# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import taos from util.log import * from util.cases import * from util.sql import * from util.dnodes import * class TDTestCase: def init(self, conn, logSql): tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__) tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql) self.types = [ "int", "bigint", "float", "double", "smallint", "tinyint", "binary(10)", "nchar(10)", "timestamp"] self.rowNum = 300 self.ts = 1537146000000 self.step = 1000 self.sqlHead = "select count(*), count(c1) " self.sqlTail = " from tb" def addColumnAndCount(self): for colIdx in range(len(self.types)): tdSql.execute( "alter table tb add column c%d %s" % (colIdx + 2, self.types[colIdx])) self.sqlHead = self.sqlHead + ",count(c%d) " % (colIdx + 2) tdSql.query(self.sqlHead + self.sqlTail) # count non-NULL values in each column tdSql.checkData(0, 0, self.rowNum * (colIdx + 1)) tdSql.checkData(0, 1, self.rowNum * (colIdx + 1)) for i in range(2, colIdx + 2): print("check1: i=%d colIdx=%d" % (i, colIdx)) tdSql.checkData(0, i, self.rowNum * (colIdx - i + 2)) # insert more rows for k in range(self.rowNum): self.ts += self.step sql = "insert into tb values (%d, %d" % (self.ts, colIdx + 2) for j in range(colIdx + 1): sql += ", %d" % (colIdx + 2) sql += ")" tdSql.execute(sql) # count non-NULL values in each column tdSql.query(self.sqlHead + self.sqlTail) tdSql.checkData(0, 0, self.rowNum * (colIdx + 2)) tdSql.checkData(0, 1, self.rowNum * (colIdx + 2)) for i in range(2, colIdx + 2): print("check2: i=%d colIdx=%d" % (i, colIdx)) tdSql.checkData(0, i, self.rowNum * (colIdx - i + 3)) def dropColumnAndCount(self): tdSql.query(self.sqlHead + self.sqlTail) res = [] for i in range(len(self.types)): res[i] = tdSql.getData(0, i + 2) print(res.join) for colIdx in range(len(self.types), 0, -1): tdSql.execute("alter table tb drop column c%d" % (colIdx + 2)) # self.sqlHead = self.sqlHead + ",count(c%d) " %(colIdx + 2) tdSql.query(self.sqlHead + self.sqlTail) # count non-NULL values in each column tdSql.checkData(0, 0, self.rowNum * (colIdx + 1)) tdSql.checkData(0, 1, self.rowNum * (colIdx + 1)) for i in range(2, colIdx + 2): print("check1: i=%d colIdx=%d" % (i, colIdx)) tdSql.checkData(0, i, self.rowNum * (colIdx - i + 2)) # insert more rows for k in range(self.rowNum): self.ts += self.step sql = "insert into tb values (%d, %d" % (self.ts, colIdx + 2) for j in range(colIdx + 1): sql += ", %d" % (colIdx + 2) sql += ")" tdSql.execute(sql) # count non-NULL values in each column tdSql.query(self.sqlHead + self.sqlTail) tdSql.checkData(0, 0, self.rowNum * (colIdx + 2)) tdSql.checkData(0, 1, self.rowNum * (colIdx + 2)) for i in range(2, colIdx + 2): print("check2: i=%d colIdx=%d" % (i, colIdx)) tdSql.checkData(0, i, self.rowNum * (colIdx - i + 3)) def run(self): # Setup params db = "db" # Create db tdSql.execute("drop database if exists %s" % (db)) tdSql.execute("reset query cache") tdSql.execute("create database %s maxrows 200" % (db)) tdSql.execute("use %s" % (db)) # Create a table with one colunm of int type and insert 300 rows tdLog.info("create table tb") tdSql.execute("create table tb (ts timestamp, c1 int)") tdLog.info("Insert %d rows into tb" % (self.rowNum)) for k in range(1, self.rowNum + 1): self.ts += self.step tdSql.execute("insert into tb values (%d, 1)" % (self.ts)) # Alter tb and add a column of smallint type, then query tb to see if # all added column are NULL self.addColumnAndCount() tdDnodes.stop(1) tdDnodes.start(1) tdSql.query(self.sqlHead + self.sqlTail) size = len(self.types) + 2 for i in range(2, size): tdSql.checkData(0, i, self.rowNum * (size - i)) tdSql.execute("create table st(ts timestamp, c1 int) tags(t1 float)") tdSql.execute("create table t0 using st tags(null)") tdSql.execute("alter table t0 set tag t1=2.1") tdSql.query("show tables") tdSql.checkRows(1) def stop(self): tdSql.close() tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__) tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())