/** * @file sz_float.c * @author Sheng Di, Dingwen Tao, Xin Liang, Xiangyu Zou, Tao Lu, Wen Xia, Xuan Wang, Weizhe Zhang * @date Aug, 2016 * @brief SZ_Init, Compression and Decompression functions * (C) 2016 by Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS), Argonne National Laboratory. * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sz.h" #include "CompressElement.h" #include "DynamicByteArray.h" #include "TightDataPointStorageF.h" #include "sz_float.h" #include "szd_float.h" #include "zlib.h" #include "utility.h" # define MIN(_a, _b) (((_a) < (_b)) ? (_a) : (_b)) void computeReqLength_float(double realPrecision, short rangeExpo, int* reqLength, float* medianValue) { short realPrecExpo = getPrecisionReqLength_double(realPrecision); *reqLength = 9 + rangeExpo - realPrecExpo + 1; //radExpo-reqExpo == reqMantiLength if(*reqLength<9) *reqLength = 9; if(*reqLength>32) { *reqLength = 32; *medianValue = 0; } } unsigned int optimize_intervals_float_1D(float *oriData, size_t dataLength, double realPrecision) { size_t i = 0, radiusIndex; float pred_value = 0, pred_err; size_t *intervals = (size_t*)malloc(confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius*sizeof(size_t)); memset(intervals, 0, confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius*sizeof(size_t)); size_t totalSampleSize = dataLength/confparams_cpr->sampleDistance; for(i=2;isampleDistance==0) { //pred_value = 2*oriData[i-1] - oriData[i-2]; pred_value = oriData[i-1]; pred_err = fabs(pred_value - oriData[i]); radiusIndex = (unsigned long)((pred_err/realPrecision+1)/2); if(radiusIndex>=confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius) radiusIndex = confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius - 1; intervals[radiusIndex]++; } } //compute the appropriate number size_t targetCount = totalSampleSize*confparams_cpr->predThreshold; size_t sum = 0; for(i=0;imaxRangeRadius;i++) { sum += intervals[i]; if(sum>targetCount) break; } if(i>=confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius) i = confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius-1; unsigned int accIntervals = 2*(i+1); unsigned int powerOf2 = roundUpToPowerOf2(accIntervals); if(powerOf2<32) powerOf2 = 32; free(intervals); //printf("accIntervals=%d, powerOf2=%d\n", accIntervals, powerOf2); return powerOf2; } TightDataPointStorageF* SZ_compress_float_1D_MDQ(float *oriData, size_t dataLength, float realPrecision, float valueRangeSize, float medianValue_f) { unsigned int quantization_intervals; if(exe_params->optQuantMode==1) quantization_intervals = optimize_intervals_float_1D_opt(oriData, dataLength, realPrecision); else quantization_intervals = exe_params->intvCapacity; //updateQuantizationInfo(quantization_intervals); int half_interval = quantization_intervals/2; // // calc reqlength and need set medianValue to zero. // size_t i; int reqLength; // need save bits length for one float . value ragne 9~32 float medianValue = medianValue_f; short rangeExpo = getExponent_float(valueRangeSize/2); computeReqLength_float(realPrecision, rangeExpo, &reqLength, &medianValue); // // malloc all // // 1 type int* type = (int*) malloc(dataLength*sizeof(int)); float* spaceFillingValue = oriData; // // 2 lead DynamicIntArray *exactLeadNumArray; new_DIA(&exactLeadNumArray, DynArrayInitLen); // 3 mid DynamicByteArray *exactMidByteArray; new_DBA(&exactMidByteArray, DynArrayInitLen); // 4 residual bit DynamicIntArray *resiBitArray; new_DIA(&resiBitArray, DynArrayInitLen); unsigned char preDiffBytes[4]; intToBytes_bigEndian(preDiffBytes, 0); // calc save byte length and bit lengths with reqLength int reqBytesLength = reqLength/8; int resiBitsLength = reqLength%8; //float last3CmprsData[3] = {0}; FloatValueCompressElement *vce = (FloatValueCompressElement*)malloc(sizeof(FloatValueCompressElement)); LossyCompressionElement *lce = (LossyCompressionElement*)malloc(sizeof(LossyCompressionElement)); //add the first data type[0] = 0; compressSingleFloatValue(vce, spaceFillingValue[0], realPrecision, medianValue, reqLength, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength); // set lce updateLossyCompElement_Float(vce->curBytes, preDiffBytes, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength, lce); memcpy(preDiffBytes, vce->curBytes, 4); // lce to arrays addExactData(exactMidByteArray, exactLeadNumArray, resiBitArray, lce); //listAdd_float(last3CmprsData, vce->data); //add the second data type[1] = 0; compressSingleFloatValue(vce, spaceFillingValue[1], realPrecision, medianValue, reqLength, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength); updateLossyCompElement_Float(vce->curBytes, preDiffBytes, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength, lce); memcpy(preDiffBytes, vce->curBytes, 4); addExactData(exactMidByteArray, exactLeadNumArray, resiBitArray, lce); //listAdd_float(last3CmprsData, vce->data); int state; float checkRadius; float oriFloat; float pred = vce->data; float diff; checkRadius = (quantization_intervals-1)*realPrecision; float double_realpreci = 2*realPrecision; float recip_precision = 1/realPrecision; for(i=2; i < dataLength; i++) { oriFloat = spaceFillingValue[i]; //pred = 2*last3CmprsData[0] - last3CmprsData[1]; //pred = last3CmprsData[0]; diff = fabsf(oriFloat - pred); if(diff < checkRadius) { state = ((int)( diff * recip_precision + 1))>>1; if(oriFloat >= pred) { type[i] = half_interval + state; pred = pred + state * double_realpreci; } else //curData realPrecision) { type[i] = 0; compressSingleFloatValue(vce, oriFloat, realPrecision, medianValue, reqLength, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength); updateLossyCompElement_Float(vce->curBytes, preDiffBytes, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength, lce); memcpy(preDiffBytes, vce->curBytes, 4); addExactData(exactMidByteArray, exactLeadNumArray, resiBitArray, lce); //listAdd_float(last3CmprsData, vce->data); pred = vce->data; } else { //listAdd_float(last3CmprsData, pred); } // go next continue; } //unpredictable data processing type[i] = 0; compressSingleFloatValue(vce, oriFloat, realPrecision, medianValue, reqLength, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength); updateLossyCompElement_Float(vce->curBytes, preDiffBytes, reqBytesLength, resiBitsLength, lce); memcpy(preDiffBytes, vce->curBytes, 4); addExactData(exactMidByteArray, exactLeadNumArray, resiBitArray, lce); //listAdd_float(last3CmprsData, vce->data); pred = vce->data; }//end of for // char* expSegmentsInBytes; // int expSegmentsInBytes_size = convertESCToBytes(esc, &expSegmentsInBytes); size_t exactDataNum = exactLeadNumArray->size; TightDataPointStorageF* tdps = NULL; new_TightDataPointStorageF(&tdps, dataLength, exactDataNum, type, exactMidByteArray->array, exactMidByteArray->size, exactLeadNumArray->array, resiBitArray->array, resiBitArray->size, resiBitsLength, realPrecision, medianValue, (char)reqLength, quantization_intervals, 0); //sdi:Debug /* int sum =0; for(i=0;iarray has been released in free_TightDataPointStorageF(tdps); return tdps; } // compress core algorithm if success return true else return false bool SZ_compress_args_float_NoCkRngeNoGzip_1D( unsigned char* newByteData, float *oriData, size_t dataLength, double realPrecision, size_t *outSize, float valueRangeSize, float medianValue_f) { // get tdps TightDataPointStorageF* tdps = NULL; tdps = SZ_compress_float_1D_MDQ(oriData, dataLength, realPrecision, valueRangeSize, medianValue_f); if(tdps == NULL) return false; // serialize if(!convertTDPStoFlatBytes_float(tdps, newByteData, outSize)) { free_TightDataPointStorageF(tdps); return false; } // check compressed size large than original if(*outSize > 1 + MetaDataByteLength + exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE + 1 + sizeof(float)*dataLength) { return false; } free_TightDataPointStorageF(tdps); return true; } void SZ_compress_args_float_withinRange(unsigned char* newByteData, float *oriData, size_t dataLength, size_t *outSize) { TightDataPointStorageF* tdps = (TightDataPointStorageF*) malloc(sizeof(TightDataPointStorageF)); tdps->leadNumArray = NULL; tdps->residualMidBits = NULL; tdps->allSameData = 1; tdps->dataSeriesLength = dataLength; tdps->exactMidBytes = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*4); tdps->isLossless = 0; float value = oriData[0]; floatToBytes(tdps->exactMidBytes, value); tdps->exactMidBytes_size = 4; size_t tmpOutSize; //unsigned char *tmpByteData; convertTDPStoFlatBytes_float(tdps, newByteData, &tmpOutSize); //*newByteData = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*12); //for floating-point data (1+3+4+4) //memcpy(*newByteData, tmpByteData, 12); *outSize = tmpOutSize; //8+SZ_SIZE_TYPE; //8==3+1+4(float_size) free_TightDataPointStorageF(tdps); } void cost_start(); double cost_end(const char* tag); void show_rate( int in_len, int out_len); int SZ_compress_args_float(float *oriData, size_t r1, unsigned char* newByteData, size_t *outSize, sz_params* params) { int status = SZ_SUCCESS; size_t dataLength = r1; //cost_start(); // check at least elements count if(dataLength <= MIN_NUM_OF_ELEMENTS) { printf("error, input elements count=%ld less than %d, so need not do compress.\n", dataLength, MIN_NUM_OF_ELEMENTS); return SZ_LITTER_ELEMENT; } float valueRangeSize = 0, medianValue = 0; float min = 0; min = computeRangeSize_float(oriData, dataLength, &valueRangeSize, &medianValue); // calc max float max = min+valueRangeSize; params->fmin = min; params->fmax = max; // calc precision double realPrecision = 0; if(params->errorBoundMode==PSNR) { params->errorBoundMode = SZ_ABS; realPrecision = params->absErrBound = computeABSErrBoundFromPSNR(params->psnr, (double)params->predThreshold, (double)valueRangeSize); //printf("realPrecision=%lf\n", realPrecision); } else if(params->errorBoundMode==NORM) //norm error = sqrt(sum((xi-xi_)^2)) { params->errorBoundMode = SZ_ABS; realPrecision = params->absErrBound = computeABSErrBoundFromNORM_ERR(params->normErr, dataLength); //printf("realPrecision=%lf\n", realPrecision); } else { realPrecision = getRealPrecision_float(valueRangeSize, params->errorBoundMode, params->absErrBound, params->relBoundRatio, &status); params->absErrBound = realPrecision; } //cost_end(" sz_pre_calc"); // // do compress // if(valueRangeSize <= realPrecision) { // special deal with same data SZ_compress_args_float_withinRange(newByteData, oriData, dataLength, outSize); return SZ_SUCCESS; } // // first compress with sz // size_t tmpOutSize = 0; unsigned char* tmpByteData = newByteData; bool twoStage = params->szMode != SZ_BEST_SPEED; if(twoStage) { tmpByteData = (unsigned char*)malloc(r1*sizeof(float) + 1024); } // compress core algorithm if(!SZ_compress_args_float_NoCkRngeNoGzip_1D(tmpByteData, oriData, r1, realPrecision, &tmpOutSize, valueRangeSize, medianValue)) { *outSize = 0; if(twoStage) free(tmpByteData); return SZ_ALGORITHM_ERR; } //cost_end(" sz_first_compress"); //show_rate(r1*sizeof(float), *outSize); // // second compress with Call Zstd or Gzip // //cost_start(); if(!twoStage) { *outSize = tmpOutSize; } else { *outSize = sz_lossless_compress(params->losslessCompressor, params->gzipMode, tmpByteData, tmpOutSize, newByteData); free(tmpByteData); } //cost_end(" sz_second_compress"); //show_rate(r1*sizeof(float), *outSize); return SZ_SUCCESS; } unsigned int optimize_intervals_float_1D_opt(float *oriData, size_t dataLength, double realPrecision) { size_t i = 0, radiusIndex; float pred_value = 0, pred_err; size_t *intervals = (size_t*)malloc(confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius*sizeof(size_t)); memset(intervals, 0, confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius*sizeof(size_t)); size_t totalSampleSize = 0;//dataLength/confparams_cpr->sampleDistance; float * data_pos = oriData + 2; while(data_pos - oriData < dataLength){ totalSampleSize++; pred_value = data_pos[-1]; pred_err = fabs(pred_value - *data_pos); radiusIndex = (unsigned long)((pred_err/realPrecision+1)/2); if(radiusIndex>=confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius) radiusIndex = confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius - 1; intervals[radiusIndex]++; data_pos += confparams_cpr->sampleDistance; } //compute the appropriate number size_t targetCount = totalSampleSize*confparams_cpr->predThreshold; size_t sum = 0; for(i=0;imaxRangeRadius;i++) { sum += intervals[i]; if(sum>targetCount) break; } if(i>=confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius) i = confparams_cpr->maxRangeRadius-1; unsigned int accIntervals = 2*(i+1); unsigned int powerOf2 = roundUpToPowerOf2(accIntervals); if(powerOf2<32) powerOf2 = 32; free(intervals); return powerOf2; }