/*****************************************************************************\ * * * Filename lstat.c * * * * Description: WIN32 port of standard C library's lstat() * * Also contains unlink() and rmdir(), which do use lstat. * * * * Notes: TO DO: Make 3 versions for Windows: ANSI, WSTR, UTF8 * * * * History: * * 2014-02-06 JFL Created this module. * * 2014-02-12 JFL Added code to filter reparse points, and keep only * * real junctions and symlinks. * * 2014-02-13 JFL Moved dirent2stat() from dirent.c, as there must actually * * be 4 WIN32 versions, for the four versions of struct stat.* * 2014-02-28 JFL Added support for UTF-8 pathnames. * * 2014-03-24 JFL Renamed "statx.h" as the standard . * * 2014-06-30 JFL Added support for 32K Unicode paths. * * * * ?Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP * * Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * \*****************************************************************************/ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 /* Avoid Visual C++ security warnings */ #define _UTF8_SOURCE /* Generate the UTF-8 version of routines */ /* Microsoft C libraries include files */ #include #include #include /* MsvcLibX library extensions */ #include "msvclibx.h" #include #include #include /* For ResolveLinks() definition */ #include "debugm.h" #include #if defined(_MSDOS) /* Make sure it's only defined it in one of the lstatxxx versions */ #if !defined(_USE_32BIT_TIME_T) && (_FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 32) int dirent2stat(_dirent *pDirent, struct _stat *pStat) { memset(pStat, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); /* Set times */ pStat->st_mtime = Filetime2Timet(pDirent->d_date, pDirent->d_time); /* Size */ pStat->st_size = pDirent->d_filesize; /* Standard attributes */ pStat->st_mode |= (pDirent->d_type << 12); /* Set the 4-bit type field */ pStat->st_mode |= _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE | _S_IEXEC; /* Assume it's fully accessible */ if (pDirent->d_attribs & _A_RDONLY) pStat->st_mode &= ~_S_IWRITE; /* DOS-specific attributes */ if (pDirent->d_attribs & _A_HIDDEN) pStat->st_mode |= S_HIDDEN; if (pDirent->d_attribs & _A_ARCH) pStat->st_mode |= S_ARCHIVE; if (pDirent->d_attribs & _A_SYSTEM) pStat->st_mode |= S_SYSTEM; return 0; } #endif /* defined(_USE_32BIT_TIME_T) && (_FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 32) */ #endif /* defined(_MSDOS) */ #ifdef _WIN32 /* ------------ Display the *stat* macro values at compile time ------------ */ #pragma message(MACRODEF(_MSVC_stat)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(_MSVC_fstat)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(_MSVC_lstat)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(_MSVC_stat64)) #if _MSVCLIBX_STAT_DEFINED #pragma message(MACRODEF(_LIBX_stat)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(_LIBX_stat64)) #endif #pragma message(MACRODEF(stat)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(fstat)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(lstat)) #if 0 #pragma message(MACRODEF(_lstat)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(_lstati64)) #if _MSVCLIBX_STAT_DEFINED #pragma message(MACRODEF(_lstat_ns)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(_lstati64_ns)) #endif #endif #if defined(_LARGEFILE_SOURCE64) #pragma message(MACRODEF(stat64)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(fstat64)) #pragma message(MACRODEF(lstat64)) #endif #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * * | Function: lstat | | | | Description: Common definition of all _lstatXY() functions | | | | Parameters: const char *path The symlink name | | struct stat *buf Output buffer | | | | Returns: 0 = Success, -1 = Failure | | | | Notes: See statx.h for a description of how the stat and lstat | | macros work. | | | | History: | | 2014-02-06 JFL Created this routine | | 2014-02-28 JFL Added support for UTF-8 pathnames. | * * \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int lstat(const char *path, struct stat *pStat) { BOOL bDone; DWORD dwAttr; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fileData; unsigned __int64 qwSize; int bIsJunction = FALSE; int bIsMountPoint = FALSE; DWORD dwTag = 0; DEBUG_CODE( char szTime[100]; ) WCHAR wszName[UNICODE_PATH_MAX]; int n; DEBUG_ENTER((STRINGIZE(lstat) "(\"%s\", 0x%p);\n", path, pStat)); #if USE_MSVC_STAT dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(path); DEBUG_PRINTF(("GetFileAttributes() = 0x%lX\n", dwAttr)); if (dwAttr == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { errno = ENOENT; RETURN_INT_COMMENT(-1, ("File does not exist\n")); } if (!(dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)) { int iErr = stat(path, pStat); RETURN_INT(iErr); } #endif /* Convert the pathname to a unicode string, with the proper extension prefixes if it's longer than 260 bytes */ n = MultiByteToWidePath(CP_UTF8, /* CodePage, (CP_ACP, CP_OEMCP, CP_UTF8, ...) */ path, /* lpMultiByteStr, */ wszName, /* lpWideCharStr, */ UNICODE_PATH_MAX /* cchWideChar, */ ); if (!n) { errno = Win32ErrorToErrno(); RETURN_INT_COMMENT(-1, ("errno=%d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno))); } bDone = GetFileAttributesExW(wszName, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fileData); if (!bDone) { errno = Win32ErrorToErrno(); RETURN_INT_COMMENT(-1, ("GetFileAttributesEx(); // Failed\n")); } XDEBUG_PRINTF(("GetFileAttributesEx(); // Success\n")); dwAttr = fileData.dwFileAttributes; XDEBUG_PRINTF(("dwFileAttributes = 0x%lX\n", dwAttr)); DEBUG_CODE_IF_ON(Filetime2String(&fileData.ftLastWriteTime, szTime, sizeof(szTime));); XDEBUG_PRINTF(("ftLastWriteTime = %s\n", szTime)); qwSize = ((unsigned __int64)fileData.nFileSizeHigh << 32) | fileData.nFileSizeLow; XDEBUG_PRINTF(("nFileSize = %I64d\n", qwSize)); ZeroMemory(pStat, sizeof(struct stat)); /* Set times */ #if _MSVCLIBX_STAT_DEFINED Filetime2Timespec(&fileData.ftCreationTime, &(pStat->st_ctim)); /* Windows = Create time; Unix = Permissions change time */ Filetime2Timespec(&fileData.ftLastWriteTime, &(pStat->st_mtim)); Filetime2Timespec(&fileData.ftLastAccessTime, &(pStat->st_atim)); #else Filetime2Timet(&fileData.ftCreationTime, &(pStat->st_ctime)); /* Windows = Create time; Unix = Permissions change time */ Filetime2Timet(&fileData.ftLastWriteTime, &(pStat->st_mtime)); Filetime2Timet(&fileData.ftLastAccessTime, &(pStat->st_atime)); #endif /* Size */ /* NOTE: There is loss of data here if the file size is > 2GB, and off_t is 32-bits */ pStat->st_size = (off_t)qwSize; #if (_STAT_FILE_SIZE < 64) #define _MAX_FILE_SIZE 0x7FFFFFFFL if (qwSize > _MAX_FILE_SIZE) pStat->st_size = (off_t)_MAX_FILE_SIZE; #endif /* Standard attributes */ /* File type */ check_attr_again: if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) { /* JUNCTIONs and SYMLINKDs both have the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY flag also set. // Test the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT flag first, to make sure they're seen as symbolic links. // // All symlinks are reparse points, but not all reparse points are symlinks. */ dwTag = GetReparseTagU(path); switch (dwTag) { case IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT: /* NTFS junction or mount point */ { /* We must read the link to distinguish junctions from mount points. */ WCHAR wbuf[UNICODE_PATH_MAX]; ssize_t n; bIsMountPoint = TRUE; n = readlinkW(wszName, wbuf, UNICODE_PATH_MAX); /* Junction targets are absolute pathnames, starting with a drive letter. Ex: C: */ /* readlink() fails if the reparse point does not target a valid pathname */ if (n < 0) goto this_is_not_a_symlink; /* This is not a junction. */ bIsJunction = TRUE; /* Else this is a junction. Fall through to the symlink case. */ } case IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK: /* NTFS symbolic link */ pStat->st_mode |= S_IFLNK; /* Symbolic link */ break; default: /* Anything else is definitely not like a Unix symlink */ this_is_not_a_symlink: dwAttr &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT; goto check_attr_again; } } else if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) pStat->st_mode |= S_IFDIR; /* Subdirectory */ else if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE) pStat->st_mode |= S_IFCHR; /* Device (we don't know if character or block) */ else pStat->st_mode |= S_IFREG; /* A normal file by default */ /* pStat->st_mode |= (pDirent->d_type << 12); /* Set the 4-bit type field */ pStat->st_mode |= _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE | _S_IEXEC; /* Assume it's fully accessible */ if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) pStat->st_mode &= ~_S_IWRITE; /* DOS-specific attributes */ if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) pStat->st_mode |= S_HIDDEN; if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) pStat->st_mode |= S_ARCHIVE; if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) pStat->st_mode |= S_SYSTEM; /* Windows-specific attributes */ if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) pStat->st_mode |= S_COMPRESSED; if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) pStat->st_mode |= S_ENCRYPTED; if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED) pStat->st_mode |= S_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED; if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) pStat->st_mode |= S_OFFLINE; if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) pStat->st_mode |= S_SPARSE_FILE; if (bIsMountPoint) pStat->st_mode |= S_MOUNT_POINT; /* Will allow to distinguish junctions from mount points */ /* if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) pStat->st_mode |= S_TEMPORARY; */ /* if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL) pStat->st_mode |= S_VIRTUAL; */ #if _MSVCLIBX_STAT_DEFINED pStat->st_Win32Attrs = dwAttr; pStat->st_ReparseTag = dwTag; #endif RETURN_INT_COMMENT(0, ("%s mode = 0x%04X size = %I64d bytes\n", szTime, pStat->st_mode, qwSize)); } #if !USE_MSVC_STAT int stat(const char *path, struct stat *pStat) { char buf[UTF8_PATH_MAX]; int iErr; DEBUG_ENTER((STRINGIZE(stat) "(\"%s\", 0x%p);\n", path, pStat)); iErr = ResolveLinksU(path, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (!iErr) lstat(buf, pStat); RETURN_INT(iErr); } #endif /* !USE_MSVC_STAT */ int dirent2stat(_dirent *pDirent, struct stat *pStat) { memset(pStat, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); /* Set times */ #if _MSVCLIBX_STAT_DEFINED Filetime2Timespec(&pDirent->d_CreationTime, &(pStat->st_ctim)); /* Windows = Create time; Unix = Permissions change time */ Filetime2Timespec(&pDirent->d_LastWriteTime, &(pStat->st_mtim)); Filetime2Timespec(&pDirent->d_LastAccessTime, &(pStat->st_atim)); #else Filetime2Timet(&pDirent->d_CreationTime, &(pStat->st_ctime)); /* Windows = Create time; Unix = Permissions change time */ Filetime2Timet(&pDirent->d_LastWriteTime, &(pStat->st_mtime)); Filetime2Timet(&pDirent->d_LastAccessTime, &(pStat->st_atime)); #endif /* Size */ /* NOTE: There is loss of data here if the file size is > 2GB, and off_t is 32-bits */ pStat->st_size = (off_t)(pDirent->d_filesize); #if (_STAT_FILE_SIZE < 64) #define _MAX_FILE_SIZE 0x7FFFFFFFL if (pDirent->d_filesize > _MAX_FILE_SIZE) pStat->st_size = (off_t)_MAX_FILE_SIZE; #endif /* Standard attributes */ pStat->st_mode |= (pDirent->d_type << 12); /* Set the 4-bit type field */ pStat->st_mode |= _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE | _S_IEXEC; /* Assume it's fully accessible */ if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) pStat->st_mode &= ~_S_IWRITE; /* DOS-specific attributes */ if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) pStat->st_mode |= S_HIDDEN; if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) pStat->st_mode |= S_ARCHIVE; if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) pStat->st_mode |= S_SYSTEM; /* Windows-specific attributes */ if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) pStat->st_mode |= S_COMPRESSED; if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) pStat->st_mode |= S_ENCRYPTED; if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED) pStat->st_mode |= S_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED; if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) pStat->st_mode |= S_OFFLINE; if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) pStat->st_mode |= S_SPARSE_FILE; /* Special case of junction and mount points */ if (pDirent->d_ReparseTag) pStat->st_mode |= S_MOUNT_POINT; /* if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) pStat->st_mode |= S_TEMPORARY; */ /* if (pDirent->d_attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL) pStat->st_mode |= S_VIRTUAL; */ #if _MSVCLIBX_STAT_DEFINED pStat->st_Win32Attrs = pDirent->d_attribs; pStat->st_ReparseTag = pDirent->d_ReparseTag; #endif return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * * | Function: unlink | | | | Description: Remove a file or a symbolic link | | | | Parameters: const char *path The file or symlink name | | | | Returns: 0 = Success, -1 = Failure | | | | Notes: | | | | History: | | 2014-02-17 JFL Created this routine | | 2014-02-28 JFL Added support for UTF-8 pathnames. | * * \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int unlink(const char *path) { int iErr; BOOL bDone; struct stat st; WCHAR wszName[UNICODE_PATH_MAX]; int n; DEBUG_ENTER(("unlink(\"%s\");\n", path)); iErr = lstat(path, &st); if (iErr) RETURN_INT(iErr); if ((!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) && (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode))) { errno = ENOENT; RETURN_INT_COMMENT(-1, ("Pathname exists, but is not a file or a link\n")); } /* Convert the pathname to a unicode string, with the proper extension prefixes if it's longer than 260 bytes */ n = MultiByteToWidePath(CP_UTF8, /* CodePage, (CP_ACP, CP_OEMCP, CP_UTF8, ...) */ path, /* lpMultiByteStr, */ wszName, /* lpWideCharStr, */ UNICODE_PATH_MAX /* cchWideChar, */ ); if (!n) { errno = Win32ErrorToErrno(); RETURN_INT_COMMENT(-1, ("errno=%d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno))); } #if _MSVCLIBX_STAT_DEFINED if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) && (st.st_Win32Attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { /* This link is a junction or a symlinkd */ bDone = RemoveDirectoryW(wszName); } else #endif bDone = DeleteFileW(wszName); if (bDone) { RETURN_INT_COMMENT(0, ("Success\n")); } else { errno = Win32ErrorToErrno(); RETURN_INT_COMMENT(-1, ("Failed\n")); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * * | Function: rmdir | | | | Description: Remove a directory | | | | Parameters: const char *path The directory name | | | | Returns: 0 = Success, -1 = Failure | | | | Notes: | | | | History: | | 2014-03-05 JFL Created this routine with support for UTF-8 pathnames. | * * \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int rmdir(const char *path) { int iErr; BOOL bDone; struct stat st; WCHAR wszName[UNICODE_PATH_MAX]; int n; DEBUG_ENTER(("rmdir(\"%s\");\n", path)); iErr = lstat(path, &st); if (iErr) RETURN_INT(iErr); if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { errno = ENOTDIR; RETURN_INT_COMMENT(-1, ("Pathname exists, but is not a directory\n")); } /* Convert the pathname to a unicode string, with the proper extension prefixes if it's longer than 260 bytes */ n = MultiByteToWidePath(CP_UTF8, /* CodePage, (CP_ACP, CP_OEMCP, CP_UTF8, ...) */ path, /* lpMultiByteStr, */ wszName, /* lpWideCharStr, */ UNICODE_PATH_MAX /* cchWideChar, */ ); if (!n) { errno = Win32ErrorToErrno(); RETURN_INT_COMMENT(-1, ("errno=%d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno))); } bDone = RemoveDirectoryW(wszName); if (bDone) { RETURN_INT_COMMENT(0, ("Success\n")); } else { errno = Win32ErrorToErrno(); RETURN_INT_COMMENT(-1, ("Failed\n")); } } #endif /* _WIN32 */