/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "os.h" #include "dnodeSystem.h" #include "mgmt.h" #include "mgmtProfile.h" #include "taosmsg.h" #include "tlog.h" #include "vnodeStatus.h" #define MAX_LEN_OF_METER_META (sizeof(SMultiMeterMeta) + sizeof(SSchema) * TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS + sizeof(SSchema) * TSDB_MAX_TAGS + TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN) void * pShellConn = NULL; SConnObj *connList; void * mgmtProcessMsgFromShell(char *msg, void *ahandle, void *thandle); int (*mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_MAX])(char *, int, SConnObj *); void mgmtInitProcessShellMsg(); int mgmtRedirectMsg(SConnObj *pConn, int msgType); int mgmtKillQuery(char *queryId, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(SConnObj *pConn, int msgType); int mgmtProcessAlterAcctMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtProcessCreateMnodeMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtProcessCreateDnodeMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtProcessCfgMnodeMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtProcessDropMnodeMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtProcessDropDnodeMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtProcessDropAcctMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtProcessCreateAcctMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtProcessCfgDnodeMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn); void mgmtProcessTranRequest(SSchedMsg *pSchedMsg) { SIntMsg * pMsg = (SIntMsg *)(pSchedMsg->msg); SConnObj *pConn = (SConnObj *)(pSchedMsg->thandle); char *cont = (char *)pMsg->content + sizeof(SMgmtHead); int contLen = pMsg->msgLen - sizeof(SIntMsg) - sizeof(SMgmtHead); if (pConn->pAcct) (*mgmtProcessShellMsg[pMsg->msgType])(cont, contLen, pConn); if (pSchedMsg->msg) free(pSchedMsg->msg); } int mgmtInitShell() { SRpcInit rpcInit; mgmtInitProcessShellMsg(); int size = sizeof(SConnObj) * tsMaxShellConns; connList = (SConnObj *)malloc(size); if (connList == NULL) { mError("failed to malloc for connList to shell"); return -1; } memset(connList, 0, size); int numOfThreads = tsNumOfCores * tsNumOfThreadsPerCore / 4.0; if (numOfThreads < 1) numOfThreads = 1; memset(&rpcInit, 0, sizeof(rpcInit)); rpcInit.localIp = tsAnyIp ? "" : tsPrivateIp;; rpcInit.localPort = tsMgmtShellPort; rpcInit.label = "MND-shell"; rpcInit.numOfThreads = numOfThreads; rpcInit.fp = mgmtProcessMsgFromShell; rpcInit.bits = 20; rpcInit.numOfChanns = 1; rpcInit.sessionsPerChann = tsMaxShellConns; rpcInit.idMgmt = TAOS_ID_FREE; rpcInit.connType = TAOS_CONN_SOCKET_TYPE_S(); rpcInit.idleTime = tsShellActivityTimer * 2000; rpcInit.qhandle = mgmtQhandle; rpcInit.afp = mgmtRetriveUserAuthInfo; pShellConn = taosOpenRpc(&rpcInit); if (pShellConn == NULL) { mError("failed to init tcp connection to shell"); return -1; } return 0; } void mgmtCleanUpShell() { if (pShellConn) taosCloseRpc(pShellConn); pShellConn = NULL; tfree(connList); } static void mgmtSetSchemaFromMeters(SSchema *pSchema, STabObj *pMeterObj, uint32_t numOfCols) { SSchema *pMeterSchema = (SSchema *)(pMeterObj->schema); for (int i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) { pSchema->type = pMeterSchema[i].type; strcpy(pSchema->name, pMeterSchema[i].name); pSchema->bytes = htons(pMeterSchema[i].bytes); pSchema->colId = htons(pMeterSchema[i].colId); pSchema++; } } static uint32_t mgmtSetMeterTagValue(char *pTags, STabObj *pMetric, STabObj *pMeterObj) { SSchema *pTagSchema = (SSchema *)(pMetric->schema + pMetric->numOfColumns * sizeof(SSchema)); char *tagVal = pMeterObj->pTagData + TSDB_METER_ID_LEN; // tag start position uint32_t tagsLen = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMetric->numOfTags; ++i) { tagsLen += pTagSchema[i].bytes; } memcpy(pTags, tagVal, tagsLen); return tagsLen; } static char *mgmtAllocMsg(SConnObj *pConn, int32_t size, char **pMsg, STaosRsp **pRsp) { char *pStart = taosBuildRspMsgWithSize(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METERINFO_RSP, size); if (pStart == NULL) return 0; *pMsg = pStart; *pRsp = (STaosRsp *)(*pMsg); return pStart; } static char *mgmtForMultiAllocMsg(SConnObj *pConn, int32_t size, char **pMsg, STaosRsp **pRsp) { char *pStart = taosBuildRspMsgWithSize(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_MULTI_METERINFO_RSP, size); if (pStart == NULL) return 0; *pMsg = pStart; *pRsp = (STaosRsp *)(*pMsg); return pStart; } /** * check if we need to add mgmtProcessMeterMetaMsg into tranQueue, which will be executed one-by-one. * * @param pMsg * @return */ bool mgmtCheckMeterMetaMsgType(char *pMsg) { SMeterInfoMsg *pInfo = (SMeterInfoMsg *)pMsg; int16_t autoCreate = htons(pInfo->createFlag); STabObj *pMeterObj = mgmtGetMeter(pInfo->meterId); // If table does not exists and autoCreate flag is set, we add the handler into another task queue, namely tranQueue bool addIntoTranQueue = (pMeterObj == NULL && autoCreate == 1); if (addIntoTranQueue) { mTrace("meter:%s auto created task added", pInfo->meterId); } return addIntoTranQueue; } int mgmtProcessMeterMetaMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SMeterInfoMsg *pInfo = (SMeterInfoMsg *)pMsg; STabObj * pMeterObj = NULL; SVgObj * pVgroup = NULL; SMeterMeta * pMeta = NULL; SSchema * pSchema = NULL; STaosRsp * pRsp = NULL; char * pStart = NULL; pInfo->createFlag = htons(pInfo->createFlag); int size = sizeof(STaosHeader) + sizeof(STaosRsp) + sizeof(SMeterMeta) + sizeof(SSchema) * TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS + sizeof(SSchema) * TSDB_MAX_TAGS + TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN + TSDB_EXTRA_PAYLOAD_SIZE; SDbObj *pDb = NULL; if (pConn->pDb != NULL) pDb = mgmtGetDb(pConn->pDb->name); // todo db check should be extracted if (pDb == NULL || (pDb != NULL && pDb->dropStatus != TSDB_DB_STATUS_READY)) { if ((pStart = mgmtAllocMsg(pConn, size, &pMsg, &pRsp)) == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METERINFO_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } pRsp->code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_DB; pMsg++; goto _exit_code; } pMeterObj = mgmtGetMeter(pInfo->meterId); // on demand create table from super table if meter does not exists if (pMeterObj == NULL && pInfo->createFlag == 1) { // write operation needs to redirect to master mnode if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METERINFO_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } SCreateTableMsg *pCreateMsg = calloc(1, sizeof(SCreateTableMsg) + sizeof(STagData)); if (pCreateMsg == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METERINFO_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } memcpy(pCreateMsg->schema, pInfo->tags, sizeof(STagData)); strcpy(pCreateMsg->meterId, pInfo->meterId); SDbObj* pMeterDb = mgmtGetDbByMeterId(pCreateMsg->meterId); mTrace("meter:%s, pConnDb:%p, pConnDbName:%s, pMeterDb:%p, pMeterDbName:%s", pCreateMsg->meterId, pDb, pDb->name, pMeterDb, pMeterDb->name); assert(pDb == pMeterDb); int32_t code = mgmtCreateMeter(pDb, pCreateMsg); char stableName[TSDB_METER_ID_LEN] = {0}; strncpy(stableName, pInfo->tags, TSDB_METER_ID_LEN); mTrace("meter:%s is automatically created by %s from %s, code:%d", pCreateMsg->meterId, pConn->pUser->user, stableName, code); tfree(pCreateMsg); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { if ((pStart = mgmtAllocMsg(pConn, size, &pMsg, &pRsp)) == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METERINFO_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } pRsp->code = code; pMsg++; goto _exit_code; } pMeterObj = mgmtGetMeter(pInfo->meterId); } if ((pStart = mgmtAllocMsg(pConn, size, &pMsg, &pRsp)) == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METERINFO_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } if (pMeterObj == NULL) { if (pDb) pRsp->code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_TABLE; else pRsp->code = TSDB_CODE_DB_NOT_SELECTED; pMsg++; } else { mTrace("%s, uid:%lld meter meta is retrieved", pInfo->meterId, pMeterObj->uid); pRsp->code = 0; pMsg += sizeof(STaosRsp); *pMsg = TSDB_IE_TYPE_META; pMsg++; pMeta = (SMeterMeta *)pMsg; pMeta->uid = htobe64(pMeterObj->uid); pMeta->sid = htonl(pMeterObj->gid.sid); pMeta->vgid = htonl(pMeterObj->gid.vgId); pMeta->sversion = htons(pMeterObj->sversion); pMeta->precision = pDb->cfg.precision; pMeta->numOfTags = pMeterObj->numOfTags; pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pMeterObj->numOfColumns); pMeta->meterType = pMeterObj->meterType; pMsg += sizeof(SMeterMeta); pSchema = (SSchema *)pMsg; // schema locates at the end of SMeterMeta struct if (mgmtMeterCreateFromMetric(pMeterObj)) { assert(pMeterObj->numOfTags == 0); STabObj *pMetric = mgmtGetMeter(pMeterObj->pTagData); uint32_t numOfTotalCols = (uint32_t)pMetric->numOfTags + pMetric->numOfColumns; pMeta->numOfTags = pMetric->numOfTags; // update the numOfTags info mgmtSetSchemaFromMeters(pSchema, pMetric, numOfTotalCols); pMsg += numOfTotalCols * sizeof(SSchema); // for meters created from metric, we need the metric tag schema to parse the tag data int32_t tagsLen = mgmtSetMeterTagValue(pMsg, pMetric, pMeterObj); pMsg += tagsLen; } else { /* * for metrics, or meters that are not created from metric, set the schema directly * for meters created from metric, we use the schema of metric instead */ uint32_t numOfTotalCols = (uint32_t)pMeterObj->numOfTags + pMeterObj->numOfColumns; mgmtSetSchemaFromMeters(pSchema, pMeterObj, numOfTotalCols); pMsg += numOfTotalCols * sizeof(SSchema); } if (mgmtIsNormalMeter(pMeterObj)) { pVgroup = mgmtGetVgroup(pMeterObj->gid.vgId); if (pVgroup == NULL) { pRsp->code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_TABLE; goto _exit_code; } for (int i = 0; i < TSDB_VNODES_SUPPORT; ++i) { if (pConn->usePublicIp) { pMeta->vpeerDesc[i].ip = pVgroup->vnodeGid[i].publicIp; pMeta->vpeerDesc[i].vnode = htonl(pVgroup->vnodeGid[i].vnode); } else { pMeta->vpeerDesc[i].ip = pVgroup->vnodeGid[i].ip; pMeta->vpeerDesc[i].vnode = htonl(pVgroup->vnodeGid[i].vnode); } } } } _exit_code: msgLen = pMsg - pStart; taosSendMsgToPeer(pConn->thandle, pStart, msgLen); return msgLen; } /** * multi meter meta rsp pkg format: * | STaosRsp | ieType | SMultiMeterInfoMsg | SMeterMeta0 | SSchema0 | SMeterMeta1 | SSchema1 | SMeterMeta2 | SSchema2 * 1B 1B 4B * * | STaosHeader | STaosRsp | ieType | SMultiMeterInfoMsg | SMeterMeta0 | SSchema0 | SMeterMeta1 | SSchema1 | ......................| * ^ ^ ^ * |<--------------------------------------size-----------------------------------------------|---------------------->| * | | | * pStart pCurMeter pTail **/ int mgmtProcessMultiMeterMetaMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SDbObj * pDbObj = NULL; STabObj * pMeterObj = NULL; SVgObj * pVgroup = NULL; SMultiMeterMeta * pMeta = NULL; SSchema * pSchema = NULL; STaosRsp * pRsp = NULL; char * pStart = NULL; SMultiMeterInfoMsg * pInfo = (SMultiMeterInfoMsg *)pMsg; char * str = pMsg + sizeof(SMultiMeterInfoMsg); pInfo->numOfMeters = htonl(pInfo->numOfMeters); int size = 4*1024*1024; // first malloc 4 MB, subsequent reallocation as twice char *pNewMsg; if ((pStart = mgmtForMultiAllocMsg(pConn, size, &pNewMsg, &pRsp)) == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_MULTI_METERINFO_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } int32_t totalNum = 0; char tblName[TSDB_METER_ID_LEN]; char* nextStr; char* pCurMeter = pStart + sizeof(STaosRsp) + sizeof(SMultiMeterInfoMsg) + 1; // 1: ie type byte char* pTail = pStart + size; while (str - pMsg < msgLen) { nextStr = strchr(str, ','); if (nextStr == NULL) { break; } memcpy(tblName, str, nextStr - str); tblName[nextStr - str] = '\0'; str = nextStr + 1; // judge whether the remaining memory is adequate if ((pTail - pCurMeter) < MAX_LEN_OF_METER_META) { char* pMsgHdr = pStart - sizeof(STaosHeader); size *= 2; pMsgHdr = (char*)realloc(pMsgHdr, size); if (NULL == pMsgHdr) { char* pTmp = pStart - sizeof(STaosHeader); tfree(pTmp); taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_MULTI_METERINFO_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); break; } pCurMeter = (char*)pMsgHdr + sizeof(STaosHeader) + (pCurMeter - pStart); pStart = (char*)pMsgHdr + sizeof(STaosHeader); pNewMsg = pStart; pRsp = (STaosRsp *)pStart; pTail = pMsgHdr + size; } // get meter schema, and fill into resp payload pMeterObj = mgmtGetMeter(tblName); pDbObj = mgmtGetDbByMeterId(tblName); if (pMeterObj == NULL || (pDbObj == NULL)) { continue; } else { mTrace("%s, uid:%lld sversion:%d meter meta is retrieved", tblName, pMeterObj->uid, pMeterObj->sversion); pMeta = (SMultiMeterMeta *)pCurMeter; memcpy(pMeta->meterId, tblName, strlen(tblName)); pMeta->meta.uid = htobe64(pMeterObj->uid); pMeta->meta.sid = htonl(pMeterObj->gid.sid); pMeta->meta.vgid = htonl(pMeterObj->gid.vgId); pMeta->meta.sversion = htons(pMeterObj->sversion); pMeta->meta.precision = pDbObj->cfg.precision; pMeta->meta.numOfTags = pMeterObj->numOfTags; pMeta->meta.numOfColumns = htons(pMeterObj->numOfColumns); pMeta->meta.meterType = pMeterObj->meterType; pCurMeter += sizeof(SMultiMeterMeta); pSchema = (SSchema *)pCurMeter; // schema locates at the end of SMeterMeta struct if (mgmtMeterCreateFromMetric(pMeterObj)) { assert(pMeterObj->numOfTags == 0); STabObj *pMetric = mgmtGetMeter(pMeterObj->pTagData); uint32_t numOfTotalCols = (uint32_t)pMetric->numOfTags + pMetric->numOfColumns; pMeta->meta.numOfTags = pMetric->numOfTags; // update the numOfTags info mgmtSetSchemaFromMeters(pSchema, pMetric, numOfTotalCols); pCurMeter += numOfTotalCols * sizeof(SSchema); // for meters created from metric, we need the metric tag schema to parse the tag data int32_t tagsLen = mgmtSetMeterTagValue(pCurMeter, pMetric, pMeterObj); pCurMeter += tagsLen; } else { /* * for metrics, or meters that are not created from metric, set the schema directly * for meters created from metric, we use the schema of metric instead */ uint32_t numOfTotalCols = (uint32_t)pMeterObj->numOfTags + pMeterObj->numOfColumns; mgmtSetSchemaFromMeters(pSchema, pMeterObj, numOfTotalCols); pCurMeter += numOfTotalCols * sizeof(SSchema); } if (mgmtIsNormalMeter(pMeterObj)) { pVgroup = mgmtGetVgroup(pMeterObj->gid.vgId); if (pVgroup == NULL) { pRsp->code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_TABLE; pNewMsg++; mError("%s, uid:%lld sversion:%d vgId:%d pVgroup is NULL", tblName, pMeterObj->uid, pMeterObj->sversion, pMeterObj->gid.vgId); goto _error_exit_code; } for (int i = 0; i < TSDB_VNODES_SUPPORT; ++i) { if (pConn->usePublicIp) { pMeta->meta.vpeerDesc[i].ip = pVgroup->vnodeGid[i].publicIp; pMeta->meta.vpeerDesc[i].vnode = htonl(pVgroup->vnodeGid[i].vnode); } else { pMeta->meta.vpeerDesc[i].ip = pVgroup->vnodeGid[i].ip; pMeta->meta.vpeerDesc[i].vnode = htonl(pVgroup->vnodeGid[i].vnode); } } } } totalNum++; if (totalNum > pInfo->numOfMeters) { pNewMsg++; break; } } // fill rsp code, ieType msgLen = pCurMeter - pNewMsg; pRsp->code = 0; pNewMsg += sizeof(STaosRsp); *pNewMsg = TSDB_IE_TYPE_META; pNewMsg++; SMultiMeterInfoMsg *pRspInfo = (SMultiMeterInfoMsg *)pNewMsg; pRspInfo->numOfMeters = htonl(totalNum); goto _exit_code; _error_exit_code: msgLen = pNewMsg - pStart; _exit_code: taosSendMsgToPeer(pConn->thandle, pStart, msgLen); return msgLen; } int mgmtProcessMetricMetaMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SMetricMetaMsg *pMetricMetaMsg = (SMetricMetaMsg *)pMsg; STabObj * pMetric; STaosRsp * pRsp; char * pStart; pMetricMetaMsg->numOfMeters = htonl(pMetricMetaMsg->numOfMeters); pMetricMetaMsg->join = htonl(pMetricMetaMsg->join); pMetricMetaMsg->joinCondLen = htonl(pMetricMetaMsg->joinCondLen); for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMetricMetaMsg->numOfMeters; ++i) { pMetricMetaMsg->metaElem[i] = htonl(pMetricMetaMsg->metaElem[i]); } SMetricMetaElemMsg *pElem = (SMetricMetaElemMsg *)(((char *)pMetricMetaMsg) + pMetricMetaMsg->metaElem[0]); pMetric = mgmtGetMeter(pElem->meterId); SDbObj *pDb = NULL; if (pConn->pDb != NULL) pDb = mgmtGetDb(pConn->pDb->name); if (pMetric == NULL || (pDb != NULL && pDb->dropStatus != TSDB_DB_STATUS_READY)) { pStart = taosBuildRspMsg(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METRIC_META_RSP); if (pStart == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METRIC_META_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } pMsg = pStart; pRsp = (STaosRsp *)pMsg; if (pDb) pRsp->code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_TABLE; else pRsp->code = TSDB_CODE_DB_NOT_SELECTED; pMsg++; msgLen = pMsg - pStart; } else { msgLen = mgmtRetrieveMetricMeta(pConn, &pStart, pMetricMetaMsg); if (msgLen <= 0) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METRIC_META_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } } taosSendMsgToPeer(pConn->thandle, pStart, msgLen); return msgLen; } int mgmtProcessCreateDbMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SCreateDbMsg *pCreate = (SCreateDbMsg *)pMsg; int code = 0; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_DB_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } pCreate->maxSessions = htonl(pCreate->maxSessions); pCreate->cacheBlockSize = htonl(pCreate->cacheBlockSize); // pCreate->cacheNumOfBlocks = htonl(pCreate->cacheNumOfBlocks); pCreate->daysPerFile = htonl(pCreate->daysPerFile); pCreate->daysToKeep = htonl(pCreate->daysToKeep); pCreate->daysToKeep1 = htonl(pCreate->daysToKeep1); pCreate->daysToKeep2 = htonl(pCreate->daysToKeep2); pCreate->commitTime = htonl(pCreate->commitTime); pCreate->blocksPerMeter = htons(pCreate->blocksPerMeter); pCreate->rowsInFileBlock = htonl(pCreate->rowsInFileBlock); if (grantCheckExpired()) { code = TSDB_CODE_GRANT_EXPIRED; } else if (!pConn->writeAuth) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { code = mgmtCreateDb(pConn->pAcct, pCreate); if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { mLPrint("DB:%s is created by %s", pCreate->db, pConn->pUser->user); } } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_DB_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessCreateMnodeMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { return taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_MNODE_RSP, TSDB_CODE_OPS_NOT_SUPPORT); } int mgmtProcessAlterDbMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SAlterDbMsg *pAlter = (SAlterDbMsg *)pMsg; int code = 0; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_DB_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } pAlter->daysPerFile = htonl(pAlter->daysPerFile); pAlter->daysToKeep = htonl(pAlter->daysToKeep); pAlter->maxSessions = htonl(pAlter->maxSessions) + 1; if (!pConn->writeAuth) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { code = mgmtAlterDb(pConn->pAcct, pAlter); if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { mLPrint("DB:%s is altered by %s", pAlter->db, pConn->pUser->user); } } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_DB_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessKillQueryMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { int code = 0; SKillQuery *pKill = (SKillQuery *)pMsg; if (!pConn->writeAuth) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { code = mgmtKillQuery(pKill->queryId, pConn); } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_KILL_QUERY_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessKillStreamMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { int code = 0; SKillStream *pKill = (SKillStream *)pMsg; if (!pConn->writeAuth) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { code = mgmtKillStream(pKill->queryId, pConn); } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_KILL_STREAM_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessKillConnectionMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { int code = 0; SKillConnection *pKill = (SKillConnection *)pMsg; if (!pConn->superAuth) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { code = mgmtKillConnection(pKill->queryId, pConn); } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_KILL_CONNECTION_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessCreateUserMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SCreateUserMsg *pCreate = (SCreateUserMsg *)pMsg; int code = 0; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_USER_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } if (pConn->superAuth) { code = mgmtCreateUser(pConn->pAcct, pCreate->user, pCreate->pass); if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { mLPrint("user:%s is created by %s", pCreate->user, pConn->pUser->user); } } else { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_USER_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessAlterUserMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SAlterUserMsg *pAlter = (SAlterUserMsg *)pMsg; int code = 0; SUserObj * pUser; SUserObj * pOperUser; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_USER_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } pUser = mgmtGetUser(pAlter->user); pOperUser = mgmtGetUser(pConn->pUser->user); if (pUser == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_USER_RSP, TSDB_CODE_INVALID_USER); return 0; } if (pOperUser == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_USER_RSP, TSDB_CODE_INVALID_USER); return 0; } if (strcmp(pUser->user, "monitor") == 0 || (strcmp(pUser->user + 1, pUser->acct) == 0 && pUser->user[0] == '_')) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_USER_RSP, code); return 0; } if ((pAlter->flag & TSDB_ALTER_USER_PASSWD) != 0) { bool hasRight = false; if (strcmp(pOperUser->user, "root") == 0) { hasRight = true; } else if (strcmp(pUser->user, pOperUser->user) == 0) { hasRight = true; } else if (pOperUser->superAuth) { if (strcmp(pUser->user, "root") == 0) { hasRight = false; } else if (strcmp(pOperUser->acct, pUser->acct) != 0) { hasRight = false; } else { hasRight = true; } } if (hasRight) { memset(pUser->pass, 0, sizeof(pUser->pass)); taosEncryptPass((uint8_t*)pAlter->pass, strlen(pAlter->pass), pUser->pass); code = mgmtUpdateUser(pUser); mLPrint("user:%s password is altered by %s, code:%d", pAlter->user, pConn->pUser->user, code); } else { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_USER_RSP, code); return 0; } if ((pAlter->flag & TSDB_ALTER_USER_PRIVILEGES) != 0) { bool hasRight = false; if (strcmp(pUser->user, "root") == 0) { hasRight = false; } else if (strcmp(pUser->user, pUser->acct) == 0) { hasRight = false; } else if (strcmp(pOperUser->user, "root") == 0) { hasRight = true; } else if (strcmp(pUser->user, pOperUser->user) == 0) { hasRight = false; } else if (pOperUser->superAuth) { if (strcmp(pUser->user, "root") == 0) { hasRight = false; } else if (strcmp(pOperUser->acct, pUser->acct) != 0) { hasRight = false; } else { hasRight = true; } } if (pAlter->privilege == 1) { // super hasRight = false; } if (hasRight) { //if (pAlter->privilege == 1) { // super // pUser->superAuth = 1; // pUser->writeAuth = 1; //} if (pAlter->privilege == 2) { // read pUser->superAuth = 0; pUser->writeAuth = 0; } if (pAlter->privilege == 3) { // write pUser->superAuth = 0; pUser->writeAuth = 1; } code = mgmtUpdateUser(pUser); mLPrint("user:%s privilege is altered by %s, code:%d", pAlter->user, pConn->pUser->user, code); } else { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_USER_RSP, code); return 0; } code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_USER_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessDropUserMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SDropUserMsg *pDrop = (SDropUserMsg *)pMsg; int code = 0; SUserObj * pUser; SUserObj * pOperUser; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_USER_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } pUser = mgmtGetUser(pDrop->user); pOperUser = mgmtGetUser(pConn->pUser->user); if (pUser == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_USER_RSP, TSDB_CODE_INVALID_USER); return 0; } if (pOperUser == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_USER_RSP, TSDB_CODE_INVALID_USER); return 0; } if (strcmp(pUser->user, "monitor") == 0 || (strcmp(pUser->user + 1, pUser->acct) == 0 && pUser->user[0] == '_')) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_USER_RSP, code); return 0; } bool hasRight = false; if (strcmp(pUser->user, "root") == 0) { hasRight = false; } else if (strcmp(pOperUser->user, "root") == 0) { hasRight = true; } else if (strcmp(pUser->user, pOperUser->user) == 0) { hasRight = false; } else if (pOperUser->superAuth) { if (strcmp(pUser->user, "root") == 0) { hasRight = false; } else if (strcmp(pOperUser->acct, pUser->acct) != 0) { hasRight = false; } else { hasRight = true; } } if (hasRight) { code = mgmtDropUser(pConn->pAcct, pDrop->user); if (code == 0) { mLPrint("user:%s is dropped by %s", pDrop->user, pConn->pUser->user); } } else { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_USER_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessDropDbMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SDropDbMsg *pDrop = (SDropDbMsg *)pMsg; int code; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_DB_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } if (!pConn->writeAuth) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { code = mgmtDropDbByName(pConn->pAcct, pDrop->db, pDrop->ignoreNotExists); if (code == 0) { mLPrint("DB:%s is dropped by %s", pDrop->db, pConn->pUser->user); } } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_DB_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessUseDbMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SUseDbMsg *pUse = (SUseDbMsg *)pMsg; int code; code = mgmtUseDb(pConn, pUse->db); if (code == 0) mTrace("DB is change to:%s by %s", pUse->db, pConn->pUser->user); taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_USE_DB_RSP, code); return 0; } int (*mgmtGetMetaFp[])(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn) = { mgmtGetAcctMeta, mgmtGetUserMeta, mgmtGetDbMeta, mgmtGetMeterMeta, mgmtGetDnodeMeta, mgmtGetMnodeMeta, mgmtGetVgroupMeta, mgmtGetMetricMeta, mgmtGetModuleMeta, mgmtGetQueryMeta, mgmtGetStreamMeta, mgmtGetConfigMeta, mgmtGetConnsMeta, mgmtGetScoresMeta, grantGetGrantsMeta, mgmtGetVnodeMeta, }; int (*mgmtRetrieveFp[])(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn) = { mgmtRetrieveAccts, mgmtRetrieveUsers, mgmtRetrieveDbs, mgmtRetrieveMeters, mgmtRetrieveDnodes, mgmtRetrieveMnodes, mgmtRetrieveVgroups, mgmtRetrieveMetrics, mgmtRetrieveModules, mgmtRetrieveQueries, mgmtRetrieveStreams, mgmtRetrieveConfigs, mgmtRetrieveConns, mgmtRetrieveScores, grantRetrieveGrants, mgmtRetrieveVnodes, }; int mgmtProcessShowMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SShowMsg * pShowMsg = (SShowMsg *)pMsg; STaosRsp * pRsp; char * pStart; int code = 0; SShowRspMsg *pShowRsp; SShowObj * pShow = NULL; if (pShowMsg->type == TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_DNODE || TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_GRANTS || TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_SCORES) { if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } } int size = sizeof(STaosHeader) + sizeof(STaosRsp) + sizeof(SShowRspMsg) + sizeof(SSchema) * TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS + TSDB_EXTRA_PAYLOAD_SIZE; pStart = taosBuildRspMsgWithSize(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW_RSP, size); if (pStart == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } pMsg = pStart; pRsp = (STaosRsp *)pMsg; pMsg = (char *)pRsp->more; if (pShowMsg->type >= TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_MAX) { code = -1; } else { pShow = (SShowObj *)calloc(1, sizeof(SShowObj) + htons(pShowMsg->payloadLen)); pShow->signature = pShow; pShow->type = pShowMsg->type; mTrace("pShow:%p is allocated", pShow); // set the table name query condition pShow->payloadLen = htons(pShowMsg->payloadLen); memcpy(pShow->payload, pShowMsg->payload, pShow->payloadLen); pShowRsp = (SShowRspMsg *)pMsg; pShowRsp->qhandle = (uint64_t)pShow; // qhandle; pConn->qhandle = pShowRsp->qhandle; code = (*mgmtGetMetaFp[(uint8_t)pShowMsg->type])(&pShowRsp->meterMeta, pShow, pConn); if (code == 0) { pMsg += sizeof(SShowRspMsg) + sizeof(SSchema) * pShow->numOfColumns; } else { mError("pShow:%p, type:%d %s, failed to get Meta, code:%d", pShow, pShowMsg->type, taosMsg[(uint8_t)pShowMsg->type], code); free(pShow); } } pRsp->code = code; msgLen = pMsg - pStart; taosSendMsgToPeer(pConn->thandle, pStart, msgLen); return msgLen; } int mgmtProcessRetrieveMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SRetrieveMeterMsg *pRetrieve; SRetrieveMeterRsp *pRsp; int rowsToRead = 0, size = 0, rowsRead = 0; char * pStart; int code = 0; SShowObj * pShow; pRetrieve = (SRetrieveMeterMsg *)pMsg; /* * in case of server restart, apps may hold qhandle created by server before * restart, which is actually invalid, therefore, signature check is required. */ if (pRetrieve->qhandle != pConn->qhandle) { mError("retrieve:%p, qhandle:%p is not matched with saved:%p", pRetrieve, pRetrieve->qhandle, pConn->qhandle); taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_RETRIEVE_RSP, TSDB_CODE_MEMORY_CORRUPTED); return -1; } pShow = (SShowObj *)pRetrieve->qhandle; if (pShow->signature != (void *)pShow) { mError("pShow:%p, signature:%p, query memory is corrupted", pShow, pShow->signature); taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_RETRIEVE_RSP, TSDB_CODE_MEMORY_CORRUPTED); return -1; } else { if ((pRetrieve->free & TSDB_QUERY_TYPE_FREE_RESOURCE) != TSDB_QUERY_TYPE_FREE_RESOURCE) { rowsToRead = pShow->numOfRows - pShow->numOfReads; } /* return no more than 100 meters in one round trip */ if (rowsToRead > 100) rowsToRead = 100; /* * the actual number of table may be larger than the value of pShow->numOfRows, if a query is * issued during a continuous create table operation. Therefore, rowToRead may be less than 0. */ if (rowsToRead < 0) rowsToRead = 0; size = pShow->rowSize * rowsToRead; } pStart = taosBuildRspMsgWithSize(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_RETRIEVE_RSP, size + 100); if (pStart == NULL) { taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_RETRIEVE_RSP, TSDB_CODE_SERV_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return 0; } pMsg = pStart; STaosRsp *pTaosRsp = (STaosRsp *)pStart; pTaosRsp->code = code; pMsg = pTaosRsp->more; if (code == 0) { pRsp = (SRetrieveMeterRsp *)pMsg; pMsg = pRsp->data; // if free flag is set, client wants to clean the resources if ((pRetrieve->free & TSDB_QUERY_TYPE_FREE_RESOURCE) != TSDB_QUERY_TYPE_FREE_RESOURCE) rowsRead = (*mgmtRetrieveFp[(uint8_t)pShow->type])(pShow, pRsp->data, rowsToRead, pConn); if (rowsRead < 0) { rowsRead = 0; pTaosRsp->code = TSDB_CODE_ACTION_IN_PROGRESS; } pRsp->numOfRows = htonl(rowsRead); pRsp->precision = htonl(TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI); // millisecond time precision pMsg += size; } msgLen = pMsg - pStart; taosSendMsgToPeer(pConn->thandle, pStart, msgLen); if (rowsToRead == 0) { uintptr_t oldSign = (uintptr_t)atomic_val_compare_exchange_ptr(&pShow->signature, pShow, 0); if (oldSign != (uintptr_t)pShow) { return msgLen; } // pShow->signature = 0; mTrace("pShow:%p is released", pShow); tfree(pShow); } return msgLen; } int mgmtProcessCreateTableMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SCreateTableMsg *pCreate = (SCreateTableMsg *)pMsg; int code; SSchema * pSchema; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_TABLE_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } if (!pConn->writeAuth) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { pCreate->numOfColumns = htons(pCreate->numOfColumns); pCreate->numOfTags = htons(pCreate->numOfTags); pCreate->sqlLen = htons(pCreate->sqlLen); pSchema = pCreate->schema; for (int i = 0; i < pCreate->numOfColumns + pCreate->numOfTags; ++i) { pSchema->bytes = htons(pSchema->bytes); pSchema->colId = i; pSchema++; } SDbObj *pDb = NULL; if (pConn->pDb != NULL) pDb = mgmtGetDb(pConn->pDb->name); if (pDb) { code = mgmtCreateMeter(pDb, pCreate); } else { code = TSDB_CODE_DB_NOT_SELECTED; } } if (code == 1) { //mTrace("table:%s, wait vgroup create finish", pCreate->meterId, code); } else if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { if (code == TSDB_CODE_TABLE_ALREADY_EXIST) { // table already created when the second attempt to create table STabObj* pMeter = mgmtGetMeter(pCreate->meterId); assert(pMeter != NULL); mWarn("table:%s, table already created, failed to create table, ts:%lld, code:%d", pCreate->meterId, pMeter->createdTime, code); } else { // other errors mError("table:%s, failed to create table, code:%d", pCreate->meterId, code); } } else { mTrace("table:%s, table is created by %s", pCreate->meterId, pConn->pUser->user); } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_TABLE_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessDropTableMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SDropTableMsg *pDrop = (SDropTableMsg *)pMsg; int code; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_TABLE_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } if (!pConn->writeAuth) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { SDbObj *pDb = NULL; if (pConn->pDb != NULL) pDb = mgmtGetDb(pConn->pDb->name); code = mgmtDropMeter(pDb, pDrop->meterId, pDrop->igNotExists); if (code == 0) { mTrace("meter:%s is dropped by user:%s", pDrop->meterId, pConn->pUser->user); // mLPrint("meter:%s is dropped by user:%s", pDrop->meterId, pConn->pUser->user); } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_TABLE_RSP, code); } return 0; } int mgmtProcessAlterTableMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { SAlterTableMsg *pAlter = (SAlterTableMsg *)pMsg; int code; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_TABLE_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } if (!pConn->writeAuth) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { pAlter->type = htons(pAlter->type); pAlter->numOfCols = htons(pAlter->numOfCols); if (pAlter->numOfCols > 2) { mError("meter:%s error numOfCols:%d in alter table", pAlter->meterId, pAlter->numOfCols); code = TSDB_CODE_APP_ERROR; } else { SDbObj *pDb = NULL; if (pConn->pDb != NULL) pDb = mgmtGetDb(pConn->pDb->name); if (pDb) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < pAlter->numOfCols; ++i) { pAlter->schema[i].bytes = htons(pAlter->schema[i].bytes); } code = mgmtAlterMeter(pDb, pAlter); if (code == 0) { mLPrint("meter:%s is altered by %s", pAlter->meterId, pConn->pUser->user); } } else { code = TSDB_CODE_DB_NOT_SELECTED; } } } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_TABLE_RSP, code); return 0; } int mgmtProcessCfgDnodeMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { int code = 0; SCfgMsg *pCfg = (SCfgMsg *)pMsg; if (mgmtCheckRedirectMsg(pConn, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CFG_MNODE_RSP) != 0) { return 0; } if (strcmp(pConn->pAcct->user, "root") != 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_NO_RIGHTS; } else { code = mgmtSendCfgDnodeMsg(pMsg); } taosSendSimpleRsp(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CFG_PNODE_RSP, code); if (code == 0) mTrace("dnode:%s is configured by %s", pCfg->ip, pConn->pUser->user); return 0; } int mgmtProcessHeartBeatMsg(char *cont, int contLen, SConnObj *pConn) { char * pStart, *pMsg; int msgLen; STaosRsp *pRsp; mgmtSaveQueryStreamList(cont, contLen, pConn); pStart = taosBuildRspMsgWithSize(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_HEARTBEAT_RSP, 128); if (pStart == NULL) return 0; pMsg = pStart; pRsp = (STaosRsp *)pMsg; pRsp->code = 0; pMsg = (char *)pRsp->more; SHeartBeatRsp *pHBRsp = (SHeartBeatRsp *)pRsp->more; pHBRsp->queryId = pConn->queryId; pConn->queryId = 0; pHBRsp->streamId = pConn->streamId; pHBRsp->streamId = pConn->streamId; pConn->streamId = 0; pHBRsp->killConnection = pConn->killConnection; #ifdef CLUSTER if (pConn->usePublicIp) { int size = pSdbPublicIpList->numOfIps * 4; pHBRsp->ipList.numOfIps = pSdbPublicIpList->numOfIps; memcpy(pHBRsp->ipList.ip, pSdbPublicIpList->ip, size); pMsg += sizeof(SHeartBeatRsp) + size; } else { int size = pSdbIpList->numOfIps * 4; pHBRsp->ipList.numOfIps = pSdbIpList->numOfIps; memcpy(pHBRsp->ipList.ip, pSdbIpList->ip, size); pMsg += sizeof(SHeartBeatRsp) + size; } #else pMsg += sizeof(SHeartBeatRsp); #endif msgLen = pMsg - pStart; taosSendMsgToPeer(pConn->thandle, pStart, msgLen); return 0; } void mgmtEstablishConn(SConnObj *pConn) { atomic_fetch_add_32(&mgmtShellConns, 1); atomic_fetch_add_32(&sdbExtConns, 1); pConn->stime = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (strcmp(pConn->pUser->user, "root") == 0) { pConn->superAuth = 1; pConn->writeAuth = 1; } else { pConn->superAuth = pConn->pUser->superAuth; pConn->writeAuth = pConn->pUser->writeAuth; if (pConn->superAuth) { pConn->writeAuth = 1; } } int32_t tempint32; uint32_t tempuint32; taosGetRpcConnInfo(pConn->thandle, &tempuint32, &pConn->ip, &pConn->port, &tempint32, &tempint32); mgmtAddConnIntoAcct(pConn); } int mgmtRetriveUserAuthInfo(char *user, char *spi, char *encrypt, uint8_t *secret, uint8_t *ckey) { SUserObj *pUser = NULL; *spi = 0; *encrypt = 0; secret[0] = 0; ckey[0] = 0; pUser = mgmtGetUser(user); if (pUser == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_INVALID_USER; *spi = 1; *encrypt = 0; memcpy(secret, pUser->pass, TSDB_KEY_LEN); return 0; } int mgmtProcessConnectMsg(char *pMsg, int msgLen, SConnObj *pConn) { STaosRsp * pRsp; SConnectRsp *pConnectRsp; SConnectMsg *pConnectMsg; char * pStart; int code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_USER; SAcctObj * pAcct = NULL; SUserObj * pUser = NULL; SDbObj * pDb = NULL; char dbName[256] = {0}; pConnectMsg = (SConnectMsg *)pMsg; pUser = mgmtGetUser(pConn->user); if (pUser == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_USER; goto _rsp; } if (grantCheckExpired()) { code = TSDB_CODE_GRANT_EXPIRED; goto _rsp; } pAcct = mgmtGetAcct(pUser->acct); code = taosCheckVersion(pConnectMsg->clientVersion, version, 3); if (code != 0) { mError("invalid client version:%s", pConnectMsg->clientVersion); goto _rsp; } if (pConnectMsg->db[0]) { sprintf(dbName, "%x%s%s", pAcct->acctId, TS_PATH_DELIMITER, pConnectMsg->db); pDb = mgmtGetDb(dbName); if (pDb == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_DB; goto _rsp; } } if (pConn->pAcct) { mgmtRemoveConnFromAcct(pConn); atomic_fetch_sub_32(&mgmtShellConns, 1); atomic_fetch_sub_32(&sdbExtConns, 1); } code = 0; pConn->pAcct = pAcct; pConn->pDb = pDb; pConn->pUser = pUser; mgmtEstablishConn(pConn); _rsp: pStart = taosBuildRspMsgWithSize(pConn->thandle, TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CONNECT_RSP, 128); if (pStart == NULL) return 0; pMsg = pStart; pRsp = (STaosRsp *)pMsg; pRsp->code = code; pMsg += sizeof(STaosRsp); if (code == 0) { pConnectRsp = (SConnectRsp *)pRsp->more; sprintf(pConnectRsp->acctId, "%x", pConn->pAcct->acctId); strcpy(pConnectRsp->version, version); pConnectRsp->writeAuth = pConn->writeAuth; pConnectRsp->superAuth = pConn->superAuth; pMsg += sizeof(SConnectRsp); #ifdef CLUSTER int size = pSdbPublicIpList->numOfIps * 4 + sizeof(SIpList); if (pConn->usePublicIp) { memcpy(pMsg, pSdbPublicIpList, size); } else { memcpy(pMsg, pSdbIpList, size); } pMsg += size; #endif // set the time resolution: millisecond or microsecond *((uint32_t *)pMsg) = tsTimePrecision; pMsg += sizeof(uint32_t); } else { pConn->pAcct = NULL; pConn->pUser = NULL; } msgLen = pMsg - pStart; taosSendMsgToPeer(pConn->thandle, pStart, msgLen); char ipstr[24]; tinet_ntoa(ipstr, pConn->ip); mLPrint("user:%s login from %s, code:%d", pConn->user, ipstr, code); return code; } void *mgmtProcessMsgFromShell(char *msg, void *ahandle, void *thandle) { SIntMsg * pMsg = (SIntMsg *)msg; SConnObj *pConn = (SConnObj *)ahandle; if (msg == NULL) { if (pConn) { mgmtRemoveConnFromAcct(pConn); atomic_fetch_sub_32(&mgmtShellConns, 1); atomic_fetch_sub_32(&sdbExtConns, 1); mTrace("connection from %s is closed", pConn->pUser->user); memset(pConn, 0, sizeof(SConnObj)); } return NULL; } #ifdef CLUSTER if (sdbInited == NULL || sdbStatus != SDB_STATUS_SERVING) { taosSendSimpleRsp(thandle, pMsg->msgType + 1, TSDB_CODE_NOT_READY); mTrace("shell msg is ignored since SDB is not ready"); } #endif if (pConn == NULL) { pConn = connList + pMsg->destId; pConn->thandle = thandle; strcpy(pConn->user, pMsg->meterId); pConn->usePublicIp = (pMsg->destIp == tsPublicIpInt ? 1 : 0); mTrace("pConn:%p is rebuild, destIp:%s publicIp:%s usePublicIp:%u", pConn, taosIpStr(pMsg->destIp), taosIpStr(tsPublicIpInt), pConn->usePublicIp); } if (pMsg->msgType == TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CONNECT) { (*mgmtProcessShellMsg[pMsg->msgType])((char *)pMsg->content, pMsg->msgLen - sizeof(SIntMsg), pConn); } else { SMgmtHead *pHead = (SMgmtHead *)pMsg->content; if (pConn->pAcct == NULL) { pConn->pUser = mgmtGetUser(pConn->user); if (pConn->pUser) { pConn->pAcct = mgmtGetAcct(pConn->pUser->acct); mgmtEstablishConn(pConn); mTrace("login from:%x:%hu", pConn->ip, htons(pConn->port)); } } if (pConn->pAcct) { if (pConn->pDb == NULL || strncmp(pConn->pDb->name, pHead->db, tListLen(pConn->pDb->name)) != 0) { pConn->pDb = mgmtGetDb(pHead->db); } char *cont = (char *)pMsg->content + sizeof(SMgmtHead); int contLen = pMsg->msgLen - sizeof(SIntMsg) - sizeof(SMgmtHead); // read-only request can be executed concurrently if ((pMsg->msgType == TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METERINFO && (!mgmtCheckMeterMetaMsgType(cont))) || pMsg->msgType == TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METRIC_META || pMsg->msgType == TSDB_MSG_TYPE_RETRIEVE || pMsg->msgType == TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW || pMsg->msgType == TSDB_MSG_TYPE_MULTI_METERINFO) { (*mgmtProcessShellMsg[pMsg->msgType])(cont, contLen, pConn); } else { if (mgmtProcessShellMsg[pMsg->msgType]) { SSchedMsg schedMsg; schedMsg.msg = malloc(pMsg->msgLen); // Message to deal with memcpy(schedMsg.msg, pMsg, pMsg->msgLen); schedMsg.fp = mgmtProcessTranRequest; schedMsg.tfp = NULL; schedMsg.thandle = pConn; taosScheduleTask(mgmtTranQhandle, &schedMsg); } else { mError("%s from shell is not processed", taosMsg[pMsg->msgType]); } } } else { taosSendSimpleRsp(thandle, pMsg->msgType + 1, TSDB_CODE_DISCONNECTED); } } if (pConn->pAcct == NULL) { taosCloseRpcConn(pConn->thandle); memset(pConn, 0, sizeof(SConnObj)); // close the connection; pConn = NULL; } return pConn; } void mgmtInitProcessShellMsg() { mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METERINFO] = mgmtProcessMeterMetaMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_METRIC_META] = mgmtProcessMetricMetaMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_MULTI_METERINFO] = mgmtProcessMultiMeterMetaMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_DB] = mgmtProcessCreateDbMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_DB] = mgmtProcessAlterDbMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_USER] = mgmtProcessCreateUserMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_USER] = mgmtProcessAlterUserMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_ACCT] = mgmtProcessCreateAcctMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_DB] = mgmtProcessDropDbMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_USER] = mgmtProcessDropUserMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_ACCT] = mgmtProcessDropAcctMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_ACCT] = mgmtProcessAlterAcctMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_TABLE] = mgmtProcessCreateTableMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_TABLE] = mgmtProcessDropTableMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_ALTER_TABLE] = mgmtProcessAlterTableMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_USE_DB] = mgmtProcessUseDbMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_RETRIEVE] = mgmtProcessRetrieveMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_SHOW] = mgmtProcessShowMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CONNECT] = mgmtProcessConnectMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_HEARTBEAT] = mgmtProcessHeartBeatMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_DNODE] = mgmtProcessCreateDnodeMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_DNODE] = mgmtProcessDropDnodeMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CREATE_MNODE] = mgmtProcessCreateMnodeMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_DROP_MNODE] = mgmtProcessDropMnodeMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CFG_MNODE] = mgmtProcessCfgMnodeMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CFG_PNODE] = mgmtProcessCfgDnodeMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_KILL_QUERY] = mgmtProcessKillQueryMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_KILL_STREAM] = mgmtProcessKillStreamMsg; mgmtProcessShellMsg[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_KILL_CONNECTION] = mgmtProcessKillConnectionMsg; }