################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import threading import taos import sys import json import time import random import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth func_list=['avg','count','twa','sum','stddev','leastsquares','min', 'max','first','last','top','bottom','percentile','apercentile', 'last_row','diff','spread'] condition_list=[ "where _c0 > now -10d ", 'interval(10s)', 'limit 10', 'group by', 'order by', 'fill(null)' ] where_list = ['_c0>now-10d',' <50'," like \'%a%\'"] class ConcurrentInquiry: def __init__(self,n_Therads=25,r_Therads=25): self.n_numOfTherads = n_Therads self.r_numOfTherads = r_Therads self.ts=1500000001000 self.dbname='test' self.stb_list=[] self.subtb_list=[] self.stb_stru_list=[] self.subtb_stru_list=[] self.stb_tag_list=[] self.subtb_tag_list=[] def SetThreadsNum(self,num): self.numOfTherads=num def ret_fcol(self,cl,sql): #返回结果的第一列 cl.execute(sql) fcol_list=[] for data in cl: fcol_list.append(data[0]) return fcol_list def r_stb_list(self,cl): #返回超级表列表 sql='show '+self.dbname+'.stables' self.stb_list=self.ret_fcol(cl,sql) def r_subtb_list(self,cl,stablename): #每个超级表返回2个子表 sql='select tbname from '+self.dbname+'.'+stablename+' limit 2;' self.subtb_list+=self.ret_fcol(cl,sql) def cal_struct(self,cl,tbname): #查看表结构 tb=[] tag=[] sql='describe '+self.dbname+'.'+tbname+';' cl.execute(sql) for data in cl: if data[3]: tag.append(data[0]) else: tb.append(data[0]) return tb,tag def r_stb_stru(self,cl): #获取所有超级表的表结构 for i in self.stb_list: tb,tag=self.cal_struct(cl,i) self.stb_stru_list.append(tb) self.stb_tag_list.append(tag) def r_subtb_stru(self,cl): #返回所有子表的表结构 for i in self.subtb_list: tb,tag=self.cal_struct(cl,i) self.subtb_stru_list.append(tb) self.subtb_tag_list.append(tag) def get_full(self): #获取所有的表、表结构 host = "" user = "root" password = "taosdata" conn = taos.connect( host, user, password, ) cl = conn.cursor() self.r_stb_list(cl) for i in self.stb_list: self.r_subtb_list(cl,i) self.r_stb_stru(cl) self.r_subtb_stru(cl) cl.close() conn.close() #query condition def con_where(self,tlist): l=[] for i in range(random.randint(0,len(tlist))): c = random.choice(where_list) if c == '_c0>now-10d': l.append(c) else: l.append(random.choice(tlist)+c) return 'where '+random.choice([' and ',' or ']).join(l) def con_interval(self,tlist): return random.choice(['interval(10s)','interval(10d)','interval(1n)']) def con_limit(self,tlist): return random.choice(['limit 10','limit 10 offset 10','slimit 10','slimit 10 offset 10','limit 10 slimit 10','limit 10 offset 5 slimit 5 soffset 10']) def con_fill(self,tlist): return random.choice(['fill(null)','fill(prev)','fill(none)','fill(LINEAR)']) def con_group(self,tlist): return 'group by '+random.choice(tlist) def con_order(self,tlist): return 'order by '+random.choice(tlist) def gen_query_sql(self): #生成查询语句 tbi=random.randint(0,len(self.subtb_list)+len(self.stb_list)) #随机决定查询哪张表 tbname='' col_list=[] tag_list=[] is_stb=0 if tbi>len(self.stb_list) : tbi=tbi-len(self.stb_list) tbname=self.subtb_list[tbi-1] col_list=self.subtb_stru_list[tbi-1] tag_list=self.subtb_tag_list[tbi-1] else: tbname=self.stb_list[tbi-1] col_list=self.stb_stru_list[tbi-1] tag_list=self.stb_tag_list[tbi-1] is_stb=1 tlist=col_list+tag_list con_rand=random.randint(0,len(condition_list)) func_rand=random.randint(0,len(func_list)) col_rand=random.randint(0,len(col_list)) tag_rand=random.randint(0,len(tag_list)) t_rand=random.randint(0,len(tlist)) sql='select ' #select random.shuffle(col_list) random.shuffle(func_list) sel_col_list=[] col_rand=random.randint(0,len(col_list)) for i,j in zip(col_list[0:col_rand],func_list): #决定每个被查询col的函数 if j == 'leastsquares': sel_col_list.append(j+'('+i+',1,1)') elif j == 'top' or j == 'bottom' or j == 'percentile' or j == 'apercentile': sel_col_list.append(j+'('+i+',1)') else: sel_col_list.append(j+'('+i+')') sql=sql+','.join(sel_col_list)+' from '+random.choice(self.stb_list+self.subtb_list)+' ' #select col & func con_func=[self.con_where,self.con_interval,self.con_limit,self.con_group,self.con_order,self.con_fill] sel_con=random.sample(con_func,random.randint(0,len(con_func))) sel_con_list=[] for i in sel_con: sel_con_list.append(i(tlist)) #获取对应的条件函数 sql+=' '.join(sel_con_list) # condition print(sql) return sql def rest_query(self,sql): #rest 接口 host = "" user = "root" password = "taosdata" port =6041 url = "http://{}:{}/rest/sql".format(host, port ) try: r = requests.post(url, data = 'use test', auth = HTTPBasicAuth('root', 'taosdata')) r = requests.post(url, data = sql, auth = HTTPBasicAuth('root', 'taosdata')) except: print("REST API Failure (TODO: more info here)") raise rj = r.json() if ('status' not in rj): raise RuntimeError("No status in REST response") if rj['status'] == 'error': # clearly reported error if ('code' not in rj): # error without code raise RuntimeError("REST error return without code") errno = rj['code'] # May need to massage this in the future # print("Raising programming error with REST return: {}".format(rj)) raise taos.error.ProgrammingError( rj['desc'], errno) # todo: check existance of 'desc' if rj['status'] != 'succ': # better be this raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected REST return status: {}".format( rj['status'])) nRows = rj['rows'] if ('rows' in rj) else 0 return nRows def query_thread_n(self,threadID): #使用原生python接口查询 host = "" user = "root" password = "taosdata" conn = taos.connect( host, user, password, ) cl = conn.cursor() cl.execute("use test;") print("Thread %d: starting" % threadID) while True: try: sql=self.gen_query_sql() print("sql is ",sql) start = time.time() cl.execute(sql) cl.fetchall() end = time.time() print("time cost :",end-start) except Exception as e: print( "Failure thread%d, sql: %s,exception: %s" % (threadID, str(sql),str(e))) #exit(-1) print("Thread %d: finishing" % threadID) def query_thread_r(self,threadID): #使用rest接口查询 print("Thread %d: starting" % threadID) while True: try: sql=self.gen_query_sql() print("sql is ",sql) start = time.time() self.rest_query(sql) end = time.time() print("time cost :",end-start) except Exception as e: print( "Failure thread%d, sql: %s,exception: %s" % (threadID, str(sql),str(e))) #exit(-1) print("Thread %d: finishing" % threadID) def run(self): print(self.n_numOfTherads,self.r_numOfTherads) threads = [] for i in range(self.n_numOfTherads): thread = threading.Thread(target=self.query_thread_n, args=(i,)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() for i in range(self.r_numOfTherads): # for i in range(1): thread = threading.Thread(target=self.query_thread_r, args=(i,)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() if len(sys.argv)>1: q = ConcurrentInquiry(n_Therads=sys.argv[1],r_Therads=sys.argv[2]) else: q = ConcurrentInquiry() q.get_full() #q.gen_query_sql() q.run()