#!/bin/bash stty erase '^H' stty erase '^?' # 运行前需要安装expect; apt install expect # 运行方式: # ./cluster.sh -c xxx.cfg # cfg文件内格式: 每行代表一个节点 第一列为external ip、第二列为密码、第三列为用户名、第四列为hostname、第五列为interal ip # 注意:列与列直接用空格隔开 # 例子: # tbase125! root node5 # tbase125! root node2 # tbase125! root node3 # tbase125! root node4 menu(){ echo "==============================" echo "-------------Target-----------" echo "==============================" echo "1 cluster" echo "==============================" echo "2 dnode" echo "==============================" echo "3 arbitrator" echo "==============================" echo "4 exit" echo "==============================" } cluster_menu(){ echo "==============================" echo "----------Operation-----------" echo "==============================" echo "1 start cluster" echo "==============================" echo "2 stop cluster" echo "==============================" echo "3 exit" echo "==============================" } dnode_menu(){ echo "==============================" echo "----------Operation-----------" echo "==============================" echo "1 start dnode" echo "==============================" echo "2 stop dnode" echo "==============================" echo "3 add dnode" echo "==============================" echo "4 drop dnode" echo "==============================" echo "5 exit" echo "==============================" } arbitrator_menu(){ echo "==============================" echo "----------Operation-----------" echo "==============================" echo "1 start arbitrator" echo "==============================" echo "2 stop arbitrator" echo "==============================" echo "3 exit" echo "==============================" } print_cfg() { echo "==============================" echo "-------Configure file---------" echo "==============================" echo "Id | IP address | hostname" i=1 while read line || [[ -n ${line} ]] do arr=($line) echo " $i | ${arr[0]} | ${arr[3]}" i=`expr $i + 1`; done < $1 echo "==============================" } update(){ expect -c " set timeout -1; spawn ssh $3@$1; expect { *yes/no* { send \"yes\r\"; exp_continue } *assword:* { send \"$2\r\" } } expect { *#* { send \"systemctl $4 taosd\r\" } } expect { *#* { send \"exit\r\" } } expect eof; " echo -e "\033[32mdnode successfully $4 \033[0m" } update_dnode(){ i=1 while read line || [[ -n ${line} ]] do if [[ $1 -eq $i ]]; then arr=($line) update ${arr[0]} ${arr[1]} ${arr[2]} $2 break; fi i=`expr $i + 1`; done < $3 } add_hosts() { expect -c " set timeout -1; spawn ssh $3@$1; expect { *yes/no* { send \"yes\r\"; exp_continue } *assword:* { send \"$2\r\" } } expect { *#* { send \"echo $4 $5 >> /etc/hosts\r\" } } expect { *#* { send \"exit\r\" } } expect eof; " echo -e "\033[32mSuccessfully add to /etc/hosts in $1\033[0m" } remove_hosts() { expect -c " set timeout -1; spawn ssh $3@$1; expect { *yes/no* { send \"yes\r\"; exp_continue } *assword:* { send \"$2\r\" } } expect { *#* { send \"sed -i '/$4/d\' /etc/hosts\r\" } } expect { *#* { send \"exit\r\" } } expect eof; " echo -e "\033[32mSuccessfully remove from /etc/hosts in $1\033[0m" } remove_varlibtaos() { expect -c " set timeout -1; spawn ssh $3@$1; expect { *yes/no* { send \"yes\r\"; exp_continue } *assword:* { send \"$2\r\" } } expect { *#* { send \"rm -rf /var/lib/taos/*\r\" } } expect { *#* { send \"exit\r\" } } expect eof; " echo -e "\033[32mSuccessfully remove /var/lib/taos/* in $1\033[0m" } scp_cfg() { expect -c " set timeout -1; spawn scp /etc/taos/taos.cfg $3@$1:/etc/taos; expect { *yes/no* { send \"yes\r\"; exp_continue } *assword:* { send \"$2\r\" } } expect eof; " echo -e "\033[32mSuccessfully scp /etc/taos/taos.cfg to $1\033[0m" } manage_dnode(){ i=1 while read line || [[ -n ${line} ]] do if [[ $1 -eq $i ]]; then arr=($line) scp_cfg ${arr[0]} ${arr[1]} ${arr[2]} ip=${arr[0]} pd=${arr[1]} user=${arr[2]} j=1 while read line2 || [[ -n ${line2} ]] do arr2=($line2) if [[ $1 -ne $j ]]; then if [ $3 == "create" ];then echo "$3" add_hosts $ip $pd $user ${arr2[4]} ${arr2[3]} else remove_hosts $ip $pd $user ${arr2[4]} ${arr2[3]} fi fi j=`expr $j + 1`; done < $2 remove_varlibtaos $ip $pd $user if [ $3 == "create" ];then update $ip $pd $user "start" else update $ip $pd $user "stop" fi taos -s "$3 dnode \"${arr[3]}:6030\"" break; fi i=`expr $i + 1`; done < $2 echo -e "\033[32mSuccessfully $3 dnode id $1\033[0m" } update_cluster() { while read line || [[ -n ${line} ]] do arr=($line) if [ $1 == "start" ]; then scp_cfg ${arr[0]} ${arr[1]} ${arr[2]} fi update ${arr[0]} ${arr[1]} ${arr[2]} $1 done < $2 } while : do clear menu read -p "select mode: " n case $n in 1) clear print_cfg $2 cluster_menu read -p "select operation: " c case $c in 1) update_cluster "start" $2 break ;; 2) update_cluster "stop" $2 break ;; 3) break ;; esac ;; 2) clear print_cfg $2 dnode_menu read -p "select operation: " d case $d in 1) clear print_cfg $2 read -p "select dnode: " id update_dnode $id "start" $2 break ;; 2) clear print_cfg $2 read -p "select dnode: " id update_dnode $id "stop" $2 break ;; 3) clear print_cfg $2 read -p "select dnode: " id manage_dnode $id $2 "create" break ;; 4) clear print_cfg $2 read -p "select dnode: " id manage_dnode $id $2 "drop" break ;; 5) break ;; esac ;; 3) clear arbitrator_menu read -p "select operation: " m case $m in 1) nohup /usr/local/taos/bin/tarbitrator >/dev/null 2>&1 & echo -e "\033[32mSuccessfully start arbitrator $3 \033[0m" break ;; 2) var=`ps -ef | grep tarbitrator | awk '{print $2}' | head -n 1` kill -9 $var break ;; 3) break ;; esac ;; 4) break ;; esac done