[385]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoD_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[386]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoA_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[387]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoD_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoD_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[388]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoA_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[389]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoH_v2(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoH_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[390]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoA_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, CUarray arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, CUarray, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoA_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[391]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2(CUarray arg0, size_t arg1, const void *arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarray, size_t, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[392]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2(void *arg0, CUarray arg1, size_t arg2, size_t arg3, CUstream arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUarray, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[393]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2D_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2D_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[394]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[395]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3D_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3D_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[396]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, const void *arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, const void *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[397]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2(void *arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(void *, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[398]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[399]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[400]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[401]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[402]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[403]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[404]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[405]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[406]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32_v2(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[407]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[408]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[409]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeer(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[410]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpyPeerAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUcontext arg1, CUdeviceptr arg2, CUcontext arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, CUdeviceptr, CUcontext, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpyPeerAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[411]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeer(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeer); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[412]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[413]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD8Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned char arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned char, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD8Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[414]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD16Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned short arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned short, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD16Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[415]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD32Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, unsigned int arg1, size_t arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, unsigned int, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD32Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[416]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D8Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned char arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned char, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D8Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[417]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D16Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned short arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned short, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D16Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[418]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemsetD2D32Async(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, unsigned int arg2, size_t arg3, size_t arg4, CUstream arg5) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int, size_t, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemsetD2D32Async); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[419]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetPriority(CUstream arg0, int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetPriority); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[420]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetFlags(CUstream arg0, unsigned int *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[421]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCtx(CUstream arg0, CUcontext *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUcontext *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCtx); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[422]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitEvent(CUstream arg0, CUevent arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUevent, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitEvent); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[423]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAddCallback(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCallback arg1, void *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCallback, void *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAddCallback); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[424]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamAttachMemAsync(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, size_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, size_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamAttachMemAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[425]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamQuery(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamQuery); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[426]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSynchronize(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSynchronize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[427]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecord(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecord); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[428]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuEventRecordWithFlags(CUevent arg0, CUstream arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUevent, CUstream, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuEventRecordWithFlags); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[429]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchKernel(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9, void **arg10) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchKernel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[430]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchHostFunc(CUstream arg0, CUhostFn arg1, void *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUhostFn, void *); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchHostFunc); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[431]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsMapResources(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsMapResources); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[432]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphicsUnmapResources(unsigned int arg0, CUgraphicsResource *arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(unsigned int, CUgraphicsResource *, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphicsUnmapResources); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[433]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue32(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[434]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue32(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint32_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint32_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue32); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[435]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWriteValue64(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWriteValue64); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[436]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamWaitValue64(CUstream arg0, CUdeviceptr arg1, cuuint64_t arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUdeviceptr, cuuint64_t, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamWaitValue64); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[437]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBatchMemOp(CUstream arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *arg2, unsigned int arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, unsigned int, CUstreamBatchMemOpParams *, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBatchMemOp); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[438]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemPrefetchAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, size_t arg1, CUdevice arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, size_t, CUdevice, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemPrefetchAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[439]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuLaunchCooperativeKernel(CUfunction arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5, unsigned int arg6, unsigned int arg7, CUstream arg8, void **arg9) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUfunction, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, CUstream, void **); + ON_ENTRY(cuLaunchCooperativeKernel); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[440]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[441]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync(const CUexternalSemaphore *arg0, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *arg1, unsigned int arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const CUexternalSemaphore *, const CUDA_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_PARAMS *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[442]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[443]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz(CUstream arg0) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_ptsz); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[444]); + return f(arg0); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamBeginCapture_v2(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureMode arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureMode); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamBeginCapture_v2); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[445]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamEndCapture(CUstream arg0, CUgraph *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUgraph *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamEndCapture); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[446]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamIsCapturing(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamIsCapturing); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[447]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetCaptureInfo(CUstream arg0, CUstreamCaptureStatus *arg1, cuuint64_t *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamCaptureStatus *, cuuint64_t *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetCaptureInfo); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[448]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphUpload(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphUpload); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[449]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphLaunch(CUgraphExec arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphLaunch); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[450]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamCopyAttributes(CUstream arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamCopyAttributes); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[451]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamGetAttribute(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, CUstreamAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamGetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[452]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuStreamSetAttribute(CUstream arg0, CUstreamAttrID arg1, const CUstreamAttrValue *arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUstream, CUstreamAttrID, const CUstreamAttrValue *); + ON_ENTRY(cuStreamSetAttribute); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[453]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuIpcOpenMemHandle(CUdeviceptr *arg0, CUipcMemHandle arg1, unsigned int arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, CUipcMemHandle, unsigned int); + ON_ENTRY(cuIpcOpenMemHandle); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[454]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuGraphInstantiate(CUgraphExec *arg0, CUgraph arg1, CUgraphNode *arg2, char *arg3, size_t arg4) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUgraphExec *, CUgraph, CUgraphNode *, char *, size_t); + ON_ENTRY(cuGraphInstantiate); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[455]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemMapArrayAsync(CUarrayMapInfo *arg0, unsigned int arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUarrayMapInfo *, unsigned int, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemMapArrayAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[456]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemFreeAsync(CUdeviceptr arg0, CUstream arg1) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemFreeAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[457]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocAsync(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, CUstream arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[458]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync(CUdeviceptr *arg0, size_t arg1, CUmemoryPool arg2, CUstream arg3) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(CUdeviceptr *, size_t, CUmemoryPool, CUstream); + ON_ENTRY(cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[459]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerInitialize(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, CUoutput_mode arg2) { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(const char *, const char *, CUoutput_mode); + ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerInitialize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[460]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStart() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerStart); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[461]); + return f(); +} +CUresult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL cuProfilerStop() { + typedef CUresult (_WRAPLIB_API_CALL *f_ptr_t)(); + ON_ENTRY(cuProfilerStop); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[462]); + return f(); +} diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda.cpp b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda.cpp index 50f25c007419226a65ef6a162b2655ae3de4528c..0a20aba51dd2bdcd9876aa12972ebccdd589ed27 100644 --- a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda.cpp +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libcuda.cpp @@ -3,36 +3,14 @@ #include #define LOGE(fmt, v...) fprintf(stderr, "err: " fmt "\n", ##v) + extern "C" { -#include +#include "cuda.h" } -#include +#include "cudaProfiler.h" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" -#if defined(_WIN32) -#include -#define RTLD_LAZY 0 - -static void* dlopen(const char* file, int) { - return static_cast(LoadLibraryA(file)); -} - -static void* dlerror() { - const char* errmsg = "dlerror not aviable in windows"; - return const_cast(errmsg); -} - -static void* dlsym(void* handle, const char* name) { - FARPROC symbol = GetProcAddress((HMODULE)handle, name); - return reinterpret_cast(symbol); -} - -#else -#include -#include -#endif - static void log_failed_load(int func_idx); namespace { template @@ -42,68 +20,63 @@ CUresult on_init_failed(int func_idx) { log_failed_load(func_idx); return CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } -} + +} // namespace #define _WRAPLIB_API_CALL CUDAAPI #define _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK CUDA_CB -#include "./libcuda-wrap.h" + +#if CUDA_VERSION == 10010 +#include "./libcuda-wrap_10.1.h" +#elif CUDA_VERSION == 10020 +#include "./libcuda-wrap_10.2.h" +#elif CUDA_VERSION == 11010 +#include "./libcuda-wrap_11.1.h" +#elif CUDA_VERSION == 11020 +#include "./libcuda-wrap_11.2.h" +#else +#error "cuda stub not support this cuda version, you can close cuda stub to passby" +#endif + + #undef _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK #undef _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +static const char* default_so_name = +#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) + "nvcuda.dll"; +#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX) + "libcuda.dylib"; +#else + "libcuda.so.1"; +#endif + // Harvested from cuda_drvapi_dynlink.c static const char* default_so_paths[] = { #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) - "nvcuda.dll", -#elif defined(__unix__) || defined (__QNX__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX) + "nvcuda.dll", +#elif defined(__unix__) || defined(__QNX__) || defined(__APPLE__) || \ + defined(__MACOSX) #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX) - "/usr/local/cuda/lib/libcuda.dylib", + "/usr/local/cuda/lib/libcuda.dylib", #elif defined(__ANDROID__) -#if defined (__aarch64__) - "/system/vendor/lib64/libcuda.so", +#if defined(__aarch64__) + "/system/vendor/lib64/libcuda.so", #elif defined(__arm__) - "/system/vendor/lib/libcuda.so", + "/system/vendor/lib/libcuda.so", #endif #else - "libcuda.so.1", - - // In case some users does not have correct search path configured in - // /etc/ld.so.conf - "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcuda.so", - "/usr/local/nvidia/lib64/libcuda.so", + "libcuda.so.1", #endif #else #error "Unknown platform" #endif }; -static void* get_library_handle() { - void* handle = nullptr; - for (size_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(default_so_paths) / sizeof(char*)); i++) { - handle = dlopen(default_so_paths[i], RTLD_LAZY); - if (handle) { - break; - } - } - - if (!handle) { - LOGE("Failed to load CUDA Driver API library"); - return nullptr; - } - return handle; -} - -static void log_failed_load(int func_idx) { - LOGE("failed to load cuda func: %s", g_func_name[func_idx]); -} +static const char* extra_so_paths[] = { + "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcuda.so", + "/usr/local/nvidia/lib64/libcuda.so", +}; -static void* resolve_library_func(void* handle, const char* func) { - if (!handle) { - LOGE("handle should not be nullptr!"); - return nullptr; - } - auto ret = dlsym(handle, func); - if (!ret) { - LOGE("failed to load cuda func: %s", func); - } - return ret; -} +static const char* g_default_api_name = "cuda"; +#include "./dlopen_helper.h" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libnvrtc-wrap.h b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libnvrtc-wrap.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95011f05d14c29fd6d7017b3f9f7257c2f7e5a9c --- /dev/null +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libnvrtc-wrap.h @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +// generated by wraplib.py +// --- begin functions to be implemented +#ifndef _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +#define _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +#endif +#ifndef _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK +#define _WRAPLIB_CALLBACK +#endif +#ifndef ON_ENTRY +#define ON_ENTRY(x) +#endif +static void* get_library_handle(); +static void* resolve_library_func(void*, const char*); +namespace { +template +T on_init_failed(int func_idx); +} +// --- end functions to be implemented +#include +#include +extern "C" { +const char _WRAPLIB_API_CALL* nvrtcGetErrorString(nvrtcResult arg0); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcVersion(int* arg0, int* arg1); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetNumSupportedArchs(int* arg0); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetSupportedArchs(int* arg0); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcCreateProgram(nvrtcProgram* arg0, + const char* arg1, + const char* arg2, int arg3, + const char* const* arg4, + const char* const* arg5); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcDestroyProgram(nvrtcProgram* arg0); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcCompileProgram(nvrtcProgram arg0, int arg1, + const char* const* arg2); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetPTXSize(nvrtcProgram arg0, size_t* arg1); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetPTX(nvrtcProgram arg0, char* arg1); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetCUBINSize(nvrtcProgram arg0, + size_t* arg1); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetCUBIN(nvrtcProgram arg0, char* arg1); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetProgramLogSize(nvrtcProgram arg0, + size_t* arg1); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetProgramLog(nvrtcProgram arg0, char* arg1); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcAddNameExpression(nvrtcProgram arg0, + const char* const arg1); +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetLoweredName(nvrtcProgram arg0, + const char* const arg1, + const char** arg2); +} +static void load_library(); +static const char _WRAPLIB_API_CALL* nvrtcGetErrorString_init( + nvrtcResult arg0) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetErrorString(arg0); +} +static const char _WRAPLIB_API_CALL* nvrtcGetErrorString_error(nvrtcResult) { + return on_init_failed(0); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcVersion_init(int* arg0, int* arg1) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcVersion(arg0, arg1); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcVersion_error(int*, int*) { + return on_init_failed(1); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetNumSupportedArchs_init(int* arg0) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetNumSupportedArchs(arg0); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetNumSupportedArchs_error(int*) { + return on_init_failed(2); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetSupportedArchs_init(int* arg0) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetSupportedArchs(arg0); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetSupportedArchs_error(int*) { + return on_init_failed(3); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcCreateProgram_init( + nvrtcProgram* arg0, const char* arg1, const char* arg2, int arg3, + const char* const* arg4, const char* const* arg5) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcCreateProgram(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +nvrtcCreateProgram_error(nvrtcProgram*, const char*, const char*, int, + const char* const*, const char* const*) { + return on_init_failed(4); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +nvrtcDestroyProgram_init(nvrtcProgram* arg0) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcDestroyProgram(arg0); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcDestroyProgram_error(nvrtcProgram*) { + return on_init_failed(5); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +nvrtcCompileProgram_init(nvrtcProgram arg0, int arg1, const char* const* arg2) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcCompileProgram(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +nvrtcCompileProgram_error(nvrtcProgram, int, const char* const*) { + return on_init_failed(6); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetPTXSize_init(nvrtcProgram arg0, + size_t* arg1) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetPTXSize(arg0, arg1); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetPTXSize_error(nvrtcProgram, + size_t*) { + return on_init_failed(7); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetPTX_init(nvrtcProgram arg0, + char* arg1) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetPTX(arg0, arg1); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetPTX_error(nvrtcProgram, char*) { + return on_init_failed(8); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetCUBINSize_init(nvrtcProgram arg0, + size_t* arg1) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetCUBINSize(arg0, arg1); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetCUBINSize_error(nvrtcProgram, + size_t*) { + return on_init_failed(9); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetCUBIN_init(nvrtcProgram arg0, + char* arg1) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetCUBIN(arg0, arg1); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetCUBIN_error(nvrtcProgram, char*) { + return on_init_failed(10); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +nvrtcGetProgramLogSize_init(nvrtcProgram arg0, size_t* arg1) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetProgramLogSize(arg0, arg1); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetProgramLogSize_error(nvrtcProgram, + size_t*) { + return on_init_failed(11); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetProgramLog_init(nvrtcProgram arg0, + char* arg1) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetProgramLog(arg0, arg1); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetProgramLog_error(nvrtcProgram, + char*) { + return on_init_failed(12); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +nvrtcAddNameExpression_init(nvrtcProgram arg0, const char* const arg1) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcAddNameExpression(arg0, arg1); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +nvrtcAddNameExpression_error(nvrtcProgram, const char* const) { + return on_init_failed(13); +} + +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetLoweredName_init( + nvrtcProgram arg0, const char* const arg1, const char** arg2) { + load_library(); + return nvrtcGetLoweredName(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +static nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL +nvrtcGetLoweredName_error(nvrtcProgram, const char* const, const char**) { + return on_init_failed(14); +} +static constexpr size_t NR_FUNC = 15; +static void* g_func_table[NR_FUNC] = {(void*)(&nvrtcGetErrorString_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcVersion_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetNumSupportedArchs_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetSupportedArchs_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcCreateProgram_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcDestroyProgram_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcCompileProgram_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetPTXSize_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetPTX_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetCUBINSize_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetCUBIN_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetProgramLogSize_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetProgramLog_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcAddNameExpression_init), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetLoweredName_init)}; +static void* g_func_table_error[NR_FUNC] = { + (void*)(&nvrtcGetErrorString_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcVersion_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetNumSupportedArchs_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetSupportedArchs_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcCreateProgram_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcDestroyProgram_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcCompileProgram_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetPTXSize_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetPTX_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetCUBINSize_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetCUBIN_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetProgramLogSize_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetProgramLog_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcAddNameExpression_error), + (void*)(&nvrtcGetLoweredName_error)}; +static const char* const g_func_name[NR_FUNC] = {"nvrtcGetErrorString", + "nvrtcVersion", + "nvrtcGetNumSupportedArchs", + "nvrtcGetSupportedArchs", + "nvrtcCreateProgram", + "nvrtcDestroyProgram", + "nvrtcCompileProgram", + "nvrtcGetPTXSize", + "nvrtcGetPTX", + "nvrtcGetCUBINSize", + "nvrtcGetCUBIN", + "nvrtcGetProgramLogSize", + "nvrtcGetProgramLog", + "nvrtcAddNameExpression", + "nvrtcGetLoweredName"}; + +static void load_library() { + static bool done = false; + static std::mutex mtx; + std::lock_guard lg{mtx}; + + if (done) + return; + + void* handle = get_library_handle(); + for (size_t i = 0; i < NR_FUNC; ++i) { + void* func; + if (!handle) { + func = nullptr; + } else { + func = resolve_library_func(handle, g_func_name[i]); + } + if (!func) { + func = g_func_table_error[i]; + } + __atomic_store_n(g_func_table + i, func, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); + } + done = true; +} + +const char _WRAPLIB_API_CALL* nvrtcGetErrorString(nvrtcResult arg0) { + typedef const char*(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcResult); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetErrorString); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[0]); + return f(arg0); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcVersion(int* arg0, int* arg1) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(int*, int*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcVersion); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[1]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetNumSupportedArchs(int* arg0) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(int*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetNumSupportedArchs); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[2]); + return f(arg0); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetSupportedArchs(int* arg0) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(int*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetSupportedArchs); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[3]); + return f(arg0); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcCreateProgram(nvrtcProgram* arg0, + const char* arg1, + const char* arg2, int arg3, + const char* const* arg4, + const char* const* arg5) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)( + nvrtcProgram*, const char*, const char*, int, const char* const*, + const char* const*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcCreateProgram); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[4]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcDestroyProgram(nvrtcProgram* arg0) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcProgram*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcDestroyProgram); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[5]); + return f(arg0); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcCompileProgram(nvrtcProgram arg0, int arg1, + const char* const* arg2) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcProgram, int, + const char* const*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcCompileProgram); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[6]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetPTXSize(nvrtcProgram arg0, size_t* arg1) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcProgram, size_t*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetPTXSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[7]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetPTX(nvrtcProgram arg0, char* arg1) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcProgram, char*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetPTX); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[8]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetCUBINSize(nvrtcProgram arg0, + size_t* arg1) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcProgram, size_t*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetCUBINSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[9]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetCUBIN(nvrtcProgram arg0, char* arg1) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcProgram, char*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetCUBIN); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[10]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetProgramLogSize(nvrtcProgram arg0, + size_t* arg1) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcProgram, size_t*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetProgramLogSize); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[11]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetProgramLog(nvrtcProgram arg0, + char* arg1) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcProgram, char*); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetProgramLog); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[12]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcAddNameExpression(nvrtcProgram arg0, + const char* const arg1) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)(nvrtcProgram, + const char* const); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcAddNameExpression); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[13]); + return f(arg0, arg1); +} +nvrtcResult _WRAPLIB_API_CALL nvrtcGetLoweredName(nvrtcProgram arg0, + const char* const arg1, + const char** arg2) { + typedef nvrtcResult(_WRAPLIB_API_CALL * f_ptr_t)( + nvrtcProgram, const char* const, const char**); + ON_ENTRY(nvrtcGetLoweredName); + f_ptr_t f = (f_ptr_t)(g_func_table[14]); + return f(arg0, arg1, arg2); +} diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libnvrtc.cpp b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libnvrtc.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03522026ddeba59f2fdb1be12438ce6a6a9bd249 --- /dev/null +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/libnvrtc.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/** + * \file dnn/cuda-stub/src/libnvrtc.cpp + * MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") + * + * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved. + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, + * software distributed under the License is distributed on an + * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + * implied. + */ + +#pragma GCC visibility push(default) + +#include +#define LOGE(fmt, v...) fprintf(stderr, "err: " fmt "\n", ##v) +#include "./nvrtc_type.h" +#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" + +static void log_failed_load(int func_idx); +namespace { +template +T on_init_failed(int func_idx); +template <> +nvrtcResult on_init_failed(int func_idx) { + log_failed_load(func_idx); + return NVRTC_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; +} +template <> +const char* on_init_failed(int func_idx) { + log_failed_load(func_idx); + return "load lib failed"; +} +} // namespace + +#include "./libnvrtc-wrap.h" +static const char* default_so_name = +#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) + "nvrtc.dll"; +#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX) + "libnvrtc.dylib"; +#else + "libnvrtc.so"; +#endif + +static const char* default_so_paths[] = { +#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) + "nvrtc.dll", +#elif defined(__unix__) || defined(__QNX__) || defined(__APPLE__) || \ + defined(__MACOSX) +#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX) + "/usr/local/cuda/lib/libnvrtc.dylib", +#elif defined(__ANDROID__) +#if defined(__aarch64__) + "/system/vendor/lib64/libnvrtc.so", +#elif defined(__arm__) + "/system/vendor/lib/libnvrtc.so", +#endif +#else + "libnvrtc.so", + + // In case some users does not have correct search path configured in + // /etc/ld.so.conf + "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvrtc.so", + "/usr/local/nvidia/lib64/libnvrtc.so", + "/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libnvrtc.so", +#endif +#else +#error "Unknown platform" +#endif +}; +static const char* extra_so_paths[] = {}; + +static const char* g_default_api_name = "nvrtc"; +#include "./dlopen_helper.h" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dnn/cuda-stub/src/nvrtc_type.h b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/nvrtc_type.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1c83c1347d0dd95f01f8a8dbc5dccaa8a8d2e51 --- /dev/null +++ b/dnn/cuda-stub/src/nvrtc_type.h @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +#pragma once +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#include + +typedef enum { + NVRTC_SUCCESS = 0, + NVRTC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 1, + NVRTC_ERROR_PROGRAM_CREATION_FAILURE = 2, + NVRTC_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT = 3, + NVRTC_ERROR_INVALID_PROGRAM = 4, + NVRTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION = 5, + NVRTC_ERROR_COMPILATION = 6, + NVRTC_ERROR_BUILTIN_OPERATION_FAILURE = 7, + NVRTC_ERROR_NO_NAME_EXPRESSIONS_AFTER_COMPILATION = 8, + NVRTC_ERROR_NO_LOWERED_NAMES_BEFORE_COMPILATION = 9, + NVRTC_ERROR_NAME_EXPRESSION_NOT_VALID = 10, + NVRTC_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR = 11 +} nvrtcResult; + +typedef struct _nvrtcProgram *nvrtcProgram; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif /* __cplusplus */ diff --git a/dnn/src/cuda/batched_matrix_mul/cublas_lt.cpp b/dnn/src/cuda/batched_matrix_mul/cublas_lt.cpp index 3fa9f548e99569b34685a95c979722cf882c2412..98e55249a4ea6762973191b563798c211c9a50e6 100644 --- a/dnn/src/cuda/batched_matrix_mul/cublas_lt.cpp +++ b/dnn/src/cuda/batched_matrix_mul/cublas_lt.cpp @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ static inline CUBLASLTMatmulDesc::SizeArgs from_local_size_args( return {handle, transA, transB, args.layout_a, args.layout_b, args.layout_c}; } + bool BatchedMatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCublasLt::is_available( const SizeArgs& args) const { auto cublasLt_args = from_local_size_args(args); @@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ bool BatchedMatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCublasLt::is_available( .is_available(cublasLt_args, INT_MAX); return res; } + size_t BatchedMatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCublasLt::get_workspace_in_bytes( const SizeArgs& args) const { auto cublasLt_args = from_local_size_args(args); @@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ size_t BatchedMatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCublasLt::get_workspace_in_bytes( desc.get_algorithm_heuristic(cublasLt_args, INT_MAX, algo); return desc.get_workspace_bundle(cublasLt_args, algo).total_size_in_bytes(); } + void BatchedMatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCublasLt::exec( const ExecArgs& args) const { auto cublasLt_args = from_local_size_args(args); @@ -89,6 +92,7 @@ void BatchedMatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCublasLt::exec( desc.layout_c, &algo, ws_bundle.get(0), ws_bundle.get_size(0), stream)); }; + auto batched_igemm = [&]() { auto zero = handle->zero_device(); auto one = handle->one_device(); @@ -133,6 +137,18 @@ void BatchedMatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCublasLt::exec( }; ws_bundle.set(args.workspace.raw_ptr); +#if CUDA_VERSION >= 11000 + if (desc.dt_compute == CUBLAS_COMPUTE_32I) { + batched_igemm(); + } else if (desc.dt_compute == CUBLAS_COMPUTE_16F) { + batched_hgemm(); + } else if (desc.dt_compute == CUBLAS_COMPUTE_32F) { + batched_sgemm(); + } else { + megdnn_throw( + megdnn_mangle("compute_type must be int32/float16/float32")); + } +#else if (desc.dt_compute == CUDA_R_32I) { batched_igemm(); } else if (desc.dt_compute == CUDA_R_16F) { @@ -143,5 +159,6 @@ void BatchedMatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCublasLt::exec( megdnn_throw( megdnn_mangle("compute_type must be int32/float16/float32")); } +#endif } #endif diff --git a/dnn/src/cuda/conv_bias/algo.cpp b/dnn/src/cuda/conv_bias/algo.cpp index d1e55431987630a5ab88962013470738685e8725..4236e031d5efb89da23e03a4890b0a6dcab307c4 100644 --- a/dnn/src/cuda/conv_bias/algo.cpp +++ b/dnn/src/cuda/conv_bias/algo.cpp @@ -156,6 +156,9 @@ std::string ConvBiasForwardImpl::AlgoBase::SizeArgs::to_string() const { case param::ConvBias::NonlineMode::IDENTITY: nonlinear_mode_str = "IDENTITY"; break; + case param::ConvBias::NonlineMode::H_SWISH: + nonlinear_mode_str = "H_SWISH"; + break; default: megdnn_throw("invalid conv bias nonlinear mode"); } diff --git a/dnn/src/cuda/cudnn_wrapper.cpp b/dnn/src/cuda/cudnn_wrapper.cpp index 4be980812da0ebc04abea0df2f233808fa53f7c3..127caa743a6b635d621a8951f191c7ac180ec43c 100644 --- a/dnn/src/cuda/cudnn_wrapper.cpp +++ b/dnn/src/cuda/cudnn_wrapper.cpp @@ -165,6 +165,23 @@ void TensorDesc::set(const TensorLayout& layout, } } +std::string TensorDesc::to_string() { + cudnnDataType_t data_type; + int n; + int c; + int h; + int w; + int n_stride; + int c_stride; + int h_stride; + int w_stride; + cudnn_check(cudnnGetTensor4dDescriptor(desc, &data_type, &n, &c, &h, &w, + &n_stride, &c_stride, &h_stride, + &w_stride)); + return ssprintf("", data_type, n, c, h, + w, n_stride, c_stride, h_stride, w_stride); +} + template FilterDesc::FilterDesc() { cudnn_check(cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor(&desc)); @@ -175,6 +192,20 @@ FilterDesc::~FilterDesc() { cudnn_check(cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(desc)); } +template +std::string FilterDesc::to_string() { + cudnnDataType_t data_type; + cudnnTensorFormat_t format; + int k; + int c; + int h; + int w; + cudnn_check(cudnnGetFilter4dDescriptor(desc, &data_type, &format, &k, &c, + &h, &w)); + return ssprintf("", data_type,format, k, c, h, + w); +} + template void FilterDesc::set( const typename ConvolutionBase::CanonizedFilterMeta& diff --git a/dnn/src/cuda/cudnn_wrapper.h b/dnn/src/cuda/cudnn_wrapper.h index ec761d3f40f085ef31ae2256ee965d00dbe7ef7b..be35b3c10e72ba53a37edeca5523f882dc930ea9 100644 --- a/dnn/src/cuda/cudnn_wrapper.h +++ b/dnn/src/cuda/cudnn_wrapper.h @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class TensorDesc { //! default layout is nchw void set(const TensorLayout& layout, const param::Convolution::Format = param::Convolution::Format::NCHW); + std::string to_string(); ~TensorDesc(); cudnnTensorDescriptor_t desc; }; @@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ class FilterDesc { public: FilterDesc(); void set(const typename ConvolutionBase::CanonizedFilterMeta &meta); + std::string to_string(); ~FilterDesc(); cudnnFilterDescriptor_t desc; }; diff --git a/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublas.cpp b/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublas.cpp index 07fcf8f8b884484cec9441673f58f25273daa406..1ece0a100397e347983791f4c772ab9ec4c27e62 100644 --- a/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublas.cpp +++ b/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublas.cpp @@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ using namespace cuda; #define SE_CUDA_DATA_HALF CUBLAS_DATA_HALF #endif +#if CUDA_VERSION < 11000 +#define CUBLAS_COMPUTE_32I CUDA_R_32I +#endif + bool MatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCuBlas::is_available( const SizeArgs& args) const { if (args.opr->param().format != param::MatrixMul::Format::DEFAULT) @@ -117,7 +121,7 @@ void MatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCuBlas::exec(const ExecArgs& args) const { args.tensor_b.layout.stride[0], args.tensor_a.raw_ptr, CUDA_R_8I, args.tensor_a.layout.stride[0], zero, args.tensor_c.raw_ptr, CUDA_R_32I, - args.tensor_c.layout.stride[0], CUDA_R_32I, CUBLAS_GEMM_DFALT)); + args.tensor_c.layout.stride[0], CUBLAS_COMPUTE_32I, CUBLAS_GEMM_DFALT)); }; // Note that cublas takes column-major matrices as inputs, diff --git a/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.cpp b/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.cpp index ee7b4cc692c04294754d2e91292a153193341c55..06849ffbfe98e50f40c39e15a507a7faad4630d0 100644 --- a/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.cpp +++ b/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.cpp @@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an - * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + * implied. */ -#include "src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.h" #include "src/common/utils.h" +#include "src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.h" #include "src/cuda/utils.h" #if CUDA_VERSION >= 10010 @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ static cudaDataType_t to_cuda_dtype(DType tp) { } } +#if CUDA_VERSION >= 11000 static cublasComputeType_t to_cublas_compute_type(DType tp) { switch (tp.enumv()) { case DTypeEnum::Float16: @@ -43,10 +45,11 @@ static cublasComputeType_t to_cublas_compute_type(DType tp) { case DTypeEnum::QuantizedS32: return CUBLAS_COMPUTE_32I; default: - megdnn_throw(megdnn_mangle( - "dtype must be float16/float32/int32/Qs32")); + megdnn_throw( + megdnn_mangle("dtype must be float16/float32/int32/Qs32")); } } +#endif static const char* cuda_type_to_str(cudaDataType_t tp) { switch (tp) { @@ -106,9 +109,15 @@ void CUBLASLTMatmulDesc::set(const SizeArgs& args, bool batched) { dt_b = to_cuda_dtype(args.layout_b.dtype); dt_a = to_cuda_dtype(args.layout_a.dtype); dt_c = to_cuda_dtype(args.layout_c.dtype); - dt_compute = to_cublas_compute_type(args.layout_c.dtype); + megdnn_assert(dt_a == dt_b, "matrix A and B should have same precision"); +#if CUDA_VERSION >= 11000 + dt_compute = to_cublas_compute_type(args.layout_c.dtype); cublas_check(cublasLtMatmulDescCreate(&matmul_desc, dt_compute, dt_c)); +#else + dt_compute = dt_c; + cublas_check(cublasLtMatmulDescCreate(&matmul_desc, dt_compute)); +#endif cublas_check(cublasLtMatmulDescSetAttribute( matmul_desc, CUBLASLT_MATMUL_DESC_POINTER_MODE, &pm, sizeof(pm))); @@ -262,8 +271,7 @@ WorkspaceBundle CUBLASLTMatmulDesc::get_workspace_bundle( dt_c == CUDA_R_32I ? layout_trans_b : layout_b, dt_c == CUDA_R_32I ? layout_trans_a : layout_a, dt_c == CUDA_R_32I ? layout_trans_c : layout_c, - dt_c == CUDA_R_32I ? layout_trans_c : layout_c, &algo, - &result); + dt_c == CUDA_R_32I ? layout_trans_c : layout_c, &algo, &result); // return empty WorkspaceBundle if cublasLtMatmulAlgoCheck() failed if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) return {nullptr, {}}; diff --git a/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.h b/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.h index 67d53e36f26a9127a4071bab2213636e6781e1e1..f9615252c09463ccc550dfc69402802c12fdac46 100644 --- a/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.h +++ b/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublasLt_wrapper.h @@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ struct CUBLASLTMatmulDesc { bool is_batched; cublasLtMatmulDesc_t matmul_desc; cudaDataType_t dt_a, dt_b, dt_c; +#if CUDA_VERSION >= 11000 cublasComputeType_t dt_compute; +#else + cudaDataType_t dt_compute; +#endif cublasLtMatrixLayout_t layout_a, layout_b, layout_c; cublasLtMatrixLayout_t layout_trans_a, layout_trans_b, layout_trans_c; size_t workspace_a, workspace_b, workspace_c; diff --git a/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublas_lt.cpp b/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublas_lt.cpp index 9fd7ed656fd2458692b4da6b079888ecb55f5f12..5a6598a7c4cf95b49a55c42cdb93c4a8ff2e2838 100644 --- a/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublas_lt.cpp +++ b/dnn/src/cuda/matrix_mul/cublas_lt.cpp @@ -128,7 +128,23 @@ void MatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCuBlasLt::exec(const ExecArgs& args) const { stream)); cublas_check(cublasLtMatrixTransformDescDestroy(transform_desc)); }; - switch(desc.dt_compute) { +#if CUDA_VERSION >= 11000 + switch (desc.dt_compute) { + case CUBLAS_COMPUTE_16F: + hgemm(); + break; + case CUBLAS_COMPUTE_32F: + sgemm(); + break; + case CUBLAS_COMPUTE_32I: + igemm(); + break; + default: + megdnn_throw(megdnn_mangle( + "compute type must be float16/float32/int32")); + } +#else + switch (desc.dt_compute) { case CUDA_R_16F: hgemm(); break; @@ -139,8 +155,10 @@ void MatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoCuBlasLt::exec(const ExecArgs& args) const { igemm(); break; default: - megdnn_throw(megdnn_mangle("compute type must be float16/float32/int32")); + megdnn_throw(megdnn_mangle( + "compute type must be float16/float32/int32")); } +#endif } #endif // vim: syntax=cpp.doxygen diff --git a/dnn/test/cuda/batch_conv_bias.cpp b/dnn/test/cuda/batch_conv_bias.cpp index 3ccb155b92709ae5cdc64c0fcfc75c732f58e4ac..0250f26dfd7e60e5f55cb36c454aa097e2d33e0c 100644 --- a/dnn/test/cuda/batch_conv_bias.cpp +++ b/dnn/test/cuda/batch_conv_bias.cpp @@ -309,6 +309,9 @@ void benchmark_target_algo(Handle* handle, const std::vector& args, arg.f / (1e12); TensorShape src{arg.n, arg.ci, arg.hi, arg.wi}, filter{arg.co, arg.ci, arg.f, arg.f}; + if (!algo){ + algo = "no_name"; + } printf("src=%s, filter=%s, time(algo=%s)=%.2f %.2fTops, " "time(cudnn)=%.2f %.2fTops, time(batched_matmul)=%.2f " "%.2fTops, " diff --git a/imperative/.gitignore b/imperative/.gitignore index 35794728108d2a45f6c024dc9ca1d827500968ff..f4f78cf4a05fd187320cb593328003b080331cd2 100644 --- a/imperative/.gitignore +++ b/imperative/.gitignore @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ Makefile /test/imperative_test +python/megengine/version.py \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/imperative/CMakeLists.txt b/imperative/CMakeLists.txt index 82b36187c81ea78403bd2820e69d981fa1267a48..2bc3b5f617f8345d4fba4b9dcff1bf4c86247c8b 100644 --- a/imperative/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/imperative/CMakeLists.txt @@ -70,3 +70,8 @@ add_custom_command( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/python/requires-style.txt ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/python/requires-style.txt COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/python/requires-test.txt ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/python/requires-test.txt ) + +add_custom_command( + TARGET ${MODULE_NAME} POST_BUILD + COMMAND "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/python/gen_version.py --output ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/python/megengine/version.py +) diff --git a/imperative/python/gen_version.py b/imperative/python/gen_version.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0e7ef26001f7f1b865e9273db21d9906f404774 --- /dev/null +++ b/imperative/python/gen_version.py @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +import argparse +import os +import subprocess + +def get_git_commit(src_dir): + try: + return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=src_dir).decode('ascii').strip() + except Exception: + return 'unknown' + +def get_mge_version(version_txt_path): + v = {} + with open(version_txt_path) as fp: + exec(fp.read(), v) + return v + +if __name__ == "__main__": + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="generate version.py to build path") + parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, required=True) + args = parser.parse_args() + python_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) + version_txt_path = os.path.join(python_dir, 'version_template.py') + commit_id = get_git_commit(python_dir) + mge_ver_map = get_mge_version(version_txt_path) + mge_ver = mge_ver_map['__version__'] if '__version__' in mge_ver_map else 'unknown' + mge_intl = mge_ver_map['__internal__'] if '__internal__' in mge_ver_map else False + with open(args.output, 'w') as f: + f.write("__version__ = '{}'\n".format(mge_ver)) + f.write("git_version = {}\n".format(repr(commit_id))) + if mge_intl: + f.write("__internal__ = True\n") diff --git a/imperative/python/version_template.py b/imperative/python/version_template.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..956dfc4488a088f5a0ed704a19ccb2b8aa075f66 --- /dev/null +++ b/imperative/python/version_template.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") +# +# Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved. +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, +# software distributed under the License is distributed on an +# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +__version__ = "1.3.0.dev" + diff --git a/scripts/whl/BUILD_PYTHON_WHL_README.md b/scripts/whl/BUILD_PYTHON_WHL_README.md index 3a38c1e8f4bc8a826b4e50185481cb1b01ffca22..7143e97db83c1e299d0fc528910dc31a54879007 100755 --- a/scripts/whl/BUILD_PYTHON_WHL_README.md +++ b/scripts/whl/BUILD_PYTHON_WHL_README.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ```bash 1: please refer to: https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless/ to enable rootless docker env -2: cd ./scripts/whl/manylinux2010 +2: cd ./scripts/whl/manylinux2014 3: ./build_image.sh ``` @@ -56,24 +56,25 @@ ``` # How to build +Note: Guarantee the git repo is mounted in docker container, do not use `git submodule update --init` in to init megbrain repo ## Build for linux -* MegBrain delivers `wheel` package with `manylinux2010` tag defined in [PEP-571](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0571/). +* MegBrain delivers `wheel` package with `manylinux2014` tag defined in [PEP-571](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0571/). commands: ```bash export CUDA_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cuda export CUDNN_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cudnn export TENSORRT_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/tensorrt -./scripts/whl/manylinux2010/build_wheel.sh +./scripts/whl/manylinux2014/build_wheel_common.sh -sdk cu101 ``` * And you can find all of the outputs in `output` directory.If you just want to build for a specific Python verison, you can use `ALL_PYTHON` environment variable. eg: ```bash -ALL_PYTHON="36m" ./scripts/whl/manylinux2010/build_wheel.sh +ALL_PYTHON="36m" ./scripts/whl/manylinux2014/build_wheel_common.sh -sdk cu101 ``` * If you just want to build with cpu only version, you can set `BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY` environment 'ON'. eg: ```bash -BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY="ON" ALL_PYTHON="36m" ./scripts/whl/manylinux2010/build_wheel.sh +BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY="ON" ALL_PYTHON="36m" ./scripts/whl/manylinux2014/build_wheel_common.sh -sdk cu101 ``` ## Build for MacOS diff --git a/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/Dockerfile b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5bed0cc3d66c703400c2981472000d0bf50f66a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +FROM quay.io/pypa/manylinux2014_x86_64:2020-12-31-56195b3 + +ENV UID=1024 \ + PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/bin \ + LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs:/opt/cudnn/lib64:/opt/tensorrt/lib \ + LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs:/opt/cudnn/lib64:/opt/tensorrt/lib \ + CPATH=${CPATH}:/usr/local/cuda/include:/opt/cudnn/include:/opt/tensorrt/include + +ARG platform +COPY setup_mirror.sh . +RUN ./setup_mirror.sh "$platform" + +ADD init_image.sh /tmp +RUN /tmp/init_image.sh && rm -f /tmp/init_image.sh + diff --git a/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/build_image.sh b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/build_image.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa2e7898a1349c33959becdeff72e7df6e8d8114 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/build_image.sh @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#!/bin/bash -e + +cd $(dirname $0) + +docker build -t env_manylinux2014:latest . diff --git a/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/build_wheel_common.sh b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/build_wheel_common.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ca5e51dd1703eec1a1b63742f093a37002ebe37 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/build_wheel_common.sh @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -e +CWD=$(dirname $0) +BASEDIR=$(readlink -f ${CWD}/../../..) +OUTPUTDIR=$(readlink -f ${CWD}/output) +USERID=$(id -u) +TMPFS_ARGS="--tmpfs /tmp:exec" +local_path=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) +CUDNN_LIB_DIR="/opt/cudnn/lib64/" +CUDA_LIB_DIR="/usr/local/cuda/lib64/" + +CUDA_SDK="unknown" +function usage() { + echo "use '-sdk cu111' to specify cuda toolkit config, also support cu101, cu112" +} + +while [ "$1" != "" ]; do + case $1 in + -sdk) + shift + CUDA_SDK=$1 + shift + ;; + *) + usage + exit 1 + esac +done + +echo "Build with ${CUDA_SDK}" + +if [ $CUDA_SDK == "cu101" ];then + COPY_LIB_LIST="${CUDA_LIB_DIR}/libnvrtc.so.10.1" + EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAG=" -DMGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED=OFF" + OUT_DIR="cu101" + BUILD_GCC8="ON" + REQUIR_CUDA_VERSION="10010" + REQUIR_CUDNN_VERSION="7.6.3" + REQUIR_TENSORRT_VERSION="" +elif [ $CUDA_SDK == "cu111" ];then + COPY_LIB_LIST="\ + ${CUDA_LIB_DIR}/libnvrtc.so.11.1:\ + ${CUDA_LIB_DIR}/libcublasLt.so.11:\ + ${CUDA_LIB_DIR}/libcublas.so.11:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_adv_infer.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_adv_train.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_cnn_infer.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_cnn_train.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_ops_infer.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_ops_train.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn.so.8" + EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAG=" -DMGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED=ON\ + -gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61 \ + arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 \ + arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 \ + arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 \ + arch=compute_86,code=sm_86 \ + arch=compute_86,code=compute_86" + OUT_DIR="cu111" + REQUIR_CUDA_VERSION="11010" + REQUIR_CUDNN_VERSION="8.0.5" + REQUIR_TENSORRT_VERSION="" +elif [ $CUDA_SDK == "cu112" ];then + COPY_LIB_LIST="\ + ${CUDA_LIB_DIR}/libnvrtc.so.11.2:\ + ${CUDA_LIB_DIR}/libcublasLt.so.11:\ + ${CUDA_LIB_DIR}/libcublas.so.11:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_adv_infer.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_adv_train.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_cnn_infer.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_cnn_train.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_ops_infer.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn_ops_train.so.8:\ + ${CUDNN_LIB_DIR}/libcudnn.so.8" + EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAG=" -DMGE_WITH_CUDNN_SHARED=ON \ + -gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61 \ + arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 \ + arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 \ + arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 \ + arch=compute_86,code=sm_86 \ + arch=compute_86,code=compute_86" + OUT_DIR="cu112" + REQUIR_CUDA_VERSION="11020" + REQUIR_CUDNN_VERSION="8.0.5" + REQUIR_TENSORRT_VERSION="" +else + echo "no support sdk ${CUDA_SDK}, please set by '-sdk cu111'" + exit -1 +fi + +BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY=${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} +if [[ -z ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} ]] +then + BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY="OFF" +fi + +echo ${BASEDIR} +pushd ${BASEDIR}/third_party >/dev/null + ./prepare.sh +popd >/dev/null + +cd ${CWD} +mkdir -p ${OUTPUTDIR} + +if [ ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} = "OFF" ]; then + if [[ -z ${CUDA_ROOT_DIR} ]]; then + echo "Environment variable CUDA_ROOT_DIR not set." + exit -1 + fi + if [[ -z ${CUDNN_ROOT_DIR} ]]; then + echo "Environment variable CUDNN_ROOT_DIR not set." + exit -1 + fi + if [[ -z ${TENSORRT_ROOT_DIR} ]]; then + echo "Environment variable TENSORRT_ROOT_DIR not set." + exit -1 + fi + + ## YOU SHOULD MODIFY CUDA VERSION AS BELOW WHEN UPGRADE + + + CUDA_ROOT_DIR_=${CUDA_ROOT_DIR%*/} + CUDNN_ROOT_DIR_=${CUDNN_ROOT_DIR%*/} + TENSORRT_ROOT_DIR_=${TENSORRT_ROOT_DIR%*/} + + CUDA_VERSION_PATH=${CUDA_ROOT_DIR_}/include/cuda.h + if [ "$REQUIR_CUDA_VERSION" -ge "11000" ];then + CUDNN_VERSION_PATH=${CUDNN_ROOT_DIR_}/include/cudnn_version.h + else + CUDNN_VERSION_PATH=${CUDNN_ROOT_DIR_}/include/cudnn.h + fi + TENSORRT_VERSION_PATH=${TENSORRT_ROOT_DIR_}/include/NvInferVersion.h + + if [ ! -e $CUDA_VERSION_PATH ] ; then + echo file $CUDA_VERSION_PATH is not exist + echo please check the Environment must use CUDA-$REQUIR_CUDA_VERSION + exit -1 + fi + if [ ! -e $CUDNN_VERSION_PATH ] ; then + echo file $CUDNN_VERSION_PATH is not exist + echo please check the Environment must use CUDNN-V$REQUIR_CUDNN_VERSION + exit -1 + fi + if [ ! -e $TENSORRT_VERSION_PATH ] ; then + echo file $TENSORRT_VERSION_PATH is not exist + echo please check the Environment must use TensorRT-$REQUIR_TENSORRT_VERSION + exit -1 + fi + + CUDA_VERSION_CONTEXT=$(head -300 ${CUDA_VERSION_PATH}) + CUDNN_VERSION_CONTEXT=$(head -62 ${CUDNN_VERSION_PATH}) + TENSORRT_VERSION_CONTEXT=$(tail -12 ${TENSORRT_VERSION_PATH}) + + if [ "$REQUIR_CUDA_VERSION" -ge "11000" ];then + CUDA_API_VERSION=$(echo $CUDA_VERSION_CONTEXT | grep -Eo "define CUDA_VERSION * +([0-9]+)") + else + CUDA_API_VERSION=$(echo $CUDA_VERSION_CONTEXT | grep -Eo "define __CUDA_API_VERSION * +([0-9]+)") + fi + CUDA_VERSION=${CUDA_API_VERSION:0-5} + echo CUDA_VERSION:$CUDA_VERSION + + CUDNN_VERSION_MAJOR=$(echo $CUDNN_VERSION_CONTEXT | grep -Eo "define CUDNN_MAJOR * +([0-9]+)") + CUDNN_VERSION_MINOR=$(echo $CUDNN_VERSION_CONTEXT | grep -Eo "define CUDNN_MINOR * +([0-9]+)") + CUDNN_VERSION_PATCH=$(echo $CUDNN_VERSION_CONTEXT | grep -Eo "define CUDNN_PATCHLEVEL * +([0-9]+)") + CUDNN_VERSION=${CUDNN_VERSION_MAJOR:0-1}.${CUDNN_VERSION_MINOR:0-1}.${CUDNN_VERSION_PATCH:0-1} + echo CUDNN_VERSION:$CUDNN_VERSION + + TENSORRT_VERSION_MAJOR=$(echo $TENSORRT_VERSION_CONTEXT | grep -Eo "NV_TENSORRT_MAJOR * +([0-9]+)") + TENSORRT_VERSION_MINOR=$(echo $TENSORRT_VERSION_CONTEXT | grep -Eo "NV_TENSORRT_MINOR * +([0-9]+)") + TENSORRT_VERSION_PATCH=$(echo $TENSORRT_VERSION_CONTEXT | grep -Eo "NV_TENSORRT_PATCH * +([0-9]+)") + TENSORRT_VERSION_BUILD=$(echo $TENSORRT_VERSION_CONTEXT | grep -Eo "NV_TENSORRT_BUILD * +([0-9]+)") + TENSORRT_VERSION=${TENSORRT_VERSION_MAJOR:0-1}.${TENSORRT_VERSION_MINOR:0-1}.${TENSORRT_VERSION_PATCH:0-1}.${TENSORRT_VERSION_BUILD:0-1} + echo TENSORRT_VERSION:$TENSORRT_VERSION + + if [ $CUDA_VERSION != $REQUIR_CUDA_VERSION ] ; then + echo please check the Environment must use CUDA-10.1 NO.$REQUIR_CUDA_VERSION + exit -1 + fi + + if [ $CUDNN_VERSION != $REQUIR_CUDNN_VERSION ] ; then + echo please check the Environment must use CUDNN-V$REQUIR_CUDNN_VERSION + exit -1 + fi + + if [ $TENSORRT_VERSION != $REQUIR_TENSORRT_VERSION ] ; then + echo please check the Environment must use TENSORRT-$REQUIR_TENSORRT_VERSION + exit -1 + fi +fi + +if [[ -z ${BUILD_GCC8} ]];then + BUILD_GCC8=OFF +fi + +if [ "$BUILD_GCC8" == "ON" ];then + run_cmd="scl enable devtoolset-8 /home/code/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/do_build_common.sh" +else + run_cmd="/home/code/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/do_build_common.sh" +fi + +docker run --rm -it $TMPFS_ARGS \ + -e UID=${USERID} \ + -e LOCAL_VERSION=${LOCAL_VERSION} \ + -e BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY=${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} \ + -e ALL_PYTHON="${ALL_PYTHON}" \ + -e EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAG="$EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAG" \ + -e COPY_LIB_LIST="$COPY_LIB_LIST" \ + -e OUT_DIR="$OUT_DIR" \ + -v ${CUDA_ROOT_DIR}:/usr/local/cuda \ + -v ${CUDNN_ROOT_DIR}:/opt/cudnn \ + -v ${TENSORRT_ROOT_DIR}:/opt/tensorrt \ + -v ${BASEDIR}:/home/code \ + -v ${OUTPUTDIR}:/home/output:rw \ + env_manylinux2014:latest /bin/bash -c "$run_cmd" + + + diff --git a/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/do_build_common.sh b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/do_build_common.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7fdbd0ce1338208548e71ff851524610ce95bf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/do_build_common.sh @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +#!/bin/bash -ex + +function handle_strip() { + echo "now handle strip $1" + objcopy --only-keep-debug $1 $1.dbg + strip -s $1 + objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$1.dbg $1 + rm $1.dbg +} + +function full_copy_so(){ + lib_path=$1 + dst_dir=$2 + append_rpath=$3 + lib_name=$(basename $lib_path) + cp $lib_path $dst_dir/$lib_name + if [ "$append_rpath" != "" ];then + ori_rpath=$(patchelf --print-rpath $dst_dir/$lib_name) + if [ "$ori_rpath" != "" ];then + patchelf --set-rpath "$ori_rpath:$append_rpath" $dst_dir/$lib_name + else + patchelf --set-rpath "$append_rpath" $dst_dir/$lib_name + fi + fi +} + +function patch_elf_depend_lib() { + echo "handle common depend lib" + LIBS_DIR=${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megengine/core/lib + mkdir -p ${LIBS_DIR} + cp /usr/lib64/libatomic.so.1 ${LIBS_DIR} + + patchelf --remove-rpath ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megengine/core/_imperative_rt.so + patchelf --force-rpath --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/lib' ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megengine/core/_imperative_rt.so + cp ${BUILD_DIR}/src/libmegengine_export.so ${LIBS_DIR} + patchelf --remove-rpath ${LIBS_DIR}/libmegengine_export.so + patchelf --force-rpath --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/.' ${LIBS_DIR}/libmegengine_export.so + + cp ${BUILD_DIR}/src/libmegengine_export.so ${LIBS_DIR} + patchelf --remove-rpath ${LIBS_DIR}/libmegengine_export.so + patchelf --force-rpath --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/.' ${LIBS_DIR}/libmegengine_export.so + + + if [ ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} = "OFF" ]; then + echo "handle cuda lib" + cp ${BUILD_DIR}/dnn/cuda-stub/libcuda_stub.so ${LIBS_DIR} + cp /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libnvToolsExt.so.1 ${LIBS_DIR} + IFS=: read -a lib_name_array <<<"$COPY_LIB_LIST" + append_rpath='$ORIGIN/.' + for lib_name in ${lib_name_array[@]};do + full_copy_so $lib_name ${LIBS_DIR} $lib_append_rpath + done + fi +} + + +ALL_PYTHON=${ALL_PYTHON} +if [[ -z ${ALL_PYTHON} ]] +then + ALL_PYTHON="35m 36m 37m 38" +fi + +BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY=${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} +if [[ -z ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} ]] +then + BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY="OFF" +fi + +SRC_DIR=$(readlink -f "`dirname $0`/../../../") +BUILD_DIR=${SRC_DIR}/build_dir/host/MGE_WITH_CUDA_OFF/MGE_INFERENCE_ONLY_OFF/Release/build/ +if [ ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} = "OFF" ]; then + BUILD_DIR=${SRC_DIR}/build_dir/host/MGE_WITH_CUDA_ON/MGE_INFERENCE_ONLY_OFF/Release/build/ +fi +NEW_LIB_PATH=core/lib +for ver in ${ALL_PYTHON} +do + USE_AUDITWHEEL="ON" + python_ver=${ver:0:2} + MAJOR=${python_ver:0:1} + MINOR=${ver:1} + PYTHON_DIR=/opt/python/cp${python_ver}-cp${ver}/ + export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} ${EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAG}" + export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" + export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${PYTHON_DIR}" + export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${PYTHON_DIR}/bin/python3" + export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=${PYTHON_DIR}lib/" + export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=${PYTHON_DIR}include/python${MAJOR}.${MINOR}" + export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DMGE_WITH_ATLAS=ON" + + if [ ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} = "OFF" ]; then + ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/cmake-build/host_build.sh -c -t -r + else + ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/cmake-build/host_build.sh -t -r + fi + + cd ${BUILD_DIR} + rm -rf staging + mkdir -p staging + cp -a imperative/python/{megengine,setup.py,requires.txt,requires-style.txt,requires-test.txt} staging/ + + + + handle_strip ${BUILD_DIR}/src/libmegengine_export.so + + cd ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megengine/core + handle_strip _imperative_rt.so + + mkdir -p lib/ucx + + + + if [ ${USE_AUDITWHEEL} = "OFF" ]; then + patch_elf_depend_lib + fi + + cd ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/ + ${PYTHON_DIR}/bin/python setup.py bdist_wheel + cd /home/output + if [ ${USE_AUDITWHEEL} = "ON" ]; then + LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILD_DIR}/dnn/cuda-stub:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH auditwheel repair -L ${NEW_LIB_PATH} ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/dist/Meg*.whl + else + mkdir -p ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/output/wheelhouse/${OUT_DIR} + cd ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/dist/ + org_whl_name=`ls Meg*${ver}*.whl` + compat_whl_name=`echo ${org_whl_name} | sed 's/linux/manylinux2014/'` + echo "org whl name: ${org_whl_name}" + echo "comapt whl name: ${compat_whl_name}" + mv ${org_whl_name} ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/output/wheelhouse/${OUT_DIR}/${compat_whl_name} + cd /home/output + fi + chown -R ${UID}.${UID} . + # compat for root-less docker env to remove output at host side + chmod -R 777 . + echo "python $ver done" +done + diff --git a/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/init_image.sh b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/init_image.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cbdf628b865801abccaac2d2e272553ca17fff74 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/init_image.sh @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +#!/bin/bash -e + +GET_PIP_URL='https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py' +SWIG_URL='https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/swig/swig/swig-3.0.12/swig-3.0.12.tar.gz?use_mirror=autoselect' +LLVM_URL='https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/archive/release_60.tar.gz' +CLANG_URL='https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang/archive/release_60.tar.gz' + + +yum install -y pcre-devel devtoolset-9-libatomic-devel.x86_64 +yum install -y devtoolset-8 devtoolset-8-libatomic-devel.x86_64 + +for ver in 35m 36m 37m 38 +do + python_ver=${ver:0:2} + curl ${GET_PIP_URL} | /opt/python/cp${python_ver}-cp${ver}/bin/python - \ + --no-cache-dir --only-binary :all: + /opt/python/cp${python_ver}-cp${ver}/bin/pip install \ + --no-cache-dir --only-binary :all: numpy==1.18.1 setuptools==46.1.3 +done + +pushd /home >/dev/null + echo "Install swig" + curl -sSL ${SWIG_URL} | tar xz + pushd swig-3.0.12 >/dev/null + mkdir build + pushd build >/dev/null + ../configure + make -j$(nproc) + make install + popd >/dev/null + popd >/dev/null + rm -rf swig-3.0.12 + + echo "Install llvm" + curl -sSL ${LLVM_URL} | tar xz + pushd llvm-release_60 >/dev/null + mkdir build + pushd build >/dev/null + cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/python/cp36-cp36m/ \ + -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release + make -j$(nproc) + make install + popd >/dev/null + popd >/dev/null + rm -rf llvm-release_60 + + echo "Install clang" + curl -sSL ${CLANG_URL} | tar xz + pushd clang-release_60 >/dev/null + mkdir build + pushd build >/dev/null + cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/python/cp36-cp36m/ \ + -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release + make -j$(nproc) + make install + popd >/dev/null + popd >/dev/null + rm -rf clang-release_60 +popd >/dev/null + +pushd /tmp >/dev/null + curl -sSL https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/archive/0.12.tar.gz | tar xz + pushd /tmp/patchelf-0.12 >/dev/null + sed -i '331s/32/64/' ./src/patchelf.cc + ./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make install-strip + popd + rm -rf /tmp/patchelf-0.12 +popd + +yum clean all diff --git a/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/setup_mirror.sh b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/setup_mirror.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..93c541a6f006ac13ab96c9f02b3057a97ad100e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/setup_mirror.sh @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -e + +function set_tuna_yum_mirror() { + cp /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.bak + local repo=/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo + local plugin=/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf + sed -i "s/mirrorlist=/#mirrorlist=/g" $repo + sed -i "s/#baseurl/baseurl/g" $repo + sed -i "s/mirror.centos.org/mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/g" $repo + sed -i "s/http/https/g" $repo + sed -i "s/enabled=1/enabled=0/g" $plugin + yum clean all + # Build on brainpp unable to pull epel reo metadata so disable this + # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/148144/unable-to-pull-epel-repository-metadata + yum --disablerepo="epel" update nss + yum makecache +} + +function set_epel() { + mv /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo.backup + mv /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-testing.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-testing.repo.backup + curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-7.repo +} + +function set_yum_mirror() { + mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup + curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo + yum makecache +} + +function set_pip_mirror() { +cat > /etc/pip.conf <(); - auto dev_overlap_mask = reinterpret_cast(workspace.raw_ptr()), - dev_rm_mask = reinterpret_cast( + void* workspace_ptr = workspace.raw_ptr(); + auto dev_overlap_mask = reinterpret_cast(workspace_ptr), + dev_rm_mask = (uint64_t*)( workspace.raw_ptr() + m_workspace_overlap_mask_bytes_align); auto out_idx_ptr = reinterpret_cast(out_idx.ptr()), out_size_ptr = reinterpret_cast(out_size.ptr()); diff --git a/src/tensorrt/impl/opr_replace.cpp b/src/tensorrt/impl/opr_replace.cpp index ad9d1e8a50a8f3750847f8a962c6b575ce5be293..c48599f0002114bfe67b17e64a30e147eaf5adc5 100644 --- a/src/tensorrt/impl/opr_replace.cpp +++ b/src/tensorrt/impl/opr_replace.cpp @@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ #include "megbrain/gopt/inference.h" #include "megbrain/gopt/misc.h" +#pragma GCC diagnostic push +#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" + using namespace mgb; using namespace gopt; using namespace cg; @@ -1749,6 +1752,7 @@ void mgb::tensorrt::transform_dest_vars_inplace( optimizer.apply_inplace(dest_vars); } +#pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif // vim: syntax=cpp.doxygen foldmethod=marker foldmarker=f{{{,f}}} diff --git a/src/tensorrt/test/make_trt_net.cpp b/src/tensorrt/test/make_trt_net.cpp index 5b72916cf197fdc063ca540ef8228103823713ee..b1974f39b26b3665a93885df82aa5ad54a0d43ae 100644 --- a/src/tensorrt/test/make_trt_net.cpp +++ b/src/tensorrt/test/make_trt_net.cpp @@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ #include "megbrain/utils/debug.h" #if MGB_ENABLE_TENSOR_RT - +#pragma GCC diagnostic push +#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #include "megbrain/tensorrt/tensorrt_opr.h" #include "make_trt_net.h" @@ -111,7 +112,8 @@ intl::SimpleQuantizedTensorRTNetwork::SimpleQuantizedTensorRTNetwork() { host_b = range_gen({1, 8, 1, 1}); { - float* ptr = reinterpret_cast(host_w->raw_ptr()); + void* w_ptr = host_w->raw_ptr(); + float* ptr = reinterpret_cast(w_ptr); ptr[0] = -127*1.1f; ptr[1] = 127*1.1f; } @@ -362,6 +364,7 @@ intl::ConcatConvTensorRTNetwork::create_trt_network(bool has_batch_dim) { return std::make_pair(builder, network); } +#pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif // MGB_ENABLE_TENSOR_RT // vim: syntax=cpp.doxygen foldmethod=marker foldmarker=f{{{,f}}}