/** * @file ByteToolkit.c * @author Sheng Di * @date April, 2016 * @brief Byte Toolkit * (C) 2016 by Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS), Argonne National Laboratory. * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. */ #include #include "sz.h" #include "zlib.h" inline unsigned short bytesToUInt16_bigEndian(unsigned char* bytes) { int temp = 0; unsigned short res = 0; temp = bytes[0] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[1] & 0xff; res |= temp; return res; } inline unsigned int bytesToUInt32_bigEndian(unsigned char* bytes) { unsigned int temp = 0; unsigned int res = 0; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[0] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[1] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[2] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[3] & 0xff; res |= temp; return res; } inline unsigned long bytesToUInt64_bigEndian(unsigned char* b) { unsigned long temp = 0; unsigned long res = 0; res <<= 8; temp = b[0] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[1] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[2] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[3] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[4] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[5] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[6] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[7] & 0xff; res |= temp; return res; } inline short bytesToInt16_bigEndian(unsigned char* bytes) { int temp = 0; short res = 0; temp = bytes[0] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[1] & 0xff; res |= temp; return res; } inline int bytesToInt32_bigEndian(unsigned char* bytes) { int temp = 0; int res = 0; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[0] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[1] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[2] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[3] & 0xff; res |= temp; return res; } inline long bytesToInt64_bigEndian(unsigned char* b) { long temp = 0; long res = 0; res <<= 8; temp = b[0] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[1] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[2] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[3] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[4] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[5] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[6] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[7] & 0xff; res |= temp; return res; } inline int bytesToInt_bigEndian(unsigned char* bytes) { int temp = 0; int res = 0; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[0] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[1] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[2] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = bytes[3] & 0xff; res |= temp; return res; } /** * @unsigned char *b the variable to store the converted bytes (length=4) * @unsigned int num * */ inline void intToBytes_bigEndian(unsigned char *b, unsigned int num) { b[0] = (unsigned char)(num >> 24); b[1] = (unsigned char)(num >> 16); b[2] = (unsigned char)(num >> 8); b[3] = (unsigned char)(num); //note: num >> xxx already considered endian_type... //if(dataEndianType==LITTLE_ENDIAN_DATA) // symTransform_4bytes(*b); //change to BIG_ENDIAN_DATA } inline void int64ToBytes_bigEndian(unsigned char *b, uint64_t num) { b[0] = (unsigned char)(num>>56); b[1] = (unsigned char)(num>>48); b[2] = (unsigned char)(num>>40); b[3] = (unsigned char)(num>>32); b[4] = (unsigned char)(num>>24); b[5] = (unsigned char)(num>>16); b[6] = (unsigned char)(num>>8); b[7] = (unsigned char)(num); } inline void int32ToBytes_bigEndian(unsigned char *b, uint32_t num) { b[0] = (unsigned char)(num >> 24); b[1] = (unsigned char)(num >> 16); b[2] = (unsigned char)(num >> 8); b[3] = (unsigned char)(num); } inline void int16ToBytes_bigEndian(unsigned char *b, uint16_t num) { b[0] = (unsigned char)(num >> 8); b[1] = (unsigned char)(num); } /** * @endianType: refers to the endian_type of unsigned char* b. * */ inline long bytesToLong_bigEndian(unsigned char* b) { long temp = 0; long res = 0; res <<= 8; temp = b[0] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[1] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[2] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[3] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[4] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[5] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[6] & 0xff; res |= temp; res <<= 8; temp = b[7] & 0xff; res |= temp; return res; } inline void longToBytes_bigEndian(unsigned char *b, unsigned long num) { b[0] = (unsigned char)(num>>56); b[1] = (unsigned char)(num>>48); b[2] = (unsigned char)(num>>40); b[3] = (unsigned char)(num>>32); b[4] = (unsigned char)(num>>24); b[5] = (unsigned char)(num>>16); b[6] = (unsigned char)(num>>8); b[7] = (unsigned char)(num); // if(dataEndianType==LITTLE_ENDIAN_DATA) // symTransform_8bytes(*b); } inline long doubleToOSEndianLong(double value) { ldouble buf; buf.value = value; return buf.lvalue; } inline int floatToOSEndianInt(float value) { lfloat buf; buf.value = value; return buf.ivalue; } //TODO: debug: lfBuf.lvalue could be actually little_endian.... inline short getExponent_float(float value) { //int ivalue = floatToBigEndianInt(value); lfloat lbuf; lbuf.value = value; int ivalue = lbuf.ivalue; int expValue = (ivalue & 0x7F800000) >> 23; expValue -= 127; return (short)expValue; } inline short getPrecisionReqLength_float(float precision) { lfloat lbuf; lbuf.value = precision; int ivalue = lbuf.ivalue; int expValue = (ivalue & 0x7F800000) >> 23; expValue -= 127; // unsigned char the1stManBit = (unsigned char)((ivalue & 0x00400000) >> 22); // if(the1stManBit==1) // expValue--; return (short)expValue; } inline short getExponent_double(double value) { //long lvalue = doubleToBigEndianLong(value); ldouble lbuf; lbuf.value = value; long lvalue = lbuf.lvalue; int expValue = (int)((lvalue & 0x7FF0000000000000) >> 52); expValue -= 1023; return (short)expValue; } inline short getPrecisionReqLength_double(double precision) { ldouble lbuf; lbuf.value = precision; long lvalue = lbuf.lvalue; int expValue = (int)((lvalue & 0x7FF0000000000000) >> 52); expValue -= 1023; // unsigned char the1stManBit = (unsigned char)((lvalue & 0x0008000000000000) >> 51); // if(the1stManBit==1) // expValue--; return (short)expValue; } unsigned char numberOfLeadingZeros_Int(int i) { if (i == 0) return 32; unsigned char n = 1; if (((unsigned int)i) >> 16 == 0) { n += 16; i <<= 16; } if (((unsigned int)i) >> 24 == 0) { n += 8; i <<= 8; } if (((unsigned int)i) >> 28 == 0) { n += 4; i <<= 4; } if (((unsigned int)i) >> 30 == 0) { n += 2; i <<= 2; } n -= ((unsigned int)i) >> 31; return n; } unsigned char numberOfLeadingZeros_Long(long i) { if (i == 0) return 64; unsigned char n = 1; int x = (int)(((unsigned long)i) >> 32); if (x == 0) { n += 32; x = (int)i; } if (((unsigned int)x) >> 16 == 0) { n += 16; x <<= 16; } if (((unsigned int)x) >> 24 == 0) { n += 8; x <<= 8; } if (((unsigned int)x) >> 28 == 0) { n += 4; x <<= 4; } if (((unsigned int)x) >> 30 == 0) { n += 2; x <<= 2; } n -= ((unsigned int)x) >> 31; return n; } unsigned char getLeadingNumbers_Int(int v1, int v2) { int v = v1 ^ v2; return (unsigned char)numberOfLeadingZeros_Int(v); } unsigned char getLeadingNumbers_Long(long v1, long v2) { long v = v1 ^ v2; return (unsigned char)numberOfLeadingZeros_Long(v); } /** * By default, the endian type is OS endian type. * */ short bytesToShort(unsigned char* bytes) { lint16 buf; memcpy(buf.byte, bytes, 2); return buf.svalue; } void shortToBytes(unsigned char* b, short value) { lint16 buf; buf.svalue = value; memcpy(b, buf.byte, 2); } int bytesToInt(unsigned char* bytes) { lfloat buf; memcpy(buf.byte, bytes, 4); return buf.ivalue; } long bytesToLong(unsigned char* bytes) { ldouble buf; memcpy(buf.byte, bytes, 8); return buf.lvalue; } //the byte to input is in the big-endian format inline float bytesToFloat(unsigned char* bytes) { lfloat buf; memcpy(buf.byte, bytes, 4); if(sysEndianType==LITTLE_ENDIAN_SYSTEM) symTransform_4bytes(buf.byte); return buf.value; } inline void floatToBytes(unsigned char *b, float num) { lfloat buf; buf.value = num; memcpy(b, buf.byte, 4); if(sysEndianType==LITTLE_ENDIAN_SYSTEM) symTransform_4bytes(b); } //the byte to input is in the big-endian format inline double bytesToDouble(unsigned char* bytes) { ldouble buf; memcpy(buf.byte, bytes, 8); if(sysEndianType==LITTLE_ENDIAN_SYSTEM) symTransform_8bytes(buf.byte); return buf.value; } inline void doubleToBytes(unsigned char *b, double num) { ldouble buf; buf.value = num; memcpy(b, buf.byte, 8); if(sysEndianType==LITTLE_ENDIAN_SYSTEM) symTransform_8bytes(b); } int extractBytes(unsigned char* byteArray, size_t k, int validLength) { size_t outIndex = k/8; int innerIndex = k%8; unsigned char intBytes[4]; int length = innerIndex + validLength; int byteNum = 0; if(length%8==0) byteNum = length/8; else byteNum = length/8+1; int i; for(i = 0;iSZ_SIZE_TYPE-byteNum+i] = byteArray[outIndex+i]; int result = bytesToInt_bigEndian(intBytes); int rightMovSteps = innerIndex +(8 - (innerIndex+validLength)%8)%8; result = result << innerIndex; switch(byteNum) { case 1: result = result & 0xff; break; case 2: result = result & 0xffff; break; case 3: result = result & 0xffffff; break; case 4: break; default: printf("Error: other cases are impossible...\n"); exit(0); } result = result >> rightMovSteps; return result; } inline int getMaskRightCode(int m) { switch (m) { case 1: return 0x01; case 2: return 0x03; case 3: return 0x07; case 4: return 0x0F; case 5: return 0x1F; case 6: return 0x3F; case 7: return 0X7F; case 8: return 0XFF; default: return 0; } } inline int getLeftMovingCode(int kMod8) { return getMaskRightCode(8 - kMod8); } inline int getRightMovingSteps(int kMod8, int resiBitLength) { return 8 - kMod8 - resiBitLength; } inline int getRightMovingCode(int kMod8, int resiBitLength) { int rightMovingSteps = 8 - kMod8 - resiBitLength; if(rightMovingSteps < 0) { switch(-rightMovingSteps) { case 1: return 0x80; case 2: return 0xC0; case 3: return 0xE0; case 4: return 0xF0; case 5: return 0xF8; case 6: return 0xFC; case 7: return 0XFE; default: return 0; } } else //if(rightMovingSteps >= 0) { int a = getMaskRightCode(8 - kMod8); int b = getMaskRightCode(8 - kMod8 - resiBitLength); int c = a - b; return c; } } short* convertByteDataToShortArray(unsigned char* bytes, size_t byteLength) { lint16 ls; size_t i, stateLength = byteLength/2; short* states = (short*)malloc(stateLength*sizeof(short)); if(sysEndianType==dataEndianType) { for(i=0;iSZ_SIZE_TYPE==4) result = bytesToInt_bigEndian(bytes);//4 else result = bytesToLong_bigEndian(bytes);//8 return result; } inline void sizeToBytes(unsigned char* outBytes, size_t size) { if(exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE==4) intToBytes_bigEndian(outBytes, size);//4 else longToBytes_bigEndian(outBytes, size);//8 } /** * put 'buf_nbBits' bits represented by buf into a long byte stream (the current output byte pointer is p, where offset is the number of bits already filled out for this byte so far) * */ void put_codes_to_output(unsigned int buf, int bitSize, unsigned char** p, int* lackBits, size_t *outSize) { int byteSize, byteSizep; if(*lackBits == 0) { byteSize = bitSize%8==0 ? bitSize/8 : bitSize/8+1; //it's equal to the number of bytes involved (for *outSize) byteSizep = bitSize >> 3; //it's used to move the pointer p for next data intToBytes_bigEndian(*p, buf); (*p) += byteSizep; *outSize += byteSize; (*lackBits) = bitSize%8==0 ? 0 : 8 - bitSize%8; } else { **p = (**p) | (unsigned char)(buf >> (32 - *lackBits)); if((*lackBits) < bitSize) { (*p)++; int newCode = buf << (*lackBits); intToBytes_bigEndian(*p, newCode); bitSize -= *lackBits; byteSizep = bitSize >> 3; // =bitSize/8 byteSize = bitSize%8==0 ? byteSizep : byteSizep+1; *p += byteSizep; (*outSize)+=byteSize; (*lackBits) = bitSize%8==0 ? 0 : 8 - bitSize%8; } else { (*lackBits) -= bitSize; if(*lackBits==0) (*p)++; } } } void convertSZParamsToBytes(sz_params* params, unsigned char* result) { //unsigned char* result = (unsigned char*)malloc(16); unsigned char buf = 0; //flag1: exe_params->optQuantMode(1bit), dataEndianType(1bit), sysEndianType(1bit), conf_params->szMode (1bit), conf_params->gzipMode (2bits), pwrType (2bits) buf = exe_params->optQuantMode; buf = (buf << 1) | dataEndianType; buf = (buf << 1) | sysEndianType; buf = (buf << 2) | params->szMode; int tmp = 0; switch(params->gzipMode) { case Z_BEST_SPEED: tmp = 0; break; case Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: tmp = 1; break; case Z_BEST_COMPRESSION: tmp = 2; break; } buf = (buf << 2) | tmp; //buf = (buf << 2) | params->pwr_type; //deprecated result[0] = buf; //sampleDistance; //2 bytes //int16ToBytes_bigEndian(&result[1], params->sampleDistance); //conf_params->predThreshold; // 2 bytes //short tmp2 = params->predThreshold * 10000; //int16ToBytes_bigEndian(&result[3], tmp2); //errorBoundMode; //4bits(0.5 byte) //result[1] = params->errorBoundMode; //data type (float, double, int8, int16, ....) //10 choices, so 4 bits //result[1] = (result[1] << 4) | (params->dataType & 0x17); //result[5]: abs_err_bound or psnr //4 bytes //result[9]: rel_bound_ratio or pwr_err_bound//4 bytes /* switch(params->errorBoundMode) { case SZ_ABS: floatToBytes(&result[6-4], (float)(params->absErrBound)); //big_endian memset(&result[10-4], 0, 4); break; case REL: memset(&result[6-4], 0, 4); floatToBytes(&result[10-4], (float)(params->relBoundRatio)); //big_endian break; case ABS_AND_REL: case ABS_OR_REL: floatToBytes(&result[6-4], (float)(params->absErrBound)); floatToBytes(&result[10-4], (float)(params->relBoundRatio)); //big_endian break; case PSNR: floatToBytes(&result[6-4], (float)(params->psnr)); memset(&result[9-4], 0, 4); break; case ABS_AND_PW_REL: case ABS_OR_PW_REL: floatToBytes(&result[6-4], (float)(params->absErrBound)); floatToBytes(&result[10-4], (float)(params->pw_relBoundRatio)); //big_endian break; case REL_AND_PW_REL: case REL_OR_PW_REL: floatToBytes(&result[6-4], (float)(params->relBoundRatio)); floatToBytes(&result[10-4], (float)(params->pw_relBoundRatio)); //big_endian break; case PW_REL: memset(&result[6-4], 0, 4); floatToBytes(&result[10-4], (float)(params->pw_relBoundRatio)); //big_endian break; } */ //compressor //result[14-4] = (unsigned char)params->sol_ID; /* remove fmin fmax intervals if(exe_params->optQuantMode==1) int32ToBytes_bigEndian(&result[16], params->max_quant_intervals); else int32ToBytes_bigEndian(&result[16], params->quantization_intervals); if(params->dataType==SZ_FLOAT) { floatToBytes(&result[20], params->fmin); floatToBytes(&result[24], params->fmax); } else { doubleToBytes(&result[20], params->dmin); doubleToBytes(&result[28], params->dmax); } */ } void convertBytesToSZParams(unsigned char* bytes, sz_params* params, sz_exedata* pde_exe) { unsigned char flag1 = bytes[0]; pde_exe->optQuantMode = (flag1 & 0x40) >> 6; dataEndianType = (flag1 & 0x20) >> 5; //sysEndianType = (flag1 & 0x10) >> 4; params->szMode = (flag1 & 0x0c) >> 2; int tmp = (flag1 & 0x03); switch(tmp) { case 0: params->gzipMode = Z_BEST_SPEED; break; case 1: params->gzipMode = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY; break; case 2: params->gzipMode = Z_BEST_COMPRESSION; break; } //params->pwr_type = (flag1 & 0x03) >> 0; //params->sampleDistance = bytesToInt16_bigEndian(&bytes[1]); //params->predThreshold = 1.0*bytesToInt16_bigEndian(&bytes[3])/10000.0; /* params->dataType = bytes[1] & 0x07; params->errorBoundMode = (bytes[1] & 0xf0) >> 4; switch(params->errorBoundMode) { case SZ_ABS: params->absErrBound = bytesToFloat(&bytes[6-4]); break; case REL: params->relBoundRatio = bytesToFloat(&bytes[10-4]); break; case ABS_AND_REL: case ABS_OR_REL: params->absErrBound = bytesToFloat(&bytes[6-4]); params->relBoundRatio = bytesToFloat(&bytes[10-4]); break; case PSNR: params->psnr = bytesToFloat(&bytes[6-4]); break; case ABS_AND_PW_REL: case ABS_OR_PW_REL: params->absErrBound = bytesToFloat(&bytes[6-4]); params->pw_relBoundRatio = bytesToFloat(&bytes[10-4]); break; case REL_AND_PW_REL: case REL_OR_PW_REL: params->relBoundRatio = bytesToFloat(&bytes[6-4]); params->pw_relBoundRatio = bytesToFloat(&bytes[10-4]); break; case PW_REL: params->pw_relBoundRatio = bytesToFloat(&bytes[10-4]); } params->sol_ID = (int)(bytes[14-4]); if(pde_exe->optQuantMode==1) { params->max_quant_intervals = bytesToInt32_bigEndian(&bytes[16]); params->quantization_intervals = 0; } else { params->max_quant_intervals = 0; params->quantization_intervals = bytesToInt32_bigEndian(&bytes[16]); } if(params->dataType==SZ_FLOAT) { params->fmin = bytesToFloat(&bytes[20]); params->fmax = bytesToFloat(&bytes[24]); } else if(params->dataType==SZ_DOUBLE) { params->dmin = bytesToDouble(&bytes[20]); params->dmax = bytesToDouble(&bytes[28]); } */ }