# -----!/usr/bin/python3.7 ################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # For type hinting before definition, ref: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33533148/how-do-i-specify-that-the-return-type-of-a-method-is-the-same-as-the-class-itsel from __future__ import annotations from typing import Set from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Optional # Type hinting, ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19202633/python-3-type-hinting-for-none import textwrap import time import datetime import random import logging import threading import copy import argparse import getopt import sys import os import signal import traceback import resource # from guppy import hpy import gc from crash_gen.service_manager import ServiceManager, TdeInstance from crash_gen.misc import Logging, Status, CrashGenError, Dice, Helper, Progress from crash_gen.db import DbConn, MyTDSql, DbConnNative, DbManager import taos import requests # Require Python 3 if sys.version_info[0] < 3: raise Exception("Must be using Python 3") # Global variables, tried to keep a small number. # Command-line/Environment Configurations, will set a bit later # ConfigNameSpace = argparse.Namespace gConfig: argparse.Namespace gSvcMgr: ServiceManager # TODO: refactor this hack, use dep injection # logger: logging.Logger gContainer: Container # def runThread(wt: WorkerThread): # wt.run() class WorkerThread: def __init__(self, pool: ThreadPool, tid, tc: ThreadCoordinator): """ Note: this runs in the main thread context """ # self._curStep = -1 self._pool = pool self._tid = tid self._tc = tc # type: ThreadCoordinator # self.threadIdent = threading.get_ident() # self._thread = threading.Thread(target=runThread, args=(self,)) self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run) self._stepGate = threading.Event() # Let us have a DB connection of our own if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore # print("connector_type = {}".format(gConfig.connector_type)) tInst = gContainer.defTdeInstance if gConfig.connector_type == 'native': self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative(tInst.getDbTarget()) elif gConfig.connector_type == 'rest': self._dbConn = DbConn.createRest(tInst.getDbTarget()) elif gConfig.connector_type == 'mixed': if Dice.throw(2) == 0: # 1/2 chance self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative() else: self._dbConn = DbConn.createRest() else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected connector type: {}".format(gConfig.connector_type)) # self._dbInUse = False # if "use db" was executed already def logDebug(self, msg): Logging.debug(" TRD[{}] {}".format(self._tid, msg)) def logInfo(self, msg): Logging.info(" TRD[{}] {}".format(self._tid, msg)) # def dbInUse(self): # return self._dbInUse # def useDb(self): # if (not self._dbInUse): # self.execSql("use db") # self._dbInUse = True def getTaskExecutor(self): return self._tc.getTaskExecutor() def start(self): self._thread.start() # AFTER the thread is recorded def run(self): # initialization after thread starts, in the thread context # self.isSleeping = False Logging.info("Starting to run thread: {}".format(self._tid)) if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore Logging.debug("Worker thread openning database connection") self._dbConn.open() self._doTaskLoop() # clean up if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore if self._dbConn.isOpen: #sometimes it is not open self._dbConn.close() else: Logging.warning("Cleaning up worker thread, dbConn already closed") def _doTaskLoop(self): # while self._curStep < self._pool.maxSteps: # tc = ThreadCoordinator(None) while True: tc = self._tc # Thread Coordinator, the overall master try: tc.crossStepBarrier() # shared barrier first, INCLUDING the last one except threading.BrokenBarrierError as err: # main thread timed out print("_bto", end="") Logging.debug("[TRD] Worker thread exiting due to main thread barrier time-out") break Logging.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] exited barrier...".format(self._tid)) self.crossStepGate() # then per-thread gate, after being tapped Logging.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] exited step gate...".format(self._tid)) if not self._tc.isRunning(): print("_wts", end="") Logging.debug("[TRD] Thread Coordinator not running any more, worker thread now stopping...") break # Before we fetch the task and run it, let's ensure we properly "use" the database (not needed any more) try: if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): # most likely TRUE if not self._dbConn.isOpen: # might have been closed during server auto-restart self._dbConn.open() # self.useDb() # might encounter exceptions. TODO: catch except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) if errno in [0x383, 0x386, 0x00B, 0x014] : # invalid database, dropping, Unable to establish connection, Database not ready # ignore dummy = 0 else: print("\nCaught programming error. errno=0x{:X}, msg={} ".format(errno, err.msg)) raise # Fetch a task from the Thread Coordinator Logging.debug( "[TRD] Worker thread [{}] about to fetch task".format(self._tid)) task = tc.fetchTask() # Execute such a task Logging.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] about to execute task: {}".format( self._tid, task.__class__.__name__)) task.execute(self) tc.saveExecutedTask(task) Logging.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] finished executing task".format(self._tid)) # self._dbInUse = False # there may be changes between steps # print("_wtd", end=None) # worker thread died def verifyThreadSelf(self): # ensure we are called by this own thread if (threading.get_ident() != self._thread.ident): raise RuntimeError("Unexpectly called from other threads") def verifyThreadMain(self): # ensure we are called by the main thread if (threading.get_ident() != threading.main_thread().ident): raise RuntimeError("Unexpectly called from other threads") def verifyThreadAlive(self): if (not self._thread.is_alive()): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected dead thread") # A gate is different from a barrier in that a thread needs to be "tapped" def crossStepGate(self): self.verifyThreadAlive() self.verifyThreadSelf() # only allowed by ourselves # Wait again at the "gate", waiting to be "tapped" Logging.debug( "[TRD] Worker thread {} about to cross the step gate".format( self._tid)) self._stepGate.wait() self._stepGate.clear() # self._curStep += 1 # off to a new step... def tapStepGate(self): # give it a tap, release the thread waiting there # self.verifyThreadAlive() self.verifyThreadMain() # only allowed for main thread if self._thread.is_alive(): Logging.debug("[TRD] Tapping worker thread {}".format(self._tid)) self._stepGate.set() # wake up! time.sleep(0) # let the released thread run a bit else: print("_tad", end="") # Thread already dead def execSql(self, sql): # TODO: expose DbConn directly return self.getDbConn().execute(sql) def querySql(self, sql): # TODO: expose DbConn directly return self.getDbConn().query(sql) def getQueryResult(self): return self.getDbConn().getQueryResult() def getDbConn(self) -> DbConn : if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): return self._dbConn else: return self._tc.getDbManager().getDbConn() # def querySql(self, sql): # not "execute", since we are out side the DB context # if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ): # return self._dbConn.query(sql) # else: # return self._tc.getDbState().getDbConn().query(sql) # The coordinator of all worker threads, mostly running in main thread class ThreadCoordinator: WORKER_THREAD_TIMEOUT = 120 # Normal: 120 def __init__(self, pool: ThreadPool, dbManager: DbManager): self._curStep = -1 # first step is 0 self._pool = pool # self._wd = wd self._te = None # prepare for every new step self._dbManager = dbManager self._executedTasks: List[Task] = [] # in a given step self._lock = threading.RLock() # sync access for a few things self._stepBarrier = threading.Barrier( self._pool.numThreads + 1) # one barrier for all threads self._execStats = ExecutionStats() self._runStatus = Status.STATUS_RUNNING self._initDbs() def getTaskExecutor(self): return self._te def getDbManager(self) -> DbManager: return self._dbManager def crossStepBarrier(self, timeout=None): self._stepBarrier.wait(timeout) def requestToStop(self): self._runStatus = Status.STATUS_STOPPING self._execStats.registerFailure("User Interruption") def _runShouldEnd(self, transitionFailed, hasAbortedTask, workerTimeout): maxSteps = gConfig.max_steps # type: ignore if self._curStep >= (maxSteps - 1): # maxStep==10, last curStep should be 9 return True if self._runStatus != Status.STATUS_RUNNING: return True if transitionFailed: return True if hasAbortedTask: return True if workerTimeout: return True return False def _hasAbortedTask(self): # from execution of previous step for task in self._executedTasks: if task.isAborted(): # print("Task aborted: {}".format(task)) # hasAbortedTask = True return True return False def _releaseAllWorkerThreads(self, transitionFailed): self._curStep += 1 # we are about to get into next step. TODO: race condition here! # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep Logging.debug( "--\r\n\n--> Step {} starts with main thread waking up".format(self._curStep)) # A new TE for the new step self._te = None # set to empty first, to signal worker thread to stop if not transitionFailed: # only if not failed self._te = TaskExecutor(self._curStep) Logging.debug("[TRD] Main thread waking up at step {}, tapping worker threads".format( self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep # Worker threads will wake up at this point, and each execute it's own task self.tapAllThreads() # release all worker thread from their "gates" def _syncAtBarrier(self): # Now main thread (that's us) is ready to enter a step # let other threads go past the pool barrier, but wait at the # thread gate Logging.debug("[TRD] Main thread about to cross the barrier") self.crossStepBarrier(timeout=self.WORKER_THREAD_TIMEOUT) self._stepBarrier.reset() # Other worker threads should now be at the "gate" Logging.debug("[TRD] Main thread finished crossing the barrier") def _doTransition(self): transitionFailed = False try: for x in self._dbs: db = x # type: Database sm = db.getStateMachine() Logging.debug("[STT] starting transitions for DB: {}".format(db.getName())) # at end of step, transiton the DB state tasksForDb = db.filterTasks(self._executedTasks) sm.transition(tasksForDb, self.getDbManager().getDbConn()) Logging.debug("[STT] transition ended for DB: {}".format(db.getName())) # Due to limitation (or maybe not) of the TD Python library, # we cannot share connections across threads # Here we are in main thread, we cannot operate the connections created in workers # Moving below to task loop # if sm.hasDatabase(): # for t in self._pool.threadList: # Logging.debug("[DB] use db for all worker threads") # t.useDb() # t.execSql("use db") # main thread executing "use # db" on behalf of every worker thread except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: if (err.msg == 'network unavailable'): # broken DB connection Logging.info("DB connection broken, execution failed") traceback.print_stack() transitionFailed = True self._te = None # Not running any more self._execStats.registerFailure("Broken DB Connection") # continue # don't do that, need to tap all threads at # end, and maybe signal them to stop if isinstance(err, CrashGenError): # our own transition failure Logging.info("State transition error") # TODO: saw an error here once, let's print out stack info for err? traceback.print_stack() transitionFailed = True self._te = None # Not running any more self._execStats.registerFailure("State transition error: {}".format(err)) else: raise # return transitionFailed # Why did we have this??!! self.resetExecutedTasks() # clear the tasks after we are done # Get ready for next step Logging.debug("<-- Step {} finished, trasition failed = {}".format(self._curStep, transitionFailed)) return transitionFailed def run(self): self._pool.createAndStartThreads(self) # Coordinate all threads step by step self._curStep = -1 # not started yet self._execStats.startExec() # start the stop watch transitionFailed = False hasAbortedTask = False workerTimeout = False while not self._runShouldEnd(transitionFailed, hasAbortedTask, workerTimeout): if not gConfig.debug: # print this only if we are not in debug mode Progress.emit(Progress.STEP_BOUNDARY) # print(".", end="", flush=True) # if (self._curStep % 2) == 0: # print memory usage once every 10 steps # memUsage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss # print("[m:{}]".format(memUsage), end="", flush=True) # print memory usage # if (self._curStep % 10) == 3: # h = hpy() # print("\n") # print(h.heap()) try: self._syncAtBarrier() # For now just cross the barrier Progress.emit(Progress.END_THREAD_STEP) except threading.BrokenBarrierError as err: self._execStats.registerFailure("Aborted due to worker thread timeout") Logging.error("\n") Logging.error("Main loop aborted, caused by worker thread(s) time-out of {} seconds".format( ThreadCoordinator.WORKER_THREAD_TIMEOUT)) Logging.error("TAOS related threads blocked at (stack frames top-to-bottom):") ts = ThreadStacks() ts.print(filterInternal=True) workerTimeout = True # Enable below for deadlock debugging, using gdb to attach to process # while True: # Logging.error("Deadlock detected") # time.sleep(60.0) break # At this point, all threads should be pass the overall "barrier" and before the per-thread "gate" # We use this period to do house keeping work, when all worker # threads are QUIET. hasAbortedTask = self._hasAbortedTask() # from previous step if hasAbortedTask: Logging.info("Aborted task encountered, exiting test program") self._execStats.registerFailure("Aborted Task Encountered") break # do transition only if tasks are error free # Ending previous step try: transitionFailed = self._doTransition() # To start, we end step -1 first except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: transitionFailed = True errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) # correct error scheme errMsg = "Transition failed: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}".format(errno2, err) Logging.info(errMsg) traceback.print_exc() self._execStats.registerFailure(errMsg) # Then we move on to the next step Progress.emit(Progress.BEGIN_THREAD_STEP) self._releaseAllWorkerThreads(transitionFailed) if hasAbortedTask or transitionFailed : # abnormal ending, workers waiting at "gate" Logging.debug("Abnormal ending of main thraed") elif workerTimeout: Logging.debug("Abnormal ending of main thread, due to worker timeout") else: # regular ending, workers waiting at "barrier" Logging.debug("Regular ending, main thread waiting for all worker threads to stop...") self._syncAtBarrier() self._te = None # No more executor, time to end Logging.debug("Main thread tapping all threads one last time...") self.tapAllThreads() # Let the threads run one last time Logging.debug("\r\n\n--> Main thread ready to finish up...") Logging.debug("Main thread joining all threads") self._pool.joinAll() # Get all threads to finish Logging.info(". . . All worker threads finished") # No CR/LF before self._execStats.endExec() def cleanup(self): # free resources self._pool.cleanup() self._pool = None self._te = None self._dbManager = None self._executedTasks = None self._lock = None self._stepBarrier = None self._execStats = None self._runStatus = None def printStats(self): self._execStats.printStats() def isFailed(self): return self._execStats.isFailed() def getExecStats(self): return self._execStats def tapAllThreads(self): # in a deterministic manner wakeSeq = [] for i in range(self._pool.numThreads): # generate a random sequence if Dice.throw(2) == 1: wakeSeq.append(i) else: wakeSeq.insert(0, i) Logging.debug( "[TRD] Main thread waking up worker threads: {}".format( str(wakeSeq))) # TODO: set dice seed to a deterministic value for i in wakeSeq: # TODO: maybe a bit too deep?! self._pool.threadList[i].tapStepGate() time.sleep(0) # yield def isRunning(self): return self._te is not None def _initDbs(self): ''' Initialize multiple databases, invoked at __ini__() time ''' self._dbs = [] # type: List[Database] dbc = self.getDbManager().getDbConn() if gConfig.max_dbs == 0: self._dbs.append(Database(0, dbc)) else: baseDbNumber = int(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp( # Don't use Dice/random, as they are deterministic )*333) % 888 if gConfig.dynamic_db_table_names else 0 for i in range(gConfig.max_dbs): self._dbs.append(Database(baseDbNumber + i, dbc)) def pickDatabase(self): idxDb = 0 if gConfig.max_dbs != 0 : idxDb = Dice.throw(gConfig.max_dbs) # 0 to N-1 db = self._dbs[idxDb] # type: Database return db def fetchTask(self) -> Task: ''' The thread coordinator (that's us) is responsible for fetching a task to be executed next. ''' if (not self.isRunning()): # no task raise RuntimeError("Cannot fetch task when not running") # pick a task type for current state db = self.pickDatabase() taskType = db.getStateMachine().pickTaskType() # dynamic name of class return taskType(self._execStats, db) # create a task from it def resetExecutedTasks(self): self._executedTasks = [] # should be under single thread def saveExecutedTask(self, task): with self._lock: self._executedTasks.append(task) class ThreadPool: def __init__(self, numThreads, maxSteps): self.numThreads = numThreads self.maxSteps = maxSteps # Internal class variables self.curStep = 0 self.threadList = [] # type: List[WorkerThread] # starting to run all the threads, in locking steps def createAndStartThreads(self, tc: ThreadCoordinator): for tid in range(0, self.numThreads): # Create the threads workerThread = WorkerThread(self, tid, tc) self.threadList.append(workerThread) workerThread.start() # start, but should block immediately before step 0 def joinAll(self): for workerThread in self.threadList: Logging.debug("Joining thread...") workerThread._thread.join() def cleanup(self): self.threadList = None # maybe clean up each? # A queue of continguous POSITIVE integers, used by DbManager to generate continuous numbers # for new table names class LinearQueue(): def __init__(self): self.firstIndex = 1 # 1st ever element self.lastIndex = 0 self._lock = threading.RLock() # our functions may call each other self.inUse = set() # the indexes that are in use right now def toText(self): return "[{}..{}], in use: {}".format( self.firstIndex, self.lastIndex, self.inUse) # Push (add new element, largest) to the tail, and mark it in use def push(self): with self._lock: # if ( self.isEmpty() ): # self.lastIndex = self.firstIndex # return self.firstIndex # Otherwise we have something self.lastIndex += 1 self.allocate(self.lastIndex) # self.inUse.add(self.lastIndex) # mark it in use immediately return self.lastIndex def pop(self): with self._lock: if (self.isEmpty()): # raise RuntimeError("Cannot pop an empty queue") return False # TODO: None? index = self.firstIndex if (index in self.inUse): return False self.firstIndex += 1 return index def isEmpty(self): return self.firstIndex > self.lastIndex def popIfNotEmpty(self): with self._lock: if (self.isEmpty()): return 0 return self.pop() def allocate(self, i): with self._lock: # Logging.debug("LQ allocating item {}".format(i)) if (i in self.inUse): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot re-use same index in queue: {}".format(i)) self.inUse.add(i) def release(self, i): with self._lock: # Logging.debug("LQ releasing item {}".format(i)) self.inUse.remove(i) # KeyError possible, TODO: why? def size(self): return self.lastIndex + 1 - self.firstIndex def pickAndAllocate(self): if (self.isEmpty()): return None with self._lock: cnt = 0 # counting the interations while True: cnt += 1 if (cnt > self.size() * 10): # 10x iteration already # raise RuntimeError("Failed to allocate LinearQueue element") return None ret = Dice.throwRange(self.firstIndex, self.lastIndex + 1) if (ret not in self.inUse): self.allocate(ret) return ret class AnyState: STATE_INVALID = -1 STATE_EMPTY = 0 # nothing there, no even a DB STATE_DB_ONLY = 1 # we have a DB, but nothing else STATE_TABLE_ONLY = 2 # we have a table, but totally empty STATE_HAS_DATA = 3 # we have some data in the table _stateNames = ["Invalid", "Empty", "DB_Only", "Table_Only", "Has_Data"] STATE_VAL_IDX = 0 CAN_CREATE_DB = 1 # For below, if we can "drop the DB", but strictly speaking # only "under normal circumstances", as we may override it with the -b option CAN_DROP_DB = 2 CAN_CREATE_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE = 3 CAN_DROP_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE = 4 CAN_ADD_DATA = 5 CAN_READ_DATA = 6 def __init__(self): self._info = self.getInfo() def __str__(self): # -1 hack to accomodate the STATE_INVALID case return self._stateNames[self._info[self.STATE_VAL_IDX] + 1] # Each sub state tells us the "info", about itself, so we can determine # on things like canDropDB() def getInfo(self): raise RuntimeError("Must be overriden by child classes") def equals(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): return self.getValIndex() == other elif isinstance(other, AnyState): return self.getValIndex() == other.getValIndex() else: raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected comparison, type = {}".format( type(other))) def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): raise RuntimeError("Must be overriden by child classes") def getValIndex(self): return self._info[self.STATE_VAL_IDX] def getValue(self): return self._info[self.STATE_VAL_IDX] def canCreateDb(self): return self._info[self.CAN_CREATE_DB] def canDropDb(self): # If user requests to run up to a number of DBs, # we'd then not do drop_db operations any more if gConfig.max_dbs > 0 : return False return self._info[self.CAN_DROP_DB] def canCreateFixedSuperTable(self): return self._info[self.CAN_CREATE_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE] def canDropFixedSuperTable(self): return self._info[self.CAN_DROP_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE] def canAddData(self): return self._info[self.CAN_ADD_DATA] def canReadData(self): return self._info[self.CAN_READ_DATA] def assertAtMostOneSuccess(self, tasks, cls): sCnt = 0 for task in tasks: if not isinstance(task, cls): continue if task.isSuccess(): # task.logDebug("Task success found") sCnt += 1 if (sCnt >= 2): raise CrashGenError( "Unexpected more than 1 success with task: {}".format(cls)) def assertIfExistThenSuccess(self, tasks, cls): sCnt = 0 exists = False for task in tasks: if not isinstance(task, cls): continue exists = True # we have a valid instance if task.isSuccess(): sCnt += 1 if (exists and sCnt <= 0): raise CrashGenError("Unexpected zero success for task type: {}, from tasks: {}" .format(cls, tasks)) def assertNoTask(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks: if isinstance(task, cls): raise CrashGenError( "This task: {}, is not expected to be present, given the success/failure of others".format(cls.__name__)) def assertNoSuccess(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks: if isinstance(task, cls): if task.isSuccess(): raise CrashGenError( "Unexpected successful task: {}".format(cls)) def hasSuccess(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks: if not isinstance(task, cls): continue if task.isSuccess(): return True return False def hasTask(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks: if isinstance(task, cls): return True return False class StateInvalid(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_INVALID, False, False, # can create/drop Db False, False, # can create/drop fixed table False, False, # can insert/read data with fixed table ] # def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): class StateEmpty(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_EMPTY, True, False, # can create/drop Db False, False, # can create/drop fixed table False, False, # can insert/read data with fixed table ] def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): if (self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateDb) ): # at EMPTY, if there's succes in creating DB if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskDropDb)): # and no drop_db tasks # we must have at most one. TODO: compare numbers self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateDb) class StateDbOnly(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_DB_ONLY, False, True, True, False, False, False, ] def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateDb)): # only if we don't create any more self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) # TODO: restore the below, the problem exists, although unlikely in real-world # if (gSvcMgr!=None) and gSvcMgr.isRestarting(): # if (gSvcMgr == None) or (not gSvcMgr.isRestarting()) : # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) class StateSuperTableOnly(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY, False, True, False, True, True, True, ] def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): if (self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) ): # we are able to drop the table #self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) # we must have had recreted it self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateSuperTable) # self._state = self.STATE_DB_ONLY # elif ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) ): # no success dropping the table, but added data # self.assertNoTask(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # not true in massively parrallel cases # self._state = self.STATE_HAS_DATA # elif ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, ReadFixedDataTask) ): # no success in prev cases, but was able to read data # self.assertNoTask(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # self.assertNoTask(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) # self._state = self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY # no change # else: # did not drop table, did not insert data, did not read successfully, that is impossible # raise RuntimeError("Unexpected no-success scenarios") # TODO: need to revamp!! class StateHasData(AnyState): def getInfo(self): return [ self.STATE_HAS_DATA, False, True, False, True, True, True, ] def verifyTasksToState(self, tasks, newState): if (newState.equals(AnyState.STATE_EMPTY)): self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateDb)): self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) # TODO: dicy elif (newState.equals(AnyState.STATE_DB_ONLY)): # in DB only if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateDb) ): # without a create_db task # we must have drop_db task self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropDb) self.hasSuccess(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropFixedSuperTableTask) # TODO: dicy # elif ( newState.equals(AnyState.STATE_TABLE_ONLY) ): # data deleted # self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropDb) # self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) # self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskAddData) # self.hasSuccess(tasks, DeleteDataTasks) else: # should be STATE_HAS_DATA if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateDb) ): # only if we didn't create one # we shouldn't have dropped it self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropDb) if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateSuperTable) ): # if we didn't create the table # we should not have a task that drops it self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, ReadFixedDataTask) class StateMechine: def __init__(self, db: Database): self._db = db # transitition target probabilities, indexed with value of STATE_EMPTY, STATE_DB_ONLY, etc. self._stateWeights = [1, 2, 10, 40] def init(self, dbc: DbConn): # late initailization, don't save the dbConn try: self._curState = self._findCurrentState(dbc) # starting state except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: Logging.error("Failed to initialized state machine, cannot find current state: {}".format(err)) traceback.print_stack() raise # re-throw # TODO: seems no lnoger used, remove? def getCurrentState(self): return self._curState def hasDatabase(self): return self._curState.canDropDb() # ha, can drop DB means it has one # May be slow, use cautionsly... def getTaskTypes(self): # those that can run (directly/indirectly) from the current state def typesToStrings(types): ss = [] for t in types: ss.append(t.__name__) return ss allTaskClasses = StateTransitionTask.__subclasses__() # all state transition tasks firstTaskTypes = [] for tc in allTaskClasses: # t = tc(self) # create task object if tc.canBeginFrom(self._curState): firstTaskTypes.append(tc) # now we have all the tasks that can begin directly from the current # state, let's figure out the INDIRECT ones taskTypes = firstTaskTypes.copy() # have to have these for task1 in firstTaskTypes: # each task type gathered so far endState = task1.getEndState() # figure the end state if endState is None: # does not change end state continue # no use, do nothing for tc in allTaskClasses: # what task can further begin from there? if tc.canBeginFrom(endState) and (tc not in firstTaskTypes): taskTypes.append(tc) # gather it if len(taskTypes) <= 0: raise RuntimeError( "No suitable task types found for state: {}".format( self._curState)) Logging.debug( "[OPS] Tasks found for state {}: {}".format( self._curState, typesToStrings(taskTypes))) return taskTypes def _findCurrentState(self, dbc: DbConn): ts = time.time() # we use this to debug how fast/slow it is to do the various queries to find the current DB state dbName =self._db.getName() if not dbc.existsDatabase(dbName): # dbc.hasDatabases(): # no database?! Logging.debug( "[STT] empty database found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time())) return StateEmpty() # did not do this when openning connection, and this is NOT the worker # thread, which does this on their own dbc.use(dbName) if not dbc.hasTables(): # no tables Logging.debug("[STT] DB_ONLY found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time())) return StateDbOnly() # For sure we have tables, which means we must have the super table. # TODO: are we sure? sTable = self._db.getFixedSuperTable() if sTable.hasRegTables(dbc): # no regular tables Logging.debug("[STT] SUPER_TABLE_ONLY found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time())) return StateSuperTableOnly() else: # has actual tables Logging.debug("[STT] HAS_DATA found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time())) return StateHasData() # We transition the system to a new state by examining the current state itself def transition(self, tasks, dbc: DbConn): global gSvcMgr if (len(tasks) == 0): # before 1st step, or otherwise empty Logging.debug("[STT] Starting State: {}".format(self._curState)) return # do nothing # this should show up in the server log, separating steps dbc.execute("show dnodes") # Generic Checks, first based on the start state if self._curState.canCreateDb(): self._curState.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateDb) # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask) # not really, in # case of multiple creation and drops if self._curState.canDropDb(): if gSvcMgr == None: # only if we are running as client-only self._curState.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb) # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropDbTask) # not really in # case of drop-create-drop # if self._state.canCreateFixedTable(): # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # Not true, DB may be dropped # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # not # really, in case of create-drop-create # if self._state.canDropFixedTable(): # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # Not True, the whole DB may be dropped # self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # not # really in case of drop-create-drop # if self._state.canAddData(): # self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) # not true # actually # if self._state.canReadData(): # Nothing for sure newState = self._findCurrentState(dbc) Logging.debug("[STT] New DB state determined: {}".format(newState)) # can old state move to new state through the tasks? self._curState.verifyTasksToState(tasks, newState) self._curState = newState def pickTaskType(self): # all the task types we can choose from at curent state taskTypes = self.getTaskTypes() weights = [] for tt in taskTypes: endState = tt.getEndState() if endState is not None: # TODO: change to a method weights.append(self._stateWeights[endState.getValIndex()]) else: # read data task, default to 10: TODO: change to a constant weights.append(10) i = self._weighted_choice_sub(weights) # Logging.debug(" (weighted random:{}/{}) ".format(i, len(taskTypes))) return taskTypes[i] # ref: # https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2010/01/22/weighted-random-generation-in-python/ def _weighted_choice_sub(self, weights): # TODO: use our dice to ensure it being determinstic? rnd = random.random() * sum(weights) for i, w in enumerate(weights): rnd -= w if rnd < 0: return i class Database: ''' We use this to represent an actual TDengine database inside a service instance, possibly in a cluster environment. For now we use it to manage state transitions in that database TODO: consider moving, but keep in mind it contains "StateMachine" ''' _clsLock = threading.Lock() # class wide lock _lastInt = 101 # next one is initial integer _lastTick = 0 _lastLaggingTick = 0 # lagging tick, for unsequenced insersions def __init__(self, dbNum: int, dbc: DbConn): # TODO: remove dbc self._dbNum = dbNum # we assign a number to databases, for our testing purpose self._stateMachine = StateMechine(self) self._stateMachine.init(dbc) self._lock = threading.RLock() def getStateMachine(self) -> StateMechine: return self._stateMachine def getDbNum(self): return self._dbNum def getName(self): return "db_{}".format(self._dbNum) def filterTasks(self, inTasks: List[Task]): # Pick out those belonging to us outTasks = [] for task in inTasks: if task.getDb().isSame(self): outTasks.append(task) return outTasks def isSame(self, other): return self._dbNum == other._dbNum def exists(self, dbc: DbConn): return dbc.existsDatabase(self.getName()) @classmethod def getFixedSuperTableName(cls): return "fs_table" def getFixedSuperTable(self) -> TdSuperTable: return TdSuperTable(self.getFixedSuperTableName(), self.getName()) # We aim to create a starting time tick, such that, whenever we run our test here once # We should be able to safely create 100,000 records, which will not have any repeated time stamp # when we re-run the test in 3 minutes (180 seconds), basically we should expand time duration # by a factor of 500. # TODO: what if it goes beyond 10 years into the future # TODO: fix the error as result of above: "tsdb timestamp is out of range" @classmethod def setupLastTick(cls): t1 = datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 1) t2 = datetime.datetime.now() # maybe a very large number, takes 69 years to exceed Python int range elSec = int(t2.timestamp() - t1.timestamp()) elSec2 = (elSec % (8 * 12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 500)) * \ 500 # a number representing seconds within 10 years # print("elSec = {}".format(elSec)) t3 = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1) # default "keep" is 10 years t4 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( t3.timestamp() + elSec2) # see explanation above Logging.debug("Setting up TICKS to start from: {}".format(t4)) return t4 @classmethod def getNextTick(cls): with cls._clsLock: # prevent duplicate tick if cls._lastLaggingTick==0 or cls._lastTick==0 : # not initialized # 10k at 1/20 chance, should be enough to avoid overlaps tick = cls.setupLastTick() cls._lastTick = tick cls._lastLaggingTick = tick + datetime.timedelta(0, -10000) # if : # should be quite a bit into the future if Dice.throw(20) == 0: # 1 in 20 chance, return lagging tick cls._lastLaggingTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # Go back in time 100 seconds return cls._lastLaggingTick else: # regular # add one second to it cls._lastTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) return cls._lastTick def getNextInt(self): with self._lock: self._lastInt += 1 return self._lastInt def getNextBinary(self): return "Beijing_Shanghai_Los_Angeles_New_York_San_Francisco_Chicago_Beijing_Shanghai_Los_Angeles_New_York_San_Francisco_Chicago_{}".format( self.getNextInt()) def getNextFloat(self): ret = 0.9 + self.getNextInt() # print("Float obtained: {}".format(ret)) return ret ALL_COLORS = ['red', 'white', 'blue', 'green', 'purple'] def getNextColor(self): return random.choice(self.ALL_COLORS) class TaskExecutor(): class BoundedList: def __init__(self, size=10): self._size = size self._list = [] self._lock = threading.Lock() def add(self, n: int): with self._lock: if not self._list: # empty self._list.append(n) return # now we should insert nItems = len(self._list) insPos = 0 for i in range(nItems): insPos = i if n <= self._list[i]: # smaller than this item, time to insert break # found the insertion point insPos += 1 # insert to the right if insPos == 0: # except for the 1st item, # TODO: elimiate first item as gating item return # do nothing # print("Inserting at postion {}, value: {}".format(insPos, n)) self._list.insert(insPos, n) # insert newLen = len(self._list) if newLen <= self._size: return # do nothing elif newLen == (self._size + 1): del self._list[0] # remove the first item else: raise RuntimeError("Corrupt Bounded List") def __str__(self): return repr(self._list) _boundedList = BoundedList() def __init__(self, curStep): self._curStep = curStep @classmethod def getBoundedList(cls): return cls._boundedList def getCurStep(self): return self._curStep def execute(self, task: Task, wt: WorkerThread): # execute a task on a thread task.execute(wt) def recordDataMark(self, n: int): # print("[{}]".format(n), end="", flush=True) self._boundedList.add(n) # def logInfo(self, msg): # Logging.info(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg) # def logDebug(self, msg): # Logging.debug(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg) class Task(): ''' A generic "Task" to be executed. For now we decide that there is no need to embed a DB connection here, we use whatever the Worker Thread has instead. But a task is always associated with a DB ''' taskSn = 100 _lock = threading.Lock() _tableLocks: Dict[str, threading.Lock] = {} @classmethod def allocTaskNum(cls): Task.taskSn += 1 # IMPORTANT: cannot use cls.taskSn, since each sub class will have a copy # Logging.debug("Allocating taskSN: {}".format(Task.taskSn)) return Task.taskSn def __init__(self, execStats: ExecutionStats, db: Database): self._workerThread = None self._err: Optional[Exception] = None self._aborted = False self._curStep = None self._numRows = None # Number of rows affected # Assign an incremental task serial number self._taskNum = self.allocTaskNum() # Logging.debug("Creating new task {}...".format(self._taskNum)) self._execStats = execStats self._db = db # A task is always associated/for a specific DB def isSuccess(self): return self._err is None def isAborted(self): return self._aborted def clone(self): # TODO: why do we need this again? newTask = self.__class__(self._execStats, self._db) return newTask def getDb(self): return self._db def logDebug(self, msg): self._workerThread.logDebug( "Step[{}.{}] {}".format( self._curStep, self._taskNum, msg)) def logInfo(self, msg): self._workerThread.logInfo( "Step[{}.{}] {}".format( self._curStep, self._taskNum, msg)) def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): raise RuntimeError( "To be implemeted by child classes, class name: {}".format( self.__class__.__name__)) def _isServiceStable(self): if not gSvcMgr: return True # we don't run service, so let's assume it's stable return gSvcMgr.isStable() # otherwise let's examine the service def _isErrAcceptable(self, errno, msg): if errno in [ 0x05, # TSDB_CODE_RPC_NOT_READY 0x0B, # Unable to establish connection, more details in TD-1648 # 0x200, # invalid SQL, TODO: re-examine with TD-934 0x20F, # query terminated, possibly due to vnoding being dropped, see TD-1776 0x213, # "Disconnected from service", result of "kill connection ???" 0x217, # "db not selected", client side defined error code # 0x218, # "Table does not exist" client side defined error code 0x360, # Table already exists 0x362, # 0x369, # tag already exists 0x36A, 0x36B, 0x36D, 0x381, 0x380, # "db not selected" 0x383, 0x386, # DB is being dropped?! 0x503, 0x510, # vnode not in ready state 0x14, # db not ready, errno changed 0x600, # Invalid table ID, why? 0x218, # Table does not exist 1000 # REST catch-all error ]: return True # These are the ALWAYS-ACCEPTABLE ones # This case handled below already. # elif (errno in [ 0x0B ]) and gConfig.auto_start_service: # return True # We may get "network unavilable" when restarting service elif gConfig.ignore_errors: # something is specified on command line moreErrnos = [int(v, 0) for v in gConfig.ignore_errors.split(',')] if errno in moreErrnos: return True elif errno == 0x200 : # invalid SQL, we need to div in a bit more if msg.find("invalid column name") != -1: return True elif msg.find("tags number not matched") != -1: # mismatched tags after modification return True elif msg.find("duplicated column names") != -1: # also alter table tag issues return True elif not self._isServiceStable(): # We are managing service, and ... Logging.info("Ignoring error when service starting/stopping: errno = {}, msg = {}".format(errno, msg)) return True return False # Not an acceptable error def execute(self, wt: WorkerThread): wt.verifyThreadSelf() self._workerThread = wt # type: ignore te = wt.getTaskExecutor() self._curStep = te.getCurStep() self.logDebug( "[-] executing task {}...".format(self.__class__.__name__)) self._err = None # TODO: type hint mess up? self._execStats.beginTaskType(self.__class__.__name__) # mark beginning errno2 = None # Now pick a database, and stick with it for the duration of the task execution dbName = self._db.getName() try: self._executeInternal(te, wt) # TODO: no return value? except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) if (gConfig.continue_on_exception): # user choose to continue self.logDebug("[=] Continue after TAOS exception: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format( errno2, err, wt.getDbConn().getLastSql())) self._err = err elif self._isErrAcceptable(errno2, err.__str__()): self.logDebug("[=] Acceptable Taos library exception: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format( errno2, err, wt.getDbConn().getLastSql())) print("_", end="", flush=True) self._err = err else: # not an acceptable error errMsg = "[=] Unexpected Taos library exception ({}): errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, errno2, err, wt.getDbConn().getLastSql()) self.logDebug(errMsg) if gConfig.debug: # raise # so that we see full stack traceback.print_exc() print( "\n\n----------------------------\nProgram ABORTED Due to Unexpected TAOS Error: \n\n{}\n".format(errMsg) + "----------------------------\n") # sys.exit(-1) self._err = err self._aborted = True except Exception as e: Logging.info("Non-TAOS exception encountered with: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__)) self._err = e self._aborted = True traceback.print_exc() except BaseException as e: self.logInfo("Python base exception encountered") self._err = e self._aborted = True traceback.print_exc() except BaseException: # TODO: what is this again??!! raise RuntimeError("Punt") # self.logDebug( # "[=] Unexpected exception, SQL: {}".format( # wt.getDbConn().getLastSql())) # raise self._execStats.endTaskType(self.__class__.__name__, self.isSuccess()) self.logDebug("[X] task execution completed, {}, status: {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, "Success" if self.isSuccess() else "Failure")) # TODO: merge with above. self._execStats.incExecCount(self.__class__.__name__, self.isSuccess(), errno2) # TODO: refactor away, just provide the dbConn def execWtSql(self, wt: WorkerThread, sql): # execute an SQL on the worker thread """ Haha """ return wt.execSql(sql) def queryWtSql(self, wt: WorkerThread, sql): # execute an SQL on the worker thread return wt.querySql(sql) def getQueryResult(self, wt: WorkerThread): # execute an SQL on the worker thread return wt.getQueryResult() def lockTable(self, ftName): # full table name # print(" <<" + ftName + '_', end="", flush=True) with Task._lock: if not ftName in Task._tableLocks: Task._tableLocks[ftName] = threading.Lock() Task._tableLocks[ftName].acquire() def unlockTable(self, ftName): # print('_' + ftName + ">> ", end="", flush=True) with Task._lock: if not ftName in self._tableLocks: raise RuntimeError("Corrupt state, no such lock") lock = Task._tableLocks[ftName] if not lock.locked(): raise RuntimeError("Corrupte state, already unlocked") lock.release() class ExecutionStats: def __init__(self): # total/success times for a task self._execTimes: Dict[str, [int, int]] = {} self._tasksInProgress = 0 self._lock = threading.Lock() self._firstTaskStartTime = None self._execStartTime = None self._errors = {} self._elapsedTime = 0.0 # total elapsed time self._accRunTime = 0.0 # accumulated run time self._failed = False self._failureReason = None def __str__(self): return "[ExecStats: _failed={}, _failureReason={}".format( self._failed, self._failureReason) def isFailed(self): return self._failed def startExec(self): self._execStartTime = time.time() def endExec(self): self._elapsedTime = time.time() - self._execStartTime def incExecCount(self, klassName, isSuccess, eno=None): # TODO: add a lock here if klassName not in self._execTimes: self._execTimes[klassName] = [0, 0] t = self._execTimes[klassName] # tuple for the data t[0] += 1 # index 0 has the "total" execution times if isSuccess: t[1] += 1 # index 1 has the "success" execution times if eno != None: if klassName not in self._errors: self._errors[klassName] = {} errors = self._errors[klassName] errors[eno] = errors[eno]+1 if eno in errors else 1 def beginTaskType(self, klassName): with self._lock: if self._tasksInProgress == 0: # starting a new round self._firstTaskStartTime = time.time() # I am now the first task self._tasksInProgress += 1 def endTaskType(self, klassName, isSuccess): with self._lock: self._tasksInProgress -= 1 if self._tasksInProgress == 0: # all tasks have stopped self._accRunTime += (time.time() - self._firstTaskStartTime) self._firstTaskStartTime = None def registerFailure(self, reason): self._failed = True self._failureReason = reason def printStats(self): Logging.info( "----------------------------------------------------------------------") Logging.info( "| Crash_Gen test {}, with the following stats:". format( "FAILED (reason: {})".format( self._failureReason) if self._failed else "SUCCEEDED")) Logging.info("| Task Execution Times (success/total):") execTimesAny = 0.0 for k, n in self._execTimes.items(): execTimesAny += n[0] errStr = None if k in self._errors: errors = self._errors[k] # print("errors = {}".format(errors)) errStrs = ["0x{:X}:{}".format(eno, n) for (eno, n) in errors.items()] # print("error strings = {}".format(errStrs)) errStr = ", ".join(errStrs) Logging.info("| {0:<24}: {1}/{2} (Errors: {3})".format(k, n[1], n[0], errStr)) Logging.info( "| Total Tasks Executed (success or not): {} ".format(execTimesAny)) Logging.info( "| Total Tasks In Progress at End: {}".format( self._tasksInProgress)) Logging.info( "| Total Task Busy Time (elapsed time when any task is in progress): {:.3f} seconds".format( self._accRunTime)) Logging.info( "| Average Per-Task Execution Time: {:.3f} seconds".format(self._accRunTime / execTimesAny)) Logging.info( "| Total Elapsed Time (from wall clock): {:.3f} seconds".format( self._elapsedTime)) Logging.info("| Top numbers written: {}".format(TaskExecutor.getBoundedList())) Logging.info("| Active DB Native Connections (now): {}".format(DbConnNative.totalConnections)) Logging.info("| Longest native query time: {:.3f} seconds, started: {}". format(MyTDSql.longestQueryTime, time.strftime("%x %X", time.localtime(MyTDSql.lqStartTime))) ) Logging.info("| Longest native query: {}".format(MyTDSql.longestQuery)) Logging.info( "----------------------------------------------------------------------") class StateTransitionTask(Task): LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES = 35 SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES = 3 LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS = 50 SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS = 3 _baseTableNumber = None _endState = None # TODO: no longter used? @classmethod def getInfo(cls): # each sub class should supply their own information raise RuntimeError("Overriding method expected") @classmethod def getEndState(cls): # TODO: optimize by calling it fewer times raise RuntimeError("Overriding method expected") # @classmethod # def getBeginStates(cls): # return cls.getInfo()[0] # @classmethod # def getEndState(cls): # returning the class name # return cls.getInfo()[0] @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): # return state.getValue() in cls.getBeginStates() raise RuntimeError("must be overriden") @classmethod def getRegTableName(cls, i): if ( StateTransitionTask._baseTableNumber is None): # Set it one time StateTransitionTask._baseTableNumber = Dice.throw( 999) if gConfig.dynamic_db_table_names else 0 return "reg_table_{}".format(StateTransitionTask._baseTableNumber + i) def execute(self, wt: WorkerThread): super().execute(wt) class TaskCreateDb(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateDbOnly() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canCreateDb() # Actually creating the database(es) def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): # was: self.execWtSql(wt, "create database db") repStr = "" if gConfig.max_replicas != 1: # numReplica = Dice.throw(gConfig.max_replicas) + 1 # 1,2 ... N numReplica = gConfig.max_replicas # fixed, always repStr = "replica {}".format(numReplica) self.execWtSql(wt, "create database {} {}" .format(self._db.getName(), repStr) ) class TaskDropDb(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateEmpty() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canDropDb() def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): self.execWtSql(wt, "drop database {}".format(self._db.getName())) Logging.debug("[OPS] database dropped at {}".format(time.time())) class TaskCreateSuperTable(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateSuperTableOnly() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canCreateFixedSuperTable() def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): if not self._db.exists(wt.getDbConn()): Logging.debug("Skipping task, no DB yet") return sTable = self._db.getFixedSuperTable() # type: TdSuperTable # wt.execSql("use db") # should always be in place sTable.create(wt.getDbConn(), {'ts':'TIMESTAMP', 'speed':'INT', 'color':'BINARY(16)'}, {'b':'BINARY(200)', 'f':'FLOAT'}, dropIfExists = True ) # self.execWtSql(wt,"create table db.{} (ts timestamp, speed int) tags (b binary(200), f float) ".format(tblName)) # No need to create the regular tables, INSERT will do that # automatically class TdSuperTable: def __init__(self, stName, dbName): self._stName = stName self._dbName = dbName def getName(self): return self._stName def drop(self, dbc, skipCheck = False): dbName = self._dbName if self.exists(dbc) : # if myself exists fullTableName = dbName + '.' + self._stName dbc.execute("DROP TABLE {}".format(fullTableName)) else: if not skipCheck: raise CrashGenError("Cannot drop non-existant super table: {}".format(self._stName)) def exists(self, dbc): dbc.execute("USE " + self._dbName) return dbc.existsSuperTable(self._stName) # TODO: odd semantic, create() method is usually static? def create(self, dbc, cols: dict, tags: dict, dropIfExists = False ): '''Creating a super table''' dbName = self._dbName dbc.execute("USE " + dbName) fullTableName = dbName + '.' + self._stName if dbc.existsSuperTable(self._stName): if dropIfExists: dbc.execute("DROP TABLE {}".format(fullTableName)) else: # error raise CrashGenError("Cannot create super table, already exists: {}".format(self._stName)) # Now let's create sql = "CREATE TABLE {} ({})".format( fullTableName, ",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in cols.items()])) if tags is None : sql += " TAGS (dummy int) " else: sql += " TAGS ({})".format( ",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in tags.items()]) ) dbc.execute(sql) def getRegTables(self, dbc: DbConn): dbName = self._dbName try: dbc.query("select TBNAME from {}.{}".format(dbName, self._stName)) # TODO: analyze result set later except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) Logging.debug("[=] Failed to get tables from super table: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}".format(errno2, err)) raise qr = dbc.getQueryResult() return [v[0] for v in qr] # list transformation, ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/643823/python-list-transformation def hasRegTables(self, dbc: DbConn): return dbc.query("SELECT * FROM {}.{}".format(self._dbName, self._stName)) > 0 def ensureTable(self, task: Task, dbc: DbConn, regTableName: str): dbName = self._dbName sql = "select tbname from {}.{} where tbname in ('{}')".format(dbName, self._stName, regTableName) if dbc.query(sql) >= 1 : # reg table exists already return # acquire a lock first, so as to be able to *verify*. More details in TD-1471 fullTableName = dbName + '.' + regTableName if task is not None: # optional lock task.lockTable(fullTableName) Progress.emit(Progress.CREATE_TABLE_ATTEMPT) # ATTEMPT to create a new table # print("(" + fullTableName[-3:] + ")", end="", flush=True) try: sql = "CREATE TABLE {} USING {}.{} tags ({})".format( fullTableName, dbName, self._stName, self._getTagStrForSql(dbc) ) dbc.execute(sql) finally: if task is not None: task.unlockTable(fullTableName) # no matter what def _getTagStrForSql(self, dbc) : tags = self._getTags(dbc) tagStrs = [] for tagName in tags: tagType = tags[tagName] if tagType == 'BINARY': tagStrs.append("'Beijing-Shanghai-LosAngeles'") elif tagType == 'FLOAT': tagStrs.append('9.9') elif tagType == 'INT': tagStrs.append('88') else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected tag type: {}".format(tagType)) return ", ".join(tagStrs) def _getTags(self, dbc) -> dict: dbc.query("DESCRIBE {}.{}".format(self._dbName, self._stName)) stCols = dbc.getQueryResult() # print(stCols) ret = {row[0]:row[1] for row in stCols if row[3]=='TAG'} # name:type # print("Tags retrieved: {}".format(ret)) return ret def addTag(self, dbc, tagName, tagType): if tagName in self._getTags(dbc): # already return # sTable.addTag("extraTag", "int") sql = "alter table {}.{} add tag {} {}".format( self._dbName, self._stName, tagName, tagType) dbc.execute(sql) def dropTag(self, dbc, tagName): if not tagName in self._getTags(dbc): # don't have this tag return sql = "alter table {}.{} drop tag {}".format(self._dbName, self._stName, tagName) dbc.execute(sql) def changeTag(self, dbc, oldTag, newTag): tags = self._getTags(dbc) if not oldTag in tags: # don't have this tag return if newTag in tags: # already have this tag return sql = "alter table {}.{} change tag {} {}".format(self._dbName, self._stName, oldTag, newTag) dbc.execute(sql) def generateQueries(self, dbc: DbConn) -> List[SqlQuery]: ''' Generate queries to test/exercise this super table ''' ret = [] # type: List[SqlQuery] for rTbName in self.getRegTables(dbc): # regular tables filterExpr = Dice.choice([ # TODO: add various kind of WHERE conditions None ]) # Run the query against the regular table first doAggr = (Dice.throw(2) == 0) # 1 in 2 chance if not doAggr: # don't do aggregate query, just simple one ret.append(SqlQuery( # reg table "select {} from {}.{}".format('*', self._dbName, rTbName))) ret.append(SqlQuery( # super table "select {} from {}.{}".format('*', self._dbName, self.getName()))) else: # Aggregate query aggExpr = Dice.choice([ 'count(*)', 'avg(speed)', # 'twa(speed)', # TODO: this one REQUIRES a where statement, not reasonable 'sum(speed)', 'stddev(speed)', # SELECTOR functions 'min(speed)', 'max(speed)', 'first(speed)', 'last(speed)', 'top(speed, 50)', # TODO: not supported? 'bottom(speed, 50)', # TODO: not supported? 'apercentile(speed, 10)', # TODO: TD-1316 'last_row(speed)', # Transformation Functions # 'diff(speed)', # TODO: no supported?! 'spread(speed)' ]) # TODO: add more from 'top' # if aggExpr not in ['stddev(speed)']: # STDDEV not valid for super tables?! (Done in TD-1049) sql = "select {} from {}.{}".format(aggExpr, self._dbName, self.getName()) if Dice.throw(3) == 0: # 1 in X chance sql = sql + ' GROUP BY color' Progress.emit(Progress.QUERY_GROUP_BY) # Logging.info("Executing GROUP-BY query: " + sql) ret.append(SqlQuery(sql)) return ret class TaskReadData(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return None # meaning doesn't affect state @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canReadData() # def _canRestartService(self): # if not gSvcMgr: # return True # always # return gSvcMgr.isActive() # only if it's running TODO: race condition here def _reconnectIfNeeded(self, wt): # 1 in 20 chance, simulate a broken connection, only if service stable (not restarting) if random.randrange(20)==0: # and self._canRestartService(): # TODO: break connection in all situations # Logging.info("Attempting to reconnect to server") # TODO: change to DEBUG Progress.emit(Progress.SERVICE_RECONNECT_START) try: wt.getDbConn().close() wt.getDbConn().open() except ConnectionError as err: # may fail if not gSvcMgr: Logging.error("Failed to reconnect in client-only mode") raise # Not OK if we are running in client-only mode if gSvcMgr.isRunning(): # may have race conditon, but low prob, due to Logging.error("Failed to reconnect when managed server is running") raise # Not OK if we are running normally Progress.emit(Progress.SERVICE_RECONNECT_FAILURE) # Logging.info("Ignoring DB reconnect error") # print("_r", end="", flush=True) Progress.emit(Progress.SERVICE_RECONNECT_SUCCESS) # The above might have taken a lot of time, service might be running # by now, causing error below to be incorrectly handled due to timing issue return # TODO: fix server restart status race condtion def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): self._reconnectIfNeeded(wt) dbc = wt.getDbConn() sTable = self._db.getFixedSuperTable() for q in sTable.generateQueries(dbc): # regular tables try: sql = q.getSql() # if 'GROUP BY' in sql: # Logging.info("Executing GROUP-BY query: " + sql) dbc.execute(sql) except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) Logging.debug("[=] Read Failure: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format(errno2, err, dbc.getLastSql())) raise class SqlQuery: @classmethod def buildRandom(cls, db: Database): '''Build a random query against a certain database''' dbName = db.getName() def __init__(self, sql:str = None): self._sql = sql def getSql(self): return self._sql class TaskDropSuperTable(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateDbOnly() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canDropFixedSuperTable() def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): # 1/2 chance, we'll drop the regular tables one by one, in a randomized sequence if Dice.throw(2) == 0: # print("_7_", end="", flush=True) tblSeq = list(range( 2 + (self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES))) random.shuffle(tblSeq) tickOutput = False # if we have spitted out a "d" character for "drop regular table" isSuccess = True for i in tblSeq: regTableName = self.getRegTableName(i) # "db.reg_table_{}".format(i) try: self.execWtSql(wt, "drop table {}.{}". format(self._db.getName(), regTableName)) # nRows always 0, like MySQL except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: # correcting for strange error number scheme errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) if (errno2 in [0x362]): # mnode invalid table name isSuccess = False Logging.debug("[DB] Acceptable error when dropping a table") continue # try to delete next regular table if (not tickOutput): tickOutput = True # Print only one time if isSuccess: print("d", end="", flush=True) else: print("f", end="", flush=True) # Drop the super table itself tblName = self._db.getFixedSuperTableName() self.execWtSql(wt, "drop table {}.{}".format(self._db.getName(), tblName)) class TaskAlterTags(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return None # meaning doesn't affect state @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canDropFixedSuperTable() # if we can drop it, we can alter tags def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): # tblName = self._dbManager.getFixedSuperTableName() dbc = wt.getDbConn() sTable = self._db.getFixedSuperTable() dice = Dice.throw(4) if dice == 0: sTable.addTag(dbc, "extraTag", "int") # sql = "alter table db.{} add tag extraTag int".format(tblName) elif dice == 1: sTable.dropTag(dbc, "extraTag") # sql = "alter table db.{} drop tag extraTag".format(tblName) elif dice == 2: sTable.dropTag(dbc, "newTag") # sql = "alter table db.{} drop tag newTag".format(tblName) else: # dice == 3 sTable.changeTag(dbc, "extraTag", "newTag") # sql = "alter table db.{} change tag extraTag newTag".format(tblName) class TaskRestartService(StateTransitionTask): _isRunning = False _classLock = threading.Lock() @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return None # meaning doesn't affect state @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): if gConfig.auto_start_service: return state.canDropFixedSuperTable() # Basicallly when we have the super table return False # don't run this otherwise CHANCE_TO_RESTART_SERVICE = 200 def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): if not gConfig.auto_start_service: # only execute when we are in -a mode print("_a", end="", flush=True) return with self._classLock: if self._isRunning: Logging.info("Skipping restart task, another running already") return self._isRunning = True if Dice.throw(self.CHANCE_TO_RESTART_SERVICE) == 0: # 1 in N chance dbc = wt.getDbConn() dbc.execute("show databases") # simple delay, align timing with other workers gSvcMgr.restart() self._isRunning = False class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask): # Track which table is being actively worked on activeTable: Set[int] = set() # We use these two files to record operations to DB, useful for power-off tests fAddLogReady = None # type: TextIOWrapper fAddLogDone = None # type: TextIOWrapper @classmethod def prepToRecordOps(cls): if gConfig.record_ops: if (cls.fAddLogReady is None): Logging.info( "Recording in a file operations to be performed...") cls.fAddLogReady = open("add_log_ready.txt", "w") if (cls.fAddLogDone is None): Logging.info("Recording in a file operations completed...") cls.fAddLogDone = open("add_log_done.txt", "w") @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return StateHasData() @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState): return state.canAddData() def _addDataInBatch(self, db, dbc, regTableName, te: TaskExecutor): numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS fullTableName = db.getName() + '.' + regTableName sql = "insert into {} values ".format(fullTableName) for j in range(numRecords): # number of records per table nextInt = db.getNextInt() nextTick = db.getNextTick() nextColor = db.getNextColor() sql += "('{}', {}, '{}');".format(nextTick, nextInt, nextColor) dbc.execute(sql) def _addData(self, db: Database, dbc, regTableName, te: TaskExecutor): # implied: NOT in batches numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS for j in range(numRecords): # number of records per table nextInt = db.getNextInt() nextTick = db.getNextTick() nextColor = db.getNextColor() if gConfig.record_ops: self.prepToRecordOps() self.fAddLogReady.write("Ready to write {} to {}\n".format(nextInt, regTableName)) self.fAddLogReady.flush() os.fsync(self.fAddLogReady) # TODO: too ugly trying to lock the table reliably, refactor... fullTableName = db.getName() + '.' + regTableName if gConfig.verify_data: self.lockTable(fullTableName) # print("_w" + str(nextInt % 100), end="", flush=True) # Trace what was written try: sql = "insert into {} values ('{}', {}, '{}');".format( # removed: tags ('{}', {}) fullTableName, # ds.getFixedSuperTableName(), # ds.getNextBinary(), ds.getNextFloat(), nextTick, nextInt, nextColor) dbc.execute(sql) except: # Any exception at all if gConfig.verify_data: self.unlockTable(fullTableName) raise # Now read it back and verify, we might encounter an error if table is dropped if gConfig.verify_data: # only if command line asks for it try: readBack = dbc.queryScalar("SELECT speed from {}.{} WHERE ts='{}'". format(db.getName(), regTableName, nextTick)) if readBack != nextInt : raise taos.error.ProgrammingError( "Failed to read back same data, wrote: {}, read: {}" .format(nextInt, readBack), 0x999) except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: errno = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno) if errno in [CrashGenError.INVALID_EMPTY_RESULT, CrashGenError.INVALID_MULTIPLE_RESULT] : # not a single result raise taos.error.ProgrammingError( "Failed to read back same data for tick: {}, wrote: {}, read: {}" .format(nextTick, nextInt, "Empty Result" if errno == CrashGenError.INVALID_EMPTY_RESULT else "Multiple Result"), errno) elif errno in [0x218, 0x362]: # table doesn't exist # do nothing dummy = 0 else: # Re-throw otherwise raise finally: self.unlockTable(fullTableName) # Unlock the table no matter what # Successfully wrote the data into the DB, let's record it somehow te.recordDataMark(nextInt) if gConfig.record_ops: self.fAddLogDone.write("Wrote {} to {}\n".format(nextInt, regTableName)) self.fAddLogDone.flush() os.fsync(self.fAddLogDone) def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): # ds = self._dbManager # Quite DANGEROUS here, may result in multi-thread client access db = self._db dbc = wt.getDbConn() numTables = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS tblSeq = list(range(numTables )) random.shuffle(tblSeq) # now we have random sequence for i in tblSeq: if (i in self.activeTable): # wow already active print("x", end="", flush=True) # concurrent insertion else: self.activeTable.add(i) # marking it active dbName = db.getName() sTable = db.getFixedSuperTable() regTableName = self.getRegTableName(i) # "db.reg_table_{}".format(i) fullTableName = dbName + '.' + regTableName # self._lockTable(fullTableName) # "create table" below. Stop it if the table is "locked" sTable.ensureTable(self, wt.getDbConn(), regTableName) # Ensure the table exists # self._unlockTable(fullTableName) if Dice.throw(1) == 0: # 1 in 2 chance self._addData(db, dbc, regTableName, te) else: self._addDataInBatch(db, dbc, regTableName, te) self.activeTable.discard(i) # not raising an error, unlike remove class ThreadStacks: # stack info for all threads def __init__(self): self._allStacks = {} allFrames = sys._current_frames() for th in threading.enumerate(): stack = traceback.extract_stack(allFrames[th.ident]) self._allStacks[th.native_id] = stack def print(self, filteredEndName = None, filterInternal = False): for thNid, stack in self._allStacks.items(): # for each thread, stack frames top to bottom lastFrame = stack[-1] if filteredEndName: # we need to filter out stacks that match this name if lastFrame.name == filteredEndName : # end did not match continue if filterInternal: if lastFrame.name in ['wait', 'invoke_excepthook', '_wait', # The Barrier exception 'svcOutputReader', # the svcMgr thread '__init__']: # the thread that extracted the stack continue # ignore # Now print print("\n<----- Thread Info for LWP/ID: {} (most recent call last) <-----".format(thNid)) stackFrame = 0 for frame in stack: # was using: reversed(stack) # print(frame) print("[{sf}] File {filename}, line {lineno}, in {name}".format( sf=stackFrame, filename=frame.filename, lineno=frame.lineno, name=frame.name)) print(" {}".format(frame.line)) stackFrame += 1 print("-----> End of Thread Info ----->\n") class ClientManager: def __init__(self): Logging.info("Starting service manager") # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigIntHandler) # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigIntHandler) self._status = Status.STATUS_RUNNING self.tc = None self.inSigHandler = False def sigIntHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): if self._status != Status.STATUS_RUNNING: print("Repeated SIGINT received, forced exit...") # return # do nothing if it's already not running sys.exit(-1) self._status = Status.STATUS_STOPPING # immediately set our status print("ClientManager: Terminating program...") self.tc.requestToStop() def _doMenu(self): choice = "" while True: print("\nInterrupting Client Program, Choose an Action: ") print("1: Resume") print("2: Terminate") print("3: Show Threads") # Remember to update the if range below # print("Enter Choice: ", end="", flush=True) while choice == "": choice = input("Enter Choice: ") if choice != "": break # done with reading repeated input if choice in ["1", "2", "3"]: break # we are done with whole method print("Invalid choice, please try again.") choice = "" # reset return choice def sigUsrHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): print("Interrupting main thread execution upon SIGUSR1") if self.inSigHandler: # already print("Ignoring repeated SIG_USR1...") return # do nothing if it's already not running self.inSigHandler = True choice = self._doMenu() if choice == "1": print("Resuming execution...") time.sleep(1.0) elif choice == "2": print("Not implemented yet") time.sleep(1.0) elif choice == "3": ts = ThreadStacks() ts.print() else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid menu choice: {}".format(choice)) self.inSigHandler = False # TODO: need to revise how we verify data durability # def _printLastNumbers(self): # to verify data durability # dbManager = DbManager() # dbc = dbManager.getDbConn() # if dbc.query("show databases") <= 1: # no database (we have a default called "log") # return # dbc.execute("use db") # if dbc.query("show tables") == 0: # no tables # return # sTbName = dbManager.getFixedSuperTableName() # # get all regular tables # # TODO: analyze result set later # dbc.query("select TBNAME from db.{}".format(sTbName)) # rTables = dbc.getQueryResult() # bList = TaskExecutor.BoundedList() # for rTbName in rTables: # regular tables # dbc.query("select speed from db.{}".format(rTbName[0])) # numbers = dbc.getQueryResult() # for row in numbers: # # print("<{}>".format(n), end="", flush=True) # bList.add(row[0]) # print("Top numbers in DB right now: {}".format(bList)) # print("TDengine client execution is about to start in 2 seconds...") # time.sleep(2.0) # dbManager = None # release? def run(self, svcMgr): # self._printLastNumbers() global gConfig # Prepare Tde Instance global gContainer tInst = gContainer.defTdeInstance = TdeInstance() # "subdir to hold the instance" dbManager = DbManager(gConfig.connector_type, tInst.getDbTarget()) # Regular function thPool = ThreadPool(gConfig.num_threads, gConfig.max_steps) self.tc = ThreadCoordinator(thPool, dbManager) Logging.info("Starting client instance: {}".format(tInst)) self.tc.run() # print("exec stats: {}".format(self.tc.getExecStats())) # print("TC failed = {}".format(self.tc.isFailed())) if svcMgr: # gConfig.auto_start_service: svcMgr.stopTaosServices() svcMgr = None # Release global variables gConfig = None gSvcMgr = None logger = None thPool = None dbManager.cleanUp() # destructor wouldn't run in time dbManager = None # Print exec status, etc., AFTER showing messages from the server self.conclude() # print("TC failed (2) = {}".format(self.tc.isFailed())) # Linux return code: ref https://shapeshed.com/unix-exit-codes/ ret = 1 if self.tc.isFailed() else 0 self.tc.cleanup() # Release variables here self.tc = None gc.collect() # force garbage collection # h = hpy() # print("\n----- Final Python Heap -----\n") # print(h.heap()) return ret def conclude(self): # self.tc.getDbManager().cleanUp() # clean up first, so we can show ZERO db connections self.tc.printStats() class MainExec: def __init__(self): self._clientMgr = None self._svcMgr = None # type: ServiceManager signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigIntHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigIntHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigUsrHandler) # different handler! def sigUsrHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): if self._clientMgr: self._clientMgr.sigUsrHandler(signalNumber, frame) elif self._svcMgr: # Only if no client mgr, we are running alone self._svcMgr.sigUsrHandler(signalNumber, frame) def sigIntHandler(self, signalNumber, frame): if self._svcMgr: self._svcMgr.sigIntHandler(signalNumber, frame) if self._clientMgr: self._clientMgr.sigIntHandler(signalNumber, frame) def runClient(self): global gSvcMgr if gConfig.auto_start_service: gSvcMgr = self._svcMgr = ServiceManager(1) # hack alert gSvcMgr.startTaosServices() # we start, don't run self._clientMgr = ClientManager() ret = None try: ret = self._clientMgr.run(self._svcMgr) # stop TAOS service inside except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: Logging.warning("Failed to open REST connection to DB: {}".format(err.getMessage())) # don't raise return ret def runService(self): global gSvcMgr gSvcMgr = self._svcMgr = ServiceManager(gConfig.num_dnodes) # save it in a global variable TODO: hack alert gSvcMgr.run() # run to some end state gSvcMgr = self._svcMgr = None def init(self): # TODO: refactor global gContainer gContainer = Container() # micky-mouse DI global gSvcMgr # TODO: refactor away gSvcMgr = None # Super cool Python argument library: # https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent('''\ TDengine Auto Crash Generator (PLEASE NOTICE the Prerequisites Below) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. You build TDengine in the top level ./build directory, as described in offical docs 2. You run the server there before this script: ./build/bin/taosd -c test/cfg ''')) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--auto-start-service', action='store_true', help='Automatically start/stop the TDengine service (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-b', '--max-dbs', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='Maximum number of DBs to keep, set to disable dropping DB. (default: 0)') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--connector-type', action='store', default='native', type=str, help='Connector type to use: native, rest, or mixed (default: 10)') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Turn on DEBUG mode for more logging (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-e', '--run-tdengine', action='store_true', help='Run TDengine service in foreground (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-g', '--ignore-errors', action='store', default=None, type=str, help='Ignore error codes, comma separated, 0x supported (default: None)') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--max-replicas', action='store', default=1, type=int, help='Maximum number of replicas to use, when testing against clusters. (default: 1)') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--larger-data', action='store_true', help='Write larger amount of data during write operations (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-n', '--dynamic-db-table-names', action='store_true', help='Use non-fixed names for dbs/tables, for -b, useful for multi-instance executions (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--num-dnodes', action='store', default=1, type=int, help='Number of Dnodes to initialize, used with -e option. (default: 1)') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--per-thread-db-connection', action='store_true', help='Use a single shared db connection (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-r', '--record-ops', action='store_true', help='Use a pair of always-fsynced fils to record operations performing + performed, for power-off tests (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--max-steps', action='store', default=1000, type=int, help='Maximum number of steps to run (default: 100)') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--num-threads', action='store', default=5, type=int, help='Number of threads to run (default: 10)') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verify-data', action='store_true', help='Verify data written in a number of places by reading back (default: false)') parser.add_argument( '-x', '--continue-on-exception', action='store_true', help='Continue execution after encountering unexpected/disallowed errors/exceptions (default: false)') global gConfig gConfig = parser.parse_args() Logging.clsInit(gConfig) Dice.seed(0) # initial seeding of dice def run(self): if gConfig.run_tdengine: # run server try: self.runService() return 0 # success except ConnectionError as err: Logging.error("Failed to make DB connection, please check DB instance manually") return -1 # failure else: return self.runClient() class Container(): _propertyList = {'defTdeInstance'} def __init__(self): self._cargo = {} # No cargo at the beginning def _verifyValidProperty(self, name): if not name in self._propertyList: raise CrashGenError("Invalid container property: {}".format(name)) # Called for an attribute, when other mechanisms fail (compare to __getattribute__) def __getattr__(self, name): self._verifyValidProperty(name) return self._cargo[name] # just a simple lookup def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == '_cargo' : # reserved vars super().__setattr__(name, value) return self._verifyValidProperty(name) self._cargo[name] = value