system sh/ system sh/ -n dnode1 -i 1 system sh/ -n dnode1 -c commitLog -v 0 system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start sleep 3000 sql connect $dbPrefix = fl1_db $tbPrefix = fl1_tb $stbPrefix = fl1_stb $tbNum = 10 $rowNum = 10 $totalNum = $tbNum * $rowNum $ts0 = 1537146000000 $delta = 600000 print ========== fill.sim $i = 0 $db = $dbPrefix . $i $stb = $stbPrefix . $i sql drop database $db -x step1 step1: sql create database $db sql use $db sql create table $stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 float, c4 double, c5 smallint, c6 tinyint, c7 bool, c8 binary(10), c9 nchar(10)) tags(t1 int, t2 nchar(20), t3 binary(20), t4 bigint, t5 bool, t6 double) $i = 0 $ts = $ts0 $halfNum = $tbNum / 2 while $i < $halfNum $i1 = $i + $halfNum $tb = $tbPrefix . $i $tb1 = $tbPrefix . $i1 $tgstr = 'tb . $i $tgstr = $tgstr . ' $tgstr1 = 'tb . $i1 $tgstr1 = $tgstr1 . ' sql create table $tb using $stb tags( $i , $tgstr , $tgstr , $i , $i , $i ) sql create table $tb1 using $stb tags( $i1 , $tgstr1 , $tgstr1 , $i , $i , $i ) $x = 0 while $x < $rowNum $xs = $x * $delta $ts = $ts0 + $xs $c = $x / 10 $c = $c * 10 $c = $x - $c $binary = 'binary . $c $binary = $binary . ' $nchar = 'nchar . $c $nchar = $nchar . ' sql insert into $tb values ( $ts , $c , $c , $c , $c , $c , $c , true, $binary , $nchar ) sql insert into $tb1 values ( $ts , $c , NULL , $c , NULL , $c , $c , true, $binary , $nchar ) $x = $x + 1 endw $i = $i + 1 endw print ====== tables created # setup $i = 0 $tb = $tbPrefix . $i $tsu = $rowNum * $delta $tsu = $tsu - $delta $tsu = $tsu + $ts0 #### fill test cases for stables # null values in each group #sql select count(*) from $stb where ts >= '2018-09-16 00:00:00.000' and ts <= $tsu interval(1d) fill(prev) group by t1 #$val = $tbNum * 2 #if rows != $val then # return -1 #endi #if $data00 != @18-09-16 00:00:00.000@ then # return -1 #endi #if $data01 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #if $data02 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #if $data11 != $rowNum then # return -1 #endi #if $data12 != 0 then # return -1 #endi #if $data20 != @18-09-16 00:00:00.000@ then # return -1 #endi #if $data21 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #if $data22 != NULL then # return -1 #endi # number of fill values exceeds number of selected columns sql select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3), max(c4), max(c5) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8) $val = $rowNum * 2 $val = $val - 1 if $rows != $val then return -1 endi if $data11 != -1 then return -1 endi if $data12 != -2 then return -1 endi if $data13 != -3.00000 then return -1 endi if $data14 != -4.000000000 then return -1 endi if $data15 != -5 then return -1 endi if $data31 != -1 then return -1 endi if $data52 != -2 then return -1 endi if $data73 != -3.00000 then return -1 endi if $data74 != -4.000000000 then return -1 endi ## fill(value) + group by sql select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3), max(c4), max(c5) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8) group by t1 $val = $rowNum * 2 $val = $val - 1 $val = $val * $tbNum if $rows != $val then return -1 endi if $data06 != 0 then return -1 endi if $data11 != -1 then return -1 endi #if $data16 != 0 then # return -1 #endi # number of fill values is smaller than number of selected columns sql select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 6, 6) if $data11 != 6 then return -1 endi if $data12 != 6 then return -1 endi if $data13 != 6.00000 then return -1 endi # unspecified filling method sql_error select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3), max(c4), max(c5) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill (6, 6, 6, 6, 6) # fill_char_values_to_arithmetic_fields sql_error select sum(c1), avg(c2), max(c3), min(c4), avg(c4), count(c6), last(c7), last(c8) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c') # fill_multiple_columns sql_error select sum(c1), avg(c2), min(c3), max(c4), count(c6), first(c7), last(c8) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, abc, abc) sql select sum(c1), avg(c2), min(c3), max(c4) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 99, 99, 99, 99) $val = $rowNum * 2 $val = $val - 1 if $rows != $val then return -1 endi if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi if $data11 != 99 then return -1 endi sql select * from $stb #print data08 = $data08 if $data09 != nchar0 then return -1 endi sql select max(c4) from $stb where t1 > 4 and ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, -1) group by t1 if $rows != 0 then return -1 endi sql select min(c1), max(c4) from $stb where t1 > 4 and ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, -1) $val = $rowNum * 2 $val = $val - 1 if $rows != $val then return -1 endi if $data00 != @18-09-17 09:00:00.000@ then return -1 endi if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi if $data02 != -1.000000000 then return -1 endi if $data11 != -1 then return -1 endi if $data12 != -1.000000000 then return -1 endi # fill_into_nonarithmetic_fieds sql select first(c7), first(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 20000000, 20000000, 20000000) #if $data11 != 20000000 then if $data11 != 1 then return -1 endi sql select first(c7), first(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 1, 1, 1) sql select first(c7), first(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1) sql select first(c7), first(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 1e1, 1e1, 1e1) sql select first(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, '1e', '1e1') # fill quoted values into bool column will throw error unless the value is 'true' or 'false' Note:2018-10-24 # fill values into binary or nchar columns will be set to null automatically Note:2018-10-24 sql_error select first(c7), first(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, '1e', '1e1','1e1') sql select first(c7), first(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, true, true, true) sql select first(c7), first(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 'true', 'true','true') # fill nonarithmetic values into arithmetic fields sql_error select count(*) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, abc); sql_error select count(*) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 'true'); sql select count(*) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, '2e1'); $val = $rowNum * 2 $val = $val - 1 if $rows != $val then return -1 endi if $data01 != $rowNum then return -1 endi if $data11 != 20 then return -1 endi sql select count(*) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, 2e1); if $rows != $val then return -1 endi if $data01 != $rowNum then return -1 endi if $data11 != 20 then return -1 endi sql select count(*) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, '20'); if $rows != $val then return -1 endi if $data01 != $rowNum then return -1 endi if $data11 != 20 then return -1 endi ## linear fill sql select max(c1), min(c2), avg(c3), sum(c4), first(c7), last(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(linear) group by t1 $val = $rowNum * 2 $val = $val - 1 $val = $val * $tbNum if $rows != $val then return -1 endi if $data08 != 0 then return -1 endi if $data15 != null then return -1 endi if $data16 != null then return -1 endi if $data17 != null then return -1 endi if $data18 != 0 then return -1 endi ## [TBASE-365] sql select max(c1), min(c2), avg(c3), sum(c4), first(c7), last(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu and t1 > 4 interval(5m) fill(linear) group by t1 if $rows != 95 then return -1 endi #if $data02 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #if $data04 != NULL then # return -1 #endi if $data06 != binary0 then return -1 endi if $data07 != nchar0 then return -1 endi if $data12 != null then return -1 endi if $data14 != null then return -1 endi if $data16 != null then return -1 endi if $data17 != null then return -1 endi if $data08 != 5 then return -1 endi if $data18 != 5 then return -1 endi sql select max(c1), min(c2), sum(c3), avg(c4), first(c7), last(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu interval(5m) fill(linear) $val = $rowNum * 2 $val = $val - 1 if $rows != $val then return -1 endi if $data07 != nchar0 then return -1 endi if $data17 != null then return -1 endi sql select max(c1), min(c2), sum(c3), avg(c4), first(c9), last(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= '2018-09-16 00:00:00.000' and ts <= '2018-09-18 00:00:00.000' interval(1d) fill(linear) if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi ## previous fill print fill(prev) sql select max(c1), min(c2), avg(c3), sum(c4), count(c5), first(c7), last(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu and t1 > 4 interval(5m) fill(prev) group by t1 limit 5 if $rows != 25 then return -1 endi if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi if $data02 != null then return -1 endi if $data04 != null then return -1 endi if $data09 != 5 then return -1 endi if $data12 != null then return -1 endi if $data19 != 5 then return -1 endi if $data18 != nchar0 then return -1 endi if $data59 != 6 then return -1 endi if $data69 != 6 then return -1 endi ## NULL fill print fill(NULL) sql select max(c1), min(c2), avg(c3), sum(c4), count(c5), first(c7), last(c8), first(c9) from $stb where ts >= $ts0 and ts <= $tsu and t1 > 4 interval(5m) fill(value, null) group by t1 limit 5 if $rows != 25 then return -1 endi if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi if $data02 != null then return -1 endi if $data04 != null then return -1 endi if $data06 != 1 then return -1 endi if $data09 != 5 then return -1 endi if $data11 != null then return -1 endi if $data12 != null then return -1 endi if $data19 != 5 then return -1 endi if $data18 != null then return -1 endi if $data59 != 6 then return -1 endi if $data69 != 6 then return -1 endi print =============== clear sql drop database $db sql show databases if $rows != 0 then return -1 endi